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  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME




    D.K. Tanti1, M.K. Verma2, Brijesh Singh3, O.N. Mehrotra41,4

    Department of Electrical Engineering, Bihar Institute of Technology, Sindri (INDIA)

    E-mail:[email protected] ,[email protected]

    2,3Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi


    E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]


    In this paper, a criterion based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been developedfor optimal placement of Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM), Dynamic Voltage

    Restorer (DVR) and Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) in a power system network for

    balancing of load voltage and current against switching of unbalanced load across it, and tobalance voltage at all other buses which get affected due to connection of unbalanced load in the

    system. A feed forward neural network with back propagation algorithm has been trained with

    unbalanced bus voltages with targets defined as balanced bus voltages prior to connection ofunbalanced load in the system. The optimal bus has been taken as the bus having maximum

    squared deviation of three phase unbalanced bus voltage from its target value. The DSTATCOM,

    DVR and UPQC have been placed at the optimal bus or in the line connecting optimal bus. Casestudies have been performed on IEEE 14-bus system. Simulations have been carried out in

    standard MATLAB environment using SIMULINK and power system block-set toolboxes. Theeffectiveness of proposed approach of placement of custom power devices in load and voltage

    balancing has been established on the test system considered.

    KEYWORDS: Load balancing, Voltage balancing, DSTATCOM, DVR, UPQC, ANN



    ISSN 0976 6545(Print)

    ISSN 0976 6553(Online)

    Volume 3, Issue 3, October - December (2012), pp. 187-199

    IAEME: www.iaeme.com/ijeet.aspJournal Impact Factor (2012): 3.2031 (Calculated by GISI)



    I A E M E

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME



    The present distribution systems are facing severe power quality problems such as poor

    voltage regulation, high reactive power demand, harmonics in supply voltage and current, and

    load unbalancing [1]. Therefore, maintenance of power quality is becoming of increasingimportance in worldwide distribution systems. Industrial consumers with more automated

    processes require high quality power supply else equipments such as microcontrollers, computers

    and motor drives may get damaged. High quality power delivery includes balanced voltagesupply to consumers. Connection of unbalanced load at a bus may cause unbalanced voltage and

    current drawn by other loads connected at that bus. Switching of unbalanced load at a bus may

    also result in unbalanced voltage at some other buses. Unbalanced voltages contain negative andzero sequence components which may cause additional losses in motors and generators,

    oscillating torques in Alternating Current (AC) machines, increased ripples in rectifiers,

    saturation of transformers, excessive neutral currents and malfunctioning of several type ofequipments.

    With the advancement in power electronics, new controllers known as Flexible ACTransmission System (FACTS) have been developed [2]. These controllers have been proved tobe quite effective in power flow control, reactive power compensation and enhancement of

    stability margin in AC networks [3]. Power electronics based controllers used in distribution

    systems are called custom power devices. Custom power devices have been proved to be quite

    effective in power quality enhancement [1]. The custom power devices may be series, shunt, andseries-shunt or series-series type depending upon their connection in the circuit. Most prominent

    custom power devices include Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM), Dynamic

    Voltage Restorer (DVR) and Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) [1]. There are severalpapers reported in literature on placement of custom power devices in balancing of unbalanced

    load in radial distribution systems. Load voltage balancing using DVR against unbalanced

    supply voltage in radial distribution system has been considered [4], [5]. Placement ofDSTATCOM in weak AC radial distribution system for load voltage and current balancing has

    been considered in [6]. Balancing of source currents using DSTATCOM in radial distribution

    system has been considered in [7]. In [7], unbalancing has been caused by connection of

    unbalanced and non-linear load. Load compensation using DSTATCOM against unbalancingcaused by opening of one of the phase of the load in radial distribution system has been

    considered in [8]. Balancing of supply across an unbalanced 4-phase load along with power

    factor improvement using DSTATCOM has been suggested in [9]. A Voltage Source Converter(VSC) based controller has been proposed in [10] to balance terminal voltage of an isolated

    standalone asynchronous generator driven by constant speed prime mover. A non-linear and

    unbalanced load has been connected at the generator terminals in [10] to create unbalance in

    supply voltages. A DVR/APF (Active Power Filter) based on Proportional Resonant (PR)controller has been proposed in [11] to protect sensitive industrial loads at the point of common

    coupling, against voltage harmonics, imbalances and sags. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN)based methodologies have been successfully applied in several areas of the Electrical

    Engineering, including detection of voltage disturbances, voltage and reactive power control,

    fault detections [12]-[14]. An AI based UPQC has been modeled using MATLAB toolbox to

    improve power quality [15 ].To generate switching signals for the series compensator of theUPQC system NNC algorithm such as MRC and NARMA-12 has been used. The paper [16 ] has

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME


    proposed a model for UPQC to compensate input voltage harmonics and current harmonicscaused by non-linear load. The control strategies are based on PI and ANN controller. Again, in

    paper [17 ] the ANN based controller has been designed and trained off-line using data from the

    conventional proportional, integral controller. The performance of ANN and PI controller has

    been studied and compared for UPQC using MATLAB simulation. An ANN based approach foroptimal placement of Custom Power Devices to mitigate voltage sag in a meshed interconnected

    power system, has been suggested in [18].

