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Page 1: Our Town October 30, 1936

8/7/2019 Our Town October 30, 1936

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\ ~ O l l t l l l l l t ~ l l 011 Pace FUUI"


Burgess Ready for Any

Trouble on Hallowe'en

or Mischief Ni:.::hts





- .. ' ," '" . ,

Dictatorship FearedHuber: NRA


General Wayne Rally

Social - Political Hi t

Republicanism Versus RooseveltOnly Issue At Tuesday's Polls

INext Assemblyman !G. o. P. Leaders Concentt"ate

on Getting Ou t BigVote


Monday n igh t will end the m ost

: intensive political campaign in both

nat ion al a nd local histOl'y, featured

, b ~ ' the greatest amo un t o f r al li es ,

: spceches, maile,l p ro pa ga nd a a nd

'strictly national partisanship of all


On the Main Line as e i sewhere , the

one and only i ss ue has been and is:

,RepUblicanism versus Roosevelt.

. Eaeh side locally h as bent its ef

'forts t owa rd r ol li ng up a huge vo te

for its nationa l t icket . 2\IontgomeryCounty New Deal factions, badly split

<IS tht'y are, ar e united in furthering

'the Roose\'elt-Garner causc.

In his speeches Congre"sman J.

William Di tt e r h a s been st r ict ly an t i

,administration a nd p ro -L and on . H e

1:"0'1,,,,"'1, ; has virtually ignored Georg-e H. Bar-

LAMBERT CADWALAIJElt tholomew, Po tt st own Demoe ra t, whol ' i l lal/tlI '({ RCjll/b!ie(/II, wlio i" (',r· is after Ditter's job,

1)('cl('<1 to . ~ e o r c (/ lawlsl idc cicto!'!! ~ i m i l a r J ~ ' , Lamuert Cadwalader, as-

o/'er l i i . ~ D(,IJ/tIc/'rtlic 0Jl/IOII('I I I , ,semblyman candidate f rom Vi ll anova,

5((1/1111,1 1\. !I ' l l if 1'. of .lleriflll, //('.1'/ has talkl'd only R"publican harmony

Lieutenant Hobert l\le!\'illc PaUen, TllcHr!a!1 ffll ' S l ( / f l " . ~ AS81'11IhI!/ i1/I1II nnd pr inc ip les ; not a word has he

then a 27-year-old navy Hiel', di"d Oe- frol l l tlie P i r , ~ 1 n iH/ r id . said again:-;t his Democratic opponent,

tober :30, In:)·!. \\,I)('n hi" plane crashl ' t ll ' Samuel K. White, of l\lerion .Peter C. Hess, 1\laiJI Line Repub

l ic an l ea de r, s umme d u p t hi s spirit

recently when he said that "we have

no quanel with the Democrats. It

. th" Xew Dl 'a l er s we are lig'htinl!.""l \ lr. lI"s:-; also added that "this is the

most serious campaign I have been

, i n, in 41 ~ ' e a r s as a voter."

, Every cffort is bei ng made to get

out e\'l'ry vote possible, since it is felt

Hepublican leaders that l\lontgom

e r ~ ' and other suburban counties must



IClassnlates to Honor

, Ro M. Patten'sMenloryII

.Naval Officers to Unveil Tablet

to Late Lieutenant. Sunday



, l l ; ' ~ " FIO)'I'I/('(' H/le! a. ' [ 'e!I I I!1 51i;'/I]IC1I, t l ie Rccol / l tio / /a / ' II Be l le of [ 'I i; ' l((-

del/lilia, dn'""e<l fo r till' J!esc!III//::ia Ball, u'lio lI'ili ((/J])('(;rill a Ilistorieal

dnl/J/II' a / t l ie Reci / l ro ! 'i t ! ! I / /l lel ieon 0/ tlie Xarbcrt l i l l ' o l l l C 1 / ' , ~ COIJ/II/IIllitl/

(1111, T l l e . ~ < l a ! l afterIJooli.

One of the I a r ~ e s t events on the

club ca lendar of ~ d o n t g o m e r y County

t his y ea r will he the R e c i p r o c i t ~ ·Luncheon to he g-iyen hy the Women's

Comll luni ty C lub of Narberth Tues

day, Ekction Day, at 12'::W o'clock,

in the club rooms in the COlllmunity

B u i l d i n ~ , Narberth, when the visi ting

presidents of the various clubs in the

county and vicinity wil l be the guests.

All reserva t ions for the luncheonmust be in by this S l I 1 H l a ~ ' eyening

and n l < I ~ ' bc mad e w it h l\ITs. J. Eo

BUIT"ll at Merion 1·10.1. I\lrs. Joseph

H. 1I0ngler , chairman of the hospi

tality ('ommittee, is in charg·e.

Thl' program committee will pre

sent two outstanding artists, Florence

Huet, who will g-iye an impersonation

o f Peggy Shi ppen , t h e f amous Phi la

delphia Belle of the Revolution; andDorothy Johnstone Baseler, the wellknown harpist. 1\lrs. Baseler wil l beaccompanied by Mrs . R icha rd Reck

nag-Ic, of I'\arherth.

Miss Hud will present three scenes

of her or ig ina l historic dl'ama, th"

Meschinaza Ball i n 1 778 at the old

"'harton 1\lansion when P e g ' g - ~ ' was

18; the s"eolHI at Wes t Po in t when

Peg-gy had become l\I rs. Benedict A1'

nolcl, 1780, whe n Ma jo r A nd re w as

c au gh t a s a s py a nd the third and p dfinal scene, at the Cenotaph of Major rizes lor Best- Costume ParadersAndre in Westminster A b b e ~ ' i n Lon- J • Will you please come to th e polls

I1\1 II t '11 'Off d ' B M dOG T . h early, and avoid t he l as t mi nu te r u sh ,

<on, ';11. ' ISS' ue WI wear cos- ' ere 111 oro ar t ra.' "tnlg tumc s o f the Colonial period. v as the polls arc open from 7 A. 1\1. to

1\1rs. Ralph C. Heath , the president, 7 P. 1\1. an d a n ~ ' o n e l iv ing i n t he dis-

has 0llened her home to all of the 1 \ a r l 1 l ' r t h ' ~ third annual l\Iardi 'I ', )1.; hig childr"n pf all ag-cs will trict two months and in the State

t f t t tl t d I

: I I ). ' I b for one year, or if a former resident PROVES FEST IVEou -0- own gues s on 'l a ay, w len Gras i s C li s e\,ening'-)l 'sehid :>:ig'ht para' t' at ~ , : H . Pnzes wil ,. awardell ---

trains wil l be met at the station for' """11._11rpr th" b"st cpst\lnll'S in the Jlarades. of the State, it is only required that .: -on Haverfprd a\'enlH', between " ' \.·ou reside III the State six I l l o n t } l ~ . Equally successful as a SOCial event

the visit ing members of other clubs, ' .·\l't"I'\\':ln!' th,'n' will be dancing-. .,Iberth and E"sex avenues , 'I he street If ' tl ' I" I . a nd t wo months in the district, ma.y 'and political ral ly, General Wayne:I 11 ca:::L' () nUl l 1JS 41'1< a y C\'Cllll1g- B A . L

M" kG ' F d will h, ,."",,1 "I f fl'>' u "1a"""",,,1 fl'>' tlH' 'b, ' ' ' i G, '" will b, hel" M o n ~ vote, ,',g.."n,,, of wheth" yO" ar e Di,t,iet, W"," 0" " R,,,"b,,,,n, held oro mer lcan eg ionIC ey aVln un Iyoung folks and ~ ' o u n g e r folks. Ther e day evening. I t is under auspices of reg-istered, or not. Thi s may be done' their f ir st e ve nt o f t hi s n a tu re lasL I IITotal Likely qSOO:,Will be musil', a par ade, d anci ng , t he Narberth Business Co un ci l. Ion affidaVIt. Fo r further information Friday evening at t he Montgomery nsta s New Officers

'PI crowds


ofmerr yma l, e rs , Commi tt ee

incharge is headed hy


of.t he f ol lowi ng mem?er s Day

School,Penn Valley.

iIa nd a tt ra ct i\ 'e p ri ze s f or t he finest Marios Chios, and i nc l udes M rs . Suz- t ~ l e , R ~ p u ~ J h c a n Cou nt y CommI tt ee S pe ak er s w er e Mrs, John Y. Huber, Frank J. Dwyer InductedTwo Baseball Ot 'ganiza tions I and the funniest Hallowe'en costumes. anne Joret GIll, Mrs. Eberhart Mue!- III Nal belth. .Jr., Haverford, president of the Lower Commander of HamId D.

Head Contributors to In- ! The Main L ine publ ie is invited to IeI', Mrs. Ral ph Hea th , a nd Messrs. Charles V. Noe l, 1st D istrict. Me rio n-N arb erth Council of Republi - :

. d PI 'A ' d Ithe affair , which in i ts f ir st two years Gene Davis, Gordon Wundel', Nicho- Louise V. Cockrill, 1st District. can Women; Congressman-and-candi- i Speakman PostJure ayer s 1 Jttracted hundreds of Goblin-Dance l as Finoia , Frank Salas in and Harry .ohn C. Batchelor, 2nd District. d at e J . W il li am Di tt er , Amb le r' As- I

PRESENTATION NOV. 9TH I w a t c h ~ ~ ' ' ' ' Narberth police and lire-l Hollar, who tr,easurer, and who S ~ b i n a T ~ ' s o n , 2nd Distl:ict.. semblyman-candidate Lambert ' Cad- i COM,MITTEES ARE LISTEDmen \\ III preserve order. welcomes contnbutlOns from t he pub - \\ . D. R. Evans, 3rd DIstrIct. walader, Villanova, and Township:

Two baseball organizations headed I Children up to 12 will march at 7 Iic to help p ay f or th e costs. Margaret U. Griswold, 3rd District. Treasurer and Main Line Repub li ca n: New officers of the Harold D.I Leadel' Pete C 1-1 B I C I S!Jeakman Pos t, Amer ic an Legrion,

the list of contributors to the Mickey I ' , r. ess, a a- ynwy<.

PI W II P d lE te ta

O t f t d G C Narberth, w ere in sta ll ed M on day

Gavin Fund announc ed t hi s week by : ay e resente 7rK 0 LOP ° 0 Lpn 1' , IIlmen ea ure eorge . 'R. A. Cabrey , pres ident of t he Nar -! ' 1..,1aln Ines 0 I Ica ot T. Remington at the electric organ;· night in the Communi ty Build ing .

I U d OOffi 1° the L t 0 I t A I They are Frank J . Dwyer , c ommand-

berth Baseball C lub, o f whi ch the in- n er I cu ties 0 opep rc les ra, ugmente,fou d d 1(J16) th Ut H'llb'!I' er ; Roland K. Hewitt, first vice-com-

jured p l aye r wa s the star shortstop.! Francis Gane, o f B ry n Maw r, w en t "Vote-no matter how-in order n e . , e z I l Ie s

Th th 1\1 B b II C b

I . 'I f (from the Mount ai ns o f Vil'gilll'a, I, ' man de r; W al te r P . Miesen, second

ey are e anoa ase a lu , I L d W k f to Jal or ten days an d must pay to register your convictions and exer-c.16 d th 1\'1' L' T'I 'Reviewer au s or' 0 Na r "'500 I f I Narberth and o th e r Iloints south),and vice-commander; John A. Mowrer,... ,an e alll me WI ight I -" an<. costs a tel' p eading gui lty cise ~ ' O U I ' fl·anclll·se"-".al',1 Ml·S. \VI·I· fi

b I PI W· I L' Olcra AI n ff Ph'l d I h' d' nance officer, and Gordon Wunder,

League, $10. ert 1 ayers It 1 1111- at Nornstown to booldng hor se r ac e . ' ... , a 0, I a e p la aceor lon-The condi ti on o f J oh n "Mi ck ey " i ited Facilities bets. His aide, Henry Dumbell, got 1ham H. Gehmann, preSident of th e ist and sing er. sergeant-at-arms; executive commit-

I ff 't h $100 Ii I t I I Montgomerv County L eag ue of K eynote of the sp ea ke rs w as th e tee, V incent Cunningham , Allen Kirk,

Gavin was reported somewhat better" - - - o'a Ga . , net an't tCIOSts1\1 t Wom en Voters, in a I;re-election state- Chester Jones, Frank S. Challenger

a lt hough h is right leg, crushed by. 1APPR ~ I S A L IS FRANK \\ s III ane s apar men la rs.· " danger o f t h e bu re auc ra ti c a nd mon -

F S F I N' t ' ment thiS week. Also thiS suggestIOn and Edwa r d Ens inger .

a five and one-hal f ton girder Octo- an . •u mer, I orrIs own, commlt- , . ey-wasting Roosevelt administrationI te I " I 'th I ' 3 2 ) , b I IS made t o women voters: Don' t wa lt heading into a dictatorship, w hic h C omman de r Dwyer announced as

bel' 12, is s t il l g iving him much pain. I Once more r i sing above t he l imi t a- < SUlCI( e WI liS -ca I re revo - until friend husband c omes h ome, t o hi s commi tt ee cha irmen: Legal ac tiv i-An n th d f I bl I yer could be prevented by the election of

10 g e onors 0 severa OOl It io ns o f s pa ce and equipment which . vote Tuesday. Vote e ar ly a nd save I tics, Henry A. Frye; membership, Ar -

transfusions for the crippled Bryn: so o f ten be se t t he carncst g-roups of Russell McBri de , Mer ion Cri ck et delay for yourse lf and olhers. t 1e Landon-Knox G. O. P. t icket . thur L. Cooke; Americanism, Frank

Mawr youth recently was Mr. Cabrey, I Club, Haverford, employe, s aw h im - * * * S ai d Mrs. H ub er : " Th e r ea l is su e


. d . t f bl d Iamateur dramat i st s , an d d is pla yi ng e lf e" I fi I . I of this camlJaicr,n is to ,lecl'<le ,vlletllel' A. Schrepfer; s er vi ce and wel fa re "w 10 supp Ie a pm 0 00 . s ' ' n J o ~ ' l n g 'eep sea s l ing tI e re- Anti-New Deal t a lks were made be- ... \V'I)' H

a ga in t he r emar ka bl e s ki ll a nd in- nl'linder of h' lif I hid we s ha ll c on ti nu e t o e nj oy t he bless- I lam . Durbin ; junior activities"Mr. Cabrey's letter to Our Town i ' IS e, w len e earne fore t he R ep ub li ca n S er vi ce M en 's Mr. Frye; a th le ti cs , Edwa rd Ensi n-

concerning t he f und is appended. Igenuity in s ta ge s et ti ng that havc he had drawn a ticket in th e Irish League, at Ardmore G. O. P . h ea d- ings o f l ib er ty o r whe th er we shallEditor, Our Town: Ibeen evidcnced in t he p as t, T he Nar- Swcepstakes. Half hour later he Continued on P a ~ e Four be the slaves of tomorrow." gel'; entertainment, Joseph T. Berta,


C D' and house, Vincent Cunningham.

\Vhl'le there ,vas no definl' te goal '! her th P la yer s presented t o c apac it y leaI'd his lOrse had been scratched. ongressman Itter would like to


' St'l! h 'I k h t P . I R I Re-elected unanimously as chaplain

se t in t he "Mickey Gavin Fund, " t he I au lenccs l a st F ri d ay and Saturday 1 e WI I receive $2965. Fire Company of Ardmore , wa s over- 'now w a resJ( ent ooseve t plans wa s the Rev. Robert E. Keighton, IJas-


J re sent t ot al o f "301.25 gives evel'y levenings a delightfully entertaining A fund for Seeing Eye, Inc., which for the future (provid ing he is re-." d "TI B' } 1\1 b I " fllrnislles tl 'al 'lled ,logs to lead bJI'n,1 come by fu me s i n battling a drug elected) in th f NRA . I tor of t he B ap ti st Chu rc h o f theencouragement that a $500 mark wil l :come y, 1C IS lOp 'IS e laves, to store blaze at Lancaster and Cricket ' e way 0 r ev lv a Evange l, Narberth.

be I'eached befol'e Novenlber ", on I open its Hl36-1f137 series of p l a ~ · s . pcrsons, is being ra ised via a member- 0 and TVA extension.TI I' 'I. I II . avenues. ther liremen donned gas C d' I t C d I I ' SJleaker at the I lleetl 'l lg \vas C 'IP

, lis commcntator refers first to s l iP campaIgn. oea e nr o men t IS k an J( a e a wa a< er saId he eon- ' , ,-

which day the presentation will be :those limitations because it is neces- at Strawbridge & Clothier's Store, mas s. s id er ed t he j ob of assemblyman as a tain Charles D. Bayliss, U. S. Marinemade. I AlL 1\ ' : Corps, ret ired, who talked on the I'e-

sary, in t he measurcment of any per- 1" more. .. , ower Ilerion's reliefI Continued on Page S even ('olltll".e,' on Page E 'gh t

There is a noticeable absence of formance, to g h' e p ro pe r w ei gh t t o c as es last week increased from 35 to eent Chinese-Japanese war.

many familiar n am es f ro m th e l i st , those factors which no director eall f40


;11" Narberth's cases remained at Reopen;n 01 General Wa ne 10da Capta in Bayl i ss , a member o f theand it is hoped wit h t hi s r eminde r Icontrol, but which occasionally arc " g y Y Los Angeles Chapter of t he O rd er o f

their contributions wil l be left at Da- ,responsible for an apparent stiffness Reports have it that the Pennsvl- the Purple Heart, i s v i s it i ng his sis-

v i s' s tore, Narber th , th is week. land congestion which in larger q ua r- v an ia R ai lr oa d is cons ider ing .i ts Recalls Rich History 01 Hostelry tel', Mrs. H. R. Rinehart, 801 South

