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    2.1History of the MBL: -

    Mercantile Bank Ltd (MBL) was incorporated in Bangladesh as a Public Company, Limited by

    shares under the Companies Act 1994 as on May 20, 1999 and subsequently obtained Banking

    Operation License from Bangladesh Bank under the Bank Companies Act 1991 and commenced

    commercial operation on 02 June 1999 to provide efficient banking services and to contribute

    socio-economic development of the country. The bank has 42 branches and 3 SME service

    center. It has listed in the Stock Exchanges at Dhaka and Chittagong in 2003 and 2004


    The Founder of MBL is committed to make it a little more different and a bit special

    qualitatively. This bank has new vision to fulfill and a new goal to achieve. The bank has been

    manned with talented and experienced personnel equipped with most modern technology so

    as to make it most efficient to meet the needs of 21st century. The Head Office of the Bank

    situated at 61, Dilkusha commercial Area, Dhaka. The Board of Directors consists of eminent

    personalities from the realm of commerce and industries of the country.

    The Authorized Capital of the Bank is Tk.3000 million and the Paid -up Capital is

    Tk.1498.89million.The Bank provides a broad range of financial services to its customers and

    corporate clients

    It has a large asset position comprising of Tk. 44940.54 million in December 2007.

    2.2Vision, Mission, Objective, Values


    Would make finest corporate citizen

    2.2.2 Mission

    Will b become most caring, focused for equitable growth based on diversified deployment of

    resources, and nevertheless would remain healthy and gainfully profitable Bank.

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    2.2.3Objective Strategic objective:-

    To achieve positive Economic Values Added (EVA) each year.

    To be market leader in product innovation.

    To be one of the top three Financial Institution in Bangladesh in terms of cost


    To be one of the top five Financial Institution in Bangladesh in terms of market share

    in significant market segment we serve. Financial objective:-

    To achieve 20% return on shareholders equity or more, on average.


    For the customer: - Providing with caring service by being innovative in the development of

    new banking products and service.

    For the shareholder: - maximizing wealth of the bank.

    For the community: - Strengthening the corporate values and taking environment and social

    risk and rewards into account.

    2.3Board of Director: -

    The Board of Directors being at the highest level of organizational structure plays an important

    role on the policy formulation. The Board of Directors is not directly concern with day-to-day

    operation of Bank. They had delegated their authority to the Managing Director and CEO to

    look after the day-to-day affairs of the Bank.

    The Bank is running by an excellent management team under the direct supervision of a

    competent Board of Directors. The Board of Directors comprises total thirteen members, which

    is within the maximum limit as imposed by BPRD circular-12, dated April 26,2003of Bangladesh

    Bank, headed by the Chairman. Md. Abdul Jalil, is the present Chairman of the Board. The

    Managing Director (MD) and CEO head management team. Mr. Dewan Mujibur Rahman is the

    present Managing Director and CEO of MBL.

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    The management hierarchy of Mercantile Bank Limited is given below:

    Figure: - The management hierarchy of MBL

    Board of Directors

    Managing Director

    Additional Managing Director

    Deputy Managing Director

    Senior Executive Vice President

    Executive Vice President

    Senior Vice President

    Vice President

    First Vice President

    Asst . Vice Presi den t

    First Asst. Vice President

    Senior Principal Officer

    Principal Officer

    Senior Officer


    Junior Officer

    Assistant Officer

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    2.4Various committees: -

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    2.5Departmental activity: -

    Cash department

    This section provides three services that are as follows:

    Cash Received

    Cash Payment

    Online Banking Services

    Cash Maintenance

    Cash Received

    The authorized officer receives cash from customers as for MMS, Savings, Current, and other

    Bills. All cash received is kept in registered book with account holders name, account number,

    date, and amount.

    Cash Payment

    The authorized officer payments cash to customers against cheque, bank cash received online

    payment. All cash payments are kept in registered book with account holders name, account

    number, date, amount, cheque number.

