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Page 1: Oracle Financial Software Investment Pitch


Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd.

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• Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. provides software and information technology solutions for the banking and financial services industry.

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• The group's activity appears highly profitable thanks to itsoutperforming net margins.

• Due sound financial situation, the firm has significant leeway forinvestment.

• Analysts covering this company mostly recommend stockoverweighting or purchase.

• The difference between current prices and the average target price israther important and implies a significant appreciation potential for thestock.


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• The current area is a good opportunity for investorsinterested in buying the stock in a mid or long termperspective. Indeed, the share is moving closer to itslower bound at INR 3241.25 INR in weekly data.

• The company has strong fundamentals. More than70% of listed companies have a lower mix of growth,profitability, debt and visibility criteria.


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How shift from normal to cloud based system will help Oracle:

Traditional Cloud

• No income at the point of sales, itaims at a different business model.

• The avg. income will jump to $10million over the next 10 years.

• Hence,

• Subscription and sales = $ 0

• Revenue from after sales andmaintenance = $ 10 million

• Total revenue in 10 years = $10million.

• Income, as soon as the sales happen.$1 million average till 2013-2014.

• The avg. income of $3 million overthe next 10 years from currentcustomers.

• Hence,

• Subscription and sales = $1 million

• Revenue from after sales andmaintenance = $3 million.

• Total revenue in 10 years : $ 4million.

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Sales , Finance/Debt and EBITDA

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P/E Ratio Avg: 21.1

Currently (‘16): 29

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Analysing Growth

• OFSSL derives a majority of software license revenues from the sale of licenses

for its flagship products.

• OFSS’s Q2 2015 revenues increased 6.2% led by a 9.3% growth in the product

segment (82% of revenue) which saw new license sales surge 103%.

• Higher license sales were a key revenue driver in the products business,

boosting EBITDA margins to 42%

• License growth drives margin leverage: Product margins improved to 49% and

services margins to 21.1%. Net income increased marginally by 1.5%.

• OFSS has seen consistent new license growth over the past four quarters and

strong license growth is expected which will translate into better

implementation and maintenance revenues through FY16/FY17

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Why should you invest in us?


“Deliver The Best Information With Highest Quality Of Service And

Lowest Cost.”

• We believe in doing things before they get popularized.

• Revenue from the products business grew by 11% sequentially to Rs 670 crores

in 2014-15 and is expected to increase in the subsequent years.

• Current Attractiveness :

- Multiplying platforms:

- The Oracle financial services are one of the market leaders moving towards

the innovation and early adoption of the cloud financial services which

integrate all the aspects of businesses.

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