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1) Create a proper underlying structure (grid) suitable to your content or requirement. Creation

of this master page vary from publication to publication.

2) Decide up on your content placing and photographs.

3) Select the dominant visual element of this page. It may be your text, photograph, illustration

or info graph etc. Now place the secondary supporting elements around the dominant

elements as a modular unit.

4) Think about balance, contrast, proportion and unity as marked in the layout.

5) Place the relevant element like photograph, illustration as marked in the layout.

6) Do cropping and scaling of photographs and illustration if necessary.

7) Keep your designed pages that call other attention rather than to you design.

8) Always create style platter, color palette.

9) Adjust the layout if necessary.

10) Sent it to proofing.

Getting st arted.

1. Clean area. 5. Read all copy.

2. Read job ticket. 6. Determine illustration needs & photos.

3. Replenish supplies. 7. Scan and trace line art.

4. Set up file storage. 8. Send photos to scanner


1) Document setup. 7) Approve graphics.

2) Document defaults. 8) Import graphics.

3) Style palette. 9) Adjust layout.

4) Colour palette. 10)Proor.

5) Import copy. 11)Corrected proof to client.

6) Fomat copy.

Organizing content => Placing of your ideas, creations in an organized underlying structure.


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Layout is the arrangement of types and visuals on a two dimensional surface so that all

the information and legible, clear and attractive. For designing a successful layout, a designer

should first decide the purpose of the design, about the type of readers, style, etc.

Stages :-

There are several stages of layout as given below :

Ø Visualization

Ø Thumbnails

Ø Rough layouts

Ø The comprehensive

Visualization :-

In the stage the idea or concept thought by a communication or designer is translated into

visual form by using pencil or pen.

Thumbnails :-

In the stage many sketches are made by placing elements differently like an experiment.

During this stage a very rough approximate size & shape of the element is drawn. Body copy can

be shown as square or rectangles.

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Rough Layout :-

In this stage best selected thumbnails sketch is drawn to the actual size of the finished


All elements are indicated clearly and accurately. So final rough looks like a finished

advertisement or something a copy of original art will be pasted in place on the rough.


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The Comprehensive :-

This is a final step. This will show how the layout will looked in print. It is also supplied to

the clients to verify the advertisement finally. Exact size of the illustration headlines are noticed

and a protective layer is placed as flap. And this is finally sent to production department.


Proportional system : -

Artwork that has the same ratio of height to width as the final artwork. When you make

rough out of a thumbnails it differs substantially from a thumbnails in the aspect to size. If a final

printed product is too large like a billboard, then make the rough proportional (i.e.) in the same

height to width ratio as the final piece, just smaller. This saves time, money and material but try it

use the actual paper you are going to print on.

Grids :-

A grid is a guide a modular compositional structure made up of verticals and horizontals

that divide a format into columns and margins. Grid is a traditional layout term when working on

page design software programs the term used is master page.

Guidelines in the grid are blue lines enables designers to line up graphic pieces to help

their designs neat & tidy. In page design you can turn off the guides (lines) occasionally.

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AGPC, Sivakasi 5

The grid pattern in your design provides consist visual appearance (flow) also it establishes

unity for a single page (or) multi page format. In establishing a grid you should consider the size

and shape (format) of the paper, design concept and the amount of information that needs to be


Gutter – the vertical gap between two columns.

Gutter should be larger than a pica and smaller than the margin.

Template: -

Document defaults saved permanently as a document than can be opened only as a

copy. You can develop a set of standard document default for different application and save it as

permanent template. A template is a locked document that normally allows you to open only a

copy of the template, keeping the original template on file unchanged.

Example: -

1) You can create one for your college letterhead, one for your business letterhead.

2) One for lesson plans, one for college handouts etc.

Templates are extremely hardly and save a great deal of time. Everything you do on regular baris

should be available as a template you open a document then start typing, everything will

automatically appear as it is supported to be.


Ø Do not use sharp pencils or ballpoint pens to mark instruction art.

Ø Avoid using paper clips and other devices to hold the art.

Ø Keep art flat. Do not roll up or fold.

Ø Use a slip sheet (tracing or light paper) to protect the art.

Ø Place markings (crop, etc) only on tracing or cover paper.

Preparing art for printing: -

Once you select a photograph or drawing, there one certain steps to carried out before

printing. These include cropping, sizing (scaling) and retouching.

