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  • P2 Week Beginning 8th June 2020: Suggested Learning Activities



    This week, we are looking at all of the sounds we have already learned that make the ‘A’ sound. These are ay,

    ai and a-e.

    ay usually comes at the end of a word, ai usually comes in the middle of a word. a-e (a magic ‘e’) usually

    comes towards the end of a word

    Some ay words are: day, tray, play, stay, prayer, way

    Some ai words are: stair, hair, chair, rain, brain, train, stain

    Some a-e words are: cake, came, spade, brake, name, sale

    Watch the videos below to help you practise these sounds:

    Kids vs Phonics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghd898RDjEM

    Alphablocks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROKNNvuGpEo

    Wake up, Shake up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCpobgrgReU

    Our common words to revisit this week are: said could her before day away always today take gave cold


    You can practise this new sound and common words any way you wish. Remember you have spelling strategies

    on Teams and in your home learning packs. I have uploaded some ‘A’ activities onto Teams as well!

    Challenge: Have a grown up give you some ‘A’ dictated sentences. Can you use the correct ‘A’ sound?

    Extra Challenge: Use a dictionary or look online to see if you can find any more ‘A’ words!


    We are focusing on writing a recount again this week. This is when you write about

    something that has already happened. Look at the poster on Teams again to revisit

    what is included in a recount.

    I would like you to write about your favourite day that you have had in Primary 2.

    You should aim to write about who, where, what, why and

    when. This should be written in chronological order. This means that you write it in

    the order your day happened, i.e. morning, afternoon, evening.

    Remember to focus on time words, such as first, next, then, etc.

    On Teams, go to Files, Literacy Resources, Writing, Recount to read 2 example recount

    texts. This might help you to write your own recount”

    Remember to check that you have met the success criteria below by traffic lighting.

    Have you

    written you

    recount in the

    order that it


    Have you

    used capital


    Have you

    used full


    Have you used your

    knowledge of sounds

    and common words

    to help you to spell?

    Have you used

    time order

    words, such as

    first, next,


    Have you checked over your

    work once you have finished

    to check spelling and



  • Numeracy

    Information Handling

    We are continuing to look at Information Handling this week.

    Using your knowledge of tally charts and bar charts, you are going to complete your own mini information

    handling project!

    Step 1: Choose what data you would like to collect, e.g. family members favourite colours, amount of

    different coloured cars in your streets… whatever you would like!

    Step 2: Create a tally chart so you can collect your data. Remember you need to include headings and all of

    the different options. A blank tally chart is on teams if you wish to use this to record your data.

    Step 3: Collect your data or make up your data.

    Step 4. Using the data from your tally chart, turn this into a bar chart. You will need a title, a heading along

    the x axis and along the y axis, and a scale going up the side. Revisit your work on bar charts from last week

    if you need a little reminder!

    Step 5: Answer some questions about your data… e.g. which option is most/least popular, what is the

    difference between the most and least popular? Etc. There are some questions on Teams you could use too!

    (Files, Numeracy Resources, Information Handling, Mini Project).

    I’m excited to see how you get on! Remember, if you have any question about this let me know.

    Challenge: Make up data to use for your project.

    Extra Challenge: Collect your own data to use for your project.

    Core Number

    This week we are going to practise our subtraction. Remember, when we subtract a number, the answer will

    be smaller than the original number.

    Have a grown up ask you some subtraction questions. You may wish to use concrete materials or a number

    line/100 square to help you. Keep practising until you feel confident doing this. Can you then answer

    subtraction calculations using bigger numbers?

    These games can help you practise too!




    Challenge: Practise your subtraction within 20.

    Extra Challenge: Practise your subtraction within 50.

    Extra Extra Challenge: Practise your subtraction within 100.

    There are additional rounding activities on Teams if you wish to do these too!

    (Files, Numeracy Activities, Addition and Subtraction, Subtraction)


  • Health & Wellbeing/ Other Curriculum Areas


    This week we are learning all about Spiders!

