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  1. 1. The University of Poonch Rawalakot 1
  2. 2. Topic The University of Poonch Rawalakot 2
  3. 3. Group Introduction The University of Poonch Rawalakot Waleed Anwar Roll No. 12-EE-40 Group 2nd E-Mail: [email protected] 3
  4. 4. Group Introduction The University of Poonch Rawalakot Ali Hamza Roll No. 12-EE-23 Group: 2nd Email: [email protected] 4
  5. 5. Group Introduction The University of Poonch Rawalakot Atiq Ur Rasheed Roll No. 12-EE-22 Group: 2nd E-Mail: [email protected] 5
  6. 6. Group Introduction The University of Poonch Rawalakot Abdul Shakoor Roll No. 12-EE-34 Group: 2nd E-Mail: [email protected] 6
  7. 7. Group Introduction Basit Ali Roll No. 12-EE-18 Group 2nd E-mail: [email protected] Cell# +923145451774 The University of Poonch Rawalakot 7
  8. 8. The University of Poonch Rawalakot Introduction Features Orkut wall Orkut inventor User rating History Ranking My orkut account My orkut profile OUTLINES8
  9. 9. INVENTER OF ORKUT The University of Poonch Rawalakot Orkut Bykkkten 9
  10. 10. Introduction The University of Poonch Rawalakot Orkut is a social networking website that is owned and operated by Google . The service is designed to help users meet new and old friends and maintain existing relationships. The website is named after its creator, Google employee Orkut Bykkkten. Although Orkut is less popular in the United States than competitors Facebook and MySpace, it is one of the most visited websites in India and Brazil. 10
  11. 11. The University of Poonch Rawalakot Originally hosted in California, in August 2008 Google announced that Orkut would be fully managed and operated in Brazil, by Google Brazil, in the city of Belo Horizonte. This was decided due to the large Brazilian user base and growth of legal issues. Introduction (Conti..) 11
  12. 12. Features The University of Poonch Rawalakot An Orkut user can also add videos to their profile from either YouTube or Google Video with the additional option of creating either restricted or unrestricted polls for polling a community of users. There is an option to integrate GTalk (An instant messenger from Google) with Orkut enabling chatting and file sharing. Currently GTalk has been integrated in Orkut users can directly chat from their Orkut page. Similar to Facebook, users may also use a "like" button to share interests with friends 12
  13. 13. As of October 2012, Alexa traffic ranked the web site currently has over 33 million active users worldwide. As of October 2011, 59.1% of Orkut's users are from Brazil, followed by India with 27.1% and Japan with 6.7%. User Rating The University of Poonch Rawalakot 13
  14. 14. History The University of Poonch Rawalakot Orkut was quietly launched on January 22, 2004 by Google. Orkut Bykkten, a Turkish software engineer, developed it as an independent project while working at Google. By August 30, 2007, most users on Orkut could see changes on their profile pages as per the new redesign 14
  15. 15. History(conti) On June 2, 2008, Orkut has launched its theming engine with a small set of default themes. Photo tagging also was available. These users were able to send invites to their Orkut friends to join this new version The University of Poonch Rawalakot 15
  16. 16. Intersting History Story The University of Poonch Rawalakot A guy lost his girlfriend in a train accident.... but the gal's name nowhere appeared in the dead list. This guy grew up n became IT technical architect in his late 20?s, achievement in itself!!. He hired developers from the whole globe and plan to make a software where he could search for his gf through the web.. Things went as planned... 16
  17. 17. History The University of Poonch Rawalakot and he found her, after losing millions of dollars and 3 long years!! It was time to shut down the search operation, when the CEO of Google had a word with this guy n took over this application. This Software made a whopping 1 billion dollars profit in its first year, which we today know as ORKUT . 17
  18. 18. My Orkut Account The University of Poonch Rawalakot 18
  19. 19. My Profile The University of Poonch Rawalakot 19
  20. 20. How to signup on orkut The University of Poonch Rawalakot 20
  21. 21. Orkut Wall The University of Poonch Rawalakot 21
  22. 22. Traffic of Orkut on March 31, 2004 The University of Poonch Rawalakot United States 51.36% Japan 7.74% Brazil 5.16% Netherlands 4.10% United Kingdom 3.72% Other 27.92% 22
  23. 23. Traffic of Orkut on April 3, 2012 The University of Poonch Rawalakot Brazil 62.5% India 19.5% Japan 9.8% United States 1.7% Pakistan 0.6% Other 5.9% 23
  24. 24. Rating in different countries The University of Poonch Rawalakot 24
  25. 25. Advantages of orkut The University of Poonch Rawalakot Lets you find people you may not have talked to/seen in a while Provides a quick communication/socializing tool Allows people to meet others with similar interests Is a place where photos can be shared to your friends over the internet Allows people to stay connected over long distances 25
  26. 26. Disadvantages of orkut The University of Poonch Rawalakot Could provide a network for illegal activity such as pornography/soliciting Could allow for predators to track young children May cause some people to feel bad if others have more friends than them Is sometimes down for maintenance so not totally reliable Could crash and everyone could lose their information/pictures 26
  27. 27. The University of Poonch Rawalakot 27

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