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  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation





  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation




    The trading of


    is governed byprovisions contained

    SC(R)A [Securities Contract

    Regulation Act] 19!

    S"#$ Act 199% Stoc& e'changes





  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    The derivatives e'change+seg,ent should have a separate governing


    The e'change have to obtain prior approval of S"#$ before start of trading

    in any derivative contract

    The ,e,bers of the derivative seg,ent *ould need to fulfill the eligibility

    conditions as laid do*n by the - C .upta co,,ittee

    The clearing and settle,ent of derivatives trades *ould be through aS"#$ approved clearing corporation+house ie /SCC- (The /ational

    Securities Clearing Corporation -i,ited)


    0erivative bro&ers+dealers and clearing ,e,bers are reuired to get

    registered *ith S"#$ (Securities "'change #oard of $ndia)

    Representation of trading+clearing ,e,bers shall be li,ited

    to ,a'i,u, of 234 of the total ,e,bers of the governing council

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    The ,ini,u, net*orth reuired for clearing ,e,bers of the derivatives

    clearing corporation+house shall be Rs533 -a&h

    The ,ini,u, contract value shall not be less than Rs% -a&h

    The initial ,argin reuire,ent6 e'posure li,its and ,argin de,ands

    related to the ris& of loss on the position *ill be prescribed by S"#$+"'change

    fro, ti,e to ti,e

    The ,e,bers of the derivatives seg,ent are also reuired to ,a&e their clients

    a*are of the ris&s by issuing to the client the Ris& 0isclosure 0ocu,ent and

    obtain a copy of the sa,e duly signed by the client

    The trading ,e,bers are reuired to have ualified approved user and

    sales person *ho have passed a certification progra,,e approved by


  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    7e,bers and dealer6 authori8ed dealer have to fulfill certain reuire,ents and

    provide collateral deposits to beco,e ,e,bers of the :; seg,ent

    To beco,e ,e,ber of :; seg,ent one has to ta&e ,e,bership of holesale 0ebt 7ar&et) and :; seg,ent=

    An e'isting ,e,ber of C7 seg,ent can also ta&e ,e,bership of :;


    A trading ,e,ber can also be a clearing ,e,ber by ,eeting additional

    reuire,ents There can also be only clearing ,e,bers

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation







  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    Stoc& options are A,erican style ie options are auto,atically e'ercised

    on the e'piration day6 and voluntary prior to the e'piration day of the

    option contract

    Trading in stoc& options co,,enced on the /S" fro, ?uly %331.

    These contracts are A,erican style and are settled in cash

    The e'piration cycle for stoc& options is the sa,e as for inde' futuresand inde' options

    /S" provides a ,ini,u, of seven stri&e prices for every option

    type (ie call and put) during the trading ,onth

    ;n /S"6 inde' options are "uropean style6 ie options are auto,atically

    e'ercised on the e'piration day

    TRA0$/. $/ ;@T$;/

    A ne* contract is introduced on the trading day follo*ing the e'piry of the

    near ,onth contract

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    inal settle,ent price Closing price of underlying on e'ercise day or

    e'piry day

    Trading cycle The options contracts *ill have a ,a'i,u, of three ,onth tradingcycle B the current ,onth (one)6 the ne't ,onth (t*o) and the far ,onth (three)

    /e* contract *ill be introduced on the ne't trading day follo*ing the e'piry of

    near ,onth contract

    "'piry day The last Thursday of the e'piry ,onth or the previous tradingday if the last Thursday is a trading holiday

    Settle,ent basis 0aily settle,ent on T1 basis and final option e'ercise

    settle,ent on T1 basis

    Security descriptor / ;@TSTD

    Details of options

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    Entities in the trading system

    There are for entities in the tra!in" s#ste$.






    &learin" $e$%ers


  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    This $0 is co,,on for all users of a particular trading ,e,ber



    Trading ,e,bers are ,e,bers of /S"

    They can trade either on their o*n account or on behalf of their clients

    including participants

    The e'change assigns a trading ,e,ber $0 to each trading ,e,ber

    "ach trading ,e,ber can have ,ore than one user

    The uniue trading ,e,ber $0 functions as a reference for all orders+trades

    of different users

    "ach user of a trading ,e,ber ,ust be registered *ith the e'change and is

    assigned an uniue user $0

    The nu,ber of users allo*ed for each trading ,e,ber is notified bythe e'change fro, ti,e to ti,e

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    A participant is a client of trading ,e,bers li&e financial institutions



    Clearing ,e,bers are ,e,bers of /SCC-


    clearing ,e,bers

    is a clearing ,e,ber *ho is not a trading ,e,ber

    Typically6 ban&s and custodians beco,e professional clearing ,e,bers and

    clear and settle for their trading ,e,bers.


