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Page 1: Oracle® Retail Shared Services...Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide, Release 16.0.1 Oracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness

Oracle® Retail Shared ServicesImplementation Guide

Release 16.0.1


June 2017

Page 2: Oracle® Retail Shared Services...Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide, Release 16.0.1 Oracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness

Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide, Release 16.0.1


Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Bernadette Goodman

Contributing Author: Venkatachalam Thiyagarajan

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Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language

Oracle Retail VAR Applications

The following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section and licensed to you. You acknowledge that the programs may contain third party software (VAR applications) licensed to Oracle. Depending upon your product and its version number, the VAR applications may include:

(i) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation (MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Data Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.

(ii) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of Kirkland, Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management.

(iii) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.

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Applications. For purposes of this section, "alteration" refers to all alterations, translations, upgrades, enhancements, customizations or modifications of all or any portion of the VAR Applications including all reconfigurations, reassembly or reverse assembly, re-engineering or reverse engineering and recompilations or reverse compilations of the VAR Applications or any derivatives of the VAR Applications. You acknowledge that it shall be a breach of the agreement to utilize the relationship, and/or confidential information of the VAR Applications for purposes of competitive discovery.

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List of Tables

Send Us Your Comments ......................................................................................................................... ix

Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. xi

Audience....................................................................................................................................................... xiDocumentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... xiRelated Documents ..................................................................................................................................... xiImproved Process for Oracle Retail Documentation Corrections ....................................................... xiiOracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Technology Network .................................................... xiiConventions ................................................................................................................................................ xii

1 Introduction

Contents of this Guide ............................................................................................................................ 1-1Application Overview ............................................................................................................................. 1-1Skills Needed for Implementation ....................................................................................................... 1-2

Applications ........................................................................................................................................ 1-2Technical Concepts ............................................................................................................................ 1-2

2 Implementation Considerations

Configuration Considerations ............................................................................................................... 2-1Data ............................................................................................................................................................. 2-2

Hierarchy Files.................................................................................................................................... 2-2Calendar Hierarchy File............................................................................................................. 2-3Product Hierarchy File ............................................................................................................... 2-3Location Hierarchy File.............................................................................................................. 2-5

Shared Services - Specific Hierarchy Files...................................................................................... 2-6Assortment Hierarchy File ........................................................................................................ 2-7Cluster Hierarchy File ................................................................................................................ 2-8Cluster Source Hierarchy File ................................................................................................... 2-9Cluster Version Hierarchy File ................................................................................................. 2-9Clustering Strategy Hierarchy File........................................................................................... 2-9Currency Hierarchy File ......................................................................................................... 2-10Curve Points Hierarchy File ................................................................................................... 2-11Custom Messages Hierarchy File .......................................................................................... 2-11List of Values Hierarchy File .................................................................................................. 2-12

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Location Attributes Hierarchy File........................................................................................ 2-13Location Space Hierarchy File................................................................................................ 2-14Performance Group Hierarchy File ....................................................................................... 2-14Position Hierarchy File............................................................................................................ 2-14Products Attributes Hierarchy File ....................................................................................... 2-15VAT Hierarchy File.................................................................................................................. 2-16Breakpoint Hierarchy File....................................................................................................... 2-17Customer Profile Hierarchy File ............................................................................................ 2-17Customer Segment Hierarchy File ........................................................................................ 2-18Focus Area Attributes Hierarchy File ................................................................................... 2-20Retail Segment Hierarchy File................................................................................................ 2-20Retailer Hierarchy File ............................................................................................................ 2-21Right-Hand Side Product Hierarchy File ............................................................................. 2-21Strategy Hierarchy File ........................................................................................................... 2-22Tactic Hierarchy File................................................................................................................ 2-23Markdown Hierarchy File ...................................................................................................... 2-23Promotion Hierarchy File ....................................................................................................... 2-24

Data Files .......................................................................................................................................... 2-24Historical Data.......................................................................................................................... 2-33Loading and Extracting Data ................................................................................................. 2-33

Integration .............................................................................................................................................. 2-33User Roles and Security ....................................................................................................................... 2-34Internationalization .............................................................................................................................. 2-36Batch Process and Scheduling ............................................................................................................ 2-37

A Appendix: Integration with ORASE/ASO

Transformation between ORASE and RPAS Format........................................................................ A-1Import Data from ORASE ..................................................................................................................... A-2

Product Attributes............................................................................................................................. A-2Demand Transference....................................................................................................................... A-2Location Clusters............................................................................................................................... A-4Customer Segments .......................................................................................................................... A-5Consumer Decision Trees ................................................................................................................ A-6

Export to ASO .......................................................................................................................................... A-6

B Appendix: Integration with MFP Cloud Service and RDF Cloud Service

Shared Services Integration with MFP Cloud Service..................................................................... B-1Shared Services Integration with RDF Cloud Service ..................................................................... B-2

C Appendix: Standard Exports

Shared Services Exports ......................................................................................................................... C-1Assortment Plan - Cluster Level ..................................................................................................... C-1Assortment Plan - Store Level ......................................................................................................... C-2Item Plan - Pre-Season - Cluster Level ........................................................................................... C-2Item Plan - In-Season - Cluster Level ............................................................................................. C-3Item Plan - Store Level...................................................................................................................... C-4

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New Place-holder Items ................................................................................................................... C-4New Product Attributes ................................................................................................................... C-5

D Appendix: Files Needed by OCI for Domain Build/Patch

Configuration Files to Send .................................................................................................................. D-1

E Appendix: Batch Process and Control Files

Batch Processes Under the Control of the Implementer.................................................................. E-1Batch Processes Not Under the Control of the Implementer.......................................................... E-1Batch Processes Catalog ......................................................................................................................... E-2

Batch Load: batch_load_list.txt ....................................................................................................... E-2Batch Calculations: batch_calc_list.txt ................................................................................................ E-2Export Measures: batch_export_list.txt ............................................................................................... E-3

measure_format_list.txt.................................................................................................................... E-4Batch Execution: batch_exec_list.txt .................................................................................................... E-4Process to Change Batch Control Files ................................................................................................ E-5

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List of Tables

2–1 Shared Services Measure List - Details 1 ............................................................................. 2-262–2 Shared Services Measure List - Details 2 ............................................................................. 2-292–3 User’s Access Permission for Shared Services Workbooks .............................................. 2-35A–1 Transformation Matrix............................................................................................................. A-1C–1 Assortment Plan - Cluster Level Export Measures .............................................................. C-1C–2 Assortment Plan - Store Level Export Measures.................................................................. C-2C–3 Item Plan - Pre-Season - Cluster Level Export Measures.................................................... C-2C–4 Item Plan - In-Season - Cluster Level Export Measures ...................................................... C-3C–5 Item Plan - Store Level Export Measures .............................................................................. C-4C–6 New Place-holder Items Export Measures............................................................................ C-5C–7 Item Plan - Store Level Export Measures .............................................................................. C-5

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Send Us Your Comments

Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide, Release 16.0.1

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This document provides critical information about the processing and operating details of Oracle Retail Shared Services.

AudienceThis document is for:

■ Systems administration and operations personnel

■ Systems analysts

■ Integrators and implementers

■ Business analysts who need information about Oracle Retail Shared Services processes and interfaces

Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Related DocumentsFor more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail Shared Services Release 16.0.1 documentation set:

■ Oracle Retail Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines Cloud Service Release Notes

■ Oracle Retail Item Planning Cloud Service Release Notes

■ Oracle Retail Shared Services Starter Kit Guide

■ Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server documentation

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Improved Process for Oracle Retail Documentation CorrectionsTo more quickly address critical corrections to Oracle Retail documentation content, Oracle Retail documentation may be republished whenever a critical correction is needed. For critical corrections, the republication of an Oracle Retail document may at times not be attached to a numbered software release; instead, the Oracle Retail document will simply be replaced on the Oracle Technology Network Web site, or, in the case of Data Models, or, in the case of Data Models, to the applicable My Oracle Support Documentation container where they reside.

Oracle Retail documentation is available on the Oracle Technology Network at the following URL:


An updated version of the applicable Oracle Retail document is indicated by Oracle part number, as well as print date (month and year). An updated version uses the same part number, with a higher-numbered suffix. For example, part number E123456-02 is an updated version of a document with part number E123456-01.

If a more recent version of a document is available, that version supersedes all previous versions.

Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Technology NetworkOracle Retail product documentation is available on the following web site:


(Data Model documents are not available through Oracle Technology Network. You can obtain them through My Oracle Support.)

ConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Page 13: Oracle® Retail Shared Services...Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide, Release 16.0.1 Oracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness

Introduction 1-1


Oracle Retail Shared Services provides strategic and financial product planning functions. These functions support industry planning standards for pre-season and in-season processes. For a more detailed overview of the functionality within Shared Services, see the Oracle Retail Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines Cloud Service User Guide and Oracle Retail Item Planning Cloud Service User Guide.

Contents of this GuideThis implementation guide addresses the following topics:

■ Chapter 1, "Introduction". Overview of the Shared Services business workflow and skills needed for implementation.

■ Chapter 2, "Implementation Considerations". Explanation of the factors to take into consideration before performing the implementation.

■ Appendix A, "Appendix: Integration with ORASE/ASO": List of measures for the integration with ORASE.

■ Appendix B, "Appendix: Integration with MFP Cloud Service and RDF Cloud Service": List of measures for the integration with MFP Cloud Service and RDF Cloud Service.

■ Appendix C, "Appendix: Standard Exports": List of measures for the available exports.

■ Appendix D, "Appendix: Files Needed by OCI for Domain Build/Patch": List of files needed by Oracle OCI for implementation.

■ Appendix E, "Appendix: Batch Process and Control Files": Description of the batch process and control files.

Application OverviewFigure 1–1 shows a typical application workflow for Shared Services.

Figure 1–1 Application Workflow

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Skills Needed for Implementation

1-2 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines (APO GHL):■ Robust assortment analysis using performance, consumer, and market data

■ Optimized location clustering

■ Assortment planning & optimization at the cluster level

■ Assortment localization at the store level

■ Reconciliation to merchandise financial plans

■ Enabled for Oracle Retail Advanced Science Cloud Services

■ Integrated with in-season assortment feedback

Item Planning:■ Pre-season buy planning to translate assortment sales targets into actionable

receipt plans

■ Exception-driven in-season planning to manage key item performance

■ In-season assortment keep/add/drop capabilities

■ Reconciliation to merchandise financial plans

■ Basic price and promotion planning

Skills Needed for ImplementationThe implementer must have an understanding of the following applications and technical concepts.

ApplicationsThe implementer must understand interface requirements of the integrated applications and data sources for the master data, demand, and inventory history. For full implementation, the implementer requires this knowledge for the following applications:

■ Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server (RPAS)

■ Oracle Retail Merchandise Financial Planning (MFP)

■ Oracle Retail Demand Forecasting (RDF) (optional)

■ Oracle Retail Advanced Science (optional)

■ Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS) or other merchandising system

Technical ConceptsThe implementer must understand the following technical concepts:

■ UNIX system administration, shell scripts, and job scheduling

■ Performance constraints based on the retailer’s infrastructure

■ Retailer’s hierarchical (SKU/store/day) data

■ Understanding of how RPAS rule language works

■ Understanding of measures and dimension constructs

■ Understanding of how Fusion Client works

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Implementation Considerations 2-1

2Implementation Considerations

The following information must be considered before configuring Shared Services:

■ Configuration Considerations

■ Data

■ Integration

■ User Roles and Security

■ Internationalization

■ Batch Process and Scheduling

Configuration ConsiderationsShared Services contains solutions for Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/ Hard Lines (APO GHL), Item Planning (IP), and following provision options:

■ Provision Option 1 - Local Currency (LC)

■ Provision Option 2 - Location Clustering (SC)

■ Provision Option 3 - Demand Transference (DT)

Provision Option 1 - Local CurrencyRetailers who want to plan in both primary currency as well as local currency can chose provisions containing this option. Selecting provisions with this option provides additional tasks, worksheets, and measures to support this process. The retailer must set up the Local Currency conversion details in the administration workbooks specific to this option. For more details, see the Oracle Retail Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines Cloud Service User Guide and Oracle Retail Item Planning Cloud Service User Guide.

Provision Option 2 - Location ClusteringShared Services supports using location clusters from external solutions, such as Oracle Retail Advanced Clustering Cloud Service. Enabling this option provides an out-of-the-box robust location clustering solution that provides embedded clustering science native to the RPAS platform and attribute-based clustering. Retailers who want to create Location Clusters using the RPAS-based clustering approach instead of

Note: Provisions are O, but any one of the solutions should always be selected.

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2-2 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

Advanced Clustering can enable this provision option. Enabling this provision option includes additional tasks, worksheets, and measures to support this process. The administrator can create location clusters and use those clusters instead of clusters loaded from external systems, such as the Advanced Clustering solutions. Even if this option is enabled, users can still use both the RPAS-based clustering and Advanced Clustering option. For more details on Location Clustering, see the Oracle Retail Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines Cloud Service User Guide and Oracle Retail Item Planning Cloud Service User Guide.

Provision Option 3 - Demand TransferenceThis provision option is applicable only when the Assortment Planning for Grocery/Hardlines (APO GHL) solution is enabled. Enabling this option provides users to make use of Oracle Retail Advanced Science capabilities to fine-tune and create optimized assortments based on Demand Transference using Item Similarities. Enabling this provision option includes additional tasks, worksheets, and measures to support this process. For more details on Store Clustering, see the Oracle Retail Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines Cloud Service User Guide and Oracle Retail Item Planning Cloud Service User Guide.

During implementation, based on the business need, the user has the option to include both solutions or select one solution and select the necessary provision options using Plug-in Automation by opening the configuration using RPAS Configuration Tools. For details about how to use Configuration Tools, see the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Configuration Tools User Guide. Generated configuration after running the automation will include the selections solutions and provision options.

