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Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud What's New in Release 8

26 March 2014



OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

RELEASE FEATURE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................ 4

ORACLE PROJECT PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT CLOUD............................................................................................ 5

ORACLE FUSION PROJECT COSTING ..................................................................................................................... 18

ORACLE FUSION PROJECT RESOURCE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................... 23

ORACLE FUSION PROJECT MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 27

POST-UPGRADE CONSIDERATION ........................................................................................................................ 32

REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................... 35



This guide outlines the information you need to know about new or improved functionality in Oracle

Project Portfolio Management Release 8. Each section includes a brief description of the feature, the

steps you need to take to enable or begin using the feature, any tips or considerations that you should

keep in mind, and the resources available to help you.

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Some of the new Release 8 features are automatically visible to users after the upgrade and some

require action from the user, the company administrator, or Oracle.

The table below offers a quick view of the actions required to enable each of the Release 8 features.

Action Required to Enable Feature

Feature Automatically


End User Action


Administrator Action


Oracle Service Request Required

Oracle Project Portfolio Management Cloud

Enhanced Cloud: File-Based Data Loaders

Real-Time Insight: Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Enhancements

Oracle Fusion Project Costing

Integration with Oracle Fusion Time and Labor

Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management

Analyze Actual Utilization

Simplified Assignment Maintenance

Oracle Fusion Project Management

Enhanced Project Planning

Review Resource Allocation to Projects

Upgrade Consideration

Post-upgrade Consideration



Release 8 contains the following key changes and updates:

Enhanced Cloud: File-Based Data Loaders

Real-Time Insight: Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence Enhancements


The new file-based data loaders enable you to import key project data into Oracle Project Portfolio

Management. This interface is designed to enable you to create an upload file based on a Microsoft

Excel template. You then use this template to create a CSV file. To process the file you upload it to the

cloud server, run a process to load the data for import, and finally import the data. The application

produces an output report with information about successes and failures.

The following table provides information about each new file-based data loader.

Object Product

Projects Oracle Fusion Project Foundation

Project Budgets Oracle Fusion Project Control

Project and Task Transaction Controls Oracle Fusion Project Foundation

Resource Actual Hours Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management

Resource Requests Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management

Tasks Oracle Fusion Project Foundation

Work Plans Oracle Fusion Project Management


To import actual resource hours:

1. Download the template from Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER).

a. Log into OER.

b. Search for the type File Based Data Import and product family Projects.

c. Select Resource Actual Hours Import.

d. From the Details tab, download the .xlsm file.

2. Enter the data in the template.

a. Open the .xlsm file and review the instructions on the Instructions and CSV Generation


b. Enter resource actual hours information on the PJR_ACTUAL_HOURS_INTERFACE tab.


The following figure illustrates an example of resource actual hours. Columns have

additional information such as a description, data type, and character limits that you can

access as embedded notes in each column header.

3. Generate Comma Separated Values (CSV) files.

a. Click the Generate CSV File button on the Instructions and CSV Generation tab.

IMPORTANT: If the Generate CSV File button does not work and you get a security

warning, then you need to enable macros in Microsoft Excel from the warning.

b. Save the PjrActualHoursInterface CSV file and zip file.

4. Upload the CSV file to Universal Content Management (UCM).

a. Click the Navigator icon in the application and then select File Import and Export from

the Tools menu. The following figure illustrates the selection.

b. Click the Create icon to upload a new file.

c. Click the Browse button and then select the zip file that you saved.

d. Select the pjr/projectResourceManagement/import account.

e. Wait for the file to upload.

5. Load the files into the open interface tables.

a. Click the Navigator icon in the application and then select Scheduled Processes from

the Tools menu.


The following figure illustrates the selection.

b. Click the Schedule New Process button.

c. Select the Load Interface File for Import process. The following figure illustrates the

process selection.

d. Click the OK button.

e. Select Import Resource Actual Hours as the import process and then select the data file

that you uploaded to Universal Content Management.

f. Click the Submit button.

g. Click the OK button for the confirmation message.

h. Click the Close button.

i. Click the Refresh icon and monitor the process until it is complete.

6. Import the data.

a. Click the Schedule New Process button.

b. Select the Import Resource Actual Hours process. The following figure illustrates the

process selection.


c. Click the OK button.

d. Click the Submit button.

e. Click the OK button for the confirmation message.

f. Click the Close button.

g. Click the Refresh icon and monitor the Import Resource Actual Hours and the Import

Resource Actual Hours Execution Report processes until they are complete.