Everyone who possibly can should I'ters wou ld not exi st . On a stage of $66,000,000 program, dropped durmg Narberth avenue, Narberth.

be on this sCI'oll. 'adequate size, t he "l ine of action" be- the depress ion , to electrifY its line He has served 32 years in the Ma-The following are this week's con- I ~ w e e n t he a ct or s a nd the aud ie nc e c an f rom Pao li to Harrisburg.... H en ry S lic ke st transformation in Ma in r ec en tl y at \Vashington's Lee House. r in e C or ps a nd c omma nd ed t he fa -

tributors: :be kept open and free f ro m t he dis- Dolfinger ha s added ne ar ly two acr es , Line innkeepers ' annals is that effected The General Wayne, established in mous 55th Company, Fifth Regiment

Continued Oil Pag'e Eight itraeting presence a nd mov emen ts o f b ou gh t f rom Harry C. and Helen at the Gen er al W ay ne I nn , which 1704 n ca r t he Merion Friends' Mee t- o f t he Ma rin es, d ur in g t he \Vorld

t ho se not engag-ed in t he immedia te Koch Evans, to his property on High- opens this F r i d a ~ ' after alterations ing (1695), was bu il t to endure. The W ar. He w as eng aged i n f ive major

Economist Will Address action. Direc tor s of presentations o f l an d a ve nu e, Merion. that consumed the enti r e summer . All stone walls, 26 i nc he s t hi ck , w er e Continued 011 Page ."our

Narberth Coopet'ative Club The Narberth Players are keenly con- Tom Ottey, f o rme r Lower Mer ionl the charm a nd r om an ce o f Colonial e re ct ed b y Rob er t J on es on groundscious o f t hi s problem on t he s ta ge a nd Olympic star runner, won time iPennsylvania have been recaptured in or ig ina l ly bought f rom \ViIliam Penn

When the Narberth Co-operative'of the school auditorium, and on t he honor s (31 minutes, 12 seconds) in t h is famous old hos te lr y, who se wa ll s f o r twenty s hi ll in gs by Edwa r d Ree s

Club meets Monday night at the home iwhole have been notably successful in the six-mile race from Philadelphia are now spot l ess ly whit e , with a da sh o r P r ic e ( h is to r ia ns differ).

of Mr. and Mrs . William Sargent, 124,surl l lounting the obstacles that con- Cit y Hal l to Uppe r Da rby Townsh ip of blue at t he s hu tt er s. I ns id e, too, At one tim e th e inn w as known

Chestnut avenue, Dr. \VilIiam N'lfront them in this respect. Stage set- Hall in connection with the t own- i t i s c ompl et el y new, wi th n a tu r al a s t he Will iam Penn, renamed for the Extra Lower Merion police have

Loucks, Associate Professor of Eco- tings f or " Th e Bishop Misbehaves" ship ' s 150th anniversary. woodwork predominating, and com- Founder when he stopped there whil e been assigned to Narber th th is Thurs-

nomics at t he Un iv er si ty o f PennsYI-'evoked ro un ds o f a pp la use f ro m th e A nth on y D iN at al e, o f the Mer io n f or ta bl e o ak c ha ir s a nd c os y t ab le s, attending Quar te r ly Meet ing at the day, Friday and Saturday evenings

vania, will address members and the ir audience and were a decided crediL a large dining room and man y p ri - Merion Meeting next door. It wa s to prevent any possible Hallowe'en

friends on "Bus iness, Government , to Roger Burns and Mrs. Harnden and Receives Musical Award v at e r ooms for banquet s, d inne rs , a ls o called the Tun is Or di na r y and dep reda ti on s, Bu rge ss John R. Hall

and the Consumer ." their assistants, who were responsible At a concert held at the Bryn Mawr luncheons and c ar d pa rt ie s. Streeper's Tavern. Abraham Streeper announced yesterday.

Dr. Loucks' work wit h t he adv is or y f or s cene ry and l ight ing and )lroper- Conservatory of Music, Sunday after- President of G ene ral W ay ne I nn , wa s a f ir st l ie u te n an t o f the Penn- Also Burg-ess Hall will sit at his

committee of the N. R. A. in adopting tics. Inoon, Richard Maryot t won the merit I nc ., i s I. Newton Smit h, who f or - s yl vani a Con ti nent al Line. borough office in E lm H all , Forest

the various eodes of business, puts \Vith respect to the work of thc award, given for outstanding accom- merly owned the Marlyn Hotel at 40th Betw een the Continental a nd B ri t- avenue, these three nigfits to handle

him in a posit ion to reveal t he pl ight p layers themselves, th is commentator plishment in t ec hn ic s a nd r ep er to ir e. a nd Wal nu t, P hi la de lp hi a. H is s tew- i sh f or ce s a bo ut h al f w ay , the inn any possible compla in t s of resident s

of the consumer in reference to the holds mixed emot ions . There w er e H e is the son of Mr. and Mrs . Geo rge a rd , John A. McMahon, was associ- saw many s t ir ri n g events. I t is pre- or to give whatcyer other co-operation

agencies of government and business. t imes of almost scinti l lating brill iance U. M a r ~ ' o t t , o f S ab in e a ve nu e, a nd Iated with him the re, an d also w as sum ed to have been General Washing- is necessary in p r es e rv i ng t he pea ce

The public is invited. Continued on "age Eight attends Narberth Public School. popular at the St. J ame s a nd more f th b h" Contlnueo I)n Pa&,o Four 0 e oroug.



Women 's Community Club to

Present Two Art is tsat Event

Reciprocity LuncheonTuesday at Narberth

VOLUME 23, No.4

Page 2: Our Town October 30, 1936

8/7/2019 Our Town October 30, 1936

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-october-30-1936 2/8

Page Two OUR TOWN October 30, 1936


228 BaJa Avenue-Cynwyd 928

102ForestAvenue-Narb. 2602

Established 1903

132 S. 11 th Street, Philadelphia




Typewriters-Special Sale

- On All Our Rebuilt



.,;_.,.. ' , ; , . .". '-


Send for Lis t of Recondi tioned Machinesand also of New PORTABLES-All Makes

Prices Cut for Students




That a party platform constitutes

a so lemn obligation between theparty making it and the public?

That citizens mus t not be persec ut ed b ec au se t he y d is appr ov epolicies of the party in power?

13. That central izat ion of p ow er inthe Federal Government constitutes a growing menace to therights of the States and to thefreedom of ' ';'he individual?

14. That the instabi l ity of the Roosevelt rule, almost constantly apparen t since March 4, 1933, threatensthe extinction of the whole Ameri·can system?



That p rof li gat e spending b y the FederalGovernment can only be met through highertaxes, which become a burden on all cit izensril;h and poor alike-in increased living costswhich already ar e swinging upward at analarming rate?



15. That the effort of the Roosevelt Administrationto perpetP.late i ts el f through purchase withtaxpayers' funds and the frank coercion of

those on relief rolls is an economic folly andan outrage on government morals?

16. That the savings o f t he public as representedin insurance policies and savings bank depositsshould no t be depreciated through the destruction of public credit in wild spending f or t hesake of spending?





Corn-N ursery Stock

Cor n pul le d direct from stalk foryou. Insuring freshness and sweetnes s. S ev er al acres nursery stockt o b e s ac ri fi ce d.

CADE, Monument Road

1 block north o f P hl la . CountryC lub, C it y L in e, Bala. CYN. 349-J


F r ee E s tim at e s Cheerfully Given203 Haverford Ave., Narbert h , Pa .


Exh ib it b y Red Cross

Res id en ts o f Bucks , Che st er , Del a

ware, Montgomery and Phil ade lphia

Counties will be given an opportunity

t o se e the Red Cross in action at a

l iv in g e xh ib it io n o f t he wor k o f t he

Southeas te l 'n Pennsylvania Chapter,

t o be opened on November ! ) as a fea

ture o f t he annual Roll Call , at 1111 :..-

Ches tnu t s t re e t, f o r a period of two ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~weeks.




Polls Close 7 P. M.

Polls Open 7 A. M.


MOllay""k 2444


Letters of 150 wor ds o r less wel


available in quantity are excellent fOl'

mulching rhododendrons , azaleas ,

evel'gTeens, and deciduous shrubs and

all native woodland p la nt s. T he y a re

also usdul on perennia l borders and

rock gardens, One ob ject i on t o them

is that they blow away so easily,

The y c an , however, be worked into

the soil and t hu s become avai l able asplant food, b ut t he r oo ts o f rhododen

drons and azaleas should n ot be dis

turbed in worldng in a leaf mulch.

The Shade Tree Commission urges ; - - - - - - - - -,

all residents to co-operate in stamp

i l :g out th is prac t ice of burning rub

b is h i n the vicinity of trees.




That th e American form of government is th ebest in th e world?

That the Constitution o f t he United States hasp roven i ts worth through 150 years of usefulservice?

That th e legislative powers dele

gated by the Constitution shouldremain with and be exercised bythe Congress?

That th e powers of the Executiveshould be restricted to those se tdown by the Conditution?

5. That th e powers and functionsdelegated to the Supreme Courtof th e United States should bes af egua rded aga in st encroachment by th e Executive or by theCongress?




6. That Communism has no place inthe American scheme of Government?

7. Tha t t he Federal budget mus t b e balanced asa matte r of financial safety as well as commonhonesty?


8. That the deliberate wrecking of th e Civil Service through Farleyism is i ntolerab le and mus tcease?

9. That continued waste by th e Government, likecontinual waste by the individual, will ultimately end in bankruptcy?

The Vote of Montgomery May Decide the Election

(/)JJ lJfJJL 1JJl1iRJJIl.-

If your answer is YES to the questions here se t down. it is your duty as a cit izen. regardless

of party affiliation. to go to the pol ls on Tuesday, November 3. in t he mos t crucial national

election since 1860. and vote the straight Republican ticket.



Fire Held UnnecessaryMenace to Shade Trces




• Thi s is a "hang-up handset" - a modern type of

telephone instrument used

on wall l ocat ions in kitchens, playrooms, garages,shops and stores or on theside of a desk or tablewhereworking space is limited. Itprovides handy telephoneservice within easy reach

-y e t it's never in theway .•Extension telephones s av e t im ean d steps; give ex t ra protection

and pr iva cy. For comple te information cal l the Business Officeor ask any t e l ephone employee.

Ed Beetcl11 Breaks Shot IRecOl-d at Mcrccrsburg

Edward \r . Bcetclll, 1·1·1 I \. N ar

berth avcnuc, :'\arbcrth, broke a .Mer

eersburg Academy rccord of 20 years'

s ta ndi ng l as t Sa tu r day , whe n i n the

annual fall meet his shotput meas

ured 5:\ fect, 10 inches. I-Ie also took

first place in the discus anll hammer

throw. He was star wei gh t man at

Lower Merion last year.

Third in the :lOO-yard run was

.James E. J\!ercditll, .1r., son of' 1\11.

an d 1\Irs. J. E. Meredith, of l\1erion.Hi s f at hc r , "Ted" l\!e\·(·dith, formerly

wa s the OlYlllpie middle distance

record holder.

A firm t l u\ t has become thoroughly

established in the automobile field of

Montgomery County is Kirsch Chevro-.J. C. Kenealy , of the Lower Merion

let Company , whose showrooms andShade Tree Commission, issues the

service station al'e located at 214 Rala . following information.

avenue, Bala-Cynwyd. The damage caused by f ir e i s only

This llrogressh'e and up-to-date one of the clements whieh is fast

f i rm , which is headed by Christian H. wo rl dng t owa rd the destruction of

Kirsch, has been serving t he pub li c our s t ree t trees. Lower Merion Town

f or t he p as t eleven )·cars-since 1025, ship has many beaut if ul streets andto be exact-and i s enjoying a large highways whose beauty is enhanced

list of customers, secured by the ir ex- by their existence.

cellent business met hods and a de- Too often, fires a re s ta rt ed im-

termination to offer the motoring pub- med ia te ly unde r t re es f o r t he pur po se m=================frilie only rel iable aut omob il es and s er - o f bu rn ing l eave s. Usual ly t he people

vice. You c an a lway s o bt ai n f rom starting the fires do n ot r ea li ze t he

the above firm the t yp e o f c ar a nd damage they ar e causing, but thought

equipment best sui ted to your particu- lessness is no excuse for damaging

lal' needs. one of the township's greatest assets. C in de rs fo r S al e C ra ne S er vi ceI Mus hr oom So il R oa d Bui ld in g

T hi s w ri te r h as learned that t 1e Natures own mulch, leaves, when UE=:====:====::=:=:====:==:Wnew Chevrolet for 1037, which will be I : : ; : : ; : : ; : ~ ~ : : : : : : = = = ; ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~out on November 7, is one of the finest =performing as well as the most beau

tiful ea r Chevrolet has ever built. It

i s real ly one o f t he finest b uy s i n the

low-priced field. In the salesrooms

of Kirsch Chevrolet Company w il l b e

f ound many models o f th is ca r and

cour teous, in te l ligent salesmen on

hand to expla in a l l the high points

o f t he new ChevTolet.

This f i rm also maintains a ver y r e

liable service and repair department,

where motorists ar e assured of the

use of only genuine parts, prompt and

correct workmanship . Incidental ly,Kirsch Chevrolet Company just re-

cently have had t he en ti re service de-

partment o\'erhauled and equipped

the shop with a l l the la tes t devices and

tools, etc., ohtainable. They also

stocked Ull with a full line of acces-

sories that is complete in every ddail.

This move was m ad e further to en

hance t he s pl endi d sel'viee that they

have always been noted for.

They also have on hand an a ss or t

ment of used cal 's cons i st ing of vari

ous models, from which one can sel e ct

a very depcndable cal'. It hm; al

ways been the pol icy of Kirsch Chev

rolet COlllpany t o g iv e o nl y the best

values in used cars an d on the easiest

t erms . T he re is no char ge added for

parts or labor t o the prices submi t ted

to t he purchasers o f u se d cars. A

written guarantee goes wi th each cal'


2\11. Kirsch ha s attained suceess

through his keen busi nes s judgment

an d expert knowledge of every phase

of the automobile business. There ar c

few automobile firms more widely OJ'

favorably known in this section of the

Main Line than his.

Kirsch Chevrolet Co. Preparing forDisplay and Sales of New Models

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.\"",\,1:;; . "" . , '

Page Three

STORI HOURS .. 9 .3 0 t o 6.00


. ,_'" '-\7 : ~ - : : : ~ • ", ""



Misses' Shop-Second Floor

I Vogue's Find

III of the Fortnight



I(' "'" '::.>j.. '.·lA ;,f ' L) ""! : .. ' . - ~

Ill.: '1)L C " . ~ · '"-:::., .

\- .,) ' .

I ' ,) ""''-',I . ~ . }


IOn to a festive evening

I-and you, in this

Idamask gown,sumptuous and

Ibeautiful. Simply

ishirred bodice with

tiny straps holding up

the not-too-Iow back,and a sweeping skirt.

You'l1 love it in a

pale blue or white!

" """ - ~ : ' I : " , .•




I--- · --1


at the S tation ~Narberth 2 8 3 8 ~

We a ls o fe atu re

ZOTOS Permanents


•Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday

-3 spec ials fo r $1

Thursday, Friday, Saturday

-3 s pe ci al s for $1.25

P hon e o r call, an d wc'lI tell you more


43 Nor th Narbe rt h Avenue-Narberth 4077

300 Lcvering Mill Road-Phonc: CYllwyd 927




~ : : ' ~ ~ g n o l e and s p i ~ ~ i " · ... . $5(Regularly $7.50)

There a re many rcasons why you'll l i ke thi s d is ti nc

tive wave that c ombin es c ha rm wi th c omfor t .

The new Hoover One Fifty CleaningEnsemble doesn'tlook like any othercleaner you ever saw. It's different inshape . . . in lightness • .. in conveniences. But, most important, it's different in idea! A c le an er for f loorcoverings .. . plus a cleanerfor other ~ ~ ~ 9furnishings . • . in one complete ensemble, instantly convertible. Madewith magnesium, one-third lighter \ ~ ~ ~ ,than aluminum. Fifteen major improvements .. . and the cleaning action only Hoover cangive you-Positive $}60Agitation. Seeit, tr y it,no obligation .. . and A WEEK

own i t for only • . . Payable MantMy

SHORT TIMEONLY-Your oldelectric cleaneracceptedas down payment on a new Hoover. Balance month ly .

The Main Line Store


HOOVER ~ fillii

40c SOc sOc



33c 39c 39c'IW<. u6 ~ ckta1l6!

Frankenfield Funeral HomeWM. G. FRANKENFIELD

Simpson Road at Athens Avcnue

The Arlette French

Oil Pertnanent Wave

Telephone Ardmore 9" "2646

Shea's Pharmacy, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ ~ - -


Ardmorc, Pa.


Narberth I,






Rigid in sp ec tio n after your

b lanke ts have been washed as

surcs you th e finest, most satis

fac tory laundering .

Ard . 4400

St. Mary'sLaundry


Don' t te ll it all before it happens.

Save a s u rp r is e for th e audience.

gle," by P. C. Wren.

M ys te ry a nd De tect ive S tor ies :

"Mu rd e r in Mesopotamia," by Agatha

Christie; "Last Will and Testament,"

by G. D. H. Cole; "Wheel T h ~ tTurned ," by K. M. Knight; "Bell 111

t he F og ," b y J . S. Strange; "Kidnap

Murder Case, " by S. S. Van Dine;

"The HUddle," by Caroline Wells.

Gift i n memory of Misses Annaand

Mary Mackeag: "Germantown, 1683

1na3," by E. W. Hocke r; "L if e and

Let t er s o f J ohn Gal swor thy ," by H.

