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Page 1: Osan AB Fundraising Request Form · 2020. 7. 14. · ACKNOWLEDGMENT: By signing this form, I request authorization to hold the fundraising event on Osan AB described above. I certify

Osan AB Fundraising Request Form

51st Force Support Squadron, Osan AB, Republic of Korea https://51fss.com/private-organizations/

All request form must be submitted NLT 3 weeks prior to event date no exception.

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Section Ⅰ - Organization Information Point of Contact Name Fundraiser Date Fundraiser Time E-mail Address Phone Number

Private Organization Name registered with 51 FSS/FSR Unofficial Activity Name(If you cash/assets exceed a 3 month average of $1k/month for 3months, register as a PO)

Constitution/Bylaws Approval Date Insurance Waiver Approval Date No. of Fundraisers Completed this Quarter (Only 3 fundraisers per quarter are authorized)

Section Ⅱ - Event Details Section Ⅲ - Rules and guidelines (1)

1. TYPE OF EVENT (e.g., golf tournament, bake sale, cookie sale, etc.)

2. LOCATION (e.g., building name with #, in front of the BX, golf course, etc.)

3. PURPOSE (describe how the funds raised will be used in detail)

4. MISC. EVENT DETAIL (price(s), procedures, 3rd party involvements, etc.)

5. ADVERTISING METHOD* (e.g., flyer, word of mouth, N/A, etc.)

Please read Section Ⅲ - Rules and guidelines (1) of the right side carefully first.

Submit a copy of all advertisement with this fundraiser request form.

TOP FOUR GENERAL PROHIBITIONS You may not conduct fundraisers while in uniform or in the workplace.

You may not solicit funds or donations, on the installation.

Official endorsement of the fundraiser is prohibited.


- The Joint Ethics Regulation prohibits the use of DoD communicationresources (telephones, fax machines, e-mail,) or other governmentresource in any manner that would reflect adversely on the DoD, which specifically include soliciting and selling.

- The use of government e-mail to advertise fundraisers or volunteerrequests for fundraisers or for membership drive is unauthorized.

- Advertisement must not contain any official name belonging to theAF (such as unit names, office symbols, and ranks, seal, logo, andgovernment email addresses, DSN, etc.).


- Advertisements must not take place until approved by 51 FSS/CC.

Y N Section Ⅳ - Acknowledgements (check appropriate box) 1. I have read and understand all instructions and requirements for conducting a fundraisers.

(See instruction #1 through #19 on page 3 & 4, DoDI 5500.7-R, AFI 34-223, and AFI 36-3101)

2. Will all participants be: a) volunteers, b) not in uniform and, c) in off-duty or special pass status? (See instruction #3 on page 3 of this form)

3. Does this event involve food/beverage preparation? (If yes, see instruction # 12. route request through Public Health, their approval is required)

4. Is the requesting organization primarily made up of AF/DoD members?

5. Is the location of this event considered away from the workplace? (See instruction # 7 on page 3 of this form)

6. Do you understand that this event will not involve solicitation on base?(Note: Solicitations directly for cash donations or monetary gift or donation from non-members on base is prohibited. See instruction #8 & 9 & 10)

7. Does Fundraiser occur during the CFC/AFAF campaign?(Note: PO or UA fundraising is not permitted during CFC/AFAF campaign. If yes, it is required additional scrutiny by Judge Advocate. See instruction # 14)

Page 2: Osan AB Fundraising Request Form · 2020. 7. 14. · ACKNOWLEDGMENT: By signing this form, I request authorization to hold the fundraising event on Osan AB described above. I certify

Osan AB Fundraising Request Form

51st Force Support Squadron, Osan AB, Republic of Korea https://51fss.com/private-organizations/

All request form must be submitted NLT 3 weeks prior to event date no exception.

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Y N Section Ⅳ - Acknowledgements (check appropriate box) 8. Are you aware how many fundraiser events are authorized per quarter? (See instruction # 5)

9. Will you seek official endorsement of this event? (See AFI 36-3101, 5.2. and instruction #4)

10. Risk of liability from this event is negligible. It means I will not place our participants at greater risk of injury or damage. (See instruction #18)

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: By signing this form, I request authorization to hold the fundraising event on Osan AB described above. I certify that this organization is in compliance with AFI 34-223 and AFI 36-3101. Furthermore, I have read all instructions, understand them fully, and will follow all applicable guidelines. The organization will conduct this event with the strict understanding that violation of Air Force instruction, as outlined in the above notes, may result in the suspension or the outright removal of the organization’s authorization to operate on Osan AB.

Section Ⅴ- Signature for one of the PO Officers Name, Grade, and Duty Title Signature Date

Section Ⅵ - Coordination and authorization 1. Proposed Facility Manager

The requester has coordinated the details of this event with me, and I have no objections if approved by 51 FSS.

2. Safety OfficeThe requester has coordinated the details of this event

with me, and I have no objections.

