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Hope Lutheran Church April 2015

Easter Breakfast

We switched up our usual time pattern for Easter breakfast. Please note

that Easter Breakfast will be served from 8 to 9 am. If you plan on bringing a food item to share but

also plan on going to the 9 am service, please have

your food item in the kitchen NO LATER than

7:40 am.

Donations given at the Easter Breakfast

will go to

Our Daily Bread, a ministry here in

Bradenton that gives food and meals to the

homeless and those who are experiencing tough

times in their lives. Hope Lutheran also supports

Our Daily Bread by sending a team on the

second Saturday of every month to make a meal and serve to those who come to the Our Daily

Bread Dining Hall.

Maundy Thursday - April 2 6:30 pm (Communion)

Good Friday - April 3

@6:30 pm

Easter Vigil - April 4 Saturday - 5:00 pm

Easter Sunday - April 5 7:00 am Worship (Communion)

8am - Easter Breakfast 9:00 am Worship (Communion)

10am - Easter Egg Hunt


10:30 am Worship (Communion)

Join us Sunday, April 5, 10:00 am for an Easter Egg Hunt! It will be held in the church court-yard between the worship cen-ter and the Educational Build-ing. Refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall at that time as well.

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As this newsletter article is being written is about 2 weeks before Easter. We are nearing an end of the 40 day church season called Lent. FYI: The reason Lent is counted as 40 days is because when you count the days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday, you never count the Sundays. That is why when you talk about the Sundays during Lent, they are officially called the Sundays OF Lent, NOT the Sundays IN Lent. The reason is that EVERY Sunday when we gather for worship, they should be a reminder and a mini-celebration of our Lord’s resurrection. Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday, and when the early believers changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday, they did so in order to honor and remember the day our Savior rose from the dead. Some of the liturgical traditions we follow here at Hope Lutheran as we celebrate Holy Week and Easter. Maundy Thursday: Yes, that is the official name. Maundy comes from the Latin maundare which means to command. On that Thursday, as the disciples gathered in the upper room to celebrate their soon to be Last Passover with their master and teacher – Jesus – before the supper He washed their feet and gave them a new command – Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. We celebrate this love by sharing in the meal our Savior instituted during that Last Passover – the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion At the end of the service, we strip the altar as a reminder to us of the upcoming suffering, trial and crucifixion which Jesus will face the next day. Jesus was stripped of all of His clothes before being crucified. Also, there is no benediction and the worshippers are asked to leave in silence. This is to remind everyone that there are still more of the final hours of our Lord and that the congregation is expected to gather again the next day, on Friday, in somber reflection and worship in order to remember our Lord’s suffering, crucifixion and death. Good Friday: The cloth that hangs from the sanctuary cross is now black, often used as the color to represent death. In addition, there is a small black covering placed over the processional cross beside the altar. This is to remind us of the darkness that covered the earth for three hours before Jesus died. Once again, there is no benediction and the worshippers are asked to leave in silence. Again, this is to remind everyone that there is more to come. It is to remind everyone that we will once again gather together, just like many of the disciples did the day after the Sabbath in order to make sense out of what has happened, but for us, who know the end of the story, to celebrate with joy regarding the discovery of the empty tomb. Saturday – Easter Vigil: The service is a mini-celebration of Easter as it reflects on the purpose of Easter. That is, through the reading of various portions of the Bible, we see how God had redeemed and rescued His people in the past as we wait for the announcement of the empty tomb.

