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f^J ,nieff lde8i^ |ne |pe^oiBigfes , i ^ e W ^ n t s & u - g h ^ f e d ' M M a t city.

i g , t h e ^ r a t e 4 ; p . S ^ -_1 ti*»i.-'-«-."j'i *8#h8Syoi i f ip^* tb ; ; 'whora .you speak;

jAu&IhliWjrariaiwhen.-and ivhere.

,.c 4 , . p ^ D h ^ ^ ^ h a t ^ e ^ W « t e r 1 » t o Times ^ P f " ^ | | ^ ^ ; s a y ; . o C fliiEf.death.'of the Adams

Mfe|e^rise,-^nblished by. 0 . A'. Macfar-

i Hiram' W$?> ikrmeHy <>£[,$» WaddinRton Tio-

lie purpose 6f;t» t h e ' " '

| ed into < acedffi Jefferap^iS'a

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^ y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \ § y§fent |ctle!ie to Thnrber, of New YorK


?m\ < J S I % A ' S § ' \ ^ l ^ # e i g i i e d . 6 Y 6 r , ten, tons, for which he ^ l l i U S ^ ^ ? ! ^ " . - ' f e ^ f e M i ^ . . cents' 'per -pound, or



feasi fflg . --..^^.-a..,.-.., T-lTO|g'BB|ftf| 'MlyjISpjMis<time"; -"'They-

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l.^trM^expJiange remarks that the fall :jjagn8ti; resfemwes' a; sijueezed cabbage ^wip^^iwtto 'femarihgs. • , r ~ ^ e w p u l ^ advise those of pur raders I ' ^ i ^ ^ . ^ / i ^ ^ ^ / B o l i i ^ ' goods, to 'coBsMt'llie (sblunins of '^&'paper. ! - . s ^ .^ . :3?f l sp» ,? f l l -g i 've R-syay to his jpjo^lpliersjv^ Bep^mher 31st, the elegant ;gmIpr-,BJ|^p^r, on ^diibjtion in his Mam-

; ip^mth |^ i |pw. ; , " " . ' '

*-J'g^Yp^c;cali'..;^uy;, bjapkjassuneres; and ipSSj t r i i ipau j ' ^ r^eaper ' af . ;?0Uverv & | | ^ u s e V : | ^ j ; a n ^ . \ . e^e^ . 'pjace, Sh tfie !cotm^ , ? ' $*&•• ' , 'AT a : v ^ l - J i i _ -•' ..' -J '••'.'^It'js'rimipred that 'VV'amen-Hastings,

t^itaKeishargeof the county ijffitlivij ''-f,-,'-irf .'.,'• .,'*'l' ,->';*'- ' •.•"..

. ; j ^^ere^ere .ypung;h id igs ' - , ehou^i at-^deJ^ jBe 'v , 0 ; H . Giifieis leoture, on f^M&ff la^^r pjjrlBppialJparadiB.e,"' for a 'P$a?OTe;|&%. - ' • '

^ ' ;^ ' I ' ' : l ipge ihisflghp . appreoiated," as '|^e'riaii^a'-^he*r^J<e' fell- off the fence , ^ ^ . ^ g , ^ r i i j | b l i s ; J B ^ " ^ muoh .nettled ;aB&e'fd%buCTenc«J. '--'i •',:':'''-'J . "


f;J;^^©|-:GbopSfi'.,df'• Theresa, shipped


went: jtound


^ .^^^^^S i^C^^n . -l l l i i i l l l i l l f P i i ^ i ^ u l g K ^ ^ o M n n ' s •<#& ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ f i ^ r ^ i M ^ , theyieal . '


^ T h ' p K ® C;a-;strugr

| g # ^ l | ^ ^ § ^ > ^ U ^ f e d ' , cjn. Safe praise.' • T r u t h f i i M - e v ^ action of life, Ps&l&iTrfsJiitSfej'iMSj'^lMS'ii.^iijjw t^AaBd.braTe for th"e>f(talth?s> sake, loyal to

