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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 24, 1918



    428.700G O ~ . 6 6 01010.350331,450fiR,lOO31.40040,800


    ~ f i l i . 9 0 0~ 2 ~ , 1 0 0503,700S2.li5086.76019.20081.800

    fo3,000225.00021.8;01 ~ O . O O O25,00015.00020.000

    Quotll$ ~ 8 . 6 0 0410.000100.000100.000

    ~ 8 . 0 0 0~ j 5 . 0 0 01110.000200.0002a.OOO00,0009.000110.000


    Tot"ls $1.453,370 $5.028.000


    Every Section of B ig D is tric tWins Sta rs fo r I t s Honor

    F l ag -Na rb e r t h OverDoubles Quot a

    anyone person at a n) ' o ne t im e shallnot exceed $100, and it shall not belawfUl for anyone per son a t anyonetime to h ol d W ar Sav in gs S tam ps t oan aggregate amount exceeding$1000," and Inserting in the lieuthereof th e words: "I t shall no t belawfUl for anyone person at anyonet im e t o h ol d War Savings certif icatesof anyone series to an agg rega teamount exceeding $1000."f'll'st. Asslstllnt Postlnllster GeneraT.

    Iiver y much I nt er es te d in ou,r weUa,reand booosted u s a long by giving us a5UnJScription for $10,000.The Narberth T en ni s C lu b a ls o d idnot forge t us, a $50 Liberty Bond sub

    scription; entry fee fo r match g,amesof tenn!;5 to be given to the Boy Scoutsnetted $650.The splendid ef for ts of Messrs. CarlMetzer, S r. a nd E. P. Dold In boosting

    for th e scouts netted us between$3000 and $4000.Mr. H. C. Gara, o f c ou rs e, h as a l

    ways boo st ed u s a nd he knows we appreclatet everything he dOC/5 ;for us.In summing. up t he en ti re worlt, th e

    Scouts have am enjoyed t he f as t w or kimmen se ly a nd a ga in t hank eve ry body for their assistance.

    Scout Scribe.

    Total . . . . $35,350 235 853 690Summary: 235 ,bonds amountln,g to $35,350; 853 houses i n Na rb e rt h:690 reported on .All 'boys who sold ten bonds or more receive a medal f rom the Gov

    ernment. ,Scout Donald Fai le e ar ns t he gold pin fo r se ll lng the gr.ea.testnumber of bonds.FRED C. PATTEN, Scoutmaster .

    scom; }'On NAnm;R'l'J[ BOY SCOUTS 'l'J[E L1S'f WEEK OF }'OURTJILIBERTY I,OAN Houses CardsAmount :-.rumberof given returned

    Name. sold bonds sold. to call on. called on.Donald Faile .............. $14,800 32 83 38Carl Metzer ............... 2,850 25Herbert McCarter I I 1,300 18 39 39Ellsworth Riley ............ 4,050 12 89 89Donald Brown .............. 550 11 60 60F'red Dodge ..... '" ....... , 1,600 10 38 38Palmer Swartz ............. 1,600 10 23 23Jack Cunningham .......... 1,450 10 61 53Edwin Coggshall ........... 850 10 28 20Dick Odlorn .. , ..... '" ..... 850 11 23 23Ge.orge Stanley ............. 750 10 30 30Jo e Fulton ................. 750 10 45 45John Wilson .'" ." ........ 700 10 38 19Irvin Dodge t 650 10 37 13William Stanley ............ 650 10 61 53Tom Dal to n ................ 550 10 42 3aLester Peters .............. 550 10 52 saMerritt Davis .............. 500 10 21 16Gerald Sperry .............. 200 3 39 3Laurence Houston .......... 150 3John McAuliff .............. 17 17



    October 30-Wayne ?I'len's Club, atArdmlore y. M. C. A.; Radnor FireCo., at Bryn Mawr Fire Co.; A u t o ~ l l rClUb, at Rosemont Men's Club; Nar berth Y. M C . A ., at Paoli Men's Club.November 6-Ardmore Y. M. C. A.,at Radnor Fi re Co.; Bryn Mawr FireCo., at Narlberth Y. M. C. A.; Paoli P,robably no other of th e flfty-two