7. Review the output report and verify the data.

a. Select the Import Resource Actual Hours Execution Report process.

b. In the Output section, click the Default Document link.

c. Review the output report.

IMPORTANT: In this example, you must also submit the Update Resource Utilization Data process from

the Scheduled Processes page to update the utilization data on the Resource Manager Dashboard.



This feature is enabled automatically.


To correct errors, review the error message details in the output text report and correct the

data in the CSV file. Load the data again and submit the import process. Include only the records

that can’t be processed and delete the remaining records which were successfully processed in

the CSV file. Refer to the sections Loading the Data and Importing the Loaded Data for the steps

to be following to load the data and import the loaded data into the application tables.

You can only import new objects. You can’t update existing objects.

You can’t reorder or remove columns in the spreadsheet, but you can hide columns that are not


Task Import:

o The sequencing of tasks in the spreadsheet determines the task outline. The task

sequence must reflect the task structure.

o You can add the subtask to a new task or to a task that already exists in Oracle Fusion

Project Foundation.

Work Plan Import: Before you import work plans, you must ensure that all resources already

exist as project enterprise resources.


For information on importing actual resource hours, see the Oracle Enterprise Repository.

Release Training for Oracle Fusion Applications Release 8

o Fusion Project Management Enhancements: Effectively Integrate Your Projects with

Enterprise Applications and Provision Project Users

o Fusion Project Portfolio Enhancements: Importing Data Using Open Interfaces


Report on project information using Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence. You can leverage

a set of new subject areas in Release 8.

Subject Area Product


Subject Area Product

Project Resource Supply Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management

Project Planning Oracle Fusion Project Management

Project Resource Request Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management

Project Resource Assignment Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management

Expenditure Item Performance Oracle Fusion Project Costing


Report on resource supply as a fact using the Resource Supply subject area in Oracle Fusion

Transactional Business Intelligence. The fact contains information such as the cost rate, bill rate,

resource calendar, and whether resource availability and staffing is managed by resource managers.

Report on the fact using dimensions such as the resource pool, primary project role, and resource

qualifications and proficiencies.

The Resource Supply subject area in Oracle Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence enables resource

managers and project managers to create reports to track resource supply. For example, the reports can

answer business questions about the competencies and proficiencies for all resources in a resource pool,

the number of resources that are highly skilled in a particular competency, and which resources are

currently unassigned.

Note: Capacity time represents the total usable time based on each resource's calendar.

The following metrics are available in the Project Resource Supply fact:

Count of Qualifications

Count of Resources

Capacity Time

Capacity Time Excluding Assignments

Capacity Time Excluding Assignments and Nonproject Events

Nonproject Event Time

The following dimensions are available:

Project Assignment Dates Dimension

Project Request Dates Dimension

Project Dimension

Project Role Dimension

Qualification Dimension


Assignment Dimension

Request Dimension

Resource Dimension

Supply Dimension

Time Dimension


The Project Planning subject area enables users to effectively report on metrics related to the project

plan, including cost, schedule, effort, and bill metrics at the project and task assignment levels. Variance

analysis can be performed using many of the key metrics.

Project managers can easily create custom reports with real-time project plan data.

The following metrics are available in the Project Planning fact:

Actual Expense Amount

Actual Hours

Actual Labor Bill Amount

Actual Labor Cost

Effort in Days

Effort in Hours

Expense Amount

Labor Bill Amount

Labor Cost

Remaining Expense Amount

Remaining Hours

Remaining Labor Bill Amount

Remaining Labor Cost

Task Percent Complete

Total Actual Cost


Total Cost

Total Remaining Cost

The following dimensions are available:


Primary Task Assignment Resource


Project Plan Dates

Project Plan Details

Project Planning Measures

Project Progress Status


Resource Class



Task Hierarchy


IMPORTANT: Project Planning subject area for real-time reporting does not include:

Project and task codes

Project resource allocation information


Report on project resource requests as a Project Resource Request fact using the Project Resource

Management - Resource Management Real Time subject area in Oracle Fusion Transactional Business

Intelligence. The fact contains information such as the total number of requested hours, target cost rate,

and target bill rate. Report on the fact using dimensions such as resource, project, time, request status,

request type, project role, qualifications, and proficiencies.

You can create reports to track resource demand. For example, the reports can answer business

questions about requests that are open and awaiting fulfillment, the most commonly requested

qualifications, and the potential revenue and margin for open project resource requests.