3. Public Health Office (Skip if no food)The requester has coordinated this event with me, and

received the required training to handle food. Signature Date Signature Date Signature Date

Coordination for fundraising depends on the type of event proposed. Route the request according to ensure the proper agencies have reviewed your request. The facility manager of the location where the event is to be held must coordinate to assure knowledge of the event. This requirement also pertains to AAFES and the Commissary. Ensure the Safety Office has signed off on the form. Public Health Office coordination is required food sales. Be sure to include a copy of the completed FOOD SALE REQUEST FORM. 51 FSS/FSR will coordinate with the legal office with the 51 FSS commander for final approval (as delegated by 51 MSG/CC). Allow a minimum of 15 days for approval after submission to 51 FSS.

Section Ⅶ - For use by 51 FSS/FSR Only



Name, Grade, and Duty Title KIM, MYONG CHOL, KGS-11 Deputy, Resource Management

Signature Date



During CFC or AFAF but qualifies as a local internal program away from the workplace under AFI 36-3101, Table 1, Rule 4 REMARKS

Name, Grade, and Duty Title

Assistant Staff Judge Advocate

Signature Date


Your request to conduct a FUNDRAISER at the time(s) and date(s) indicated is:



Name, Grade, and Duty Title SHERI L. KRAUS, Lt Col, USAF Commander, 51st Force Support Squadron

Signature Date

Page 3: Osan AB Fundraising Request Form · 2020. 7. 14. · ACKNOWLEDGMENT: By signing this form, I request authorization to hold the fundraising event on Osan AB described above. I certify

Osan AB Fundraising Request Form

51st Force Support Squadron, Osan AB, Republic of Korea https://51fss.com/private-organizations/

All request form must be submitted NLT 3 weeks prior to event date no exception.

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INSTRUCTIONS Read each item below and acknowledge understanding by initialing to the left.

_____ 1. PO fundraising activities must comply with applicable regulations of DoDI 5500.7-R, AFI 34-223, and AFI 36-3101. I have read and understand the requirements for conducting a fundraiser.

_____ 2. Appropriate coordination and approval is required on all fundraising requests. Allow a minimum of 15 days for approval after submission to 51 FSS/FSR. Coordination instructions are as follows:

Go to https://51fss.com/private-organzations/ for Fundraiser Request Form and Instructions Sheet. Ensure that Private Organization documentation such as, Constitution/Bylaws and Insurance Waiver is up-to-date with the 51 FSS/FSR.

Required Coordination:

If the event does not involve the handling or preparation of food, coordinate through:1) Base Facility proposed for use → 2) Safety Office → 3) 51 FSS/FSR

If the event does involve food preparation (e.g., bake sale, chili cook-off), coordinate through:1) Base Facility proposed for use → 2) Safety Office → 3) Public Health → 4) 51 FSS/FSR

1) Proposed FacilityReserve Base Facility at proposed site and get coordination with them.-OR- Reserve Main Gate Food Booth by emailing [email protected], [email protected] or call 784-8474.

2) Safety Office: Bldg. 745, Second Floor, 784-1842.

3) Public Health (ONLY for FOOD HANDLING): Bldg. 777, Second Floor, 784-2515Request a copy of the completed FOOD SALE REQUEST FORM and submit it to FSR with a fundraiser request form.

4) 51 FSS/FSR* Email (1) Fundraiser Request Form with all Coordination, (2) Instruction Sheet, (3) Copy of Advertisement (If applicable),(4) A Copy of completed FOOD SALE REQUEST FORM (If applicable) to 51 [email protected], [email protected].

※ 51 FSS/FSR will coordinate with the legal office with the 51 FSS commander for final approval. Approval process forsubmitted packets requires at least 15-BUSINESS DAYS.

_____ 3. Members may not actively participate in fundraising while on duty or in uniform [JER, Section 3-300]. All DoD members who participate in this event must do so with the clear understanding that they may only do so in their individual capacity and not in any official capacity for all fundraiser activity (including prep/planning for the fundraising). This restriction also applies to DoD civilian employees.

_____ 4. DoD members must not do anything that implies Federal endorsement of a fundraising event. The Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), Section 3-210.a., Air Force employees shall not officially endorse, or appear to endorse, fundraising for any non-Federal entity. The Joint Ethics Regulation permits official support and endorsement of the Combined Federal Campaign and Air Force Assistance Fund charities.

_____ 5. POs may hold no more than three (3) fundraisers per calendar quarter in accordance with AFI 36-3101, para.5.5. A fundraiser may not consist of frequent/continuous resale activities activities or compete with AAFES, Services, or NAFI activities.