    Online Bank Service and Computer Posting

    MBL all branches are now using their own online. Anyone can now draw a cheque and receive

    money from any branch or can save money to his/ her account from any branch. This servicemake peoples life easy going.

    Cash Maintenance

    In the mean time the authorized officer keep record of money in the registered book.

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    Clearing department


    This section mainly works with different type of cheque. Customer submits his/ her cheque to

    receive money. The authorized officer put seal on the customers copy. And then the officer

    received cheque and post in the computer to take document. Clearing division submit all the

    cheques to the Bangladesh bank. Here Bangladesh Bank is the called the clearing house.

    For clearing a bank receives cheque, demand draft, and pay order from its clients. When the

    instrument is put in the bank for clearing, the authorized officer check out the following things:



    Account Number

    Make ensure instrument issuing date not exceed six (6) months

    When everything will be ok the authorized officer put the seal on the instrument.

    Return Cheque

    In the mean time of the clearing some instrument may be returned. The cheque can be

    returned for the following reasons:

    Insufficient fund

    Payment stop by drawerpayees endorsement irregular/ illegible/ required

    payees endorsement irregular required banks confirmation

    Draws signature differ/ required

    Cheque is past dated, out of date/ multi date

    Amount in figure and word is not same

    Clearing stamp required/ requires cancellation

    Bangladeh Bank

    [Clearing House]

    Authorised Bank


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    Accounts department

    Accounts department is most important for the bank. In accounts department maintains all

    types of accounting procedure.

    Function of the accounts department

    Prepare daily statement of the affairs

    Prepared supplementary

    Prepare daily, weekly, quarterly and half yearly and annual statement of the bank

    Reconciliation of the IBTA

    Prepare advice

    Prepare income and expenditure statement

    Maintain the office stationary

    Maintain all administrative work

    Foreign exchange department

    Foreign Exchange

    Foreign exchange is divided into two parts as export and import. Earning foreign currency

    government always encourages business people. Bank here help us to do the business with

    outside of the country.


    Exporting product, all have to maintain some procedure through the bank which is describing


    Export Registration

    Firm have to submit the following documents for obtaining ERC to export and import bureau.

    Nationality certificate

    Bank Certificate

    TIN (Tax Identification Number

    Trade License

    If it is partnership business then have to submit the deed agreement. And if it islimited company have to submit the memorandum or articles of association.

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    Export Order

    After receiving the ERC, the exporter try to contact with the buyer through the correspondent

    bank or directly. When they accept to buy the product there created the contact between the

    export and the buyer. In the contact they mention the product price, the quantity, value of

    commodity quoting FOB, CIR etc.

    Letter of Credit

    L/C which is called at sight mentioned when the importer receive document they pay all dues

    to the bank. L/C which is called Usance mentioned when the importer sell product they pay

    all dues to the bank MBL concern about the L/C facility by offering three types of L/C that are as

    given bellow.

    Cash L/C (for import)

    Back to Back L/C and Local L/C created against master L/C (Export)EPZ (Export Processing Zone

    Cash L/C

    L/C is undertaking by the applicant bank to the beneficiary on behalf of applicant. It is one type

    of security for the importer. Bank gives guaranty to the exporter on behalf of importer. Bank

    gives guaranty to the exporter that if importer fail to keep the agreement then bank is liable to

    pay the money to the exporter.

    Back to Back L/C

    When contact is made the exporter will be understood that they must be followed the terms

    and condition in future avoiding conflict.

    If issuing bank is not trustable then the third bank is obtained.

    What type of L/C it must be mentioned by the advising bank.

    The terms and condition must be clearly mentioned.

    If L/C is transferable then it must be mentioned in L/C.

    Ensure that the L/C is valid.

    It must be mentioned that if the terms and condition would be changed.

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    Documents to Open L/C

    For opening L/C the applicant must submit the following documents:

    Properly fulfill the LCAF (Letter of credit Authorized Form) form.

    Performa Invoice.

    Insurance Coverage.

    Submitting the application to open the L/C.

