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Page 1: ORGANIZING A TRIP ABROAD PROJECT 1 – AMPLIACIÓN.  You are planning a trip for Christmas with one or two friends from the class.  Your maximum budget.



Page 2: ORGANIZING A TRIP ABROAD PROJECT 1 – AMPLIACIÓN.  You are planning a trip for Christmas with one or two friends from the class.  Your maximum budget.

You are planning a trip for Christmas with one or two friends from the class.

Your maximum budget is 800€ per person for accommodation and transport plus food and other expenses (shopping, tickets, etc.)

You want to organize your your trip for Christmas holidays. The duration of the trip will be 5-6 days from Sunday to Friday. Pay attention to days. You must be back before school starts!!

Once you have made the decision you have to complete the following schema and explain your trip to the rest of the group.


Page 3: ORGANIZING A TRIP ABROAD PROJECT 1 – AMPLIACIÓN.  You are planning a trip for Christmas with one or two friends from the class.  Your maximum budget.

Destination: Dates:

Departure date from Madrid Barajas Arrival date to Madrid Barajas

Flight information: airline, departure time, arrival time, fares

Accommodation: where, price, number of nights. Things you plan to see and do: museums, historical

monuments, natural settings, amusement parks, etc. Why have you chosen that place? Format: small poster board. Remember to include

pictures of your ideas!! Deadline to hand in the outlines: October 22rd


Page 4: ORGANIZING A TRIP ABROAD PROJECT 1 – AMPLIACIÓN.  You are planning a trip for Christmas with one or two friends from the class.  Your maximum budget.

Destination: Dublin (Ireland) Dates:

Departure date from Madrid Barajas: 26th Dec. Arrival date to Madrid Barajas: 30th Dec.

Flight information: Airline: Aer Lingus Departure time from Madrid: 8:30 pm Arrival time to Dublin: 10:05 pm Departure time from Dublin: 6:30 am Arrival time to Madrid: 10:05 am Fares: 150,98€ per person

Accommodation: Where: Dublin Barge Hire (http://dublinbargehire.com/) Price: 300€ per person Number of nights: 4


Page 5: ORGANIZING A TRIP ABROAD PROJECT 1 – AMPLIACIÓN.  You are planning a trip for Christmas with one or two friends from the class.  Your maximum budget.

Things you plan to see and do: Day 1 – 27th: St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Dublin Castle Day 2 – 28th: The National Gallery and the old town Day 3 – 29th: National Aquatic Center and Dublin Zoo

Why have you chosen that place? …


Page 6: ORGANIZING A TRIP ABROAD PROJECT 1 – AMPLIACIÓN.  You are planning a trip for Christmas with one or two friends from the class.  Your maximum budget.

Now that you have your outline you have to present your trip to your classmates. Maybe there are more students joining your trip!!

Each member of the group has to speak at least 1 minute!!

You can only use digital pictures with headlines but no texts!!! (PowerPoint recommended).

Day of the presentations: To be confirmed (some time in Octobe).


Page 7: ORGANIZING A TRIP ABROAD PROJECT 1 – AMPLIACIÓN.  You are planning a trip for Christmas with one or two friends from the class.  Your maximum budget.

Example of presentation

Edinburgh Castle

Railway Museum of York

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