    They carry out ris& ,anage,ent activities and confir,ation+inuiry of tradesthrough the trading syste,

    These clients ,ay trade through ,ultiple trading ,e,bers but settle through

    a single clearing ,e,ber

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    $f it finds a ,atch6 a trade is generated $f it does not find a

    ,atch6 the order beco,es passive and goes and sits in the respective

    outstanding order boo& in the syste,


    The /"AT :; syste, supports an order driven ,ar&et6 *herein orders

    ,atch auto,atically

    ;rder ,atching is essentially on the basis of security6 its price6 ti,e and uantity

    All uantity fields are in units and price in rupees

    The e'change notifies the regular lot si8e and tic& si8e for each of the contracts

    traded on this seg,ent fro, ti,e to ti,e

    >hen any order enters the trading syste,6 it is an active order $t tries to find a

    ,atch on the other side of the boo&

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation



    /ational Securities Clearing Corporation -i,ited (/SCC-) underta&es

    clearing and settle,ent of all trades e'ecuted on the futures and options

    (:;) seg,ent of the /S"

    Clearing and settle,ent activities in the ;ption seg,ent are underta&en by

    /SCC- *ith the help of the follo*ing entities


    Clearing banksClearing members

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    Clearing members

    Self clearing


    Trading ,e,berBcu,

    Bclearing ,e,ber (T7s)

    @rofessional clearing

    ,e,bers (@C7)

    clear and settle their trades e'ecuted by the, only either on their

    o*n account or on account of their clients

    clear and settle their o*n trades as *ell as trades of

    other trading ,e,bers (T7s)

    is a special category of ,e,bers

    clear and settle trades e'ecuted by other trading

    ,e,bers (T7s)

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    The Clearing and Settle,ent process co,prises of the follo*ing

    three ,ain activities1) Clearing

    %) Settle,ent

    5) Ris& 7anage,ent

    Clearing banks

    unds settle,ent ta&es place through clearing ban&s

    or the purpose of settle,ent all clearing ,e,bers are reuired to open a

    separate ban& account *ith /SCC- designated clearing ban& for ;ption


  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    @roprietary positions are calculated on net basis (buy B sell) for each contract

    $nvolves *or&ing out open positions and obligations of clearing (selfB

    clearing+tradingBcu,Bclearing+professional clearing) ,e,bers

    This position is considered for e'posure and daily ,argin purposes

    The open positions of C7s are arrived at by aggregating the open positions of

    all the T7s and all custodial participants clearing through hi,6 in contracts in

    *hich they have traded

    A T7Es open position is arrived at as the su,,ation of his proprietary openposition and clientsE open positions6 in the contracts in *hich he has traded

    >hile entering orders on the trading syste,6 T7s are reuired to identify the orders6

    *hether proprietary (if they are their o*n trades) or client (if entered on behalf of

    clients) through E@ro+CliE indicator provided in the order entry screen

    ClientsE positions are arrived at by su,,ing together net (buy B sell) positions

    of each individual client A T7Es open position is the su, of proprietary open

    position6 client open long position and client open short position


  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation



    All futures and options contracts are cash settled6 ie through e'change of

    cashThe underlying for inde' futures+options of the /ifty inde' cannot be

    delivered These contracts6 therefore6 have to be settled in cash

    Se!!lemen! "# "$!i"ns %"n!ra%!s

    0aily @re,iu,




    $nteri, "'ercise


    ;ptions contracts have three types of settle,ents

    in the case of option contracts on securities and final settle,ent

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    Dail& $remi'm se!!lemen!

    #uyer of an option is obligated to pay the pre,iu, to*ards the

    options purchased by hi,

    The seller of an option is entitled to receive the pre,iu, for the

    option sold by hi,

    The pre,iu, payable a,ount and the pre,iu, receivable a,ount

    are grouped to co,pute the net pre,iu, payable or receivable

    a,ount for each client for each option contract

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    E(er%ise se!!lemen!