V. Marrot.

By courtesy of Congressman Ditter

-"Yearbook of Agriculture, 1936."

Reference: "Who's Who in America, H136-1937."

Storm Enclosures



Folding Screens

Recreation Rooms

After Complete Rcnovatiol1s-


are you going to cut? This may sound political but it's also economical for you to t al k t o

us now about STORM SASH and DOORS.

There is an apparent shortage of "Regular"sizes in Storm Sash and if "cut" out special,more t ime than usual will be necessary. Sincethere is nearly always something just aroundthe corner, this t ime i t happens to be Winter.

Cast your vot e now for any or all of these"Wooden" ones-

General WaJlze InnMontgomery Ave., Mel·ion


• Depos it s Insured under the Government Plan •

Member oj Federal Reserve System

Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience

Call ourHome Service Department for adviceabout your Home problems.

Shull Lumber CompanyThe Link Between Forest dnd Horne



lBar & Cocktail Room f..

"!\laids' Nil!ht Out" I(THURSDAY & SUNDAY)

Special Dinner p- I

$1. 00 IAttractive Platters i





~ - - ' - - .lUI/sic Da/lcillg I )i-,

p l l : O : : n l l : : r : : : : : n : 9 s : : t ~ n : ; ~ { ~ h O ' c;ty- ~ ~ ' - ~ _ - , / ~ - - - ~ o : ~ ; ; 3 ' : !

1\11 the charm and romance of Colonial Pennsylvaniahas bee.n recaptured in l hi s f amous old Revolu t ionan ' hn,lelrv. DriYC out I n o i ~ h t and enjoy dinne r,

Y O ~ I r fa\'orlle drink or after-theatre supper.

29 Bala Ave.,.Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 662


National Bank of

Will I t Be A Straight Ticket


Master Watch

& Clock Repair Co.Expert Swiss and American

Watch Makers

~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ . ~ e . ~ a . i ~ ~ .a.s. $1.50Fine Jewelry (51 Optical Repairs69TH STREET TERMINAL

BRANCH OF 21S . 18t h ST.All work guaranteedESTABLISHED 1904

Keep your news brief.

October 30, 1936

Mr. and i \ lrs. A. C. Bctus, of Brookhurst a\'cnue, gave a dinncr p:ll'ty

S u n d a ~ ' evcning in h on or o f i\liss New Books at Library

l \ r a r ~ a l ' e t Bell ancl l \ I i ~ s Ag;lll'S Mac- The following books are recent ac-Donald, of lIamilton, Ont ar io , Can - c cs si on s at t he Na rb e rth Community

ada. L i b r a r ~ ' :Mr. nnc l i \ lr s , A. C. Betus also g av e Non -f ic ti on : "A Walk After Jolm

a bon voyage shower last Wednesday Kca ts ," b y N . S. Bushnel l; "Th e Hu

evening in honor of :Ill'S. Annc Sim- man Body," b y L og an C le nd en in g;

111ons, ;)1' Hat li l'1d , who is sai l ing ' 101 "Householders' Complete Handbook,"

Ind ia . The re wcre nilleteen g;uesls. hv Hawthorne Danie l; "After All,"

Mis s Hcl en Laf ol 'e , d aug; ht el ' of Clarence Day; "Art of Block Cut

1\lr. and 1\115, .10hn Armand L a r O I ' I ~ , tinp:," Hanimmmer & Lampe;

of Pellll Valley, has rctul'l1l'd from a "Spoils," by H. S. HoIlander; "Ncgro

visit to A ~ h l a n d . Ky., whc rc she Ht- in American Civilization," by C. S.tcnl!ell thc maiTiag 'e of :Uiss Jlch'na .1ohnson; "Will Rogers ' 'Vit and Wis

Salmon and :\11'. Frank L. Fishel' Oil dom," J ac k L ai t; "Letters of

Saturday. Charles Lamb," 2v.; "Bes t P l ay s of

; \ J r ~ . II. G. TU1'l]('I', .Tr., of Wynne- 1935-H.l36 ," by Burns J.\Iantle; "She

wood court, will entel'tain Iwr c luh al Strives to Conquer," by Frances

lunl'heon and bri dg:c W ed ne sd ny . : 'Il :t ul c; "This Man Landon," by Fred

: \I rs . I I. F. Darncs, of Gr, ly ling : prick Palmer; " I n Pursu it of Laughavenue, is 1'('cow'ring' f rom a n OlhI"<I- tpI'." by Ag-nes RePI1!ier; "From For

tion 1'01' :lP1H'lHlil'iti". l'st to FUl'l1iture," b y Rob er t Shel'-:\11'. llnd : \1 1' . C . AJrred P l ' l ' n e ~ ' , of wood; "1\lcn of Dangel'," by Lowell

Elm tenace. have tlwil ' g 'uests, Thoma:<.

1\1rs. lIenry Kcndig and :\lrs, Eng'I,ne Fic tion : "Crad le o f L if e, " by Louis

" ·CiSl' I' . o f York . :\11'. W('i'l'r , \ 'i ll Adalllie; "Sense and Sensib il i ty ," by

be their gues t o \' er t h e wel'k-cnd. . l an e Au st en ; "Thre e Bags Full," by i:\11'. nnd : \[ I'S. A. H. Durbornw. or HOg"'r l3urlingame; "1\1ary Christ

Elmwood avenue, returned recl'ntly mas." l\1. E . C ha sl '; "Whiteoak!

from Columbu s, Ohi o, whe l' e t111y IInl'\ '(·st ." by l\Iazo De La Roche; "No i

spent a wcck :\11'. Durboraw was thc: III'l'o-This," by \Va rw i ck Decping; ISabbatical (kit-gate In t h e D ie nn ia l' "\\'hile l3anners," by 1.. C . Douglas; IConn'ntion of the l'nitcd Lnthel".\1l "Old Ashburn Plnce," by l\Iarg'aret:

Chun·h. F li n t; "Lo, t \Vag-on Train," by Zane!

T h e ~ · lUl<l as their p ; u e ~ t " for a ( ; I ' l ' ~ ' ; "Substitute Gucsl," by G. L.Iwl'l'k, thl'ir son-in-!:t\\' and d'llH,dl(I'\'. Hill; " l \ I o ~ l ' o W Ski t' s, " b y i \I au l' ic e:

Mr. and :'Ill'S. T. S. i \ la l in , of Dilh,-- Hindus: "Candle Indoors ," by Helen i

bul'g', 1':1. Hul l; "G rc al Laughtel'," Fannie:\11'. and :\ll's. \VilliaIll I I l ' n r ~ ' Fl'l'I/ Htll·,;t; "Scorpion," Will James;

of Clwstnut ,IYt'nUl'. wprl' g'inn a 1'('. "']'wo K e ~ " (0 a C:1bin," Lida Lar

ception ~ u n d a ~ ' ,Ii't l'rnlilin to CI,ll ', I'iIII ol'e: "Great-Aunt Lavinia," by J.

br,l!l' thl'ir ·j',th wpddil1g' alJl1i"I'I':,ar>' C, Lineoln; "Fil'c Over Eng-Ianll," by

thl'ir ",'ns and d a u , ~ · h t l ' r . ~ . i l 1 - I ' l w .. .\, E. \ \ '. : \ Iason; "Love CO])]CS L n ~ t , " ,;\1]'. a nd : \I re. \\'illialll \\', FiTtZ, of hy II. T. Millc1'; "G1'ccn i\lal 'g 'ins," byKI'\\' YII!'];: :\11'. 'I lld :\II·s. I ~ o 1 > l ' I ' t E. P. C)'IJonn.l'll; "Goldl'n Wedding',"Inlll's Frl'lz, "1' :\Il.'1'ion. and :\11. and by Alllll ' Panish; "To Hide the River

1\11:-. C. Franklin Fretz . III' Haddon- \ \' it h," hy \\T. ;\1. : \IacLeod; "Slee]1-,

fil·Jd. X,.J. Thel'c werc 72 gu e!' t". : ing B e a u t ~ ' , " by l3erta Ruck; "Prayer

1\11. a nd ) ir s, R al ph A. Crumh. of f,,1' .\Iv Son ,. bv HUgh \ \ 'u l llo le"

R o c ] ; ~ ' I ti " el ' . Ohio, WI'I'I' t i ll ' \ \'. .. .].:. "Law 'and t'hc ~ I c L a u g t h l i n e s , " b;'

e nd gucs ts 01 :\11', and : \Irs, Chal '!, 'e : \ I a r ~ ' a l ' e t \\Tilson; "Fort in the .Tun-

D. Stoudt, or \\'III)lhide avcnue. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a =\11'. ,11111 :\[rs. E. .1. Pol lock . of

Avoll road. en lc rtained a t a dinn! 'I '

TlH'"day for :\11. and :\Irs. C," Petl'l'

man. :\Ii"" K a ~ ' Stecd and Ll'O Rior


Dr . an d :\11':'. Herbert Adams, ofD o ~ t o n . l \ I a s ~ " wcre t]w guests of Dr.

and ;\I1's, II. J. S a J l g ' l l 1 l ' i ~ t l ' r , of Bryn

1\1awl' avenuc, Penn Val le y, l a, ;t

week. Dr. Adams w as i nd uct cd a s

a fel low o f the . - \mcriean Coll( 'ge of

S ur ge on s. D r. Sangmeistcr j,; a [\,1

low o f t he An1l'rican Collcge or Sur

g e o n ~ .1111. and : \I rs . J a ] ) ] e ~ W. Ervine, of

1:2 Narbrook Park, arc receiving: con·

g r a t u l u t i o n ~ upon t he birth of a son.

J ame" Pat t cr s on E rv in e, on Thul's

day, October 15.

Mrs. Verna R. Woodcock, of :\Ionlgomery U\'enue, h ad a s her guest l a ~ tweek-end, l\Irs. Logan Marsh al l , o f

South Carolina, regent of the D. A.R. of that State. Mrs. Woodcock and

he r guest attended the D. A. R. Con·

ference in Reading last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Heath, of

Shirley road, ha d as t hc ir week-enllguest, Samuel Neal l , who is a stu

dent at Yale University.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dothurd, ofWynnewood road, entertained at a

d inne r S atu rd a y e ve ni ng . G ue st s

were Dr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver,

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bailey, of Over

brook; Dr. Harrictt Hartley, Mrs.

Fred Hopewel l, o f W e l 1 e s l e ~ ' , Dr.

Miriam Warner and J. B. Williams.

Mrs. Louis Weisgerber, Mrs. Garth:Boer icke , Mrs. J. Harold Way nnd


"Mrs . Robe rt J. Dothard a ttended the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : = : : : : ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ : : ~ : : : : ~ : ~ ~ ~ ; ;uncheon, bridge party a nd fas hion

show at the ManUfacturers' Club IMonday.

Mrs. Dot ha nl s pe nt T ue sd ay inWilkes-Barre.

A Hallowe'en party was goiven Tues

day evening for the residents of t he

Windsor-Essex. Those who attended

were Mrs. Haines, Miss Lafore, Miss

Hammell, Miss Young, Mr. and Mrs. IThompson, Mr. and Mrs. Nevins, Mrs. I

Bates, Miss Mary Bates , Mrs. Shaw, IMiss Betty Jane S haw, M rs . Bur

chara, Mrs. Davis , Mr . and Mrs. Koe

nige r, Maste rs Jimmy Koeniger and

Buddy Koeniger, Miss Mary Koeniger,

Mrs . Wen tz el , M is s Jean Anderson,

Mrs. Anderson, Miss McNamara, Mr.

Hegstrom, Mr. Martens, Mr. Smith,

Mr. P ri ce , M r. Burgess , Mr. Harter,

Mr. Andrew and Mr. Gowland.

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Po t



October 30, 1936







ByWiley Padan

C O l l t t l l u ~ d (I'On1 J)ng-e One



quar t lT s , F l 'i d ay night hy Harold

Ssott, f orm er c omma nd er o f t he Mer

ion I'm,t, American Legion, and chair

man o f the Repub li c an C i ti ze ns ' Com

m ' t t l ~ e and Frank A. Schrcpfer, Na1'

hl:rlh, formel' National Commander of

t he i t li l it a ry Order of the Purple


Gm'el'llol' G('org'(' H, Earle, o f H av

erford, will wind up th e ] ) l'mocrat i c

campaign on t il l' Main Line Monday

night, wl1('n he will addn'ss a rally in

\Villialllson lIall, 4,1 West Lancaster

avenue, Ardmore.

Other rallies scheduled by th e

Democrats include one in Ardmore and

Gladwyne Friday night.

Speakers at the Ardmore rally,

which will be hel d at the l\lerion Fire

Company Hall , :15 Greenfield avenue,

will include Samuel K. Whi te, Me r

ion, Assemblyman candidate; Adrian

Bonnelly, of Overbrook, S t at e Depu t y

A tt or nl 'y G en er al , a nd James M.

W ebst er , of t he Democratic State

Speakers' Bureau .

The same speakers ar e scheduled fo r

the Gladwyne rally.

A rally w as h el d at Democratic

headquarters in the old bank bu ild ing, Bala-Cynwyd, \Vednesday eve


Montgomery County is surpassed

only by Philade lph ia and Lackawanna

Counties in t h e s al e o f Landon -Knox

"Dollar Cl,rtificates." A total of

574!l ce rt if ica tes have been sold in

this c o u n t ~ ' , u nd er t he chairmanship

of I\1rs..Joseph H. Beere r, o f Norris


The' gTl'ate'st Democ ra ti c v ot e o n

the Main Line in recent years will

be c a ~ t T u ( ' s d a ~ ' , accord ing to Charles

\V. Gamble, Havcrford attorney and

Democratic c ampai g' n manag- er in

LO\\'l'r 1\Ieriol1 T o \ \ ' n ~ h i p and Narherth

Borough. "\\'e fet'! s ur e o f cal'1'ying'

fivc of the tWl'nly dis tr ic ts," he said,

and " the v ot e w il l c ompare fa vo r

a bly w ith that of 1!1:1:!, \\'hen \\'illiam

F. Dalllll'ho\I'l'r, :\!ontgonll'ry County, l u d , [ ~ ' e , lost the township h y o nl y 610


Larg-er contributions to t h e Repub

l ican campaig 'n filed w it h t he H ou se

III Hepresenta t ives include : $1250,

Edward S. \ rag-ner, Merion ; $lOOO

e:lch, \ Vi ll iam P . G es t, M er io n, an d

,W. l\1. and Edith Ir ish, Overbroo l; ;

*:>00 each, .John A. Lafo re , P enn Va l

1,('y; Henry S. Drin]a 'r, 1\lel'ion; Gus

tavus \\'. Cook, \Vynnewood, an d H.

1\[, League, Overbrook.



$7200 a Year?


Mon., Tues., Wed.

"Tile GOff /COliS H I / . ~ H ! ! " IIlIHCd 01/ S'lI/li/i'/ HO)lkillH A d a l l / . ~ ' {aI/it,d HtOI'!f

u{l 'c!! ! ! ! ! O'Ncal, bcall l i f l l i dauf/lt tel ' of a IVas1li l lf / !un lat,c/ '/ I-kccjlcr who

!!lIill( '/1 !!!<IIIIOI'O/lS )lUlilielll pOWI'/" d,U'ill!! tile da!JH of Alldl'ew Jacksun.

It'H at t l ie E[J! f jl t ian 1U'J'! Mum/ll!J, Tuesday al/(I Wednesday.

KENNETH L. M. PHAYwho d .' cl in er ! t o COIIII/1cnt all a

Rt'))/{blicon Stole Commiltec as

sel' l ion thai he / 'ece i t' es $600

mOlllhly (IS lech1/il'al slof f "mel

of Got' I ' / , I /OI ' Brl/'Ie's CommiUcc

al l PI/Mil' ANsisla1/cc au d Relief.

1111-. Pl ' f/ l f, fO l' l l le l ' Na /' /J( ' /' I 11 Sc"ooln(III/'r! }11'l'sidl'ld and 1/011' II/CII//IC/'

of bOI 'Ol lgh RCCI"cnl iol1 Bo(/ /,d, di

) ' f ' l ' I . ~ tI/I' 1'1'I11I:<lfll'(/l/i(l Sc"ool fa/ '

Sol' ial 11'01'1., Ph ilr/(/clp" io.


i n Fai th I3aldwin's

Mardi Gras Night



Three Shows

7 - 9 -11 P. M.


Coming Events

Enj oy t he M ar di G ra s a nd a tt en d

the Na rbe rth Theatre

Added Saturday at 1 P. M.

Spe ci al Fea tu re f or Chi ld re n

Opening- o f t he Old Lancaster r o a l ~ .a nd e st a bl i shmen t o f th e Phi l ad elp hi a Iand Lancaster Stage Coach l ine made

it a bu sy and impo r ta n t s ta ti on .

Anthvny \\'ayne, for whom the " ." .:\lain Line town Louella no,\· \Yayne, Q ua kc rls m T op ic a t T wo

• Iwas named, came down th e Lancaster I Mcct ings DlII'ing N ovcmbcl '

road February 0, 17!l5, fresh fromthe battle o f Fal l en T imbe rs . Hav- A s er ie s o f t wo meet ing-s wi ll be

ing' won fOI' his country the ten'i- held a t t he Old 1\lerion Meeting- House

t o ry b etween th(' Ohio and the lIJis- on Montgomery avenue and 1\leeting

sissippi, he was the hel'o of t he d ay . 1I0use Jane in t he mon th o f 1 \o "em-At Strecpcr's Tavern three t ro op s o f , ., ,. ' .I:er. 1 he tOPIC will be "Qual(('rism in

Philade lplwl LIght Horse nll 't , reeeIV-!ed him w it h ce re mon y, a nd e sc or te d i '! er io n; " t he s pe ak er , S am ue l J.