•her-duty, and-self,denying whenever the happiness or the cbinfort Pf others might

U R I l ^ i i l | ^ p f e « i m ^ t * l i v e fo* 'i^BSWM iWdifflS&gttc%!bfSa%?*;6ffies johlirita-

ll^SS ^ ^ ^ | | i | f f i ^ | p e i ^ a t ^U |M|^ | j&^^r i i e | yaSx> i ino ;a i cou r i t ' . • t f | | o o § l f l f ( j ® f 4 • "tje'eil'' duierent. ' I t s

'\inf^% yEwfear. J'Btyearing.

TEe religioiis.iiitere|t"'w'hioK began a t North ptopkhplm about four weeks since, has resulted,, in , a .general awakening. The^Bev'.,]]!, A, Turtle received into the chuioh 01 persons as a part only of the newly converted. Ground has been broken for a new church at that place, and the'people are. unitedly and enthu-siastaoaljy pushing forward the ohuroh enterprise. /

An oyster supper and donation* visit waB given fpr the benefit of the pastor on Tuesday evening last. Over three hun­dred pei'8ons_were served at the tables. The hall was tastily decorated, the sup­ply of good things was abundant, and the! sociability of the people ooniplefe.. The amount raised for the pastor was about one hundred dollars; arjd it is evident that the people of North Stookholm are resurepted to a life of well doing, which wTUoaot all end in smoke.


Nellie Murphy, daughter of John Mur­phy, died at her father's,residence on the fifth inst.

fier disease was supposed to be lum­bago, and the case was a very peculiar one. She was confined to her bed nearly a year, and sinoe April last has not heard or spoken a word. {3he could not move herself in any manner whatever, and her sufferings were fearful to witness. She was, before her siokness, a bright, at­tractive girl, and her loss will be deeply felt in the home circle and among her friends, • DOT.

Ogdensburg. Musical Convention.

The convention dosed last night with a very good house, made up . of very ap-•preoiative'people,'who came from^-many of $he Burrpunding towns and Canada. The- day . was quite successful. The matinee at 3:80 was largely attended; The prpgrain for that occasion furnished one of the Jiest entertainments of the whole series given. AMI the celebrities appeared a t their best and pleased the audience.

The grand concert in the evening was opened with, selections from Pinafore by the City Band." They made a decided success.' t They also gave another piece in the evening, and- proved one of the most agreeable features of .the concert.

The program was. quite lengthy and dosed with the Oratorio Elijah. - In this1

piece all thamembers.of the convention including~piima-donnas, contraltos, so­pranos; tenors) bassos, pianist and direc­tors got in their -vjprk.

Very few inrthe audience had ever had the pleasure of listening to an oratorio, We Bhould judge from the remarks-made at the' close, tha t most Of them regarded it as a huge thing. Our musical • knowl­edge and training are insuffidont to ena­ble u s to adequately describe it.

I t was so godd, however, that we could hear the people laughing u]J- as far as, the* post office.

Altogether the convention has been quite successful. Those who have at­tended all its sessions have been feETy repaid for the "time and expense, while those who made up ' the audience 'haft* been highly entertained.—Journal,


' ^ tOg- tensburg J o u r n a l . ]

.-JAMfiS.-—At the res idence of h e r husband , in Of ;densburg , .on W e d n e s d a y a f t e rnoon , December^

.3di.*87,'iuSaraK W e l l e s Pe rk ins , wife of E d w a r d C Jaa iea , i n t h e 3 9 1 5 . y c a f o r BeiTaife;

I t is not often that a bereavement pauses more universal regret in a commu-niiy than has been occasioned 1 by the .death of Mrs. Edward 0 . James. Not, only in her oircle of acquaintance, but among al l ranks and conditions of men, this estunable'-lady finds sincere- and out?

