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Objections vs Stall

What is a Stall ? A stall, or an attempt to get rid of a salesperson,

sounds much like an objection, but it comes early in the sales cycle. A stall is really an attempt to avoid you. Stalls happen typically before you have had the opportunity to learn more about the needs of a business, and usually before you've proposed any solutions.

Since you haven't presented anything yet, there's really nothing to object to, so it's not an objection. Stalls come before, and sometimes during a needs analysis meeting.

Example of a stall Prospect: "We just don't have the money to advertise

right now."

You: "I understand. And I'm not sure there's any need for you to advertise with me yet. I'd like to ask a few more questions about your business so I can learn more. Can you tell me a little about...“

Redirect the customer …back to the needs questions.

How do you learn to redirect?

Redirect the customers attention from the price to the problem by using the following technique:

1st reassure the customer that you will give them the price

2nd Immediately ask them a probing question

Example Your doing a needs analysis meeting with a customer and they ask right away : How much is it to put my ad in your paper?

That's a great question, I will be glad to

go over prices with you. In order to get you the best solution for your business, let me ask you this… What do you feel is your biggest issue with getting new customers to walk in here.

What is an objection ?

Objections usually mean you haven't build enough of a need or solved their problem.

Remember that an objection is simply a request for more information, so provide it.

OBJECTIONS An objection does not mean “ I am

losing the sale”

They offer a better understanding of the prospect’s thought process and give you an insight into the concerns that are holding up the buying decision.

And it is only when a prospect’s concerns are identified and addressed that the sale can move forward.

When a customer objects

They are doing you a favor....

They are telling you exactly what you need to do to make the sale.

They are handing you the keys to the sale

An objection is an opportunity to introduce more benefits and to build more value

Why You Should Not “Rebuttal” Scripted Rebuttals are by nature, argumentative and should be avoided in most situations.


“ Why do you have to ask your partner?

You mean you cant make a decision without him ?”


• Selling (problem solving) is all about building trust, transferring confidence and making it easy for the customer to say yes, not trying to prove the customer wrong.

The customer is conflicted by some of the following questions:

Will it work?

Should I buy it now or should I wait?

Is this the best deal I can get ?

Customers may object for one of the following reasons:

AHA! MOMENT Indecision usually exists because the customer does not hurt enough from the problem to want the solution !

To build more urgency go back to the customers HOT BUTTON and remind them what their needs where ..

Spend a little more time amplifying the problem. Remind them about the issues they are dealing with


Then build more value and make another close attempt.


There are two types of concerns :



Minor Concerns • Minor concern is generally a question

the customer has about a product based on the Feature or Service.


• What is an impression?

How to overcome minor concerns

• When you encounter a minor objection use the

• A B C Method

• A. Answer

• B. Benefit

• C. Close

A -Answer

A. - Answer the customers question

Example - “

That’s a great question ... Impressions are digital ads that are shown on websites that people frequent.

B -Benefit

B- Benefit – give the customer additional benefits Special to them.

Example: Impressions help increase your visibility online

and helps drive traffic to your website, so when they need new tires, they think of Tire Coral.

•***Personalize it …its all about how we can help them.

C- Close

C – Close the Customer


So, lets go ahead and get your brand in front of people who are reading local news and information, that sounds great right ?


A major concern is when the customer tells you they are not ready to buy just yet.

Examples: I need to ask my partner 1st .

Its too much expensive.

I need to think about it.

How to Overcome Major Concerns

• Major concerns mean you haven't solved all the customers needs yet.

• The best method to overcome concerns is to use the CQBC

Cushion Question Benefit Close


Cushion the concern with an empathetic statement to show that you identify with their feelings.


I understand how you feel.

I know exactly what you are saying.

That’s a good point.


After you have cushioned the objection, now its time to question the objection.

Example :

Let me ask you this, how much did you expect the product to be? (Too expensive)

Let me ask you this, what do you think your partner would object to ? (partner)


After you questioned the customer, go back and build the benefits (build more value) Example :

I know you want to consult with your partner, but remember, that our search engine marketing program allows you to be found when potential customers are looking for your service on google. Right now, when your customers are searching for heating and air companies, your competitions is showing up. WE will help you be found when customers are looking and we will even track your calls and clicks to your website with our weekly reporting.

CLOSE Close the customer


Lets get this started today so that when a potential customer is looking for heating and air conditioning services, Bradly Heating will be found instead of your competition, ok ?

Types of Closes

Choice Close "Shall we start Wednesday or Friday?" Assumptive Close We'll get started on the creative this afternoon and have something for you to look at by Wednesday. The campaign will then start Thursday, once you've seen and approved creative." Indirect Close I have you’re a list of keywords here for you to choose from, which work better for you ? Direct Close So we can get this started as soon as Monday, if that works for you, ok ?


People usually object for 2 main reasons : Its the cost Or They don't think the product will work for them Most everything else is B. S. If you done know, ask why they object –ask them. is the cost or you don’t think its going to work ? If you don’t know, you cant overcome the obections.


Make sure you have enough

ammunition ( need) to overcome the objection

Make it personal – always tell the customer how they will benefit from the solution.

If you don’t have the need, you don’t have sale.


Remember …its not what the solution is ..

Its what the solutions will do for your customer.

Sell the Sizzle ….not the Steak

Paint the picture…. Sell the dream !

What Objections Do You Have Problems With ?

• I need to think about it .

• Its too expensive.

• I’m going to go with the competition.

• We decided we were going to wait until we have more money.

• I don’t have the funds to advertise right now.

What else ?

Break into Groups

Use the ABC method to overcome objections ----stalling static for features.

What size ad can I get for $200?

Using the CQBC method to overcome objections for :

I need to think about it .

Its too expensive


I want to think about it !

I completely understand how you feel, but let me ask you this? What part of the proposal are you unsure about? _____________

Remember the best way to make an educated decision is based on your results and I’m sure when your targeting customers online who have been looking at restaurants, we can drive more traffic to your website. Imagine they get to your website and see your newest specials, I'm sure they are going to want to come in and try It for themselves, so lets go ahead and get your ads in front of local customers looking at restaurants, and increase your presence both online and in the store, ok ?

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