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  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac



    The blog astrologers don't want you to Read

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    Integral Astromagical 1

    Solutions 22 2 1! " ! $

    http://gumroad.com/tarant8l %i&e your R A% horosco(eCopyright 2014 by Klaudio Zic. First published byKlaudio Zic ublications! 2014

    htt() www*lulu*com s(otlight astrology "he #cade$ic Zodiac is Copyright 1%&2 ' 2014 byKlaudio Zic. #ll (ights (eser)ed. *o part o+ this $aterial$ay be reproduced or trans$itted in any +or$ or by any$eans! electronic or otherwise! +or co$$ercial purposesor otherwise! without the written per$ission +ro$ the#uthor. "he #cade$ic Zodiac is pri)ately owned 1%&2

    , 2014 by Klaudio Zic. - er)ices http://bit.ly/"e4 #

    200& -enus in ydra

    2012 3ranus in Cetus

    2014 -enus in cutu$

    201 -enus in ydra

    2015 aturn in 6phiuchus

    201& -enus in egasus

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    #2+1$shi,t -enus in #Scutum #2+1.shi,t #-enus in #/ydra #2+1!shi,t #Saturn

    in #0(hiuchus #2+1 shi,t -enus in # egasus htt() bit*ly 1t (ca.

    7elco$e the 8#cade$icZodiac: the +irst 9odiac +or the planet. ttp://lulu.co$/astrology

    For the +irst ti$e in history! the planet has a 9odiac! the Academic Zodiac : a +ullyscienti+ic! thus precise tool: when 3oon is in 4or&us in adrid! pain! it does not saynecessarily so +or ;uenos #ires! #rgentina.7hich are the 22 9odiacal stations< 4etus5 0rion5 /ydra5 Se6tans and so on...tandard e=a$ples include #li=e with ascending oon in Cetus , $eaning her ascendantis Cetus> which is also her oon sign. ercury is in e=tans and -enus in 6rion. er

    stargate luto is in erpens Cauda as sitting atop the ascendant o+ the 3 #. -enus incutu$ 2014 transits her own natal ?uno in cutu$. er horoscope is one o+ acircu$spect nun with *eo out'o+'the'$atri= wits: precisely what being a +e$ale @)oodooa)atarA is about. er conspicuously docu$ented horoscopes co$e in 2 0 pp as well as1 00 pp +or$at.#ustralia owns its own speci+ic sBies which are not only upside'down but ha)e absolutelynothing to do with e.g. ondon! ngland."he 1! ascendants as rising at east are always )isible by naked eye +ro$ all o)er theglobe. n other words! one can obser)e oneDs own Euardian #ngel in order to e.g. Co$einto contact with oneDs true higher el+. "he de$oniac +au= ascendant is thus banished tothe detri$ent o+ +oul doctrines! alleged gri$oires and pseudo'astrology.7hich are the 1! ascendants< ridanus! 6rion! onoceros! Canis inor and ydra areso$e... "he ascendants represent true Euardian #ngels.6bser)atories should address the 12 ascendants +or what they are: +aBe.erhaps $ore than 000 years ago so$e good'hearted si$pletons assu$ed that the 9odiacalways rises fairly at east. 7hile this naG)e si$plicity is not acceptable at all! it was

    perchance plausible to the $asses at the ti$e and di$ purpose at hand. Hid the highercaste ne)ertheless Bnow and peruse true horoscopes< gypt! larger China including "ibetand iBBi$ probably did.t was thought until a while ago , by the naG)e $asses , that the 9odiac had 1I stations.tDs 22. t was also thought that said +au= 9odiac was rising at east. 15 are the ascendants+or the current epoch and the 9odiac surely ne)er rose at east at all."he $atter o+ the 9odiac was cleared as set online since 1%&2. Fro$ then on! nobody canclai$ to be $isin+or$ed as concern 9odiacal stations and ascendant set: since the

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    para$eters ha)e been publicly Bnown through 4 000 publications! $yriad o+ net articlesalong with copious graphic representations galore.o$e obno=ious pseudo'astrologers e)en got their own real horoscopes published alongwith analyses and death ti$e , to the second. n that way ayagri)a planet disposes o+