•spoken mourners r 1 " • - ) I Sar'ah'ty'elles'Perkins, daughter of Ed­ward Hi. Perkins, Esq., and-grand-daugh­ter of the late'Henry Welles, was born at 'Athena;; Brttdfprd Co., Pa . , Maroh 8th, : ! | § k s j % # l i - . 8 p W 0 # : ^ e '-recptved- B. ;Hb^rd"^u6auip£iy~^:a^^ m&a ^etoale_Coile'geV and on' the 16th of November, lSfrtj.-jshe waB,-married to OoL Edward/-C. James^ of -this d iy . Fifteen years '.'ago .last Thanksgiving -eve. the bride came to 'he r husband's home, and •speedjly won her place, to the hearts of those y/ho were privileged to make her tTcquaintance.

;?JE)f singularly gracious and winning presence and gifted .with qualities of-miild and heart, which witnessed that the cpuiiienan<'e, was the index of the soul, •ii^as.^afc,Btrange/'that she should be a ;fayo'Ute,|4%'di.-.viHerp6wer,lay in lieE


Mr, and Mrs.' Aaron Biggs cdebrated their golden wedding last Wednesday, Nov. 26th. The worthy couple have al­ways lived ,in the Buck neighborhood, where their ohildren are settled' about them and where most of their brothers and -sisters still reside. „As it seemed quite impracticable to think' of entertain­ing all the Biggs and Sohellenger neph­ews, nieces and cousins, the invitations were confined to nearer relations and a few long tried comrades of early life. Among the latter were Hon. "C. T. and Julius Hulburd. The company num­bered nearly 40, and all the exercises of the festival were appropriate and inter­esting. The excellent dinner to which all did ample justice again suggested the poem:

" E r e the long; meal was done ,

Dishes that first had k n o w n much bulk a n d p r ide ,

H a d ' s h r u n k to n a u g h t o r toppled half as ide ,

Made ru in s one b y one^.''

After whioh the 'gifts were presented, being expressions of the good sense, as well as of the esteem and goodwill of the donors, as all will contribute to the com­fort of the aged couple while the golden coins may be long treasured as tokens of the affection of their children and friends: A very appropriate song, "Fifty years to­day," was sung by some of the children, and words of congratulation, expressing Lthe-smcere_c.onfixtence_and high esteem of

—Fresh oysters in bulk at Latham's.

—Bead Wilson's advertisement of his Great New Year's Gift. "

—If you want nobby visiting cards, call at the N E W S office and leave you orders.

—Your attention is called to the fact that the Norwood Lumber Company's store has a large stock of ready made, olothing and fall and winter overcoats, which they are selling at remarkably low prides. Give them"a call. " "

—Subsoribe for the NpRW0.0D NEWS at $1.00 per year. ,, • „ _ ''.••'

F O B S A L E . — J , J. Waller offerB for sale •his twp-story"brick store, in Union Block, now occupied by'M. F. Collins, as a drug store.- Alsojbis dwelling house on.Whit­ney street, 'now occupied by B. G. Parker.

—Dr. Baxter's Mandrake. Bitters act upon the stomach, liver and bowels,' re­move all secretions, purify the blood, and fortify the system against disease. ; —Horsemen—Ask your merchant for Henry? & Johnson's Arnica and Oil Lini­ment, and keep it always in the stable, to' use ih case of accident.

—Perfectly safe in all cases. For dis­ease pf the throat, lungs, croup, whoop­ing cough, colds, etc., Downs' Elixir is a safe, reliable, and effectual remedy.

—Bead Wilson's advertisement of his Great New Year's Gift

the speaker, were offered by Hon. C. T. Hulburd. Elder Orange Newton and John Biggs sung old "Cormorthen" in the ancient style' of fa, sol, la, then " the andent bride-groom rose" and spoke long and earnestly of the scenes thro' which the fifty busy years had brought them, of the toils and trials, hopes and fears that had made the sunshine and shade of their jnarried life and of the manifold bless­ings of the bountiful Providence that had permitted him to reach the good of his Jainbition, to see his ohildren all mem­bers of the family of Christ, to owe no man, to have a competence for old age, and peradventui'O a few dollars for his children." After a fervent prayer by Julius Hulburd,

" C a m e m a n y a good old tune* Borne o n uni ted t ones w i t h force and p o w e r ;

- W h i l e - h y m n s tha t - seeped- to -consec ra t e the ,hour , Closed t h e s h o r t a f t e rnoon . "

• >. B. N . B .