Cropping: -

It is the process of removing unwanted material or content of the art. It is judicious

editing with an eye toward enhancing the effectiveness and design characteristics of the art

cropping is done for the following purpose.


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Ø To emphasize the center of interest.

Ø To eliminate an unwanted portion.

Ø To compensate for technical errors.

Ø To adjust the shape to fit a given layout.

Scaling: -

Once art has been cropped it must be scaled or reduced or enlarged, to fit the desired

spot in layout. Other terms of scaling are proportioning and sizing. Proportion is the key concept

in enlarging or reducing photographs. This can be done by following three methods.

1. Formula method

2. Diagonal method

3. Proportioning wheel method

1) Formula method: -This method can be started in an equation that is simple to calculate.

New width = New depth

Old width = Old depth

The unknown dimension either width / depth is indicated by “X”

6 (N. W) x (N.O)

8 (O. D) 10 (O .D)

60 = 8x

X = 60 /8

X = 7.5

2) Diagonal line method: -This is another method of scaling the photographs. A sheet of clear plastic or skin paper

is placed over the photograph.

Draw a diagonal line (AD) from the lower left corner to upper right corner of original

photograph; let us assume that you wish to reduce your photograph to 18 picas (AF). Using your

setsquare draw a vertical line from F, until it touches at G now measure the dimension of FG. This

will be the required height for your picture. The diagonal line shows how a photograph can be

enlarged or reduced in proportion.

Some eiders prefer this method because it allows them to keep the art in view throughout

the process. However the other two methods are more popular and less cumbersome.

3) Proportioning wheel method: -

Proportioning wheel uses same principle as the formula method. This proportioning wheel


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AGPC, Sivakasi 7

method most commonly used and it does not require multiply and divide.

This wheel consist of two circular pieces. One is smaller than the other and attached

together in a center. So that they can revolve independly.

To operate the wheel the known dimension, the width is located on the outer circle is

matched with original art width located in inner circle. in that alignment the two measurement of

other dimensions, usually depth gets alignment by itself. An arrow in the window of the wheel

shows the percentage of reduction or enlargement.


The function of an informational graphic (info graphic) is simply to convey a message in a

visual form that is easy to understand.

Like story graphic have beginning, middle and an end. The fine essentials are

(1) Headline

(2) Body

(3) Explainer

(4) Source(5) Credit

Headline - Easy to read Label for the graphic

Body - Data, Perhaps a drawing or a map

Explainer - Short paragraph that explain about the importance of graphic requirement.

Source - Origin of information

Credit - who produced the graphic Copy editors to check informational graphics with

the same care they give to copy,.

Pie chart - It is a weak graphic, because it divides into many slices. It is difficult to

understand quickly.

Line graph - Instead pie chart you can use line graph to show changes so that readers

understand it immediately.

Copy editor - He should study the graphic carefully to ensure that is tells a complete story line

a story it should have a beginning, middle and end. It should be standalone,

understandable. Also check for the graphic essentials: Headline, body,

explainer, source and credit line.

Copy editors should edit info graphic with same care they give to stories make sure the

numbers add up; check the labeling on maps to be sure that cities, states etc. also type face

used, size etc.


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A chart or raph is a type of information graphic, that represents tabular numeric data

and/or functions.

Charts are often used to make it easier to understand large quantities of data and the

relationship between different parts of the data. Charts can usually be read more quickly than the

raw data that they come from. They are used in a wide variety of fields, and can be created by

hand (often on graph paper) or by computer using a charting application.

Certain types of charts are more useful for presenting a given data set than others. For

example, data that presents percentages in different groups (such as “satisfied, not satisfied,

unsure”) are often displayed in a pie chart, but are more easily understood when presented in a

horizontal bar chart[]. On the other hand, data that represents numbers that change over a period

of time (such as “annual revenue from 1990 to 2000”) might be best shown as a line chart.

Types of charts:-

Histogram of the heights of some Black Cherry trees.

Line chart of Speed Vs Time

Common charts

1) A histogram typically shows the quantity of points that fall within various numeric

ranges (or bins).

2) A bar graph uses bars to show frequencies or values for different categories.

3) A line chart is a two-dimensional scatterplot of ordered observations where the

observations are connected following their order.

4) A pie chart shows percentage values as a slice of a pie.

Field-Specific Charts:-

Some types of charts have specific uses in a certain field Candlestick charts are another

type of bar chart used to describe price movements of an equity over time. A Kagi chart is a time-

independent stock tracking chart that attempts to minimise noise.