    +ilth , in ti$e due."wo +or$ats persisted through astrological pra=is> na$ely the 6uter odge 2 0 pp +or$atand the nner odge 1 00 pp +or$at. "hese were standard +or$ats. 6+ course 2 0 pageswould see$ to $ore than su++ice analysis but pra=is teaches that e)en 1 00 pages arene)er enough. #ll 100 disco)eries are e$bedded within the horoscopes> thus 100 "arot.7ere there any +airly success+ul atte$pts at deter$ining 9odiac and ascendant sets< twould appear that the already uoted larger China area $ade so$e progress in thatrespect: also , the gyptian initiates worBed towards an e)en larger trans'galactic sche$e.#part +ro$ @pri$iti)eA aborigine tribes! true $ind sur)i)ed through e.g. ayan

    cos$ology. urely a priest would be aware o+ e.g. -enus in ydra , howe)er locallycategori9ed. Finally! one can not but at least $ention the CheroBee! opi and especially

    *a)aJo peoples +or their contribution to 9odiacal astrono$y. n so$e respects! *# # ?would be rather useless to us without the aborigine e=perience. "hat goes particularly +or6ceania! #ustralia and outh #$erica. "he #cade$ic Zodiac is not e=actly aoricos$ology but it does host! nurture and curate e)ery cos$ology on this +ine aborigine

    planet.7hether we do welco$e 15 instead o+ $erely 1 un signs is $atter o+ practicality ase=tans $aBes a worBable %'11 *ew oon.

    tandard un sign e=a$ples include a)atar o+ truth ai ;aba as born with Sun in Libra on *o)e$ber 2I rd. 7itchallow +ans will recall that the un is still in Virgo +or alloween.6phiuchus is Bnown as popular ascendant ' as pro$inent e.g. in the horoscopes o+ that)oluptuous "- star Ki$ Kardashian ' parado=ically also +eaturing our so$ewhat sinister

    *orth Korean Ki$ as well> ( no)el rince Eeorge , to abdicate< '> the pope , whoshares an 6phiuchus un sign as well! pop artist ?ustin ;ieber and $any others.6phiuchus is thus one o+ the 15 astrological ascendants also Bnown as the Euardian#ngels o+ the horoscope. 7e o+ course re+er to true natal horoscope and there+ore realnatal sBy."he new inter)iewed disco)eries are neatly pacBed as delineated within the 100 "arot."he ("((" +uture'changer is e$bedded within the #cade$ic Zodiac syste$ in order +ore)ery initiate to change circu$stances on the go..g. # newly disco)ered @dwar+ planetA is inter)iewed as inorganic being upon or e)en

    be+ore its own disco)ery.

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    nter)iews are a)ailable +or co$ets! darB planets! centaurs! our au=iliary $oons!

    dwar+ planets and an e)er growing )ariety o+ un+atho$able obJects that +or the

    standard part o+ e)ery horoscope: the 100 planets.

    82014shi+t -enus in 8 cutu$ 8201 shi+t -enus in 8 ydra 82015shi+t 8 aturn in 86phiuchus8201&shi+t 8-enus in 8 egasus


    ris 0 altitude 7 in Cetus * C L 6sa$a oon 1 6rionisa M %'11.

    ( C 6*

    For o)er 000 years Ee$ini ne)er rose at east. "his unBnown pheno$ena is called

    precession. 3nBnown< 6nly to $an. #ni$als and plants ne)er $aBe neither 9odiacal nor

    ascendental errors. "hey si$ply peruse silent Bnowledge! whilst $anDs so'called ratio errs

    and errs o)er and o)er again> and that o)er si$ple things! indeed. e.g. 7hen the oon is

    )isibly rising at east! aborigines see it> little ani$als and plants +eel it , but $an grabs a

    $obile de)ice in deter$ining that said )isible oon will @rise in 20 $inutesA.

    6 # (#

    7hat does an astrologer not know < n essence! he Bnows nothing. First to be noted , albeit less

    signi+icant b , said astrologist does not Bnow un sign. un signs are o+ curse easier to co$pute

    a eaning oon in 6rion , a 9odiacal position as utterly unBnown to astrologers. b"he position o+ the natal un is the least i$portant +actor in a horoscope.

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    than e.g. oon signs or ascendant ephe$erides c> and yet , not a single astrologer on this planet

    e)er Bnew un sign. .g. ai ;aba was born on *o)e$ber 2I rd with un in ibra.

