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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 23, 1918





    )IrR. Edgar S. Taylor enter t aincd atInnchcon on Thursday in honor o f ) I r ~ .C. F. Ta:vlor, of Phi ladelphia.

    I will frame your pictures and saveyou 1511> to 25% on prices you pay inthe City.Telephone Narbertb 1261-W forpricesand to see samples of attractive lineof mouldings.C. T. Weaver, 334 Dadley Ave., Narbertb.

    FOR SALE-Young roasting chickens,forty-fi\'() cents a ponnd, drcsscd an ddclivcrcd. Phone Helcn St re t ch , Nar

    bcrth 324 R.

    This Goal S et f or January 1 st W ill B ePasscd This Month.

    FOR SALE-l\fuhogauy Living RoomSuite, .Taeobcan Dining Room Suite,

    Rugs, Refrigcrator :llld few garden tools.227 Hampdpn avcnuc, Narberth. (7p)

    FOR SALE-Chiekens anel ducl{s. In quire 326 Woodbine a\'cllUc, Narbcrth.

    Two c en ts p er word each Insertion, clLabI n advance . No advertisement accepted un-less cash accomp_a_nl_e_s_ c _ o . . : . p ~ y . _ . _



    .... ~ _ = " ' _ ~ ..JO. . . . . . . . . . .-- ' - -"--- ,


    Y, M, C, A, NOTES

    SOlllt' wpp]o\ :tg'O a statclllcnt wasm:ull ' in t h i ~ papPI' that the Yo :'If. C. A.mellilwl'ship \\'ou](] ho t hrce hunurcd byJanuar." 1st. 1!11!l. The Gcn cr al S cc rc tary. :'II J'. BO"'pn, h as b ee ll greatly en('ouragcd by thc gradnal anu coustan'tgro\\'th in mcmbership each month thathp has bccn with tIll' ::\arbcrth Asso('iation. Hc no\\' is ('onlident that tho300 mark w ill b e p a R ~ e d by the end ofthis Illonth. Tho total r l 'po rt cd on Dct oh cr 3 1s t was 296. 'I'here werc e l cvenexpirations this m onth, tc n of whichhavp bel'1l covprcd by I'(ncwals or ncwmember shi ps , l ea \' i ng only live needed10 reach t Il e 300 mark.

    I f your membe rs hi p h as e xp ir ed ,

    Ta g Girls an d Donors Joined Hands toMake Day a Success.

    "Thank ~ ' o u , g'ooel citizens of Xar,herth." is the mClisage that th e Ta gDay COlllmittce of the Y. M. C. A. Ladies' Auxiliary \\'ould Iiko t o c on vc yto all "'ho so gcncrously rcspon,lcd tothc T ag D ay appeal f or t hc coal fund.One hundred and fivc dollars an d sp\'cnteen ccnts is repor tcd hy thc COlllmitteeas th e total con tr ib ut ed . Out of th is" ' i l l come not o ve r fivc dollars expcnscs.F ul l e rc ll it s ho uld h e g iv cn to these

    o ~ ' a l gir],; who so wi ll ingl y gave ofhpj r t ime and c n e r g ~ ' to b r ing t he ap 'peal to the peoplc:

    Anna Barclay,Dorothy Chalfant ,DoriH \ 'on Culin,~ I i n n i e Hrurd,Dlirothy Irwin,El iza he th .J oneH,Aletha Lamh,Faith ~ r c A u l i f f c ,~ f bel Kilpatrick,Verna ~ r a l t b y ,:Martha ~ f [ l l , t i n ,An i ta ~ I i l J c r ,Elizaheth l\filler,Lillian Powpl,L o i ~ Snli1h.


    Betty Baxter's GossIp

    FOUND-A pair of spcctaclcs.ply 205 Forrcst avcnuc, Narbcrth.

    Dr. Harry A. : :\ fa rk al iI ] f am il y, o f'2l!J Duclh'Y :1\'eIIue, a re l eavi ll g Xar'herth for ])etroi t, ~ [ : i ( ' h., \\'here Dr.~ r a l ' k haR engaged in I l U s i l l e s ~ .