DataShared Services need following sets of data from retailers, which are broadly classified as hierarchy files and data files. The data is described in the following sections. Based on solutions implemented in Shared Services, only hierarchy files and data files specific for those solutions are needed and those are specified in the subsequent sections:

■ Hierarchy Files

■ Shared Services - Specific Hierarchy Files

■ Data Files

Hierarchy FilesThis is the foundation data to build any RPAS solution. Shared Services requires the standard three hierarchy files, Calendar, Product, and Location. Also, additional sets of hierarchy files specific to different solutions are needed.

Note: In all the hierarchy files, the hierarchy type User Defined Alternates (UDA) and data for those alternates do not need to be present in the hierarchy files. Administration users can directly set values for those alternates directly in the application. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Administration Guide for the Fusion Client. If a retailer also provides these details in the hierarchy files, data for all user alternates for that hierarchy must be present in that file with header information.

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Implementation Considerations 2-3

For information on the hierarchy files, see the following sections:

■ Calendar Hierarchy File

■ Product Hierarchy File

■ Location Hierarchy File

Calendar Hierarchy FileFile name: clnd.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


day,day_label,week,week_label,mnth,mnth_label,qrtr,qrtr_label,half,half_label,year,year_label,hldy,hldy_label,evnt,evnt_label,woyr,woyr_label,stdb,stdb_label,bypd,bypd_label20170129,1/29/2017,w01_2017,2/4/2017,m01_2017,Feb FY2017,q01_2017,Quarter1 FY2017,h1_2017,Half1 FY2017,a2017,FY2017,0,None,0,None,1,Week 01,1,STD,1,AP120170130,1/30/2017,w01_2017,2/4/2017,m01_2017,Feb FY2017,q01_2017,Quarter1 FY2017,h1_2017,Half1 FY2017,a2017,FY2017,0,None,0,None,1,Week 01,1,STD,1,AP120170131,1/31/2017,w01_2017,2/4/2017,m01_2017,Feb FY2017,q01_2017,Quarter1 FY2017,h1_2017,Half1 FY2017,a2017,FY2017,0,None,0,None,1,Week 01,1,STD,1,AP120170201,2/1/2017,w01_2017,2/4/2017,m01_2017,Feb FY2017,q01_2017,Quarter1 FY2017,h1_2017,Half1 FY2017,a2017,FY2017,0,None,0,None,1,Week 01,1,STD,1,AP1

Product Hierarchy FileFile name: prod.hdr.csv.dat

Note: If hierarchy files contain header information, then columns can be in any order but the file name must be in the format <hier>.hdr.csv.dat. If the hierarchy files does not contain hierarchy header, the hierarchy data must be in same order as specified in the tables in the following sections without UDA dimensions. The file must be named <hier>.csv.dat.

Name Label Hierarchy Type Parent

DAY Day Main None

WEEK Week Main DAY

MNTH Month Main WEEK

QRTR Quarter Main MNTH





WOYR Week of Year Alternate WEEK


BYPD Assortment Period UDA WEEK

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2-4 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


sku,sku_label,vndr,vndr_label,skup,skup_label,skug,skug_label,scls,scls_label,clss,clss_label,dept,dept_label,pgrp,pgrp_label,dvsn,dvsn_label,cmpp,cmpp_label,sbrd,sbrd_label,brnd,brnd_label,ldom,ldom_label,pat1,pat1_label,pat2,pat2_label,pat3,pat3_label,fnln,fnln_label,sta1,sta1_label1234600,1234600 - Maxwell House 100% Columbian Non-Flavored De-Caffeinated 12 oz Can,500,Kraft Foods,22222222,Ground De-Caffeinated Can,121212,Ground De-Caffeinated,100000,Ground,10000,Coffee,1000,Shelf Stable Beverages,100,Shelf Stable Grocery,10,Center Store,1,Spaces Grocery,10501,Maxwell House,10501,Maxwell House,0,ldom0,500,Kraft Foods,10501,Maxwell House,10501,Maxwell House,121212,Ground De-Caffeinated,121212,Ground De-Caffeinated1234615,1234615 - Maxwell House Breakfast Roast Non-Flavored De-Caffeinated 12 oz Can,500,Kraft Foods,22222222,Ground De-Caffeinated Can,121212,Ground De-Caffeinated,100000,Ground,10000,Coffee,1000,Shelf Stable Beverages,100,Shelf Stable Grocery,10,Center Store,1,Spaces Grocery,10501,Maxwell House,10501,Maxwell House,0,ldom0,500,Kraft Foods,10501,Maxwell House,10501,Maxwell House,121212,Ground De-Caffeinated,121212,Ground De-Caffeinated1234747,1234747 - Folgers 100% Columbian Non-Flavored Regular - Caffeinated 12 oz Can,400,J.M. Smucker Company,44444444,Ground Regular - Caffeinated Can,434343,Ground Regular - Caffeinated,100000,Ground,10000,Coffee,1000,Shelf Stable Beverages,100,Shelf Stable Grocery,10,Center Store,1,Spaces Grocery,10401,Folgers,10401,Folgers,0,ldom0,400,J.M. Smucker Company,10401,Folgers,10401,Folgers,434343,Ground Regular - Caffeinated,434343,Ground Regular - Caffeinated1234753,1234753 - Folgers Dark Roast Non-Flavored Regular - Caffeinated 12 oz

Name Label Hierarchy Type Parent

SKU Item Main None

SKUP Style/Color Main SKU

SKUG Style Main SKUP

SCLS Sub-Category Main SKUG

CLSS Category Main SCLS

DEPT Department Main CLSS

PGRP Group Main DEPT

DVSN Division Main PGRP

CMPP Company Main DVSN

SBRD Sub-Brand Alternate SKU

BRND Brand Alternate SBRD

VNDR Vendor Alternate SKU

LDOM Local Domain Alternate CLSS

FNLN Fineline Alternate SKUG


PAT1 Prod Attribute 1 UDA SKU

PAT2 Prod Attribute 2 UDA SKU

PAT3 Prod Attribute 3 UDA SKU

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Implementation Considerations 2-5

Can,400,J.M. Smucker Company,44444444,Ground Regular - Caffeinated Can,434343,Ground Regular - Caffeinated,100000,Ground,10000,Coffee,1000,Shelf Stable Beverages,100,Shelf Stable Grocery,10,Center Store,1,Spaces Grocery,10401,Folgers,10401,Folgers,0,ldom0,400,J.M. Smucker Company,10401,Folgers,10401,Folgers,434343,Ground Regular - Caffeinated,434343,Ground Regular - Caffeinated1234759,1234759 - Folgers Medium Roast Non-Flavored Regular - Caffeinated 12 oz Can,400,J.M. Smucker Company,44444444,Ground Regular - Caffeinated Can,434343,Ground Regular - Caffeinated,100000,Ground,10000,Coffee,1000,Shelf Stable Beverages,100,Shelf Stable Grocery,10,Center Store,1,Spaces Grocery,10401,Folgers,10401,Folgers,0,ldom0,400,J.M. Smucker Company,10401,Folgers,10401,Folgers,434343,Ground Regular - Caffeinated,434343,Ground Regular - Caffeinated


In Shared Services, the ldom dimension is to be used as a partition dimension. This enables you to maintain the partition decisions outside the application and maintain the same in the application by just changing the hierarchy file. Typically, if a retailer does not have any Local domain partition information maintained outside the application and wants to use existing dimensions as a partition dimension, such as Division, then populate the ldom position with that dimension values.


In Shared Services, the following UDA dimensions, pat1, pat2, and pat3, are used within solutions to dynamically assign them with different product attributes within the workbooks. This uses RPAS dynamic hierarchy refresh functionality.

Location Hierarchy FileFile name: loc.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


Name Label Hierarchy Type Parent

STOR Location Main None

DSTR District Main STOR

REGN Region Main DSTR

CHNL Channel Main REGN

CHAN Chain Main CHNL

COMP Company Main CHAN

STRC Store Cluster Alternate STOR

CHNC Channel Alternate STRC

TDAR Trading Area Alternate STOR

TDRG Trading Area Group Alternate TDAR

SAT1 Store Attribute 1 UDA STOR

SAT2 Store Attribute 2 UDA STOR

SAT3 Store Attribute 3 UDA STOR

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STOR,STOR_LABEL,DSTR,DSTR_LABEL,REGN,REGN_LABEL,CHNL,CHNL_LABEL,CHAN,CHAN_LABEL,COMP,COMP_LABEL,STRC,STRC_LABEL,CHNC,CHNC_LABEL,TDAR,TDAR_LABEL,TDRG,TDRG_LABEL1000,1000 Charlotte,1070,North Carolina,170,Mid-Atlantic,1,Brick & Mortar,1,Spaces Grocery,1,Spaces Grocery,1000,1000 Charlotte,1,Brick & Mortar,3,Southeast,1,All Trade Areas1001,1001 Atlanta,1023,Georgia,400,South Atlantic,1,Brick & Mortar,1,Spaces Grocery,1,Spaces Grocery,1001,1001 Atlanta,1,Brick & Mortar,3,Southeast,1,All Trade Areas1002,1002 Dallas,1104,Texas,230,Gulf States,1,Brick & Mortar,1,Spaces Grocery,1,Spaces Grocery,1002,1002 Dallas,1,Brick & Mortar,4,Southwest,1,All Trade Areas1003,1003 Boston,1051,Massachusetts,200,New England,1,Brick & Mortar,1,Spaces Grocery,1,Spaces Grocery,1003,1003 Boston,1,Brick & Mortar,1,Northeast,1,All Trade Areas


The Store Cluster dimension strc is dynamically set within the workbook. However, while loading the hierarchy file, the strc position should be loaded with the same position ID as stor and with the label as '.'. The Location clustering solution needs unique identifiers for creating store clusters and will use the unique store identifier loaded at these positions as internal identifiers for creating new clusters within the solution.


The Trading Area dimension tdar represents a geographical grouping of stores that have different market data. Assortment Planning uses some market specific data at the trading area level. If a retailer does not have a trading area, they can use company as trading area.

Shared Services - Specific Hierarchy FilesThe following additional hierarchy files are specific to Shared Services. In the following list, a few hierarchy files are specific to the Assortment Planning (AP) solution and a few are specific to the Item Planning (IP) solution.

The following hierarchies are specific to Shared Services:

■ Assortment Hierarchy File

■ Cluster Hierarchy File

■ Cluster Source Hierarchy File

■ Cluster Version Hierarchy File

■ Clustering Strategy Hierarchy File

■ Currency Hierarchy File

■ Curve Points Hierarchy File

■ Custom Messages Hierarchy File

■ List of Values Hierarchy File

■ Location Attributes Hierarchy File

■ Location Space Hierarchy File

■ Performance Group Hierarchy File

■ Position Hierarchy File

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Implementation Considerations 2-7

■ Products Attributes Hierarchy File

■ VAT Hierarchy File

The following hierarchies are specific to Assortment Planning - GHL:

■ Breakpoint Hierarchy File

■ Customer Profile Hierarchy File

■ Customer Segment Hierarchy File

■ Focus Area Attributes Hierarchy File

■ Retail Segment Hierarchy File

■ Retailer Hierarchy File

■ Right-Hand Side Product Hierarchy File

■ Strategy Hierarchy File

■ Tactic Hierarchy File

The following hierarchies are specific to Item Planning:

■ Markdown Hierarchy File

■ Promotion Hierarchy File

Assortment Hierarchy FileThe assortment hierarchy represents the grouping of assortments for a time period. It can be a group of weeks, months, or quarters for which an assortment is planned. This hierarchy is DPM enabled, so users can create new assortments as needed in the Assortment Maintenance workbook and assign the product/calendar association for that assortment period in that workbook.

If the AP solution is enabled, for GHL categories, the assortment is planned only at the quarter level. A batch process is available in OAT to synchronize calendar quarters as assortment groups in this hierarchy.

This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs.

File name: asrt.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

Note: All the hierarchy files are needed for Shared Services even if a particular solution is not enabled. The hierarchy files specific to a particular solution which is not enabled should be present during domain installation with at least one dummy data for that hierarchy. This is to maintain the hierarchy order during patching, in case the solution was enabled in later stages.

Name Label Hierarchy Type Aggs

FLOW Assortment Main None

BPER Assortment Group Main FLOW

BPLB Assortment Label UDA BPER

BCLS Assortment Detail UDA BPER

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The following table describes the fields in this file.


flow,flow_label,bper,bper_labelap01f1,Flow 1,ap01,Assort Period 01ap02f1,Flow 1,ap02,Assort Period 02ap03f1,Flow 1,ap03,Assort Period 03q01_2017,FY2017 Quarter1,q01_2017,FY2017 Quarter1q02_2017,FY2017 Quarter2,q02_2017,FY2017 Quarter2q03_2017,FY2017 Quarter3,q03_2017,FY2017 Quarter3q04_2017,FY2017 Quarter4,q04_2017,FY2017 Quarter4

Cluster Hierarchy FileThe cluster hierarchy is an internal application-specific hierarchy to provide unique cluster IDs to be used during Location Clustering. It needs to be populated with unique cluster IDs (which need to be same as Store Identifiers) used in the Location hierarchy file. There is an OAT process available to synchronize this hierarchy whenever the location hierarchy file is loaded. It also can be scheduled to run on-demand, so retailers do not have to maintain this hierarchy.

File name: clrh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


clus,clus_label,chn1,chn1_label1000,.,1,Brick & Mortar1001,.,1,Brick & Mortar1002,.,1,Brick & Mortar1003,.,1,Brick & Mortar1004,.,1,Brick & Mortar

Field Description

Assortment This defines different flow in an assortment group such as flow1, flow2, and so on.

Assortment Group This uniquely groups the assortments for a sub-category/time frame.

Assortment Label Assortment Label as user defined attribute given to group similar assortments using Label.

Assortment Detail Assortment Detail as user defined attribute given to group similar assortments.

Name Label Hierarchy Type Aggs

CLUS Cluster Main None

CHN1 Channel Main CLUS

Field Description

Cluster This is the unique Cluster identifiers from the Location hierarchy but with the label as '.'.

