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  • Originator Performance, CMBS Structures and Yield

    Spreads of Commercial Mortgages∗

    Sheridan Titman

    McCombs School of Business

    Department of Finance

    University of Texas at Austin

    Austin, TX 78712-1179.

    Sergey Tsyplakov

    Moore School of Business

    Department of Finance

    University of South Carolina

    Columbia, SC 29208

    Current Draft: May 28, 2008

    ∗Authors’ e-mail addresses are [email protected] and [email protected] respectively. We

    would like to thank seminar participants at the University of Texas at Austin, UCLA, the University of South

    Carolina, and the 2007 Summer Real Estate Symposium, and, especially, Jefferson Duarte, Tim Koch, Steve

    Mann, Eric Powers and Donghang Zhang. We also thank Renjie Wen for excellent research assistance.

  • Originator Performance, CMBS Structures and Yield Spreads of Commercial



    This paper examines information and incentive problems that can exist in the market

    for conduit mortgages, which are commercial mortgages placed in pools that are repackaged

    and sold as CMBS. We find that conduit mortgages that are originated by institutions

    with negative stock price performance in the quarters just prior to the origination date

    tend to have higher credit spreads and default more than other mortgages with similar

    characteristics. This evidence is consistent with reputation models that suggest that poorly

    performing originators have less incentive to expend resources evaluating the credit quality

    of prospective borrowers. We also find that the originator/performance effect is stronger

    when the originator of the mortgage is also the lead underwriter of the CMBS and that the

    time between the origination date and the CMBS offering is shorter for originators that are

    stock price losers.

  • 1 Introduction

    Securitization involves pooling cash flow claims from financial instruments to form publicly

    traded securities. Financial instruments that are commonly securitized include residential

    and commercial mortgages and commercial and consumer loans, which historically, were

    both originated and held by banks, savings and loans and insurance companies.

    With the introduction of securitization, the evaluation and risk bearing functions of

    financial institutions can be split. The institution that initially underwrites the loan, and

    evaluates the borrower, need not be the same institution that ultimately bears the risks

    associated with holding the loan. The advantage of separating these functions is that the

    loan originations are best performed by institutions with good local knowledge, while risk is

    most efficiently borne by large internationally diversified portfolios. Offsetting this advantage

    are potential incentive/information problems that exist when an originator with better local

    knowledge sells mortgages to less informed investors. In particular, there may be a tendency,

    on the part of the originator, to expend too little effort in the evaluation of individual loans.

    Due to the repeated nature of the securitization business, such a tendency is not expected to

    be severe during normal circumstances because originators of individual loans are expected

    to be concerned about their reputation for originating high quality loans. However, there

    may be a tendency to reduce origination expenses when the originator is doing poorly and

    is more concerned about its short-run profitability than its reputation.

    This paper examines these incentive/reputation issues within the context of what are

    called conduit mortgages, which are commercial mortgages that were originated with the in-

    tention of placing them in Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS). The commercial

    mortgage backed securities market was introduced in the early 1990s and grew very rapidly,

    perhaps because of the advantages associated with liquidity and better risk sharing;1 by

    2006 there were more than $600 billion in CMBS bonds outstanding.2 However, the CMBS

    1See Riddiough and Polleys (1999), Riddiough (2002), and Ambrose and Sanders (2003).2In 2005 more than $165 billion in CMBS was issued in the United States, which represented more than

    20% of the overall commercial mortgage market. These numbers are quoted from a January 8, 2006 press

    release of the Commercial Mortgage Securities Association (CMSA).


  • market slowed considerably in the latter half of 2007, in part, reflecting concerns about the

    origination/underwriting process induced by residential sub-prime mortgage problems.3

    To understand the information issues that arise in the origination of commercial mort-

    gages it is useful to contrast the commercial mortgage market with the market for residential

    mortgages. In contrast to commercial mortgages, which are not always securitized, most resi-

    dential mortgages are now packaged into mortgage backed securities. One difference between

    these markets is that for residential mortgages originators tend to use what are known as

    credit scoring systems, which are purely mechanical systems that map quantitative informa-

    tion about the borrower and the property into a credit score that determines whether the

    loan is offered. By using a credit scoring system banks ignore soft information (i.e., infor-

    mation that cannot easily be quantified), which plays an important role in the evaluation of

    commercial mortgages. In addition to evaluating hard facts like loan to value and coverage

    ratios, the originator of commercial mortgages evaluates the quality of the property, its al-

    ternative uses,4 and the incentives and reliability of the owners. This type of information

    is likely to be costly to quantify, which means that the ultimate mortgage investors, who

    see only the hard information, must to a large extent rely on the originator’s judgment and

    reputation. A reputable originator, who is expected to carefully investigate the mortgages

    and exercise good judgment, may be able to sell mortgages for a premium relative to less

    reputable originators who are likely to expend less resources evaluating the mortgages.

    There is a large theoretical literature that describes the tradeoffs between the short-

    term benefits of exploiting one’s reputation, e.g., selling mortgages without bearing the

    investigation costs, and the long-term costs of operating in the future without the benefit of

    a favorable reputation.5 These models suggest that in situations where the originator has a

    long horizon, i.e., uses a very low discount rate to evaluate this tradeoff, there is a tendency to

    make choices that are likely to help its reputation. However, a more short-sighted originator

    may make choices, like reducing investigation costs, that help its current earnings at the

    3See, for example, Prudential Real Estate Investors Quarterly Report for October 2007.4Benmelech, Garmaise, and Moskowitz (2005) presents evidence that the redeployability of commercial

    real estate affects mortgage spreads.5Klein and Leffler (1981), Shapiro (1983), and Allen (1984) provide models where buyers cannot observe

    product quality prior to purchase. In these multi-period models, sellers forgo the short-term cost savings

    associated with reducing quality in order to maintain their reputations and ability to credibly sell high

    quality goods in the future.


  • expense of its reputation and future earnings.6

    Our empirical analysis of these issues is based on the idea that an originator’s past stock

    price performance is an indicator of its incentive to make short-sighted choices that help its

    current earnings at the expense of its reputation. As a result, relative to the hard information

    that is available to CMBS investors, the mortgages originated by poorly performing institu-

    tions may be somewhat riskier. There are a number of reasons why this may be the case.

    First, poorly performing originators may be more likely to approve mortgages without the

    appropriate due diligence, thereby letting some relatively risky mortgages pass through their

    screens. Second, on the margin, a poorly performing originator may be less willing to forego

    origination fees by rejecting mortgage applications when its investigation reveals potentially

    unfavorable information about the borrower or the property. Third, it is plausible that

    poorly performing originators are under pressure to sell riskier mortgages and place them

    in CMBS deals even though these mortgages were not intended initially to be securitized.

    Finally, a poorly performing originator may attract less credit worthy mortgagors, who are

    aware of their weaker screening standards. As a result, if the buyers of conduit mortgages are

    aware of these tendencies they will require higher credit spreads, conditional on observable

    characteristics, on the mortgages they acquire from poorly performing originators.7

    Consistent with this argument we find that originators that experienced large stock price

    declines in prior quarters tend to originate mortgages with wider spreads, even after con-

    trolling for a variety of property and mortgage characteristics, as well as originator fixed

    effects and monthly time effects, which control for the fact that some institutions specialize

    in riskier mortgages and that economy-wide shocks change the riskiness of real estate from

    month to month. However, while this evidence supports the reputation hypothesis, there

    are other potential explanations. In particular, it is possible that the direction of causality

    is the reverse of what we suggest. Specifically, it could be the case that some originating

    institutions experience lower stock returns because of their focus on geographical regions or

    6Maksimovic and Titman (1991) develop a model, based on Myers (1977), where the firm’s cost of raising

    capital is higher when it is financially distressed. Because of its higher discount rate, the firm has less

    incentive to improve product quality that cannot be initially observed. One can generate similar results

    within the context of a model where the manager has shorter horizon following poor performance because

    of career concerns.7See, for example, Titman and Trueman (1986) and Khanna, Noe, and Sonti (2006) which provide models

    where better quality underwriters attract better quality issuers.


  • property types which have become particularly risky (relative to the entire market), and thus

    originate mortgages with higher relative spreads that reflect the higher relative risk. It is

    also possible that there is a reputation channel that is very different than what we propose.

    For example, Hubbard, Kuttner and Palia (2002) suggest that financial institutions that are

    doing poorly tend to be less concerned about their long-term reputation and exploit their

    borrowers by charging higher rates on their commercial loans.