    Men's ClUb, at Autocar Club; RORe-, districts into which Pennsylvania wasmont' Men's Club, at Wayne Men's I divided for th e Lilberty Loan driveC1'lllb. made a r ecord equa l ing that of th eNovember 13-Rosemont Men's Main Line. With a quota of $1,453,370C'lub, at Ardmore Y. M. C. A.; Autocar to a tt ai n t he d is tr ic t subscribed $5,CIUlb, at Bryn Mawr Fire Co.; Nar- 028,000 and won four stars for th e dis

    qerth Y. M. C . A ., at Radnor Fire Co.; trlct honor flag, whl le e ve ry UocalltyWayne Men's ClUb, at Paoli 1\'II)n's in the district also went "over th eClub. top" and will fly honor fla'gls withNovember 20-Ardmore Y. M. C. additional s t ars runn ing up to asA., at Narberth Y. M. C. A.; Radnor many as t w e n t y ~ s l x for Merion, whichJo'ire Co., at Autocar Club; Bry n Maw r b ou gh t b au ds amounting to $536,650,

    Fire Co., at Wayne Men's Cllib; Paoli While it s Quota was only $38,500.Men's Cluh, at Rosemont Men's Club. The re we re 15,492 subscrIbers in th e!\'bvel1llber 27-Paoli Men" Cln,b. nt district, 44 pe r cent. of it s popUlation.Ardmore Y. M. C. A.; Bryn Mawr Ftre Following ar e th e f i g u r e s ~Co., at Rosemont Men's C lu b; R ad - Stllrs onno r Fire Co., at. Wayne Men's C I ~ l b : bonor nagNarberth Y. 1\1". C. A" at Autocar Cblb. ~ ~ r ~ o n .. : ::::::::::: : ; I Cynwyd 2

    I :":arherth .......... 2{ ~ I I A ~ G I ' ; IN I,AW UOn;]lXINH I \ \ ' ~ ' n J w \ \ ' o o , 1 toI,nUTS ON SALES Of' "lV. S S. i Ardlllore 4. . Ilf:t\'errOr}u\\,aro ro., }

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 24, 1918





    Of course, wedeliver - anyp i a c e - anyUme.

    Narberth, Pa.


    234 Woodland Ave.


    Will e lv e my CUst omer severy silentIon In every res pe ct . Wo rk eood; pricesreasonable.French Dry Cleaning,D, einll and P, e inll

    Have Removed 10 myNew Address

    Narberlh Tailoring Co I


    C lo t h e s !



    CHAS. SCHWARTZ, Tailor

    Plumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingNARBERTH . P A

    L ad ie s' a nd Gent lemen' s ClothesCleaned, pressed and repaired. FrenchDry Cleaning. A-1 work. Suits made toorder. .

    Why Go To City?ar Buy YourV!C .. , V I C T ~ ~ L A S' . RECORDS

    HOWARD'SThe Brightest Spot in NarberthA Drug Store in theMost Modern Sense of t he Term


    1 I ! : ~ r ~ ~ . ~ ... -I kmG Z\.S .: .. Pleases Azxrmenls:. gecrouse I U made fromi .~ ; ' e n l l i Bruner~ ~ ' ' - ~ _ Ii Woolens

    '1". .: ILLuminaied BroadwaylIii.... ..' : Novelty Suitin6s'. .... .. If made io your measure by


    Is Doing a Man 's Job "Over There." H eWill Appreciateand Welcome These Comforts:



    128 'WJNDS9R A,VENUE

    A sma ll l anded p ropr ie to r was t ak ing a drive wit h h is dauglhter and hisintended son-in-law for the purposeo f s how ing tile latter round theest ate. Th e coachman drove at asmart pace."John." whis,pered h is mast er in hi sear, "don 't d ri ve s o fast; t he e st at ewill look so small."

    LEE 'S GARAGE E s s ~ ~ Ave. abo Have;fordAvenue Narberth1110SOverland Sales and Service AgencyREPAIkS, STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHTL . C . S HAHAN

    and of the COmmonwealth the one 1hundred and f o r t y ~ t h l r d .MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH.By the Governol':CYRUS E WOODS ,Secre tary of 'the Commonwealth.