Channel This is the same channel from the Location hierarchy.

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Implementation Considerations 2-9

1005,.,1,Brick & Mortar1006,.,1,Brick & Mortar1007,.,1,Brick & Mortar1008,.,1,Brick & Mortar

Cluster Source Hierarchy FileThe cluster source hierarchy is an internal application-specific hierarchy. It should be the same as in the GA configuration and should not be changed. This hierarchy is used during wizard selection for Location Clustering to specify the source for clustering.

File name: csls.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.



Cluster Version Hierarchy FileThe cluster version hierarchy is an internal application-specific hierarchy. It should be the same as in the GA configuration which contains five versions. It is also DPM enabled so the user can add more Cluster versions. This hierarchy is used in Location Clustering to approve different versions of Location Clusters.

File name: cver.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.



Clustering Strategy Hierarchy FileThe clustering strategy hierarchy is an internal application-specific hierarchy. The retailer can customize this hierarchy during implementation and can use the GA dataset hierarchy as a reference. This hierarchy is used to define different clustering strategies to provide different weights for metrics used during location clustering such

Field Description

Cluster Source This is the unique Cluster Source identifier which can be Forecast, Plan or, Actual.

Field Description

Cluster Version This is the unique Cluster Version identifier used during approval of a cluster.

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as, Sales R and Sales U. This hierarchy is DPM enabled, so users can add more strategies dynamically while assigning strategy weights in the Planning Administration workbook.

File name: pos2.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


spl2,spl2_label01,Sales R02,Sales U03,Sales AUR04,GM R05,GM R %

Currency Hierarchy FileThe currency hierarchy file is used to define unique currencies to be used in the application. The retailer can customize this hierarchy during implementation and can use the GA dataset hierarchy as a reference. If the Local Currency provision option is enabled during implementation, this hierarchy is loaded, and conversion rates are set in the Local Currency Setup workbook, users can review the plan data in more than one currency. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines Cloud Service User Guide and Oracle Retail Item Planning Cloud Service User Guide. This hierarchy is DPM enabled, so users can add more currencies dynamically in Local Currency Setup.

File name: curh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.



Field Description

Clustering Strategy This is the unique Clustering Strategy to use with different combinations of metric weights to create clusters.

Field Description

Currency This is the unique currency. The plan data can be converted when the Local Currency provision option is enabled.

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Implementation Considerations 2-11

Curve Points Hierarchy FileThe curve points hierarchy file is used to define unique curve libraries that can be used to define different sales curve patterns to be used during seeding in Item Planning. The retailer can customize this hierarchy during implementation and can use the GA dataset hierarchy as a reference. This hierarchy is DPM enabled, so users can add more Curve Points dynamically in Curve Setup.

File name: curv.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


cnum,cnum_labelC01,Curve 01C02,Curve 02C03,Curve 03C04,Curve 04C05,Curve 05C06,Curve 06C07,Curve 07C08,Curve 08C09,Curve 09C10,Curve 10C11,Curve 11C12,Curve 12C13,Curve 13C14,Curve 14C15,Curve 15C16,Curve 16C17,Curve 17C18,Curve 18C19,Curve 19C20,Curve 20

Custom Messages Hierarchy FileShared Services also has an additional internal hierarchy for custom messages used in the application called Custom Messages Hierarchy (CMSH). Custom messages used in the application are pre-configured in that hierarchy file and, unless a retailer needs different custom messages, that file does not need to be changed.

All custom messages used in Shared Services are loaded as hierarchy positions to enable the translation of custom messages to different languages. It is a single dimensional hierarchy with only one dimension, CMSD. By default, all positions are loaded in English during the hierarchy load. Custom message position names are hard coded in the application, so users should not change the position names. However, during implementation, custom messages can be changed if more descriptive messages are needed.

If a user wants to change the language of custom messages, the user needs to load the provided r_cmsdlabel.csv.ovr using the standard loadmeasure utility after removing languages not needed from that file.

Field Description

Curve Library This represents different curves that can be used to define different sales patterns.

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File name: cmsh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


cmsd,cmsd_label"ACSA01","Seed Assortment completed successfully.""ACSA02","Warning: Select Seed Source for Assortment from WP Seed Assortment.""ACSS01","Seed Sales completed successfully.""ACSS02","Warning: Select WP Seed Sales to execute the Seeding!""ACCM01","Seed IPI Weights completed successfully."

List of Values Hierarchy FileThe list of values hierarchy is included for utility. It simply consists of a list of numbers. These numbers are used in various places in Shared Services wherever a list of values are needed. It is used, for example, in an admin screen to define the lists of tactics that will be combined to form a pick list that changes its values based on product, location, and topic.

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is List of Values (LNUM). This hierarchy is DPM enabled, so user can add more positions in the Administration workbooks where it is used.

File name: lmnh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.



Field Label Hierarchy Type Parent

CMSD Custom Messages Main None

Field Description

List of Values 01, 02, 03, and so on.

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Implementation Considerations 2-13


Location Attributes Hierarchy FileThe location attributes hierarchy represents attributes associated with locations. These attributes are used to group locations during Location Clustering.

This hierarchy is intended to capture all location attributes for all locations. The attributes are then assigned to individual locations. This assignment is used when processing the dynamic rollups in location clustering.

This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs.

File name: satr.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


This file must include two attributes, grade and space, to be hard coded as in the GA dataset. Those two attributes are default attributes used in Location Clustering so they should be present in the location attribute file. The remaining attributes can be customized for the retailer needs.


satv,satv_label,satt,satt_labelgrade,Sales Perf Grp,grade,Sales Perf Grpspace,Space,space,Spacesfmt1,Downtown,sfmt,Store Formatsfmt2,Strip Mall,sfmt,Store Formatsfmt3,Standalone,sfmt,Store Formatclmt1,Marine,clmt,Climateclmt2,Cold,clmt,Climateclmt3,Very Cold,clmt,Climateclmt4,Hot Dry,clmt,Climateclmt5,Mixed Dry,clmt,Climateclmt6,Mixed Humid,clmt,Climateclmt7,Hot Humid,clmt,Climateclmt8,Mediterranean,clmt,Climateclmt9,N/A,clmt,Climate

Name Label Hierarchy Type Aggs

SATV Loc Attribute Value Main None

SATT Loc Attribute Main SATV

Field Description

Loc Attribute Value The various values that an attribute might have. For example, the climate attribute might take the values cold, hot, or humid.

Loc Attribute The name of a location attribute, such as climate, store volume, and so on.

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Location Space Hierarchy FileThe location space hierarchy is an internal application-specific hierarchy to define different location space metrics available based on which location can be clustered. The retailer can customize this hierarchy during implementation and use the GA dataset hierarchy as a reference.

File name: sspc.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


sloc,sloc_labelsqmetr,Square Metersqfeet,Square Feetavgfix,Avg # of Fixturesavgfacings,Fixture Capacity

Performance Group Hierarchy FileThe performance group hierarchy is an internal application-specific hierarchy to define different performance grouping (grading) to use during Location Clustering. The retailer can customize this hierarchy during implementation and use the GA dataset hierarchy as a reference. This hierarchy is DPM enabled, so users can add more performance groups if needed during location clustering.

File name: pos1.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.



Position Hierarchy FileThe position hierarchy is included for utility. It simply consists of a list of positions. This hierarchy file should be changed during implementation from GA. This position hierarchy data is used in multiple places where internal dynamic positions are needed such as creating an internal Cumulative Sales Curve while creating an assortment in AP. Typically, the number of positions in this hierarchy file should be the same as the maximum number of items per category.

Field Description

Space by Location This is the unique location metrics that can be used to define a location such as Square Meter, Avg # of Fixtures, Fixture Capacity, and so on.

Field Description

Performance Group This is the unique performance grouping to use during clustering such as grades A, B, C, and so on.

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Implementation Considerations 2-15

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is Positions (POSD).

File name: posh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.



Products Attributes Hierarchy FileThe product attributes hierarchy represents attributes associated with products. These attributes are used to group products within categories. This grouping is what consumer decision trees are built on and are used when showing dynamic rollups at item level.

This hierarchy is intended to capture all product attributes for all product types. The attributes are then assigned to individual products. This assignment is used when processing the dynamic rollups.

This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs.

Field Description

Positions 001, 002, 003, and so on.

Name Label Hierarchy Type Aggs

PATV Prod Attribute Value Main None

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File name: patr.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


patv,patv_label,patt,patt_labelroast~100_columbian,100% Columbian,roast,Roastformatsize~12_ct,12 CT,formatsize,FormatSizeformatsize~12_oz,12 oz,formatsize,FormatSizeformatsize~30_oz,30 oz,formatsize,FormatSizeformatsize~48_ct,48 CT,formatsize,FormatSizesubsegment~bag,Bag,subsegment,SubSegmentroast~breakfast,Breakfast,roast,Roastsubsegment~can,Can,subsegment,SubSegment

VAT Hierarchy FileThe VAT hierarchy file is used to define unique Value-Added Tax to be used in the application. The retailer can customize this hierarchy during implementation and can use the GA dataset hierarchy as a reference. Users can set more than one VAT group and VAT rates for them in the administration workbooks. Then, user have the options to choose any one VAT group to use within the solution. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines Cloud Service User Guide and Oracle Retail Item Planning Cloud Service User Guide. This hierarchy is DPM enabled, so users can add more currencies dynamically in VAT Setup workbook.

File name: vath.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


vatb,vatb_label"VAT00","Zero Rate""VAT05","Reduced Rate""VAT20","Standard Rate"

PATT Prod Attribute Main PATV

Field Description

Prod Attribute Value The various values that an attribute might have. For example, the package type attribute might take the values bag, box, or convenience.

Prod Attribute The name of a product attribute, such as brand, family type, flavor, grain, package type, size, or temperature.

Field Description

VAT Group This is the unique VAT group used to define different VAT rates that can be used within the application.

Name Label Hierarchy Type Aggs

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Implementation Considerations 2-17

Breakpoint Hierarchy FileThe breakpoint hierarchy represents thresholds used in the calculation of fragmentation, contribution, and ranking of SKUs within an assortment. Breakpoint positions are typically named to represent a certain numeric level (50%, 75%, and so on) or could be named to represent scenarios (such as Base, High, What If).

This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs.

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is Breakpoint (PCTD).

File name: pcth.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


pctd,pctd_labelbp1,50%bp2,75%bp3,80%bp4,85%bp5,90%bp6,95%bp7,99%bp8,What-If 1bp9,What-If 2bp10,What-If 3

Customer Profile Hierarchy FileThe customer profile hierarchy is used to represent all demographic information about a retailer's consumers. This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs.

The type of information that is intended to be represented in this hierarchy includes:

■ Household income

■ Head of household age

■ Children's ages

■ Lifestage

■ Household size

Each demographic measure can have a number of gradations within it. For example, the Lifestage Customer Profile Type might have the following profiles within it:

■ Starting Out

■ Young with Toddlers

■ Young Family

■ Singles/Couples without children

■ Middle-aged Family

Field Description

Breakpoint A threshold used in calculating information about an assortment, such as fragmentation.

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■ Empty Nesters

■ Retired Couples

■ Older Singles

File name: cprf.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


cprd,cprd_label,cprt,cprt_labelcprd100,"$0 - $19,999",cprt0,Household Incomecprd101,"$20,000 - $29,999",cprt0,Household Incomecprd102,"$30,000 - $39,999",cprt0,Household Incomecprd103,"$40,000 - $49,999",cprt0,Household Incomecprd104,"$50,000 - $69,999",cprt0,Household Incomecprd105,"$70,000 - $89,999",cprt0,Household Incomecprd106,"$90,000 - $109,999",cprt0,Household Incomecprd107,"$110,000 - $149,999",cprt0,Household Incomecprd108,"$150,000+",cprt0,Household Incomecprd200,18-24,cprt1,Head of Household Agecprd201,25-34,cprt1,Head of Household Agecprd202,35-50,cprt1,Head of Household Agecprd203,51-60,cprt1,Head of Household Agecprd204,61-67,cprt1,Head of Household Agecprd205,68+,cprt1,Head of Household Agecprd300,None <18,cprt2,Children's Agescprd301,Any 0-5,cprt2,Children's Agescprd302,Any 6-12,cprt2,Children's Agescprd303,Any 13-17,cprt2,Children's Agescprd400,Starting out,cprt3,Lifestagecprd401,Young with toddlers,cprt3,Lifestagecprd402,Young family,cprt3,Lifestagecprd403,Singles/couples no children,cprt3,Lifestagecprd404,Middle-aged family,cprt3,Lifestagecprd405,Empty nesters,cprt3,Lifestagecprd406,Retired couples,cprt3,Lifestagecprd407,Older singles,cprt3,Lifestagecprd500,1,cprt4,Household Sizecprd501,2,cprt4,Household Sizecprd502,3-4,cprt4,Household Sizecprd503,5-6,cprt4,Household Sizecprd504,7+,cprt4,Household Size

Customer Segment Hierarchy FileThe customer segment hierarchy is used for listing the customer segments and the versions of each. A customer segment is a classification of consumers with similar

Field Description

Customer Profile This represents the gradations within a particular demographic measure. For example, if the demographic measure is Household Size, then the profile represents the breakdown within that information, such as, 1, 2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7+.

Customer Profile Type

This is the consumer demographic information, such as Household Income, Head of Household Age, Children's Ages, Life Stage, or Household Size.

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Implementation Considerations 2-19

characteristics and buying patterns. Examples of customer segments include Soccer Mom or Golden Years. The customer segment hierarchy is mainly used as the main characteristic of a consumer decision tree, which specifies the buying patterns for each customer segment. The buying patterns may vary slightly from year to year or season to season, so multiple versions of customer segments are supported.

Note the following about this hierarchy:

■ The customer segment dimension position must be one of sX, where X equals 1 to 7.