I' 1'1'1 III ' 'J' tl t J ,Bunting, Jr .11m 11 al l' p lla. . rom 1:1 (a y T he f ir st o f t he series will b e h el dt o t hI S the place ha s been known as . 1 N I Ito.. : ,unl a \ ', 1 (,vem , ( ' I ' ,a " P . 1\1., andthe General \ \ aync Inn. •' J :tl I "'I'} II' t ' I A)I)I'oacI1',, IS ellu c< Ie - 1- 'or lca

In U;:lO it became t he v cr y f ir st a h i st orY o f i tl er ion an d th e Welsh

(and fo r many yeal'S the o n l ~ · ) post i : . ; e t t l e m e ~ l t . "of!i.ce of t he t ow nship. F rom 180G The second wil l h e November 2!l at

to 18G7 township elections wer e h el d P. 1\1., the topic: "The Religious

tlwl'e, a nd u nt il r ec en tl y i t h as b ee n A spe ct o f t h e Socie ty of Friends." The

polling place for the General Wayne I publ ic i s cordially invited.

Election District of Lower Merion. I

The Phi l ad elp hi a a nd Columbia Rail- Clarke Wins Son's Custody

road in 1 8 ~ 4 crossed tJ.le inn's pr op - Tearful was the p rot e st o f Thomas

e rt y, a nd I ts s to ne bndge untIl re- Clark e when he heard he had heen

c e n t l ~ s to od a eros s th e r o ~ d f rom, awarded t o t he custody of his father,

th,e ,mn. The first, TownshIp C ~ m - I Charles John Clarke, Merion artist.

mISSIOners held theil' first meet1l1g-! Bu t the storm died away after a

there. :l\Ierion Chap ter , Daugh te r s o f Ihalf hour a nd C la rk e le ft ' Domestic

the Revo l ut ion , h e ld i ts inaugura l lRela t ions Court , Ph ilade lph ia, Wednes

meeting there April 17, 18!l5. " Id ay w it h th e 13-year-o ld son whose

Man y f amou s personages. vlslt:d Iunmanageabil i ty and "hyperac t ivi ty"

the inn. My Lord C o r n w ~ l h s sa t ln I'

had b ee n d es cr ib ed h y a court psyone o f th os e embrasured wll1dows an d chiatrist.

watched. h is o rd er l ie s l ea d hor se s to i Thomas ha s been l iv in g w it h h is

the smIth a cros s th e r oa d ( no w a· mo th e r Mrs. Mi ld re d C lark e, 3!l, the

gaso line s ta tion .) MacPherson an d fo rmer Mildred G. Brelsford, most of New Scarlet Fever Casc

MeClenachan planned r ai ds f or t he ir t he time since his parents separated James Cnrr, G, of Merion avenue,

privatee rsmen and divided the spoils, September 2. The y w er e ma rr ie d i n Narberth, a pupil at St . 'M argaret' s

under rough r a ~ t e r s by fl icke ring ' 1!l22. i Schoo l, i s reported to ha\'e scarlet

candlelIg-ht. (BlaIr McClenachan, Clarke lives at 52:3 Howe road, Mer- fe\'cr by Health Officer George B.

whose privat:ers preyed upon British ion, a nd h is w if e g-u\,e he r a ddre ss a s ISuplee. This t he s ix th c as e re-

merchant ShipS, wa s a mem be r o f the Belgravia. cently reported 111 th e borough.

Cong re ss f rom 17!l7 to 17!l!l. He I t ! ! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~l i\ 'e d i n a h ou se o n the Old Gulph

road at Mill Creek that was bui l t 01'

owned by John Roberts .)

A p an e o f g la ss in one o f t he w in

dows o f w ha t in hi s d a\ ' w as a sit

t ing r oom s ti ll bears t he n am e of iEdgar Allen Poe, inscribed by him!

eyidently by writing- with a diamond.!

The i nn , whi ch languished during'

Prohibition, had a brief period of

prosperity following HClll'al, but after

a Yl'lU' 01' s o o f i n a c t i \ ' i t ~ " it remained

for 1. N ew to n Smi th a nd his asso

c ia t es to re sto re it t o a n a pp ea ra nc e

bctter t ha n e \' er b ef or e in its histOIT, and a r ct ur n t o w ha t promises

to be a n e ra o f good food, good liquor

and pleasan t popula r hosp ital i ty.

Con t inued t ro l l l Page On e

t on 's h ea dq ua rt er s o ve r n ig ht while

his men encamped nearby, September

14, 1777, on his w ay t o Val1ey Forge

-commemorated by a D. A . R. tablet

w hi ch n ow stands in front of Al

brecht's nursery at Mee ting Hous e





...,". .'"



an d

cos tumcs ,

DAVIS'Oldest Store ill Narberth

Roosevel t Only Is sue

at Tucsday ' s Polls



224 Have l' fo rd A v e nu e


Get Those


Le tt e rs o f 150 w or ds o r l ess wel


Boil it down. It reads be tte r .

Continued from Pac:e Onproll up a tl'emendous ma rg in fo r Lan

don a nd Knox if the na tiona l t icl ;et i s

to carn. ' Penns,., Ivan ia. 1 I " . I I l l : I . l I I I i i i l l ! i l : ~ I l I ! I I I I I I . I l I I 1• • • •I. - .....·ne.Therc is reason, of course, fo r this I

extraordinary COllrtesv that is being,

shown to Del;\Ocrats the Republican ileaders. Chieny, it is because the:

G. O. P. heads feci surc that th e old- ifa sh ioned Democra ts will feel more i

at home unde r the Landon-Knox ban

n er t ha n t he y will w it h t he N ew Dea l:


.l'ht·:.c Shows at Narbel , th

Thcatl ·c Mar d i Gl 'as Nigh t

of "Love Bcforc Breakfast"

Astai re an d Rogers

Libcra l Wi t h Dances

in "Swing Time"

llall.llwe·clI dance, C Y l l w ~ ' d Club, (J

,j. :\1., <Jet-,ller :31. I"The Sleepll1g Beauty," Erlanger;

TLeatre, 10. ;; 0 a . m ., O ct ob er 31 ;

"Children's Theatre" of \Vomen's In-,In keeping with the s l ~ i r i t of f e s ~ ternational League. '

tivity this Friday evenll1g (Mardi In ne G in th er , CianseUse; Ethel·

G ra s N ig ht ) Man ag er Frank Salas in Righter Wilson, s op ra no ; S te ph en :

has a1'1'nng'ed for three s hows t o be Girard Hotel, 8.15 1'. l\1., No\'ember 4.

g-iyen at the Narbl.'lth Thca t re : 7 , ! J XaLiunal Prenching :\lission, Con

a nd t he final performance startll1g at 1'('nLon Hall, NOYember 2U-Decem-

II o'clock. The feature is Carole Ibel' 2.Lombard, keen. e ~ I ) ( } J l e n t ,of . s o p l ~ i ~ t ~ - Monte Cl;rlo Ballet.Russe, Academy

cated comedy, 111 Love Befall' Bledl.- 'If Music, "o\' l 'mber 10; All-Star Confast," a witty a nd mos t entertaining le('!'1 Series.

picture quite in kee))ing- with the oe- Youth Con. cert, Academy of l\Iusic,

casion. This play will al so b e r e- N ov em be r ] X, Stokowski conducting.

peated at Saturday's shows. IMonday and Tuesday bring-s t o t he Gcnc r al W a y n c' s Rcopcnin(T

Narberth P. G. Wodehouse's "Picca- Recal ls Hos t e l r y ' s H i ~ o r ydilly Jim," with Robert l\Iontgomery,

J un e W it he rs , w ho is rapidly win

n ing th e place as filmdom's outstand

ing adolescent star, on \Vednesday

(Cas h Award Night) will be seen in•. Pepper." Assisting- her arc Irvin S.

C ob b a nd Slim Summerv il le , which

augurs well f or t he pictUl'e's humor.

That noted ail' picture. "China Clip

per," starring Pa t O'Bri e n, w il l be

the a t tract ion on Thursday.

"lVIm·dcr in Flcct" a t

Egypt ian; "GOI'gCOUS

Hussy" Due Nex t Wcek•

. . . . . , . , . . . . .• ~ J ~ ~ "J


withHelen Broderick

Betty Furness

F r i. , S a t, . Sun. , Mon . , Tues,Oct. 30, 31-Nov. 1, 2, 3


Victor MooreEric Blore

Wednesday, Thursday. FridayNovember 4, 5, 6



withLionel Barrymore James Stewart

J r h a t ~ AIr Story

Another Main Line appointment is

George E. Gillespie, Cynwyd. a mem

ber o f t he Thomas D. Vandiver Post,

Ba la -Cynwyd , who wil l serve on the

resolutions committee.

f-riday, Octoh"r 3D, 1936

Philip . t1'·e Lil';n".HlIl. I'uhlisherEdwin 1"'0 ) 'axRon. I · : tl l to l'Aline :\lorg-:lll H o l H ~ r t H . Sodal EclilcH'

Lo c al L e g io n na i re s Namcd

o n D istr ic t Commit tecs

Page FOUL"

Committee a )lpo in tmcnts for the

Ninth D is tr ic t o f t he Ame ri ca n Le

gion announced by Harold L. Reese,

Wynnewood, c ommande r o f the dis

trict, include th e r e appoin tment o f

Frank S. Challenger, Nar be rt h, a s

depu ty d i st r ic t c ommande r. Cha ll en

ge r is a mem be r o f t he H ar ol d D.

Speakman Pos t in Narberth.

Henry A. Frye , ano the r membe r o f

th e Narberth post , has been appointed

judge advocate fo r t h e N in th D ist r i ct .

COi/llty G. O. P. Confident

Bil t ,"Vallts Big Vole

J';lIt c n ~ d H e ( ' ( ) ~ l d - t ' I : I ~ : - ; Inat te l ' O ~ · t ( ) lJe)" 1:1, 1:11 I, at tht, 1 ' ( J ~ t Ollit'L' at .:":11:IJt'l 'th, I ';\., Ul ld t ' l ' t lw Ac l of ~ I a l ' ( ' h .tl g 7 ~ 1 .

]'i,:;-berth's J\brJi Gras

Till' : 'Ilardi Gras which in it s two

i1I'l,,,jou:; ~ ' ' ' a r s l1ttrncted h u n d r e d ~ of

h'ople to llavl'rJ'ol'll avenUe and ]11'0-

:ilk.! s,ll'c', harmless amus ement fo r

he ~ ' t J u ; ' ~ » t e r s on Mischief Night, is

he work or the N a r b l ~ r t h Business

C;"ullcil in nl1Jl1e on]::. A c t u a l l ~ ' , it islhe, d o i l 1 ~ of a h an d fu l o f energetic

) u h l i c - ~ J l i r i t e d business folk , who with

'n"lh('r handl'u! or their type, do~ v e l ' y t h i n l - ' : the U u s i n e ~ s Council ever


In Jl10st org'anizations it is only the

fc'w who do the w or k f or t he m an y.

it is unfortunate that r\al'berth, its

,'i"jc u ~ s o c j a t i o n long d ea d, h as 110

~ T o U p oj' 1111'n to func tion like Bala

C\"llW\'d'S Ne ighho rhood C lub, Me r-

\\':th b et te r t ha n a three-to-one i o ' n ' ~ ; ~ n d \ \ ' y n ~ e w o o d ' s and Penn Val

reg' istrat ion of Republicans as com- ky's Civic Associations. It does have,

f o r t u n a t e l ~ ' , fine active womeu'sparel l w ith Democmts, Mon tgomery

!!.Toups-l\lu]'c'I'es to a id t he fire com-G. O. P. leaders look f or wa rd t o t he I bpan,>; \Vomen's C O l 1 1 m u n i t ~ , C u ,election, fOUl' days hence, with a ' ; ',n io r and .Junior branches ; Parents

fel,ling of hoth conf idence and con- ' J"' acl l l' r s' Associat ion , 1I10st innuen

cern. tial o f a ll , but confined to its own

Thcy ar c confidc'nt that they will p ro vi nc e, A nd Narberth's church or

carry the c o u n t ~ · with a plurality in ,.!:anizations 111'1' s tro ng , a s their ]last

e x c e s ~ of :lO.OOO-some think i t w il l publicity in t r emendous s t re ams has

reach ..J:;.OOO when the b al lot s are i nd ic at ed . A nd t he re 's t he L ih ra ry

tabulathl-l1nd tl1l'y are at the same :\s,;oeiation. But no one group looks

time concl'rned l es t t he h ig he st pos- after Narbc 'r th 's in teres ts as a men's

sihle Ih'publican vote may not he cast. civic organization ,;hould. No grouJ l,

This i,; a matter of grave concern that is. hut the Business Council.

because , wi th t he ] )e mo cr at s l us ti ng R ea ll y rell1arlmble ar e ti l l ' achieve-

fo r a victory in t h e S tat e, e ve ry He- nll'nts of this b o d ~ ' - C h r i s t m a s lights, C o m e d ~ ' , thl 'i lb Hnd romance make

publican vote lI1ay be needed to keep donations to the poo r, who arc under i ":'IIurder in the FI<,et" unus lla l en ter

P(·nnsyh'ania in t he t r ad i ti o na l Re- :\Irs. Eherhart :'Ilueller's kindly care; it a ~ n m e n , t

at theE g ~ ' p t i a n

Theatrepuhlican eolumn on : \ 'o \ 'ember :l. s t at i on a nd road s ign improvements ; thiS Friday and S a t u J ' ( l a ~ ' , Th e cast

Fo r this r e a ~ o l 1 efrort is to be made peddler, huck st e r a nd circular dis- includes Rohert T a ~ ' l o r , Un a Merkel

to ge t tlJ(lse who o pp os e t he N ew Dea l tribution control ; l \ lard i Gras, etc. - and J ean Pa rke r. The accompanying

to the ) lo ll s in such o\'erwhelmingly \\,I]('n "lill consider that of the 150 b il l includes a hilarious Laurel and

RepubI :can Count ies as l\lontgoll1ery b l l s i n e ~ s and profess iona l people in, Hanly farce, "The Live Ghost."

and Dl'lawarl' as ,n'I1 as in t h o ~ e ~ a r b e r t h , o n l ~ ' 70 are remotely in-: Timdy story of the tempestuous

areas where the pl'l'ponderance is less' tl'I'l's1<,d in the Business Council, and e le ct io n o f Andrew ,Jackson, "The

pronounced. attendance of 20 is a rarity at any· (;ol'geous Hussy" w il l p la y Mon da y,

Cong'rcssman .J. \Villiam Ditter is nll'e1ing no mutter how greal the im- T uc sd ay a nd \ V e d n e s d a ~ · . Lionel

more th an the head of the Republican portance. B a l ' l ' ~ ' m o r e is s up er h a s t he s ev en th

ticl;l't in Montgomerv C ou nt y w hi ch : \'o ti ce s were sent to 70 psuedo- p r e ~ i d e n t o f t he Uni te d States; Joan

constitutes his congl :ess ional ' :listrict. nH'mbl'rs, invit ing them to attend th e C rawford e na ct s t he tuvern-keeper's

He is conducting' a thorough cam- regu la r month ly meeting l \ I ~ ~ H l a y , Oc- daughter who became Democra.cy's

paign on h is own accoun t. tober ] 2. Foul' attended. I h e r ~ was First L ad y; a nd Rob er t T ;l yl or IS a

MI'. Ditter i s c onvi nc ed , after a 110 blizzard; mos t o f t he r es t SImply ~ ' o u n g naval officer,

complete canvass of the county, that were not interested. T r e a s ~ l 1 " e r I-Ian,'Y Thurs da y , th e E g ~ ' p t i a n ' s "Double

the Republican margin will be of Hollar is snubbed and l11su lted In Ban k N ig ht ," "The Cr ime of Dr.

gen erou s p ropor t io ns . In fa ct , if the ~ t o r e af ter s to re , when he c al ls t o Forbes" wil l haf fle t he m os t astute

trend now in progress continues fo r col le ct dues (reduceu recently from myste ry-so lve r. It features taut

the next ten days, and he s ees no $12 to. $6 a y ~ u r ) . Th e secretary l lr am a a nd an unusual love story,

I 'e as on why it will not, the vic to ry complamed of Illness a nd p re ss of s tarr ing- Gloria Stuart, Robe r t Kent

will r ea ch ' la nd sl id e pr op or ti on s. b us in ess a nd q ui t last mon th , a nd I , a nd H en ry Armetta.

By that, Congressman Ditter inlli- who am faidy, b u ~ y , after all, w,as Friday a nd S at ur da y, t he year's

cates that he mean s the largest Re- forced t o be actll1g secretary. So I m funniest c om ed y i s coming-"Kelly

publican p lural i ty since 1!l30. b u r ~ t up at t he w ay the bulk of t he t he Second," with Patsy Kel ly a nd

In Lower Mer ion, Peter C. Hess is busl1less people leave the worl; to be Charles Chase.quoted a s e st im at in g t he Republican done a few, and then crab ab?ut

plurality at 10,000. T he A bi ng to n t he thmg-s the few try to accomphsh.

section is expected by those i n tou ch It has been )wo]losed to turn the

w it h t he s it ua ti on to do as well or Mardi Gras ove r to the pub li c to do

better. with as it pleases. In the meantime,

Both sections will probably sec after only four officers attended amany voters at the polling places this meeting- to , ,:hich 70 m e m b ~ r s . were " S ~ \ ' i n g - , Tim e." th e ~ l e w F ~ ' e l lyear who sel dom participate in elec- invited , PreSIdent Joe Adelizzl and IAstall'e-GlI1ger Rogers muslc,al C 0 1 ~ l l n gtions. l1is workers deserve great c red i t fo r, to th e Ardmore Theatre thIS FrIday

Leaders in all parts of t he c ou nt y t he ir c ou ra ge in cm:rying on t ~ l e ifo r five days, is m?re genero.us to

report exceptional interest in t he M ar di G ra s plans. \veather permIt-I those who eagerly WUlt for the nllnble

pres iden tial contest and the to ta l vote ting', tonig,ht's ,airair w ill b e a s U ~ - ! :ooted pair p res en t th e l as t, \\'ordi s expl ' cted to t ou ch an a ll - time high cl'ss--hut I t wI ll not redound c ~ ' e d l t team dancll1g than any of theIr pre-

on November 3. to most of the Narberth busllless "IOUS features.