    E:\IERGENCY PHONE CALLSFire, 350Pollce, 1250

    THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1918

    c tho ground t ha t a n 'ad in t he p ap erhelps every town. That ' s the kind ofsentiment we like to see in print.An ExperIment In Co.operatlveJournalIsm-No Paid "Workers. A nN E SUGGESTION

    Owned an d Published every Thurs: Iday by the Narbe1"th Civic Association.

    Arthur Snyder, a CoatesvllJe theatr i ca l manager , ha s offered the sug,- To the Editor of Our Town:gestion that a f te r the epidemic is over With the news that the FourthSub sc ri pt io n p ri ce one doUar pe r a nd conditions become normal, that Ltberty Loan had "gone over theyear in advance . t he churches hold memoria l services" top," we f iu ng ou t ou' r f lag a nd o ursetting aside o ne d ay for t he gathcr- opposite n e i g ~ b o r foUowed suit. Soon

    NAItBEUTH CIVIC ASSOCUTION ling of a ll t ho se who h av e lo st r ela - a ft er t hr ee little boys came along,- - - tives and friends. . s tapped and gravely sa lu ted our flag,President-Joseph H. Nash. I In cases of those that lu:\ve been removing their caps, then t urned andVice-presidents-A. C. Shand, J ames Int er red no public services have been I sa luted th e ot he r. The flag means

    Artman, A J. Laos. held because of the funerals being something today, even to children.Secretary-Treasurer-Geo. M. Coles- l , tricUy p ri va te , a nd t he p la n would W. H. C.worthy. give those who have suffered the loss ----,-----Directors-W. Arthur Co le, M rs . C of mothe r, f at he r, brot'her, wife or To the Editor of Our Town:P . F ow le r, Henry C. Gara, W. B:. D. any o th er r el at iv es an opportunIty to We have al l k inds of clUbs, societiesHall, George M. Henry, H . R. Hillegas, pay r es pect s t o t he deceased persons and organizat ions in Narberth. bu t 1heCharles E. Humphreys, Daniel Leitch, who have b een t ak en off so quickly. 'prize il lt t le c li qu e i s a club within aE, A. Muschamp, Mrs. A. Perry Redi- club,m03Uy "knockers;" its name, thefer, Mrs, A. B. Ross, Fletcher W IT WAS EASY-THANK YOF "Sixty Min ut e Men " o f the Narberth lack of transportation faclJitiefl, so the AI'PEAUANCES ARE DECEIVINGStites, Walton M. Wentz, A. E. Woh- Fire Company. powers that ,be ordered liS .0 return;lert, Mrs. Charles W. Young . The United States Fuel Administra- They mee t eve ry evening between so llere we ar e a ga in b ac k to our An old lady, wel l -known for he r

    -------- ...--- tion estimates that 5,000,000 gallons 8 and 9 o'clock and then retire for dai ly rou t ine , r e sted, c lean and f ed u p, ph iJIanHuoI>Y, u sed t o take a great in-HARRY A. JACOBS, o f gasol in e were s aved o n Sun day, the evening. Just wha t t hi s cro \vd 'bu t wishing we were nearer the ex- terest in the various asylums. DuringEditor. SeI}temiber 1, by folks simply giving g et ou t of life is the question that citement instead of in this place. a visit to one a cer ta in o ld manwp t he ir u su al Sunday rides. At 25 agi ta te s t he p inochl e players. Thank you again for your k indness roused he r special compassion.cents a gallon that means a manGY They insist on t a lk ing gossip l ike a in sending magazines and letters. "How long have you been her e? "

    saving of $1,250,000 in gasoline alone. bunch of old fishwomen. They teU They ar e much appreciated I can as- she asked him.Allowing 15 IllJiles to eaeh gallon of Ime that t hi s "Cub" person is a mem- s'Ure you. "Twelve Y6llJrs," was the ,reply.gasoline and figuring the life of a be r of thi s group, as he has b een seen You, in Amer ica, r eceive the news I . Aflter ask,ing him a few more que s-

