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Page 1: Pabs Raghava, CEO Tours Limited LLCfiles.ctctcdn.com/61e8b696401/733d7991-4ff7-4e51-b54c-d...Tour Operator Spotlight Pabs Raghava, CEO Tours Limited LLC Pabs Raghava started her business

Tour Operator Spotlight

Pabs Raghava, CEOTours Limited LLC Pabs Raghava star ted her business in 2008, during the doldrums of the Great Recession and yet has seen explosive growth since its inception. Tours Limited LLC works primarily with leisure and corporate tours. It has observed steady growth with students groups, FITs as well as the senior market. They are also an authorized tour seller for the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama’s most visited attraction.

Annually, Tours Limited goes on Brand USA mission trips to India, educating Indians about the varied destinations within the U.S., visiting the likes of Mumbai, Dehli and Chennai.

Ms. Raghava recently shared with us what those from the Middle East and India are seeking when they tour the U.S. Indians prefer hitting the main highlights or “must-sees” of a par ticular city. They desire sightseeing, shopping and dining. “They are the not the type of traveler that will go off on their own and climb mountains. They are not into extreme adventure. While those in Australia and England enjoy that sor t of activity, Middle Easterners and Indians are just not into extreme adventure,” Baps offered.

What about food? Breakfast and lunch are whatever the tour or hotel provides. But when it comes to dinner, most enjoy eating their own ethnic food – with local or regional food spotlighted every so often - just not every night. “Americans enjoy having a burger or steak when overseas and it is no different with Indians. They like their own version of comfor t food.”

The f irst time traveler from the Middle East or India is going to hit Orlando, New York City and Las Vegas. But those that return will want to visit national parks, and stay outside these large gateways.

According to Pabs, Indians shop with gusto: clothes, jewelry, shoes, electronics, name brands, outlet malls are all high on their list. On average an Indian will spend $3,000 to $5,000 on shopping purchases while here. She encounters students who regularly bring $5,000 to spend on shopping jaunts.

What about those from the Middle East? They spend even more - usually between $4,000 to $8,000 per person. “You can f ind all the same brands in Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait City, etc. but items are much more reasonable in the U.S.”

According to Tours Limited, Indians prefer staying in f ine hotels – Sheraton, Hilton, the upper level brands. The Middle Eastern traveler delights in the luxury brands, if available: the Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton, among others.

What does she attribute her success to? While they are relatively new to the group tour scene (7 years), she offers that every one of her tours is vetted to the fullest. She also has a team that she is most proud of. “They are a very dedicated group of people.”

Tours Limited will attend its f irst TSUSA International Showcase in Atlanta this [email protected]

“Because of its sheer size, the United States has

more to offer than any other country in the world. Singapore, Australia, Japan – they are all

great but the variety that America offers is unparalleled. I just got back from overseas and I

am more convinced than ever about this. ”

“Everybody’s dream is to come to America.”

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