W I L L I A M 0 . O m M A N , T H E F O B G E E , R E L E A S ­E D FKOSI p l l I S O N ^ A SArTSTOBY.

"^AtfratTSw^eafBiand=-a--"half^ ago" Wil­liam C. Gilnion Tfljas sentenced from New Yprk to imprisonment in State prison for. a temrof four and a half years, for "rais­ing;' insurance scrip. Gilman, at the time he committed the forgeries, was a broker.. He was taken to Sing Sing and, •shortly-after" -was .removed to ' Aliburh; For the first few weeks'after he came to Auburn prison he was kept .in what is called "State Shop." After he had been in the prison a she r t time he was appoin

grieving over the death pf his wife and little one. Gilmtin is now about forty-three years old, but last night he looked a dozen yeare older. His is a singularly pathetic case; and his trials have been se­vere. H e is to be pitied, From a posi­tion of esteem, influence, and happiness, he fell to a place of disrespeot and sor­row. No one will wiBh him further pun­ishment. William 0 . Gilman has been sufficiently punished for his wrong.— Syracuse Courier.


Our CTUIS List. We h a v e m a d e such a r r a n g e m e n t s w i th publ ish­

e r s of t h e followinK named per iodica ls , tha t t hose w h o subsc r ibe t h r o u g h u s will ge t t h e N O R W O O D N E W S a t a nominal h g u r e , a n d in s o m e cases w e Currish the t w o p a p e r s a t less p r ice t han one . A n y ­one l iv ing ab road can obta in t h e N E W S wi th a n y o ther per iodical , b y enclosing t h e requ i red a m o u n t in a c o m m o n le t t e r , or, send a m o n e y oMer .

"We m a k e this offer t o new subsc r ibe r s on ly , bu t , those of o u r subsc r ibe r s w h o des i re to receive a n y of the per iod ica ls a t these ra tes , can do so b y p a y i n g u p all a r r e a r s . "We do no t confine ourse lves t o the p a p e r s n a m e d o n the list only , b u t can furnish a n y first-lass per iodica l a t c lub ra tes a t the Ifcwest pr ice .

Subsc r ip t ion W i t h , N a m e pr ice . N e w s .

Cu l t iva to r & C o u n t r y Geat leman.$a .5o S3.00 P e t e r s o n ' s Magaz ine 2 .00 . . , 2.50 Scr ibner ' s M o n t h l y St. Nicholas Dai ly ( I l lus t ra ted) G r a p h i c , Vick s I l lus t ra ted M o n t h l y , , A p p l e t o n ' s J o u r n a l

-Atlantic? -...•;-• •••!!.-it'-. Bal lou 's M o n t h l y H a r p e r s ' s Bazar ^ T o l e d o "Blaae -. . . . . . : . , Burlington1- H a w k e y e H a r p e r ' s W e e k l y H a r p e r ' s M o n t h l y G q d e y ' s Lady Book N o r t h Amer ican R e v i e w . . . . P o p u l a r Scit-nce M o n t h l y . - .

. 3 .00, . • 4 .00 , .

x,5°-. . 4 .00. . . "JTOO-. . . 2 .00. .

4.OO.., •f.OO. . , 2 .00. . , 5.OO...

. 5.OO..

• 4-35 • 3-So ,10.00

1.95 • 3-35

. 3.25

, 2J50-, 2.25

4,35 4.25 2-59-4-75 5.00

TWCTDOIX z-EA&r-M a y b e had a t all t h e ^ n e w s s t ands at five cents

_ r _ ~ p e r c o p y .