    There is al*ays a possibility of the option seller being assigned

    an e'ercise

    ;nce an e'ercise of an option has been assigned to an option seller6

    the option seller is bound to fulfill his obligation (,eaning6 pay the cash

    settle,ent a,ount in the case of a cashBsettled option) even though

    he ,ay not yet have been notified of the assign,ent

    understanding of e'ercise can help an option buyer deter,ine

    *hether e'ercise ,ight be ,ore advantageous than an offsettingsale of the option

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    $nteri, e'ercise settle,ent is effected for such options at the close

    of the trading hours6 on the day of e'ercise

    An investor can e'ercise his inBtheB,oney options at any ti,e during

    trading hours6 through his trading ,e,ber

    Ta&es place only for option contracts on securities



    In!erimE(er%ise se!!lemen!

    Falid e'ercised option contracts are assigned to short positions in the option

    Contract *ith the sa,e series (ie having the sa,e underlying6 sa,e e'piry

    date and sa,e stri&e price)6 on a rando, basis6 at the client level

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    $s effected for all open long inBtheB,oney stri&e price options e'isting at the

    close of trading hours6 on the e'piration day of an option contract

    FinalE(er%ise se!!lemen!

    The investor *ho has long inBtheB,oney options on the e'piry

    date *ill receive the e'ercise settle,ent value per unit of the option fro,

    the investor *ho has been assigned the option contract

    All such long positions are e'ercised and auto,atically assigned to short

    positions in option contracts *ith the sa,e series6 on a rando, basis

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    /SCC-Es onBline position ,onitoring syste, ,onitors a Clearing 7e,bers

    open @ositions on a realBti,e basis

    The open positions of the ,e,bers are ,ar&ed to ,ar&et based on

    contract settle,ent price for each contract The difference is settled in

    cash on a T1 basis

    $t specifies the initial ,argin reuire,ents for each options

    Contract on a daily basis

    The financial soundness of the ,e,bers in ter,s of capitaladeuacy (net *orth6 security deposits) should be strong

    A co,prehensive ris& contain,ent ,echanis, for the

    ;ptions seg,ent




  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    A separate settle,ent guarantee fund for this seg,ent has been created out

    of the capital of ,e,bers

    /SCC- assists the Clearing 7e,ber to ,onitor the intraBday e'posure li,its set

    up by a Clearing 7e,ber and *henever a Trading ,e,ber e'ceed the li,its6

    it stops that particular Trading ,e,ber fro, further trading

    A ,e,ber is alerted of his position to enable hi, to adGust his capital @ositionviolations result in *ithdra*al of trading facility for all T7s of a Clearing 7e,ber

    in case of a violation by the C7

    @R$S7 uses S@A/(r) (Standard @ortfolio Analysis of Ris&) syste, for the purpose

    of co,putation of onBline ,argins6 based on the para,eters defined by S"#$

    The actual position ,onitoring and ,argining is carried out onBline through@arallel Ris& 7anage,ent Syste, (@R$S7)

    The ,ost critical co,ponent of ris& contain,ent ,echanis, for ;ptions seg,ent

    is the ,argining syste, and onBline position ,onitoring

    Types of margins

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    Types of margins

    $nitial ,argin

    7argin in the ;ption seg,ent is co,puted by /SCC- upto client level for openpositions of C7s+T7s


    These are reuired to be paid upBfront on gross basis at individual client level for

    client positions and on net basis for proprietary positions

    A C7 is reuired to ensure collection of adeuate initial ,argin fro, his T7s

    upBfront The T7 is reuired to collect adeuate initial ,argins upBfront fro,

    his clients

    /SCC- collects initial ,argin for all the open positions of a C7 based on the

    ,argins co,puted by /S"BS@A/

  • 8/9/2019 Option presentation


    The ,argin is charged on the net e'ercise settle,ent value payable by a C7

    to*ards interi, and final e'ercise settle,ent

    $n addition to initial ,argin6 pre,iu, ,argin is charged at client level This ,argin

    is reuired to be paid by a buyer of an option till the pre,iu, settle,ent is co,plete

    @re,iu, ,argin

    Assign,ent ,argin for options on securities

    $s levied in addition to initial ,argin and pre,iu, ,argin

    $t is reuired to be paid on assigned positions of C7s to*ards interi, and

    inal e'ercise settle,ent obligations for option contracts on individual

    securities6 till such obligations are fulfilled

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    Additionally ,e,bers are also reuired to report details of ,argins collected

    fro, clients to /SCC-

    Client ,argins

    /SCC- inti,ates all ,e,bers of the ,argin liability of each of their client

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