Pastor Craig Mathews

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As part of the Easter Vigil, a fire pit is burning outside of the church and from this fire pit, a flame is taken in order to light the Christ candle on the altar. This is to remind us that God has the power to keep His promise of salvation and an assurance to us that He will keep that promise by bringing Jesus back to life. (In ancient times, the flame was lit from a bonfire outside of the church.) In the ancient Christian Church, the Easter vigil was the first service that one could celebrate the joy of Easter, for many believe that Jesus arose anywhere from midnight to sunrise on Sunday. And although the service does not have the joy impact that one would expect for an Easter service, it culminates on a note of joyful anticipation as the Gospel lesson for Easter is read, a hymn containing Alleluias is sung, and the benediction is given. That is also why at Hope, the altar paraments are white, the cloth on the sanctuary has changed from black to white and the sanctuary area is covered with flowers signifying new life. As we gather as God’s people to remember and thank our Lord for His willingness to suffer and die for us and as we celebrate His resurrection which also gives us new life, I invite you to join us for worship during Holy Week and Easter. Elsewhere in this newsletter is a schedule of worship times and special activities as we thank, praise and celebrate the gift of life Jesus gives to us because of His suffering, death and resurrection. Easter: Easter is longer than the celebration for just one day. The church celebrates an Easter season which begins on Easter Sunday and lasts until the ascension of Jesus to return to His heavenly home and sit at the right hand of God. Ascension is 40 days after Easter. Below is a chart which shows the Biblical accounts of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus.

Time Reference Seen by Place

Easter Day

Mark 16:9 Mary Magdalene Jerusalem

Matthew 28:9 Other women Jerusalem

1 Corinthians 15:5 Peter Jerusalem

Luke 24:15-31 Two disciples Emmaus

John 20:19-24 10 apostles

(Thomas absent) Jerusalem

Sunday after Easter John 20:26-28 11 apostles

(Thomas present) Jerusalem

Time Unknown

John 21:1-24 7 disciples fishing

(Jesus and Peter) Sea of Galilee

Matthew 28:16-17 11 apostles Mount in Galilee

1 Corinthians 15:6 500 brethren Place unknown

1 Corinthians 15:7 James Place unknown

Ascension Day Acts 1:2-9 11 apostles Mount of Olives

In the Lord’s Service,

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That day of the Resurrection, two friends were walking along the road to Emmaus. They didn’t know, though, that it was Resurrection Day. That’s why they were walking along with downcast faces. Along comes Jesus. “Hi,” He says, “What’s up? What are you talking about?”

“Don’t you know?” they ask incredulously. “Where have you been? Under a rock? We’re talking about Jesus. He’s dead. We counted on Him for everything, but our hope is gone. He’s dead.”

“No, no, no,” Jesus responds. “Haven’t you read your Bible? Don’t you know this was all planned out before the world began?” And He starts at the beginning and patiently explains the prophecies of Scripture and how they have been fulfilled in the past few days. Finally, as they eat together, as Jesus takes bread, gives thanks, breaks it, and gives it to them, their eyes are opened. Can’t you imagine? Their eyes are wide open. It’s safe to say their mouths were probably hanging open too as Jesus disappeared from their vision – from their physical sight, but not from their hearts and minds, and they return to Jerusalem with a new message: “The Lord has risen in-deed…” (Luke 24:34).

We have our opportunities, too, to explain Scripture to the downcast, the bewildered, the confused. We can come alongside our friends on their “road to Emmaus” and ask, “Hey, what’s up?” Many people, even those who claim to be Christian, still base their beliefs on what they think, what they conceive to be logical, and what others have said. Like Jesus, we can turn their thoughts to Scripture. We can invite them to church where they might re-ceive Christ’s body and blood and have their spiritual eyes opened.

We have opportunities, also, to give our money to support pastors, teachers, and missionaries as they preach and teach the Risen Christ. As we use the resources and gifts God has given us to further His Kingdom, the Holy Spirit will cause the sure hope of salvation to cause the hearts of many to “burn within [them]” (Luke 24:32).

Hit the Road!

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In the next few months, as part of the 24toDouble process, the leadership of the congregation will be talking about vision and core values. Definition of Vision: A compelling picture of what Hope Lutheran Church would look like if it was truly effective in living out its beliefs and values through its mission. What are the values of Hope Lutheran Church? To get you started, below is a list of some values that can be important in the life of the church. On a scale of 1-5, assign a rank as to the importance of this value for Hope Lutheran Church. If this is something that we highly value, then give it a 5. If

it is something we lightly value, give it a 1. Go through the list twice and rank each item for what the values currently are and then what the values should be for Hope Lutheran Church.

You can tell it is a value by the amount of time, energy, resources and planning are spent for this particular value. Base your ranking on what you know and have experienced at Hope Lutheran with your interaction through worship, Bible study, reading of publications, and participating in various activities.