    tire at 5000 miles, we find that 15,000 t ravel ing across the bridge h omewar d a s so on as we do over her e, and in rtlOns she passed on.tires were saved. That's about $400,- bound with some or i ts members. groo.ter detail . We r el y p n the con-I Turning to he r guidt) she noticed ai tems t o 000 more. "WJnd)... i tinental e di ti on s o f the New York smile on his face. On a sk in g h imAlso 625 tank cars wer e s aved an IHera ld . the Chicago Tri'bune and the tile reason, s be h ea rd , to he r can-

    to P. O. average haul of 200 miles each. And To t he Editor of Our Town: London Daily Mail, these being pr in ted s temat ion , t ha t t he o ld man was noconSidering the labor, mat er ia ls , o th er T og et he r with the renewa l sub- in Paris. less t han t he medical superintendent.rUbber, lufbricating am, wea r a nd tear scri-ption enclosed I am sending you Well, winter will so on be on us In g rea t agitation she r us he d b ac kon rai lroads, auto roads, e t ~ . , etc., we excerpts from o ne of our Nar :ber th and , among other t hi ng s, we ' w il l b e to make he r apolog,ies.reach a staggering total. And all L'e- boy s who is in the thick of things, wearing another che'Hon for 3, year's "I am so SQITy, docto r," she said;cause we g av e u p a l i tt le pleasure. . "over there." The y may prove in-' service. "this has taugbt me a lesson. I'll, Bu t that's only half the s to ry. I terest ing enongh to pUiblish. Time goe s b y very Quickly now. b ut n ev er ju dg e by appearances again."AlI the money saved should im-j American Y. M. C. A. I can imagine that after peace (thatm e d J i a ~ e l Y into W ar Savings Stamps On active service with the elusive ~ l m o s t .mythical w ~ r d ) is de- "My friend," said a solemn in-and LIber ty Bonds so t ha t y ou r gov- American EXipeditionary Force. clared t Ime WIll move WIth leaden dividual, "what ar e you doing fore rnm en t c an buy th e th ings you Dear Sir - I h a v ~ been back a week feet until we ar e on ou r way home. those who c om e after you?"saved. now from ou r t1'1P to the f ~ o n t . Yours devotedly. "Doing for them? I'm t ry in g t o?ur whole company ~ a r n e d sup- Theollore n.. Ritchie. I dodge t he pest s !" replied Smythe, whoIn the name and by a u t h o r i t ~ . ofl plIes and men for the bIg d ri ve t he Sergeant Motor Truck , Suppl y T ra in Iwas harassed by debt colectors .the Commonwea l th of Pennsy lVania Amer icans made so succes'sfully.Executive Department. I We d ro ve d ay and. night tJo get No. --, A. E. F., France.

    there in time. HARRY B WALLPROCLAMA1'ION 'We were part of a train of fi,fteen Information has just reached us to Nevel' in t he h i story of ilie countryIhnudred trucks loaded with men. the effect that my son, Chudleigh R.has t he menace of fire been greater, It was rather dramatic at times. Long, has r ec ei ve d his warrant asand t he p re se rv at io n of resources, We waited i n t hi s h ug e convoy un- s ergean t in the Fourth Regiment ofnatural and o th erwi se , more ncees- til midnight for orders to proceed. U. S. Mar ines , now stationed in thes ar y. T he a bn orma l strain upon pro- . It was pdtch lIack, not a l ight show- Dominican Replrblic. He enlmted on

    d uc ti on i s i n itself an element of fire mg. May, 5, 1 917 ; was mad e c or po ra lhazard, while th.e activities of hostile T he t en se ne ss of the wai ti ng ear ly t hi s year, and n'Ow sergeantincendiaries threaten in many p a r ~ 5 momen ts cau sed off icers and men In connection with his advancementof the country, causing the destruc- alike to speak in whisper s , although he inf orms us that he h as b ee n putt io n o f n ee de d supplies of food s tu ff w e were about twen ty miles f rom the in charge of the Quartermaster 's Sup-and other vital ,staples. These fires lines at this place. ply Department at La Vega, D. R.will strike at the foundat ion of na- Of course it ha d to be raining and C. E. Lon.ll'.tional power and wealth by t he t he i nces sant rllllll'ble, lind flash o f t he 311 N. Narberth Ave.. Narberth.el iminat ion of resources. big guns resembled t he d is tant t hun-The fire loss t h roughout Pennsy l- der which the natural elements had