R ep or ts f rom t he o th er s id e o f t he men. Now t he y may b e s een i n f ou l' dis-poli t ica l fence indicate that condi- TOM ELWOOD. I i n cth' e numbe rs s et to tl1P. rhythms

tions among' the Democra t ic brethren of "The \Vay You Look Tonight,"

is a ny th in g b ut s at is fa ct or y. T he y 001 '0 Amcrican Legion "Never Gonnn Dance ," "Pick Yourself

a dmi t p r iv at e ly that they ar e no t Ins ta l ls Ne w Officers U p" a nd "Waltz in Springtime," all

very hopeful. rontlnue<l from l'al:e One by .Jerome Kern, \\'ho scored this RKO

The opening of local headquarters ba t tle s a nd was wounded whi le under rad io picture.

in various parts of t he c ounty give machine gun fire.

a surface appearance of ac t iv i ty, bu t I The speaker was decorated with the Republicanisel \1 crsuspersons in a pos it ion t o know , report ' Silver Star, Ordc'r of The Purp1L'

that things betwel'n the old l ine Demo- Henrt, Croix de Gue1'l'e and Medal of

crats, l ed hy McAvoy and GUlrey, a nd Mer it .the 1\'ew Dealers, represented by Sec- It was announced J udg- e HalTY S .

retary .J. Hansell F re nc h a nd othCl McDev it t, P hi la de lp hi a, w il l b e the

late Republicans, a re f ar from t he s pe ak er at t he A rm is ti ce D ay Ban

perfect political marriage. quet November 11. Arranging th e

T he n t he re is a group carrying affair are Messrs. Durbin, Frye , \Vun

considerable innuence which is frankly del', Cooke and A. PelTY RI'<\ifer.

and definitely against the N ew Deal The Legionnaires planned to turn

as a matter of principle. In this over the surplus from the post's

group is H. Sturgis I ng er so ll a nd h is F ou rt h of Ju ly ac tiv i tie s to the bor

brothel', John H. \V. Ing er so ll . Both ough Rec re at ion Boa rd as the nucleus

live in Penllyn an d John Was at one of a worthy community cause.

t ime th e Democ ra ti c nominee f or a s


These men are open in their pro

t es ts a ga in st the policies of Mr.

Roosevelt and will vote fo r Landon.

The la te st recruit to th is fact ion is

Philip C. Pendleton, \\'ho was the

Democratic nominee fo r Congress s ix

years ago. B oth Pendlet on and iGeorge W. N or ri s, t he Gwynedd Ibanker, have announced themselves i

fo r Landon during the past week.

. -"' .. ,

Telephones-Narberth 4100, Cynwyd 811Subscription rate. $2 per year In advance

Office- 209 Haver ford Ave" Narb:.orrh

OURToWNA CO-,J)J/'I 'lllil'e COIII,III/Illily N('/VsP//IJ l 'f

;olllllied il/ 1 ~ 1 ] I /Jy Ihl' Norl!" l ' l l iCi/·;c ANNO/'itftiol/, //nrl }J//iJ/lshcd, 'I '. 'I '!! /o'l'i,I((!I ((I N((l'iJcl'llt, 1'11.

Page 5: Our Town October 30, 1936

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Page Five


BuiLding MaterialsWood




Cross in Rcadinessf or Annua l Roll Call



Fresh mined Grade A

31 Bala Avc., Bala-CYl1wyd



Stove 10.25

Coke (Fairlllont) $9

.tn opel'-

fair to all classes.

suburbs and farln



The Execu ti ve Boa rd o f the l\lerion

b ra nc h o f t he L ea gu e o f Women Vot er s met at the home o f the chairmall ,

:'tIl'S. ,I. Alden Tifft on Ba ir d r oad,

i \l er ion, Wednesday . A luncheon






Factories in the county are again

ation. Working night and day.







because:1. The United States is functioning again.

2. We will not entrust our future to the HooverGrundy candidate.

S. President Roosevelt has led us out of the


4. President Roosevelt is

5. Real Estate in the cities,districts again has value.

6. The Mercantile trade is showing a steady

increase in volume.

t he m a nd i f t he y ar e given

opera tion, they will tal,e

your messages.

Mari011ette Sho1V

From t he Hanl ey Mar ione tt e Show

there was a bal an ce o f $3.56. This

was g i\ 'e n t o the school paper, 'fhefJun D ia l, t o help its expenses.








Thousands of Republicans throughout the nation, with. the

Delnocrats, are supporting and voting for the present Gov



- - - - - - - - -


DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COMMITTEE.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


; ;

In the Schools

J 1 / I 1 , ~ e l l l l 1 Lccl/lrcs

i Certa in g ra de s ha ve h ea rd t alk s

! from s pe ak er s f rom t he Commercial

i and University Museums.

1 T he f ir st o ne of th ese w as o n Oc

I tober 1 2, o n "'fhe Stone Age ." T hi s

was f or t he t h ir d and s even th g rade s.

On the same da " a lecture was given

I to the second a 'ml fifth grades on

; Southwest Indians.I The third, fifth, s ix th a nd eighth

!grades heard a t al k o n t re es on 01' : tober 2G.

We hope to heal' the following:

For Sale


15c a linefor Both Newspapers

COUIII five \ \'orlls to lille



-will ht' al '' 't'pted up to \V<,dnesday. 5 o'clock, fol' l ~ " ' I " i ( l a y ' s issues.

-\\'ill be eharged ollly to residentswh os e n ame s appear ill th e telephone directol"Y 01" to !-'uh!-'cribE'l'st o OUH TOW :, \ or t he NEWS 010BALA-CYXWVD.

J)0/'ofIi1 .!,,!t llsfolle D a s< ' ll '/ ' , t h e

/l '1 '1I-k'/fI/I'1/ h/ I r]JiNt, /l'11() l(Oill bc

fhl' soloist (I( t!te !tl'ei/JI'ocit!!

1"11/1'1'1'011 0/ the . \ ' ( lI ' {" , /, (h 110111-

I'II'S COllllllllllit!! C{II{' 1'I/CSrlll!!.

Real Estate for RerltHOUSE & Apt. rentals all along th e"Ma in L in e. " Ros er B ro s. . R ea lt or s

"At Ardmore Statlon"-Ardmore 680. .

Sill/atiollS Walltcd,L\:'\lTOH SEI{\'ICJo: in exe. fot' rent. 0"fnll <i1l1e wil h IJ ar. She r, 8 0 ; ' ~ , (3)

, Iyour 1'0- ment to AnnapolIs f rom former U. S. Rcdcare o f S en at or George \Vharton Peppel' and

was graduated f rom t he Nav al A ea d-

<'Illy June 5, HJ30. 'fhe regular monthly meet ing o f t h e

On June 14, l[J30, he married !\Iiss 1\[ain Line Branch No.1, Southeastern

l\Iary Dold, daughter of Mr. and l \ I r ~ , Pennsylvania Chapter, American Red

Eo P . D ol d, o f Na rbe rt h , at a mil i- C ro s s, was hel d i n headquarters in the

iary wcdding at S t. J oh n' s C hu rc h, T imes Med ical Bu il d ing , Tuesday,

Cynwyd. with !\II's. Henry C. Eamshaw pre-

Asscmbly Hewa s t he son o f Capt ai n and !\Irs. siding.

The fifth g 'mde had a vc ry i nt er - Fred C. Pattcn, formcrly of Narberth, The B ra il le D ep ar tmen t r cp or te d

e ~ t i n g a ~ s c m b l y p,el'iod. They learned Iand is a l so survived by a brother, new rooms have been opened in the

about t he u se s of hemlock t od ay a nd F rc d C. Patten, Jr. , and a t h ree-and- Times Medical Building' f or t he printhow th<' In(Lans used hemlock. They one-half-year-old daughter. ing of Brai l le hooks. More volunteers

sallg s o n l ~ S and recitations ab ou t C ap ta in F red C. Patten i s th<' ar e needed f or t hi s work.

trees, The fifth grade also planted a founder and registrar o f t he Admi ra l Mrs. Charles S. Starr, chairman of

beautiful state hemlock tree in front Farragut Aca<lemy on Toms niver, 1\Iembership, stated that everythingo f t he school. N. J ., a nd f or me rl y was connect ed is in r ea di ne ss f or t he d ri \' e whi ch

MIINI'IIIIl Casc E : r l i i b i t , ~ with t he Val le" Forge Military t\cad-NO\'ember ?O-Pottery GI"llles: 3 ' . • hegins Armistice Day, November II ., . - ,. , ,I The sumnIPr school ar t class made emy. In eonnection w it h t hi s a Roll Call

:G, i' 8. I? 1 ! l 3 ~ CI ' L'f some v e r ~ ' i n t eres ting ar ti c les , which Luncheon will b e h el d in the !\IerionI , a n u a r ~ ' -, ' /- l111ese I e. ar c now being exhibi ted in the nlU-Grades: 4, 6, 7. Club Women Enjoy Cricket Club on ! \ I o n d a ~ ' , November !J,

Is cum case in the lower floor of the F II ' I' T' at 12,30 P. l\I. This luncheon wI11 be

FebJ'llUry ! l- The E sk imo. Gm( e s : mai n building. -ran, In nstltutc rip " .I, 2, '1 ' } ' , I - - - followed by a bnef movmg pICture

Ie museum case IS s Imp y a case I .February 15-0m ' \ Vi nt er B ir d ~ : h o w i n g di ffe rent th ings f rom all the Two I ~ u n d r e d and eighty-five clubr,================il

Fri ends , Grades : 1, 2, 3. count ri es o f t he world. The articles Iwomen from Montgomery and Del a-

Apri l 1! l -Conques t of Mexico and that arc be ing exhib it ed are as fol- wal\' Counties a tt ended t he meet ing

Peru. Grades: 3 ,5 ,7 . lows: Indian pott e ry , homes of In- at t he F r ank li n Museum last Thurs-

1\Tay 7-Insect \Vonders. Grades: dians , gods of Indians made o f c a rd - day a ft er noon . They were welcomed2, 4, 6, 7, 8, board and painted, an E g Y P t i a n : ' ~ l\lrs. ,Iohn A. Adee, v i c e - p r ~ s i d < , n (

Narberth Bridge Club Asscmbly scene, and ar t project correlated with 0.1 the 1\lon tgomery C O l ~ n t y I' e ~ l e r a -Wednesday evening, October 21 - Our last assembly p ro gr am was Eng li sh made of soap, old-fashioned tlOn, and !\Irs. Leroy Smith, presHI.ent

Top score, C. A, Hammer and Char l es sponso r ed by Mr. Harkness. ' fwo his- dolls a nd a n e ar ly G erm an v illa ge . of t he Del awa re Count y FederatIOn,

, . , ' t or y p la ys were given b y t he e ig ht h These llro,l'eels arc very well <lone Ml.'S. 1.1'011 Webster !\Ie,le.her wa.s ap-13, Stoudt; s c t ~ o n d place, 1\ll's. C. A. I I' t' tl 1\1 I f I I bl Ii gTaf es, represen lllg Ie narc 1 0 and everyone enjoys 100Hn' at them pOl ll te f ]1ress anf pu ICl ty c HllrmanHammer and 1\ll's. Charles B, Stoudt. TI·II1C. Aftel' t h l ' ~ . \"e ~ , a \ v a Red . ' ' g • j' 'I t C t' , O ' VIRGINIA KNAPP. or "ongomery oun y. IFriday aftel 'lloon-Top score, l\Jjss i Cross picture on Flood Relief. We l\I 5S Eleanor O' I(ane s]1oke of her

Anna V. Foley and Mrs . T. \V. Blake;' a re h av in g a special dri\'e in the eX]1eriences in Spain and gave an out-Classmates to H on or

second place, 1\[I'S. Charles B. Stoudt school for the Junior Red Cross. If line o f t he ehamc te r of t he Spaniard ,

and 1\ll's. l\l, C. H i n ( ~ h a u g h , Jr . i each ]1erson brings some money , no R. M. Pattcn's Mcmory (iuy :'tlarrinf'r, assistant di rec tor of

Saturday cYening-Top score, !\Ir .'matter how l it tl e , it will he grcatly Continued trom P a ~ e One music o f t he I ns ti tu te , g av e a short

and Mrs. C, Alfred l ' eem'y; second, appreciated. into t he s ea after colliding with a n- ta lk o n i\lus ic App re ci at ion and

place, l\h'. and l\1rs. \V. S, Hutton. PH/)iIN AlISlUc)' Pho)/c other a i rp lane dur ing fleet maneuvers p l a ~ ' e r l several solos., When 1\[1', Drennen and Miss Fra- 100 mi les west of the Canal Zone. Thi s was f ol lowed by a vi si t to the,

I) V II G d Cl b ' Ialltoni both find it impossible to be He is buried in t he Nationa l Ceme- Planetarium and a trip through the,cn n a ey Jar en 1I ' I ' . 'J t A I'• " .: III t Ie ofTlce, they select certam pUpl s ery at l' lllg(on. museum.

, 1 he I ~ x e c u t l v c Boar.d of the" Penn: in the school to take their places. At Lower Merion High School, from\ a l k ~ ' C,ardl'l1 Club wIll llWC't I, hurs- ! Then there w il l be someone t he re t o which he graduateLl in 1!l2G, Lieutelld'l\' ~ o v c m b e r 'j 'It the home of 1\[I'S '• , • , , ' • " I an swer t he telephone. \Ve ask vou alit Patten was quart e rback on th<·El'Iwst C Drew on l\Ioreno road Pell11 i • '" e ' . ' I . to l ~ e l p these y o u n ~ s t e r s I f t he y get I football team and a m e m b ( ~ r of til<'\ ,III . confused o r are a lIttle s low because basebal l team. He attended the

The next m e e t ~ n g ofT the club will: the" ar c not accustomed to it. \Ve I Severn School, Severn Park, 1\1(1., forhe Monfh\' l11ol'nlng' l"ll\'('Il1])('r n at .' . , . I ", .' . . , t hl ll k t hI S w ll l b e good experIence for Ia v ea l' and t hen recel\'ed an apPol1lt-10,:lO at the home of l\Il's..J. 13ruce '

Ihall on Bryn :'tIawr an'nue, Penn


1\Irs. George Batchelder will speak

on "Forcing Bulbs."

Boy Scout Notes

Receptioll Follows Weddillg Iof Charlotte Deacoll Moore

to A. D. Burt ill New Jersey:-- IAn out-of-town wedding of interest I

took Illace last Saturday afternoon,

at foul' o'clock when Miss Charlotte!

Deacon !\Ioore, daughter o f Mr . and iMrs . Cha rl es 1\1oore, of Br idgeton,!

New Jerser , beeame the bride uf AJ-:

exander Dean Burt, son of !\II'. and'

Mrs. John Burt, of Narberth, in the:

Cohansey Bapt is t Church, at Rouds-:

t own, New Jersey. The Re\'. \\'illiamAllister =.\lacKenzie, pastor of the I

church, performed the ceremony. iThe b ri de was g iv en awa y by her'


I\1rs. Stiles Dean Ezell, of I\Ii<hlletown, N. Y., was t he lUutron of hunor. Coe/,pr S p a l l i e l ~ . 1JL,li/OJ(lll. J ' ( ' a ~ o l l a h l e .T he b rid esm aid s w er e th e Mi sse s' By A I ' / O ) ' I ' ~ ( ' I : I I I ~ 1 I 1 a l l - ~ i l ' e at ~ t l l d ,~ l i l . i ' i S - I ~ Stol 'ktol l 1(1. I'holle UL'l' lllillllo\\"1l

K a t h r ~ ' n Fry, ~ o r a Smith and Marie · I ~ I ; : I .Cai rn s, o f Phil ade lphia, and Helen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hardester, of Haddon Heights, New Lost IJersey. LOST, 0,,1. la"/Oe Fox '('C'ITi"I', malt·;David Cunningham, of Haddonfield, r , ' ~ e l l l h i e s hllnllll/O do.r; \\"'al'ill/O 110 eol- '

Jar; while buily. hrown ~ P O l Oil h:ll'k an dN . J ., w as t he b est m an . T he u sh er s i l e a l ' t - ~ I l : l p . ' d hl'o\\'n ~ I " , t 011 ~ i l l e ; hl'o\\'l1illcluded: Dr. Stiles Dean Eze ll , of & \ \ 'hite Ill 'all allll hlo\\11 lip 011 (ail.

:'\allle is Spotty, Hp\\'at'd. F. A. ~ I e S i l a l l ( ' ,:Middletown, New York ; Dr. Kenneth l I : l I l 1 p ~ ( e : l l l d""le, \ \ ' ~ · l l l l l ' \ \ ' o u d . AI'I!.Fr y and C ~ ' r u s Coulton, of PhiIa(!el- ~ ~ s - w.phia, und William Cot r inge r, o f Had - ------H-----------don field. F"lIl1th', llelp ~ : ~ I I ~ l a : ~ t ( ~ ~ ( ) " I I E T I , ; l l S , 1A recept ion held at Ivy Manor fd-, .'XPI'I'I"lll'ed Oil Illfallts' h:1I111-lllade

lowed the cerelUonr. The hostessl's! h n ( ) t ; . , . ~ , alld ~ a " l / l i e s . \ \' I 'l le <ilaN. ~ I e t z ,i\1 \\

"11' C ' 11 ;0.; Six th s t. , I ·i li la ., I 'a . (,;) Iwere I·S. I Jam otnnger und

Mrs. Crane , of Haddunfield, and 1\1rs.