    The hOIllP of He\'. an d ~ [ r ~ . John H.Poorman, I ::\Iontgolllcl'Y a\'eIllH', wasglaildpneil "'jth the arrival of a littledaughtpr on ~ o " e m h l ' r S.

    : '\ol'llla 1'alllltu]gl' jn hpr l a t, ' st ofl"'r,illl!' "He r Only 'Va)-," , , ' j ] ] he ~ h o \ \ ' n atthl' 1 'a la( ' (' Theatl'l'. An]mol'p , on W,'dnl'sda)-. Thc story i s a , ]e (' id ed nO\'cltyand wondrrfully entertaining', :Ull] w i t ~ lth e s up por t of E ugenp 0 ' Br ie n, M is sTalmadge ':-; si ]} ( 'P l ' ( \ acting h a l l ( ~ \ ( ' rbeen ~ ( l C ' n to greater ac1'antage. .Amongthe otllPr good playR to he sho\\'n during ncxt (1'han]{sg'iying) wcpk: ~ r o n -day, :Marl!ucritc C la rlw i n "Ou t of aClrar S],y," a nd Mary P ick fo rd in". 1aha nnlt Enlists" 011 Friday.

    On ::\[onda)-, Noyemher 25, at :\ P. ~ r . .~ r r ~ . Charlcs ~ Lca, hcad of th c Wo,man's Diyisioll of th c Food Adlllinistration fo r Pcnnsylvania. will speak at tIll'Ardmorc Woman's Cluh. 1 fr s. L ea i this wc ek in "Vllshington at a ('ouferenco callpd hy ]\fl '. Hooycr, an d she willbe preparcd to tell us definitcl)' justwha t is to l1C tllC part of th e Americano us ew if e i n o ur gigantic taRk o f f eedng thc world. 'I'he subject iR o f v it alintcrpst to evcry onc an d it is hopeuthat a large numbcr of Narbcr th womenwill attcnd t hc mcet ing .

    ~ [ r R . W. Arthur Cole, of W e ~ t Brattlchoro, Yt., visited f r i ( ' n d ~ i n : :\ a rhert llthis \H'el,. ~ I r . and ~ I r s . Cole hav('taken apartllH'lIts ill Phihl llelphia forthe \\'illter.

    l ~ d g a r Ta)"lor, o f Chc st nu t aVelllIt',ha s hc en ell tertaillill;! this \\'eek hisbrothel', ~ [ r . Frallklin Ta)'lor, alld sistpr, ~ [ i s R Ncllip ' faylor . of Indianapolis .T hc f on ll er i s on his \\'ay o,'er s pa s t otakc up Y. ~ C. A. work. :Mis" 'fayloriR at p r e ~ e l l t eugaged ill war work ju"Vashiugton.

    'rhl' ~ r p n '" Clnh of the B a p t i ~ tChnl'f'h "'as cntprtainl'a at the hOlllp of.r. H. . 1 ( ' f f ( ' r i e ~ ~ [ o n d a y n igh t. ' fhpslwakpl' of t I le ( '\ 'l 'n ing- \ \ 'a" H"ynO]lbD. B l'own, of Phil: l l ]plphia . who ~ I ' P l l tspyeral mont]ls :Is f. ~ r C. A. :Spl'I'l'1ary in the Frelll'h AI'III,\'. an,1 t l lld thpcluh y cr )' i nt cr es ti ng ly o f h i" ,'xl"'ricnrcs thl'l'p.

    To th e Ed it or o f our ' fown:TIl(' Narberth Home Gnard t h a n k ~ allthose wh.o so g la dl y g av e o f thcir timcand serv iccs to make 'thc Peace dcmonstration of l\fonday, Novemhcr 11, Rucha grand success.T he id ea o f the commi tt cc i n passi ng

    the ha t was that it was everybody'scelcbration !lnd evc ry on c wou ld feelbetter if thcy llUd n fingcr in th e pie.The cxp en se for tho ban d was $93.50,all of which WllS collcctcd in th c llats.The Italian populat ion paid f or t he lr

    own band.