■ The customer segment version dimension position must be one of sXcdtY, where X equals 1 to 7 and Y equals 1 to 5.

■ The labels for these dimensions are user-choice or the GA labels can be used.

This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual customer's needs. The retailer should advance plan how many Consumer Decision Trees (CDTs) they will need for each combination of category, trading area, and consumer segment. The Customer Segment Hierarchy load file then must include a Customer Segment Version position for each of these Customer Segments. As a result, during domain build, the domain will include enough versions to hold the anticipated number of CDTs.

As a point of reference, the GA hierarchy load file contains five Customer Segment Versions for each of the seven Customer Segments.

File name: csgh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


csvd,csvd_label,csgd,csgd_labels1cdt1,Soccer Moms CDT Version 1,s1,Soccer Momss1cdt2,Soccer Moms CDT Version 2,s1,Soccer Momss1cdt3,Soccer Moms CDT Version 3,s1,Soccer Momss1cdt4,Soccer Moms CDT Version 4,s1,Soccer Momss1cdt5,Soccer Moms CDT Version 5,s1,Soccer Momss2cdt1,Natural N Healthy CDT Version 1,s2,Natural N Healthys2cdt2,Natural N Healthy CDT Version 2,s2,Natural N Healthys2cdt3,Natural N Healthy CDT Version 3,s2,Natural N Healthys2cdt4,Natural N Healthy CDT Version 4,s2,Natural N Healthys2cdt5,Natural N Healthy CDT Version 5,s2,Natural N Healthy

Name Label Hierarchy Type Aggs

CSVD Version Main None

CSGD Customer Segment Main CSVD

Field Description

Customer Segment Version

The version (1, 2, 3, and so on, or Summer, Fall, and so on) of a given consumer segment.

Customer Segment A name that identifies a group of consumers with similar buying patterns, such as Getting By or Empty Nester.

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Focus Area Attributes Hierarchy FileThe focus area attributes hierarchy is used to list various facets of a category that a category manager might be interested in. Combined with strategies (another hierarchy), they are instrumental in the set up and calculation of Item Priority Index (IPI) weights in the Assortment Planning solution.

This hierarchy is an internal hierarchy and should use the same positions as present in the installation package.

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is Focus Area (FOAR).

File name: faah.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


foar,foar_labelfa1,Attributesfa2,Market Basketfa3,Loyaltyfa4,Performancefa5,Market Importance

Retail Segment Hierarchy FileThe retail segment hierarchy is a single dimension hierarchy that contains broad segments of the retail market. This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs.

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is Retailer Type (RSGD).

Examples of what might be listed in this hierarchy include:

■ Grocery

■ Convenience/Gas

■ Drug

■ Super-centers

■ Warehouse Club

■ Dollar Stores

File name: rsgh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.



Name Label Description

FOAR Focus Area Focus area name

Field Description

Retailer Type The various broad segments of the retail market.

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Implementation Considerations 2-21

rsgd1,Groceryrsgd2,Convenience/Gasrsgd3,Drugrsgd4,Super-Centersrsgd5,Warehouse Clubrsgd6,Dollar Storesrsgd7,Mass Merch Without Supersrsgd8,All Other Channels

Retailer Hierarchy FileThe retailer hierarchy is used to maintain a list of competitors. This is used for comparing certain metrics between the retailer and competitors. This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs.

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is Retailer (RETD).

File name: rsgh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


retd,retd_labelret1,Spaces Groceryret2,Competitor Aret3,Competitor Bret4,Competitor Cret5,Competitor Dret6,Competitor Eret7,Rest of Market

Right-Hand Side Product Hierarchy FileFile name: pror.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


3375772212,3375772212 CTL_BR_NATURAL_RTE_CEREAL_14_OUNCE,11,11 STCO_Cardboard,1,1 STYLE_Cardboard,SCLS_BOX,BOX,CLSS_CEREAL,CEREAL,901,901 Cold Foods,31,31 Breakfast,30,30 Grocery,1,1 Acme Home,V2,V2 H thru P by Air,SBRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL_Cereal,BRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL223375772213,223375772213 CTL_BR_NATURAL_RTE_CEREAL_14_OUNCE,11,11 STCO_Cardboard,1,1 STYLE_Cardboard,SCLS_BOX,BOX,CLSS_CEREAL,CEREAL,901,901 Cold Foods,31,31 Breakfast,30,30 Grocery,1,1 Acme Home,V2,V2 H thru P by Air,SBRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL_Cereal,BRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL223375772214,223375772214 CTL_BR_CRNCH_CRNCH_NTRL_NTRL_CRL_GRANOLA,11,11 STCO_Cardboard,1,1 STYLE_Cardboard,SCLS_BOX,BOX,CLSS_CEREAL,CEREAL,901,901 Cold

Field Description

Retailer A simple listing of competitor names.

Name Label Description

SKUR Item RHS item

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Foods,31,31 Breakfast,30,30 Grocery,1,1 Acme Home,V2,V2 H thru P by Air,SBRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL_Cereal,BRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL223375772215,223375772215 CTL_BR_NATURAL_RTE_CEREAL_10.5_OUNCE,11,11 STCO_Cardboard,1,1 STYLE_Cardboard,SCLS_BOX,BOX,CLSS_CEREAL,CEREAL,901,901 Cold Foods,31,31 Breakfast,30,30 Grocery,1,1 Acme Home,V2,V2 H thru P by Air,SBRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL_Cereal,BRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL223375772216,223375772216 CTL_BR_NATURAL_RTE_CEREAL_10.5_OUNCE,11,11 STCO_Cardboard,1,1 STYLE_Cardboard,SCLS_BOX,BOX,CLSS_CEREAL,CEREAL,901,901 Cold Foods,31,31 Breakfast,30,30 Grocery,1,1 Acme Home,V2,V2 H thru P by Air,SBRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL_Cereal,BRD_PRIVATE_LABEL,PRIVATE_LABEL


This hierarchy files need to be in sync with Product hierarchy file (prod) for the sku dimension while building the domain. It will be synchronized during weekly product hierarchy load and also can be synchronized on need basis by scheduling specific synchronize batch tasks using Online Admin Tools. For more details, see the Oracle Retail Shared Services Administration Guide.

Strategy Hierarchy FileThe strategy hierarchy represents broad actions designed to enhance a category. Sample strategies might include:

■ Traffic building

■ Transaction building

■ Profit contribution

■ Cash generating

■ Excitement creating

■ Image enhancing

■ Turf defending

This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs.

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is Strategy (SGYD).

File name: sgyh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


STRTG1,Traffic BuildingSTRTG2,Transaction BuildingSTRTG3,Profit ContributionSTRTG4,Cash GeneratingSTRTG5,Excitement CreatingSTRTG6,Image EnhancingSTRTG7,Turf Defending

Field Description

Strategy The name of a category strategy.

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Implementation Considerations 2-23

Tactic Hierarchy FileThe tactic hierarchy represents areas within AP - GHL solution where one or more choices of approach may be relevant. For example, the tactic hierarchy might contain an entry for Pricing or Promotion. Individual tactics within each area (for example, Pricing might include "Match competition but do not lead" or "Do not initiate price decreases") are broken out by combining the tactic hierarchy with the linear number hierarchy.

This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs.

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is Tactic (TCTD).

File name: tcth.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.



Markdown Hierarchy FileThe markdown hierarchy is used to load the different permanent markdown events like Fall Clearance etc which can affect pricing of items which in turn affects the Clearance Sales of the Items used in Item Planning.

This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual customer's needs. This hierarchy is DPM enabled, so user can dynamically create promotions and can formalize the same within the solution.

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is Markdown (MKDN).

File name: prmh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


mkdn,mkdn_label01,Valentine's03,Friends and Family05,Annual event07,Ready for Summer

Field Description

Tactic The name of an area within AP - GHL where multiple approaches might be relevant.

Field Description

Markdown Markdown event.

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Promotion Hierarchy FileThe promotion hierarchy is used to load the different promotion events such as Valentine's, Back to School, and so on, which can affect promotional pricing of items which in turn affects the Promotional Sales used in Item Planning.

This hierarchy is intended to be customized for the individual retailer's needs. This hierarchy is DPM enabled, so users can dynamically create promotions and formalize the same within the solution.

It is a single dimension hierarchy. The only dimension is Promotion (PROM).

File name: prmh.hdr.csv.dat

File format: comma-separated values file

The following table describes the fields in this file.


prom,prom_labelprm01,Valentine'sprm02,Friends and Familyprm03,Annual eventprm04,Ready for Summerprm05,Summer celebrationprm06,Luxury eventprm07,Fall Promotionprm08,Pre-holidayprm09,Christmas Eventprm10,Post- Christmas

Data FilesA broad and detailed data set is R to use the capabilities of Shared Services to their fullest. Some of the data R is relatively easy to obtain, for example, information about sales, cost, space, and the like. Other data is only available from a third-party data aggregator such as Nielsen or Symphony IRI. Examples of this type of data include information on product and category performance for the market as a whole. Still other data might be sliced in a particular way to provide insight about a particular facet of a customer's buying behavior.

To simplify the data integration, most of the measure files are configured to be loaded as one measure per file. Each measure’s data must be present in a separate file and the file name must be the same as the measure name with the extension .csv.ovr. All files must be in csv format.

During the initial domain build, all data files marked as R are needed with historical data to build the domain.


Measures: drtyslsregu, drtyslsregr

Base Intersection: week/sku/stor

Data Type: real

File Name: drtyslsreg.csv.ovr

Field Description

Promotion Promotion event.

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Implementation Considerations 2-25


The following tables list the data files (measures) needed by Shared Services based on the solutions enabled, with different details such as Measure Label, Base Intersection, File Name, Data Type, R or O, Load Frequency, Data Source, Solution Used, Load Data Set, and so on.

The following columns are available in the tables:

■ File Name

The input file name that the measure should be present in. If more than one measure has the same file name, it means the measures are to be present in the same input file and in the same order. Input files should be CSV files with extension .csv.ovr. If File Name is not present, then file name is the same as the measure name.

■ R or O

R means data is surely Required. O means Optional during data load and, if not loaded, certain functionality which uses those measures cannot be used. All administration measures are marked as O for data load, since those can be directly set with in the Admin workbooks as well.

■ Load Frequency

This specifies the suggested frequency for the data load. It uses the following values:

– W - Weekly.

– A - Anytime as needed or when the values change in source system; it can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

■ Data Source

This specifies the typical data source to get that measure data:

– RI - Oracle Retail Insights or equivalent Data Warehouse solutions

– Admin - Data can be set by Administrator based on customer data referencing sample data in GA domain.

– MFP - Oracle Retail Merchandise Planning Cloud Service or equivalent.

– ORASE - Oracle Retail Advanced Science. Those are the derived measure files extracted from ORASE integration files. For more details, see Appendix A, "Appendix: Integration with ORASE/ASO".

– RMS - Oracle Retail Merchandising System or equivalent.

– 3P - Third-party data aggregator such as Nielsen or Symphony IRI.

■ Solution Used

Shared Services uses more than one solution. Based on the solution enabled, the data need varies. This specifies the solution which uses that data. If that solution is not enabled during implementation, and if the data is marked as not used by that solution, that measure file does not need to be provided during data loads.

– AP - Used only in the Assortment Planning solution.

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– IP - Used only in the Item Planning solution.

– Both - Used by both Assortment Planning and Item Planning solution.

■ Load Data Set

All data loads in batch after initial domain build are done by scheduling batch tasks in Online Admin Tools. This information specifies which Load Set user needs to use to load that particular data file while scheduling the Online Admin Tool Tasks. For more details, see the Oracle Retail Shared Services Administration Guide.

Table 2–1 Shared Services Measure List - Details 1

Measure Name Measure Label Base Intersection File Name

drtyslsregu Ty Sales Reg U week/sku/stor drtyslsreg

drtyslsregr Ty Sales Reg R week/sku/stor drtyslsreg

drtyslsprou Ty Sales Promo U week/sku/stor drtyslspro

drtyslspror Ty Sales Promo R week/sku/stor drtyslspro

drtyslsclru Ty Sales Clear U week/sku/stor drtyslsclr

drtyslsclrr Ty Sales Clear R week/sku/stor drtyslsclr

drtyslsc TY Sales C week/sku/stor

drtyeopu TY EOP U week/sku/stor drtyeop

drtyeopr TY EOP R week/sku/stor drtyeop

drtyeopc TY EOP C week/sku/stor drtyeop

drtyrcptu TY Receipts U week/sku/stor drtyrcpt

drtyrcptc TY Receipts C week/sku/stor drtyrcpt

drtyoou TY On Order U week/sku/stor drtyoo

drtyooc TY On Order C week/sku/stor drtyoo

drtytrafficu TY Traffic Count U week/sku/stor

drtytransactu TY Transaction Count U week/sku/stor

drtyrtnu TY Customer Returns U week/sku/stor drtyrtn

drtyrtnr TY Customer Returns R week/sku/stor drtyrtn

drtyrtnc TY Customer Returns C week/sku/stor drtyrtn

addvprdghlb Product GHL clss

addvlcratet Local Currency Symbol curr

addvlcratex Local Currency Rate week_curr

addvvatvp VAT Rate week_vatb

addvlocattt Location Attribute stor_satt

addvlocattl Location Attribute Label stor_satt

addvprdattt Product Attribute sku_patt

addvprdattb Class - Product Attribute Eligibility clss_patt

addvlikeloct Like Location stor

addvlocdesct Location Description stor

addvlocstatb Location Active stor

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Implementation Considerations 2-27

