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Follow the next steps to request one visa to visit the

United States:·

Tourism and

Business (B1/B2)

Study in the

United States (F

and M)

Programs of Interchange ,

summer work, Bilingual

Teachers, etc. (J)


Personnel (B1, A-3,


Religious Workers



Workers (H, L, Or,


Members of Crew

(C1, D)

Investors (E1, E2) Press and Mass

media (I)

Diplomats and

Officials (To, G, C-


Traffic of Persons

and You Victimize

of Crimes (S, T,


STEP 1 : Select his type of visa.

STEP 2 : Fill out the visa application form

STEP 3: Cancel the rights of visa application and schedule appointments to be present at the CAS and for your interview.

STEP 4 One Present in the CAS that you selected, in the date and hour of his appointment, for the capture of photography and fingerprints.


The photo must expire with the following specifications1. The size of the photo must be 5 cm x 5 cm 2. To color 3. Recent (seizure in the last 6 months) that reflects his current appearance 4. White Fund 5. Completely disclosed ears 6. The disclosed head (until it is covered for religious motives) or If you normally use spectacles (not dark lenses), auditory devices, or similar articles, it can use them in the photo. 7. Alterations, retouches or superimposed clothes are not allowed.

STEP 5. Report in the Unit of Visas of the Embassy of the United States in Bogota in the date and hour of your appointment.

STEP 6: Gather your passport with visa in DHL office or in the CAS that you selected .

Consular Interview.

When it is time for your interview, the officer will call your number. You will go to the window specified, and the officer will begin your interview. The interview is your opportunity to explain to the officer your ties in Panama (or another country outside the U.S.), why you seek to travel to the U.S., and other relevant information.

The personal interview with the consular officer (if one is required) and the information that the applicant provides in writing on the application forms are critical elements of the visa process. It is essential that the visa applicant be able to describe a clear, coherent travel plan and provide accurate answers to all written and oral questions. Inconsistent, inaccurate or unrealistic answers make it difficult for the consular officer to conclude that the proposed trip is temporary in nature, or that the applicant is otherwise qualified for a visa.

Consular officers base their decisions solely on the law.

the regulations and Department of State policy. Consular officers have discretion to review or not review documents that are brought to an interview. Please be aware that visa decisions may be made solely based on the content of the interview irrespective of any documentation presented.

The consequences of fraud are extremely serious. Not only will you run the risk of permanently losing your chance to travel to the United States, you may also be subject to criminal penalties.

A Word of Caution.

Arrival to the Embassy


• Please comes to the Embassy 30 minutes before the

hour of his programmed interview.



• Does not allow itself the revenue of third persons the

interviews of visa. Only the revenue is allowed to the solicitor

of visa, except when he is a minor of age.


• The following list contains the elements which revenue is

prohibited. Please not to bring the above mentioned elements to

the area of wait of visa, since we do not possess a site to guard


You will not be able to enter to the area of wait of visa with the following elements:

gun Knife Scissors Lighters / phosphorus

portable Computers, Memories USB and Tablets

Drinks or any type of liquids

Procedures for the interview The day of the interview, you will happen for 2 different points: · Process of Request (where his request of visa and needed documents will be checked by them) · The interview with the Consular Official

TimeYou will have to remain in the Embassy for

approximately 3 or 4 hours

we advise him to use sheltered clothes

First there will be attended The major persons,

persons who come with babies, disabled persons

and / or with another type of special needs.

If his visa is pushed back

If your visa was pushed back, your passport will be returned to him in the moment of your interview with a letter where the reason of the rejection is explained.

To travel to the United States

The visa allows you to travel but does not guarantee admission nor determines the allowed period of stay in the United States

To the moment of your arrival to the United States, an official of immigration of the Service of Customs protection and Borders of the United States of the Department of National Security it will take the decision of his revenue to the above mentioned country and the time allowed for his temporary demurrage.

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