    To distinguish between these alternative hypotheses we run additional cross-sectional

    test. We find that the difference in spreads between stock price losers and non-losers is

    wider during periods when whole financial industry experiences market downturns. This

    evidence is consistent with the idea that scrutiny of origination quality can weaken during

    market downturns which allows potentially distressed institutions to shift their origination

    practices, and less consistent with hypothesis that stock prices decline in anticipation of

    risk increase of certain regions of real estate markets. Our most direct evidence that the

    mortgages of stock price losers are riskier comes from an analysis of the default histories of

    the mortgages. We find that the mortgages originated by stock price losers default more

    often, suggesting that the observed higher spreads reflect higher default risk rather than the

    exploitation of borrowers. In addition, we find that the time lag between when a mortgage

    is originated and the selling date of the CMBS deal that includes the mortgage is shorter

    for mortgages originated by originators who had poorer stock price performance. This last

    finding suggests that poorly performing originators may be anxious to sell the mortgages

    they originate before negative information about the mortgages is revealed. Finally, we

    provide evidence that suggests that the ratings agencies act as though the past stock returns

    of the originators provide information about a mortgage’s risk. Specifically, we find that the

    ratings agencies require higher subordination levels (a lower percent of the issued bonds are

    rated AAA) for CMBS issues that include more mortgages originated by underperforming


    We also examine the loan to value ratios of the mortgages, which may be influenced by

    the originator’s past stock returns under both of the alternative explanations. For example,

    if we believe stock price losers have riskier clients, or that they exploit them more, then we

    might expect to observe lower loan to value ratios on the mortgages they originate. However,

    we find no significant relation between loan to value ratios and the originator’s past stock



  • Finally, we uncover evidence that provides support for the idea that the degree of outside

    scrutiny plays an important role in the determination of credit spreads. Specifically, in our

    data set, about a third of the mortgages are originated by the same institution that later

    becomes the lead underwriter of the CMBS in which the mortgage is sold. When this is the

    case, the mortgage may be scrutinized less before it becomes a part of a CMBS and ultimately

    sold to investors. We find that in these cases the past stock returns of the originator have a

    stronger influence on mortgage spreads.

    Although our focus is on the CMBS market, our analysis relates to the broader litera-

    ture that considers the relation between the reputations of financial intermediaries and the

    pricing of equity and debt issues. This literature includes theoretical papers that examine

    how the reputation of underwriters relate to the quality of the corporate securities they

    issue,8 as well as an empirical literature that explores the cross-sectional relation between

    various measures of underwriter reputation and security pricing.9 However, in contrast to

    this literature, which views the reputation or prestige of the underwriting institution as a

    permanent attribute,10 our focus is on how the credibility of an institution can change over

    time. Indeed, our empirical tests include originator fixed effects and thus control for differ-

    ences in their “average” reputations, and focus on how the credibility of originators change

    when their stock return is lower.

    The organization of this paper is as follows: next analyzes the CMBS securitization

    process. Section 3 describes the data. Our main results, including robustness checks, are

    discussed in Section 4. Additional tests are presented in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the


    8For example, in Pennacchi (1988), a bank’s ability to sell loans to investors depends on investors’

    perceptions of the bank’s ability to monitor loans they sell. In addition, in Chemmanur and Fulghieri

    (1994), the reputation of a financial intermediary mitigates the moral hazard problem associated with the

    incentive to lower the underwriting standards.9Beatty and Ritter (1986) and Carter and Manaster (1990) find that the prestige of investment banks

    is associated with the pricing of IPOs. Michaely and Shaw (1994) document that IPOs underwritten by

    reputable investment banks experience less underpricing and also show that they perform better in the long

    run. Livingston and Miller (2000) and Fang (2005) finds that debt issued by more prestigious underwriters

    have lower yields.10Carter and Manaster (1990) measure prestige of investment banks its place in the hierarchy of bank names

    in "tombstone announcements." Michaely and Shaw (1994) and Fang (2005) use a measure of investment

    bank reputation based on bank’s relative size and/or market share.


  • 2 The CMBS Securitization Process

    In this section we describe institutional details of the process through which a typical CMBS

    security is created. The process starts with a financial institution (the originator) that pro-

    vides a mortgage that is collateralized by commercial property. If the mortgage is originated

    with the intention of including it in a CMBS, it is called a conduit loan and the originator

    has to follow certain loan origination guidelines in assessing the mortgage risk. The origi-

    nator has to assess a variety of risk factors related to property type, location, the physical

    quality of the property, lease structure, the quality of the management team and the quality

    of the tenants.11 Some of these risk factors, such as property type, size of the property and

    the current lease structure are either observable or relatively easy to assess. However, in

    addition to this hard information, they must make more ambiguous assessments of softer

    information, such as local competition and the quality of the property and its tenants. This

    soft information can be expensive to obtain and may be difficult to verify.

    When the mortgage terms are finalized the originator transfers (or sells) the mortgage

    along with other mortgages to a CMBS underwriter. Normally there is a time lag between

    when the mortgage is originated and when it is transferred to a CMBS underwriter. The

    underwriter screens the mortgages and creates a pool of mortgages from different origina-

    tors. Using this pool as collateral the underwriter issues bonds with different seniorities

    (or tranches) that are sold to investors.12 Often the underwriter includes the mortgages it

    originated in the pool, in which case, there is no third party that screens the mortgages.

    After the pool composition is finalized, but before the securities are issued, the credit rat-

    ing agencies analyze the portfolio of mortgages in the pool, considering the above mentioned

    characteristics of the mortgage as well as portfolio characteristics, like the property type

    composition and geographical diversification. In many cases the credit agencies reexamine

    the quality of the mortgage origination process and conduct individual site inspections.13

    Based on their assessment of the risk factors, rating agencies determine the subordination

    levels for each credit rating. For example, AAA subordination is the percentage value of the

    total CMBS pool that are in securities rated below AAA. Since a higher subordination level

    reduces the default risk of the bonds, subordination levels for each rating category will be

    11See Fabozzi et al (2000).12See Riddiough (2002) for a description of the underwriters role in the CMBS markets.13See Fabozzi and Jacob (1998).


  • higher when the pool of mortgages is deemed to be riskier.

    3 Data Overview

    Our data set, which was provided by Standard & Poors, includes information on over 19,000

    commercial mortgages that were originated between 1992 and 2002. As reported in Panel 1

    of Table 1, very few mortgages were originated prior to 1995, so we limit our study to the

    1995 to 2002 period. Most of the mortgages in our sample are conduit mortgages, issued

    specifically for inclusion in a commercial mortgage backed security (CMBS).14 The data set

    includes detailed information on characteristics of the mortgaged properties along with the

    mortgage contract specifications and information on mortgage originators and CMBS deals.

    Our data set also includes the dates when the mortgage is originated as well as the dates

    when the CMBS that includes the mortgage is issued. The time between these dates, i.e.,

    the "time lag," average 159 days with a standard deviation of 141 days. The time lag for

    some mortgages is several years.

    For most mortgages we have information on the CMBS deal to which the mortgage was

    subsequently sold. Specifically, we have data on 94 CMBS deals that include a total of

    14,420 mortgages.15 ,16 For these deals we have information on the lead underwriters, which

    structure the securities and sell them to the CMBS investors. The lead underwriters are

    often the originator of the largest number of mortgages in a given deal, but may also be a

    third party, i.e., not an originator of any mortgage in the deal. As we show in the summary

    statistics, originators that also serve as underwriters of CMBS deals tend to include more

    than 50% of their own mortgages in those deals.

    3.1 Property Characteristics

    The data set also includes information on the mortgaged properties. The information we

    use includes the property type and the appraised property value as well as its annual net

    14Our sample also includes a small number of mortgages that were included in CMBS pools more than 2

    years after origination.15For more than 4,000 mortgages we cannot identify the CMBS deals to which the mortgages were sold.16Typically, the CMBS deals include between 100 and 200 mortgages. The largest number of mortgages

    in a deal is 591 and one deal has only one mortgage.


  • operating income at the time of the origination.17 Summary statistics describing the proper-

    ties are presented in Panel 3 of Table 1. The property types include multi-family apartment

    complexes, unanchored retail, anchored retail, medical offices, industrial, warehouse, mo-

    bile home parks, office buildings, properties of mixed use, limited service hotels, full service

    hotels, and self storage. The data set also includes information about occupancy of the

    property and the year it was built or renovated. These two observations are missing for

    about 15% of the mortgages in the data set.