The 24toDouble leadership Team values your input. Please return this completed survey to the Church Office by the end of April. You may remain anonymous. However, placing your name on the survey allows us to talk with you regarding your choices in order to clarify why you ranked the value as you did.









1 Godly servant leadership 11 The status quo

2 A well-mobilized lay ministry 12 Strong families

3 Bible-centered preaching/teaching 13 Cultural relevance

4 The poor and disenfranchised 14 Lost people

5 Creativity and innovation 15 Warm fellowship

6 World missions 16 Biblical community

7 Passionate evangelism 17 Social justice

8 Authentic worship 18 Faithful service

9 Intercessory prayer 19 Giving/tithing

10 A well-kept facility 20 Civil rights

21 Other

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www.hopelutheranfl.org Check it out! Sermons are posted on the church’s website!

Follow HLC on Facebook! Go to: Hope Lutheran Church LCMS

Friday, April 10, 2015 There will be a light, simple meal at 6:00 pm

followed by two movies at 6:30 pm

Choice of Two movies:

Oz - Great & Powerful

OR Cloudy With a Chance of


Please RSVP to get a proper meal count.

People are needed to help with the food preparation and serving, Host/Hostess, making popcorn, showing the movie are the main areas of help we need. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the Lobby (narthex). The other item which is really the key, is to have our own people here willing to mingle and take an interest in the guests which we have attending. The key to successful outreach and church growth is establishing, building, maintaining and growing relationships with people.



We are looking for help with creating give-away baskets for movie night! Themes ideas:

June—Dairy Month July—All American August—School Supplies

Any idea would be great! You can also choose to create your own basket or contribute to one. If you would like to help with this project or would like more information, please contact Eunice Mathews (call or 758-4863 or email: [email protected]).

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Sermon Themes for April

April 5 Easter This Changes Everything

April 12 A.D. The Grave Robber John 11:25-26

April 19 A.D. The Reality of the Resurrection John 20:26-29

April 26 A.D. The Work of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-4

Youth Outreach

Salvation Play

Danielle Oosterling, one of our Praise Band members at the 10:30 Sun-day service, has a passion and experience with Youth Ministry. She knows of our desire to reach out to younger people and has volunteered to begin an outreach effort to the youth in our area. Danielle, with the help of her brother Caleb, who also plays in our Praise Band, is putting together a “Salvation Play” to be performed here the

first part of May. We are still working an nailing down a good date. We will be reaching out to the youth from the neighborhood as well as those who go to Bayshore. A sign up sheet is located in the narthex/lobby area. People are needed to help in the following areas:

Costumes (angels, Jesus, soldiers, demons) Black sheets for backdrop and Hell Stage Hands (people to move things on and off during the play) Actors to play small roles Help in building the sets Help with lighting

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Council and other leaders are beginning their work studying

and implementing the ideas regarding making disciples based

on Ephesians 4:11-12. As the leadership gets further into the

process, we will be asking people to help with implementation

of ideas as well as beginning a process by which ALL mem-

bers will be asked to take a spiritual gifts inventory. In the

meantime, continue to pray that God will bless our efforts to reach Bradenton with the love

of God.



Dorothy Hoekwater 1015, 7th Avenue E. #21 Bradenton 34208 Bradenton Oaks Mar 28

Margery Abraham 6101 Pointe West Blvd. Bradenton 34209 Clare Bridge 96 years

Gerri Brode 6410,21st Ave. West #328 Bradenton 34209 Freedom Village Nov 11

Frank Delong 6415, 21st Ave. W. Apt C-205 Bradenton 34209 Freedom Village Jun 6

Grace Wildermuth 6404, 21st Ave. West #M401 Bradenton 34209 Freedom Village Mar 20