Y e a r l y c lubs of five, each $1 50 T h e U a w k e y c a n d any-$4-oo M a g a z i n e or Peri­

odical . . „4 5o T h e H a w k e y e a n d " G l e a n i n g s fot the C u r i o u s , "

a v e r y h a n d s o m e a n d va luab le b o o k of 864 ftiages oc t avo . . . .'.'• .-. 4 00

TB.e K a w k e y o a n d the- N e w H o l l y Scroll S a w 1 -•r-]&$*886-. •: '„-..-. 3 00 . T ^ e ' H ' a w k e y e a n d G r a y e s ' T a r g e t G u n 225

Free Seefl MriMioii , 1879-80. Cutfrbcrt R a s p b e r r y , t w o p lan ts to each s u b ---jscriber $0 *S

ed clerk' to the State Agent for discharge"ce. YeIePIul"e 1>ea

v l b i e s Sibir ica


& ROUSE'S! .^ y Y o u c a n g e t t h e B e s u B & r g a i n s a t o u r s t o r e o n ' a l l k i n d s pi

DRY OSIISj OiESS 0®00S3 l i l CLOT! Hats and Caps, Groceries, Etc.

W e a r e s e l l i n g g o o d s c h e a p e r t h a n a n y o t h e r c o n c e r n in t h i s s e c t i o n , a n y o n e c a n c o n v i n c e s th* s e l v e s ^ b y c a l l i n g a n d e x a m i n i n g o u r g o o d s a n d p r i c e s . W e h a v e a n i c e l i n e of * \ <-/£-!

3?>£ro1y±o:o.st- a n d 3FB£&,:mLo;sr CSrOOcJsa- - "*** L a d i e s ' a n d G e n t s ' U n d e r w e a r , H o s i e r y , G l o v e s , C o r s e t s , S c a r f s a n d T i e s . W e v h a v e a d d e d Ja-rgelyA ~TY"

t o o u r s t o c k of D o m e s t i c s , a n d j i o w h a v e a ful l l i n e o l F r i n r s , G i n g h a m s , D e r h m s , t "'*•> J^ S h i r t i n g s , B l e a c h e d a n d B r o w n C o t t o n s , F l a n n e l s , T a b l e L i n e n s , o f <-•» ^ •?"


T o w e l s , C r a s h e s , e t c . , a n d w e offer t h e m a t

s^^CEEiDiisra-Xj'Z" L O W * :p:ra:a:E!s. fe D o n ' t f o r g e t t h e p l a c e . M o r g a n ' s B l o c k , N o r w o o d . ,. O L I V E R , & R O U ^ f

is" «

O I J O S I I ^ G - OXT'371 SI^SLX^^SS



This is no Humbug^ou can rely upon Fricdfe^ O u r s t o c k h a s b e e n w e l l s e l e c t e d , a n d o u r a i m h a s e v e r b e e n t o s u p p l y o u r c u s t o m e r s w i t h Jtfti^ t \ __ g o o d s ; n o w w e offer t h e s a m e a t x o s t fo r c a s h , o n l y . T h e f o l l o w i n g c o m p r i s e s a p a r t i a l l i s t o ? o u $ '*-f*~ s t o c k ,. •' * *,i t * '

Ja» ml Ooloi Teas, 1, Java, ai Mate Coles, Telacce, Plies 'Bt 5 > ^ S y r u p s , M o l a s s e s , V i n e g a r , C i d e r , C o d f i s h , M a c k e r e l , S a l m o n , W h i t e F i s h , C a n n e d G o o d s , ' Salfc 'sS^ ' \ |

P i c k l e s r C r e a m - o f - T a r t a r , B a k e r ' s a n d S w e e t C l i o c o l a t e j S c h e p p s , C o c o k n u t , " % G r o u n d a n d I f n g r o u n d S p i c e s , B a k i n g P o w d e r , S o d a , Wash iTrgL A .j-