    3.2 Mortgage Characteristics

    The data includes the following financial information for individual mortgages: origination

    date; mortgage rate; loan to value ratio; whether the mortgage is non-amortizing, amortizing,

    or semi-amortizing; and the maturity of the mortgage. The loan to value ratio (LTV), which

    is generally between 60% and 80%, is measured as the loan amount divided by the appraised

    value of the property. Non-amortizing mortgages represent approximately two-thirds of the

    mortgages with the rest being amortizing and semi-amortizing mortgages, where the loan

    amortization rate is defined as 1−Principal Value at MaturityInitial Principal Value (See Panel 3 of Table 1). The majorityof the mortgages have 10 year maturities and, due to prepayment penalties, are effectively

    not prepayable.

    3.3 Originator Characteristics

    The mortgages in our final sample were originated by 50 different institutions. Mortgage

    originators include large commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, and

    financing arms of large companies (e.g. GMAC). In Panel 4 of Table 1, we list the 30

    largest originators that have at least 100 mortgages in the data set. Mortgages originated

    by these institutions constitute about 97% of the mortgages in the data set. We also include

    information on average spread, LTV ratios and delinquency rates across the originators. As

    reported in the summary statistics, seven originators issued more than 1,000 mortgages each.

    Mortgage LTV ratios do not vary significantly across originators, but the delinquency rates

    17The Net Operating Income (NOI) is defined as gross annual revenue less maintenance and other oper-

    ational expenses before taxes and depreciation for the 12 month period prior to the mortgage origination



  • do vary across originators.

    The originator characteristic that we are most interested in is their cumulative stock

    returns in periods prior to the mortgages they originate. Panel 5 of Table 1, reports cu-

    mulative stock returns (and standard deviations) across originators measured during two

    look-back windows of three and six month prior to mortgage origination. Given that our

    sample periods includes the Asian currency crises, the Russian default, as well as the period

    after 9/11, there is a time-series variation as well as cross-sectional variation in these stock


    4 Main Regression Analysis

    4.1 Cross-Sectional Regression Specification

    As we mentioned in the introduction, our goal is to estimate the extent to which the orig-

    inators’ past performance influences the characteristics of the mortgages they originate. In

    particular, we will examine the relation between originators’ past stock returns and the

    spreads on the mortgages they originate. In these tests we define mortgage spreads as the

    difference between the mortgage rate and the rate on Treasury bonds with the same maturity

    as the mortgage, observed on the mortgage origination date.

    The first regression we estimate, described below, regresses mortgage spreads on several

    indicator (Dummy) variables describing the originators’ past stock returns, along with control

    variables that correspond to property and mortgage characteristics.

    Spread = intercept+ α(dummy=1 if originator is "stock price loser")


    βi(property characteristics variables)


    γi(mortgage characteristics variables)

    + (property type dummy variables)

    + (originator dummy variable)

    + (origination time dummy variables) + .


    We call the indicator variables for poorly performing originators "stock price loser" dum-

    mies and estimate a series of regressions with two different stock price loser dummies, defined

    as follows:


  • 1) Dummy variable=1, if the originator’s stock return is less than -10% during the 3

    months prior to the mortgage origination date [-3mo, 0] and zero otherwise.

    2) Dummy variable=1, if the originator’s stock return is less than -10% during the 6

    months prior to the mortgage origination date [-6mo, 0] and zero otherwise.

    We choose negative 10% return as a cutoff because this return is approximaty one stan-

    dard deviation from avergae. See Panel 5 of Table 1. Panel 6, which reports the stock return

    characteristics of originators, reveals that between 10% and 11% of the mortgages in our

    sample were originated by institutions that realized stock price declines of at least 15% in

    the prior periods. There is significant time-series variation across quarters in the fraction of

    originators that are "stock price losers." For example, more than 40% of the mortgages were

    originated by stock price losers (prior 3mo window) in both the fourth quarter of 1998 (the

    period after the Russian default) and the fourth quarter of 2001 (the period after 9/11). In

    contrast, in the first and second quarters of 1996, no mortgages were originated by stock

    price losers.18

    We include control variables that describe characteristics that are likely to proxy for the

    riskiness of the properties. These variables include the NOI/Value ratio, which proxies for

    the expected growth of net operating income,19 and the value of the property to capture size

    effects.20 We also include property type dummies to control for differences in the risk for

    each type of property. In addition we include variables that describe the mortgage terms,

    which include the LTV ratio, the loan amortization rate, and the mortgage maturity. The

    loan amortization rate and the mortgage maturity measure how fast the loan is paid off.

    To control for possible differences across originators we use originator fixed effects, and to

    18Alternative measures for the periods when originators perform poorly may include periods with low ROE,

    EPS ratios or capitalization ratios as well as periods of debt ratings reduction. However, these alternative

    indicators may be less suitable given the heterogeneity of originators. The concern is that we cannot directly

    compare financial ratios across originators that include not only banks and financial institutions, but also

    insurance companies and arms of large corporations (GMAC). Using periods with large stock return losses

    as an indicator for poor performance is not subject to such a concern.19Properties with larger NOI/Value ratios are likely to have higher payouts and lower NOI growth in the

    future. As shown in Titman, Tompaidis and Tsyplakov (2004), NOI/Value should be positively related to

    credit spreads.20First, there may be economies of scale associated with the transaction costs of providing a mortgage.

    Second, more reliable individuals may be acquiring the larger properties. Finally, the larger properties may

    have less risky cash flows because they may be more diversified and the owners may have more market power.


  • control for macro changes in interest rates and risk we include time dummies that correspond

    to the different origination months.

    4.2 Cross-sectional Results

    4.2.1 The Relation Between Originators’ Prior Stock Returns and Mortgage


    The estimates of these regressions, which are reported in Table 2, are consistent with our

    hypothesis that poorly performing institutions originate riskier mortgages. Panel 1 of this

    table reports regressions that include monthly dummies and Panel 2 reports the regressions

    that include macro-economic variables and annual dummies. In both cases the coefficient of

    the stock price dummy variables are positive and statistically significant, which reveals that

    after controlling for mortgage and property characteristics, as well as originator and time

    fixed effects, originators that experienced poorer stock price returns in prior quarters tend

    to issue mortgages with wider spreads. The coefficient of the "stock price loser" dummy is

    7 and 8 b.p., for look-back window of 3 and 6 months respectively.21 If one believes that the

    increase in average industry credit spreads that are associated with larger fraction of stock

    price losers is due to the originators providing less analysis on the mortgages they initiate

    21In an alternative specification, instead of using monthly time dummies, we introduce variables that

    control for changes in marco-economic credit environment and changes in real estate fundamentals. The

    variables we include are shown to account for changes in credit spreads of commercial mortgages (e.g. Maris

    and Segal. (2002) Titman,Tompaidis and Tsyplakov (2005)) including: spread of AAA-rated corporate

    bonds; slope of the treasury curve, which is measured as Yield of 10-year Treasury minus Yield of 1-year

    maturity Treasury; cumulative return of NCREIF for prior four quarters, average rate of commercial real

    estate write-offs for prior four quarters; average delinquency rate of commercial real estate for prior four

    quarters . In this specification, the latter three macro-economic variables are available on quarterly basis

    only, therefore we include time fixed effects that correspond to different origination years. The estimated

    coefficient for cumulative stock returns are statistically significant and slightly more negative than in the

    regression that includes monthly time dummies. Regression results also reveal that mortgage spreads overall

    are negatively related to 10-Year maturity Treasury rate which is consistent with theoretical predictions.

    Mortgage spreads decline with the slope of the Treasury curve, and increase with spread of AAA-rated

    corporate bonds. Also, the mortgage spreads are wider after periods when in a preceding four quarters there

    is a higher delinquency rate of commercial real estate and when the commercial real estate performs poorly

    as measured by the cumulative return of NCREIF index. The results of this regression are available upon



  • relative to the periods when originators perform well, then the regression with monthly

    dummies will likely understate the total effect of stock price performance on credit spreads.

    As we will show in the next section, the economic impact of past stock performance is

    stronger for periods when financial industry is suffering a downturn.

    We should stress that the results should be interpreted as cross-sectional results that

    institutions with at least 15% declines in stock price originate riskier mortgages relative to

    better performing institutions during the same month period. An alternative interpretation

    of the regression results is that poor stock price performance of the institutions is simply

    driven by expectations of a decline in market fundamentals and an increase in risk for

    commercial properties, which, in turn, may explain why spreads are wider after periods

    with stock price declines. This interpretation of our regression results is less plausible for

    two reasons. First, we control for monthly fixed effects. Second, in our data set, most

    originators are large financial institutions for which origination of commercial mortgages is

    only a relatively small part of their businesses, therefor we don’t expect that their stock

    prices should be significantly driven by changes in real estate fundamentals.

