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Page 1: Optimizing download delivery for gaming | Akamai · • Inconsistent throughput within a download session • Fast startup and in-game latency • Smaller videos (e.g 30s worth of
Page 2: Optimizing download delivery for gaming | Akamai · • Inconsistent throughput within a download session • Fast startup and in-game latency • Smaller videos (e.g 30s worth of

2Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming


Whether you are using one CDN or driving a multi-CDN strategy, understanding your

global traffic and cache map analysis is critical. If you can evaluate the feasibility of

optimized delivery, you can maximize performance across CDNs. In this article, you’ll

learn best practices for download delivery, details on timeouts to override baseline

defaults, how to support periodic new releases, improve parent caching footprints

and more.


The gaming industry continues to grow year-by-year with new releases that require

support for an associated increase in volume of end-user traffic. This ultimately

boils down to large file downloads in higher quality formats, of which designated

audiences expect great performance and high availability. Both availability and

performance are now equally critical across a diverse set of devices and networks,

including over-the-air and mobile. For highly anticipated new releases, software

patches, and periodic releases, we can achieve improved delivery performance via

optimizing publishing strategies, upgrading client protocols, and applying caching

optimizations, such as improved mapping and cache footprint. We can develop

single-CDN and/or multi-CDN strategies to provide high availability and seamless

failover, which is critical during peak download events. In this article, we will discuss

best practices as well as recommended approaches in optimizing delivery.

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3Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

Table of Contents




Packaging 4

Version management and TTL 4


HTTP/2 5

Quick UDP Internet Connection (QUIC) 5


Capacity & Mapping 7

Partial object caching 8


TCP Optimizations 11



Prewarming/Flash crowds 11

Optimize the Failover Experience 11

Multi-CDN Strategy 13




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4Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

Publishing Content

In our efforts to optimize delivery, we first direct our focus to the content itself through

delivery and packaging strategies, as well as URL-specific publishing techniques to

improve cacheability.


We refer to packaging as a way of publishing content and providing public access

to end users. In video streaming, we can deliver packaged content via HLS or DASH,

while using pre-segmented media or byte-range requests to fetch content on the

client. With a download delivery based approach via HTTP, we can also utilize pre-

segmented media or byte range requests to fetch content, which provides us the

ability to use features like prefetching in addition to other optimizations. The alternate

approach of using a timestamp-based segment naming convention will not work

well since we will not be able to prefetch upcoming segments from the cache.

Additionally, this approach will further limit potential CDN performance optimizations

for long tailed content and high quality streaming such as FHD, UHD and VR.

In gaming, we have various packaging options including single files (i.e. format

container such as pkg) and a set of individual files (i.e. gaming SW in more than

one container). A few downsides to using a set of individual files include: ongoing

changes affect the entire package due to change management, and prefetching of

upcoming requests is not viable for individual files of a gaming title. Given these

circumstances, we are not able to utilize optimizations, such as prefetching, for

individual files in a gaming package so it is important to take into consideration how

certain optimizations are only available for specific packaging methods.


A few use cases such as TV series, movies, gaming SW, and device firmware patches

require version management. For example, TV series use dates as a form of version

management, while gaming SW and firmware patches use the release version for

updates. In order to cache updates, we can apply a Time-to-Live (TTL) to ensure

content remains in cache for a desired amount of time. The TTL value should be

determined by the timing and popularity of content, while taking into consideration

backend change management within the content repository. It is recommended to

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5Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

use TTLs with long durations such as 7d, 30d or 365d to ensure content is delivered

as soon as possible to end users, while offloading the backend infrastructures.

In the situation that a newly released movie, gaming SW update or device firmware

update contains incorrect or errored content, we need to be able to quickly revert

and replace content despite using long TTLs. In order to accomodate caching and

the need for frequent updates, we can use CDN purging capabilities via an interface

or API to invalidate objects in the cache. It is recommended to use purge APIs and

build this into the content publishing cycle to ensure content versioning is accurately

managed and urgent content replacement is possible.

Client Enhancements

Recently, several protocols such as HTTP/2 and QUIC were introduced in an effort to

improve performance related metrics such as client-side download times and overall

connection times.


