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Page 1: our university – a framing of futures Welcome...initiative called ‘our university – a framing of futures’. this project is providing opportunities for all of the macquarie

Welcome from carol bryant Welcome to another edition of our Specialist e-newsletter. This publication is designed to keep you informed about what is happening here at the Hospital. If you would like to communicate information to other specialists at MUH, please email us here and we will be sure to include a contribution from you.

As 2013 draws to a close, I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support. In celebration of the year that was, we intend to kick up our heels, this Thursday 21 November at the MUH Christmas party. A Night with Gatsby at the Sydney Opera House Marquee is sure to be a night to remember. If you have not yet RSVPed but would like to attend, email us here and we’ll make sure we get you in!

Should you like to discuss an issue or provide feedback on the Hospital, please do not hesitate to contact me on 9812 3011. Alternatively if you have a clinical matter you would like to discuss please contact our Director of Clinical Services, Carmel Kennedy on 9812 3020.

annual leave and conference Dates

We would appreciate it if you could notify us of your annual leave and conference dates for the calendar year of 2014 as this allows us to plan and effectively manage our resources and facilitate ad-hoc requests. We would be grateful if you emailed us at [email protected] with this information.

our university – a framing of futuresas you know macquarie university is in the process of a major planning initiative called ‘our university – a framing of futures’. this project is providing opportunities for all of the macquarie university community to participate in developing ideas which will result in a long-term plan for a sustainable future of excellence. the Hospital has been identified in the plan as playing a vital role in the strategic direction of the university. as such, a convergence process between muH and asam is currently underway, with the aim of further integrating our Hospital with the university at large. this is an ongoing process that we will keep you updated on regularly.

Prof Simon Foote, Dean, ASAM & Carol Bryant, CEO, MUH

in the event you require an ad-hoc list, please email [email protected] or contact theatre reception on 9812 3140.

any new operating list requests should be emailed to [email protected] and we will notify you in writing regarding availability.

if you wish to add a case on the day or have a list or case on the following day please contact the theatre floor co-ordinators on 9812 3094 or alternatively theatre reception on 9812 3140.

lists & ad Hoc lists

S P e C I A l I S T U P D A T e M A C q U A R I e U N I V e R S I T y H O S P I T A l | N O V e M B e R 2 0 1 3

Page 2: our university – a framing of futures Welcome...initiative called ‘our university – a framing of futures’. this project is providing opportunities for all of the macquarie

anaestHesiaDenise barnettrajiv guptachao-Hsien Koraymond HassarJennifer uptonshalini achuthanandrew Patersonrohone D’souza Pietro fiorentinoanna freney craig garfinkel ajaypal thind

gastroenterology, HePatology, enDoscoPy & general meDicineviraj Kariyawasamcrispin corte

general surgery, colorectal surgeryandrew gilmore

HistoPatHologytina baillie

PatHologyfiona (sally) bonarrobyn levingstonPaul richmondelizabeth sinclaircatherine trebeck

carDiologistyoung yu

interventional carDiologistgrant shalaby

oPHtHalmologistJames leongclare fraser

otolaryngologyHubert low (till 31/3/2014)

ortHoPaeDic surgeryadrian Kay Wai low

geriatric meDicineWilliam thoo

raDiologyKirby Wong

resPiratory anD sleeP PHysicianbenjamin ng

accreDiteD scHolarPeter Wilson

surgical assistantchris cheeyi yi chenJaqui Dobestim evistonroger Haddadarjuna imbuldeniatom JarvisDavid moonandrew sherrahKeegan Werner-gribbonJames Wykesshahriar amjadi Dan falkenback trupti Kanade sue Knott martin mitchell rachel mary taylor

MACuPDateM e D I C A l A D V I S O R y C O M M I T T e e

neWly accreDiteD Practitionersthe following newly accredited practitioners are recommended by mac and approved by the board.

