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  • 1. and other creatures in Greek Mythology

2. The following gods and goddess are sometimes included as one ofthe twelve Olympians:Hades EosHebe ErosHeracles PersephoneAsclepius Pan 3. God of the Underworld, dead and theriches under the Earth ("Pluto"translates to "The Rich One"); he wasborn into the first Olympiangeneration, the elder brother of Zeus,Poseidon, Hera, and Demeter, andyounger brother of Hestia, but as helives in the Underworld rather thanon Mount Olympus, he is typically notincluded amongst the twelveOlympians. 4. A divine hero, the son of Zeusand Alcmene, foster son ofAmphitryon and great-grandson(and half-brother) of Perseus(). He was the greatestof the Greek heroes, a paragon ofmasculinity and a champion ofthe Olympian order againstchthonic monsters. 5. Queen of the Underworld and a daughter ofDemeter and Zeus. Also goddess of spring time.She became the consort of Hades, the god of theunderworld, when he kidnapped her. Demeter,driven to distraction by the disappearance of herdaughter, neglected the earth so that nothingwould grow. Zeus eventually ordered Hades toallow Persephone to leave the underworld andrejoin her mother. Hades did this, but becausePersephone had eaten six of the twelvepomegranate seeds in the underworld whenHades first kidnapped her, she had to spend sixmonths in the underworld each year. This createdthe seasons when for six months everythinggrows and flourishes then for the other sixmonths everything wilts and dies. 6. The god of medicine and healing.He represents the healing aspectof the medical arts; his daughtersare Hygieia ("Health"), Iaso("Medicine"), Aceso ("Healing"),Agla/gle ("Healthy Glow"),and Panacea ("UniversalRemedy"). He is the son of Apolloand Coronis. 7. The god of sexual love andbeauty. He was alsoworshipped as a fertilitydeity, son of Aphrodite andAres. He was depicted oftenas carrying a lyre or bow andarrow. He is oftenaccompanied by dolphins,roses, and torches. 8. She is the goddess ofyouth, daughter of Zeusand Hera. Hebe was thecupbearer for the gods andgoddesses of MountOlympus, serving theirnectar and ambrosia, untilshe was married toHeracles. 9. The god of nature, thewild, shepherds and flocks,mountains, hunting, theforest, and rustic music, aswell as the companion ofthe nymphs. The root ofthe word 'panic' comesfrom the god Pan. 10. Iris was the goddess of therainbow and a messengerof the gods, in the Iliad theonly messenger. Hermesappears first in thatcapacity in the Odyssey,but he does not take Irisplace. 11. The Graces were three:Aglaia (Splendor),Euphrosyne (Mirth), andThalia (Good Cheer). Theywere the daughters of Zeusand Eurynome, a child ofthe Titan, Ocean. Aglaiamarried Hepahestus. 12. The Muses were nine: Clio (History), Urania(Astronomy), Thalia (Comedy), Terpsichore (Dance),Calliope (Epic Poetry), Erato (Love Poetry), Polyhymnia(Songs to the gods), and Euterpe (Lyric Poetry). Theywere the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. 13. Poseidon was theLord and Ruler ofthe Sea (theMediterranean)and the FriendlySea (the Euxine,now the Black Sea).Undergroundrivers too, were his. 14. Ocean, a Titan, was Lordof the river Ocean, a greatriver encircling the earth.His wife, also a Titan, wasTethys. 15. Nereus the Old Man of the sea (the Mediterranean) A trusty agod and gentle. His wife was Doris, adaughter of Ocean. Triton the trumpreter of the Sea. His trumpet was agreat shell. Proteus Poseidons son, sometimes his attendant.Had the power of foretelling and changing his shape. The Naiads water nymphs, dwelling in brooks andsprings and fountains. 16. The kingdom of the dead was ruled by Hades orPluto, and his queen, Persephone. 17. Tartarus and Erebus are sometimes two divisions ofthe underworld, Tartarus the deeper of the two, theprison of the sons of Earth; Erebus where the deadpass as soon as they die. 18. Acheron the River of Woe, pours into Cocytus, theRiver of Lamentation. Plegethon River of Fire Styx River of Unbreakable Oath Lethe River or Forgetfulness 19. Cerberus Guard of the gate, the three-headed, dragon-taileddog, who permits all spirits to enter, but none to return. The Erinyes (the Furies) they punish the evildoers. Castor and Pollux very popular pair of brothers Sleep and Death brothers in the underworld 20. The Sileni part man and part horse. The Satyrs goat-men. Aeolus King of the Winds. The Centaurs half-man, half-horse. 21. Medusa Medusa was a monster, aGorgon, generally described ashaving the face of a hideous humanfemale with living venomous snakesin place of hair. Gazing directly intoher eyes would turn onlookers tostone. Most sources describe her asthe daughter of Phorcys and Ceto,though the author Hyginusinterposes a generation and givesMedusa another chthonic pair asparents.

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