" S o d a , "Bird S e e d s , B i r d F o o d , L i q u i d a n d .-P-owd- - - - - - - - - " " V - . -e r e d B l u i n g , I n d i g o , S a l t - P e t e r , S o a p i n v a r i e t y , , . B a t h B r i e ! t h e I ^ >

B r o o m s , B r u s h e s , e t c . , E n g l i s h a n d A m e r i c a n C r o c k e r y , R o c k i n g h a m W a r ^ a l . ) £ ^-n-j S t o n e w a r e , W o o d e n W a r e , L a m p s , L a n t e r n s , a n d L a m p G o o d s , W a l l P a p e r , W i i c e d uncon-

V a r i e t y of g o o d s t o o n u m e r o u s t o m e n t i o n . ; .$essupreme

M o w i s rfcis-e B3?ii3a:o t o -̂ SUSSS TLT , T-* '•'/v--'-'—? T iJhole -number rTOrwTjrjd7-Bec^-ry-r879: — • S i * : ? ^ i ^ j ' - J f e government

law went into

conVicts, whose offioo is located at Au­burn, I t was Gilmon's duty to keep the records and perform the correspondence. The position required a man of inteli-genee and instruction, and Gilman-'s ac­complishments fitted him for the place. - A little over a year ago the writer had an extended conversation in the office

jffith Giljman, and found him ah exceed-devo'tionTto tliSSe'nb^e'^plSiJmiy; -Uxtofr ingly interesting conversationalist on ac-:whiofichave ever;been;-j^%b*man's. nighest count of his culture. Gilman> talked on

'nkfepaper, I tag: ySars; a n d have-

Siey&pmd*a^e#niJQ£air6r.Sneyer • intend1

SLAy., i ^ « « ^ %

| ; ' : M » i - ' ^ ' # > P ^ a ' » 1 '

ie;?N6;rij«:eba. ^3i'uiaher "Gotapairjf l l i i i i i r i ^ | ^ l ^ ' 0 ' ' 8f ff^ie ' ls, i(ji


be'adyahcedj she-also-added-to- other -vir­tues a generous charity, which thought no eyjl,- bu t was ever ready to veil with its'ih'antle the shorfceomings of others and to look upon- them at their best. Not only among equals, but among depend­e n t s and.: otiiers in the humblest \falfeipf-life, BHe.ever remembered with (fcqnghtrul courteBJ^ihafSj^vhibh was due itp^n'eiileighfeor, She poor foiind in her fc' ^eidy. Helper and ar sympathizing

''.In7thS:(!Karitable 'enterprises, which BO orte^'areatediryjed' to vreHeve?the necessi-;tiess6f--pur^mdjgent population i.she. ever ;tq'6K.,-&;e'-m '̂slBaoJiyB interest, lerjding aid "wffihs^eherous hand and persoiud' effort, : iMt t | i e hungry might be fed and the ;,njfed.,olothe4...,. . .

.^L^fijlm'feslfehcontradted'.a severe ill-^ess%)i&^^o^^hejlever-fully recovered. \!piirnig,the sujmAser she seemed' to grow sfep'ligeKV^iEa^ly'm'tffe autumn she went

'to; visit; heJJf^tiier', a t Athens, .where she .wfis again stnpken' down; Wi th , tender care she waft brought home. For a time; iV*is,li6peu|lJiat her life oouldbe saved.' B u t it soonjepame evident that the hand of: death was tipon her. -.',The suffering of her .last illness was

jbprne.'with.thafc.wpnderful patience and jSelf.gbnegatton which hav.e been always ^.teait .oi her chWaoter, and never, even t o the end,-pould she receive, in her .weakness of pain, the attentions.of those ^ p u n d j j e r , withoutj expressing he* ap-pS^.piatipn of their kindness. Sad it is to Ftffink t h a t one BP gifted .should be taken fipm ou^ niidst-in-thp nopa-tide of her ,fifei Xfe.flje grief of the husband who loved heiiifo tenderly and the little chil-