The Macquarie University Medical Advisory Committee plays a key role in the running of our Hospital. As well as advising the CeO and the Board on a number of Hospital matters, they are the formal organisational structure through which the collective views of our Accredited Practitioners are represented. Through the MAC our Accredited Practitioners can participate in policy making and planning processes of the hospital.

ProPoseD meeting Dates for mac in 2014

uPDate your DetailsPlease email us at [email protected] and supply us with your insurance details, when you renew your policy for 2014. at the same time we would greatly appreciate an update on your macquarie university medicare Provider number. many of you apply for this number after being accredited and hence our records may not be up to date.

21 feb 2014


may 2014

27 June 2014

12september 2014


november 2014

Page 3: our university – a framing of futures Welcome...initiative called ‘our university – a framing of futures’. this project is providing opportunities for all of the macquarie

Carmel Kennedy, Director of Clinical Services

We have recently commenced an antimicrobial stewardship Program (ams) in accordance with the national safety and Quality Health service standards . the results of the program will be made available to Department m&m meetings for discussion.

the therapeutic guidelines have been adopted as the reference guide for muH. in the event that it is necessary to deviate from these guidelines, it should be done in consultation with an infectious Diseases Physician or clinical microbiologist. in accordance with the guidelines antibiotics are classified green, orange or red representing the level of restriction for use within the Hospital. the medical officer should identify the status of the antimicrobial within these lists prior to prescribing them. the medical officer should also obtain approval from an iD Physician or microbiologist prior to prescribing and administering for all red and some orange listed drugs where relevant.

as part of the ams program the Hospital is required to monitor, by means of an audit, the prescribing patterns against the therapeutic guidelines of accredited Practitioners. this data will be reviewed by the infection control committee.

to access the therapeutic guidelines and a fact sheet on the antimicrobial stewardship Program (ams) with classification of antibiotics and examples of recommended surgical antibiotic prophylaxis by specialty/procedure, please email carmel Kennedy, Director of clinical services at [email protected].

A laser Management Plan has now been approved by the Medical Advisory Committee. Only medical officers who have been authorised by the Hospital to use a medical laser may use it, and then only for the procedures for which they have been credentialed. The authorisation must specify the type of laser and the medical procedure(s) for which the medical officer is credentialed. A non-credentialed medical officer may perform a laser procedure only when under the direct supervision of an appropriately credentialed doctor.

A new Paediatric Admissions Policy has also been approved with the most notable alteration being to the number of paediatric beds now available.

To find out more about the laser Management Plan and the Paediatric Admissions Policy or to request copies of these documents, please contact Michelle Brophy, eA to Carol Bryant at [email protected].

Policy & Plan uPDates

antimicrobial steWarDsHiP Program

MACuPDateM e D I C A l A D V I S O R y C O M M I T T e e U P D AT e

Page 4: our university – a framing of futures Welcome...initiative called ‘our university – a framing of futures’. this project is providing opportunities for all of the macquarie

researcH uPDatesthe following research initiatives have been approved by the Human research ethics committee and noted by mac:

1. matriX - management and Detection of atrial tachyarrhythmias in patients implanted with biotronik Dx systems

2. the role of psychological wellbeing in the development of specialist expertise mQ Psychology Department

3. the relief trial restrictive versus libeeral fluid therapy in major abdominal surgery

congratulations on grants & Prizes

Prof Anand Deva Prof Michael Morgan Prof John Magnussen Prof John Cartmill

Congratulations are in order for a number of our MUH specialists who have received grants and awards. Professor John Cartmill and Professor John Magnussen have received teaching and research grants through Macquarie University for two separate projects. Professor Anand Deva has also recently received a linking grant and Professor Michael Morgan has received a grant from the Australian Research Council. Another congratulations should be extended to Professor John Magnussen for obtaining the Phillips Health Care Australasia Prize!