    Our wonder questions were: What do they eat? What do they drink? Why do you get them inside and

    outside? How many spiders are there? Where do they come from? When were they made/discovered? What

    is the biggest spider?

    • Watch this video all about spiders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTCJwemsQEA

    • Can you find any other videos about spiders to watch?

    • Can you find any answers to our wonder questions? Maybe you could look on the internet or in a book?

    There is a PowerPoint on Teams with some of the answers too!

    • Can you create your own spider web? This may be an art activity, or you could create one using string.

    • Can you label the main body parts of a spider?

    Please see our Teams page for activity sheets which may be used alongside these activities as well as some

    additional tasks. (Files, Topics, Minibeasts, Spiders)

    Remember these activities are only suggested and are there for you to access as and when you wish.

    Health & Wellbeing

    In class, we have spent a lot of time discussing why it is important that was talk about how we are feeling and

    why we think we are feeling like that. This week, I would like you to try and complete the feelings cloud

    below. At the end of each day, discuss with a grown up how you are feeling and why you think you are feeling

    like that. Then colour in one of the raindrops to match this feeling.



  • Week Beginning 1st June 2020: Suggested Learning Activities P2



    This week, we are looking at 3 new sounds. These are ff and ll and appear in the middle or at the end of a

    word. When there is a double letter sound, we only need to say the sound once and not twice.

    Some ff words are: off, cliff, cuff, stiff, different

    Some ll words are: well, spill, dull, drill, allow, shallow

    Watch the videos below to help you practise these sounds:

    Geraldine the Giraffe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0VL4Vn97n0

    Mr Thorne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbG2jyI8600

    Our common words this week are: three room long tree will well fell call

    You can practise this new sound and common words any way you wish. Remember you have spelling strategies

    on Teams and in your home learning packs. I have uploaded some ff, ll activities onto Teams as well!

    Challenge: List as many ff and ll words as you can and turn them into a flashcard game.

    Extra Challenge: Can you use some ff and ll words in a sentence?


    We are focusing on writing a recount this week. This is when you write about

    something that has already happened.

    I would like you to write about your favourite day in the past week and draw a

    detailed picture to match.

    You should aim to write about who, where, what, why and

    when. This should be written in chronological order. This means that you write it in

    the order your day happened, i.e. morning, afternoon, evening.

    I would like you to focus on using time words this week, such as first, then, next,

    finally. Remember to use adjectives as well to make your writing exciting!

    Scan this QR code for a summary of what you need to include in a recount:

    Just like in class, there is a checklist for you to traffic light to check that you have met the success criteria.

    Have you

    written you

    recount in the

    order that it


    Have you

    used capital


    Have you

    used full


    Have you used your

    knowledge of sounds

    and common words

    to help you to spell?

    Have you used

    time order

    words, such as

    first, next,


    Have you checked over your

    work once you have finished

    to check spelling and



  • Numeracy

    Information Handling

    We are continuing to look at Information Handling this week.

    This week we are going to focus on revising bar charts. A bar chart is a clear way to display information. We

    can use the data collected in a tally chart and turn this into a bar graph.

    Challenge: Create your own Bar Chart like the one above. A grown up could give you some data for you to turn

    into a bar chart or you could collect this data yourself.

    Extra Challenge: Try answering questions about the bar chart you have created. E.g. most/least popular,

    difference between…

    You could also have a go at the additional activities on Teams to practise creating and interpreting Bar

    Charts too. (Files, Numeracy Resources, Information Handling, Bar Charts)

    Core Number

    We are going to look at rounding a number to the nearest 100 this week. Watch the video lesson I have

    uploaded onto Teams. When we are rounding to the nearest 100, we need to look at the tens column, and not

    the ones column this time.

    Our rhyme is still useful to use to help us to know when to round higher or lower:

    0 to 4, lower

    5 to 9, up this time

    Step 1. Identify the 100s number that is before and after the given number.

    Step 2. Look at the number in the tens column.

    Step 3. Using the tens column number, say the rhyme above to decide if you need to round lower or higher.