    van ia a s r epor ted by the ' S ta te F ir eIomitted to include as part. o f t he s to rm .Marshal is unwarrantedly heavy and When finally orders came to startmust be recognized as a preventable We moved sl low ly and car eful ly ,evil. Th is c alls for constant and 1bel?g directed 'by the sound o f smallespec ial e ffor t on the part of ou r whIstles.people, that under w ar time condi- An a ss is tant d ri ve r stood on thet lo ns w e may u se every endeavor for runn ing board of each truck a s ai ts e limination. This can be accom- l oo kout , f or , as I said, no lightsplished. It becomes t he imperat ive showed.public duty of all ou r people to assist On arriving at ou r destinat ion the , . - - ------------- .in t he preven tion of fire by the re- troops piled o ut a nd fell into forma- T'HE M b h G dmOV'll1 of all dangerous. conditions. tion at t he s id e of the road. while we I ar ert u a As a means of arousing ou r citizens tur ned a roun d a nd we nt baCK for I drills erJery Thursdayto th e magnitude of i li e f ir e waste more. erJening in the Fire House,and showing their individual respon- By the time we go t back it was 7.45 to 8.45 32sibility, and inducing them to take daylight. ....JImore interest in t he sub jec t of fire We then loaded up at the rail headprevention, I do designate and s et wi th sUI}plles and our company I~ = = = : : : : : : = = = : : : = = = : : : : : : : : : = = : : : : : : = = = = : : : : : : = = : : : : : : = =aside separated from t he mai n convoy and

    Saturday, November 2, 1918 left for another part of the sector.as This time the way wa s n ot so easy.Fire Prevention Day The road ha d been unde. shellfire

    and that said day .be observed by ou r fOr a c oupl e o f h ou rs a ft er s un ri se Ipeople by a general cleaning up and and In spite of the fact that a laborremoval of all rubbish, trash and company was work ing hard to repairwaste from th e premises. and flll i n shell holes, the ro ad wa sThat a ll h eat ing apparatus and in bad sha,pe and we had to movechimneys be caTefuHy gone o ve r a nd slOWly and tediously.p'laced in proper condition for winter A hostile lIlirplane made an attemptuse. t o drop a friendly bomb or two on

    T : h ~ . t all pUblic and pr iva te ins tl tu - us, bu t was driven off by the accuratetlons, flour mills, food storehouses, fire of ou r antI-ai,rcraft guns.manufacturing pla nts , hotels, tac - We had three d ay s a nd nights oftories, th ea tr es a nd a ll o the r bui ld - t hi s, with scarcely any sleep andings be carefuUy inspected and neces- eating when and whe re we could .sary Improvements b e mad e that will I t was' simply great to keep hea rf ur th er p ro te ct the p ro pe rty a nd ing how our men were going aheadsafety of t he occupan t s and contents. on the front crupturlng new v i l l a ~ e sThat local authorities give attention hOl:rly, and the long, bedraggled linesto the matter of bett er building regu- o f German prisoners going rearwardlations, fire protection and prevention. verified t he con st an t r epor ts of ou ras weB as b et te r a nd i nc re as ed a p- successes.paratJus for fire fighting. I I t seems that matters back at ourThat fire driUs b e h e ld i n al l pubUe. ,base were get ti ng i n bed shape foror pr iva te schoo ls , pub li e or private ; ; : ; ; : ; ; : ; ; : ;: : : ; : ; : : ; : ; : ; :: : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : :institutions, a nd th at iWltruclJions be rgiven infu'e prevention an d fire pro- i Red Cross wool distributedtection. t R d C W kr . YGiven under my hand and the a e ross or oom lD ,gr6llJt seal of t he S ta te , a.t th e city M. C. A. Monday Wednesdayof HarriSburg, this slxteeDith d ay of ' JAugu,st, in th e year of ou r Lord one and Friday.t housand n ine hundred and elglhteen,' 1

    The c ount ry si de i s now at theheight of i ts aut umna l glory. Tilefoliage fairly glows with crimson, golden and rich brown tints. A walkthrough nearby woods is a constantsultlcession of delights during thesecrisp, lovely October days.