HTTP/2 is the latest TCP+TLS based protocol that aims to improve shortcomings

of its predecessor HTTP/1.1. Several key features, such as multiplexing, header

compression, and resource prioritization, can improve download times significantly

for gaming packages and/or software updates. For example, header enhancements

can improve transfer times since we are essentially reducing the size of request/

response payloads. The more powerful feature of HTTP/2, multiplexing, allows

connection reuse along with parallel delivery of resources which proves useful for

package downloads. HTTP/2 can be enabled for all web and media products on the

Akamai platform today.

QUICK UDP INTERNET CONNECTION (QUIC) While HTTP/2 provides many performance-based improvements, the underlying

protocol is still TCP, which comes with known issues such as “safe” congestion control

algorithms. This can impact larger and higher quality downloads as a consistent

throughput is necessary for an optimal end user experience.

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6Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

How can we obtain the benefits of HTTP/2 while tackling the shortcomings and

limitations of the TCP+TLS stack? This can be achieved with QUIC - the new

UDP-based protocol designed to overcome the various performance limitations

associated with TCP. As we know, TCP takes a rather conservative approach to

congestion control when packet loss is detected and QUIC aims to solve the sudden

throughput drop that can occur as a result of detected packet loss. QUIC also has a

0-RTT/1-RTT setup to reduce startup latency. New connections eliminate extra round

trips and existing connections reuse the same connection Along with aggressive

congestion control settings, we can expect faster connection establishments, resilient

multiplexing, and consistent throughput during download sessions. With a proven

track record of boosting performance for high traffic sites, QUIC is becoming a go-

to standard and can be enabled for select media products on the Akamai platform

today. Engage your Internal Account Team for feasibility, as well as perform thorough

testing before proceeding with a wide scale deployment.










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7Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

Caching Optimizations

CAPACITY & MAPPING The Akamai Intelligent Platform consists of many servers spread around the world,

located near end users. When the platform observes popular content, a local copy is

kept and delivered to the next user requesting the same content. The user experience

is optimal and improved due to close proximity between end users and the servers

that are communicating with those end users.

A map can be thought of as a set of servers in a particular region around the world.

We can set up mapping profiles that serve traffic in an optimal way, depending on the

type of content, the location of end users and the location of origin servers.

In addition to setting up optimized maps, Tiered Distribution (tiered parents)

can be used to provide greater origin offload by funneling all traffic from Akamai









• 1RTT for new QUIC connections • 0 RTT on reconnecting

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8Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

edge servers to a smaller set of edge servers, before reaching the origin. Tiered

Distribution uses Akamai’s intelligent mapping to pick an optimal set of parent servers

that can communicate with the origin. As we can see, we are essentially adding an

additional caching tier to further offload the origin. Additionally, we can further tune

this multi-tiered approach by “hashing” the incoming object URLs at the edge to pick

a consistent set of servers to fetch and/or cache this content. In doing so, this method

spreads out a customer’s cache footprint and network traffic consistently around the

parent servers.


Partial object caching breaks up a large file into smaller chunks and these partial

object chunks are cached only when requested by the end user. Benefits to using

this optimization include - ensuring that there are minimal bytes wasted from

overdownloading and each partial object chunk can be revalidated individually rather

than revalidating the entire large file object when the TTL expires. It is important to

note that this may cause a storm of revalidation requests towards parent caches and

origin servers in the case of lengthy content catalogs. With 3rd party origins like AWS

S3, this can result in wasting costs, or in the case of Netstorage origin, this can result

in origin slowness. Given these potential caveats, it is critical that we set TTLs to longer

values such as 30d or 365d. Additionally, disabling the partial object revalidation

can further reduce the number of requests and offload the origin. Overall, partial

object caching along with best practices can result in performance improvements

and outbound cost saving for NetStorage and 3rd party storage, respectively. Below

graphs illustrate the performance improvement of throughput, latency, and first byte

time when POC TTL and revalidation setting is optimized.