    Have someone give you a 3-digit number to round to the nearest 100.

    Continue to practise this using Rocket Rounding on Topmarks too!


    Challenge: Can you round a 4-digit number to the nearest 100?

    Extra Challenge: Can you use your knowledge of rounding to round a number to the nearest 10 and the

    nearest 100?

    There are additional rounding activities on Teams if you wish to do these too!

    (Files, Numeracy Activities, Rounding)

    Health & Wellbeing/ Other Curriculum Areas



  • After our vote on Chatty Tuesday, we are exploring all things ladybirds this week!

    • Watch these videos all about ladybirds:



    • Did you know that ladybirds have spots to help to protect themselves from predators? The

    spots tell the predators that the ladybird won’t taste nice to eat!

    Can you find out any other facts about ladybirds? Maybe you could look on the internet or in a book?

    • Create a poster or PowerPoint which includes some of the facts you have been learning about

    ladybirds. You might want to create a leaflet that includes the facts learned about butterflies and

    bees too.

    • Why not create a tally chart of how many ladybirds you can find each day? You could turn this

    information into a bar chart!

    • Can you create a healthy snack that looks like a ladybird?

    Please see our Teams page for activity sheets which may be used alongside these activities as well as some

    additional tasks. (Files, Topics, Minibeasts, Ladybirds)

    Remember these activities are only suggested and are there for you to access as and when you wish.

    Play – Loose Parts

    We love playing with all our Loose Parts at school. Loose parts are materials that can become anything

    through creating, making and imagining. For examples of some Loose Parts, see the poster below:

    I’d like you to explore Loose Parts this week. Can you create a pattern, a picture or even a face? Be super

    creative! Remember to share all of your designs with me on Twitter/Teams! Here are some ideas if you need



  • Week Beginning 25th May 2020: Suggested Learning Activities



    This week, we are looking at another new sound! Our sound this week is ‘mb’. It is another cheeky sound as it

    makes the sound ‘m’. We don’t say the ‘b’ sound at the end, it is silent! This sound usually comes at the end of

    a word.

    Some mb words are comb, lamb, climb, crumb, dumb

    Watch the videos below to help you practise this new sound:

    Geraldine the Giraffe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owEViBZZZGc

    Mr Thorne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxCmo8KHmd4

    Nessy: (55 seconds to 1 minute 21) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p4hRbPQC2w

    Our new common words this week are: green people which another

    You can practise this new sound and common words any way you wish, e.g. using the spelling strategy in your

    pack, making flashcards. I have uploaded some mb activities onto Teams as well!

    Challenge: Why not look in a dictionary book or online to look for more mb words?

    Extra Challenge: Can you use some mb words in a sentence? How many mb words can you write in the same



    We are continuing to focus on imaginative writing this week. I would love for you to

    write a story with the title “If I was a minibeast…”. I would like you to imagine that

    you are a minibeast. What would you be? Why? What would you look like? What would

    you do? When you are writing an imaginative story, remember it needs to have a clear

    beginning, middle and an end. I would like you to focus on using at least 3 adjectives

    this week, as well as 1 WOW word. Remember, a WOW word is an amazing word that

    we would not normally use in our everyday writing.

    Scan this QR code for a short story example:

    Listen to this minibeast song as well… it might inspire you!


    Just like in class, there is a checklist for you to traffic light to check that you have met the success criteria.

    Has your story

    for a beginning,

    middle and an


    Have you

    used capital


    Have you

    used full


    Have you used your

    knowledge of sounds

    and common words

    to help you to spell?

    Have you used at

    least 3 adjectives?

    Challenge: Have you

    used a WOW word?

    Have you checked over

    your work once you have

    finished to check

    spelling and



  • Numeracy

    Information Handling

    This week we are moving on from fractions. I would still like you to continue to practise your halving by

    playing hit the button though!

    In Primary 1, we looked at tally charts, bar charts and pictographs to record data and information. When we

    are collecting information, it is useful to put this into a chart so that it is easy to read and understand. A

    tally chart allows us to use tally marks to count how many of whatever it is we are recording. A bar chart is

    useful to clearly display the information you have gathered.