Ydreft dejbnyed of a mother's care, we will jjapjsintrnder To them and to those who : & g ^ , , b e c a u s e a-.daughter arid sister be-loveaiis np.topre, we "bffer our heartfelt ipyiniaffiVjr jMpy ^ e , who paftie to., oom-t|prt.alfl-?{hpi^puiaij..be t o "that "strioken ^hpttsehptdaj^TRer• of strength in;-'their "dark and olpniy' day. kb the mysterious gtovidenoeso^ jTehptahj "which we can­not fathfini, let.'us bow with reverent-isub-raisBionj,and thank His holy naine, that i&.JJie iiome whiqh. He hath prepared for ',H^v)jae!o^le-b,ey_pn'd..the -gatfe, th,ei;p will;

numerous subjeots and referred to his life in prison. H e stated that lie was un­der resbaint, but at the same timo his prise n experi. nee had not been, as un­pleasant as he had anticipated. He said he expected to, serve his time out and should endeavor to conform to the rules of the prison and conduct himself prop erly while in the institutifen. Gihnan'B face was then smoothly shaven and his hair was cut closely,, but not."cropped." Care had advanced him beyond his years, but he appeared as contented as a man of refinement thrown among a lower olass 6i orhninais could be, He offered noth­ing in palliation of his offense and seemed to consider his .punishment deserved. Shortly after he was sentenced his wife became insane, bu t in a few months she recovered her reason. She was ardently attaohed to her hnsband, and in com­pany with Eev. Dr. Stoughton, Sf the "Litt le church around the-corner,",, fre­quently visited her husband. The inter­views were very affecting. She endeav­ored to conceal her identity as much as possible when visiting the prison, register of the hotel at which Mrs. Gil­man and Dr. Stoughtoh stopped on the occasion of her visits bore the inscription, " D r . Stoughton and lady." Not long

•ago a petition for the release of Gilman was presented to Governbr Robinson, but the Governor refused to interfere. A few weeks ago Oilman's daughter died, and this new weight, added to Mrs. Gilman's load of grief and care, caused her to sink and on Monday of last week she died a broken hearted wife and mother. A sec­ond appeal for exeoutive clemency was made to Governor Robinson, who bowing to the judgment of Heaven, on Tuesday granted a pardon to Gilman, The pris­oner's sister arrived in Auburn Tuesday night With the document, and yesterday morning the news of his wife's death was told him and he was informed of his re­lease by the Governor. The sorrowing matt oast off his prison garments and emerged into the free World, for the last time to gaze upoff the face of his wife, whose death was caused by his error. Gilman arrived in this city at'7:55 o'olook last evening, from Auburn, and departed for Ijfew York on the second Atlantio ex­press on the Central-Hudson" a t 8:60 •ti'clook, As he Bat jneditatively in his Beat in a drawing room par jufit before the

.Magnol ia Seet(j} (ass 'd , including Sou langenn L e n n e i , &c). ' .

I r i s ( seeds from Seedl ings 1. KEempferi) H y b r i d P e n t s t e m o n s B e b b ' s H y b r i d Aqui legias Ar is to locnia S ipho Ipomoea Le topnyl ia

Sj&, W$-J,

, i y e a r LKER,

W o -will send t h e H A W K E Y , A n d t h e R U R A L N E W Y O R K f e K , t y e a r . . A n d t h e a b o v e l is t o£ P l a n t s a n d S e e d s 2 45

. T o t , . , .$6 45 All , p o s t a g e pa id , to a n } ' add re s s , for 3 00 A d d r e s s ,


A G B K T S W A K T B O . Bnrllngton, Iowa

HIDES AND SKINS! The undersigned will pay the highest

market price for Hides, Slans and Pelts, at the Norwood Tannery.


I have a fine line of





L. R. & H. ASHLEY,



SmitUiericanOreis AND WILL GIVE THE

LOWEST PRICES! HgsfCall and. See Us Before Buying.