    4.2.2 Estimates of Other Control Variables

    The estimated coefficient of the property control variables are consistent with our expecta-

    tions. In particular, we find that mortgages on riskier property types have larger spreads,

    e.g., multi-family apartment complexes and mobile home parks have the smallest spreads and

    hotels and medical offices the largest. In addition, the coefficient of the NOI/Property Value

    ratio is significantly positive, which is consistent with theory that suggests that a higher

    expected growth rate in operating income leads to narrower spreads. We also find that the

    coefficient of the logarithm of property value is significant and negative, which is consistent

    with larger properties being less risky as well as with economies of scale in origination and

    default costs.

    In contrast, the estimated coefficients for the mortgage characteristics are somewhat

    inconsistent with theory. For example, the estimated coefficients of the LTV variable are weak

    and statistically insignificant in the regression with macro-economic variables. Similarly, the

    coefficients of the loan amortization rate are small. It is likely that the weak relation between

    spreads and mortgage characteristics is due to the fact that these are endogenous variables; to

    obtain mortgages on riskier properties, originators are likely to require lower LTV and shorter


  • duration. This, of course, can create a bias in our estimates of the mortgage characteristics

    coefficients, but more importantly, it can create a bias in the coefficient of past stock returns if

    there is a correlation between mortgage characteristics and past stock returns. For example,

    if mortgages originated by institutions with relatively worse stock returns have high LTV

    ratios, the coefficient on the past stock returns will be biased upwards, because the LTV

    coefficient does not appropriately capture the effect of LTV on spreads. In Section 4.5 we

    examine how past stock returns influence mortgage LTV choice to help us gauge the extent

    to which this is a problem.

    4.3 Are Mortgage Spreads Wider for Worse Performing Origina-

    tors During Industry Downturns?

    The specification of our previous regression assumes that the cross-sectional relation between

    mortgage spreads and the fact that the mortgage is originated by a "stock price loser" are the

    same in each month. In this section we explore the possibility that the effect is stronger in

    those months in which the entire financial industry is doing relatively poorly. Our intuition

    is that the incentive to originate higher risk mortgages arises because of pressures on the

    originator when it is doing poorly, and when the potential scrutiny of origination quality

    is reduced, which means that we are more likely to see stronger results in months in which

    financial institutions, as a group, are doing quite poorly. We expect that during these periods

    an overall scrutiny of the origination quality is weaker which would allow a "stock price loser"

    to temporarily shift its origination standards.

    To examine this possibility we identify periods in which the financial industry experi-

    enced economic distress and investigate whether the relation between mortgage spreads and

    originator performance is stronger in those periods. We identify distress periods based on

    the return of the S&P1500 Diversified Financials Price Index (S&P1500 Div), which tracks

    the performance of a broad range of US financial institutions. Specifically, in the last column

    of Table 4 we report the cumulative return for the prior 3 months of S&P1500 Div index

    for our sample period of 1996-2002. We select the negative cumulative stock return over

    3-month period, in order to capture longer-term downward periods in the index. During

    1996-2002, the cumulative 3-month return of the index is negative for 27 months out of 84

    months, and there were 5118 mortgages in the data set originated during these months. We


  • view these months as periods when financial industry suffered a downturn. Interestingly,

    these 27 months with negative index return appear to occur in clusters and tend to overlap

    with period generally known as Russian default and LTCM crises in late 1998 as well as

    a period of 9/11 aftermath and Enron collapse, but not with the period of Asian currency

    crisis. In Table 4 These three periods are identified by "*" and "**" and "***"in the table,


    To test the hypothesis that the difference in spreads between worse performing insti-

    tutions and better performing institutions widens during distress periods we introduce a

    market downturn dummy that equals 1 if the cumulative return for the prior 3 months of

    S&P1500 Div index is negative, and zero otherwise. We then split the "stock price loser"

    dummy into two dummy variables: for periods when market downturn dummy=1, and when

    market downturn dummy=0. These two variables allow us to disentangle the effect of "stock

    price losses" on mortgage spreads in periods of industry downturns.

    Spread = intercept

    +α(dummy=1 if originator is "stock price loser" and market downturn dummy=1)

    +θ(dummy=1 if originator is "stock price loser" and market downturn dummy=0)

    + βi(property characteristics variables)


    γi(mortgage characteristics variables)

    + (property type dummy variables)

    + (originator dummy variable)

    + (origination time dummy variables) + .


    Table 3, which reports these regression estimates, reveals that the both coefficients for "Stock

    Price Loser" dummies are positive and statistically significant. The estimated values are

    higher for periods of market downturns, which indicates that an institution’s past stock

    losses influences the spreads on the mortgages it initiates more when financial institutions

    in general are doing poorly. For example, the difference in mortgage spreads originated by

    institution whose stock return is less than negative 15% for past 6 month is 13 b.p. This

    implies that it is during times when the entire lending industry suffer, a "stock price loser"

    originates more risky mortgages when compared to a "stock price loser" during the times


  • when the industry does not experience poor performance. In other words, loosing 15%

    or more during market downturns results in a larger incremental spread relative to non-

    losers if compared with losing 15% or more during normal periods. Perhaps, during market

    downturns the competition between lenders weakens leading to even lesser quality of the

    origination process and due diligence.

    4.4 Cross-Sectional Estimates in Each Month

    The regressions in the previous sections assumed that the residuals were independently

    distributed. Although the regressions include monthly time dummies as well as originator

    dummies, it is likely that there are sources of correlation between the residuals that are

    not adequately accounted for by our controls. For example, the residuals of the mortgages

    originated by the same institution in the same period may be correlated. To address this

    issue, we report estimates of regressions that are identical to the regressions reported in the

    last section except that they do not include originator fixed effects and are run in each of

    the individual sample month.22 By running these regressions in individual months we can

    gauge the level of significance by the extent to which the cross-sectional relation between

    the stock returns of the originator and spreads holds across monthly periods.

    Table 4 reports these regressions for each of the 84 months between 1996-2002. The

    average coefficient estimate of the "stock price loser" dummy variable varies between 0.08

    and 0.11 indicating that the credit spreads are 8-11 b.p. wider for mortgages originated by

    poorly performing institutions. For look-back window of 6 months, the estimated coefficient

    for the dummy variable takes positive values for 44 months out of 60 (for 14 months there are

    no "stock price losers"). The Fama-MacBeth t-statistics is 2.77 and 3.15 implying significance

    at 1% level for these two specifications. This monthly analysis supports the hypothesis that

    worst performing institutions originate riskier mortgages.

    4.5 Do Poorly Performing Institutions Originate Mortgages With

    Higher LTV Ratios?

    In this section we examine whether the mortgages originated by stock price losers have

    different loan to value ratios (LTVs) than those originated by stock price winners. We

    22Alternatively, we can replicate the regression on full sample with a control for error clustering.


  • examine this issue for two reasons: First, as we mentioned in the introduction, we are

    concerned about the possibility that originators perform poorly because of shocks that make

    their clients riskier. If this were the case, we would expect the poorly performing originators

    to require higher LTVs on the mortgages they originate. The second concern is that since

    LTV is endogenous, the estimates of its coefficients are biased towards zero, which means

    that the regressions do not adequately control for the effect of this characteristic. As a

    result, it is possible that the wider spreads of mortgages originated by stock price losers

    arise because mortgages that are originated by these institutions have higher LTV ratios.

    To address these issues, we examine whether the relation between LTV and the originators

    past stock returns by running the following regression:

    LTV = intercept+ α(dummy=1 if originator is "stock price loser")


    βi(property characteristics variables)

    + (property type dummy variables)

    + (originator dummy variable)

    + (origination time dummy variables) + .


    As we show in Table 5, which reports this regression, the coefficients for the dummy

    variables for stock price losers are not significant. In addition, unreported results indicate

    that poorly performing originators do not issue mortgages with longer maturities or shift

    towards risky property types (such as hotels). These results indicate that our result that

    poorly performing institutions originate mortgages with wider spreads is not likely to be due

    to biased estimates of endogenous variables that describe mortgage terms. In addition, given

    that LTV ratios are not related to the originators’ past stock returns, we think it is unlikely

    the risks of the originated mortgages are related to the originators’ past stock returns.

    5 Robustness Checks

    In order to verify the robustness of the main result we redefine the indicator for poorly

    performing originator in two different ways and reestimate the spread regression (Table 2).