addvslscrvv Sales Curve % woyr_scls_chnc_cnum

addvslsprcc Base Unit Cost sku_stor

addvslsprcr Base Unit Price sku_stor

addvslswgtu Sales Weight U spl2 addvstrcwgt

addvslswgtr Sales Weight R spl2 addvstrcwgt

addvslswgtar Sales Weight AUR spl2 addvstrcwgt

addvgmwgtr Gross Margin Weight R spl2 addvstrcwgt

addvgmwgtrp Gross Margin Weight R % spl2 addvstrcwgt

addvspacev Location Space dept_stor_sloc

addvprcelasvp Markdown Discount % scls_mkdn

addvprcelaszp Markdown Sales Lift % (Override) scls_mkdn

addvprcelasv Price Elasticity scls

addvprmplnvp Promo Discount % scls_prom

addvprmplnzp Promo Sales Lift % (Override) scls_prom

addvassgnrolat Role Assignment clss_tdar

addvstratassgnt Strategy Assignment clss_tdar

addvtacticassgnt Tactic Assignment scls_tdar_tctd

adwpassgnrolat WP Role Values lnum

adwptactict WP Tactic Values scls_tdar_lnum_tctd

adwptacticb WP Space Tactics tctd

addvconsegwgtv Customer Seg Weight clss_tdar_csgd

addvfocarwgtv Focus Area Weight scls_foar_csgd_sgyd

addvattrnwgtv Attribute Weight scls_csgd_patt_sgyd

addvattrvwgtv Attribute Value Weight scls_csgd_patt_sgyd

addvslsuwgtv Sales U Weight scls_foar_csgd_sgyd addvipimwgt

addvslsrwgtv Sales R Weight scls_foar_csgd_sgyd addvipimwgt

addvgpwgtv Gross Margin Weight scls_foar_csgd_sgyd addvipimwgt

addvgppwgtv Gross Margin % Weight scls_foar_csgd_sgyd addvipimwgt

addvloywgtv Loyalty Weight scls_foar_csgd_sgyd addvipimwgt

addvmktbwgtv Market Basket Weight scls_foar_csgd_sgyd addvipimwgt

addvmktiwgtv Market Importance Weight scls_foar_csgd_sgyd addvipimwgt

lpcpslsu LP CP Sales U week_dept_stor mfp_lpcp

lpcpslsr LP CP Sales R week_dept_stor mfp_lpcp

lpcpslsc LP CP Sales C week_dept_stor mfp_lpcp

lpcprcptc LP CP Receipts C week_dept_stor mfp_lpcp

lpcprcptu LP CP Receipts U week_dept_stor mfp_lpcp

lpcpeopu LP CP EOP U week_dept_stor mfp_lpcp

Table 2–1 (Cont.) Shared Services Measure List - Details 1

Measure Name Measure Label Base Intersection File Name

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lpcpeopc LP CP EOP C week_dept_stor mfp_lpcp

mlcpslsu MFP Loaded CP Sales U week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp

mlcpslsr MFP Loaded CP Sales R week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp

mlcpslsc MFP Loaded CP Sales C week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp

mlcprcptu MFP Loaded CP Receipts U week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp

mlcprcptc MFP Loaded CP Receipts C week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp

mlcpeopu MFP Loaded CP EOP U week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp

mlcpeopc MFP Loaded CP EOP C week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp

addvprdattt Product Attribute sku_patt

addvprdattb Class - Product Attribute Eligibility clss_patt

drdvsrtd Loaded Cluster Start Date Scalar drdvstrclusd

drdvendd Loaded Cluster End Date Scalar drdvstrclusd

drdvstrclust Last Loaded Location Cluster clss_stor drdvstrclust

drdvstrclusl Last Loaded Location Cluster Label clss_stor drdvstrclust

drtyassrtelasv TY DT Elasticity clss_tdar_csgd

drtyattrwgtv TY DT Attribute Weight clss_tdar_csgd_patt drtyattrwgtv

drtyfuncfitb TY DT Functional Fit Flag clss_tdar_csgd_patt drtyattrwgtv

drtysiminv TY DT Similarity sku_tdar_csgd_skur

drtyconsegdistv TY Customer Seg Distribution scls_stor_csgd

addvlcratet Local Currency Symbol curr

addvlcratex Local Currency Rate week_curr

adlylagwt LY Week Map week

fctyslsu Fcst Sales U week_sku_stor

drtyfragbrkptp TY Fragmentation Analysis Breakpoints %


drtybuyersl0p TY % Buyers @ Item % sku_tdar_rsgd

drtybuyersl3p TY % Buyers @ Sub-Cat % scls_tdar_rsgd

drtybuyersl4p TY % Buyers @ Cat % clss_tdar_rsgd

drtybyerconvrtv TY Buyer Conversion Rate scls_stor_retd_csgd

drtydollarsl0p TY % Dollars @ Item % sku_tdar_rsgd

drtydollarsl3p TY % Dollars @ Sub-Cat % scls_tdar_rsgd

drtydollarsl4p TY % Dollars @ Cat % clss_tdar_rsgd

drtyitmpentrl0p TY Item Penetration @ Item % sku_tdar

drtyitmpentrl3p TY Item Penetration @ Sub-Cat % scls_tdar

drtyitmpentrl4p TY Item Penetration @ Cat % clss_tdar

drtyitmrevpbyerl0v TY Item Revenue per Buyer @ Item sku_tdar

drtyitmrevpbyerl3v TY Item Revenue per Buyer @ Sub-Cat scls_tdar

Table 2–1 (Cont.) Shared Services Measure List - Details 1

Measure Name Measure Label Base Intersection File Name

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Implementation Considerations 2-29

drtyitmrevpbyerl4v TY Item Revenue per Buyer @ Cat clss_tdar

drtyitmspndpromol0p TY % Item Spend on Promo @ Item % sku_tdar

drtyitmspndpromol3p TY % Item Spend on Promo @ Sub-Cat %


drtyitmspndpromol4p TY % Item Spend on Promo @ Cat % clss_tdar

drtyitmspndptrpl0v TY Item Spend per Item per Trip @ Item sku_tdar

drtyitmspndptrpl3v TY Item Spend per Item per Trip @ Sub-Cat


drtyitmspndptrpl4v TY Item Spend per Item per Trip @ Cat clss_tdar

drtyitmtrpspbyerl0v TY Item Trips per Item Buyer @ Item sku_tdar

drtyitmtrpspbyerl3v TY Item Trips per Item Buyer @ Sub-Cat scls_tdar

drtyitmtrpspbyerl4v TY Item Trips per Item Buyer @ Cat clss_tdar

drtymktbasketx TY Market Basket Index sku_stor_csgd

drtymkttahhp TY Market Trading Area HH % tdar_cprd

drtymkttaspndp TY Market Trading Area Spend % tdar_cprd

drtyrtltahhp TY Retailer Trading Area HH % tdar_cprd

drtyrtltaspndp TY Retailer Trading Area Spend % tdar_cprd

drtytopshopx TY Top Shopper Index scls_stor_retd

drtyttlshopperx TY Total Shoppers Index tdar_csgd

drtysqftv TY Total Square Footage scls_stor

drtyloyaltyx TY Loyalty Index sku_stor_csgd

drtymktslsu TY Market Sales U qrtr_sku_tdar_retd

drtymktslsr TY Market Sales R qrtr_sku_tdar_retd

drtytmktslsu TY Total Market Sales U week_sku_retd

drtytmktslsr TY Total Market Sales R week_sku_retd

Table 2–2 Shared Services Measure List - Details 2

Measure NameData Type R or O?

Load Frequency Data Source

Solution Used Load Data Set

drtyslsregu real R W RI Both Actuals

drtyslsregr real R W RI Both Actuals

drtyslsprou real R W RI Both Actuals

drtyslspror real R W RI Both Actuals

drtyslsclru real R W RI Both Actuals

drtyslsclrr real R W RI Both Actuals

drtyslsc real R W RI Both Actuals

drtyeopu real R W RI Both Actuals

drtyeopr real R W RI Both Actuals

Table 2–1 (Cont.) Shared Services Measure List - Details 1

Measure Name Measure Label Base Intersection File Name

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2-30 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

drtyeopc real R W RI Both Actuals

drtyrcptu real R W RI IP Actuals

drtyrcptc real R W RI IP Actuals

drtyoou real R W RI IP Actuals

drtyooc real R W RI IP Actuals

drtytrafficu real R W RI IP Actuals

drtytransactu real R W RI IP Actuals

drtyrtnu real R W RI IP Actuals

drtyrtnr real R W RI IP Actuals

drtyrtnc real R W RI IP Actuals

addvprdghlb Boolean O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvlcratet string O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvlcratex real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvvatvp real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvlocattt string O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvlocattl string O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvprdattt string O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvprdattb Boolean O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvlikeloct string O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvlocdesct string O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvlocstatb Boolean O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvslscrvv real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvslsprcc real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvslsprcr real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvslswgtu real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvslswgtr real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvslswgtar real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvgmwgtr real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvgmwgtrp real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvspacev real O W Admin Both Admin Data

addvprcelasvp real O W Admin IP Admin Data

addvprcelaszp real O W Admin IP Admin Data

addvprcelasv real O W Admin IP Admin Data

addvprmplnvp real O W Admin IP Admin Data

addvprmplnzp real O W Admin IP Admin Data

addvassgnrolat string O W Admin AP Admin Data

Table 2–2 (Cont.) Shared Services Measure List - Details 2

Measure NameData Type R or O?

Load Frequency Data Source

Solution Used Load Data Set

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Implementation Considerations 2-31

addvstratassgnt string O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvtacticassgnt string O W Admin AP Admin Data

adwpassgnrolat string O W Admin AP Admin Data

adwptactict string O W Admin AP Admin Data

adwptacticb Boolean O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvconsegwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvfocarwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvattrnwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvattrvwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvslsuwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvslsrwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvgpwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvgppwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvloywgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvmktbwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

addvmktiwgtv real O W Admin AP Admin Data

lpcpslsu real O W MFP Both Location Plan

lpcpslsr real O W MFP Both Location Plan

lpcpslsc real O W MFP Both Location Plan

lpcprcptc real O W MFP Both Location Plan

lpcprcptu real O W MFP Both Location Plan

lpcpeopu real O W MFP Both Location Plan

lpcpeopc real O W MFP Both Location Plan

mlcpslsu real R W MFP Both MFP Plan

mlcpslsr real R W MFP Both MFP Plan

mlcpslsc real R W MFP Both MFP Plan

mlcprcptu real R W MFP Both MFP Plan

mlcprcptc real R W MFP Both MFP Plan

mlcpeopu real R W MFP Both MFP Plan

mlcpeopc real R W MFP Both MFP Plan

addvprdattt string R W/A ORASE/RMS Both Product Attributes

addvprdattb Boolean R W/A ORASE/RMS Both Product Attributes

drdvsrtd date O W/A ORASE Both Location Clusters

drdvendd date O W/A ORASE Both Location Clusters

drdvstrclust string O W/A ORASE Both Location Clusters

drdvstrclusl string O W/A ORASE Both Location Clusters

Table 2–2 (Cont.) Shared Services Measure List - Details 2

Measure NameData Type R or O?

Load Frequency Data Source

Solution Used Load Data Set

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2-32 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

drtyassrtelasv real R W/A ORASE AP Demand Transference

drtyattrwgtv real R W/A ORASE AP Demand Transference

drtyfuncfitb Boolean R W/A ORASE AP Demand Transference

drtysiminv real R W/A ORASE AP Demand Transference

drtyconsegdistv real O W/A ORASE AP Customer Segment

addvlcratet string O W Admin Both Local Currency

addvlcratex real O W Admin Both Local Currency

adlylagwt string R A Admin Both LY Mapping

fctyslsu real O W/A RDF Both RDF Forecast

drtyfragbrkptp real O W/A Admin AP Household Data

drtybuyersl0p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtybuyersl3p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtybuyersl4p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtybyerconvrtv real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtydollarsl0p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtydollarsl3p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtydollarsl4p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmpentrl0p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmpentrl3p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmpentrl4p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmrevpbyerl0v real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmrevpbyerl3v real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmrevpbyerl4v real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmspndpromol0p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmspndpromol3p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmspndpromol4p real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmspndptrpl0v real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmspndptrpl3v real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmspndptrpl4v real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmtrpspbyerl0v real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmtrpspbyerl3v real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyitmtrpspbyerl4v real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtymktbasketx real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtymkttahhp real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

Table 2–2 (Cont.) Shared Services Measure List - Details 2

Measure NameData Type R or O?

Load Frequency Data Source

Solution Used Load Data Set

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Implementation Considerations 2-33

Historical DataIt is recommended that you have at least one full year of historical data to create Assortment/Item Plans in Shared Services. Less data can be used, but the more data that is available, the more statistical significance can be given to the plan data.

More than one year of data is good to produce an optimal forecast, if customer wants to use embedded forecast in Shared Services. Adding more than one year of history will increase domain size requirements.

Loading and Extracting DataData is loaded into Shared Services using the Online Administration Tools, which in turn use standard RPAS utilities. For more information on loading and extracting data using Online Administration Tools, see the Oracle Retail Shared Services Administration Guide.

IntegrationShared Services only supports the flat file integration of hierarchy and data files from source systems. Shared Services supports in-build integration with ORASE, MFP Cloud Service, and RDF Cloud Service.

drtymkttaspndp real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyrtltahhp real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyrtltaspndp real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtytopshopx real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtyttlshopperx real O W/A 3P AP Household Data

drtysqftv real O W/A 3P AP Market Data

drtyloyaltyx real O W/A 3P AP Market Data

drtymktslsu real O W/A 3P/RI AP Market Data

drtymktslsr real O W/A 3P/RI AP Market Data

drtytmktslsu real O W/A 3P/RI AP Market Data

drtytmktslsr real O W/A 3P/RI AP Market Data

Table 2–2 (Cont.) Shared Services Measure List - Details 2

Measure NameData Type R or O?

Load Frequency Data Source

Solution Used Load Data Set

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User Roles and Security

2-34 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

Figure 2–1 Shared Services Integration

It integrates with ORASE for Advanced Location Clustering, Demand Transference, Product Attributes, Customer Segments, and also supports Export of Plan data to ASO (Assortment Space Optimization) from Assortment Planning for further optimization of Assortment Plans. For more details on integration with ORASE/ASO, Appendix A, "Appendix: Integration with ORASE/ASO".