    # C"#( #*

    "he #spectarian is a directional de)ice which blends and co$bines with the "arot! Ching and

    abian sy$bols. t was written around year 1% 4. t is used to deter$ine the uality o+ the

    direction. "he present 3nuBalhai oon ars aturn rains are there+ore designated as 85 in the

    #spectarian with the oon below aturn.

    c6+ which the astrologer has ne)er heard.

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    H ( C" 6*

    + an astrologer Bnows nothing! how does he per+or$ his art d< e does not. #$ong 00 directions

    , di)inatory techni ues , he Bnows none. "hus! he can not predict. #t best! so$e losers willdabble with @transitsAe. t is not that they canDt predict %'11 , they canDt predict Full oon. "o be

    noted that pseudo'astrological bacBwaters go also by the absurd na$e o+ non'predicti)e

    astrology: that is a car that does not dri)e! a plane that does not +ly.

    ((#( - #*- "

    Hisin+or$ation is being +ed as we speaB through $yriad $aga9ines! web sites and "-.

    *ot a single word is true and thus the public gets appeased. n a world as pu$ped with

    disin+or$ation! people $eeBly chose to con)ey. u$an capacitors ser)e as relays +or the

    $atri= o+ lie. Can $an be sa)ed< *ot at all! since it is in the nature f o+ hu$anity to choose

    ;arabbas o)er ?esus.

    @# "(6 6E ( A

    7ho are @astrologersA< ostly sel+'proclai$ed rando$ +olB which is not only unable to

    predict ne=t %'11 but is also al$ost deliberately unaware o+ their own un'signs

    d aid #rt would nor$ally include e)ocation.e"his is the 01 st direction as perused along with e.g. #scendant ephe$erides or a Cruithne transit in order todeter$ine the second o+ the already calculated e)ent> na$ely astrology is about calculation! and so is e.g. Ching!the booB o+ directed astrological precession.+ *ot N$erelyO He)il.

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    "aBen +or granted superstition is. "here is nothing liBe 12 ascendants at all in any real sBy

    but it see$s con)enient to Beep de+ault superstition running till the end o+ the world. #s

    a$ounting error amounts ! discrepancy leads to dichoto$y and ulti$ately to wars . Heath

    is the price o+ superstition. 7hen will ne=t %'11 occur< eople will ne)er asB those who

    in turn ne)er Bnew their own un sign and thereDll be no reply. "he e=act prediction will

    be engul+ed by clai$s o+ rele)ant stewardship o)er stars one ne)er wanted to see at all.

    C (C- - - C 6 -

    Hestroying the circus. For o)er &000 years! people ha)e been nai)ely belie)ing in all Bind

    o+ nonsensei. Fau= prophets galore $ushroo$ed e)erywhere. Hid e)en lord Krishna

    Bnow his own natal ascendant< #ccording to tradition: no.

    12 # C *H#*" 3 ( " " 6*

    7hat is the circus< "he circus is a $aBe'belie)e as $ade o+ 12 signs: the popular thus

    erroneous 9odiac. 12 signs donDt $aBe any 9odiac at all! and they surely ne)er account +or

    any ascendant set.

    ; *H F# " , ( C 6* 6F " # C *H#*"

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    #lbeit Ee$ini can be seen at north when e=pected to rise at east: uite an i$possible sight

    +or the past 000 years or so , people will insist on their +au= creed. ;ecause itDs easier to

    deny what is ob)ious< ;ecause they were told to con+or$< ;ecause to deliberately err is

    hu$an< For 000 years no one e)en tooB notice o+ the precession o+ the ascendants. "rue!

    larger China and gypt did $aBe so$e e++ort! but that was si$ply not good enoughP

    7 7 E

    "he sBy is the proo+ but hu$anity ostentatiously re+used to taBe a single glance at the sBy.

    "heyDd see do9ens o+ ascendants there but instead they reduced the$ to 12 o+ which $any

    were ne)er seen to rise at east be generations.

    3 ( " " 6*

    7hy do people appear to belie)e in stu++ that e)eryone Bnows is not< n 7o9Ds own

    words: @ eople buy e)erything.A ;ecause it is easier to Just $o)e along with the crowd:

    any crowd< eople are e)entually ready to Bill on behal+ o+ a hal+'belie+. uch popular

    superstitions o+ten +or$ as religions as proposing uite the opposite +ro$ original

    initiations. #s the result! people will gladly Bill the )ery thing they were supposed to

    re)ere with Joy. n their own con+usion! they picB thousands o+ superstitions which are

    easy to belie)e in since nonsensical.

