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Page 1: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

Organisation of Models, Location, costumes and


Page 2: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props



Look around the location. yes I am using my friends’ bedroom.

Talk to people there, organise filming permissions. Yes 4 of my Friends agree to be in my shoot and they are all fine to do it.

Identify the equipment you need to use. Yes I am going to use a digital camera to get the best quality pictures. Some will be taken with my phone as it is easy to transfer to the computer.

Examine and identify any potential health and safety issues

Yes Everything will be safe.

Check the position of the sun and lighting conditions. n/a I will be taking the shoot inside therefore sun has no effect. The lighting will be adjustable for the shoot.

Look for interesting shots and camera angles. Yes I will change the position of my four models and make sure I find the best angle leaving space on the top for the masthead and titles.

Check the electricity supply. Yes Battery on phone will be fully charged to insure a long time to take photos and get the best results.

Confirm times and dates with technical crew/actors or anybody you are interviewing, etc.

Yes Everyone has been told the times and the location for the shoot.

Make sure everybody concerned with your video production knows what is happening and what is expected of them when on location.

Yes Everyone involved has been informed and they understand what is happening.

Page 3: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

I was always in contact with my friends who were happy to model for me. I sent a message from my phone to each individual on when and where it is and did not push them to be in my shoot if they didn't want to. Here is an example.

Organisation of Models

Page 4: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

LocationI have chosen to do the photo shoot in my friends house in his bedroom. This is an easy place to get together and meet up. In addition, I am able to change and control the placement of the lighting. Also this is where my target audience spend a lot of their time here.

Page 5: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

Costumes and Props

Page 6: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

Black Suit

The use of a black suit is used to show the wealth of the band that they are rich living a surreal world giving a sense they wear this everyday.

Page 7: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

Sun Glasses

The use of sunglasses implies that there is a sense of mystery. Wearing sunglasses is also stereotypical of what most bands wear and I believe it gives a sense of ‘coolness’.

Page 8: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

Deodorant Can

The use of some deodorant cans on the background shows that the band care about themselves and their smell but at the same time this shows untidiness that they leave random objects around their room; this will appeal to my young male audience.

Page 9: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

Over the head headphones

The uses of headphones implies that the band take music seriously and want to get and hear the best of it rather than using normal headphones these headphones decrease the volume coming from outside to get the best quality music.

Page 10: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

Black afro wig

I wanted one of my models to wear this black afro wig to act as the drummer. Every band has a crazy drummer who carries an identity. I wanted my drummer to seem that he doesn't wash or care about his hair as he dedicates his time to the band.

Page 11: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props


The use of the microphone is used as you need one for the lead singer to sing through. It is stereotypical as many musicians use this.

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The use of this hat represents an old fashioned style being used to look smart and casual. This is stereotypical as these types of hats used to always been worn but not anymore. I am trying to give my band a unique feel as they are trying to be different as they are an Indie band.

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The use of speakers is used to show that they have equipment needed for the bands passion of music. Also it gives a sense that they enjoy listening to songs loud in their bedrooms.

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The deliberate use of this guitar is used as an icon figure as it is the main instrument for a band to have. It is very stereotypical because in a band the first prop you will see will nearly always be the guitar. It gives a sense of originality and an identity for the Indie genre.

Page 15: Organisation of models, location, costumes and props

Overall I feel I have used the right amount of props and costumes and have thought well on what type of props to use for my shoot. I feel I have used a variety of props and costumes to give each of my models an identity and this links well to who I am appealing which is a male audience who enjoy listening to Indie music. I wanted to use four models in my front cover to indicate they are a band and I felt four was the right number. I feel I have shown a clear understanding of where it is best to capture an image using the right angle, framing and position also leaving gaps on the top of the image to allow the masthead or a title to be placed there. I felt I could adjust the lighting well inside. Overall in the mise-en-scene I was trying to give a sense that this band is like no other, but still with the use of equipment bands use, as this magazine is aimed at the Indie genre.


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