    This week we are going to focus on revising tally charts. Remember, we use a straight line for each item. 4

    straight lines with a diagonal line through is shows you that there are 5 items. Take a look at the poster


    Practise using tally marks to represent different numbers. You could do this by using pencils, sticks, straws

    or by writing them down. Remember, we can use our knowledge of counting in 5s to count how many items

    there are in total.

    Challenge: Create your own Tally Chart like the one above. A grown up could give you some data for you to

    turn into a tally chart or you could collect this data yourself.

    Extra Challenge: Try answering questions about the Tally Chart you have created. E.g. most/least popular,

    difference between…

    You could also have a go at the additional activities on Teams to practise creating and understanding Tally

    Charts too. (Files, Numeracy Resources, Information Handling, Tally Charts)

    Core Number

    We are continuing to look at rounding a number to the nearest 10 this week. Watch the mini rounding lesson I

    uploaded to Teams last week to remind yourself. This rhyme is also useful to use to help us to know when to

    round higher or lower:

    0 to 4, lower

    5 to 9, up this time

    Step 1. Identify the 10s number that is before and after the given number.

    Step 2. Look at the number in the ones column.

    Step 3. Using the ones column number, say the rhyme above to decide if you need to go lower or higher.

    Continue to practise using Rocket Rounding on Topmarks.


    This week I would like you to use your knowledge of rounding to the nearest 10 to help you to estimate some

    2-digit number calculations. You may wish to use a number square to help you. See my video on Teams where I

    talk through an example question! Have a grown up give you some of these types of questions to practise.

    Challenge: Can you use rounding to the nearest 10 to help you estimate the answers to some 3-digit

    calculations, e.g. 123 + 31 = 120 + 30 = 150

    Extra Challenge: Use your knowledge of rounding to the nearest 10 to check the answers to some

    calculations. Scan the QR code and give the activity sheet a go!


  • Health & Wellbeing/ Other Curriculum Areas


    This week we are going to explore bees! Out on my walks with Benji this week I have seen so many bees flying

    around and sitting on flowers… they are everywhere just now!

    • Watch these videos all about bees



    • Look through the Powerpoint on Teams called ‘Buzzy Bees’.

    • Research information on bees. Where do they live? Why? What do they do? How many different

    kinds do you get? Can you find any interesting facts? How do they make honey?

    • Learn about the main steps in the life cycle of a bee. There is a PowerPoint to support this on Teams.

    • Learn about the different parts of a bee. Can you correctly label a picture of a bee? Can you draw a

    bee so that it has all of its correct body parts?

    • If you find any bees when you are outside, why not take a picture? I will collect these all together to


    • Can you follow a recipe to make something that has honey in it as an ingredient? If you haven’t tasted

    honey before, why not give it a try!

    Please see our Teams page for activity sheets which may be used alongside these activities as well as some

    additional tasks. (Files, Topics, Minibeasts, Bees)

    Remember these activities are only suggested and are there for you to access as and when you wish.

    Art/Health & Wellbeing

    This week I would like us to focus on mindfulness line drawings.

    You will need a dice for this. If you don’t have a dice, write the numbers 1 to 6 on small pieces of paper to

    pick out instead of rolling a dice.

    Roll 1 tells you what line to use. It must go from one edge to another.

    Roll 2 lets you know what shape to draw. Add 2-3 of this shape shapes in different sizes.

    Roll 3 lets you know what kind of texture to draw. Use this texture inside 2 to 3 shapes.

    Use different colours to complete your piece of art!

    Have a look at my video example on Teams! (Files, Art)


  • Week Beginning 18th May 2020: Suggested Learning Activities



    This week, we are going to begin looking at a new sound! Our sound this week is ‘kn’. It is a cheeky sound as it

    makes the sound ‘n’. We don’t say the ‘k’ sound at the start, it is silent!