600 Mbps

500 Mbps

400 Mbps

300 Mbps

200 Mbps

100 Mbps

0 kbps10/24 11/1 11/1 11/15

Throughput (Avg)


800 ms

600 ms

400 ms

200 ms

0 ms10/24 11/1 11/8 11/15

Latency (Avg)

40 ms

30 ms

20 ms

10 ms

0 ms

10/16 10/24 11/1 11/8

Turn Time (Avg)

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9Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

Delivery Optimizations


The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the standard transport layer protocol

used on the Internet to control and ensure delivery of the data packets that make

up a website (i.e. an HTTP request or response). Specifically, TCP controls the

setup of connections between source and destination machines, the rate of packet

transmission, packet loss detection and recovery algorithms. Akamai is able to

optimize connection windows, tune TCP timeouts and loss recovery, maximize the

use of persistent connections and control other aspects of TCP to improve site

600 Mbps

500 Mbps

400 Mbps

300 Mbps

200 Mbps

100 Mbps

0 kbps10/24 11/1 11/1 11/15

Throughput (Avg)


800 ms

600 ms

400 ms

200 ms

0 ms10/24 11/1 11/8 11/15

Latency (Avg)

40 ms

30 ms

20 ms

10 ms

0 ms

10/16 10/24 11/1 11/8

Turn Time (Avg)

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10Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

performance. Ultimately, these optimizations maximize throughput between Akamai

Edge servers and clients, and also with origin servers.


Prefetching provides a way to proactively fetch content that may be needed at a

future point. In use cases such as VOD and Live video streaming, we should use

prefetch to retrieve the next request and keep the content ready. In the case of VOD,

we can prefetch a few segments ahead of time since we know the length of the

stream. In the case of Live, we should prefetch 1-2 segments in advance. In the case

of partial object caching, the prefetching of upcoming byte-ranges is mandated,

and determined by the size of the partial object. Keep in mind that sequential byte-

range requests can maximize performance, while non-sequential byte-range requests

(jumping back-and-forth in/out of byte-range) can waste the prefetched partial object

in cache. Other uses cases that could benefit from prefetching content ahead of time


• Long tailed/less popular assets - which are normally cold

• Inconsistent throughput within a download session

• Fast startup and in-game latency

• Smaller videos (e.g 30s worth of ads)

• Large SW packages

High Availability and Failover

Downloads are increasingly becoming bigger and bigger. High definition movies

are in the 10-20 gb range. Games are consistently exceeding 50gb per download.

Consumer audiences are also becoming increasingly global with simultaneous multi-

country product launches being the norm.

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11Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

These kind of download patterns put very high stress on infrastructure because

today’s consumers demand the content to be downloaded as fast as possible without

any hiccups. There is a need for both high availability and seamless failover behind

the scenes if anything happens.


In the online gaming world, high traffic periods are very predictable. One way to

solve this problem is to pre-fill specific and targeted content into carefully selected

set of Edge servers to maximize content being served from cache. Ideal cases for

prewarming are regular software updates or game releases. Akamai account teams

work closely with customers to prepare the network for expected periods of known

high demand traffic.


While focusing on improving download delivery, it is often overlooked as to how the

failover experience can be optimized as well. Within a CDN model, we can adjust

various settings such as timeout and retry values between CDN and origin, which

will provide a more robust failover experience for end users. It is recommended to

set the timeout value according to average origin response times, while also setting

the retry count to an appropriate value in order to protect the origin during peak

event outages. If using a multi-tiered approach in delivering content, such as Tiered

Distribution, we can cascade timeouts based on each tier that a request has reached.

In doing so, we can ensure that each tier is given enough time to try alternate edge

servers before serving a failure response to the end user.

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12Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

The above recommendations provide enough time for servers to respond to a

request as well as quicker error responses during an outage, but what happens

once an error response is served? In order to ensure seamless failover in case of

connection issues, consider setting up content on a secondary origin to avoid

displaying default and non-informative errors to your end users. Akamai Netstorage

can be used as an alternate origin server for certain failover scenarios. For example,

a maintenance page can be maintained on Netstorage in case of full outages while

static backup files can be maintained on Netstorage for planned releases. If more

complex availability and failover strategies are needed, explore the below approach

with multi-CDN.

Primary ParentMap

Quick Retry Path

Secondary ParentMap

Edge Regions

End User


Parent – OriginSureRoute Map

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13Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming


As part of availability and failover planning, many customers move forward with

a Multi-CDN strategy. These are some of the ways we have seen our customers

intelligently pick CDNs.

• Regional Performance Considerations - Common techniques include taking

the geography / isp into consideration while making a decision. CDNs have

different server footprints across the world leading to different availability and


• Real user monitoring decisions - Customer’s client continually beacons back

client side data such as download time, throughput, end-user network and

other performance metrics. With this data, either the client or the server can

decide to either stay with the existing CDN or to switch. The logic in these cases

would typically be embedded within a SDK in the client.