The following metrics are available in the Project Resource Request fact:

Count of Requests

Count of Requests More Than One Week From The Requested Start Date

Count of Requests Past Requested Start Date

Count of Requests Within One Week Of The Requested Start Date

Days to Requested Finish Date

Days to Requested Start Date

Hours on Open Resource Requests

Project Resource Request Total Requested Hours

Target Bill Rate

Target Cost

Target Cost Rate

Target Margin

Target Margin Rate

Target Profit

Target Revenue

The following dimensions are available:

Project Assignment Dates Dimension

Project Request Dates Dimension

Project Dimension

Project Role Dimension

Qualification Dimension

Assignment Dimension

Request Dimension

Resource Dimension


Supply Dimension

Time Dimension


Report on resource assignments as a fact using the Project Resource Assignment subject area in Oracle

Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence. The fact contains information such as the total number of

assigned hours, cost rate, and bill rate. In addition, report on the fact using dimensions such as resource,

project, time, assignment status, request type, and project role.

You can create reports to track resource assignments. For example, the reports can answer business

questions about resource assignments for a resource pool that are ending soon and active resource

assignments for the quarter or other time period.

The following metrics are available in the Project Resource Assignment fact:

Count of Assignments

Assignment Time

Days To Assignment Finish Date

The following dimensions are available:

Project Assignment Dates Dimension

Project Request Dates Dimension

Project Dimension

Project Role Dimension

Qualification Dimension

Assignment Dimension

Request Dimension

Resource Dimension

Supply Dimension

Time Dimension



Use the Expenditure Item Performance subject area to understand performance of the expenditure item

with respect to the cost distribution at the granular level. Review inception-to-date cost for core

dimensions such as project, task, and expenditure type. Display revenue and invoice amounts associated

with each expenditure item.

Create WIP reports to display activity on the recent transactions for a project that includes the cost,

revenue, and invoice amounts. The Expenditure Item Performance subject area allows listing of

transactions that are awaiting revenue, billing, or both.

The following metrics are available in the Expenditure Item Performance fact:

Capitalization Measures

o Capitalizable Cost

o Capitalizable Cost in Transaction Currency

o Capitalizable Raw Cost

o Capitalizable Raw Cost in Transaction Currency

o Noncapitalizable Cost

o Noncapitalizable Cost in Transaction Currency

o Noncapitalizable Raw Cost

o Noncapitalizable Raw Cost in Transaction Currency

Expenditure Item Measures

o Burden Cost

o Burden Cost in Transaction Currency

o Cost

o Cost in Transaction Currency

o Quantity

o Raw Cost

o Raw Cost in Transaction Currency

Invoice Amount

Revenue Amount


The following dimensions are available:

Capitalization Details

Currency Exchange Details

Effort Details


Expenditure Class

Expenditure Item Billing Details

Expenditure Item Details

Expenditure Item Revenue Details

Expenditure Type



Legal Entity

Nonlabor Resource


Original Source References

Processing Details


Receiver Ledger Currency Exchange Details



Task Hierarchy

Work Type



This feature is enabled automatically.


If you use the Task Hierarchy dimension for reporting, then you must submit the Denormalize Task

Structure Hierarchies for Business Intelligence process to include the latest project data in Oracle

Fusion Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) reports.

When you manage projects in Oracle Fusion Project Foundation, the task structure is denormalized

when you first save the project plan. Subsequently, when you add, delete, move, or change the

indentation of tasks, you can synchronize project updates from the project plan.

If you manage projects using Oracle Fusion Project Management, you can run the denormalization

process only from the Scheduled Processes page.


Release Training for Oracle Fusion Applications Release 8

o Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management Enhancements: Effectively Manage Your

Resource Assignments and Utilization

o Fusion Project Management Enhancements: Improved Usability and Reporting for

Managing Projects

o Fusion Project Costing Cloud Service: Miscellaneous Enhancements



Release 8 contains the following key changes and updates:

Integration with Oracle Fusion Time and Labor


Oracle Fusion Time and Labor automates the entire time and attendance record-keeping process and

includes integration with Oracle Fusion Project Costing, Oracle Fusion Absence Management, and Oracle

Fusion Global Payroll. You can define values in any of these applications and make them available to

specific groups of people to use for time entry. For example, you can use projects, tasks, and

expenditure types in project-related time cards.