    IF YOU LIVE IN NARBERTHThis Letter is of UtmostPersonal Interes t to Yon

    (Continued on I H I ~ . 4)

    THE GREAT LESSON OF THE WARIn less than five years the peoples of the AlIied nations an d o ur own Un' t ed S ta te s h av e sma sh ed and

    wrecked beyond repair or reconstruction the most powerful and perfectly organized military machine an d themost autocratic government in the history of the world- in less than five years the Allies and America havecompletely destroyed that awful thing which the German autocracy spent 50 years in building and perfecting.MmlY things have, of course, con tr ibut ed to t he defea t and collapse of Germany, but three especial thingsstand head and shoulders above all other factors-IDEALS-CO-OPERATION-UNITY OF EFFORT!

    Herein lies the greatest civic lesson t ha t Narber th and i ts peopl e can learn. Already our CivicAssociation has accomplished much, but there is much more that can be done-there is much that still needsto be done. 'ATe have ou r ideals, summed up in our town slogan-"The Year 'Round Home Town"; we have ameasure of co-operation. But wha t we need-what the Association needs as an organization and what you,Fellow Citizen, n ee d a s an individual, is the Co-operation of all, and the activity of all, which in turn willgive Unity of Effort. Now with these facts in mind, let's get r ight down to br as s tacks abo ut the CivicAssociation and why you shoul d be a membe r.

    First, we ask you to pay a membe rshi p fee and take an act ive in terest in the Association and wha t i t j"doing. But, you ask, \Vhat is the objec t of the Civic Association? Here's the answer:"To improve and beaut ify the Borough and vic in ity; to assist and co-opera te wi th the

    authorities in enforcing laws and ordinances relating thereto; to promote any project havingfor its purpose the betterment of the community as a whole; to provide means of acquiring anddisseminating information o n any subject of general interest ; and to f os ter and maintain afriendly spirit among the people of ou r community."

    "But has the Civ ic Assoc ia ti on made good, has it l ived up to i ts i de al s and aspirations?" you ask, anda good quest ion, for you have pointed straight at the heart of the proposition-you have said, in so manywords, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating-show me, and I'll join the Association a nd work w it h i t. "HAS THE CIVIC ASSOCIATION MADE GOOD?

    Dear Fl'icnd and Fellow Citlzen-Because we know tha t nothi ng is of such vital intercst to yOll as the he

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 23, 1918


    Is Doing a Man's Job "Over There." He Will Appreciateand Welcome These Comforts:

    The Brightest Spot in NarberthA Dr ug Store in t he Most Modern Sense of t he T er m

    ~ a l .



    Day and Night

    or course. we,deliver - anyp I a ce - anytlme,



    Will J:ive m y customersevery attention in e ve ry r e.speet. ' Work good ; p ri ce sreasonable.French Dry Cleaning,D, eing and Pressing


    NarberthTa i10ringCo I


    Have Removed io myNew Address234 Woofibine AveNarberth, Pa.






    Phone, Ardmore 967 W

    A1tractiveAre Becoming ScarceI have remaining for sale a veryattractive


    ANTHWYN FARMSDon't hesitate if you want a good home.WM. D; SMEDLEY

    High Grade ButterTelephone-Narber th 644 A,

    Frank Crist~ E A T S & PROVISIONS

    HARRY B. WALLPlumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating

    NARBERTH . PAWhy Go To City?

    tOr Buy Your_ i,e '" VICTROLAS, and-I " RECORDS

    H. C. FRITSCHPl'lperties For Rent andFire InsuranceBe ll Ph on e Boll W.

    "nIl BuJIdJng. Narberth. I'a

    JOHN MARMORAHauling and Moving

    A , \ Y " , H E R ERates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA.


    Every Res ident of Narberth Invi ted toAt tend This Conmmni ty Ga the r ing .:'Ilollt1ay. [ll'l"'lIIh"I' :!Iltl, I'ronlis

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 23, 1918



    C. A . B U IL DIN G..

    CALDWELL& CO.R e a l E s t a t eI n s u r a n c eNARBERTH, PA.outh ~ i d eAt t h e S t a t ion


    45th and Parrish 8t8.