    Credit report.

    TIN (Tax Identification number) number

    Trade License

    IRC (Import Registration Form)

    IMP Form.

    Accounting Function of L/C opening

    Bank maintenance the following registrar to open and close the L/C:

    IRC register

    LCA issued registered

    L/C opening registered

    L/C liability and margin register

    Shipping indemnity register

    Bill of entry register

    Export register

    PAD (Payment against Document) liability register

    Foreign bill purchase registerOutward bill for collection register

    Balance book

    L/C advising register

    Credit department


    The word credit is derived from the Latin word Credo, meaning I believe. It is usually defined

    as ones ability to buy with a promise to pay. From the bankers point of view, Credit is the

    confidence of the lender on the ability and willingness of the borrower to pay the debt as per

    the schedule of the repayment. For this banking is the term as business of confidence.

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    Before allowing credit facility a banker should be satisfied that the applicant qualities the

    following five essentials which may be term as 5 Cs namely.

    CharacterBrowers Integrity, Honesty and Intention to repay the loan money

    CapacityBorrowers business ability, particularly profit making report.

    Capita Financial Strength to cover a business risk.Conditions it is general business condition

    CollateralBorrowers ability to produce additional securities.

    Forms of Advance/ Credit

    MBL makes advance in different forms. All types of credit facilities can be classified into two


    Funded Credit


    Cash credit (CC))

    Overdraft (OD)

    Consumer Credit Loan

    Agriculture Loan

    Lease financing

    Import Financing (LIM, PAD)

    Export Financing (Packing Credit, Trust Receipt etc.)

    Non Funded Credit

    Letter of Credit (L/C)

    Process of Loan Sanction

    Step 1Loan interviewing/ selection of borrower

    Borrowers identity

    Family Background

    Reputation Business Circle





    Physical Fitness


    Securities Offered against the Loan

    Own Stake in Business

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    Expected terms of Repayment

    Other Sources of Income

    Normal Expenditure for maintaining his family

    Knowledge/ Experience to run the business project etc.

    Step 2 The second step start when the client submits formal loan application to the banker

    duly signed with relevant papers.

    Step 3 Banker will properly scrutinize the loan case and collect and correlate the information

    about the party/ firm/ company/ project from available sources.

    Sources of Information

    Loan Application

    Market Report

    Study of Accounts

    Financial statements

    Spot Verification of Factory/ Office/ Collateral Offered

    Confidential Reports from Other Bank

    CIB of Commercial Bank

    Other Sources like Press Reports Regarding Purchase, Sale Auction, Decrease etc. of


    Registration Records

    Municipal Record

    Registration of Joint Stock Companys Record

    Step 4 Preparation of Credit Report: Performa (Proprietorship/Partnership):



    Date of Compilation of Report

    Nature of the firm & Date of establishment

    Nature of business

    Investment in the business

    Allied or subsidiary concern, if any

    Brief history regarding the proprietors/partnersAnnual income


    Market Reputation


    Bank account & our experience

    Name of the other banks & their experience, if any

    Preparation & signing of the Credit Report

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    Step 5Managers decision about the suitability of the proposed loan/advance.

    Step 6 Assessment:

    Organization & ManagementMarketing Aspect

    Technical Aspect

    Financial Aspect

    Economic Aspect

    Sensitivity Analysis


    Step 7Recommendations

    Step 8


    Step 9Sanction advice & other terms & conditions

    Step 10Repayment & Repayment Schedules

    Step 11Interest rate. Etc.

    Types of Loan

    Care Loan (Staff), SOD against FDR, SOD against (Work Order), SOD against (Scheme), SOD

    General Others, House Building Loan (Commercial), Lease Finance, Hire purchase, Pad (Cash), CC

    (Hypothecation), Small Loan Scheme (SLS), FDBP (LOCAL), House Building Loan (Residential),

    Personal Loan (Only For Bankers), Personal Loan (STAFF), Small Enterprise Loan (SME), Car/

    Microbus, Television, Refrigerator/ Air Conditioner, Computer/ Accessories, Washing/ Swing

    Machine, Furniture, Car/ Auto Loan, Home Loan, Term Loan, Time Loan.