    Some kn words are knock, know, knee, knight, kneel, knew

    Watch the videos below to help you practise this new sound:

    Geraldine the Giraffe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP3-PCK8bk0

    Meet the Digraphs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unEWfKc3s7c

    Nessy: (First 54 seconds only) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p4hRbPQC2w

    Our new common words this week are: under were thing know

    You can practise this new sound and common words any way you wish, e.g. using the spelling strategy in your

    pack, writing them in silly sentences, making flashcards. I have uploaded some kn activities onto Teams as


    Challenge: Can you think of any other kn words?

    Extra Challenge: Why not look in a dictionary book or online to look for more kn words?


    ‘You know that I miss you, wherever you’re at; So I decided to send you a

    tiny teacher who’s flat.

    I hope that you’ll take care of tiny little me; I think doing things with me

    will be the key!’

    I would love for you to write about an adventure that we could go on together!

    When you are writing an imaginative story, remember it needs to have a

    beginning, middle and an end. Usually, the beginning introduces us to the story,

    something exciting happens in the middle and the story rounds up and finishes at

    the end. Make sure you add in lots of detail and use adjectives and WOW words

    to make your story even more interesting!

    Scan this QR code for a story example:

    Just like in class, there is a checklist for you to check that you have met the success criteria

    Has your story

    for a beginning,

    middle and an


    Have you

    used capital


    Have you

    used full


    Have you used your

    knowledge of sounds

    and common words

    to help you to spell?

    Have you used at

    least 3 adjectives?

    Challenge: Have you

    used a WOW words?

    Have you checked over

    your work once you have

    finished to check

    spelling and



  • Numeracy


    We are continuing with fractions this week. We have been working hard to be able to identify the fractions ½

    and ¼ and matching these to shapes which have been cut into halves and quarters. This week we are taking

    this one step further. We are going to be working out ½ of a number up to 20. So for example, ½ of 10. You

    can practise this for finding 10 objects and then splitting these up into 2 equal groups. We know we have to

    split them into 2 groups because the number on the bottom is 2.

    Please go onto our Teams page for a video of me showing you this worked example!

    There are also additional activities to support this on Teams. (Files, Numeracy Resources, Fractions, Finding

    half of a quantity) You can also practise your halving on Hit the Button.


    Challenge: Numbers up to 30

    Extra Challenge: Numbers up to 50

    Once you have explored halving a number using concrete materials and you have become familiar with splitting

    a number in half, you will be able to see that halving a number it is the opposite of doubling a number! For

    example, half of 10 is 5, but double 5 is 10.

    Core Number

    We are going to begin looking at rounding a number to the nearest 10. We use rounding when we want to

    estimate a number as it gives us numbers that are easy to use.

    We need to remember this rhyme to help us:

    0 to 4, lower

    5 to 9, up this time

    Watch the following videos to learn about rounding.

    Miss Daly’s mini rounding lesson video is uploaded onto Teams – please watch.

    Rounding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMdck80SHnw

    Step 1. Identify the 10s number that is before and after the given number.

    Step 2. Look at the number in the ones column.

    Step 3. Using the ones column number, say the rhyme above to decide if you need to go lower or higher.

    Have someone give you a number between 0 and 100 for you to practise rounding.

    Rocket Rounding on TopMarks is a great way to practise rounding too.


    There are additional activity sheets on Teams if you wish to do them too. (Files, Numeracy Files, Rounding)

    Challenge: Can you round a 3-digit number to the nearest 10?

    Extra Challenge: Can you round a 4-digit number to the nearest 10?


  • Health & Wellbeing/ Other Curriculum Areas


    This week we are going to explore caterpillars and butterflies as lots of you spotted these when you were on

    your minibeast hunt! Here are some suggested activities for you to complete:

    • Watch these videos all about caterpillars and butterflies:



    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17TOsdbyYbs (only up to 3mins 30seconds)

    • Research information on caterpillars and butterflies. Where do they live? Why? How many different

    kinds do you get? Can you find any interesting facts?