    First, we assume that the originator is a "stock price loser" if its stock return declines by

    at least 20% during the 3 and 6 months prior to the mortgage origination. Compared to


  • the base case with the negative 15% cutoff, the fraction of mortgages that are originated

    by institutions that lost at least 20% of stock value declines. In our data set, between 8%

    and 9% of the mortgages are originated by institutions that lost at least 20% of their stock

    values in the prior one or two quarters.

    The results of the spread regressions that include these new dummy variables are reported

    in Table 6. Similar to the results in Table 2, the stock price dummy variable is positive and

    significant. For example, the coefficient of the "stock price loser" in the prior 6 months has

    an estimated value of 10 b.p.

    6 Alternative Explanations and Additional Tests

    The evidence in previous sections indicate that originators that experienced poor stock re-

    turns in prior quarters tend to originate mortgages with wider spreads. However, as we

    discussed in the introduction, there are a number of potential explanations for this finding.

    The explanation that is our focus is that originators who are doing poorly have an incentive

    to expend fewer resources on their conduit mortgages, and are thus likely to originate riskier

    mortgages. Alternatively, the higher spreads may be due to poorly performing financial

    institutions exploiting their borrowers by charging higher interest rates. Another possibility

    is that the negative correlation between originator stock returns and credit spreads arise

    because originator stock prices perform poorly when the market anticipates that real estate

    markets become riskier. Since we have monthly time effects that control for changes in mar-

    ket wide risk, this hypothesis is not likely to be applicable to large institutions that originate

    mortgages to all segments of the market, but it could apply to originators which tend to

    focus in either certain geographical regions or on particular property types. For example, if

    an originator specializes in originating mortgages in California, its stock price will decline

    and the mortgages it originates will have higher spreads when California real estate becomes


    In this section we present a variety of additional tests that are designed to help us dis-

    tinguish between these competing hypotheses. Most of our tests are designed to determine

    whether stock price losers originate riskier mortgages. While these tests allow us to distin-

    guish the weak underwriting hypothesis and the hypothesis that stock price losers exploit

    their borrowers, evidence of higher risk is also consistent with the idea that stock prices fall


  • in anticipation of higher risk. To distinguish between the weak underwriting hypothesis and

    the later hypothesis we provide indirect evidence of sloppier underwriting and less oversight

    by originators when they are stock price losers.

    6.1 Are the Results Stronger for Underwriters of CMBS Deals?

    In our data set, 6,330 mortgages out of 18,526 were originated by the same institution that

    issued the CMBS that included the mortgages. When this is the case, there is no third entity

    scrutinizing the mortgage before it is ultimately sold as part of a CMBS to investors. To

    test whether the originator has a greater incentive to include higher yielding mortgages into

    CMBS deals they underwrite, we introduce an "underwriter" dummy, which takes a value of

    1 for mortgages originated by the institution that later becomes the lead underwriter of the

    CMBS in which the mortgage is sold. Our reputation hypothesis suggests that this added

    scrutiny will influence mortgage spreads during periods in which the originator experiences

    poor stock price performance. In contrast, the competing hypotheses make no predictions

    about the relevance of third party scrutiny.

    The second column in Table 7 reports regression results that indicate that uncondi-

    tionally, mortgages that are originated and issued in CMBS pools by the same institution

    have about 2 b.p. higher spreads. To test whether this difference increases when the orig-

    inator/issuer has poor stock performance relative to other prior to CMBS origination we

    split the "stock price loser" dummy variable into two dummy variables: "stock price loser—

    underwriter" and "stock price loser — not underwriter." As we report in Table 7, both

    variables are positive and statistically significant for most of the specifications, but the effect

    is stronger when the stock price loser is also the CMBS underwriter. 23 For example, the

    estimated coefficients for the "stock price loser—underwriter" dummy variables for the look-

    back window of 3 and 6 months suggests that CMBS underwriters that lost at least 15% of

    their stock prices include mortgages that have spreads 10-13 b.p. wider.

    23We also run similar regressions that include fixed effects for the CMBS deal. These unreported regressions

    indicate that when the CMBS underwriter is doing poorly, its own mortgages that are included in the deals

    have spreads between 10-20 b.p. wider than other mortgages in the pool. Conversely, when the underwriter

    is not doing poorly, its own mortgages included in the pool have yields about 10-19 b.p. lower than other

    mortgages in the same pool.


  • 6.2 The Time Lag Between Mortgage Origination and CMBS Is-


    Originators sometimes refer to what they call "shelf risk," which is the risk that an event

    will take place that lowers the value of a mortgage before the mortgage is packaged and

    sold to the ultimate investors. If mortgages initiated by a stock price loser have higher

    unobserved risk attributes, we would expect them to have greater shelf risk, which should in

    turn give the originator a greater incentive to go through the packaging and issuing process

    as quickly as possible.24 Hence, an analysis of the time span between mortgage origination

    and CMBS issuance can provide further indirect evidence that stock price losers originate

    riskier mortgages.

    To analyze whether the originators with poor past performance tend to sell their mort-

    gages faster, we measure the time span between when the mortgage is originated and when

    it is included in a CMBS issue.25 We call this variable the "time lag,"which is measured as

    the time between the cutoff date of the deal and the mortgage origination date. The cutoff

    date is the date when the composition of the CMBS deal is first fixed, typically the first day

    of the month in which the deal is sold.26 For our mortgages, the average “time lag” is 155

    days with a standard deviation of 132 days. In the regression the time lag is measured in

    days. To capture a possible relationship between the originators’ poor performance and the

    24Another possibility is that poorly performing originators are less able to take risk or may want to sell

    the mortgages earlier to raise cash.25Due to the data limitations stemming from the fact that for some mortgages we don’t have information

    about which CMBS pool the mortgage is sold to, our sample size is somewhat smaller.26Sometimes new loans are added after the cutoff date, which can result in a negative time lag We deleted

    small number of mortgages with a negative time lag along with a small number of mortgages that have "time

    lags" longer than 1000 days from this regression.


  • time lag, we run the following regression:

    Time Lag = intercept+ s(Spread)

    + α(dummy=1 is originator is "stock loser" )


    βi(property characteristics variables)


    γi(mortgage characteristics variables)

    + (property type dummy variables)

    + (originator dummy variable)

    + f(CMBS deal dummy) + .


    The right hand side variables in this regression are the same as in previous regressions except

    that in addition to the property type and originator dummies, this regression includes CMBS

    deal dummies that control for the possibility that some CMBS deals are slower to come to

    market. In addition, we include mortgage spread as an explanatory variable to control for

    the possibility that higher risk mortgages are sold off more quickly. As one can see in Table

    8, the mortgages originated by “stock price losers” tend to be sold in CMBS deals about

    27-36 days quicker than other mortgages in the same deal.

    This evidence is consistent with the idea that originators with lower stock returns are

    more concerned about the shelf risk of their mortgages, perhaps, because they are concerned

    about unfavorable information being revealed prior to the sale. An alternative interpretation

    is that stock price losers sell their mortgages to CMBS deals faster because they need to raise

    cash faster.27 However, our estimates also indicates that mortgages with higher spreads are

    sold to CMBS deals faster than mortgages with lower spreads. Moreover, larger mortgages

    and mortgages with higher LTV ratios tend to be securitized faster, while mortgages with

    higher loan amortization rates and mortgages with higher NOI/(Property Value) ratios tend

    to be held by institutions longer before being securitized. These findings tend to support

    the idea that originators sell mortgages more quickly when they are viewed as riskier.

    27Unreported tests indicate that, in general, the originators that are CMBS underwriters do not sell their

    mortgage to the CMBS deals faster. In addition, there is no evidence that "stock price losers" who are also

    underwriters have shorter time lags relative to other "originator-losers".


  • 6.3 Are Mortgages Originated by Stock Price Losers More Likely

    to Subsequently Default?

    According to reputation hypothesis if originators with poor past stock returns originate

    riskier mortgages, then the mortgages are likely to default more often, even after controlling

    for mortgage and property characteristics. This will be the case when the higher risk is

    because of poor underwriting as well as because the poor stock returns predict weak funda-

    mentals. Ideally to examine default probability, we would like to have data on the mortgage

    histories up until their maturities. Unfortunately, most of the mortgages in our data set

    have not matured, so the complete default analysis is not possible. However, we have infor-

    mation about whether mortgages in the data set are marked as "performing", "REO",28 "in

    foreclosure" and "delinquent" at the time the data set was created.29

    There are a total of 158 mortgages that are marked as either "in foreclosure" or as ROE,

    and at least one month in delinquency. There are only 25 mortgages that are already in ROE

    or in foreclosure. While there are differences between these three types, given our limited

    data we view them all as defaulted mortgages and define a Dummy variable "Defaulted,"

    which equals one if the status of the mortgage is either "in foreclosure", "ROE", or the

    mortgage is at least one month in delinquency. Using Defaulted as the dependent variable,

    we estimate the following probit regressions:

    Probit "Defaulted" = intercept+ α(dummy=1 if originator is "stock price loser")


    βi(property characteristics variables)


    γi(mortgage characteristics variables)

    + (property type dummy variables)

    + (origination year dummy variable) + .