Shared Services integrates with MFP Cloud Service for Merchandising Plan Data to use them as Financial Target while creating assortments and integrates with RDF Cloud Service to get Forecast Data. For more details on integration with MFP CS and RDF CS, see TBD.

There are no other in-built interfaces to integrate with other source systems such as RMS or RI Data Warehouse systems to extract hierarchy and actual data. Shared Services provide some standard exports that can be used by external systems. For details about the standard exports from Shared Services, Appendix C, "Appendix: Standard Exports".

Retailers must extract and provide the hierarchy files and data files from their respective source systems as flat files in the required format and upload them to the Oracle Cloud SFTP server. The automated process send those files over to the RPAS DB Server and from there the files can be accessed by batch process triggered using the Online Administration Tools. In the same way, exported files in CSV format from the solution are pushed back to the Oracle Cloud SFTP server and from there retailers can download the extracted files. The retailer must integrate it with any other system that requires extracted plan data from Shared Services.

User Roles and SecurityTo define workbook template security, the system administrator grants individual users, or user groups, access to specific workbook templates. Granting access to workbook templates provides users with the ability to create, modify, save, and commit workbooks for the assigned workbook templates. Users are typically assigned to groups based on their user application (or solution) role. Users in the same group

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User Roles and Security

Implementation Considerations 2-35

can be given access to workbook templates that belong to that group alone. Users can be assigned to more than one group and granted workbook template access without belonging to the user group that typically uses a specific workbook template. Workbook access is either denied, read-only, or full access. Read-only access allows a user to create a workbook for the template, but the user is not able to edit any values or commit the workbook. The read-only workbook can be refreshed.

When users save a workbook, they assign one of three access permissions to the workbook:

■ World—Allow any user to open and edit the workbook.

■ Group—Allow only those users in their same group to open and edit the workbooks.

■ User—Allow no other users to open and edit the workbook.

The following table provides guidance regarding which Shared Services users must have access to each of the workbooks.

Note: Users must have access to workbooks based on their role. The administrator must always follow the principal of least privilege; that is, each user must only be granted access to the product areas for which the user is responsible.

Table 2–3 User’s Access Permission for Shared Services Workbooks

Workbook Solution User Roles

Planning Administration Planning Administrator

Currency Administration Planning Administrator

Validate Loaded Data Planning Administrator

Placeholder Maintenance Planner, Planning Administrator

Location Clustering Planner, Planning Administrator

Assortment Period Maintenance

Planner, Planning Administrator

Curve Maintenance Planner, Planning Administrator

Assortment Planning Administration

AP Planning Administrator

Assortment Planning Analysis

AP Planner

Assortment Planning @ Cluster

AP Planner

Assortment Planning @ Store

AP Planner

Item Planning Administration

IP Planning Administrator

In-Season Planning IP Planner

Pre-Season Planning IP Planner

Item Planning @ Store IP Planner

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2-36 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

For more information on security, see the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Administration Guide for the Fusion Client. For more information on data security in a cloud environment, see the Hosting Policy documents for the cloud solution.

InternationalizationInternationalization is the process of creating software that can be translated more easily. Changes to the code are not specific to any particular market.

Oracle Retail applications have been internationalized to support multiple languages.

The RPAS platform supports associated solution extensions and solution templates.

■ A solution extension includes a collection of code and generally available configurations. Typically, solution extensions are implemented by a retailer with minimal configuration.

■ A solution template does not include code. A solution template is most typically implemented as a retailer configuration.

Oracle Retail releases the translations of the RPAS server and client, as well as strings from the solution extensions.

Translations of the solution templates are not released. Since the labels for measures, hierarchies, dimensions, and workbook templates are typically changed by the retailer at implementation time, languages for the templates are not released. All templates have the ability to support multi-byte characters.

For more information on internationalization, see the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Administration Guide for the Fusion Client.

Translations are available for Shared Services for the following languages:

■ Chinese (Simplified)

■ Chinese (Traditional)

■ Croatian

■ Dutch

■ French

■ German

■ Greek

■ Hungarian

■ Italian

■ Japanese

■ Korean

■ Polish

■ Portuguese (Brazilian)

■ Russian

■ Spanish

■ Swedish

■ Turkish

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Batch Process and Scheduling

Implementation Considerations 2-37

Batch Process and SchedulingBatch scripts are lists of commands or jobs executed without human intervention. A batch window is the time frame in which the batch process must run. It is the upper limit on how long the batch can take. Batch scripts are used for importing and exporting data and for generating targets. The retailer must decide the best time for running batch scripts within the available batch window.

How often to upload updated sales and inventory data and how often to recreate targets must be determined.

■ You must consider at what interval to load the latest sales and inventory data. A weekly load of transactional type data is supported, since the base intersection is at week. It is recommended that the information transactional system, such as RMS, be loaded daily.

■ Product availability and seasonal changes can be reasons for recalculating the targets. This can also be triggered by the addition of new products and availability of substantial new sales and inventory history.

The recommended batch schedule for Shared Services is to load historical and actual data on a weekly basis. All hierarchy changes can be loaded on a weekly or monthly basis.

In Shared Services, batch tasks can be controlled by a system administrator by using the Online Administration Tools. The tools are a predefined set of online administration tasks that are pre-configured for MFP Cloud Service. Those tasks, in turn, call the R batch scripts with preset parameters to perform the R tasks. For more information on the Online Administration Tool tasks, see the Oracle Retail Shared Services Administration Guide.

In Shared Services, the entire batch process is controlled using a set of batch control files. A predefined set of batch scripts reads those control files during the batch process. Though users cannot make any changes to underlying batch scripts, they can make some changes to batch control by uploading override control files. Those override control files are control files with the same name but with the extension *.ctl.

During upgrade or patches, any changes to base control files will be automatically updated, but user-provided override control files will not be touched. So during each upgrade/patch process, the retailer should maintain any changes to override control files that are uploaded by them.

For more details about the list of batch control files that can be customized and batch process using them, see Appendix E, "Appendix: Batch Process and Control Files".

Note: For information about adding languages for the first time or for translation information in general, see the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Administration Guide for the Fusion Client.

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Batch Process and Scheduling

2-38 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

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Appendix: Integration with ORASE/ASO A-1

AAppendix: Integration with ORASE/ASO

This release of Shared Services has defined and supported integration processes for exporting data to and importing data from Oracle Retail Advanced Science Engine (ORASE). These integration processes are detailed in this appendix. This integration is available only when the AP solution is enabled.

For more information related to measures, the functional process, and the administration process related to exports, sees the Oracle Retail Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines Cloud Service User Guide and Oracle Retail Item Planning Cloud Service User Guide. For more details about executing the integration with ORASE using Online Admin Tools (AS Admin task -> Import data from ORASE and AS Admin task -> Export to ASO), see to the Oracle Retail Shared Services Administration Guide.

Transformation between ORASE and RPAS FormatThe format used by RPAS and ORASE for categories and attributes is not the same. The ORASE format is to add a class prefix before the attribute name ID, attribute value ID, and category ID, but the RPAS format does not utilize this prefix. Table A–1 describes differences, by way of example, between the two formats.

In the table, ORASE format, the class prefix used is "CLS~1000~10000." This is a concatenation of a text string CLS denoting class, in addition to the department ID 1000, and the class ID 10000. RPAS does not utilize this prefix. In addition, when concatenating the department and class IDs together to form the class position ID, RPAS uses an underscore rather than tilde separator.

The Export and Import process to ORASE will handle those transformations if the environment variable TRANSFORM_RMS_FORMAT is set to ON during implementation. The default value is set to ON for this transformation to take place.

Table A–1 Transformation Matrix

RPAS Format ORASE Format

Attribute Name ID brandtier CLS~1000~10000~brandtier

Attribute Value ID brandtier~national_mainstream


Category ID 1000_10000 CLS~1000~10000

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Import Data from ORASE

A-2 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

Import Data from ORASEORASE exports several data files which can be imported into Shared Services. All the data files need to be imported into the common cloud share location RGBU_CLOUD_DATA. From there, Shared Services can pick up the files for further processing.

All the imports from ORASE use the same Online Administration Tool Import Data from ORASE task with the options for different imports. That task can be scheduled to import from ORASE weekly or as needed by retailers. See the Oracle Retail Shared Services Administration Guide.

The following imports are available from ORASE:

Product AttributesThis is used for importing the Product Attributes hierarchy and to load Item - Product Attribute associations. The following files are needed from ORASE:

■ Product Attributes Hierarchy - attr.csv.dat. This hierarchy load file contains the Product Attributes definition. This file will be renamed and loaded as the product attributes hierarchy file patr.csv.dat by this process.

■ Loaded Attribute Value ID - drtyattrvaltx.csv.ovr. This measure load file contains the Item-Product Attributes mapping. This file will be loaded as the measure addvprdatt.csv.ovr.

The following table describes the fields in this file:



Demand TransferenceThis is used for importing Demand Transference data from Advanced Science for use by calculations related to Demand Transference, if that feature is enabled in Assortment Planning. The following file is needed from ORASE. All the files are transformed as needed and loaded into the respective measures:

■ Assortment Elasticity File - drtyassrtelasv.csv.ovr. This measure load file contains the Assortment Category Elasticity parameters.

The following table describes the fields in this file:

Field Description

Item Item ID in the Product Hierarchy

Product Attribute Name Product Attribute Name Position ID

Product Attribute Value Product Attribute Value Position ID

Field Description

Category ID Category ID in the Product Hierarchy

Trading Area Trading Area ID in the Location Hierarchy

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Import Data from ORASE

Appendix: Integration with ORASE/ASO A-3



■ Attribute Weights and Functional Fit - drtyattrwgtv.csv.ovr. This measure load file contains both Category-Attribute Weights and Category-Attribute Functional Fit.

The following table describes the fields in this file:



■ Similarities File - drtysiminv.csv.ovr. This measure load file contains the SKU Similarities parameters.

The following table describes the fields in this file:

Consumer Segment Consumer Segment ID in the Consumer Segment Hierarchy

Assortment Elasticity Number representing the Category Elasticity

Effective Start Date Date in YYYY-MM-DD format indicating effective start date of the similarity

Effective End Date Date in YYYY-MM-DD format indicating effective end date of the similarity

Field Description

Category ID Category ID in the Product Hierarchy

Trading Area Trading Area ID in the Location Hierarchy

Consumer Segment Consumer Segment ID in the Consumer Segment Hierarchy

Attribute Name Attribute Name in the Attribute Hierarchy

Weight Normalized weight for the attribute

Functional Fit Boolean where 0 indicates regular attribute and 1 indicates the weight is disregarded

Field Description

SKU SKU ID in the Product Hierarchy

Trading Area Trading Area ID in the Location Hierarchy

Consumer Segment Consumer Segment ID in the Consumer Segment Hierarchy

Similar SKU SKU ID in the Product Hierarchy

Similarity Number indicating the similarity between the two SKUs

Field Description

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Import Data from ORASE

A-4 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide



Location ClustersThis is used for importing Advanced Location Clusters to use in Shared Services. Shared Services provides the option to create Location Cluster using RPAS-based clustering, but users also have the option to import store clusters from Advanced Clustering Solutions. Advanced Location Clusters are created for a date range for a category, but in Shared Services, clusters are assigned to sub-category and assortment period (which is a group of weeks). This process will override the store clusters at sub-class/week for that category/date range. The user has the option to not override preassigned clusters with loaded clusters in the Assortment Maintenance workbook. See the Oracle Retail Shared Services Administration Guide.

The following file is needed from ORASE for store clustering:

■ Store Clusters - rsestrclst.csv. This measure load file contains Store Cluster Name and Store Cluster Label data from Advanced Clustering.

The following table describes the fields in this file:


"day20121221","day20131219","10000","4","200","Cluster Set 1""day20121221","day20131219","10000","2","200","Cluster Set 1""day20121221","day20131219","20000","2","205","Cluster Set 1"

The store cluster file from ORASE contains the date range and clusters for a category. For each unique date range present in this file, this measure file will be loaded into the internal measure files; drdvstrclusd.csv.ovr to load measures Loaded Cluster - Start Date and Loaded Cluster - End Date; drdvstrclust.csv.ovr to load measures Loaded Cluster Name and Loaded Cluster Label. Those loaded clusters are then assigned to Assortment Groups at the sub-class/week level.

The last loaded Advanced Clusters are always stored within the solution until a user reloads a new file using this import. Users have the option to reassign a

Effective Start Date Date in YYYY-MM-DD format indicating effective start date of the similarity

Effective End Date Date in YYYY-MM-DD format indicating effective end date of the similarity

Field Description

Effective Start Date Effective Start Date in dayYYYYMMDD format

Effective End Date Effective End Date in dayYYYYMMDD format

Category Category ID in the Product Hierarchy

Location Location ID in the Location Hierarchy

Location Cluster Position Location Cluster Position ID

Location Cluster Label Location Cluster Position Label

Field Description

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Import Data from ORASE

Appendix: Integration with ORASE/ASO A-5

sub-class/assortment period to a different cluster (clusters created within solution) and at anytime can revert to the last loaded clusters by running the Online Administration Tool process Assign Loaded Cluster' which will assign the last loaded clusters rather than running this import process again.

Customer SegmentsThis is used for importing Customer Segments data present in ORASE and customer segments used for defining CDT (Consumer Decision Trees). It provides the data to load the Customer Segments hierarchy and to load Customer Segment distribution data which can be used to see the actual customer segment level sales data in Assortment Planning to plan assortments for specific customer segment. The following files are needed from ORASE:

■ Customer Segments - cis_custseg_exp.csv: This file has multiple fields, but only unique customer segments are needed for customer segments hierarchy. So only unique customer segment key and customer segment label will be extracted. This process also adds five default versions for each customer segments that can be used for CDT. Then it will be loaded as the Customer Segment Hierarchy.