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AGPC, Sivakasi 9


Newspaper: -

Most newspaper are printed in two formats

1) Broad sheet (13"x 21")

2) Tabloid (11"x14")

Broadsheet: -

It is usually in 13 inches wide by 21 inch’s deep. These pages often are laid out in fix

columns. Each column is about 12 picas or two inch’s, wide with a pica of gutter space between

columns. Many broadsheet newspapers use a variety of layout formats on page one and sections.

Tabloid: -

It is usually in 11 inch’s wide by 14 inch’s deep. These pages are usually laid out on either

a four column or five-column format.

Inside pages: -

Pyramid format – Here advertisements are stacked up either to the right on the page.

Modular format – Here advertisements are “squared off” across the bottom of the page.

Modular Ad format –Here advertisements are laid out as line in pyramid but stories (text) matter

is layout in modular approach.

Brochure: -

Brochure may come in all shapes and serve many purposes. It may be produced from a

single sheet of legal (or) letter sized paper with two, three or four folds. Though variety of formats

available for brochure design, mast commonly used format is 8.5x11 inch’s vertical sheet with

two folds, three folds, single fold & 11x17 inch horizontal sheet with three folds

Brochure (definition):-

A brochure or pamphlet is a leaflet advertisement. Brochures may advertise

locations, events, hotels, products, services, etc. They are usually succinct in language and eye-

catching in design. Direct mail and tradeshows are common ways to distribute brochures to

introduce a product or service. In hotels and other places that tourist’s frequent brochure racks or

stands visits to amusement parks and other points of interest.

The two most common brochure styles are single sheet and booklet forms.

The most common types of single-sheet brochures are the bi-fold (a single sheet printed

on both sides and folded into halves) and the tri fold (the same, but folded into thirds. A bi-fold


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brochure results in four panels (two panels on each side), while a tri-fold results in six

panels (three panels on each side).

Other folder arrangements are possible: the accordion or “Z-fold” method, the “C-fold”

method etc. Larger sheet, such as those with detailed maps or expansive photos spreads, are

folded into four, five, or six panels.

Booklet, brochures are made of multiple sheets most often saddle stitched (stapled on

the creased edge) or “perfect bound” like a paper back book and result in eight panels or more.

Brochures are often printed using four-color process on thick gloss paper to give an initial

impression of quality. Businesses may turn out small quantities of brochures on a computer printer

or on a digital printer, but offset printing turns out higher quantities for less cost.

Compared with a flyer or a handbill, a brochure usually uses higher – quality paper more color,

and is folded.


A pamphlet is an unbound booklet (that is, with out a hard cover or binding). It may consist

of a single sheet of paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in thirds or in fourths

(called a leaflet) or it may consist of a few pages that are folded in half and stapled at the crease

to make a simple book. In order to count as a pamphlet, requires a publication (other than

periodical) to have ‘at less 5but not more than 48pages exclusive of the cover pages, a longer

item is a book.

Pamphlets can contain anything from information on kitchen application to medical

information and religious treatises. Pamphlets are very important in marketing as they are cheap

to produce and can be distribute easily to customers. Pamphlets have also long been an important

tool of political protest and political campaigning for similar reasons.


It is direct mail piece carries page or more bond pages either saddle stitched or side

stapled or sewn. The printer produces booklet pages in “signatures” a signature being a set of

pages printed on single sheet, gets folded down to page size trimmed. Signatures come in

multiples of 4, 8, 12, 16 and so on. In arrange the pages, the margin next to the fold or gutter is

narrowest, margin increase a bit at top and more at the outside edge. It is largest at the bottom.

Booklets come in a great variety of shapes and sizes but a favorite size is 4 x 8(1/2). Booklets

may be provided to covers, either self or separate covers. Booklets jobs include annual reports,

employee hand-books, company histories and speech reprints.

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Leaflets are one of the mail advertising media. Leaflets are like a card. A leaflets is a

single sheet, made of light weight paper. It can be larger. It can be printed on both sides. A leaflets

is sometimes referred to as a “stuffer”.

Standard sizes A4, A5. There are various kinds of leaflets.