    • Recall the main steps in the life cycle of a butterfly. You may wish to draw this.

    • Create your own beautiful butterfly – remember to use symmetry!

    • Learn about the different parts of a butterfly. Label a picture of a butterfly to show what you have


    Please see our Teams page for activity sheets which may be used alongside these activities as well as some

    additional tasks. (Files, Topics, Minibeasts, Butterflies)


    Practise the name different body parts in Spanish. We had been looking at this in class before the school


    Log into Linguascope using the details given in your home learning pack.


    Click on Beginner, then click on the Spanish Flag, then on El cuerpo. Revisit the key vocabulary first of all,

    and the then play some of the games to practise the body words in Spanish. Our favourite in class is the

    memory game! You could make a poster, create a PowerPoint or video to share your learning.


  • P2 Week Beginning 11th May 2020: Suggested Learning Activities



    Read a book for enjoyment. Answer 5 of the

    comprehension questions that are in your home

    learning pack. You may wish to answer these verbally

    or you could write them down.(I have also uploaded

    these onto Teams: Files, Literacy Resources, Reading)

    Challenge: Share a picture Twitter/Teams of you

    reading somewhere unusual!

    Phonics/Common words

    Choose at least 5 common words from our list that you

    need to practise. Use some of the spelling strategies

    in your pack to help you do so. (These are also on

    Teams: Files, Literacy Resources, Spelling)



    We are continuing to look at fractions this week.

    Remind yourselves about halves and quarters using the

    Fractions help sheet and PowerPoint on Teams.

    (Files, Numeracy Resources, Fractions).

    Continue to explore halves and quarters in real life.

    Can you see anything that is split into halves and

    quarters in your garden or out on your walk?

    I’ve uploaded a Stained Glass Window fractions

    colouring sheet onto Teams (Files, Numeracy

    Resources, Fractions). See how you get on!

    Core Number – Number bonds

    Practise your numbers bonds to 5, to 10, to 20 and if

    you feel confident doing these and would like a

    challenge try number bonds to 100. This will be a

    useful strategy to use when completing addition


    You may wish to make a pairs game, flashcards, or play

    Hit the Button! (QR code for Hit the Button on Teams:

    Files, Numeracy Resources, Core Number)

    I have uploaded a list of number bonds to 5, 10,

    20 and 100 onto Teams in the folder above too!

    HWB/other curricular areas

    Topic – Minibeasts

    • Have a look at the minibeast word mat I have

    uploaded onto Twitter and Teams. Which

    minibeasts have you seen before?

    • Go on a minibeast hunt in your garden or when

    you are out a walk. What minibeasts can you

    find? Create a list of the minibeasts you have

    found and where you found them about. There

    is a table on Teams for you to record this if

    you wish! Did you find them in the grass, under

    a rock, on a plant or in the sky? This will allow

    us to begin to investigate where different

    minibeasts live.

    I have uploaded a minibeast checklist, and a minibeast

    tally chart you may wish to use during your hunt too!

    (Teams: Files, Topics, Minibeasts)

    Health & Wellbeing

    As part of our Human Body topic we had spoken about

    having a taste test in class with different fruit and

    vegetables that we hadn’t eaten before. Why not try a

    new food? Tweet me your taste test and let me know

    what you think! You might surprise yourself.

  • Week Beginning 4th May 2020: Suggested Learning Activities – P2



    Help a grown up make a meal. Write down the

    instructions to tell me how you made it, just like we

    have done in class!

    Remember, we need:

    - a title, E.g. How to….

    - what you will need, E.g. your ingredients/utensils

    - number your steps

    Use the self-assessment grid uploaded onto Teams to

    make sure you have included these things, as well as

    checking you have used the correct punctuation.

    (Files, Literacy resources, writing, instructions self-


    Phonics/Common words

    Choose a sound that you find a little tricky.

    Write as many words as you can that include

    that sound. Practise these sound words any way

    you like!

    E.g, create a roll and read mat for them,

    dictated sentences, create flashcards, create

    a pairs game or use the spelling strategies in

    your packs/on Teams.