Dr Eddie Barin


Page 5: our university – a framing of futures Welcome...initiative called ‘our university – a framing of futures’. this project is providing opportunities for all of the macquarie


S P e C I A l I S T U P D A T e M A C q U A R I e U N I V e R S I T y H O S P I T A l

HosPital neWs

macQuarie university cancer institute breaKfast

Dr Jeremy Hsu, Ms Amanda Maltabarow OAM, Professor John Boyages, andDr Deborah Cheung

meDical minDs Program WitH 2gbfor the past two months our macquarie university Hospital specialists have been going into the 2gb studios to co – host Dr graham malouf’s medical program on sunday nights. to find out what our specialists had to say, visit our medical minds website at www.muh.org.au/medicalminds and click on to the podcast button to hear previous shows.

on Wednesday 31 october macquarie university cancer institute hosted its second breakfast on the terrace. this annual event is held as a breast cancer awareness and fundraiser. it was a fabulous day with just over $2500 raised.

HosPital acQuires latest 3t mri for Prostate cancer Diagnosis anD treatmentmacquarie university Hospital recently invested in state-of-the-art dedicated prostate imaging equipment that uses the latest 3-tesla (3t) mri technology to accurately guide biopsies and treatment. the mri can characterise structures as small as 5mm within the prostate and is particularly valuable in the early detection of cancer. the new 3t mri overcomes some of the current shortcomings of prostate cancer diagnosis, currently reliant on Psa testing and non-targeted, ultrasound-guided biopsy.

Jeff Mackintosh, MMI

Page 6: our university – a framing of futures Welcome...initiative called ‘our university – a framing of futures’. this project is providing opportunities for all of the macquarie


S P e C I A l I S T U P D A T e M A C q U A R I e U N I V e R S I T y H O S P I T A l

HosPital marKeting GP e-NeWSleTTeRthe gP electronic newsletter is mailed out to 800 local gPs. if you would like to be featured in this publication, please send us a 300-500 word article that would be of interest to gPs. this is distributed 5 times per year. click here to read the september edition.

FRONTIeR MAGAZINe the frontier magazine is produced twice a year and is distributed to a broad list of hospital stakeholders including gPs, media, relevant health organisations and government bodies. stories in this magazine are written for a general audience. if you have an interesting story please contact us and we will arrange an interview and photo shoot. Please click here to view examples of previous publications.

HOSPITAl BlOGspecialists are invited to write a 500 word blog on the hospital website. this is a great way to communicate to a broad audience including the media. click here to view previous hospital blogs.

INTRODUCTION TO NeW SPeCIAlISTSnew specialists joining muH are promoted to 2500 local gPs via a mail out sent on behalf of carol bryant. if you or someone from your team would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please contact our team. Please click here to view an example of this mail-out.

RSVP date to read Thursday 21 Nov)



Thursday 21 November 20137pm-11pmSydney Opera House MarqueeDress: Formal or Roaring 20’s

Tickets $20Purchase at Harley’s CafeRSVP to [email protected]


To participate in any of the above Hospital marketing activities please email [email protected] or call 9812 3099.

macQuarie university HosPital

cHristmas PerioD closures· Theatres and Angio will be operational

as usual up until Christmas.

· There will be no regular lists on Public Holidays (including the additional day of 27 December). We would appreciate early notification if you will not be using your list in the week leading up to Christmas (16 – 24 December 2013) and any leave in the month of January. Please email [email protected] with this information.

· An on-call theatre team will be available for the duration of the Christmas holidays. For ad-hoc list requests please email [email protected]

· Angio will have the usual on-call team for neuro and pacemakers available 25 December 2013 until 6th January 2014 and can accommodate urgent cardiac cases on the non-public holidays during that period.

· endoscopy will be closed from 23 December to 7 January inclusive.

· Wards 1 and 2 will close towards the end of the week prior to Christmas.

· ICU, Wards 3 and 4 will remain open, with Wards 1 and 2 opening when patient occupancy requires this.

•DayOncologyWardwillbeclosedfrom 24 to 29 December.

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