Oracle Fusion Time and Labor provides an intuitive interface for time entry and approval, using either

calendar entry or the traditional time card. You can configure entry or calculation rule templates to

create rules that meet your business requirements. The application validates time entries at the point of

submission and initiates approvals based on approval rules. After a time entry is approved, you can

initiate a transfer process to transfer the time entry to the application that requires the information,

including Oracle Fusion Project Costing.


A worker can quickly report time from a calendar for either a single day or a range of days. You can

configure the display of fields and designate which time entry values workers must enter.


Workers and administrators can enter time in either weekly or biweekly time cards. You can use layout

sets to configure the display and usage of all time entry fields for a time card. An administrator can

create, modify, or view time cards to make adjustments or to assist workers who have questions.


The following figure illustrates configuration of a simplified calendar entry layout with project-related



Consuming applications that use time entries, such as Oracle Fusion Project Costing, provide validations

to ensure all time entries can be accepted without errors.


You can use rule templates to configure time rules for different populations of workers. For example,

you can:

Configure time entry rules to trigger error or warning messages if the conditions are not met

when reporting time.

Create time calculation rules to make calculations based on reported time entries and generate

updates from the calculated time.

The application applies the time entry and time calculation rules to the time card immediately in order

to enable the worker to correct any invalid entries before submitting the time card for approval.



You can configure approval tasks with various conditions and multiple routing options. For example, you

can configure time cards for automatic approval, line manager approval, or project manager approval.

You can update these approval rules within the Payroll and Project Time Card Approval tasks.


Consuming applications control the transfer of time. For example, Oracle Fusion Project Costing is a

consuming application that uses time entries to track project costs. Oracle Fusion Project Costing can

retrieve time using a set of existing retrieval filters. An administrator can use a troubleshooting page to

correct time cards that did not successfully transfer to Oracle Fusion Project Costing.



1. Enter time for projects and tasks.

Team members record time spent on projects and tasks using the configurable time card layout.

The following figure illustrates simplified project time card entry from a calendar.


The following figure illustrates detailed project-related time card entry.

2. Validate time entries using project transaction controls.

Oracle Fusion Time and Labor uses transaction controls defined in Oracle Fusion Project Costing

to validate project-related time entries against projects, tasks, and expenditure types.

3. Approve project time entries.

Project managers can review and approve time entries for their project before you import the

time cards into Oracle Fusion Project Costing. If a single time card has time entries for multiple

projects, then each project manager receives time entries for their respective projects for

review and approval.

4. Import time cards from Oracle Fusion Workforce Management.

You import approved time cards from Oracle Fusion Workforce Management into Oracle Fusion

Project Costing to track labor costs, billing, capitalization, and reporting.

5. Report time card status to Oracle Fusion Workforce Management.

After you import time cards, the application communicates the status back to Oracle Fusion

Workforce Management.


6. Adjust previously approved time entries.

Project accountants can adjust time entries in Oracle Fusion Project Costing based on your

business processes and requirements. For example, you can choose to reclassify a time entry

from billable to nonbillable either in Oracle Fusion Project Costing or in Oracle Fusion Workforce



This feature is enabled automatically.


Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Release 8: What’s New Document

Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Release 8: Release Content Document



Release 8 contains the following key changes and updates:

Analyze Actual Utilization

Simplified Assignment Maintenance


Oracle Fusion Project Resource Management tracks resource actual utilization for the current quarter

and previous four quarters. Actual utilization for the current quarter includes both actual hours that are

recorded to-date and project assignment hours from the current date to the end of the quarter. Rolled-

up actual utilization is available for the resource pools. The actual utilization is compared to the target

utilization for the selected date range.

As a resource manager, you can review actual utilization for a resource pool and for each resource who

is a member of a pool. You can compare the actual utilization against the target utilization to determine

which resource pools and resources are below the target utilization percentage.

Actual utilization for the current quarter is the percentage of actual hours worked at the beginning of

the quarter, plus projected project assignment hours from the date the process ran through the end of

the current quarter, compared to the available hours. For the current quarter, the process uses actual

hours worked through the day before the Utilization Data Updated date shown on the Resource

Manager Dashboard. For the remainder of the quarter the process uses the hours that resources are

projected to work on project assignments through the end of the current quarter.

For previous quarters, resource actual utilization is the percentage of actual hours worked compared to

the available hours.

The following figure illustrates the Actual Utilization analytic on the Resource Manager Dashboard.