    7 K "# F#

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    eople delegate thinBing to so$ething else that we could call de+ault $ind , the $ind o+

    the world or wiBi $ind. eople pre+er so$ething else , anything else will do , to do the

    thinBing +or the$. "hey will belie)e in any nonsense @as seen on "-A. "he 777 is

    nowadays organi9ed to $isin+or$ e.g. in the +or$ o+ )arious wiBi and social $edia!

    where the loudest nonsense taBes precedence o)er rele)ant data. eople are told to do

    things by repeating the sel+sa$e $istaBes #H # " (*- . 7hy re)iew when one can

    repeat it

    re uires so$e sBill on the part o+ the operator or operatri=.

    H *# C *# "(

    n poor words! we Bnow e=actly when and e)en why the relationship will breaB or

    produce positi)ely negati)e results. "his is $ainly thanBs to $athe$atical $ethods that

    we call @directionsA! and secondly thanBs to e)ocation! that is! the discussions that $agi

    ha)e or had with planetary spirits. lanetary delineations do happen this way: e.g. one

    talBs to -estalis and -estalis talBs bacB: a planet , e)en hypothetical or obscure , will

    so$eti$es contact said $agus e)en be+ore its own disco)ery.

    6- ( S #

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    -e=ation in lo)e is due to wrong choice that leads to +airly right partners and )ice')ersa

    the right decision which leads to wrong partnership. "hat happens due to dyna$ic aspects

    in the real sBies o+ which astrologers Bnow absolutely nothing at all and will continue to

    do so.


    =a$ples abound. "ypically , a short introduction to a ynastry #spectarian would state

    three types o+ aspects! o+ which e.g. aturn , 3ranus +or$s +atal relationships , un+airly

    i$possible to a)oid e)en in an ad)anced initiate.

    76( " # C"

    # list o+ worst aspects will classically include -enus s uare *eptune! ars s uare

    ?upiter! ercury s uare ?upiter and so on , +or ob)ious unreasons.

    "( # 6*

    "reason is easily calculable by direction. t taBes a second to Bnow , by $e$ory , when

    treason happens.

    "( # 6* # *

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    ;ecause it does. "reason happens o+ten! e)ery $inute , in +act , to the chagrin o+ our

    tendency to e$bellish it all! relationship including. ind it that one is in lo)e with

    archetype! not real person at allP

    * "

    7hate)er happens $ay be $ore or less co$plicated in ti$e. *a$ely! strong attraction

    can be established e)en by negati)e aspects! but when positi)e aspects abound , the

    negati)e pone lurBP "hus! -enusian har$ony is disrupted , in ti$e , by whate)er lurBs


    (6 # 7 HH *E

    7hate)er lurBs there is legion: na$ely! all sorts o+ negati)ities lurB e)en within the so'

    called positi)e aspects. t is i$possible to +ind a dyna$ically co$patible horoscope , not

    e)en on the astral real$. owe)er! society has in)ented $anners! culture and $ores in

    order to asphy=iate sincerity +or the purpose o+ prolonging itsel+ through whate)er was

    +alsely called tradition , the ene$y o+ any #strology or relationship proper , e)en royal

    one l.

    (6 # "


    ee e.g. on royal wedding and -enus in Cetus.

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    *owadays> $uch as e)er> e)en royal +a$ilies are co$pletely $isin+or$ed , i+ in+or$ed

    at all , about their own dynastic horoscopes. "hus! the ascendant o+ the 3 # is erpens


    F3"3( 'C #*E *E

    uch liBe e)ery shoeshine boy! butcher or +lorist can instantly tell the day and possibly

    $inute o+ your ne=t $arriage , by $e$ory , so the +uture can be changed co$parati)ely

    easy in perchance +i)e $inutes or less. "hese +uture'changing $ethods are Bnown as

    ("((" or (eal (i$e (eality (endering "ools.

    ( H C" - # "(6*6

    #s there is ad)antage in Bnowing the +uture ti$es be+ore changing the$ +or good!

    predicti)e #strology is still )alid. 6ne o+ the $ost precise directions as in)ented by

    oursel)es years ago is the secondary angular. n that respect! all 100 planets are perused!

    thus adding to not only prediction in a prediction! but also to sophistication.