Cyrus Coulton, of Philadelphia.

Rcceivillg wi th the bridal party was

l\Lss Elizabeth Burt, sister uf the Igroom, I At Your Service

Among the out-of- town gues t s were I ItELL\HLI'; , C ~ \ J ( P E N ' f E l t , alIemtlolls,. . . \ \ 'eathl ' l 's lnJl l) l I lg" . Uot t l i l .'h E:::,slillg'CI'

!\IlsS Clara i\IelvI1le,1\11'15.

Nellie Cor- <.'Oll\\'ay a,'''"ue, Call Xal'bel'lh 37,18-1::ROll, l\Iiss Virginia i\lcCleavy, Miss (tf)Marguerite Barnett, Miss Elizabdh CAI\PI';NTI';]\- BylLDEH -:- Estimates'v ., cheerfUlly fUl'Illshed, Jobblllg Ill'Olllptlyo eum, 1\ Irs. Maude Cuuk, Mrs. attellded to, Leallder \\'ickmall, 305 COII-

Leamy, Dr. a nd Mrs. Clyde Spallg-Ier, way a v e . - N : : I ~ ~ r l h 3888-W. (5)Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Nyc, Dr. Edwin DHAPEHJES , SItp Cover s, Vel le tl an

L L D.1 i\1 • D ' bIt l ids, Awnings, Furn!lure, Upholster-

. ame, r. unu IrS. aVILl Dewey, lng, B e d d l n ~ s , H u ~ s cleaned, repairedDet ar , a nd Mr. and Mrs. John M.I and slored. Challengel', 281 1 I I 0 n t ~ 0 l t l e r yEnbur r all f p}'1 d I I' i\1 d ave ll ue , Cynwyd. Phone , Cynwyd 85

g, 0 11 a e p lla. r. an I·'ormorly \\'Itlt John Wanamaker. (tt)

Mrs . Char l es R. Starn, of Narberth; UPHOLS'I 'EmN'O and rep. S p l ' i n ~ s ot

Miss Alice Moore, of East Orange, I 3 -p leeo sui tes repai red. $10; Chai r re-

N. J.; 1\11. and I\1rs. Cotr inger, of ~ ~ ~ · e ~ ~ d i . . : I ~ ~ a s i ~ o r ~ 1 ~ . ~ ~ V h ~ ; ~ ' Y n ; ~ l l 9 t e w i s .Haddonfield; I\1rs. Alexande r Dean

Burt, Miss Geneva Burt, and Rev.

and Mrs. J. U. Selwyn Toms, o f Wen

. an ah , N . J. j Mrs. James Moser, of

District Au'al 'r ls Pl'cselltet!

Foul' :'tTain Line Troops reeeind the

Di st ri ct Awar d for maintaining a

consistent program of scouting

throughout the summer months. ' f h e ~ 'we re Ardmor e 1'\0, :3, Bala-Cynwyd

No.2, l\!erion No.2 , and \Vynnewoo(1

No.1 . Th e award presented is o nl '

of several which a troop Illust earn in

order to receive the Council Award.

J]l'eOIllI'S EIIOII' 8colI(

Last :'tlonday night at the w e e k l ~ 'troop meeting, Donald Love, or

\\'ynnewood !II o. 1, rece ived the high

es t award which scout ing can give.

C. B. CI ipsham, chairman of the

Court of Hon or f or t he Main Line

Di st ri ct p re sen te d h im wit h t he Eagl e The l\Iain Line Branch No. I,

badge, evidence of eal'1ling' twenty-one Southeas tern Pennsylvania Chapter,

mcrit b ad ge s. Don al d is Senio r pa - American ReLl Cros s, i s sponsoring a

hoI l ea de r o f t he \ \ ' ~ ' n n e w o o d Troop class i n Home Hyg ie ne a nd C ar e o f Iand a member of the O rder of the Ith e Sick, which wil l meet one after

A rro w, D elm on t o rg an iz at io n f or I noon a week for one hour and a half. i

those scouts who display outstanding! Anyone interested in taking this Iqual i ti es of character and leadershiP,1 course please.communicate b:fore No-

At t he s ame t ro op meeting, \V. J. \ vember 6 WIth t he Amer ic an Red IDrennen, cha irman of the Dis tr i ct Ac- Cross , Times Medical Building, Ard

tivities' Committee, p re se nt ed t he more. Telephone Ardmore 4077.

Wynnewood Troop with D istrictI IA ~ v a r d s for main,taining. a complete Kansas City, and ~ I r . Mrs. John IP 1 o g r a l ~ 1 of . S C O U t l l l ~ t h ~ o u . g h , o u t tl.le lA. Davi s, o f Ha rd ll l gv I ll e, N . J.I

s u ~ n m e l , fOI the \ a ,l le ) , FOI ge ~ I 1 - On t h ei r r e tu r n from a wedding I

gnl1lage, and for mentonous showlllg trip t h rough the south, 1\11. and Mrs. i, a t t he Camporee. Burt will l ive in Haddon Heights . I






Phon" NARBERTH 4100


The Gar den Club of Bala-Cynwyd

will meet at the \Voman's Club Thurs· 1

d a ~ ' , 1\ ovember G, at 10 A. 1\1. Mrs.

\Villiam Kurtz l\Iyers, president, will

preside and 1\lrs. Arthur Hoyt Scott,of Swarthmore, will talk on "Garden

Club of America in Japan and

France ," i l lus t ra t ed by pictures . ' fh is

will be an open meeting'.

i\I rs. l\Tyers has appointed the following' as cha irmen : p rog ram, Mrs .

R i char d \ \' , Thor ingt on , o f Wynne

wood; conservation, Mrs. Ralph Light ;

flowers for members, 1\1rs. Clarence

T. Far ies , of \\'ynnewood; flowers for

flow<'rless Philadelphia, !\II's. Roy E.

Clark, of C y n w ~ ' d ; Flower Mart , M1'5.

John ill. Young , o f Cynwyd; hospi

tality, 1\l rs , L . Herbert Tily, of Cyn

wyd; membe rs hi p, 1\11'15. P e ] ' l ' ~ ' D.

Richards , of Ardmore; publicity, l\lrs.

'Valter C, 1\eely, of : ' lerion; proper

ties, l\Irs. :'tlattl1('w l\!cVickar, .11'., of

Cynwyd, and pilgrimag('s, :'tIl'S.

Thomas Cul li nan. O t he rs wil l b e an

nounced latl'r.



Mrs. William Kurtz Myers

Names Heads for Activitics

October 30, 1936

Comlllittee Chairillenfor Garden Club

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. ' . , .'

October 30, 1936




Kehley Run Local, United Mine Workers of America


Publisher, Progressive Labor World

JOHN A. McSPARRAN, DemocratFormer Master, Pennsylvania Grange

Former Secretary, Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture

E. LOWRY HUMES, Democrat

Former U. S. District Attorney

MRS. WM. H. BIESTER, JR., Republican

Past National President, American Legion Auxiliary





Former Governor, Federal Reserve Bank,

Philadelphia District


Former u. s. Senator

To Those on Relief and WPA:


Gilberton Local, United Mine Workers of America



Former Member of Congress

Further than that -








When you go to the polling place on Tuesday next, REMEMBER THIS:

The Constitution guarantees to every qualified voter-irrespective of race, creed or color- no t only the RIGHT TO VOTE, but the right to voteSECRETLY-EACH ACCORDINGTO HIS AND HER OWN CONSCIENCE-ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM INTERFER



The right to vote is the foundation- the bed-rock - of representative governnlent. For acentury and a half that right, and that alone, has enabled the people of this country to select theirpublic officials and determine the laws and governmental principles under which they desired to



There will be those who, on Tuesday next, will attempt tomakepoliticalcapitalout ofyourmis

fortunes. They will insult you with the demand that you vote as they order.



They may seek to justify their impudence by telling you that the New Deal has been providing for your needs and, therefore, it is your duty tovotefor theNew Dealcandidates in this election.




They may whisper some threat.



They nlay try to tell you that they will know how you voted.






Page S ix

Bus Driver Made Honorary

Member; Pl'esident ComesFrom Boston

Membel's o r L ow er Merion T-lig'h

School's graduating class of IHIG saw

L. i\1. H. S. varsity defeat West Phi la

del phi a High , 1:]-0, l as t Sat ur day,

and then e n . i o ~ · ( : t I a 20th reunion at It he L l ane rch Coun tr y Club.Presiding was \Villial11 Shupcrt,

class president, who cal11e from Eos

ton to p.tV,"d the event.

Made honorary mel11ber with a de

g re e o f ":c\Iaster of Science in Trans

portation" was Bm·tholol11ew "Bat"

C a s s i d ~ " .veteran school .bus driver. 'IRemllllscellees were g iv en b y these

teachers Samuel S h ~ l l a n u m , W i l l i : ~ m 1

P. Nash, Frank V. Hll lehart and MISS,

Ethel Bal,er, anti by these class l11el11-:

bel'S: iI

Judge Miller, Will iam i\ IeDowdl,

Herbert Pac]wr, Graec Stillwagon

Davis, Dl'. L. R. Davis, .josl'ph Allen,

I-Iany Swing'.. J ohn C. \Yinters, i\[rs.l\Iary ~ e o t l :\lcShan(: and James Os


1\ew nW111her s t aken in by vote of

the' clas" are:

:'Iliss ] ) o r o ( h ~ ' IIl,llal1,1, i\Iiss Ethcl

Baker, \Yil li anl I '. :\:\5h, W. Ivan

Si111p,.'on, Ilineharl, Shananwn and

C a s s i d ~ ' .A l ' r a n , ~ ' i n : ~ thl' , l Ifa i r was this C0111

mittel': :'111':'- : 'Ilary St'(J\l : 'IIcShan, '.

chairm:l11: ,\11," ,jl:an 11,1111111('1' l ~ a J l J 1 .Mrs, Elizal".lh Dur(Jss, :111:. D o r o l h ~ 'HUI'n" I'acl;c'l', :'III'S. An1l'da I'ark,','

Johns(J):, Frank C. B'·:I:'(lII. II an:,

S \ \ ' i n ~ , .jusl'ph n, :\Iit-n, ,·\ll'xant!,,·

Da\'issil,n, John \Yilltc'l':'.Alll<:nc:' tho:,,' p j '( ' : "' I I ! \ \ l 'l ' l ' Ill'. : l l l l :

?IIIS. 1.<l\\','nC(' U:l\'i.-. :--;<t , I J l ' I ' ~ L : :\1

Kath("'j 11" I)U ( (' I 1I ' I' . : \ ; ". : I ll, ; .\1," .. '..

exander T-IolcomIJP, :1 i , , ~ Evelyn I!'

win, :III'" I.,c;,,· Kl"'!'" To\\ '. 11

:\Ial',l!;:tl'l'l :'Ilillw::n, :'III', :\Jill :Ii ,

John \ \ ·i l llc 'l 's. all 0[' Jlal;;·(, ',:

Mr. an d :\11':'. F. ,\. :\lcSii:lliC'. . ; ,',\Vynncwolll!.

Hedgerow on Three-Day .Schedule During November

'16 High School Class \1 ---MembersHoldReunion i

Merioll Noles

i \ I r ~ . Frederiek S . K il 'k , oj' Indian

Crcek road. ()\','rllj'ook, \I'ill g'i\'" :t

hl llcheon nnd bl' id '''c' 1 ' : l l ' t ~ ' \Yednl'"day, NO\'('llll)('I' 11. ill iI,>",,' of : \I i.c

Margal'!'t : 'I lallil Priz( '1' ,Iaughlp!, of

1\11'. an d i 'll ' '' . I], .\tt:uo!'e Prize!', or

Berkley road. ;\I"ri,)n, who.-;e nHlI'I'iag','

tol\Il'. Hc'nl'y

l'aneonst l I u e ~ 'will

ta b

place Dec(11111,) 8 in the E l ' ~ ' n ?llawl'

P r e s h ~ , t e r i a n Chul'eh.l\Iiss Katherine Wetherill, of 1\[,'1'

i on , wi ll entertain at n l un ch co ll

b r idge and showe r in honor of lIli,,:,

PrizeI' Novembcr 20, and Mrs. n.Wcbstel' Bell, of l\lerion. at n lunch

eon and b ri dgc NOVCI11bel' 25.

l\Irs. George S. Heston, of \ V ~ ' n n "wood, will entertain at a tea in honor

of lUis,", PrizeI' Novemhcr 20.l\Irs. Eo Hol t E li ason , oj' \'all,',

V iew r oa d, e nt er ta in ed h er c lu b al

luncheon and br idge Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. lIIachC'lh

o f Beacom lane, had as their week

end guests Dr. and I\lrs. John Frei

hert, of Wntel'bury, Conn.

Mr . a nd 1\11'5. ;\[acheth spent sev-

era I days in Atlantic C it y t h is week.

Miss Gretchen I \ I ~ ' e r s , daughter of

Mr. a nd Mr s. W il li am Kur tz M ye rs ,

of Winding' Way, who is on a trip

around the world, sailed fl'om Hono·

l ul u o n Mon day f or A uk lan d, Nt'w IZea la nd , whe re s he will spend ten,

days before leaving for Sydney, Aus


Mr. and Mrs. Donald 1\1. Smith, of

Merion road, enterta ined at a birth

day par ty Saturday i n h on or o f their

daughter, Miss Mary Smith, to celebra te her eighth bir thday. There were

18 guests.

Miss Eleanor DeVilbiss, daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. DeVilbiss, of

Berkley road, s pent t he week-end at

Wellesley visiting he r sister, Miss Ja

net DeVilbiss, who has just become

a member of the Zeta Alpha Society .

Miss Janet DeVilbiss is a member

o f t he J un io r Class at Wellesley Col


Miss Jacqueline Bird, daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery

Bird, of Beacom road, will spend the

week-end at Bethlehem, where she Iw il l b e among the guests at a house

party t o b e g iv en by Lehigh Univer



Following its autumn custom the

Hedgerow Theatre at Moylan will beopen Thursdays , Fridays and Satur

day!. ' onl,y during November. Th e

playhou,;e's schedule f or t he c om in g

wee k i s: T hi s Fr id ay, "An American

Tragedy," Dreiser-Piscator; t hi s Sa t

urday , "Cast U p by the Sea, the Lea

cock-Farmer travesty; next Thursday,

Shakespeare's "Twelf th Night ."


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Page Seven

Crozer Seminary at the invitation of

Charles R. Leech, president of the

C1'Ozer student body and s on o f Mr.and Mrs. Charles S. Leech, of 102

Dudley avenue, Narberth.

Investigate ou r low combination gas rate.Als o, l et u s explain fully ou r convenientbudgct plaq permitting you to make equalmonthly paymcnts for gas consumcd.

could set th e thermostat at th e tem

per atur e wanted and let th e auto

matic control k ee p i t a t t hi s p oi nt .

We'll install either Janitrol or Wels

bach ConversionBurnersimmediatelv

on a smalldown payment.Price-$195c as h f or e it he r, i ns ta ll ed . S li ght ly

higher on budget plan-3 years topay.

. - - - - IMPORTANT1----.

f!:,"" .- ••


hibition of badminton at Crozer Semi

nary, Chester, last Thursday.

T he t eam composed of Mr. Keigh

ton and l\Iessrs. Ralph Giles, John

K en t a n(I Walter B. Taitt , came to

At Our Suburban Stores or See Your Plumber or Heating Contractor

Well, you can't blame the l i tt le lady!

Sh e l ik es even home t empera t ur e

an d who doesn't.Bu t FriendHusband

can't seem to get th e knack. A wow at

th e office, he's a du d at providing heat.

Our sympathy goes o ut to t hi s M r.

an d Mrs. They' re just like many whofret their way through winter. And

they really could enjoyhome l ifetoth e

full-at least as far as temperature isconcerned-if t hey w ou ld j us t turn

over a new leaf an d have clean, all-effi·cient, controllable gas heat.Then, they

With an entirely new type of motor car body

- now available for the first time on any low

priced car-combining new silence wi th new

safety for your faluiiy.


Give Badminton Exhibition

The Rev. Robert E. Keighton, pas

tor, and t h ree members of the Bapt is t

Church o f t he E va ng el put on an ex-




Hard, clcan,


"I t docs

last longcr"


Narberth 2430


DeliveriesSix trucks to serve

you. No need to wait

in all day. Just sa y

whc n you wan t i t.

S et tl e fo r $45,000,

creasing Ardmore




Narberth Coal

CompanyRalph S. Dlwne


The Lower Merion Board o f Edu

cation wi ll in the neal' future make

settlement of $45,000 for the prop

erty of James Clarke, situated along

\Yis ter road at the rear o f t he IJres

ent high school plant.The Bar l, er proper ty, f rom which a

three-story house was removed intact

recen tly , has , a lso been ad ded t o t he

hig'h school's growing acreage.

Indications arc that a new Junior

High School, contemplated for sometime, wil l not he built in C y n w ~ ' d as

once i nt en de d, b ut w il l instead be

added to the high school group in


Add Clarke Property

to High School Planti

-Photo by Bachrach .