To analyze actual utilization:

1. Navigate to the Resource Manager Dashboard.

2. Select the Resource Manager Dashboard tab.

3. Select the resource pool from the Resource Pool drop-down list.

4. Change the Display Range for the Actual Utilization analytic as needed.

IMPORTANT: You can see when the utilization data was last updated next to the Resource Pool drop-

down list. Submit the Update Resource Utilization Data process from the Scheduled Processes page to

update the data.

The following figure illustrates where you can find information on when the resource utilization data

was last updated.


This feature is enabled automatically.


You must first import actual resource hours using the file-based data loader. See the Enhanced

Cloud: File-Based Data Loaders section of this guide for more details. After you import the

actual resource hours you must then submit the Update Resource Utilization Data process from

the Scheduled Processes page to update the data.

The application determines the current quarter by the Utilization Data Updated date shown on

the Resource Manager Dashboard, which is the last date that the Update Resource Utilization

Data process ran.

Only actual resource hours marked as utilizable contribute to actual resource utilization.

A resource's available hours are based on the resource calendar. An example of a resource

calendar is Monday through Friday, 8 hours a day. The application does not consider company

holidays when determining a resource's available hours.

The number of hours that a resource is assigned to work on project assignments includes

assignments that are in a status of Assigned or Pending Adjustment.



For information on analyzing resource utilization, see Oracle Fusion Applications help topics.

Release Training for Oracle Fusion Applications Release 8: Oracle Fusion Project Resource

Management Enhancements: Effectively Manage Your Resource Assignments and Utilization


Resource managers can actively keep track of resource assignments that are ending soon and act on

them when necessary, such as by extending assignment dates. Having easy access to resource

assignments that are ending soon allows resource managers to actively find new assignments for a

resource or proactively collaborate with the project manager to determine if the resource will finish

work on the project as of the assignment finish date. Resource managers have a single location to

manage dates for assignments ending in the near future.

Resource managers and project managers can adjust assignment start and finish dates for a resource

assigned to a project. As a result of the adjustment, the application generates a request for adjustment

approval. Upon approval, the assignment reflects the adjusted dates. Project resource assignments

often require changes over the course of the assignment date range due to changes in scope and other

circumstances. The ability to change the assignment dates allows project managers and resource

managers to manage the assignments in real-world situations.

To monitor assignments ending soon and adjust an assignment date as a resource manager:

1. Navigate to the Project Resources work area.

2. Review the information in the Project Resource Assignments Ending Soon section. The

following figure illustrates a set of assignments ending soon.

3. Select an assignment to change the assignment finish date.

4. Select the Change Assignment Date action.

5. Enter the new finish date and an adjustment reason.

6. Select the Submit and Approve action to complete the adjustment.


The following figure illustrates an example of an adjustment for the resource Anthony Coniglio.


This feature is enabled automatically.


When a resource manager creates an adjustment to the end date from the Assignments Ending

Soon section on the Overview tab, it is immediately approved.

When a resource manager creates an adjustment to the assignment dates from the Manage

Resource Assignments page, the resource manager has the option of seeking project manager

approval or having the adjustment immediately approved.

When the project manager submits a date adjustment, then the resource manager must

approve the adjustment.

When you initiate an assignment adjustment, the application creates a project resource request

to communicate and track the adjustment approval. The assignment is updated when the

request is approved. For example, when a request to adjust an assignment start date is

approved, the new start date appears on the assignment.


For information on simplified assignment maintenance, see Oracle Fusion Applications help


Release Training for Oracle Fusion Applications Release 8: Oracle Fusion Project Resource

Management Enhancements: Effectively Manage Your Resource Assignments and Utilization



Release 8 contains the following key changes and updates:

Enhanced Project Planning

Review Resource Allocation to Projects


As a project manager, you can select a set of labor resources to work on a project. Each resource has a

default cost and bill rate from the resource’s project enterprise resource definition and project

managers can update these default rates on the project. As part of project planning, you can assign

labor resources to lowest-level tasks to track the planned, remaining, and actual amounts for each labor

resource. The application calculates the cost and bill amounts for each task based on the planned hours

and selected resource. You can view the labor cost and bill amounts in detail for each lowest-level,

rolled up the task hierarchy, and in summary on the Project Manager Dashboard.

