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PowerPoint Presentation by Rajeesh Viswanathan

Jansons school of Business

PowerPoint Presentation by Rajeesh Viswanathan

Jansons school of Business

Organization Theory

Structure, Design, and Applications

Organization Theory

Structure, Design, and Applications

Third Revised EditionThird Revised Edition

Stephen P. Robbins and Mary MathewStephen P. Robbins and Mary Mathew


14C H A P T E R




Managing Organizational ChangeManaging Organizational Change

After Reading This Chapter, You Should Be Able To:

1. Define planned change.2. List reasons that might precipitate a structural

change.3. Describe the four categories of intervention

strategies.4. Explain the three-step change process.5. Describe organizational designs that foster

innovation.6. Explain why stability, not change, characterizes

most organizations.

An effective organization “is not a stable solution to achieve, but a developmental process to keep active”.

Organizations facing rapidly changing environment will look for Flexibility in their structure Innovation Rapid responsiveness Adhocratic structure

Planned change:The changes in an organization that are planned or purposeful, with an objective to keep the organization current and viable.

Structural change:The techniques that have an impact on the structural system of the organization. This includes changing authority patterns, access to information, allocation of rewards, technology and the like.

The identification of opportunity upon which management wants to capitalize, it could be in anticipation of, or in reaction to a problem Eg: Change in objectives, purchase of

objectives, scarcity of labor, unionization etc

The organizational initiators or rather change agents are those in power and those who wish either to replace or constrain those in power. eg: Senior executives, managers of major

units within the organization, internal staff-development specialists, and powerful lower level employees.

This is used to describe the choice made by which the change process takes place

People Structure Technology Organizational processes

It’s the process of bringing about the change Change process: This includes unfreezing the

status quo, moving to a new state, and refreezing the change to make it permanent.

Implementation tactics: Paralleling the change process in the implementation stage is the decision of what tactics should be used to install the planned change. Intervention Participation Persuasion Edict

Results: The outcome of this process could be positive, negative, temporary or permanent

Innovation is the adoption of ideas that are new to the adopting organization. They are of two types: Technological innovation: This comprises of

the use of new tools, techniques, devices, or systems etc.

Administrative innovation: This is the implementation of changes in an organizations structure and or its administrative processes.

Stability leads to inertia. Internal compatibility requires

revolutionary change. A power control foot note.

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