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    2.6Corporate Social Responsibility

    Despite stiff competition in the Banking industry, we consider it essential for a company to

    behave in a responsible manner towards both the environment and society. This belief exists on

    two pillars. First, to be successful on a long term basis, we need to trust our stakeholders-

    customers, shareholders, employees, patrons and well wishers and society. Behavingresponsibly towards society and the environment strengthens this trust. Second, by taking

    ecological and social risks and reward into account, we strengthen our corporate values. Our

    commitment has always been to behave ethically and to contribute towards changing the

    quality of life of our people, the local community, and generally the society. Our Corporate

    Social Responsibility focuses on:


    As a bank we finance mainly in those projects, which are environment friendly. Earlyrecognition of ecological risks in an integral part of credit evaluation system of mercantile bank

    limited. Ecological damage will eventually harm not only the community but also, mercantile

    bank limited, in the form of loan losses or image problems. In this regard, we have sent to

    officials to The Hague, Netherlands for training on Environment and social management Course

    for Financial Institutions conducted by FMO Netherlands.

    Sustainable Banking Products

    We have for introduced a number of banking products for people who have traditionally been

    excluded from the banking services. We have introduced Women Entrepreneurs Development

    Scheme for the women who have experience but do not have seed capital to start business.

    We have agreement with Women Entrepreneurs Association, Bangladesh (WEA) to encourage

    women Entrepreneurs to come forward in the business. We have agreement with Women

    Entrepreneurs Association. We have SME banking products for marginal people. Small and

    marginal severs are encouraged to use banking services and attractive rates of interest are

    offered smaller severs as well.

    Supporting Education

    Our bank offers financial awards to MBM (Masters in Bank Management) students at

    Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) who excel in their studies. We also

    contribute to academic research. We have contributed BDT 1.00 million to Bangla Academy for

    research in Bengali Literature.

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    Supporting Sports and Culture

    Mercantile Bank Limited has promoted a number of non-profit initiatives. We sponsored

    National Chess Championship, Swimming and Tennis Competition. We have sponsored a

    number of Cultural programs to supports different comminutes.

    Supporting Flood and Cyclone Sidr affected people

    Mercantile Bank Limited has contributed a substantial amount of money for Flood and Cyclone

    Sidr affected people of the Country to the relief fund of Hon able Chief Adviser and Army

    Chief. The Bank also distributed relief in different areas for Flood victims.

    Mercantile Bank Foundation

    The bank has to set up Mercantile Bank foundation for extending charitable and beneficial

    social services to the society. The bank contributes 1% of operating revenue or BDT 4.00 million

    to Mercantile Bank Foundation every year. The foundation has been established with the

    following objectives:

    Mercantile Bank Foundation awards 8 (eight) eminent personalities of the country

    every year for the outstanding contribution in the field of Economics and Economic

    Research, Bengali Language and Literature. Medical and Science % Technology, and


    Conducting research on Bengali language and literature.

    Book Purchase and Distribution to encourage writers and publishers of the Country.Donation for Handicapped artists, litterateur, and distressed people.

    Undertaking Project for the development of under-privileged children.

    We will remain committed to fulfill the role of good corporate citizenship in 2008 and beyond.

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    2.7Summary of the financial reports: -

    Net interest margin

    Return on assets.

    Return on equity.