Marge Hinz 2302 59th St W Bradenton 34209 Heritage Park Jun 15

Elaine Mischler 2302 59th St W Bradenton 34209 Heritage Park Dec 3

Ida Davis 1055, 301 Blvd. E. #1015 Bradenton 34203 Woodlands Village Oct 23

Carolyn Grunewald 1055, 301 Blvd. E. #10B Bradenton 34203 Woodlands Village

Janet Czerwinski 635, 30th Ave W #305 Bradenton 34205 Private Home

Shirley Sallee 3528, 14th St. W. L2 Bradenton 34205 Private Home Dec 17

Jim & Marge Stokes 5103, 27th St. W. Bradenton 34207 Private Home Jul 17 & Feb 3

Virginia Strothers 4440 Fairway Blvd. #109 Bradenton 34209 Private Home Jan 27

Loretta Chacey 1700, 21st Ave W Bradenton 34210 Westminster Towers

Ilene & Stan Kuhl 10315, 44th Ave. W. 23G Bradenton 34210 Private Home Aug 3

Blanche Weixelbaum 4007 Coconut Terrace Bradenton 34210 Private Home Aug 29

John & Charlotte Morrison 1705, 7th Street W. Palmetto 34221 Private Home April 20 & Oct 1

Joyce Thomas 450 67th St. W. Rm 230 Bradenton 34209 Emeritus Mar 3

Please take a few moments to send a card or encouraging note to

some of the homebound members of Hope

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Thank you to those who contributed

to the Easter Flowers in our Worship Center!

Please feel free to take your plant home following the services on Sunday!

Donated by: In Memory /Honor of:

Mike & Suzanne Amado - In honor of Mark McLauchlin and in memory of

Esperanza Amado

Maureen Baldwin - The Joy of Easter

Thomas Bemowski - Blessings Received

David & Janet Brown - Memory of Loved Ones

Diane Burnett - Blessings Received

Joann Campbell - In memory of husband Wayne

Ken & Nancy Crayton - Blessings to Nancy’s 90 year old Mother

Bill & Mariel Dischinger - Our family blessings

Thom & Judy Dillman Memory of our Parents

Margaret Frascino - In memory of son Peter

Charlie & Liz Hempfling - Blessings Received

Marge Hinz - In loving memory of Earl and Linda

Rob & Jan Hinz - In memory of Loved Ones

Dorothy Hoekwater - For God’s Love

Grace Jones - In memory of Loved Ones

Bill & Bette Koch - Blessings Received

Anola Krueske - In memory of husband Bill

Jan Ludwig - In loving memory of parents Bob & Barbara

Ralph & Susan McInnis - In loving memory of Larry & Marge McInnis and Rudy Morris

Betty McLauchlin - Many Blessings

Elaine Mischler - In loving memory of husband Charles and our parents Charles

& Marie Mischler and John & Clara Mahler

Patti Muey - Memory of brother Mike and in honor of my Mother

Jane Pavich - In loving memory of Herb Schoenbeck

Else Platt - In loving memory of husband Don and loved ones

Ed & Joyce Reinke - Blessings Received

Dan & Cindy Rystrom - In memory of daughter Jennifer, Dan’s parents & Cindy’s dad

Sharon Scharringhausen - Doris Bachman & Georgia Scherer

Clydia Schuerman - In memory of Paul Schuerman

Ruth Sherwin - Tod & Leona Hornberg and Don & Marianne Sherwin

Buz & Genese Snyder In honor of our children and grandchildren

Barb Stegeman - In loving memory of beloved Parents

Dan & Deb Wagener - Our Family

Mel & Jean Worth - Blessings Received

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If we’ve missed your birthday or anniversary, it’s only because we DON’T have that

information in our data base, please call the office @941-755-3256 and let us know. We

want to be sure and include your special day!

Jeff & D’Lisa Richards April 3rd

Saturday 5:00 pm Worship Sunday 9:00 am Traditional Worship 10:00 am Fellowship Time 10:30 am Christian Ed 10:30 am Contemporary Worship Monday 9:30 am Bible Study Tuesday 7:00 pm Bible Study Wednesday 2:00 pm Bible Study Thursday 7:00 pm Choir Practice

April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 10:00 am Hands of Hope April 14 11:30 am LWML / Ruth Circle April 8 10:30 am Angels of Hope April 8 7:00 pm Church Council April 9 5:00 pm Feed the Firemen April 10 7:00 pm Movie Night April 11 9:30 am Our Daily Bread April 21 9:00 am Hope Seeds (@West Minster) April 15 6:00 pm Elders Meeting April 17 6:00 pm Blind Ministry