    Unbalanced load connected at a particular bus may cause voltage unbalances at severalother buses in an interconnected power system network. No effort seems to be made in optimal

    placement of custom power devices in an interconnected power system network in balancing bus

    voltages at all the buses caused by unbalanced load connected at a particular bus. In this paper,an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based approach has been proposed for optimal placement of

    custom power devices to balance unbalanced voltages in the whole power system network. The

    ANN has been trained with Levenberg Marquardth back-propagation algorithm (trainlm ). Casestudies have been performed on IEEE 14-bus system. [19].


    2.1 DSTATCOM model

    In the present work, the DSTATCOM has been represented as three independentlycontrollable single phase current sources injecting reactive current in the three phases at the point

    of coupling. The proposed DSTATCOM model has been shown in Figure-1. The control scheme

    consists of three control switches which can be set on/off as per compensation requirement. Themaximum and minimum reactive power injection limit of DSTATCOM has been taken as +50

    MVAR and -50 MVAR, respectively.

    Figure-1. Proposed DSTATCOM model

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME


    2.2 DVR model

    In the present work, the DVR has been represented as three independently controllable

    single phase voltage sources injecting complex voltages in series with the line in the three

    phases. The magnitude and angle of injected voltages may be controlled to balance load voltageat different buses. The proposed DVR model has been shown in Figure-2 . The control scheme

    consists of six control switches which can be set on/off as per compensation requirement. During

    off condition, the three control switches connected in series with the controllable single phasevoltage sources are open and the other three control switches in parallel with controllable voltage

    sources, are closed. When compensation is required , the three switches connected in series with

    independently controllable voltage sources are closed, and the remaining three switches are madeopen. This permits injection of controllable complex voltages in the three phases of the line

    which causes load balancing and voltage balancing of different buses.

    Figure-2. Proposed DVR model

    2.3 UPQC model

    In the present work, UPQC has been considered as combination of DSTATCOM and

    DVR models suggested in sections 2.1 and 2.2, respectively.


    In this work, feed forward Artificial Neural Network with back propagation algorithm

    has been used to find optimal location for DSTATCOM placement. The architecture of thisnetwork has been shown in figure-3.

    In figure-3, the input data p(1), p(2), .p(R) flow through the synapses weights wi,j.

    These weights amplify or attenuate the input signals before being added at the node representedby a circle. The summed data flows to the output through an activation function f. The neurons

    are interconnected creating different layers. An elementary neuron with R inputs has been shown

    in figure-3. Each input is weighted with an appropriate weight w. The sum of the weighted inputsand the bias, b forms the input to the transfer function f.

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue

    Once the network weigThe training process requires a

    and target outputs, t. During t

    adjusted to minimize the netwo

    feed forward networks is Meannetwork outputs and the target o

    propagation, which involves per

    In the proposed neurallayers. This network can be

    corresponding input data set is a

    input and output target data. Tunbalanced load at different lo

    buses prior to connection of un

    phase p.u. voltages of buses unddata to train the neural networ

    network. The testing results proDSTATCOM controller. Meancorresponding to highest mean

    the placement of DSTATCOM

    lines connected to the optimal

    balancing of voltage and load iUPFC placement is considered i


    Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976

    3, October December (2012), IAEME


    hts and biases are initialized, the network is ret of examples of proper network behavior

    aining the weights and biases of the netwo

    rk performance function. The default perform

    Square Error (MSE) the average squared etputs. The gradient is determined using a techn

    orming computations backward through the net

    network architecture there are 20hidden layetrained to give a desired pattern at the o

    plied. The training process is carried out with

    e system has been made unbalanced by cond buses. The three phase balanced per unit (

    alanced load, have been taken as output targe

    er unbalanced loading conditions have been co. Once the network is trained some data are

    ide information about the optimal location forquare Error has been computed for all the buean Square Error value has been selected as th

    controller. The placement of DVR is consider

    us. The line where placement of DVR results

    considered as the optimal line for the placemoptimal line towards optimal bus.