    Pas t eu r i zed Milk I DELlVERJESB r y ne l o "l s C e r tl tl e d WEST PHILAMilk '(Pedr laUc Soelel;v) OVERBROOKSpeci a l .. Guern sey ' MERIONMilk WYNNEFJELD(Roberts ' 80: Sharp l es s ' BALA-CYNWYDairies ) NARB"-RTHCreamBu t t e rmi l k ARDMORET a bl e a n d W h ip p in g WYNNEWOODCream.


    t o ma il us your Razor Blad e s a s we ll a syour Razors w he n they needs arpening upSafety Razor Sharpening Co.14 S, SEVENTEENTH STREET

    PHILADELPHIA, PA.SIngle f:dge Bllldes 2c eacbGillette JUl1dcs ' 3c eachnazors lloned .' 2i)c eachWe guaran t ee comple te sa ti s fac t ion .;V[ail orcler.s given prompt attention.

    Tr y us.

    D O N T F O R G E T------------------- -

    Iloor of !lop".1I,' lpi l lg lIa lld H,'s"II" ~ [ i s s i o l l ,110111" for 1llt'lll'ah1l's..Ju\'('lli!t, Court. :'\OlTiStOWIl.1I0liday !lous l ' . Nnrll l ' l' th ,1'. I,;. l'it.y ~ I i s s i o u ,"'l'stl'1'1l !l01IIl' for 1'001' Childrell.W ~ ' l l u p f i l ' l d Rahies' lIospital.W"st ,leI'S''.'' Ol'phallage.: \ lnl ' i ll l ' rs ' Bl ' th , ' I,(1alilel' :'I[issioll.!I 0111( fo r Ag" ,l Coupl ,' s.1"aith ~ ( i s s i o l l ,Main IJill1' \'isitillg" : \ursl ' s ' Associa

    tiou.~ , ) { ' i a l Sen'i," D"par tmel lt o f th e

    I ' n ' s h ~ ' l < ' r i : l 1 l Hospital.~ r a s t e r 's ~ r i s s i o n .Thl' followiug' ollil'crs were eleeterl

    (II ' thl' ('omiug' yenr:~ r r s . H. H. \Vallaee, President.Ml's . . / . B. Cahlwell, First Virl'- Presi

    dent,Mr s . .fohn Gilroy, 8"eon,1 ViepPresi,

    dent.J\[rs. W,U. H. Pugh, Sel'l'ehll'J',Mrs. A. P . H edi fe r, ARsi s tnn t See11

    tary.MrR. A. H. Mueller, Treusurcr .

    ANNUAL MEETING.'I 'h, ' :Jllllllal lllr,, 't iJlg' of thl' \":Jl'bl'rth

    BrulI(h of thl' ;>:1'l',1Il'\\'01'1< Gllil,1 \\':1"llClcl at the l 'resh ." tl 'r iall (,hlll'..h herll'\VedJll'sday, : - :o \ 'e l ll lwr (j th . LIIII"heoll, , 'as ~ l ' r \ ' ( l ( l thp D i l ' l , ( ~ t ( ) r s a 1 1I00Jl aUfl apuhli , ' !1I"dil lg \\'as held ill thl' P. ~ r . ,,,-hi"h \\'as addn',sl 'd by :'1[1', l I al l , o f till'(;alikl' ~ [ i s " i o l l . \\'ho told or th,' \\'orkd ( JI lP tJilll't l , The ga1'1I11111t:-' t'olltl'ihllled\\'I'!'" 011 , 'xhibilioll lit Ihl' afterlloollI IU'I ' t i l lg ' alld ('\lJl:->i:--1pd of I,otH 11(",\'g-anlll'lIls 1I11d a sJh' , ial dOllation of \::1,partly \\01'11 arti , ,! t ,s , \ \ 'h i ,'h had 1""'11reqlll',t, 'd h.\' thl' :\atiollal (;lIild for 11)('H('d ( ' ros s t"O l 1 S( ' 1 '0 1 ' infltlt'IlZa sl1fl'p1'pr:"Th"sl' garll1l'lIts wl'n' ,lislriblltl'