    Table 9, which report the results of this regression, reveals a positive relationship (at least

    at the 10% significance level) between whether the originator is a "stock price loser" and

    whether the mortgage defaults.30 These results hold even when we include the spread as

    28REO is the property acquired by the Servicer on behalf of the Trust through Foreclosure or deed-in-lieu

    of foreclosure on a defaulted loan.29Archer, Elmer, Harrison, and, Ling (2002) classify mortgages as having defaulted if they were late by at

    least 90 days.30We, however, have to interpret this result with some caution because our data includes only 158 defaults


  • an explanatory variable, which suggests that the originator’s past stock returns capture

    "unobserved risk factors" that are not incorporated into the mortgage spreads. If poorly

    performing institutions simply exploit their borrowers by charging higher borrowing rates,

    in such case we should not expect an increase in default probabilities for those loans. A

    negative relationship between stock returns and default probability is not supportive of this

    hypothesis, but rather suggests that mortgages originated by institutions with poor stock

    performance are riskier which is supportive of the reputation hypothesis.

    6.4 The Subordination Levels of the CMBS Deals

    The final question we address is the extent to which credit agencies account for the credibility

    of the originator when they rate CMBS deals. To do this we examine the AAA subordination

    levels of the CMBS deals, which is the percentage value of the total CMBS deal that are

    in securities rated below AAA. For example, as reported in Table 10, in our data set, the

    average AAA subordination level is 27%, which means that, if $1 Billion in CMBS securities

    are issued in a deal, $730 million are senior securities that are rated AAA, and $270 million

    are junior in priority to the AAA securities and have lower ratings. Clearly, the default risk

    of the AAA securities are lower, ceteris paribus, if the subordination level is higher. Hence,

    if the rating agencies believe the mortgages in a pool are riskier, they will require a higher

    AAA subordination level. This test would allow us to distinguish between the hypotheses

    of whether poorly performing originators originate riskier mortgages or simply overcharge

    borrowers? In a latter case we should not observe an increase in subordination level.

    Our data set, which contains information about the AAA subordination levels of 94

    CMBS deals, allows us to test the extent to which the ratings agencies account for the credi-

    bility of the originator when determining the subordination level. Specifically, we regress the

    AAA-subordination level on various proxies that include the weighted-average characteris-

    tics of the mortgages included in the CMBS pool, along with the variable that calculates

    weighted-average fraction of stock price losers that sell mortgages to the deal where weights

    out of 18,526 observations.


  • are relative sizes of mortgages in the deal

    Deal’s AAA-Subordination =

    intercept+ θ(Weighted-Average Mortgage Spread )

    + α(Weighted-Average Fraction of Originators that are "Stock Price Losers" )

    + β(Weighted-Average LTV)

    + γX(Weighted-Average Fraction of five Property Types in the Deal)

    + φ(Deal Size)

    + ϕ(Number of Mortgages in the Deal)

    + (Deal Origination Year dummy) + .


    Table 11 reports the results of this regression. The coefficient estimates for the weighted-

    average fraction of originators that are "stock price losers" in the pool are positive and

    statistically significant at the 5% level. These tests suggest that rating agencies require

    higher levels of subordination for CMBS deals that include more mortgages originated by

    underperforming originators. This finding is consistent with reputation hypothesis and not

    consistent with "overcharge" hypothesis.

    It should also be noted that the estimates for year dummies decline over time, reflecting a

    general decline in subordination levels of CMBS deals since 1996.31 Also, the results suggest

    that credit ratings increase with the number of mortgages included in the deal and declines

    with the weighted-average LTV. Interestingly, the weighted average spreads of the mortgages

    do not significantly affect subordination levels.

    7 Conclusion

    This paper provides indirect evidence of incentive/information problems that can arise when

    mortgages are originated with the intention of selling them to investors as part of CMBS

    pools. Specifically, we find that the credit spreads (i.e., the spread between the mortgage

    rate and a Treasury with the same maturity) of mortgages that are included in CMBSs are

    31Riddiough (2002) suggests that the higher subordination levels in the earlier years was due to an initial

    lack of familiarity with CMBS products.


  • larger when the mortgage originator experiences poor stock price performance in the recent

    past. Moreover, mortgages that are originated in these situations are more likely to default.

    This evidence, which indicates that institutions originate riskier mortgages when they are

    doing poorly, is consistent with reputation models that suggest that firms that are doing

    poorly expend fewer resources on product quality.

    The issues that we address are likely to be equally applicable to commercial loans, which

    are also bundled and sold as securities. However, identifying the effects documented in

    this paper might be more challenging in a study of commercial loans, since corporate loan

    contracts tend to be somewhat more complicated and less standardized than commercial

    mortgages. Nevertheless, as we mentioned in the introduction, Hubbard, Kuttner and Palia

    (2002) consider the relation between yield spreads and the financial condition of the lender

    and also find that spreads are larger when the financial condition of the lender is worse.

    However, they suggest that the larger spreads arise because lenders with low capitalization

    ratios expropriate their borrowers. In other words, rather than exploiting their reputation

    with investors, the banks exploit their relation with their clients.

    Its likely that the channel suggested by Hubbard, Kuttner and Palia (2002) is more

    applicable in their setting, since the corporate loans in their sample are held by the bank,

    while the channel suggested by us is more applicable in our setting, since relationships

    between borrowers and originators matter very little for mortgages that ultimately become

    part of CMBS pools. However, it is possible that the incentive to initiate riskier commercial

    loans when a bank’s financial condition deteriorates is also likely to arise even when the

    loans are not sold (because there is still a trade-off between higher profits today versus the

    risk of default and lower profits in the future). Perhaps, future research can separately

    examine loans that are sold and loans that are held by the originating bank to more directly

    examine how the origination process is influenced by the separation between the investors

    and originators of debt.


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  • Table 1

    Summary Statistics of the Commercial Mortgages in the Data Set

    Panel 1: Distribution of Commercial Mortgage Originations Across Time Periods Year of Origination # of Mortgages

    1992 20 1993 72 1994 199 1995 409 1996 1082 1997 2844 1998 5558 1999 3764 2000 1970 2001 1988 2002 1320

    Panel 2: Distribution Across Property Types for Mortgages Originated in 1996-2002

    Property Type # of Mortgages Multi-family Properties 5324 Retail Unanchored 3902 Retail Anchored 2544 Medical Office 250 Industrial 1307 Warehouse 122 Mobile Home Park 500 Office 2464 Limited Service Hotel 843 Full Service Hospitality 197 Self Storage 595 Mixed Use and Other Types 478

  • Table 1 –Continued

    Panel 3: Mortgage and Property Characteristics at Origination Date for Mortgages Originated in 1996-2002 This table reports the mortgage rate spread over Treasury rate (i.e., the difference between the rate on the mortgage and the rate on Treasury bonds with the same maturity as the mortgage) observed on the mortgage origination date. The loan amortization rate is defined as 1-(Principal Value at Maturity)/(Initial Principal Value). NOI/Value ratio is the ratio of Net Operating Income divided by the property value at origination date. Loan-to-Value ratio (LTV) is the ratio of the face value of debt divided by the property value at the origination date. Mean St. Dev Minimum Maximum

    Spread over Treasury,% 2.23 0.73 0.19 6.14 Property Value in $M 8.19 17.59 0.05 695.00 Loan to Value (LTV) 0.70 0.11 0.04 1.00 NOI/(Property Value) 0.10 0.03 0.00 0.58

    Loan Amortization Rate 0.29 0.31 0.00 1.00 Mortgage Maturity, years 11.29 3.63 0.54 30.08

  • Table 1 –Continued Panel 4. Top 30 Originators for Mortgages Originated in 1996-2002 This table reports the top 30 Originators along with the characteristics of the mortgages they originate.