MRS. GEORGE CAMPBELL L E W I ~of Bryn Mawr, wllo is a member

of t he c ommit t ee plnnnil l [J t i le

pro[Jrnm f or S ta te F cc /e mt io n o f

lVomen's Clnbs to be held frail!

Ma y 11 to Mn y 14 in Philadelpllin.



bor ough o r t owns hi p,

inconvenience or ex-






'cuxurious 'civbzq blf tIle SeaAn au tho r migh t characterizeTHE DENNIS as a hotel with

a background-a rendezvous ford.istinguished peoplewho appreCiate those finerdetails of servicet ha t l if t a hos te lr y above the

commonplace. The luxuriousl oung ing rooms and sundeckst he sumptuous l} ' f u rn i sh ed

rooms and appetizing cuisine,thehealth bathsand dietkilChens-these together w it h a garden

terrace overlookingtbesea,markHOTEL DENNIS as distinctively diffetent. A stay here t ru ly"

is luxurious living by [he sea. "':'Rates wil l surpr is e and please ' .

you. Write for information. , .. :' ,,;;

WALTER J. DUZ flY, Inc. <>'. ' -" 'l . 0;:7

On the Ocean a t M lchh lan Ave. 3' ..... .' «. '''''".;1 ..,; : " O : ~ = ~ ~ : : : " } l ) ~ = : ~ )

iiOTIt D E N m s r Q ~ 3 t$ j : : l ] j ~ ~. .. ~ " . ; , ; ~ ~ : ~ . ' . : . : ~ : . ' , : . : . : < . : ..

pense.The only requi rement i s that

you mus t h av e lived i n P en n

~ y l v a n i a at least one year (or

s ix months, if you arc a former

Pennsylvanian) , and w it h i nyour present voting dis tr ic t for

two months . pr io r t o E le ct io n

Day, an d be sponsored by a reg

istered . oter.Your a ffidav it affirming resi

dence will be tal , en at the poll

ing place.

in any


With the inception o f c as h r eli ef Willt h roughout t he S ta te , it seems desiI'-

able t o c al l the at tention of relief re

cipients, storekeepers and o th er s t o

the necessity for observing certain

precautions in handling' the checkswhich s oo n w il l be i ss ue d in place of

the various t ype s o f relief orders nowin usc.

State Eme rgency Board Gives

Warning to Recipients

an d Storekecpers

Issues Instructionson Cash Relief Checks


Main Lines

Edw. A. Carroll Co.


E., M




S Tel€'phonv MANayunk 0166 MT0

., E


EBelmont Avenue and TLevering Mill Road





This is being done primarily with

the idea i n m ind that a l i t t le care usedin handling checks may avoid con...:irlerahle t roub le and expense, and

possibly ac tua l hard ship to re lief


1'0 the rel ief recipi rnt the following

are the 1110st important items to be

ContilluP<l fl"OIl1 l 'al :c Olle remembered.

Contrasts: Mrs. Cummins Cather- 1. Don't let fllllJolie e l . ~ e casll Yllur

wuod, o f B ry n Mawr, drove her au to - ('I/l'ck. It must be endorsed by the inmobile into a tree to avoid s tr ik ing; a di\'idual to whom it is issued-not that

dog, and s u f r ( ~ r e d a broken nose. She individual's wife (or husband) or

i s t he form!.'r Virginia Kent, daugh- some other member of the household.

te l' o f A. Atwater Kent, Ardmore .. " The signature on the back of t he check \\Vatching Miss Joan Adler, Consho- must be i n i nk , and must be exactly

hocken State road , Cynwyd, instead as t he name is written on the face of Iof the road, Alber t Frank, Philadel - the check.phia, ra n over and killed the Adler 2. Be carcflll with 1/0/0' clteck. It

family's dog, ] l a i ~ 1 $17.25. fine and! is impossible to r e p l a c ~ a lost or mis

costs be[O).e MagIstrate 1\.1'omer at Ilaid check without considerable delay.

Ardmore. Th is may mean h ard sh ip for yo ur

James "'ooIfolk, 15, Ardmore negro, fami ly so be ca re fu l w it h it. Ar

according to Low.er Merion police, l:as \ r a n g ~ to be at home when your checkc on fe ss ed to mos t of cleven larceJ1les is delivered an d cash it at once.in his community with which he is To s torekeepers or others who are

eharg·ed . . . . Dominic Nudy, Devon asked to cash relief checks the follow

shoemaker, died despite two oper a- i ng points arc emphasized;

tions at B r ~ ' n 1\lawr Hospital follow- 1. Be sure that vou can i dent if y I

ing- a t1.1roat i n j u ~ ' y caused by choking th e party who prese'nts the check Ion a Inece of chIcken. th e one t o w hom it i s i ssued. Don't

Nathan Sumner, a lleged c lerk at accep t checks from peopl e you don't

\ViIliam Okum's delicatessen on City know, .

Line avenue, B a l a - C y n w ~ d , was fined 2. Be sure that the check is properly

$100. a.nd costs at N o r r ~ s t o w n , . after. endorsed, exact ly as the name appea)'sIadnllttlllg he sold beer In r e ta Il l ot s \on t he f ac e of the check. [lIIllrllll-

\ ~ h e r e a s Okum has on ly a who l. esal e crl!l ellllo/'sf'li checks 1dl i 11O( {)(' 1101/-

IIccns:. ?lwm also faces a lIquor orer/ for 1)(/1//11 I ' ll t in HarrislJllrg.

law VIOlatIOn charge. It should be rememberef l hv a ll who

H. r·'. P alme r h as b ough t f rom R. handle them that these c h e c k ~ arc suh

D. MacGufl in the lo-room-residenee ject to FC' fleral and State laws re

an d one-acre plot on Ballytore r oad , ga rd i ng such i ns t rumen t s and that

\ ~ · Y I J l : ( ' \ \ · O O ( 1 . .. . lll'alth Oflic<:r Mar- misuse o f t hem will l ea d t o prompt

V1l1 b. Reynolds, Lower l \!enon , re- action bv the authori t ies .

ported last week t wo m or e scarlet .

fever cases in Ardmore. Robert E. Haigh, SOil of Stanley E.* * I-Iaip:h, 31D N. ~ a r b e r t h avenue, Nar-

An attractive b ru ne tt e p as sed b er th , h as been chosen as a member

"bouncing''' checks totalling $75 on \of t he s ec on d tenor section of the

foul' Bryn Maw r c ha in stores this Peddie Glee Club at Highstown, N. J.

week. . . . Postmaster Emma L. Ea

ldns, of \Yvnnewood, this week pre- \sented at \,rashington, D. C., a pet i- chapl ai n o f t he Merion Fire Company

tion hearing 1000 \Vynnewood s ig na - o f Ardmore.

tu re s ask in g house-ta-housemail = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~delivery.Temperatures u nd er t he f re ez in g

point were repor ted Tuesday i n G lad

w ~ ' n e , Bal a a nd Wayne. . . . UPI)er

D a r b ~ ' , as par t of its "Miracle of

Progress" 150th anni ver sa r y, t hi s

week dedicated its new $500,000 6!lth

Street Terminal building.

Bullock-Sanderson Post , American

Legion, Ardmore, has chosen the Rev.Eugene A. Kel ly , r ec to r o f St. Col

man's Church, a s t he recipient o f t he

anuual most-deserving citizen award

of that community. Father Kel ly i s


Lower Merion's school directors

gave thei r approval to the sinfonieUa

direc ted hy Bruce C. Beach at their

October session. The board st ipulated

that not less t ha n twe nt y n ig ht re

hearsals b e h e ld i n the Administration

Build ing bandroom, Ardmore, with

two pub li c c on ce rt s to be given.

Last month t he t ot al enrollment in

t he t ownsh ip 's l lUbl ic schools was

5344.School buildings wil l be uscd as fol-

lows, 1\11. Downs reported:

Junior High School, November 16

f or l ec tu re , Bala-Cynwyd \Voman' s

Club ; December !l, for lecture, Boy

Scouts of Montgomery an d Delaware

Cou nt ie s; Mai n L in e Orchestra fo r

concerts, December 10, February 10,

March 31, May 1!l.Bryn Mawr School-Friday eve

n in g f or basketball, Men's Brother

hood of the Lower Mer ion Baptist

Church.Penn \Vynne School-\Vednesday

evenings for basketball, Penn \Vynne

Basketball Club.A t ot a l o f 446 children are cnrolled

in instrumental music c las ses in the

elementary schools, Mr. Downs ' re

port stated.On the recommendation of SUIJerin

tendent Downs, Miss Marion E. Bailey

was employed as an addi t ional teacher

in the Senior High bec au se o f the

crowded conditions.

She is a g ra du at e o f B ry n M aw r

College, JJJag'na c um laude , and also

has received her master's degree from

that institution. She h as h ad t hr ee

years' teach ing ' experience and, according to 1\11. Downs, is exceptionallywell qualified in La ti n and English.

October 30, 1936

Directors Approve i

Sinfonietta Concerts

Page 8: Our Town October 30, 1936

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, Lh.

• Lh. 40e

• Lh. 38e

• Lh. I8e

• Lh. 3SeI

• Lh. 2Se l

demand th e

Narberth 2324




3 Lh . Can 63c

October 30, 1936

Free Delh'er"

DairiesWa yn e, P a .

COIlSllII I H - now !


_, ' ,16-oz. .Jar 15c

After Summer

your hai r, skin and nails needreconditioning.

Winter activities demand thatyou look your best.

216 Dudley Ave.


Lh. ('an 22c;



clean washed Ap.

IpIes of ~ o o d



Smok'! House


+ -0 -


-0 -



MALVERN-Lincoln Highway

ARDMORE - Opposite Strawbridge s:Clothier Store


Ihoobllcad offcrs Iml11cdiatc

Service to al l pa rts of the Main

Line. Ju s t te lcphonc Wayne 1121.

,bride's size 17c; family size 29c

237 Haver fo rd Avenue

Food Valuc- thei r s tr on g young bodies

Bone an d Muscle Build ing Matcrials

Protein, Milk S ug a r a n d Butterfat

Appet izing Flavor an d Gol de n Co lo r

Brooktuead Guernsey

Fish, Oysters, Fruits, Vegetables, Groceries, Prime Meat s

Only AI/thorized Prodl/cer and Dislributor

uuder license of America" GueYllsey Ca tt le Club


Narberth 3668


3 0 ~ c More

Childrcn of the f am il ic s v ot in g f or Brookmcad by supporting its

pioncer work (If over 20 years arc k ee n t o g et b ac k to

West Lancaster A venuc

Bosant Wonder Coffee_


Extra fancy medium size


Extra fancy GRAPEFRUIT.

Eating or Cooking APPLES.

BISQUICK __ , , , , ,


Land o 'Lakes sweet c ream






It it 's mimeographed, i t i sn 't news.

1 - G : J d ~ GmRNsm'S------: HOME AGAIN?

M:,s. Jennie M. Kilpatrick

:\ll's. Jennie 1\1. KilpatJoick, w if e o f

(;eorge B. Ki lp at r ic k, fo rme r p re si

d en t o f thl' West Philadelph ia Realty

Board, died October 22 at her home on

OWl'n road, \ \ ' ~ ' n n e w o o d , after a

week's i ll ne ss . S he was 61, and is

al"o survived by a son, Lawrence G.,

and two daughte rs, Ann J. an d Kath

erine Kilpatrick.

That means tb e homewi l lb ewarmand cozy, with safesteadyheat-and lower cost in the longrun. Ask abollt our Blldget Plan.

PhoneArdmore 2550 or Allegheny8400

"Daddy's gettingNewton Coal today"

~ ~r ( N E W T O ~ g q u e 5 I i o ~ ", .h_bu_.rnJn_" r -AI l ~ e r ~ ~-- -- .• - - - - - - - . ! I : ~ _ . L _ ' . : •


Play Wel l Presented

Unde r


Newton's Phone is 2550

In th e advertisement of the New

ton Coal Company last week, an in

correct telephone number appeared .

---------------- : Thi s wa s due t o an error in th e man -

Gor od et zk y a t B ry n Mawr recently returned f rom P ar is , w he re : u fa ct ur e o f t he plate from which the

Jacob Gorodetzkv concert violinist he g-raduated with first honors from' advert isement was printed.

has been a J l P o i n t e ~ I ' a ll1embel' of th e Conservatoire Nationale, and won; The correct number to call for

faculty at t h e B ryn Mawr Con se rva - I the Prix d'Honneur of the Concours ' qu ick coal service t he se c hi ll y d ay s

tory of Musi c. M r. Gorodetzky ha s IBellan. Iis ARDMORE 2550.

Potts town High School with a rec

o rd o f 1\ \ '0 victories against a single

defeat fo r the current season will act

a s h os t to AI. Adam's cleven tomor


Lowel ' : \ [e r ion should make this

game her fourth consecutive victory,

b ut u nles s 1 am s e r i o u s l ~ ' mista!\Cn

t h e Pot t stown outfit will be a much

harder team to crack than most peo

ple ar e bC'!i('\'ing. Po tt s town teams

p la y s tubborn football, particularly

on the home field, and unless Lower

Merion starts to clic!\ in an impres

sive m an ncr r ig ht f rom t he start,

fullback Connor is g-oing to k eep thp

b al l i n Lower l\lerion's territory all

a f temoo l l w i th h is b oo mi ng ' k ic ks ,

The u p- co un ty s qu ad a lw ay s b oa st s

at l e a ~ t one good open field runncr

and this year is no e xc ep tion . Th is

g-aml' is llndouht('dly a fine spot fo r

an IIp,,Pl, and l i nk" " the local boys

ar c on their toes both m e n t a l l ~ ' and

p h y s i c a l l ~ ' , there n 1 a ~ ' be broken heart,

along the : \ [n in Line Rialto tomorrow


Band Wins Music Award

The Lo \\ 'e r Me ri on High School

Band won first prize for musicianship

and drilling in t he c on te st f or hig'h

school bands held iast Saturday 011

Franklin F ie ld in c onne ct ion w i th the

Penn-Brown football game.

Page Eight

,M ic k ey G a vi n F u nd I II ble H ou r. S ermo n: "I n Christ at

D i f l i c u l t i e s ~ Tota l Likely $500

1Church Notes !Narberth."I I Tuesday evening-Community Bi-

Continued from f'a.re U l l " continued from I'al\"e One I Narberth Methodist Episcopal Ible Class. .- hu t there were other t imes when Mickey Gavin F1H!d Rev. \V. Vernon Middleton, Minister . Wednesday evenlllg-Prayer meet-

t he p la y seemed to falter to an ex- $16, Manoa Baseball Club. I ll ig . 8 o 'c lo ck .tent t ha t h as seldom if ever before Sunday, November 1: I - - - - - - - -

1f!,1f" TOM M V M KL IN $10, Main L in e Twilight League. 9 45 A M CI ISh Ibeen ohserved in t he p la ys given by $14, Anonymous a nd F r ie nds . .....- lurc 1 c 00 . I l\Iiles O'Connor

the club. Apparently this halting ef- 11.00 A,, M. - ~ 1 0 . r n i n g W ~ r s . h i p . i Solemn Mas s o f Reclu iem will Iw

f t t II t tl f t tl t tl "5 each, Charles Jones , Marios Chi- S Th CI tiC t Iec was racea) e 0 le ac' la Ie Y e.rm,o,n: e IrIS Ian an( I Izen-,sun"" at 10 A. M. this F ri da y a t St.

t I /. t B' I If os, Wilmer G. Crowell Family, Frank- h "cen ra Igure, 'ne IS lOp, was su er- Sip . . 11\larg-aret's Church, Narherth, fnl'ing rather frequently f rom l ap su 8 l in Tobacco Co. 6,45 P. 1\1.-Epworth Leagues. ll\Iiles O'Connor after funeral services

memora-which is hiO'h-hat for for- i $3 each , Charles Harnden, E. 1-1. 4- P 1\1 E' \\' I' II. iJ • .• - wenlng- ors l ip , at his late residence, S5n l\[ontg-o!1l-

g('Uing' his l ines -with t he c on se -' Davis. F tl !d ' t l . "\\'1 Iour 1 ac I'ess m .1C senes lat , cry a\'enue, Narberth, at s.ao A. 1\1.

que'nce that t he o th er s engageel i ll i $2 each, Howard Levis, \ViI l iam is There in Religion"-"IlIumination." Interment will be at S t . Den i s' Cem-

dialogue with him were th rown ofT Levis, Harry Gray, I. S. Raspin, Rob- l\[onday, November 2 : etry, Oakmont.

st ride. Occasionally an over-confident' er t Compton, J. 1\1. Casey, J. J. White- 7 ; ; W - 9 . ~ ~ 0 . P. 1 \ I . - M ~ i n Line Teach- 1\11. O'Connor, who died Sunday, isactor mak('s t h e mist ak e of feeling· s id e, L eo Powers, James Gallag-her, ,'rs Tral11lng School 111 t h e Ardmo re sUl'\"ived by hi s wife, 1\1I·s. Helen 1\1.

that extemporizing' can he substituted 1\1. E . an d R. L. Rus se l, H . G. 1\1ar- l\1. E . Chu rc h. D r. ,T. S. Ladd Thomas, O'Connor.

f pr t he hard work of lea rn ing l ines- t in , William E. Newborg-, N. B. Mont- of the First M. E . C hu rc h in G er-

hut it do('sn't often W01'k o ut v er y g omer y, E. H. Pollock. man town. w il l b e t h e s p ea k er at the He was a memher of the Holy Name

well, especiallv for the rest of the "1 I J k C tt G . 1\K FOl"llm Class. Society.• , ,? cae 1, ac 0 er, COl ge la ry-

cast. i ott Perry Redifer He nry Fry e Tuesday, November 3:

Aside f rom t hi s one glaring- fault, C h ~ r l e s Hewitt, Fra1;k Dixon, Fra' n l; ; 7.:;0 P. l\I.-Senior Epworth League

which contributed rather larg'ely to Purcell, C. B. Stoudt, Betty Badner,: husiness meeting.

the less favorable effects o f t he a ct io n J oh n G al la gh er , O. H., J. Hongler, I \\'ednesday, November -1:

as a whole , Mau ri ce d u Mar ai s a s t he Eloise Harnden, Nick Finoia , \Villiaml ::'::0 P. 1\1. - Junior Epworth

Bishop was all that anyone could de- A. Stoudt, Dave Stroup , Howard L. i L('ague.s ir e. I n a ct io n, appearance and \'oice Leins , Ra lph , E. T. Pi ke, E. C. l\[c-· H.OO P. l\1.-Mid-Week Service.

he was a convincing representati\'(' Caulley, .J. M. Baer, Arthur Cooke, T h u r s ( l l l ~ ' , November 5 :of the churehl11an enjoying to the full C. Shmidheiser, C. H. Ewell, Hany 1 ~ . : : O - ( j . : : O P. l \ t-Annual O ~ ' s t P l "a n oppo r tu n ity to give play to his B. Wall, Henry E. Smith, S. H. l \ [ ~ - Supper at the l \ Ie thodist Episcopal

secrC'l dc'sires fo r con tac t with wol'ldly Cartan, \\'iIlia;n Ferg-uson, C. H . C a- ! l Io nw f or t he Age d i n Bala. Tickets,

a/rail'S. Du 1\Iarais jH1SSeSses a fac- hin, F. R. Lindsey, Han'ey Cooke, ,Jr. , I (iG ,c(,nts. .u lty for d ef t "h us ine s s" which g ' r e a t 1 ~ · Daniel McGarry, Jr., A. Hartzell, i-:,OO P. 1\1.-ChOlr rehearsal.