"2016-01-25","2017-01-22","Product Hierarchy","CMP~1","Location Hierarchy","COMPANY~1","26351","CSDM_Segment_07","","1","","Customer","Demographics","2016-07-21""2016-01-25","2017-01-22","Product Hierarchy","CMP~1","Location Hierarchy","COMPANY~1","26301","CSDM_Segment_06","","1","","Customer","Demographics","2016-07-21""2016-01-25","2017-01-22","Product Hierarchy","CMP~1","Location Hierarchy","COMPANY~1","26251","CSDM_Segment_05","","1","","Customer","Demographics","2016-07-21""2016-01-25","2017-01-22","Product Hierarchy","CMP~1","Location Hierarchy","COMPANY~1","26201","CSDM_Segment_04","","1","","Customer","Demographics","2016-07-21"

■ Customer Segments Profiles - custseg_profiles.csv: This file contains the consumer segment distribution data at the Sub Category/Store level.

The following table describes the fields in this file:



Field Description

Exported Date Exported Date

Customer Segment Customer Segment ID in Customer Segment Hierarchy

Product Level Product Level name for Sub-Category

Sub-Category Sub-Category ID in Product Hierarchy

Location Location ID in Location Hierarchy

Location Level Location level name for Store

Distribution Percent Customer Distribution Percent

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Export to ASO

A-6 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide


This data will be loaded into measure drtyconsegdistv, then normalized, and loaded for all un-elapsed quarters into the admin measure addvconsegdistv.

This actualized consumer segment distribution is also available in the Assortment Planning Administration workbook, where the Administrator can maintain the same.

Consumer Decision TreesCDTs - *.xml. Any number of customer decision tree (CDT) files in XML format.

Export to ASOShared Services provides integration with Assortment Space Optimization (ASO) by exporting approved Assortment Plans at the Cluster or Store level for a category/quarter. A unique assortment ID will be generated at category/quarter if it contains an approved assortment for a store cluster or store level which is marked for Export to ASO during the approval process. For each unique assortment ID, the Store Level exception Assortment Plan or Cluster Level Assortment Plan will be exported to ASO. If both store level and cluster level plans are present for a category quarter, the default daily batch process will export only Store level plan for that category/quarter. After the end of export process, the Export to ASO flag will be cleared by the batch so that the same approved assortments will not be exported again unless it is marked for Export to ASO again by the user.

This process is scheduled to run in daily and weekly batch process. It also can be triggered on an as-needed basis by executing the Online Admin Task, Export to ASO. For more details, see the Oracle Retail Shared Services Administration Guide. That task has options to export only store level plan, cluster level plan, or store/cluster level plans to ASO.

This export process creates multiple files which contain the initial assortment related metrics passed on to ASO for optimization. The Assortment ID in ASO is a concatenation of Category ID and Quarter ID using a separator (~) that links the related items in each file.

The following list of files is exported for ASO for further optimization. All the files are copied to the cloud share location RGBU_CLOUD_DATA. From there, ASO can pick those files for further processing.

ASO Exported Files■ Assortment Plan - so_assortment_stg.txt: This file contains the Assortment ID,

Assortment Set ID, ASO request type, Assortment Type, Role, Tactics, and Strategies.


10000~q01_2020|10000~q01_2020|CLS~10000|"Coffee - 4th Qrtr, FY2014 - 4th Qrtr, FY2014"|Northwest|1|1|Destination|"Assortment:Maintain,Space:Increase"|Cash Generating

■ Assortment Product - so_assort_product_strcltr_stg.txt: This file contains the Assortment ID, Assortment SKU, and priority for SKUs.

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Export to ASO

Appendix: Integration with ORASE/ASO A-7



■ Assortment Placeholder-Like Product - so_assort_phprod_like_prod_stg.txt: This file contains the placeholder products included in the assortment.


10000~q01_2020|Placeholder 1|temp-sku1|1234600

■ Cluster - so_assort_cluster_stg.txt: This file contains store cluster information.


10000~q01_2020|12| |Mainstream - Large - A (Northwest)| 2014-11-02|2015-01-31

■ Store - so_assort_cluster_member_stg.txt: This file contains the store-cluster mapping.



■ Price Cost - so_assort_proloc_pricecost_stg.txt: This file contains price and cost information for SKUs.



■ Forecast - so_assort_proloc_fcst_stg.txt: This file contains the forecast for all SKUs.



■ New Product Other Attributes - so_assort_phprod_attr_stg.txt: This file contains the SKU-Attribute Map for new SKUs.



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Export to ASO

A-8 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

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Appendix: Integration with MFP Cloud Service and RDF Cloud Service B-1

BAppendix: Integration with MFP Cloud

Service and RDF Cloud Service

Shared Services supports flat file integration with MFP Cloud Service to import MFP Plan data and RDF Cloud Service to import forecast data.

Shared Services Integration with MFP Cloud ServiceShared Services need MFP data to use Merchandise Financial Planning data as target to align with final assortments.

MFP Cloud Service provides plan data extracts for Shared Services. It exports the approved Original (OP) and Current (CP) Merch Plans and Location Plans. Shared Services only uses Current Plans, but MFP Cloud Service exports both Current and Original Plans.

Both Merch Plan and Location Plans are exported as two separate files and copied to the common Cloud Service application share location $RGBU_CLOUD_DATA. From there, Shared Services can access the same.

Data extracted from MFP Cloud Service, can be loaded by scheduling the Online Administration task Load Measure Data -> MFP Plan and Load Measure Data -> Location Plan. These tasks load the required data files into Shared Services. In MFP Cloud Service, Merch Plan data will be at Sub-Class/Channel level, but Shared Services needs one version of MFP data at Sub-Class/Location level. After the MFP data load, scheduling the weekly batch calculation will spread the loaded MFP data from the Sub-Class/Channel to Sub-Class/ Location level using the Location Plan profile. If the Location Plan is not available, it will use the Last Year unit plan data in Shared Services to spread the Sales, Receipt and EOP measures.

The following sections list the measure files exported to Shared Services from MFP Cloud Service.

MFP Retail Cloud Service to Shared Services

MFP Measure Measure Label Base Intersection Exported File Name

mpcpslsu MP CP Sales U week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcpslsr MP CP Sales R week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcpcogsc MP CP COGS C week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcprcptu MP CP Receipts U week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcprcptc MP CP Receipts C week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

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Shared Services Integration with RDF Cloud Service

B-2 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

MFP Cost Cloud Service to Shared Services

Shared Services Integration with RDF Cloud ServiceShared Services supports generating simple Forecast Sales Units at the sku/store/week level using historical sales data. But if retailers want to use advanced forecast data from RDF Cloud Service at the sku/store/week level, the same can be exported from RDF Cloud Service and loaded to Shared Services using the Online Administration Tool task Load Measure Data -> RDF Forecast.

The file fctyslsu.csv.ovr is needed from RDF Cloud Service at location RGBU_CLOUD_DATA. That file will be loaded into the same measure.

To generate the forecast within Shared Services, the Online Administration Tool task Batch Calculations -> Generate Forecast needs to be scheduled. Both generate a forecast within Shared Services or load the forecast from RDF Cloud Service and populate the same forecast measure used in Shared Services. Based on the retailer

mpcpeopu MP CP EOP U week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcpeopc MP CP EOP C week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

lpcpslsu LP CP Sales U week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcpslsr LP CP Sales R week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcpcogsc LP CP COGS C week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcprcptu LP CP Receipts U week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcprcptc LP CP Receipts C week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcpeopu LP CP EOP U week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcpeopc LP CP EOP C week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

MFP Measure Measure Label Base Intersection Exported File Name

mpcpslsu MP CP Sales U week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcpslsr MP CP Sales R week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcpnslsc MP CP Sales C week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcprcptu MP CP Receipts U week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcprcptc MP CP Receipts C week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcpeopu MP CP EOP U week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

mpcpeopc MP CP EOP C week_scls_chnl mfp_mpcp.csv.ovr

lpcpslsu LP CP Sales U week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcpslsr LP CP Sales R week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcpnslsc LP CP Sales C week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcprcptu LP CP Receipts U week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcprcptc LP CP Receipts C week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcpeopu LP CP EOP U week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

lpcpeopc LP CP EOP C week_dept_stor mfp_lppcp.csv.ovr

MFP Measure Measure Label Base Intersection Exported File Name

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Shared Services Integration with RDF Cloud Service

Appendix: Integration with MFP Cloud Service and RDF Cloud Service B-3

need, only one of them should be scheduled to run on a weekly basis. By default, generate forecast is scheduled to run on a weekly basis during implementation in the weekly batch.

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Shared Services Integration with RDF Cloud Service

B-4 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

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Appendix: Standard Exports C-1

CAppendix: Standard Exports

Shared Services provides multiple standard exports that retailers can use to integrate with other systems that need Assortment Plan or Item Plan data. It also exports new Placeholder items and new Product Attributes created in Assortment Planning that can be used to interface them to their source systems.

For more information related to extracted measures, the approval process, and the administration process related to exports, see the Oracle Retail Assortment Planning & Optimization for Grocery/Hardlines Cloud Service User Guide and Oracle Retail Item Planning Cloud Service User Guide. For more details about executing the export using Online Administration Tools using the AS Admin task -> Export Data, see the Oracle Retail Shared Services Administration Guide.

Shared Services ExportsThis section lists the different Shared Services standard exports and the list of measures exported. All exported files will be in CSV format. A few exports are available for export only if the particular solution is enabled.

Assortment Plan - Cluster LevelExport Set Name: Assortment Plan - Cluster Level

Export Set: ag_accp

Exported File: ap_strc_plan.txt

Export from Solution: AP

Export Criteria: All approved Cluster Level Assortment Plans for all un-elapsed time periods.

Table C–1 Assortment Plan - Cluster Level Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

week Week NA NA

sku Item NA NA

Stor Store NA NA

ACCPSlsU AC Cp Sales U real Total

ACCPSlsR AC Cp Sales R real Total

ACCPSlsC AC Cp Sales C real Total

ACCPMandB AC Cp Mandatory Boolean Or

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Shared Services Exports

C-2 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

Assortment Plan - Store LevelExport Set Name: Assortment Plan - Store Level

Export Set: ag_apcp

Exported File: ap_stor_plan.txt

Export from Solution: AP

Export Criteria: All approved Store Level Assortment Plans for all un-elapsed time periods.

Item Plan - Pre-Season - Cluster LevelExport Set Name: Item Plan - Pre-Season - Cluster Level

Export Set: ip_ipop

Exported File: ipop_strc_plan.txt

Export from Solution: IP

Export Criteria: All approved Cluster Level Pre-Season Item Plans for all un-elapsed time periods.

ACCPAsrtCoreB AC Cp Assort Core Boolean Or

ACCPAsrtOptnB AC Cp Assort Optn Boolean Or

Table C–2 Assortment Plan - Store Level Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

week Week NA NA

sku Item NA NA

Stor Store NA NA

APCPSlsU Cp Sales U real Total

APCPSlsR Cp Sales R real Total

APCPSlsC Cp Sales C real Total

APCPMandB Cp Mandatory Boolean Or

APCPAsrtCoreB Cp Assort Core Boolean Or

APCPAsrtOptnB Cp Assort Optn Boolean Or

Table C–3 Item Plan - Pre-Season - Cluster Level Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

week Week NA NA

sku Item NA NA

Stor Store NA NA

ISOPSlsRegU Op Sales Reg U real Total

ISOPSlsRegR Op Sales Reg R real Total

Table C–1 (Cont.) Assortment Plan - Cluster Level Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

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Shared Services Exports

Appendix: Standard Exports C-3

Item Plan - In-Season - Cluster LevelExport Set Name: Item Plan - Ins-Season - Cluster Level

Export Set: ip_ipcp

Exported File: ipcp_st_plan.txt

Export from Solution: IP

Export Criteria: All approved Cluster Level In-Season Item Plans for all un-elapsed time periods.

ISOPSlsProU Op Sales Promo U Boolean Or

ISOPSlsProR Op Sales Promo R Boolean Or

ISOPSlsClrU Op Sales Clr U real Total

ISOPSlsClrR Op Sales Clr R real Total

ISOPSlsC Op Sales C real Total

ISOPEOPU Op EOP U real Total

ISOPEOPC Op EOP C real Total

ISOPRcptU Op Receipts U real Total

ISOPRcptC Op Receipts C real Total

ISOPRtnU Op Customer Returns U real Total

ISOPRtnR Op Customer Returns R real Total

ISOPRtnC Op Customer Returns C real Total

Table C–4 Item Plan - In-Season - Cluster Level Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

week Week NA NA

sku Item NA NA

Stor Store NA NA

ISCPSlsRegU Cp Sales Reg U real Total

ISCPSlsRegR Cp Sales Reg R real Total

ISCPSlsProU Cp Sales Promo U Boolean Or

ISCPSlsProR Cp Sales Promo R Boolean Or

ISCPSlsClrU Cp Sales Clr U real Total

ISCPSlsClrR Cp Sales Clr R real Total

ISCPSlsC Cp Sales C real Total

ISCPEOPU Cp EOP U real Total

ISCPEOPC Cp EOP C real Total

ISCPRcptU Cp Receipts U real Total

ISCPRcptC Cp Receipts C real Total

Table C–3 (Cont.) Item Plan - Pre-Season - Cluster Level Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

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Shared Services Exports

C-4 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

Item Plan - Store LevelExport Set Name: Item Plan - Store Level

Export Set: ip_ipcp

Exported File: ipcp_stor_plan.txt

Export from Solution: IP

Export Criteria: All approved Store Level Item Plans for all un-elapsed time periods.

New Place-holder ItemsExport Set Name: New Place-holder Items

Export Set: ph_item

Exported File: as_new_item.txt

Export Criteria: All newly created placeholder items which are not formalized. It also exports additional product rollup information for that item.