    (A list of our sounds and sound words are on

    our Teams page under Files, Literacy

    Resources, Spelling, Sound word list)



    We are going to begin exploring fractions. I would like

    you to explore halves and quarters this week. Have a

    look at the Fractions help sheet and PowerPoint on

    Teams first (Files, Numeracy Resources, Fractions).

    Explore halves and quarters. Can you cut a cake into

    halves? A pizza into quarters? Can you fold paper in

    halves and quarters? What shapes can be split into

    halves and quarters?

    A shape has to be split into 2 equal parts to be split

    into halves, and 4 equal parts to be split into


    Core Number Practise your addition and subtraction within 100.

    Make flashcards with some calculations written

    on them or have a grown up ask you some

    questions. Use the number square included in your

    pack to help you (copy of this is also on Teams –

    Files, Numeracy Resources, Core Number).

    (QR codes are also uploaded onto Twitter &

    Teams for addition and subtraction)

    HWB/other curricular areas

    Topic This year we have all loved learning through our different

    Topics. So far, we have explored the Rainforest, Egypt

    and the Human Body. Look out for tweets and posts on

    Teams asking you to vote for our next topic, which will be

    either Minibeasts or Dinosaurs! I’ve picked these 2 topics

    to choose from based on all your questions and

    discussions last term. Once our topic has been chosen, I’d

    like you to ask any wonder questions you may have about

    the topic! You might want to write down some of

    these too.


    Look out of your window and draw a picture of

    what you can see! We have spent lots of time in

    class practising our detailed drawing. Don’t

    forget to share your drawings with me on

    Twitter or Teams!

  • Week Beginning 27th April 2020: Suggested Learning Activities P2



    Draw a detailed image of the main character in the

    text you are reading. Write a few sentences to

    describe the main character, ensuring you use some

    describing words. Remember to check your sentences

    to make sure:

    1. They make sense.

    2. You have used a capital letter, finger spaces and a

    full stop.

    3. You have used our common words and sounds to help

    with spelling.

    Phonics/Common words

    Fill in the blank ‘Roll and Read’ template in your

    home learning pack with common words or words

    containing a sound you find tricky. Play this game

    with someone in your household. You might need

    to teach them how to play first!

    I have uploaded a blank ‘Roll and Read’ template

    to our Teams page, as well as a few that are

    already filled in for some sounds. Go to Files,

    Literacy Resources then Roll and Read mats.


    Topic Maths

    Look at a clock at various points during the day and

    practise telling the time. Can you write this as an

    analogue time and as a digital time?

    Core Number

    Practise the 2 times table. You could create

    flash cards, a pairs game, go onto the Topmarks

    website, songs on YouTube etc.

    Remember when you multiply a number by 2 you

    just double it! E.g. 3 x 2 = 6, which is the same

    as double 3.

    Once you feel confident with the 2 times table,

    practise the 10 times table!

    When you multiply by 10, the ones digit moves

    into the tens column. E.g. 5 x 10 = 50, so the 5

    moves from being in the ones place to the tens

    place, and so you need to include a 0 in the ones

    place instead of leaving it blank (see below).

    T O T O

    5 5 0

    HWB/other curricular areas

    Human Body IDL Context

    Discuss the 5 senses – hearing, sight, taste, touch,

    smell. Can you state why each one of our senses is

    important? Can you give an example of when we would

    use each of the senses?

    Health & Wellbeing

    We have been discussing lots of different

    emotions in class. We have focused on emotion

    words and also what different emotions look

    like. Write down as many emotion words as you

    can think of. Select one and act out the emotion

    for someone in your household and see if they

    can guess what it is. Take it in turns to act out

    and guess the emotions.

  • Week Beginning 20th April 2020: Suggested Learning Activities P2


    Writing – Holiday Snapshot

    Choose your favourite day or moment from your Easter

    holidays. Draw a detailed picture of this holiday

    snapshot, and then write some sentences to describe

    your day/moment. Remember to use a capital letter,

    finger spaces and a full stop.