    # "(6 6E

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    erhaps $ost people that o)erheard about astrology would ha)e been $ade to thinB that

    the so'called +au= un'sign , both east and west , is so$ething i$portant. t is not. "he

    un will pro)e perhaps the least i$portant in any analysis! to the point that a rather

    serious treatise as entitled @"aBing the un out o+ the ZodiacA was written but in a light

    spirit o+ $ocBery towards general credulity.

    3* E*

    )en i+ the un'signs were i$portant! no astrologer on this planet would Bnow how to

    deter$ine the unSs 9odiacal position at all. "hat is to say! neither you nor your

    astrologists Bnow where the un is! was or will be. "hat e)en $ore , $uch $uch $ore ,

    o+ course! goes +or the oon. #s concern the ascendant! do not e)en bother to guess one:

    you are co$pletely lost. # uestion: when the un is in 6rion and the new oon in

    #uriga! can 6rion ascend at sunrise or $oonrise sharp< "hat settles it.

    6 * ;6

    #s e=e$pli+ied through countless presentations! anyone can predict by $e$ory in

    seconds +ro$ raw data. t is e.g. co$parati)ely easy to Bnow the ti$es o+ your ne=t

    $arriages! e)en to the $inute. *ot only your shoeshine boy! +lorist or butcher can

    per+or$: e)en you can , and that without any astrological Bnowledge or e)en talent.

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    ris 0 altitude 7 in Cetus * C L 6sa$a oon 1 6rionis M %'11.

    6(6 C6

    ow is a horoscope done< t is ne)er done: said +ield is too )ast to be acco$plished in

    one li+eti$e. 6ne li+eti$e is not enough in studying a single horoscope. # horoscope can

    not be described in 1 000 pages: our standard +or$at. uch as the sBies are )ast and

    une=plored! so is the horoscope. 7hoe)er thinBs onesel+ as de+ined by say a un sign is a

    +ool: nobody is de+ined by un sign. *o de)il is.

    7hat is #strology )s whate)er 8#strology is not U 8#cade$icZodiac 8ZodiacFacts 86+iuco

    86phiuchus 8astrono$y 8*# # 8Zodiac hi+t 8horoscope

    #*E #" " # " (* 7 *H67

    "he holy guardian angel is the eastern ascendant. "he ascendant set o+ course slowly

    changes with precession. "he present set is $arBed by 15 constellations! $any o+ which

    are co$pletely alien to popular superstition. .g. ydra is the ascendant o+ #leister

    Crowley! erpens Cauda o+ the 3 #! 6phiuchus o+ Ki$ Kardashian and ?ustin ;ieber!

    onoceros $arBs the pro$inent birth o+ #ngelina ?olie and so on. "he ascendant is

    there+ore unBnown to @astrologersA: you surely noticed that there are too $any e=perts in

    de+ault elo uence> people who e=cel in e)ery *ew 7age discipline +or lucrati)e

    purposes: +or entertain$ent only. t $ust be $uch $ore entertaining to get to Bnow oneSs

    true natal horoscope instead. o letSs get down +or so$e real interstellar business hereP

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    5& 22 15 R # * H

    + there are 22 :odiacal stations and 1! ascendants ! how co$e that the horoscope signs

    a$ount to 5&< "he answer lies in adding ris and luto to our calculi. oreo)er! not

    e)ery ascendant is 9odiacal. #t the ti$e when luto was planet! we had $ore than two

    do9en 9odiacal signs. ris doubled the 9odiac. *ow 5& being e=plained r ! let us consider

    15 solar signs. "he un being the least i$portant ele$ent o+ the horoscope is o+ten

    neglected in predicti)e calculi s. athe$atical directions $ostly deal with sphere

    trigono$etry proJections , $eaning accurate predictions. #$ateurs as perchance perusing

    @transitsA were uite unable to predict e.g. %'11 , or their own death! +or that $atterV

    "he directions predict e)ents. "hus! at the ti$e o+ %'11 there were $any alleged

    astrologers on the planet! perhaps $ore than as declared per continent! but none o+ the$

    Bnew how to predict t , thus hardly $aBing the$ astrologers at all u.

    ris 0 altitude 7 in Cetus * C L 6sa$a oon 1 6rionis M %'11.