GARLIGEC & i^UNSON of Potsdam have an im­mense stock of New Stoves on hand, and daily arriving, purchas­ed before the late ad­vance, which have got to be sold for Gash with­in sixty days, and the prices are fearfully low. Don't lose th is chance a s it will be. the. best

j l i n g day you have put in this year. Harness up and come prepared to take our Stoves home with you. "

¥SF W e t a r e t i le larges t s tock a n d sel l t h e ckeaiiost o f a n y s t o r e H o u s e In N o r t h e r n Now "Vork. t o m e a n d see a n d 1>e satisfied th«U w h a t ,>ve adver r


The public are constantly asking why we are always kept So "busy.''\ many reasons. We have the largest assortment, We have the latest rioviitiS,. but one price and notwithstanding the advance of from 10 to 20 per- cent, p , we are selling at old prices, thereby dealing fairly and gensr-ously witfj t r i ' l ~ f | ^ l M S ^ | that all who come may be served and satisfied, ' <l\ . R? ' ' f jSMj -

The crowds that have kept our salesmen so busy a t our Mammoth ^Kfl^plodi i i '&I ip l Store, as well as at our Great Wardrobe Clothing House, for weeks past, "ire &dis l t R f e f l putable evidences of the certain satisfaction that awaits all who buy of us.. 3 .', fh mSffi'W'a

C o m e a n d s e e w h a t w e c a n d p ! ^ . "?-.. ->;,"' f ' I f S f f i C o m e aond. s e e - w h a t -we a r e d o l n r j ; ! * T a -. ,'j "• i | i ; #5S | ! C o m e a n d s e e w h a t w e I n t e n d t o d o ! * ,' ..|;i''i"4K%fJK


And] other house. would require _ vidual one a small present, so we have decided, to give one good one, fhe'refore^|S®|f«5|W;f1

give for a " ' • : - 100^ff""'

New Year's-.Present • -Mlj

1GMFICENT H M J t l t 1 '""


- O F -

m Best .Quality of Black Walnut a n d : ^ « r ^ .-•- ,•-V? .'• iMmmm

. 31,1879, at S p. • '.H'/j. '--A«(i5r.,J

This set of furniture is an elegant one, •i fiiis On eXhibitfon in (JmrSh, and will remain there until it goes to the p.ei^oii.who will receive* i t on t | of December, as a gift, ' -£- ' *• • ' ;A

To determine who the set shall be givefe'to is the next.questidn,, ifti§ thousands of customers to please and Onlyfpne of them, to b e wholly "s4? puzzling to form a plan and carry it outsSatiSEncto^ily, '"t'/f*

The plan formed is as follows, commencing Monday, .November 2 l % i chaser of two dollars worth of goods" &i retail, either at the. Mammphe Wardrobe, will be'given a slip dulg-Siifebered andbeariiig thenatfie^" a to whom it is given, a duplicate of sfiiel-slip will be retained in ou% ofot. contain the name and residence of the.holder, .ihe

On the 31st of December, 1879, at 8 p^ m. these duplicate. sHrj4wileefi in a box, and after shaking, one of them will be taken tiierefiom by.jj j 0 1 ' party, tlie name thereon announced and the owiier will; receive thfi' s??,.?'

, No person employed in our stores will be allowed slips, ' and! M^ipt} blarik slips put in the box so there will b e no danger of ~tt&- aet'ieJuSoXi, hands. _ ' - . - - , . J ^ ^ m

The foregoing will be in no sense a lottery bu t simply a n S e / & r 0f just and friendly way to make a present to my customers who W e tp,ture

' i «

m for the past thirteen years, itt il

Fos not a

, mstei -,e who

jei t ha t ^feature's


- h ° g s v •uth and fsauceis

t n e d <nd fiid sinlv lusu ie i^

juuth wi tu ff-At Junes, /fewits tijil femed t o be Ifaneel 1 the mein-along ttafi ->S lonp as

ipeaiecl in a Jowa td Ijong nce.p( a b o k t

f^iA in6ien^&gtt t ' 'befoie i t •nnslO'li Sun * />*


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