(,lIhanees his natural a h i l i t ~ , . It i s l \ Iy rt ie lIarnden, l\Iax Breslow, A.

"''' gTeafly to he j'('gTl'tted that the faulty Ward. W. H. Lawson. Eddie Ensinger, Hoi)' 'T r i l l/ I ) ' t l / IT l t ' r" " Church

The ail' is a l r ( ' a d ~ ' charged with in- nWIlHll'y p r e \ ' i o u " I ~ ' discussed i nt el " . Jo e Casey. R. C. Heath. \V. J . Lough- Rev. Cldus A. Senft. Pastort er est an d anticipation over t he f en 'd w it h a n o th erwi se splendid per- I' \' I' 1\1 I' T 1"1 S l l l l d a ~ ' , :'\ovembel' 1., l!I:W:In, . \.. ,,,Impson, rs . · . . . l ' t ' ,g-ame to be 111:1\.·ed with Korristown form:lncc. 'I ,- \ 1\[ 1"11 S 1 1'. , ; W. C. B ry an t, H owar d Smi th , o. ' . '" ,. . - ,I ) C ,c 10 0 •

on Pennypacker Field next wel'k. Wilham H. : \ [u l le r , as Red I·.ag':lll. i Benv Charles Heckle 11,00 A. :'I1.---TIll' Fifth Annual

1'('te I.e'wis has another strong eleven theh a r l l t a ~ l ,

maintaine,dt l ~ e

high p:ac( '.5 0 ~ : 1 \ [ r ~ .

Cial'ence liumphrey. Iknl! ' Coming Sen'iel'. E\'C'l'ything atthis ~ ' e a r and s in ce a win 0\'('1' the he, hol ds I n the aehlllratlOn of Nal", U !' I! t I' P D 11 it:.: i J( 's t. T Il l' a tt en da nc p mus t n ot. n( ISC osee amoun, . 0 ( •

1. 0\ \ ' ( ' 1" :'Ileriollite:' the gr('ate,t hel'th, aud,iellces. Ban:ing a tendency: R. A. CABREY. he:ll1 l'xee'ption. Theme: "Standing-

thrill that a XOl'ri,town sports f01- to nux Insh hl'ogue WIth C o c k n e ~ ' ae,' 1',11' the Faith."

10\\,('1' or p la ye r c an h av e, t he n wc Cl 'n t, B il l did his usua l swe ll j oh and· (lAG P. 1\1.---l.lIth('I· L ( ' a ~ - u e , De\'o-Ge;1Cl'al Wayn c Rally

may ( 'X]ll'ct a really great g·ame. c a p t u 1 ' C ~ d and h(,ld t h e fan cy of his < < t ion,il nll'<'ling.

The fracas 0\"('1' at Upper D ar hy audito1's throughout the play . · Socia l-Pol i t ica l H it 7,-Li 1', 1\1.-Tlw Y"SIll'1' Serviee,

last Saturday increa:,(':, the l ' l I d o ~ i t y (;e'OI'ge \\'el'nel', ]llaying Donald Tlll-n1l': "A :\[othl'I"s Prayel' An-

o f t he gel1C'ral public concerning t h i ~ :\l('adows, the voung' society man en-' eOlltiIlUI"l fr ol!l I ·a" .. Clll" :,\\'('red,"lall'st l'\olTi,town a ggre ga t io n , a nd d ea \' or i ll g by illeg':;1 and ~ t 1 ' o n g " a r m ' trusteeship of the taxpayers' money. :'I[onday, 7.:W P. :\I.-Boy Scouts.

no d ou bt t he p ay in g p ub li c w ill be methods to j :ig-ht a \\'I 'ong' done to the [ Sai:1 MI', Hess: "We have no qua:'- Tuesdav, l ~ . : W P. l \ 1 . - ' \ [ i ~ s i o n a r ~ · :on hand by the thousands te, view father of his sweetheart, deserves: rei With the Democrats. Our fig-ht IS; SOl'iet\ ' ; ;t thl' home or !\Irs. Rent-

them. T h e ~ ' do say that ~ ' o u l l g 1\[c- much commell l la t ion , althoug-h OCCH- i with the New Dealers who have set se!ller; :l1:] Price avenue. ,

Cracken is the grea te, ; t l ine c racke l ' s iona lh ' his transition from the: class ag-ainst class." Tu('sday. H.OO P. : \I.-Council meet- I

in the suburbs and e b ewhere , a nd " p s ( ' l j ( I ~ ) - g a n g - s t e r " to the care-free:. Keyno te o f th e meet ing wa s fes ti v- ing' at tl1l' h ome o f M r. Triplcian, :132

t ha t t he ( ' nt i re team 1 )l ay s a hard- gentleman seemed somewhat too sud-: Ity. 1"or('_'t avenue.driving- g-ame from start to finish. den ane! comp le te , i n v iew o f what he ' J oh n H . Link, General \Vayne Re- Wnlnesday, 7.00 P. :\1. - ,Junior:

* '" had Oil h is m ind. His sweetheart a nd pub li ca n Commit te eman , p res id ed at Choir rehea rsal .

The West Phi l ad elph i a g ame last companion in crime, Hester Grantham' the mee.ting which was ,arrang-ed by Friday, 7.00 P. !\I.-Confirmation

week wa s in teres t ing- to the large (pl ay ed by Betty Bl'Une('l, who ha s a comnllttee .o f loca l r e ~ l d e n t s . Class.

crowd of spec tato rs and proved that hlossomed f rom the Tuvenile into beau- A. D. Bllur wa s c ha I rman o f the Friday, 7..15 P. l\1.-Choil' re-:

Lower :\Iel'ion has a team that will tiful young- \ \ ' o m U 1 ~ h o o d and is ex- I r al ly . H is c ommi tt ee included l \ lrs. Iwal'sal.

give an y high school in t hi s a re a a tl'el11ely easy on the eyes), displayed: W. R u ~ s e l l Green, District Republican J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 - ~ ~ - ~ - : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i jreal battle. the continuing apprehension and: COml11ltteewoman; .John H. Jefferies, Baptist Church of thc E,'al/gel ' I I I - = = ~ - ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - , - - - - - ~ = = - = = = - - . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - !

Ted Je ffe rson remains the outstand- tcnseness that the s i tua t ion seemed to Jr., General \Vayne Comm issi on er ; R ob er t E. Keighton , Min is te r III

ing all a round p lay er on t h e s qu ad . dcmand. B et ty 's w or k t hr ou gh ou t :\Irs. John H. Link, c h ai rman o f I'e- Stanley T. Reiff, Organist 1 H Il " PT·Cap tain Geo rg e Powell is probably was excellent. - i freshment committee; \V. Morga n S un da y, N ov embe r 1: I a owe en s arty- ,me...


the outstanding- lineman, doing his P lay ing t he part of the not-too- Chu rc hman , c ha irma n o f p ub li ci ty ; 9 ,4il A . II1.-The Church School. IJob not onl'.' on (Jnfnn.sn, bu t consl'st- s cr up ul ou s man o f w ea lt h a nd b am - George C. T. Remington, 1\lajor Jos- Classes fOI' a(luiTts tallg'llt IJ." 1\[1'5.'I E B 'I 0 B S I 'd J , ,-am! Whiteside's I he p la ce t o stock lip. Note these week·encl I

en tly opens up holes for his backs on boozier of Hester's father, Bob Estes ep 1 ' . . at ey, wen . c lm1 t, a- Dcpr a nd th e p as tor . specials, and ask lor ollr circlliar gil'ing Illrther cletails: I

offense. Clarence Whitfield stole the ga\'e a g ood presentation, as did also, e O ~ h G r ~ m e r F. D. 1\1.0ore. 11.00 A. M.-The Morning Worship.: II

show last week a ga in st \Ve st P hi la - R ut h Conley as his wife-a woman' e .mvocatlOn was gIven by . th e iO bse rv an ce of t he L or d' s S up pe r. Repp's natural sweetdelphia. H e t hr ew op po si ng b ac ks elevated to th e higher social l ev el s Rev . G l b s ~ n Bell, rector of AII-Samts I Theme-"Thanksg-iving-." Apple CIDER, ,-"", , 'i1-gal. jug, 25c; gal. 39c II

for losses time after time. Ramsey, th rough her marriage, slipping occa-: Church, \\ ynnewood. . 7,45 P. 1\1.-Evening- Worsh ip. Ser-1\Iillel' an d the above mentioned lads sionally into errors of languag-e that; On .the stage were M a g l s t r ~ t e ' mon: "The Serv ic e o f Religion." 4- Fancy Mixed NUTS, . , , -I.b. 25c Ihav e b ee n p la ying s up erb b al l during betrayed he r lowly orig in, bu t fina l ly : ~ I ' a n k l m P . K rom er , B al a Conll111s- "The Other Side ." Ithe last few games. displaying principles of character fa r SlOneI' George W. B rown , T owns hi p Mon da y, N ov embe r 2 : Diamond Mayette WALNUTS, , L b . 25c

* * * abo\'C those of he r husband. Treasurer Peter. C. Hess, L a m b ~ r t 8.00 P. M. Meeting of the Board of" I IAny writer who enters into the na- Elmer Hackman as the conniv- Cadwalader, candIdate f or t he Legls- Trustees. Dromedary DATES . ' " " ,2 l'kgs. 25c I

tional pa st ime o f picking winners is ing "Collins," George McAllister a s l at ur e; Mr. Jefferies, Magistrate \Val- Tuesday, November 3: I Ivins [

inviting trouble. A lt bo ug h P en n "Frenchy" and Francis Mitchell as, tel' B. Lownes, Jr., Dr. ~ r ~ n k P. K. 10.ao A. M.-The White Cross. SPICED WAFERS, 19 3 lb 55rates th e edge over Kavy on past per- the Bishop' s sec re ta ry , all ca rried out Barker, Gladwyne CommiSSioner and 11.:30 A. M.-Devotional Service. ' , , , " -1.1,. c; - • I'kg. C

fo rmance , ye t who h as t he n er ve to the ir as signments well, a lt ho ug h i t i s I Magistrate C. Howard Mered ith . Dur'ng- the day-a s al e o f old books! i1mt their gilt on the line against th e difficult to conceive of a Bishop's sec- 5.30 to 7.30 P. M.-Roas t tender-: PENN TREATY BRAND: IMiddies after t he y h av e l os t on two retal'Y as quite so se rv i le and meek a Main L i n e B a sk e tb a ll loin dinner. Served by the Men' s Asso- I

successive S at ur da ys , g ames that chalracter as was pOfrtrar!d. That is League Plans Season ciation. . ' Fancy BARTLETT PEARS, , , , , , , , ' -Large Can 21c !t ha t t he y should have won? The per laps a matter 0 opinion-but in Wednesday, November 4: iFordham-Pitt game offers a study to an y cvent Mitchell's performance was Plans fo r the Main Line Baske tba ll 8.00 P. M.-Mid-week meet ing o f ; Fancy ASPARAGUS _ , , , , , , ' - , , , , ,No. 2 Can 28c I'prognosticators. If Pitt gets th e enjoyable.. iLeague s ea son we re made this week the church. Theme-"A Study of I

breaks and plays he r usual game, Last, but certamly n ot l ea st , w as at a meeting in the Arcadia Restau- \Vorship." Fancy center (choicest) slices-

there ar e f ew t ea ms i n t he c ou nt ry the de ligh tfu l charac te riza t ion of ; r an t . Narberth. ------- Sliced PINEAPPLE - - , , ,2 Large Cans 39cto withstand her offensive drives, bu t ' La dy Emi ly Lyons," the Bishop's i The "A " circuit will cons ist o f Penn Th e Presb,'teril1t1 Chllreh

then again, Fo rdham is a team that sister, given b y E ve ly n Dut te n, who \Vynne , Haverford Aces, Narberth, Rev. Archer E. Anderson, Pastorplays for one t ou ch down a nd t he n is a newcomer to Narberth audiences. Phoenixville, Chester an d two o th er Mee ti ng s f or S un da y, N ov embe r 1: I

holds on w it h t he t ee th o f a bulldog. Miss Dutton managed to secure a c om - t e ams to be chosen. The uB" League 9 ,45 A . II1.-Bible School. Classes'

Fordham is 1 1 1 c k ~ ' , and a lucky guy bina tion of na ive te , piquant curiosity, will include Wayne Raide rs , S t . Ka th- for men and women. ,

is hard to down. a,udacious innocence and. courag-.eous arine's Catholic Club, Haverford Cel- i 11.00 A. M.-The Morning Worship.!

Even Northwestern is in a good i ~ ' I g h t e o u s n e s s ~ h a t was qUIte eap tl \ ' at- , t ic s, Autoca r, Artisans, Phoenixville Theme: "The Church."

s po t t o take a tumble ou t of Minne-: 1111 and .effeetlve. Her,portraya l de-; and Narberth. The B's will start No- 6,45 P. M.-The Three C. E. So-:sota. Th e Gophers can be stopped.' serves hlg'h commendatIOn. ! \'emh('r 2:1. the A's, November 27. cieties. I I Quaker Aristocrat Coffee,Washington and Nebraska came close i Bac.k of the scenes Paul Goodyear's: ,T. Herbert Good has b ee n n amed 7,45 P. M.-Narberth 's Happy Bi-;

to it. So why s ho ul dn 't t he great' cfOlll11111ltttetei labolk'ed hard lantdl

~ u c c e s s - i public ity d irec to r. Harry Hollar, ...., Iteam at Northwestern turn t h e t r ic k ? a Ie, ma 'e -up \, lell' mas- ,Narberth, was chosen vice-president

* * .. terpICcc bemg- the "shmer" bestowed w it h t he power to appoint all officials

Coach Dick Ma tt i s l e ad s his boys o n t he B is ho p' s secretary; while: in b ot h c ir cu it s a nd with complete

i nt o one o f t he hardest games o f t he Cecilia L in k, a s assistant director,; charge o f t he "B " League.

year t od ay. E di so n Junior High struggled with the prompting and

School c omes t o Pennypacker Field o ther du tie s that fall to an assistant. D. A. R. Chapter Nears Sevenf or t he annual football g-ame between To Wh0111 was she assistant? Why, The Jeptha Abbott Chapter of the

the two great Junior High Schools. no other than !\Irs. 1\!artha Simpson, D. A. R. will c el eb ra te i t s s ev en th

Ed . Pol lo ck of the Philadelphia Led-!who has been responSible f or t he sue- birthday with a party at the home

gel' wil l b e t he g ue st s pe alwr at the Icess of m an y of the prior efforts of, o f M rs . A. Giraud Foote , Beech ter

rally to be held in t h e a udi tor ium I The ~ a r b e r t h Players.. No d i re c to r r ac e, Merion, Monday, at two o'clock.

th is morning . 'can give a guaranty agamst forgot ten, The speaker will be Mrs. \Vil l iam H.

Lower Merion lealls by one game in l ines -but in every other respect "The' Pouch. d i re cto r o f the Special Na

th e f ive-year ser ies a nd i f t he te am s Bishop Misbehaves" showed e\ 'idence tional Committee for Junior Member

play a c c ~ r d i n g - to Hoyle , the d is ta nc e o f the sk ilfu l handiwork that i s M rs . s hi p, organizing secretary general.

will be increased to 'a two-game ad-' Simpson's. ( B ~ ' A. N. P.) Reports of t he S ta te Conference Ivantage by s undown tod ay . . . will be g-iven alld final anangements

Auxd ta ry Mee ts Nov embe r 5 !made for the dance to be held Friday,

The Women 's Auxilia ry of the Nar - November 20. The hos te ss will be

berth Presbyterian Church will meet' Mrs. Buchanan Harral ' , ,Jr.

i n t he c hu rc h parlo rs Thursday , No

vember 5, from 10 A. l\1. until 4 P.

l\1. Sewing- and ~ u r g i c a l dressings.

Luncheon, 12.30. Mrs. E. H. Cockrill

is the hostess.

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