    Narberth again ha s reason to beproud of i ts L iber ty Loan record. Tohave more than dJoU'bled our quotaunder the unusually d is tu rb ing conditions of epidemic and peace rumorsis convincing evidence that everycitizen is fully alive to the n ee d ofbacking up our boys to the limit.

    Mr s. Roy E . Clark A. J. LaosW. T. Melchior Henry RoseAssociate Editors

    The QuakeTtown .Free Press saysboa rd s o f trade oug'ht t o m ak e it acondition '01' membership tha.t everymember advertilre in th e local papers,as well as doctors , dentists , laWYersan d public service corporatioDSI, on

    There is no reason t o f ea r that .hePresident and h is a dv is er s will bedeceived by any peace propositionf rom t he e nemy that is no t genUine.Although the demand has not becnfor "unconditional surrender" in somany words, the implication is strongenough. The presen t German denialsOf eru,elty and wanton destructiJon ofproperty will have no weight. in v iewof the well estllJb.Hshed facts, attestedb y t ho us an ds o f o bse rv er s a nd victims of these acts.

    Send all l et te r s and newsP. O. Box 966.Send al l advert ising copyiBox 39.Make a ll remittances to P. O. Box118.Our T own is on s al e a t the depotnewsstand, and at t he s to re o f H. E.Davis,Entered as second-class matterOctober 15, 1914, at t he Pos t Office atNarberth, Pennsylvania, u nd er t he actof 1\larch. 1879.

    The hearts of the community haveb ee n s ti rr ed w it h deepest sympa thyfor t ho se who h av e lost loved onesduring the Infiuenza epidemic. Thedifficulty of dbtaining nurses andother heLp h as mad e th e attendantcircumstances pecullo.rly ciistressing.Neighbors and friends have done whatthey c ou ld t o hel p i n a practical way,an d tbe best qualities (}f human natureh av e eve rywher e b een in evidence.lIappily, t he wor st n ow seems t o b eover, an d w e m ay r easonably hopethat no more homes wil l b e devQstedb y t he dread visitor.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 24, 1918






    Re a l Es t a t eI n s u r an ceNARBERTH, PA.

    45th and Parrish Sts.


    OUB Ton wID gladl, prfDtaD, new I item aboot aDT subjecttbat 'S of 'nterest to NllI'berthfolks, but In ortfer to meettbe prlDtlDg IChMQle, all "'cop,"-manoscrlpts-most reach theeditor bT 6 P. M. Monday .aebweek.




    Bull Dog Bunting Flags~ ~ ~ ~e t) \ -, .

    IIx II ft. . ,'" .$S.2ll4x 6 ft . ........................... 4.505x 8 ft. . " , . . . . 6.006 x l0 f t. . 8.008x12 ft . . '. " , ," . 12.0010x15 ft 17.110Bul l Dog Bun ti ng Flags look betler. wearb e tl e r a nd ARE belter than Imitations. FastColors. SERVICE FLAGS

    2 xS ft $1.50 l/Ix 8 ft .. . ,"$6.002'f."x4 ft 2.26 6:0:10 ft ',' " " 8.00S x5 f t . . . . . . . . S.50 8:0:12 ft 12.004 x6 ft . . . . . . . . 4.110 10:0:1ll ft . . ,'. ,17.110The smallesl sizes have I, Z or 3 starssewed on. Larger sizes, any number ofstars sewed on at 9c e a ch . Spac e providedfo r later addit ions . Loose stars, 60c dozen.Mall OnIe" , Prompt ly FlUedQuaker City Flag Co. 7S.10tb 8t

    Safety Razor Sharpening Co .14 S, SEVENTEENTH STREET

    PHILADELPHIA, PA.SIngle Etlge Blades 2c eachGillette Blades " ,3 c eachIlazors Honed 25c eachWe guarantee complete satisfaction.Mal l order :s g iven prompt attention.Try us.

    - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - .




    Hiab Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 644 A.


    When you want automobile trips, furnituremoved, packages carried, freight haoled.automobiles stored, etc.