    ['nioll 1'1':1.""1' ~ r l ' p t i n g o f th " :'Irl'lhodistChlll'l'h,'s Oil the : 'Ilain LillI ' w il l h e 1ll'1,1in th e Wayne :;-retho,list El'iseopal('hlll'eh, hy r eq ue st o f 0111 Distrirt SuoI '"rintendent anll Bishop.Th e lJnioll ~ r h a l l k i - i ~ i \ ' i l l g ' Ml']"\'iel' of


    jPd. "A Call , to S(,l'yi"l ' ." Also aaillustratl'd ehihlren's S"1'II1011 ('lItith'd."Outsi,l

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town November 23, 1918



    I herewith make application for Voting membership, $1.00Sustaining membership, $5.00 or overProperty owner membership, $5.00 fo reach 50 ft. or fractionin the Civic Associa tion of Narberth, Pa.

    (Cross off the k ind of membership you are notremitting for)Enclosed please find covernig duesfor one year.Nanle , ., , ., .

    Address .To Geo. M. Colesworthy, Sec.-Treas.,224 lana Ave., Narberth, Pa .

    Partial Sustaining Membership ListMr. A. J. LaosMr. H. R. HillegasMr. C. L. Clegg

    Mr. Joseph H. NashMrs. Chas. \V. YoungMr. Harry A. JacobsMr. H. C. Gara

    Nallle .Address .. " " .

    To Miss ~ 1 J. Simpson, Cashier ,232 Essex Avenue, Narberth, Pa.

    Enclosed IS $1.00 for 1 year's subscriptionto "Our Town" ( in advance).

    A FEW O F TH E ACHIEVEMENTS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY OUR ASSOCIATIONI-Removal of poles. and placing of new standard electric street lights and street signs throughout theBorough.2-Pushing to final completion of new railroad station, and tunnel under Essex Avenue.3-Plaeing of appropriate signs throughout Boropgh for direction of pedestrians and autoists, etc.4--Cleaning upo f all vacant lots, rubbish heaps, ek .5-Building of a large community auditorium.6--Hold ing of regular forum meeting with good music and good speakers at each.7-Establishing two yearly flower shows instead of t he one heretofore held i n the spring-the secondshow in the fall fo r dahlia, chrysanthemum and cosmos lovers.

    FOR PROPERTY OvVNERS IN PARTICULARSome there are in our Borough who can af ford to contr ibute mor e t han $1.00 a year to the CivicAssociation. lVlany are doing it and many more will, we are confident, once they realize all that the Associationhas done and all that i t c an and will do in the hlture.I f you are a property owner , bear in mind this important fact: every improvement t ha t t he Associationhas accomplished or assisted other local organizations 111 accomplishing, has helped mater ia lly to raiseproperty values. ; \1indful of thi s f act , the Associat ion recently created what is known as a "propertyowner membership." This class of membership is, of course, purely voluntary and carries with it no privi leges not enjoyed by any regular dues paying member. I t has been suggested in this connection that everyProperty Owner wishing to hold thi s k ind of a membership, make a yearly contribution to the Association of$5.00 for each 50 f eet front owned and $5,.()0 fo r each addi ti ona l 50 feet or f ra ct ion. A ll membe rshipreceipts go direct to the Association t reasury and are expended only for general Association work.Vvith the financial support 'and the co-operation of service which every res ident can render , ou r CivicAssociation can make continuous progress in the genuinely worth while work of improving our town. Without

    money and without co-operat ion only a l it tle can be clone, and even then the burden falls unjustly on theshoulders of a few. Come, friends , neighbors and fellow citizens, joint us. Help us with your money, andassure us that your heart, your head and your hand are with us.50 1itt le can be accomplished without money and so lit tle money can accomplish so much when properly;:pent by this Association for the good of "Our Year 'Round Bome Town."The best time to j oi n is now while th e s ub jec t is fresh 111 your mind, and as our Narberth school'smotto reads "lifting better up to bes t" sign the applica tion hlank and mail TO-DAY.