    3. Artificial Neural Network architecture

    6545(Print), ISSN

    ady for training.etwork inputs, p

    k are iteratively

    nce function for

    rror between theique called back-


    rs and 14 outputtput, when the

    large number of

    ection of highlyp.u.) voltages of

    t data. The three

    nsidered as inputused to test the

    the placement ofes. The load buse optimal bus for

    d in each of the

    in the maximum

    nt of DVR. The

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME


    4. CASE STUDYCase studies were performed on IEEE 14-bus system [15] having 14 buses and 20 lines.

    The system consists of 5 synchronous machines three of which are synchronous condensers.

    There are 11 loads in the system having a net real and reactive power demand of 259 MW and

    81.3 MVAR, respectively. The single-line-diagram of the system has been shown in figure-4.Simulation model of IEEE 14-bus system was developed using software package

    MATLAB/SIMULINK [16]. The simulation block diagram of the system has been shown in

    figure-5. The developed plant model shown in figure-5 was used to find three phase balanced busvoltages prior to switching of unbalanced load, unbalanced three phase voltage and current at the

    bus where unbalanced load is switched on, and unbalanced three phase voltages at other buses in

    the system. In order to create unbalance loading condition, an additional Y- connected highlyunbalanced load ; Phase A [P=1MW, Q=100MVAR] , Phase B [ P=25KW,

    Q=200KVAR] , Phase C [ P=1KW, Q=0.1KVAR] was connected at each bus considered at a

    time, with all other buses having balanced base case loadings. A feed forward neural networkwas trained with three phase unbalanced bus voltages. The balanced three phase voltages of

    different buses prior to connection of unbalanced load at a bus were considered as target data forthe neural network. The Mean Square Errors (MSE) were calculated for all the buses usingtraining data and target data. The MSE of all the buses have been shown in figure-6. It is

    observed from figure-6 that bus-5 has maximum MSE value. Therefore, bus-5 was selected as

    the optimal location for the placement of DSTATCOM controller. Placement of DVR was

    considered in each of the lines connected to bus-5 viz. line 5-1, line 5-2, line 5-4 and line 5-6,respectively, and the three phase voltages of different buses were observed. It was found that

    placement of DVR in line 5-4 was more effective in voltage load and voltage balancing

    compared to DVR placement in line 5-1, line 5-2 and line 5-6, respectively. Therefore, line 5-4was selected as the optimal line for the placement of DVR controller. UPFC placement was

    considered in optimal line 5-4 towards optimal bus-5.

    Three phase voltage at all the buses and three phase current at the bus with unbalancedload were plotted versus time for the four cases (i) without any controller (ii) with placement

    of DSTATCOM at the optimal bus (iii) with the placement of DVR in the optimal line and (iv)

    with the placement of UPQC in optimal line towards optimal bus. The relative performance of

    DVR, DSTATCOM and UPQC in load and voltage balancing is studied to decide most suitablecontroller out of the three controllers considered. The variation of three phase voltage with

    respect to time for all the buses and variation of three phase current with respect to time at the

    bus with unbalanced load were plotted using MATLAB software [16]. Three phase voltage andcurrent at bus-2 with unbalanced load connected at bus-2 have been shown in figure-7. Three

    phase voltage at bus-5 and at bus-10 with unbalanced load connected at bus-2 have been shown

    in figure-8. Three phase voltage and current at bus-10 with unbalanced load connected at bus-10

    have been shown in figure-9. Three phase voltage at bus-4 and at bus-5 with unbalanced loadconnected at bus-10 have been shown in figure-10. Three phase voltage and current at bus-12

    with unbalanced load connected at bus-12 have been shown in figure-11. Three phase voltage atbus-4 and at bus-7 with unbalanced load connected at bus-12 have been shown in figure-12. It is

    observed from figures 7, 9 and 11 that placement of custom power devices in the network results

    in considerable balancing of load voltage and current at the bus with unbalanced load. It is

    observed from figures 8, 10 and 12 that placement of custom power devices in the network isalso able to produce considerable voltage balancing at other buses.