    10 l IlLLION IN lIONTGOMERYMelrose Park Goes Seven 'l')mes OrerIt s Quotn-Noble Has }'Ine Reeord

    "That regiment must have beauti ful complexions," said M,rs. Blinks."What regiment, my dear?" exclaimed Blinks. In astonishment."I mean the Colc;,cream Guards I 'veh ea rd s o muc h a bout ."

    Montgomery County today reportedmore than $10,000,000 in sUbscripti.Jnsto th e Fourth Liberty Loan, w it h t he V . M. C. A . BU ILD INGtotals s t il l coming in from outlyingd i ~ ~ i e c t S ' c o m l b i n e d No rri sto wn an d CALDWELL&CO.Bridgeport districts, with a quota of$3,200,000, reports $3,242,000. LowerM

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town October 24, 1918





    Miss Passee (giving a ( i i n n e r ) - T h i ~wine i s o ve r f or ty years old.Idiot (thoughtIessly)-Bottle


    Italian engineers have discovered amicrobe which feeds on iron. Severalr a ilway acc iden ts occurred in th esame locality, and examination disclosed the p re se nc e o f c or ro si on ont he r ai ls . A rail waS taken up an dbroken and found to be hollowed by athin gray , th read- l ike worm a. thirdof an i nc h i n l en gt h. UpOn i ts h eadit carried two little glands filled witha corrosive secretion, which it ejectedevery few minutes on t he i ron. Theliquid rendered th e iron soft andspongy, and the worm at once proceeded to devour i t .

    : lIIUiScott-I'owell Dalrleo. Phone. Preston 239b.See dlsplay advertisement In this !a8ue.MUlSlCT. Stuart Cowin. 206 Merion ave.See display advertisement In thls lssue.Looe, Fanny II . Plano teacher.Studio. Arcade Bldg. Phone. 316-J.SJoholnl, II110s ] o ~ b b l l . Music 'l'eacher and Ac ..COIl1panist. 228 IOIla. av e Narberth.N O T A U ~ rUlll,ICJ e f t ' e ~ l e 8 . J. 11. III Narbertll ave.Phone. 666-111.T3'son, ' \ ~ B r r e n R. 200 Woodbi n e a ve .Phone, 1202-W .

    O I ' T I C I A ~ SJ < ~ t n t ( ) n . Carl li".'506 I ~ B s e x ave. Phone. 6IS . WPhlla. address, 1806 Chestnutst. Locust 5 2 ..('AINTEUSCole, James R.

    246 Haverfortl ave. Phone Spruce 1 6 3 ~ .W. G. CUlmner. Phone. 12-62 W.210 Elmwood a.ve . Narberth.Walzer, ...red.117 Winsor ave. Phone, 1217-.1.I'APEU IIANGEUSDenver, Richard A. Arcade Building.PItODe, Narberth 1693-WWitte. Gco. A. Fairview ~ v e .Phone. Cynwyd 778-J. First-class work.1'1I0TO I'LAYS"Arcad i a. " 16 th an d Chestnut 8tS., P b n ~See ellsplay advertls.ment In this Issue.PLUIlIUlNG, ETC.SUI,lee. Geo. B. Phone, 1289.See dloplay ad"erUsement In this Issu .Wall, H. B. Phone, 319-.1.See display adverUsement In this Issu .nEAl. ESTATECaldwell &: Co. Phone. 1271W.See display adverllsement In this Issu._Fritsch, II . C. Phone. 252-W.See display advertisement I this IsaueGodfreY, "-m. n. -114 'Voodslde ave. Phone, 685-W.Nash. Robert J. Phone, 605.Money for F irst and Second Mortgags.Slml.son. Jame8 C. 232 Essex ave.Phone. 636. or 1420 Chefttnut It .ROOFING. ETC.Gara-lIleGlnley Co. Phone, 1268-W.See dlspla)' adverllsement In this Issue.ltllllcr, John A. 243 Ion.. ave. Phone, 661-.1.Shro. 2 4 Haverford ave. Phone 1226-.1.SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTENThe IIJlsses Zentmayer's School lind Kindergarten, 120 Windsor ave., w1l1 reopenSeptember 18th, 1918.SIIOEIIIAKERSGoo

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