    '{ours ' for a progressive Narberth,Membership Committee:CHA5. L. CLEGG, Chairman.J. J. CABREY,ROBT. J. EDGAR,:\IRS. C. P. FO\VLER,H. C. GARA,MRS. L. W. NICKERSON,W. ARTHDR COLE,E. A. MDSCHAMP,Corresponding Members.

    (Co,itinued from Plllllll 1)WHAT NEXT?

    Much more might have bee!l done, of course, but the Civic Association feels that by its record ofachievements it has justified itself.But what of the future? That, Neighbor and Fellow Citizen, depends largely on you. With every resident in the borough holding a dues paying membership in the Associa tion, and with the support of all ourcitizens and the active co-operation of all those who can spare a l it tle t ime and service, from t ime to t ime, the

    future of Narberth has the brightest of prospects.For unquestionably we owe i t to ourse lves , our home-Iife,' ou r investments here, our sense of civic prideand endeavor , to see to i t that Narberth keeps s tep with the community p rogr es s wh ich is goi ng to characterize the further development of the immense American spiri t to which all the world now pays homage.Come, then, to the meetings, and see what can be done, say, towards a bet te r main s tree t, a station thatwill do us credit, a Town Beautiful, a railroad bridge that is not a eye-sore, a comprehenSIve plan of com

    munity activity, another express train or two, a more cordial and neighborly feeling than at present obtainsSay what you will in th e w,ay tha t sui ts you best when you do come, but if you prefer to only look andl is ten, why by all means do just that. The point is you must evidence your interest in the work that is underway, and ali that is going to be an excel lent thing for you personally, individually, certainly you are not goingto hold aloof:Happily the great war is over and no longer will you and yours be calledupon to make heroic sacrifices onthe field of battle. But the war fo r civic improvements and betterments-the war to realize t he fruits ofgenuine democracy, must go on every day .The Narherth Civic Association is the most effective medium through which you can render this kind ofservice. \Vill you help in i ts great and worth while work?No one is mak ing any p rofi t out of the Civic Association-nothing in which you are not sharing equallywith every other resident. Your home is but a uni t of the communi ty and th e home, i n t he l ong r un , c an beno bettcr than the community in which it is located. Hence you share in all profits.Make no mistake about i t, you cannot keep the inf luences ar is ing out o f y ou r local environment fromseeping into your home and influencing your own life and the lives o f you r family. It is a very practicablefac t tha t you cannot "save" yourself or your OWI1 folks unless you also "save" others.Call it "brotherhood" or "good citizenship" or "enlightened selfishness," the fact remains that the moreyou do for your town and your neighborhood the more you do for yours el f and your own folks. And youcan do this best by joining the Civic Associa tion.Now that weare looking forward to our 143 boys coming back we mus t look around us and prepare to

    welcome them to that most wonderful place-HOME.Let us hav e a better town than when they l eft, let us g ive them a welcome that will make the ir homet own more to t hem than ever.Each one of us owes some service, however slight, and some financial support , however small , to thefurtherance of our local community welfare. The regular dues for voting members a re but $1.00 a yearand worth every cent of it.

    NEXT SATURDAYY. M. C. A. Paper Collectionby Ladies' Auxil iary and Boy Scouts For

    COAL FUNDNewspapers should be tied securelyin flat bundles (FOLDED IN HALF)and p laced on porch before 9 A M.to FACILITATE COLLECTION.Ma.azine hoaid be t i .d ."pa,ately. Bun-dl hould not wie.h o".r 50 pound . e a chDON'TFORGET-SATURDAY-NOV. 80th



    In First Showing of

    PARAMOUNT Presents




    commenclhg Monduy, November 251h


    Don't forget to take your drink of

    104 Forrest Ave.A t Y o u r Se r v i c e

    Prompt attention given all orders.Estimates Cheerfully Given.

