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Page 1: Our Adventure with MongoDB

Our Adventure WithMongoDB, Rails & Friends

Chicago RubyOctober 2010

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Ethan Gundersonhttp://ethangunderson.com

Twitter & Github: ethangunderson

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Our Agenda1) gathers.us2) Choosing an ODM3) Data modeling4) Other fun Mongo events5) Q & A

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Manage events

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Manage your groups(coming soon)

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Aggregate your social content(coming soon)

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High ValueGroupsEventsRSVPs

Low ValueSocial Events

Data needs

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Our Agenda1) gathers.us2) Choosing an ODM3) Data modeling4) Other fun Mongo events5) Q & A

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Lotʼs of options for Rails integration

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The strait Mongo Ruby driver!We chose ...

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ORMs are worthless if you donʼt understand what theyʼre doing.

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Simple to use

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Learn your tools

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We avoided one until it became too painful not to use one.

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In the end, we choseMongoid

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Rails 3 support

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Nice query syntax

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Safe mode

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Master / Slave

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Our Agenda1) gathers.us2) Choosing an ODM3) Data modeling4) Other fun Mongo events5) Q & A

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Our data model

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Introducing groups

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Option 1

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Option 2

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This idea actually sucks

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Mongoʼs 4MB document limit

Among other things, it keeps people like us, from doing things like that.

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In reality, documents shouldnʼt be bigger than ~250kb

1) updating on the server2) transferring across the network3) serializing to and from BSON

Inefficient when...

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Option 3single collection inheritance

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Mongoid Support

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Top level objects are stilltop level objects

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Moral of the story is,data modeling is still hard

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Our Agenda1) gathers.us2) Choosing an ODM3) Data modeling4) Other fun Mongo events5) Q & A

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October 18th, 6:00pmObtiva Studiohttp://chicagodb.com

The CTO of 10gen, Eliot Horowitz, will give us an in depth look at the components that make up MongoDB

ChicagoDB October

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October 20th, 9am - 6pmIIThttp://10gen.com/conferences/mongochicago2010

21 presentations by Mongo users and 10gen employees covering a wide array of topics from Mongo basics to Sharding architecture.

Mongo Chicago

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Our Agenda1) gathers.us2) Choosing an ODM3) Data modeling4) Other fun Mongo events5) Q & A

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Q & A

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