4/1 Donna Zadnichek 4/4 Linda Rennhack 4/4 Don Gourlay 4/5 Lyle Petty 4/6 Roberta Staab 4/7 Nora Davis 4/7 Dorris Gabel 4/7 Karen Kelley 4/8 Paul Pavich 4/11 Shirley Petzold 4/14 Susan McInnis 4/15 Grace Jones 4/15 Lisa Dagley 4/18 Bill Stuersel 4/19 Esther Rennhack 4/20 John Morrison 4/21 Lovely Dazulma 4/23 Anola Krueske 4/25 Margarete Blake 4/27 Dolly Kindle 4/27 Amanda Duley 4/29 Don Bowron 4/29 Dave Morgan 4/30 Doug Wilson

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Weekly Bible Study Opportunities at Hope

Sunday, 10:30 am Psalm 23 - Leader: Ken Crayton Monday, 9:30 am Readings from the Lectionary - Leader: Pastor Hinz The group looks at and studies the assigned readings for the

upcoming Sunday service. Tuesday, 7:00 pm A.D. - Leader: Pastor Mathews Wednesday, 2:00 pm 12 Ordinary Women - Leader: Don Lannon

We have an opening for a chairperson to lead the Missions and Stewardship Committees. If you are interested please contact Pastor Mathews.

Sunday School teacher for the elementary school class. Contact Susan McInnis (941-747-4064) or Debbie Snow (941-745-2608).

We are saving the aluminum can pop tops. We are using the money collected to purchase a DVR for Movie Night! Please bring them to the Narthex! We appreciate your help with this project! It’s amazing what a difference a bag of pop tops.

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HOPE Lutheran Church

4635 26th Street West Bradenton FL 34207

(941) 755-3256

[email protected] www.hopelutheranfl.org


Sunday 9:00 am 10:30 am Saturday 5:00 pm

Christian Ed:

Sunday 10:15 am Monday 9:30 am Tuesday 7:00 pm Wednesday 2:00 pm

Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 4:00 pm

Our Staff: Craig Mathews, Senior Pastor

Rob Hinz, Visitation Pastor

Charlie Harnish, Music Ministry

Jon Oosterling, Music Ministry

Cindy Stewart, Office Manager

Sebrina Allison, Office Assistant

Don Kiner, Maintenance


Go to: www.hopelutheranfl.org

Click the “GIVE NOW” button!

Byron Bartlett Barbara Bassett Larry & Karen Bowman Roxanne Butler Dianne Burnett Mary Carson George Clark Michael Cervenak Saundra Conrad Robert Crider

Audrey Delieul Mary Flagg Susan Freedman Gudren Hagele Gia Haldiman Dorothy Hoeckwater Donval Hornburg Roger Johnson Miriam Kessler Tamara Labuda

Tim Lewis Bob & Lily Oliver Camden Mathews Chance Mathews John MacIntyre Terry Murphy Jan Myers Mike Obois Sue Potasnik Tony Sardo Sue Schwier

Neil Senechal Leland Stamm Judith Spates Joey Walden Shannon West Karon White Linda Vitens

Matthew J. Green Nathan J. Green

Amanda Henkel Rusty Howe

Ryan Ludwig Ryan Schifflet

Margery Abraham

Gerri Brode

Janet Czerwinski

Loretta Chacey

Nancy Crayton

Ida Davis

Frank DeLong

Joyce Thomas

Marg Hinz

Stan Kuhl

Marcella Lemler

Mark McLauchlin

Elaine Mischler

Shirley Petzold

Jim & Marge Stokes

Virginia Strothers



Grace Wildermuth


Living Abroad / Missionaries / Military

Homebound Members

For the Homeless Those living in Group Homes People participating in 12 Step Programs

If you are hospitalized and wish to receive a visit by our Pastoral Care Team, please call the church office. Because of changes in health care laws, hospitals no longer notify us when you are

admitted. Also, if you would like to be listed for prayer support call the office at 755-3256 or email [email protected]. Thank You!

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