    8#strology 8"arot 8*u$erology 5& 8horoscope signs 22 89odiac 15 ascendants

    8Zodiac hi+t 86phiuchus 86+iuco

    r artly! the 4I R Zodiacal stations were published bacB in 200 ' +irst sale #ug 1 st. ris is the $ost delineated planetwith o)er 1I E; o+ publications online still! including ani$ations , ani$ated R Zodiac , and abundant R Zodiacalscans.s Hirections. "here are so$e 00 predicti)e $ethods also Bnown as directions! or $athe$atical predicting $ethods.

    *or$ally! only $ountebanBs peruse transits.t "he 00 directions went co$pletely unBnown to $ountebanBs who at best $ost ridiculously atte$pt at @transitsA.u "here is no such thing as @non'predicti)eA astrology. ince e)ery hu$an li+e can be accurately predicted by$e$ory by shoeshine boys! there is no reason to entrust oneSs own li+e to ti$e wasters.

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac



    "here are 5& horoscope signs.


    "here are 22 9odiacal stations.


    "here are 15 ascendants.


    22 and 15 are related ) to the "arot w.

    12 # C *H#*" 3 ( " " 6*

    ) 6+ course related to the 22 tarot initiations! o+ which I or 4 , perhaps ' are +airly a)ailable to the rare indi)iduals!who would atte$pt at and sub$it such an arduous li+elong sel+'initiation.w #lso Ching and $any things , see #spectarian.

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    "here is no tradition in the real sky . "he sBies are changing. "o deny real natal sBies unto

    one is to co$$it de$oniac o++ense against personal angel guardian. *o one can deny

    precession unto you! not e)en your ruler. Kings co$e and go! so does the ascendant set

    change. "here is no such thing as 12 ani$als rising at east , ne)er was and ne)er will be.

    # "(6*6 C# ( C 6*

    ou are serious about your own horoscope> Bnowing that business issues! e=cellent health

    and $arried li+e depend on accurately displaced stars =. #strono$ical precision $eans that

    you are in good hands y. nstead o+ perusing superstitious $aterial 9 +or the $asses! your

    natal data are processed with the help o+ ulti$ate technology such as the recently updated

    *# # ? 6( Z6* syste$.

    8KalBi 8 uga 82014shi+t 8 cutu$ 8201 shi+t 8 ydra 8201&shi+t 8 egasus 8#eon

    = #n allusion at directions. "he directions! so$e 00 o+ the$! are $athe$atical $ethods in astrological prediction.6ur latest contribution is the ultra'precise secondary angular direction. atients ha)e been ha)ing healthy organs cutout on account o+ pseudo'astrological ad)ice. #scendant Ee$ini turns out to be isces or , $ore precisely , Cetus ,that alone o++ers a %0degrees o++set in your horoscope. #ll horoscopes on this planet ha)e been $iscalculated +or the

    past 00 years. resently there are up to se)en signs o+ non'linear 9odiacal o++set! which turn to be a deadly warningagainst perusing any sBy that is not the real one. 7hich is yours< 7hich sBy is yours! indeed< 7e deal with the realone. Hi)orce happens by direction whene)er two inco$patible as well as $iscalculated horoscopes $eet.;anBruptcy has its ti$ely day and $inute! whene)er $iscalculation! superstition and +raud set in. #lso! %'11 had its

    precise $inute. 6+ course +raudulent posers could not calculate it at all. Firstly: they donSt e)en Bnow that there isany calculation to be done. econdly: they ha)e no idea o+ the position o+ the planets: any planets at any ti$e> andthus ha)e nothing to calculate at all! e)en i+ they knew that prediction is about certain $ethods o+ calculation , theso'called directions , so$e 00 o+ the$.y eaning *# # ? .9 "hat includes toy progra$s that e.g. spawn @12 ascendantsA , so$ething that will ne)er happen in the real sBies andne)er did.

  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


  • 8/11/2019 #Ophiuchus #Astrology #Ofiuco #ZodiacShift #2017shift #Kalki #Avatar #Halloween #AcademicZodiac


    1 8("((" (eal'"i$e +eality +endering "ools U nstant 8$agicB sel+ ' 8initiation2 22 standard 9odiacal stations o+ the 8#cade$icZodiac.I 15 ascendants! also e,tended un'signs.4 5& horoscope signs. #$ong the 15 obser)able eastern constellations +or the current epoch.

    5 ore precisely erpens Cauda.&

    c/o Korean Ki$P hare this reptilian ascendant , where erpens Cauda is bordering on this con+iguration.

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