In addition to planning amounts for labor resources, you can select a set of expense resources such as

hotel, airfare, and office supplies to plan for the overall expense amounts on a project. As part of project

planning, you can assign expense resources to lowest-level tasks to track the planned, remaining, and

actual amounts for each type of expense. You can view the expense cost and bill amounts in detail for

each lowest-level tasks, for summary tasks at each level of the hierarchy, and for projects on the Project

Manager Dashboard.

To plan for cost and bill amounts on a project:

1. Navigate to the Project Management work area.

2. Click the gear icon and then select the Open Project action.

3. Select your project and then click the OK button.

4. Click the gear icon and then select the Manage Project Resources action.

5. From the View menu, select the Columns drop-down list and then select Manage Columns.

6. Select the columns that you want to see, including the Cost Rate, Bill Rate, and Expense

Amount columns, and click OK.

7. To enter or update the cost and bill rates for a labor resource, select the resource and then

enter the amounts.


The following figure illustrates specifying cost and bill rates for labor resources. In this example,

the application automatically calculated cost and bill amounts based on the effort in hours for

each resource.

8. Click the Add Row icon to add an expense resource.

9. Enter an Expense Amount for the expense resource.

The following figure illustrates an expense resource with an expense amount.

10. Click the Save and Close button to return to the project plan.

11. To view cost and bill amounts on the project plan, from the View menu, select the Columns

drop-down list and then select Manage Columns.

12. Select the columns that you want to see and click OK.

The following figure illustrates cost amounts for resources based on the planned effort and the

cost rate specified for the resource on the Manage Project Resources page.

13. To plan for an expense resource, select a task.


14. Expand the Task Details section below the main project plan table.

15. Select the Expenses tab.

16. Click the Add Row icon.

17. Select an expense resource and enter a planned amount.

The following figure illustrates adding a Meals expense resource to the task.

18. Click the Save button.

The following figure illustrates the total cost for labor and expense planning for a task.


This feature is enabled automatically.


Update cost and bill rates for labor resources in the project enterprise resource definition to provide

default rates when you allocate a resource to a project.


For information on enhanced project planning, see Oracle Fusion Applications help topics.

Release Training for Oracle Fusion Applications Release 8: Fusion Project Portfolio Management

Enhancements: Collaborate on Projects and Tasks



Review the allocation of resources on your projects including those managed by other project

managers. As a project manager, you can view the weekly resource capacity, project allocation, and

allocation percentage. Colors assigned indicate which resources are overallocated or underallocated

work on projects. You can change the default colors as needed.

Assess how to optimally distribute work among team members by analyzing the weekly allocation of

resources on your projects and on other projects.

For each team member, you can:

View allocation to your projects.

View hours allocated on other projects.

View total allocation across all projects.

To review resource allocations to projects:

1. Navigate to the Project Manager Dashboard.

2. Review the information in the Project Resources analytic.

The following figure illustrates an example of reviewing resource allocation to projects. All

resources allocated to projects for which you are the project manager appear in the table. You

can expand each resource row to view the project detail. In addition, if you are project manager

for the project, then you can drill down to manage the project plan.

3. Optionally, change the Date Range to view a broader or narrower time span.



This feature is enabled automatically.


Optionally, you can export the data to Microsoft Excel.

Click the Detach icon in the table toolbar to view a greater number of resources and dates at

the same time.


For information on reviewing resource allocation to projects, see Oracle Fusion Applications

help topics.

Release Training for Oracle Fusion Applications Release 8: Fusion Project Management

Enhancements: Improved Usability and Reporting for Managing Projects





Perform these steps to configure Oracle Access Manager to manually correct the Oracle Fusion Tap for

Project Portfolio Management Cloud URL policy under the Projects domain.

1. In the Policy Configuration tab, expand the prj application domain.

2. Expand Authentication Policies.

3. Open the authentication policy for Policy for native Apps OraDefaultBasicAuthNScheme.

The following figure illustrates opening the authentication policy.

a. Delete the existing resources.

b. Enter the following values for the authentication policy and authentication scheme and

click Apply.

Authentication Policy: Policy for native Apps

Authentication Scheme: BasicSessionlessScheme


The following figure illustrates entering values for the authentication policy and

authentication scheme.

4. Open the resources for the prj application domain.


The following figure illustrates opening the resources.

a. Click Search.

b. In the search results, enter the following values for each resource, and click Apply.

Protection Level: Protected

Authentication Policy: Policy for native Apps

5. Restart Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Access Manager.



This document will continue to evolve as existing sections change and new information is added. All

updates are logged below, with the most recent updates at the top.

Date What’s Changed Notes


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