    2002 2003 2004 20052006


    3.16% 3.36% 3.24%3.05%


    3.52% 3.72%

    20022003 2004 2005




    1.24%1.47% 1.46% 1.50%


    2002 2003 2004 20052006



    22.49% 21.91% 21.12% 21.48%18.19%


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    Financial summary for four years of Mercantile Bank,

    Particular 2005 2006 2007 2008

    Income statement

    Interest income 2720.38 3498.67 4450.90 5604.36

    Interest expenses 1987.16 2662.58 3159.30 4045.97

    Net Interest income 733.22 836.09 1291.60 1558.39

    Non- Interest income 752.13 1132.74 1110.05 1273.14

    Non- Interest expenses 518.12 790.07 1016.51 1250.02

    Net Non- Interest income 234.01 342.67 93.54 23.12

    Profit before provision and tax 967.23 1178.76 1385.15 1581.51

    Profit after provision before tax 703.33 970.12 1198.84 1281.68

    Profit after tax 386.83 494.22 540.50 615.88

    Balance sheetAuthorized capital 1200.00 3000.00 3000.00 3000.00

    Paid up capital 999.27 1199.12 1498.90 1798.68

    Total capital 2045.85 2554.29 3387.17 4183.87

    Deposits 25087.43 33332.65 39348.00 49538.36

    Loan and Advance 21857.05 26842.14 31877.86 41993.95

    Investment 3517.68 5407.90 7099.97 7690.12

    Fixed asset 366.80 467.99 593.20 683.00

    Total asset 28890.48 37159.65 44940.54 55928.72

    Foreign exchange business

    Import 33271.90 42442.80 40380.10 56528.80

    Export 24108.57 34592.10 32670.10 43108.50

    Remittance 679.10 2989.10 3510.40 4722.90

    BIS capital measure

    Total risk weighted asset 19693.04 23919.86 29036.56 40634.58

    Core capital 1829.19 2252.63 2929.30 3470.92

    Supplementary capital 216.66 301.66 457.87 712.95

    Tier 1 capital ratio 9.29% 9.24% 10.09% 8.54%

    Tier 2 capital ratio 1.11% 1.10% 1.26% 1.58%

    Total capital ratio 10.39% 10.68% 11.67% 10.30%

    Credit quality

    Non-performing loan 905.74 1017.99 893.99 1242.47

    Provision for unclassified loan 214.34 299.34 361.03 438.20

    Provision for classified loan 523.00 594.00 563.35 578.20

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    % of NPLs to total loan & advance 4.14% 3.79% 2.80% 2.96%

    Share information

    Share price(BDT) 390.75 355.25 415.61 348.25

    No. of share outstanding(`000) 992.66 11991.19 14988.98 17986.78

    Earnings per share(EPS)(BDT)Basic 32.26 32.97 30.05 34.24

    Diluted 32.26 32.97 30.05 34.24

    Dividend per share(BDT) 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00

    Cash(BDT) 5.00 - - -

    Stock% 20.00 25.00 20.00 20.00

    Dividend yield 6.40% 7.04% 4.81% 5.74%

    Dividend payout ratio 64.58% 60.65% 55.46% 58.41%

    Market capitalization 3904.63 4259.87 6229.57 6263.89

    Book value per share 204.74 213.01 225.98 232.61Market value book value multiple 1.91 1.67 1.84 1.50

    Price earning (Times) 10.09 10.77 11.53 10.17

    Operation performance ratio

    Net interest margin 3.05% 2.73% 3.52% 3.72%

    Net non-interest margin 0.97% 1.12% 0.25% 0.05%

    Earning base in asset 90.40% 88.49% 88.35% 91.84%

    Operating efficiency ratio 72.15% 74.54% 75.09% 77.00%

    Cost income ratio 34.88% 40.13% 42.33% 44.15%

    Credit deposit ratio 91.68% 80.53% 81.02% 84.77%

    Cost of fund 8.42% 9.00% 8.75% 9.19%

    Yield on loans and advance 11.80% 12.21% 12.80% 13.24%

    Spread 3.38% 3.21%4.05 4.05% 4.05%

    Return on asset 1.46% 1.50% 1.32% 1.22%

    Return on equity 21.12% 21.48% 18.19% 16.27%

    Equity multiple (Times) 14.12 14.55 13.27 13.37

    Other information

    No. of Branch 28 35 41 42

    No. of employee 663 879 945 1115

    No. of foreign correspondents 266 306 584 586

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