    Standard cold remedy for 20 years- in tabletform-safc. sure, no o p i a . t e ~ - b r e a k 9 up a coldin 24 hours-relie"es gn p m 3 days. Moneyback ifi t f ni h T he genuinebox hn s a Red tc pwi th Mr . Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores.

    ~ 1 , \ l X l'nonUCTIOH STARTS AS NEARAS POSSIIH,E TO 10.15 A. III.. 12.00 . 2 .00 ,

    3.41';. 1';.45. 7.4l>, 0 .3 0 1 '. III.

    (Continued from page 9)would he yery much r em is s n ot to reopeat it here:

    'Twas a month before Xmas, latethis Fall, no t a creature was stirring,the cook l ea st o f all. Th e dishes werepiled on the dresser with care, in thehope that some fairy soon would bethere; anrl bake , wash and brew for myfami ly of fi\"e; lJUt would you hel ieve it ,she f ai le d t o a rr iv e.So I settled mrself fo r a long daY'8flirt; with 11101', hrush and broom, I' dsettle the di rt. When all n:t once therea ro se s uch a clatter, I spran g to th ephone to sc e what was t he matter." Is that ;vou, ;\[rs. H.'I" said a yoice

    at thl' pnd. "Right you' are," said I,"who eaIls-a friend ~ "Mrs . Fowler, of Narberth, inyites you to lunch,w it h h er a nd her c lub- the whole jollyhunch. Kow don't sa y me nay-we ' l l('xpect you on t ime ; t r ~ k e the tra in leaving- Ardmore at 12.49." I neal' droplwd in a faint-lilY jo y was so grea t hut managed t o s ay , "1'11 b e t he re instate." Then visions of a not he r daydanced t hr ough my hearl, pumpkin pican d doughn'll'ts an d s oft gingerbread;agreeablo folks and music so rare, andthen you question-sa;}" would 1 bethere! I' d hel p c el eb ra te th e thirdnuta l day of tlle Community Club witha grand "Hooray' ' - s ince war andpestill'nee a re l ai d on th e shdf, l ik e t hejolly old "Nick" we'll he our oldself.

    To t hl' gues ts he re assl'mbled, pleaselet me say , th is ch ild h as g ro wn i n aremarkahle way; she no longcr creeps,h ut t ak es h er stand w it h th e v er y b estdubs in a ll t he l and. She's young bu tmighty we 'II all agree, fo r see how sll\}helpetl sd th e whole wor ld f re e; Libcrty I.Joan, 'Val' Stamps, War Chestcampaigns, all "-l 'nt oyer th e 'top tlll'oughher efforts and pains. So I wish to repl 'at-\ \hen a task's to be donl', ,,-hatto SOllIe would 1)(' e ff or t. t o this clubflln. And t o whom goes the erecIit? 'r oyOIl and to yOIl-to eaeh faith fill ml'l111)('1' who p ut s t he w or k throllgh; to YOllrPresident. so just, who stands at thehelm and g ives o f her best in this ehanlling realm. Discouragements, y es , w ho:ow hasn' t tlwir sllure? Bllt that onlymakes the snecl'SS more rare; so c ong-ra t ll la tions to a l l -may your futurekeep hright. ~ [ e l ' I ' Y Xmas to all-to alla "Good-night."Nl'('(lh'ss to suy, the foregoing reo(,,"i\'l'd Illllch applause.

    Gn'dings from th e Cy II \\".\(1 Clllh h ~ thl'ir Presi,lent, :-[rs. Halph Kindpl' . pstahlish l '( l a Y('ry neighhorly feelillg het\\"l'l'n the 1'111hs. Here was intcrspl'rse'lthp singing- of "Ke('p n1(' Home Firl'sBurning-" hy all present, as it seeme(i\ "c ry nlUch in aceord with some o f t hl 'sppakl'J's' renlal'ks and spirit. of the d a ~ " .

    ~ iss ~ l r ion Oopn t n('r "oueludell thesl"'aking wit h h (' r

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