Tracking Metrics

While content delivery is critical, we need to consider how we can track and report on

various KPIs. For example, it is a requirement to track down the number of downloads

that have been started and completed for certain types of downloads (i.e. Software

downloads / gaming downloads).

For streaming, a few common metrics to track include the following:

• Startup time - Track how long end users have to wait for the playback/download

to start. Impatient users will walk away.

• Bit rates - Assuming that a customer is delivering multi-bitrate streams, track and

measure the average/median quality that end-users are consuming.

• Session length - Track how long users are watching your content. These days, a

lot of video content is monetized via ads.

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• Rebuffer ratio - Track and ensure this is a low number since users have many

options these days and will not return if faced with a bad experience.

• Throughput - Track throughput provided by CDN

• Download completion - This is more relevant for downloads but a customer

would like to know what % of downloads were completed. In a few cases, this

becomes more important especially if a user is downloading a paid game

or software as it starts to cause business issues if a user cannot complete a


Some of these metrics can be captured through Akamai’s media reports while more

granular client-side metrics may require SDK integrations (either Akamai or 3rd party)

to capture such data.


Delivering large downloads over the internet to a demanding audience is easier

said than done. Gamers want their content now and are not willing to wait. Content

publishers have to strike a difficult balance between cost, performance, and

availability. Fortunately, Akamai is in a unique position to have worked with some of

the largest companies in the world while supporting their events seamlessly.

Akamai’s consulting team (reachable at [email protected]) have the experience

and expertise to work with and manage some of the largest download events

on the internet.

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Sabrina Burney

Enterprise Architect

Sabrina Burney has worked in many different fields

since graduating from Santa Clara University. She

has a background in computer engineering and has

always had a passion for technologies in the IT world. Sabrina’s experience inside

and outside of Akamai includes roles in software development and web security,

as well as more recently the media and web experience world. She is able to utilize

her backgrounds in multiple fields to help improve the overall end user experience

when it comes to navigating the Web. Sabrina’s recent work is focused on third-party

content and ways to improve the associated vulnerabilities and concerns—she has

several patents pending in this subject area. Outside of work, she enjoys playing

soccer with her fellow coworkers as well as traveling with her family.

Rajiv Ramnath

Enterprise Architect

Rajiv Ramnath is an Enterprise Architect in Akamai.

Rajiv has worked on some of the largest events in

Akamai such as the Super Bowl and the Fifa world cup.

Rajiv has a background in computer engineering. Prior to joining Akamai,

Rajiv worked as a software developer in Singapore working on security projects for

the Singapore government.

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16Optimizing Download Delivery for Gaming

Changhyeon Lim

Senior Enterprise Architect

Changhyeon Lim is a Senior Enterprise Architect at

Akamai, based in Seoul. He has led the data-centric

consultancy projects in terms of service quality

assessment and custom report of large broadcasters’

live event, the performance assessment of download delivery of gaming and

firmware, the optimization of origin traffic and capacity, and advisory for architectural

design and technology roadmap in customer’s media service. And, he is sharpening

his methodologies and developing new areas to get applied. Before joining Akamai,

Changhyeon had various experiences of multiple roles such as SW developer,

architect, product manager and team manager in Enterprise Mobility Management

Platform and Mobile Broadcasting (DVB-H and mDTV (ATSC-MH)) in Samsung

Electronics for 9 years. He hold a Doctor degree with a research of TCP algorithm


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Akamai secures and delivers digital experiences for the world’s largest companies. Akamai’s intelligent edge platform surrounds everything, from the enterprise to the cloud, so customers and their businesses can be fast, smart, and secure. Top brands globally rely on Akamai to help them realize competitive advantage through agile solutions that extend the power of their multi-cloud architectures. Akamai keeps decisions, apps, and experiences closer to users than anyone — and attacks and threats far away. Akamai’s portfolio of edge security, web and mobile performance, enterprise access, and video delivery solutions is supported by unmatched customer service, analytics, and 24/7/365 monitoring. To learn why the world’s top brands trust Akamai, visit www.akamai.com, blogs.akamai.com, or @Akamai on Twitter. You can find our global contact information at www.akamai.com/locations. Published 01/19.

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