• Explanatory leaflets

• Warning leaflets

• Instructional leaflets

• Service leaflets

• Product description leaflets

The function of a leaflets is as follows :• Selling

• Provision of information

• Permanent or semi permanent reference

• Public relations

In many advertising leaflets text are arranged in asymmetrical to bring a dynamic essential

character to the text. The text can be forced into short punchy lines. The size and face of the type

will depend on the length of the text and space available. Do not Choose too small type, and too

large to avoid any vulgar appearance.

○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


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Magazine Formats:

Shape, size and style of magazine is called format. Magazine sizes vary often. Somemagazine may be in small pocket size to newspaper tabloid size following factors areconsidered before making a format.

§ Eared of handling.

§ Adaptability to content of format.

§ Mechanical limitation of printing press size

Small magazine are easy to handle and store they contain text matter firstly illustrationare secondly the large size magazine are best for picture, because large the photograph thegreater the impact.

Most magazine present text and illustration on a relatively equal basis and use a formatadequate for both about 8 ½” by 11". This is the same size as standard typing paper filling thispaper is simple also the reader dimensions are familiar and comfortable for the readers.

Most magazine are vertical rectangles horizontal formats are traditional are difficult tohandle. The international A4 paper size is still popular magazine size but a larger page are inoften performed particularly where photography display is important news magazine areavailable in wide ranges.

Magazine parts:

There should be direct connection between the cover and content typography coversare now somewhat rare but they too can be attractive and eye caching for some specializedmarkets.

Cover is printed on better quality paper and ink use of two colors for page.

Back covers are most of the time and used for advertisement purpose back covers canbe used to expand the front covers.

Picture to provide a wrap around cover.

Content page:

Content page is next to the cover page. Content page typography is designed asdesired by the designers.

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Here we can see lots of white space, a graceful use of type, a variety of rules. Heredesign close not have the to follow the rules which are applied inside pages.

They may have several pictures, variation in type style, width are needed to createreader attention. Other wise it will irritate the readers.

Some magazine does not have content page if they are not having any defineddepartment like some news magazine.

Listings are like content pages contain information and reference pages. Rather thaneditorial, but the design objects are quite different. These pages may carry programs, reviews,names, address of supplier, advertiser, the dates and venues of events and so on.


This of the magazine will show the characteristic of the magazine. This will have avariety of items such as articles; review commands appreciations, short stories, criticisms etc.,

Bookwork format:


q Portrait (upright) format (standard) ISO range.

q Landscape (oblong) format (standard) ISO range.

ISO range consist of A< B and C-are defined as trimmed sizes designed for standardprinting and stationary needs.

A4 – 297 X 210 mm

A5 – 210 X 143mm

Using A4:

SA4 trimmed page size is most common size for printing of magazine, newsletter andall kind of printing stationary. It is universal size.

In bookwork they are good choice for directories, reference book, tourist guide andtravel hobby, leisure publishing and dictionaries, yearbooks, manual and loose leaf publication.A lot of books are built accommodate an A4 height. A4 format ration is (100:70) is respect toheight and width.

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Using A5:

A5 is not a popular size for bookwork. A traditional book size with respect to height andwidth is 100:645. Where as in are of A4 it is some thing over 100:70 single column types forcontinuous reading sits less apply on an A5 page.

Standard metric book formats:

Octavo size:

Book octavo size is the conventional size for the continuous text reading. size is 100:65in the ratio of height to width.

Metric crown 8vo

186X123mm or (7 3/8" x 4 7/8")

It is not extensively used.

Metric large crown 8vo

198X129mm or (73/4" x 51/8")

It is common size for sheet fed series fiction and the library fiction on the hard back side.

Metric Demmy 8vo

216x138mm or (81/2"x53/8")

It is widely adopted choice for trade fiction and nonfiction as will as for academic monograph,school text book and practically all form of “trade paper backs”.

Metric Royal 8vo

234x156mm or (91/4"x81/8")

It is a popular size for high profile fiction as well as being the natural choice for nonfiction withillustration.

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AGPC, Sivakasi 15

Quarto Sizes:

Comparing with Octavo size they are more of square size like 100:78 (Octavo is100:65). So that paper size is bigger. It allows column setting and the integration with the text.

Metric crown quarto and metric demmy quarto are two good choices the range. Thesepapers are also easily available.

Metric crown quarto:

246x189mm = 95/8"x71/2"

Metric crown quarto

258x201mm = 101/8"x77/8"

Metric crown quarto

276x219mm = 107/8"x85/8"

Metric crown quarto

312x137mm = 121/4"x97/8"

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