    Challenge yourself to use some WOW words!

    Common Words

    You may wish to cut out the common word flashcards and

    create an ‘I know it’ ‘I don’t know it’ pile. How quickly can

    you say each pile? Can you beat your time?

    Choose a few words from the ‘I don’t know it’ pile to

    practise over the course of the week.


    Topic Maths - Measure

    Explore capacity. Estimate and then measure how much

    water different objects will hold. E.g. How many cups

    does it take to fill up the kettle? How many cups does it

    take to fill up the sink? Write down your findings.

    Mental agility

    Go on a number hunt around your environment. Note down

    the numbers that you find. Can you partition these

    numbers into hundreds, tens, ones. E.g. 425 is 4

    hundreds, 2 tens, 5 ones. Additionally you could split the

    number up, e.g. 400 + 20 + 5.

    HWB/other curricular areas

    Science: Floating and Sinking Experiment

    In a sink or bath, experiment to see what objects around

    the house can float and which can sink. Predict what you

    think will happen will each object. Were you correct?

    Why do you think this?

    Human Body IDL Topic

    Over this week, create your own mini project about all

    our learning on the Human Body. This could be a poster,

    PowerPoint, video, presentation… be as creative as you

    like! How many facts can you remember?

  • Week Beginning 23rd March 2020: Suggested Learning Activities P2



    Choose a book to read at home, either yourself or

    with a grown up. Use the Comprehension questions

    in your home learning pack to answer questions

    about the text.


    Write about something you have done this week.

    Remember to check you have used a capital letter,

    full stop and finger spaces. Challenge yourself with

    adding describing words.

    Talking & Listening

    Create your own story and tell this to someone, e.g.

    an adult, your friend, a teddy. Remember it should

    have a beginning, middle and end.


    Practise your letter formations, using the worksheet

    included in the home learning pack.


    Choose 5 of our common words to practise using

    any of our spelling strategies.

    (Both common words, and some suggested spelling

    strategies provided in the home learning pack)


    Mental agility

    Practise counting to 100 forwards and backwards.

    Challenge yourself by starting to count from a

    random number, e.g. 74.

    Mental agility

    Teach someone at home how to play Buzz. Practise

    playing this counting up in 2s, 5s and 10s.

    Topic Maths

    Measure the length of room(s) at home using your

    feet, hands, steps, a ruler etc. Write down your


    Topic Maths

    Choose 3 random objects from your house and put

    these in order from lightest to heaviest. Write/draw

    down your findings.

    Core Number

    Practise counting forwards and backwards in 10s

    from a random number. Use the 100 square to help


    HWB/other curricular areas

    Play a board game with a friend or family member.

    Make sure you discuss the rules first!

    Create a poster to encourage good hand washing

    practice. You might even want to list the steps used

    when washing your hands. E.g. Step 1: Turn the tap


    How many different emotions can you name? Write

    down, draw or share these with someone at home.

    Discuss what makes a good friend. You may want to

    display your thoughts on a mind map, poster, list


  • Think of an ‘I Wonder’ question. Explore this

    question through looking in books, online,

    discussing it with a grown up etc. Create a poster to

    display the information you have learned.

    Create a model of a skeleton using objects inside or

    outside your house, e.g. sticks, books, playdoh, lego,

    leaves etc.

    Share our Easter Service song ‘Raindrops Keep

    Falling On My Head’ with someone at home.

    Have a look for signs of Spring through your

    window or by going outside. What can you see,

    hear and smell that shows you it is Spring?

    Create a model using ‘junk’ from around your

    house, e.g. old boxes, bottles etc. Share and discuss

    your creation!

    Complete a household activity, e.g. set the table,

    make the bed, help cook a meal.

    We read the book ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds in

    class where a girl used a dot to create masterpieces.

    Create your own dot picture using a circle as your

    starting point. Be as imaginative and creative as you


    Go outside and create a route to walk/run/skip etc.

    around just like we do with the Daily Mile at school.

    How many laps can you do?

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