    Name of the Originator

    # of Mortgages

    Spread, %


    Delinquency rate

    Percent of the originated mortgages included in CMBS deals that the originator underwrites

    Bank of America 1869 1.90 0.70 0.54% 88% First Union 1631 2.17 0.70 2.15% 9% FFCA 1411 3.71 0.76 0.71% 0% Lehman Brothers 1379 1.97 0.71 0.58% 100% GE Capital 1300 2.15 0.72 0.23% 0% GMAC 1030 1.95 0.70 0.19% 0% Merrill Lynch 1029 2.05 0.70 1.75% 83% Chase Manhattan 907 2.12 0.70 0.23% 10% Bear Stearns 774 2.05 0.62 0.52% 70% Wells Fargo 554 2.17 0.59 0.18% 0% Salomon 610 2.14 0.71 0.33% 83% Morgan Stanley 590 2.05 0.68 0.54% 71% Citicorp 518 1.63 0.71 0.97% 24% Morgan Guaranty Trust 501 2.06 0.69 0.80% 53% Captec 438 3.61 0.56 7.08% 0% National Realty Funding LC 425 2.07 0.68 0.47% 0% ContiFinancial 404 2.34 0.68 0.99% 0% KeyBank 389 2.33 0.71 0.26% 0% German American Capital 353 2.00 0.71 0.00% 0% Wachovia Bank 258 2.25 0.70 0.39% 0% Paine Webber 274 2.24 0.72 0.00% 50% Amresco 231 2.02 0.70 1.30% 0% Goldman Sachs 280 2.15 0.73 0.71% 40% PNC 193 2.28 0.75 1.04% 0% Midland 170 2.34 0.66 1.03% 0% Impac 163 2.38 0.69 0.61% 0% CRIIMI MAE 125 1.52 0.67 0.00% 0% Credit Suisse 105 2.44 0.70 0.91% 100% Banc One 74 2.18 0.69 1.35% 0% Prime Capital Funding 68 1.88 0.64 0.00% 0% 20 other originators 25 1.98 0.67 0.00% 0%

  • Table 1 --Continued Panel 5. Stock Returns of Mortgage Originators This table reports average cumulative returns of the originators for the look-back window of 3, 6, 9 and 12 months prior to mortgage origination. For example, the period of (-12mo, 0) means the period of 12 calendar months prior to mortgage origination date, where 0 is the mortgage origination date.

    Prior period of

    Average Cumulative returns

    Standard Deviation

    (-3mo, 0) 4.2% 17% (-6mo, 0) 8.32% 22%

    Table 1 --Continued Panel 6. “Stock Price” Losers This table reports fraction of mortgages originated by institutions that lost at least 15% in periods of three, six, nine and twelve months prior to the mortgage origination dates.

    Prior periods of

    Fraction of mortgages originated by institutions that

    lost at least 15% in prior periods

    (-3mo, 0) 11% (-6mo, 0) 10%

  • Table 2 Results of Cross Sectional Regressions for Credit Spreads of Mortgages Originated Between 1996 and 2002

    The table presents the results of the following regression: Spread=intercept +α(Dummy =1 if the originator lost at least 15% of its stock value in the prior periods)+∑βi(property characteristics variables)+∑γi(mortgage

    characteristics variables)+(property type dummy variables)+(originator dummy variable) +(origination time dummy variables)+ε, where Spread is the difference between the rate on the mortgage and the rate on Treasury bonds with the same maturity as the mortgage, observed on the mortgage origination date, and measured in percentage points. The loan amortization rate is defined as 1-(Principal Value at Maturity)/(Initial Principal Value). NOI/Value ratio is the ratio of Net Operating Income divided by the property value at the origination date. Loan-to-Value ratio (LTV) is the ratio of the face value of debt divided by the property value at the origination date.

    Number of Obs.=18526 Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat Const 2.26 32.89 2.30 34.79 Dummy =1 if cumulative stock return of mortgage originator is less than -15% for period (-6mo, 0) 0.08 7.15 is less than -15% for period (-3mo, 0) 0.07 6.43 Mortgage and Property Characteristics Log(Property Value in $M) -0.14 -37.79 -0.14 -37.71 LTV 0.09 2.66 0.09 2.69 NOI/Value -0.05 -0.37 -0.06 -0.42 Loan Amortization Rate -0.11 -4.82 -0.11 -4.84 Mortgage Maturity -0.004 -2.527 -0.004 -2.556 Property Type Dummies (vs. Mixed Use Type) Multifamily -0.35 -17.47 -0.35 -17.54 Retail Unanchored -0.03 -1.67 -0.03 -1.65 Retail Anchored -0.13 -6.31 -0.13 -6.36 Medical Office 0.16 4.98 0.16 5.07 Industrial -0.09 -3.92 -0.09 -3.94 Warehouse -0.08 -2.26 -0.09 -2.32 Mobile Home Park -0.25 -10.18 -0.25 -10.16 Office -0.08 -3.86 -0.08 -3.84 Limited Service Hotel 0.34 14.31 0.34 14.32 Full Service Hospitality 0.35 10.78 0.35 10.87 Self Storage 0.05 1.89 0.05 1.82 Originator Dummy Yes Yes Time Dummy Month Month Adjusted R-squared 0.75 0.75

  • Table 3 The regression specification is similar to one in Table 2:

    Spread=intercept +α(market downturn dummy=0 )( Dummy =1 if the originator lost at least 15% of its stock value in the prior periods)+ 2(market downturn dummy=1 )×( Dummy =1 if the originator lost at least 15% of its stock value in the prior periods) + ∑βi(property characteristics variables)+∑γi(mortgage characteristics variables)+(property type dummy variables)+(originator dummy variable) +(origination time dummy variables)+ε,

    where Spread is the difference between the rate on the mortgage and the rate on Treasury bonds with the same maturity as the mortgage, observed on the mortgage origination date, and measured in percentage points. t-statistics for the variables is also reported. Market downturn dummy =1 for each month when cumulative return for the prior 3 months of S&P1500 Diversified Financials price index was negative, and zero otherwise. (See Table last column in Table 4.) There are 27 months when this index experienced negative returns. During the selected months there are 5118 mortgages were originated in the data set. The remaining explanatory variables are the same as in the regression described in Table 2. For brevity we don’t report the estimates for other variables.

    Number of Obs.=18526 Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat Const 2.30 33.35 2.30 34.83 Dummy =1 if cumulative stock return of mortgage originator is less than -15% for period (-6mo, 0) during no market downturn 0.03 2.08 is less than -15% for period (-6mo, 0) during market downturn 0.13 8.03 is less than -15% for period (-3mo, 0) during no market downturn 0.05 2.88 is less than -15% for period (-3mo, 0) during market downturn 0.09 5.88 Mortgage and Property Characteristics Yes Yes Property Type Dummies (vs. Mixed Use Type) Yes Yes Originator Dummy Yes Yes Time Dummy Month Month Adjusted R-squared 0.75 0.75

  • Table 4 Estimated coefficients for the “Stock Price Loser Dummy” variable in the Spread regression run separately for each individual origination month

    The table reports estimated coefficients for the Dummy Variable=1 if stock return of the originator declined by at least 15% in the spread regression run separately for individual month of mortgage origination. The regression is as follows:

    Spread=intercept +α(cumulative stock return of mortgage originator is less than 15% over look-back window)+∑βi(property characteristics variables)+∑γi(mortgage characteristics variables)+(property type dummy variables)+ε,

    where Spread is the difference between the rate on the mortgage and the rate on Treasury bonds with the same maturity as the mortgage, observed on the mortgage origination date, and measured in percentage points. The variables of property and mortgage characteristics are the same as in the regression presented in Table 2. “-“ denotes months in which no “stock price losers” participated. For brevity we don’t report the estimates for the other variables. The Fama-McBeth t-statistic is reported in the last row.