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME


    Figure-4. Single-line-diagram of IEEE 14-bus system

    Figure-5. IEEE-14 Bus system (MATLAB/SIMULINK) model

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME


    Figure-6. Mean Square Error for different buses (IEEE 14-bus system)

    Unbalance load connected at Bus 2

    Bus No. 2 (Voltage waveform) 2 (Current waveform)



    With DVR

    in Line 5-4



    M at Bus 5

    WithUPQC at

    Line 5-4


    Bus 5

    Figure-7. Three phase voltage and current at bus-2 with unbalanced load connected at bus-2

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME


    Unbalance load connected at Bus 2

    Bus No. 5 (Voltage waveform) 10 (Voltage waveform)



    With DVR in

    Line 5-4



    at Bus 5

    With UPQC

    at Line 5-4

    Toward Bus 5

    Figure-8. Three phase voltage at bus-5 and at bus-10 with unbalanced load connected at bus-2

    Unbalance load connected at Bus 10

    Bus No. 10 (Voltage waveform) 10 (Current waveform)



    With DVR in

    Line 5-4



    at Bus 5

    With UPQC

    at Line 5-4

    Toward Bus 5

    Figure-9. Three phase voltage and current at bus-10 with unbalanced load connected at bus-10

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME


    Unbalance load connected at Bus 10

    Bus No. 4 (Voltage waveform) 5 (Voltage waveform)



    With DVR

    in Line 5-4



    M at Bus 5

    With UPQC

    at Line 5-4

    Toward Bus


    Figure-10. Three phase voltage at bus-4 and at bus-5 with unbalanced load connected at bus-10

    Unbalance load connected at Bus 12

    Bus No. 12 (Voltage waveform) 12 (Current waveform)



    With DVR

    in Line 5-4



    M at Bus 5

    With UPQC

    at Line 5-4

    Toward Bus


    Figure-11. Three phase voltage and current at bus-12 with unbalanced load connected at bus-12

  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME


    Unbalance load connected at Bus 12

    Bus No. 4 (Voltage waveform) 7 (Voltage waveform)



    With DVR

    in Line 5-4



    M at Bus 5

    With UPQC

    at Line 5-4

    Toward Bus


    Figure-12. Three phase voltage at bus-4 and at bus-7 with unbalanced load at connected at bus-12


    In this work, an Artificial Neural Network based approach has been suggested for the

    placement of Custom Power Devices in power system to balance three phase voltage andcurrent at a bus where a highly unbalanced load is switched on, and to balance three phase

    voltage at all other buses which become unbalanced due to connection of an highly unbalanced

    load at a particular bus. Case studies were performed on IEEE 14-bus system usingMATLAB/SIMULINK. Simulation results on the test system validate the effectiveness of the

    proposed approach of placement of custom power devices in load and voltage balancing. The

    placement of UPQC seems to be more effective in load and voltage balancing compared toplacement of DSTATCOM and DVR controllers. The proposed approach of optimal placement

    of custom power devices is quite simple and easy to adopt.


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  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME


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  • 7/30/2019 Optimal Placement of Custom Power Devices in Power System Network for Load and Voltage Balancing


    International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976 6545(Print), ISSN

    0976 6553(Online) Volume 3, Issue 3, October December (2012), IAEME



    D. K. Tanti received B.Sc. (Eng.) degree in Electrical Engineering from Muzaffarpur Institute of

    Technology (India) in 1990 and M.Sc. (Eng.) degree in Electrical Engineering from Bihar

    Institute of Technology, Sindri (India) in 2000. Presently, he is Associate Professor in theDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Bihar Institute of Technology, Sindri (India), and pursuing

    for his Ph.D degree at Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag (India). His research interests

    include application of FACTS controllers, power quality and power systems.

    M. K. Verma received B.Sc. (Eng.) degree in Electrical Engineering from Regional Engineering

    College, (presently National Institute of Technology), Rourkela (India) in 1989, M.Sc. (Eng.)degree from Bihar Institute of Technology , Sindri (India) in 1994 and Ph.D. degree from Indian

    Institute of Technology, Kanpur (India) in 2005. Presently, he is Associate Professor in the

    Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (India).His research interests include voltage stability studies, application of FACTS controllers,

    operation and control of modern power systems, power quality and smart grid.

    Brijesh Singh received B.Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from Faculty of Engineering

    and Technology, Purvanchal University, Jaunpur (India) in 2003 and M.Tech. degree from

    Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur (India) in 2008. Presently, he is persuing for his

    Ph.D. degree at Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (India). His research interestsinclude modeling and analysis of power systems, application of FACTS controllers and power


    O. N. Mehrotra received B.Sc. (Eng.) degree in Electrical Engineering from Muzaffarpur

    Institute of Technology (India) in 1971, M.E. (Hons.) degree in Electrical Engineering from

    University of Roorkee, (presently Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India) in 1982 andPh.D. degree from Ranchi University (India) in 2002. Presently, he is Professor (retired),

    Department of Electrical Engineering, Bihar Institute of Technology, Sindri (India). His research

    interests include control and utilization of renewable energies, power quality and power systems.

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