_____ 6. AFI 34-223, paragraph 10.9. POs will not operate amusement machines, slot machines, lotteries, raffles, games of change or other gambling-type activities; nor will they engage in frequent or continuous resale activities either directly or indirectly through third parties. AFI 34-223, paragraph 10.20. Fundraising raffles may be conducted on an Air Force installation by those POs that are composed primarily of DoD personnel or their family members. Such raffles provide a means of extending needed services or other assistance to members of DoD family, but failure to strictly follow the provisions below could result in the raffles violating JER Section 2-302. To comply with AFI 34-223, a PO raffle must be for the betterment of the community at large and not just purely for the purpose of fostering social or recreational activities among its members. Unit unofficial activities are not authorized to conduct raffles under any circumstances. Raffles must be authorized in advance by the Installation Commander. All requests to conduct raffles must be reviewed by the servicing Staff Judge Advocate’s office.

Page 4: Osan AB Fundraising Request Form · 2020. 7. 14. · ACKNOWLEDGMENT: By signing this form, I request authorization to hold the fundraising event on Osan AB described above. I certify

Osan AB Fundraising Request Form

51st Force Support Squadron, Osan AB, Republic of Korea https://51fss.com/private-organizations/

All request form must be submitted NLT 3 weeks prior to event date no exception.

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_____ 7. Fundraisers typically must be held AWAY FROM the workplace. The installation commander determines which areas of the installation are and are not workplaces. The AFI provides examples of what are considered “workplaces” (offices, hangars, flight line) and what are not considered “workplaces” (base quarters, entrances, lobbies or concourses of buildings, schools, chapels, break rooms, BX). There are very limited circumstances under which fundraisers may be held in areas designated “at the workplace.” We encourage you to utilize an area designated as “away from the workplace” if possible. The requirement that fundraising not occur at the workplace is not affected by the military status of those engaged in the fundraiser.

_____ 8. Solicitation of DoD personnel junior in rank, grade or position is not allowed whether on or off duty. This includes family members of such personnel.

_____ 9. Door-to-door solicitation is prohibited in military housing areas. This prohibition exists to protect the security of the installation, avoid high-pressure sales techniques and allow military personnel and their families a peaceful living environment free from unwanted intrusion.

_____ 10. AFI 34-223, para POs and unit unofficial activities may accept gifts and donations from outside sources.

These organizations will not solicit gifts or donations (as distinguished from the sale of items of value) on base. Off-base solicitations must clearly indicate that they are for a Private Organization and not for the base or any official part of the Air Force. Donor/gift recognition may not be made publicly. Oral recognition of the gift or donation can only be made to members of the Private Organization or those present at an event benefiting from the donation/gift, per AFI 34-223, para

_____ 11. Any fundraiser involving the sale or preparation of food must comply with AFI 48-116, Food Safety Program, and be coordinated with the Public Health Office. You must include the completed Public Health Form with your application.

PO and unofficial activities may not serve or sell alcoholic beverages under any circumstance.

_____ 12. POs may NOT serve or sell alcohol under any circumstances.

_____ 13. Official base e-mail is not authorized for use by Private Organizations and Unofficial Activities for fundraising purposes. PO must furnish their own equipment, supplies, and other materials. Any advertisement of the event may not appear to be an official endorsement of the event. Base Public Affairs office can assist with alternate venues for dissemination such as the base newspaper and website if given enough advanced notice. Government systems (daily bulletin boards and/or electronic public folders) may be used and provide notice of unofficial off-installation fundraising campaigns and volunteer request if approved by the Installation Commander, per AFI 34-223, para 11.1.3.

_____ 14. No fundraising is permitted during Combined Federal Campaign or Air Force Assistance Fund campaigns unless the installation commander approves.

_____ 15. Advertising may not occur until the fundraiser is approved. A copy of any proposed advertisement must be included with this request form. Official DoD or unit seals, logos, insignia of the DoD, correspondence, rank, title, duty email, official letterhead, and duty phone number may not be used, per AFI 34-223, para 10.1.1.

_____ 16. AFI 34-223, para Private Organizations must prominently display the following disclaimer on all print and electronic media mentioning the Private Organization’s name confirming that the Private Organization is not part of the Department of Defense: “THIS IS A PRIVATE ORGANIZATION. IT IS NOT A PART OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR ANY OF ITS COMPONENTS AND IT HAS NO GOVERNMENTAL STATUS.”

_____ 17. If using the food booth by the main gate, quiet hours begin at 2100. After that time, all noise must be kept to a minimum, at or below 85dB (the sound of normal city traffic/less than the sound of a hair dryer).

_____ 18. AFI 34-223, para 10.15. Private Organizations must have liability insurance unless the Installation Commander waives the requirement. Insurance should be required unless the activities of the PO are such that the risk of liability is negligible. PO members must be made aware that they are jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the PO. The absence of liability insurance places their personal assets immediately at risk in the event of Private Organization liability. If approved, I expressly agree to indemnify and hold the US government harmless from and against any and all claims, loss, and liability, however caused, arising out of, or in any way connected with this event, whether or not caused or contributed to by any negligence or alleged misconduct on the part of any employee of the United States or member of the United States Armed Forces.

_____ 19. Maintain copy and approved fundraiser request form in the PO continuity binder and display fundraiser license at the event site.

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