    Estimate for Cumulative For Dummy Variable=1 if stock return of the

    originator declined by at least 15% for the period of Cumulative return for the prior 3 months of S&P1500

    Diversified Financials -- price index YEAR MONTH [-6mo, 0] [-3mo, 0]

    1996 1 - -0.03 0.01 2 - 0.35 0.13 3 - - 0.11 4 - - 0.14 5 - - 0.01 6 - - -0.01 7 0.09 - -0.01 8 -0.18 -0.18 0.03 9 0.12 0.07 0.01 10 - - 0.06 11 -0.03 -0.03 0.12 12 - 0.11 0.24

    1997 1 - -0.16 0.13 2 - - 0.18 3 - - 0.11 4 0.11 0.00 0.02 5 0.12 0.12 0.02 6 - - 0.05 7 - - 0.26 8 - - 0.27 9 - 1.98 0.11 10 0.48 - 0.14 11* 0.27 - 0.04 12* 0.34 0.35 0.18

    1998 1* 0.14 0.29 0.09 2* 0.12 0.49 0.13 3* -0.05 - 0.12 4 -0.14 0.18 0.15 5 0.12 0.12 0.13 6 0.22 0.03 0.06 7 -0.12 0.16 0.09 8** -0.08 -0.09 0.02 9** -0.06 -0.04 -0.17 10** 0.16 0.16 -0.27 11** 0.15 0.20 -0.08 12** -0.80 0.26 0.24

  • Table 4—continued

    Estimate for Cumulative For Dummy Variable=1 if stock return of the

    originator declined by at least 15% for the period of Cumulative return for the prior 3 months of S&P1500

    Diversified Financials – price index YEAR MONTH [-6mo, 0] [-3mo, 0]

    1999 1** - 0.05 0.36 2 0.17 -0.08 0.20 3 -0.05 -0.07 0.13 4 0.02 -0.20 0.16 5 - 0.06 0.20 6 0.22 -0.03 0.06 7 -0.47 -0.31 0.07 8 0.22 - -0.11 9 -0.35 -0.27 -0.04 10 0.06 0.03 -0.15 11 0.06 -0.04 0.09 12 0.31 0.24 0.10

    2000 1 0.33 0.04 0.14 2 0.06 0.14 0.00 3 0.10 0.08 -0.03 4 0.32 0.25 0.15 5 0.23 0.25 0.07 6 0.06 0.34 0.14 7 -0.16 0.21 -0.02 8 -0.19 -0.12 0.13 9 - -0.22 0.20 10 0.54 0.21 0.23 11 0.03 0.02 0.07 12 -0.03 0.03 -0.10

    2001 1 0.21 0.69 -0.04 2 - -0.06 0.06 3 0.12 0.01 0.01 4 0.03 0.17 -0.14 5 -0.12 0.03 -0.10 6 0.14 0.12 0.05 7 0.56 0.17 0.11 8 -0.01 -0.05 -0.01 9**** 0.04 0.05 -0.13 10**** 0.05 0.01 -0.21 11**** 0.24 0.09 -0.15 12**** - 0.08 -0.03

    2002 1**** - 0.01 0.14 2**** 0.16 0.14 0.04 3**** 0.80 0.45 -0.01 4**** - - 0.01 5**** - 0.14 -0.01 6**** 0.02 0.02 -0.03 7**** 0.01 0.10 -0.16 8**** 0.12 0.22 -0.21 9**** 0.04 0.19 -0.13

  • 10**** 0.06 0.17 -0.16 11**** 0.13 -0.03 0.05 12**** - -0.14 0.04




    Fama -McBeth Statistics 2.77


  • Table 5 Loan-to-Value Regressions

    The table reports the results of cross sectional regressions of the LTV of the mortgages on mortgage and property characteristics along with dummies for the past returns of the originator. The regression we estimate is as follows:

    LTV=intercept +α(Dummy =1 if the originator lost at least 15% of its stock value in the prior periods) +∑βi(property characteristics variables)+(property type dummy variables)+(originator dummy variables)+(origination time dummy variables)+ε,

    where Loan-to-Value ratio (LTV) is the ratio of the face value of debt divided by property value at origination. NOI/Value ratio is the ratio of Net Income divided by the property value.

    Number of Obs.=18526 Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat Const 0.69 50.59 0.69 50.94 Dummy =1 if cumulative stock return of mortgage originator is less than -15% for period (-6mo, 0) 0.003 1.020 is less than -15% for period (-3mo, 0) 0.001 0.281 Mortgage and Property Characteristics log(Property Value in $M) -0.01 -6.42 -0.01 -6.41 NOI/Value 0.59 12.88 0.58 12.87 Property Type Dummies (vs. Mixed Use Type) Multifamily 0.05 10.10 0.05 10.11 Retail Unanchored 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.37 Retail Anchored 0.03 6.77 0.03 6.78 Medical Office -0.02 -2.26 -0.02 -2.24 Industrial 0.01 1.09 0.01 1.10 Warehouse 0.02 1.81 0.02 1.81 Mobile Home Park 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.33 Office 0.00 -0.62 0.00 -0.60 Limited Service Hotel -0.06 -9.89 -0.06 -9.88 Full Service Hospitality -0.08 -8.05 -0.08 -8.04 Self Storage -0.03 -4.75 -0.03 -4.75 Originator Dummy Yes Yes

    Time Dummy Month Month

    Adjusted R-squared 0.23 0.23

  • Table 6 Robustness Check: Alternative Indicator Variables for Stock Performance of Originator

    Table reports the results of cross-sectional spread regressions that include indicator variables for originators that experienced a negative stock return of at least 20% prior to the mortgage origination dates. Specifically, we estimate the following regression: Spread=intercept + α(Dummy =1 if the originator lost at least 20% of its stock value in the prior periods) + ∑βi(property characteristics variables)+∑γi(mortgage characteristics variables)+(property type dummy variables)+(originator dummy variable) +(origination time dummy variables)+ε, where Spread is the difference between the rate on the mortgage and the rate on Treasury bonds with the same maturity as the mortgage, observed on the mortgage origination date, and measured in percentage points. The remaining explanatory variables are the same as in the regression described in Table 2. For brevity we don’t report the estimates for other variables. Number of Obs.=18526 Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat Dummy=1 if for stock returns of the mortgage originator is less than -20% for period (-6mo, 0) 0.10 7.8 is less than -20% for period (-3mo, 0) 0.07 4.9 Mortgage and Property Characteristics Yes Yes Property Type Dummies (vs. Mixed Use Type) Yes Yes Originator Dummy Yes Yes Time Dummy Month Month Adjusted R-squared 0.75 0.75

  • Table 7

    Spread Regression for Underwriters/Non-underwriters of CMBS deals The table report the estimates of the dummy variables for originators that are “stock price losers”. In the regression the dummy variable is split into two dummy variables: "stock price looser--underwriter" and "stock price looser -- not underwriter":

    Spread = intercept + a*(dummy=1 if the originator is CMBS underwriter and its stock declined by at least 15% prior to origination)+ b*(dummy=1 if the originator is NOT CMBS underwriter and its stock declined by at least 15% prior to origination) +a*( variables of property and mortgage characteristics) +f*(Dummy For Mortgage Originator) +g*(Dummy for Mortgage Origination Year or Quarter)+e,

    where Spread is the difference between the rate on the mortgage and the rate on Treasury bonds with the same maturity as the mortgage, observed on the mortgage origination date, and measured in percentage points. The "underwriter" dummy=1 for the mortgages issued by the originator who later becomes the lead underwriter of the CMBS in which the mortgage is sold, and zero otherwise. The loan amortization rate is defined as 1-(Principal Value at Maturity)/(Initial Principal Value). NOI/Value ratio is the ratio of Net Operating Income divided by the property value at origination date. Loan-to-Value ratio (LTV) is the ratio of the face value of debt divided by property value at origination.

    Number of Obs.=18526 Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat Dummy=1 if originator that is also CMBS underwriter 0.023 2.28 Dummy=1 if originator is CMBS underwriter and its cumulative stock return is less than -15% for period (-6mo, 0) 0.13 7.12 is less than -15% for period (-3mo, 0) 0.10 4.91 Dummy=1 if originator that is NOT CMBS underwriter and its cumulative stock return is less than -15% for period (-6mo, 0) 0.05 4.28 is less than -15% for period (-3mo, 0) 0.06 4.92 Mortgage and Property Characteristics Yes Yes Yes Property Type Dummies (vs. Mixed Use Type) Yes Yes Yes Originator Dummy Yes Yes Yes Time Dummy Month Month Month Adjusted R-squared 0.75 0.75 0.75

  • Table 8 “Time Lag” Regressions

    This table reports the results of the following Tobit regression: Time Lag (in Days)=intercept + s*(Spread)+α (Dummy =1 if the originator lost at least 15% of its stock value in the prior periods)+∑βi(property characteristics

    variables)+∑γi(mortgage characteristics variables)+(property type dummy variables)+(originator dummy variable) +(origination time dummy variables)+ε,

    where the Time Lag is the time span (measured in days) between when the mortgage is originated and when the CMBS composition is finalized. The loan amortization rate is defined as 1-(Principal Value at Maturity)/(Initial Principal Value). NOI/Value ratio is the ratio of Net Operating Income divided by the property value at origination date. Loan-to-Value ratio (LTV) is the ratio of the face value of debt divided by property value at origination. Dummies for each of the CMBS deals are included.

    Number of Obs.=14420 Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat Dummy=1 if originator’s cumulative stock return is less than -15% for period (-6mo, 0) -36.42 -9.86 is less than -15% for period (-3mo, 0) -

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