ISCPRtnU Cp Customer Returns U real Total

ISCPRtnR Cp Customer Returns R real Total

ISCPRtnC Cp Customer Returns C real Total

Table C–5 Item Plan - Store Level Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

week Week NA NA

sku Item NA NA

Stor Store NA NA

ISEPSlsRegU Cp Sales Reg U real Total

ISEPSlsRegR Cp Sales Reg R real Total

ISEPSlsProU Cp Sales Promo U Boolean Or

ISEPSlsProR Cp Sales Promo R Boolean Or

ISEPSlsClrU Cp Sales Clr U real Total

ISEPSlsClrR Cp Sales Clr R real Total

ISEPSlsC Cp Sales C real Total

ISEPEOPU Cp EOP U real Total

ISEPEOPC Cp EOP C real Total

ISEPRcptU Cp Receipts U real Total

ISEPRcptC Cp Receipts C real Total

ISEPRtnU Cp Customer Returns U real Total

ISEPRtnR Cp Customer Returns R real Total

ISEPRtnC Cp Customer Returns C real Total

Table C–4 (Cont.) Item Plan - In-Season - Cluster Level Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

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Shared Services Exports

Appendix: Standard Exports C-5

New Product AttributesExport Set Name: New Product Attributes

Export Set: ph_patt

Exported File: as_new_patt.txt

Export Criteria: All Item - Product Attribute association for newly created product attributes in Assortment Planning.

Table C–6 New Place-holder Items Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

sku Item NA NA

DRDVPSKUL Place-holder Item Label String NA

DRDVPSKUPT Style-Color Identifier String NA

DRDVPSKUPL Style-Color Label String NA

DRDVPSKUGT Style-Color Label String NA

DRDVPSKUGL Style Identifier String NA

DRDVPSCLST Style Label String NA

DRDVPSCLSL Subclass Identifier String NA

DRDVPCLSST Subclass Label String NA

DRDVPCLSSL Class Identifier String NA

DRDVPDEPTT Class Label String NA

DRDVPDEPTL Department Identifier String NA

DRDVPDEPTL Department Label String NA

Table C–7 Item Plan - Store Level Export Measures

Measure Measure Label Data Type Aggregation Type

sku Item NA NA

patt Product Attribute String NA

ADDVPrdAttL Product Attribute Label String NA

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Shared Services Exports

C-6 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

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Appendix: Files Needed by OCI for Domain Build/Patch D-1

DAppendix: Files Needed by OCI for Domain


Oracle OCI will do the implementation for a Cloud Service. The retailer needs to send a set of files to OCI to do the initial domain build or patch. This appendix describes the format of those files.

Configuration Files to SendOracle OCI requires the whole configuration together with the required hierarchy files and data files for the domain build. For patching, only the updated configuration file is needed.

The following files need to be sent to Oracle OCI for implementation:

1. apcs.tar.gz

This file should be a tar and gzip of the entire apcs configuration folder after generating the configuration from the plug-ins with the required solution/provision options.

2. as_hiers.tar.gz

This file should be a tar and gzip of the required hierarchies to build the initial Shared Services domain. Ensure it contains all the hierarchy files as .hdr.csv.dat or .csv.dat.

There should be no directories or folders in the as_hiers.tar.gz file.

3. as_data.tar.gz

This file should be a tar and gzip of the required data files to build the initial Shared Services domain. Ensure it contains all the data files that need to be loaded after the domain build.

There should be no directories or folders in the as_data.tar.gz file.

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Configuration Files to Send

D-2 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

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Appendix: Batch Process and Control Files E-1

EAppendix: Batch Process and Control Files

Shared Services batch operations require that the retailer administrative user, who will not have command-line server access, must be able to select, initiate, and schedule RPAS batch activities.

The RPAS platform includes an Online Administration Tool (OAT) capability, which allows simple parameterization and scheduling of pre-configured batch tasks. The OAT framework allows a sequence of several batch tasks to be defined. This sequence is built from a list of available batch services, such as measure loading, calculation, workbook refresh, and so on. These service tasks run in a defined order, so that the user can know, for example, that their daily data updates have been loaded before their workbook refresh tasks are run. The Shared Services batch tasks are configured to run under the existing OAT framework, so that scheduling them to run once, or on a repeating basis, is the same as for other OAT tasks.

The batch task sequences are defined in a small set of text files called batch control files, which are specified below, with some examples.

Batch Processes Under the Control of the ImplementerIn Shared Services, the following are under implementer control:

■ List of batch operations to be run, with available parameterization

■ Order in which batch operations are to be run

■ Scheduling of one or more recurring batch tasks (can be modified by retailer administrator, as needed)

Batch Processes Not Under the Control of the ImplementerDue to the operational and security constraints of the Cloud Service environment, the following are not under implementer control:

■ Parallelization: Batch process automatically parallelizes any applicable batch tasks with a number of processes set to match the provisioned server environment.

■ Script file names, file and directory locations: Custom scripting is not supported for this environment, and no knowledge of file system names or locations is necessary in defining and parameterizing the batch task files.

■ Incoming and outgoing file (ftp) location: These details are fixed within the Shared Services environment.

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Batch Processes Catalog

E-2 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

Batch Processes CatalogThis section describes the list of batch control files and the batch script that uses them.

Batch Load: batch_load_list.txtThe as_load_meas.ksh batch script allows loading of groups of measures. It is called by the Data Load OAT task and can also be called by including them in another control file such as the Batch Exec set. Groups of measures to be loaded are specified in the control file, batch_load_list.txt.

Following is the list of columns in the batch_load_list control file delimited by '|':

■ Load Set Name

■ Parameter type, which must be one of the following:

– M - Measure name (at least one entry required).

– V - To validate if all the measure files exist before the load.

– C - To copy the files from the location specified by an environment variable to the domain input directory before running the load. Currently, only two environmental variables can be used, INCOMING_FTP_PATH and RGBU_CLOUD_DATA.

INCOMING_SRC1_PATH and INCOMING_SRC2_PATH are two additional source paths. If not set externally, INCOMING_SRC1_PATH is defaulted to INCOMING_FTP_PATH and INCOMING_SRC2_PATH is defaulted to RGBU_CLOUD_DATA.

■ Measure Name (for M) and Environment Variable (for C).

Example control file:

The following example shows the setting to load the RDF forecast that needs to be loaded. Before loading, it needs to be copied from the common cloud share location RGBU_CLOUD_DATA and it needs to be validated that the files are present before the data load.

# Load RDF Forecastload_fcst|C|RGBU_CLOUD_DATAload_fcst|V|load_fcst|M|fctyslsu

Batch Calculations: batch_calc_list.txtThe as_batchcalc.ksh batch scripts allow running the RPAS mace utility to run a predefined set of batch calculations. It is called by the Process - Batch Calc OAT task. It can also be called by including them in another control file such the Batch Exec set. It uses a control file called batch_calc_list.txt. Following is the format of this file:

calc_list | [G or L] | [group or expression] | [group name or expr text

The first column provides an identifier for each group of calc instructions. These identifiers are used to select calculations to be run either directly, or as part of a Batch Exec run. (The identifiers can match the Batch Exec identifier, but this is not required.) The second column specifies whether this calculation is to be run in the (G)lobal domain on across all (L)ocal domains. The third column indicates whether the calculation to be run is a registered rule group or an individual expression. The final column provides either the name of the rule group to be executed or the text of the expression to be run.

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Export Measures: batch_export_list.txt

Appendix: Batch Process and Control Files E-3

As with the other control files, any line starting with # is ignored and can be used to comment or document the file, as needed.

Following is an example file for the calc control file:

# Calc Set for Weekly Batch for All Modulesas_weekly | G | group | AD_Batch_GBas_weekly | L | group | AD_Batch_Agg1as_weekly | L | group | AD_Batch_Agg2as_weekly | L | group | AD_Batch_MFP1as_weekly | L | group | AD_Batch_MFP2as_weekly | L | group | AG_Batch_Agg1as_weekly | L | group | AG_Batch_Agg2as_weekly | L | group | IP_Batch_Agg1

Export Measures: batch_export_list.txtThe as_batchexport.ksh scripts allows the flat-file export of one or more measures, using a control file, batch_export_list.txt, to group (and parameterize) the measure lists for particular export operations. It is called by the Export - Plan Data OAT task. It can also be called by including them in another control file such as the Batch Exec set. The format of the control file is a bit complicated, as several types of instructions or parameters can be associated with each export group.

Following are the columns in the export control file:

■ Export Set Name

■ Parameter type, which must be one of the following:

– M - Measure name (at least one entry required)

– F - Filter mask measure

– X - Base intersection (F or X is required)

– O - Output file name (optional). If not provided, it will create under domain/output with name export_<export_set>.dat

– C - Copy output file from output directory to another directory

– M - Move output file from output directory to another directory

– I - Output individual files (optional). If a user wants to create each individual measure as separate file in an export set.

– D - Delimiter (optional)

If PIPE is the delimiter, it will actually use the | character.

■ Parameter value (relative to the parameter type selected above).

■ Measure Format Name (Optional) (It is the valid format name from measure_format_list.txt).

Example control file:

Following is an example control file for the Export Data:

# Export Item - New Product Attributesph_patt|O|as_new_patt.txtph_patt|F|ADHDPHPrdAttBph_patt|C|AS_EXPORT_CLOUDph_patt|M|ADDVPrdAttL

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Batch Execution: batch_exec_list.txt

E-4 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

measure_format_list.txtThe as_batchexport.ksh scripts also use another control file, measure_format_list.txt, which maintains the different measure formats.

Parameters should be separated by | and no spaces. Each line should have:

■ Measure format name

■ Format string (as specified by exportMeasure RPAS utility)

■ Precision string (as specified by exportMeasure RPAS utility)



Batch Execution: batch_exec_list.txtThe as_batchexec.ksh is the main controller script to call multiple scripts by specifying groups of tasks to be run, their sequences, and top-level parameters. This script is called by the Process - Run Batch and Export - Plan Data OAT tasks. This script has an option to restart the process from a particular script.

It uses the control file batch_exec_list.txt. In this file, each active line takes the following form:

batch_type | called_script | script parameters

The first column is an identifier, which may be repeated on several lines to define a grouping of tasks to be run together. The second column indicates which script needs to be called. The third column gives parameter details for that task (as necessary). If more than one parameter, then those should be delimited with "~". Comments may be placed in the batch_exec_list.txt file by starting a comment line with the hash sign (#).


Following is a example batch_exec_list.txt file for reference:

# Daily Batch Cycle for All Modulesas_daily | as_batchcalc.ksh | as_exp_setas_daily | as_batchexport.ksh | ag_accpas_daily | as_batchexport.ksh | ag_apcpas_daily | as_batchexport.ksh | ip_ipopas_daily | as_batchexport.ksh | ip_ipcpas_daily | as_batchexport.ksh | ip_iecpas_daily | as_load_meas.ksh | load_ooas_daily | as_batchcalc.ksh | as_dailyas_daily | as_process_all_cdts.ksh |

# Batch Exec Sets for Export Dataag_accp | as_batchcalc.ksh | ag_exp_setag_accp | as_batchexport.ksh | ag_accp

In this example file, two batch task groups are specified: as_daily and as_accp. Note that these names are implementer-defined identifiers; there is nothing special about the names as_daily or as_accp. Each identifier is thus associated with a sequence of tasks, which will run in the order they are listed in the file.

Note also that no information is provided about times or schedules on which these task groups should be run. This information is specified in the RPAS Online Administration Tool.

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Process to Change Batch Control Files

Appendix: Batch Process and Control Files E-5

The scripts listed for each batch task group are run in the order specified when that type of batch run is requested through the OAT interface.

The list of scripts and their parameters that are available to be used are listed in the following table:

Process to Change Batch Control FilesThe starter kit contains the list of batch control files used in the Shared Services package. An implementer can make changes to any of the above batch control files, but should name them with the extension .ctl and upload the files using the standard SFTP process in Online Admin Tools. That process will copy the *.ctl files to the override control file directory.

Uploaded *.ctl files will not be updated during an upgrade or patch process. So the implementer or retailer needs to maintain changes to those *.ctl files during a patch or upgrade.

It is recommended to make minor changes to control files to avoid changes during each upgrade or patch process.

To simplify the process, rather than editing all the sets in a control file, users can only override the set that they want to modify in a control file and only use that set in their new control file.


In the batch_load_list.txt control file, it currently contains the following data for loading a forecast:

# Load RDF Forecastload_fcst|C|RGBU_CLOUD_DATAload_fcst|V|load_fcst|M|fctyslsu

Batch Script Purpose Parameters

as_load_hier.ksh To load the hierarchy files <Hierarchy Name> <Purge Age> <withUDD(Y/N)>

as_load_meas.ksh To load the set of measures <Measure Set Name>

as_batchcalc.ksh To run batch calculations <Batch Calc Set Name>

as_batchexport.ksh To export the set of measures <Batch Export Set Name>

as_batchtrigger.ksh To wait for the trigger file passed as a parameter

<Trigger File Path> <Trigger File Name>

as_efresh.ksh To refresh workbooks in batch

as_autobuild.ksh To run auto-workbook builds in batch

as_copy_hier.ksh To synchronize one hierarchy based on another hierarchy

<Set Name>

as_formalize_positions.ksh To formalize an hierarchy <Set Name>

Note: Any other scripts present in that batch_exec_list.txt control file that are not documented are to support a specific business process. It is advised to not change those scripts or their control entries during customization.

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Process to Change Batch Control Files

E-6 Oracle Retail Shared Services Implementation Guide

If a retailer wants to load a forecast from some other source, but does not have to validate the file presence, the retailer can edit only the load_fcst set name in the new control file with the name batch_load_list.ctl with only the following content:

# load RDF Forecastload_fcst|M|fctyslsu

The retailer does not have to copy the contents of other load sets into this control file. Each batch process will look for the control set names first in the override control file. If they are not present, it will look for them in the default base control files. During an upgrade or patch process, even if other load sets got changed during the patch process, it will not be impacted by the presence of override control files.

There is no process to delete the override control file, so users can upload an empty *.ctl file if they have already uploaded it. Since the override control file will be empty, the batch process will use the base control files.

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