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Page Two First Sunday of Lent February 14, 2016


We pray for our sick parishioners that they may know the healing of Christ

Teresita Blazon

Mary Donovan

Jane Walsh

Sandra Smith

Renata Acosta-Reynoso

18 6:30p OTCF Meeting, Sunburst Rm.

15 President’s Day Parish Office Closed


8:30a Coffee Hour , Sunburst Room

3:45p RE, Lower School

5:15p Stations of the Cross, Church

5:30p Soup Supper, CH

7p Choir, Music Room

7p Three R’s, Library

19 6:30a Altar Society, Church

8:30a Lite & Lively, HCH

12p Stations of the Cross, Church

7:30 ROCCC, Sunburst

20 10a First Reconciliation Day, Church

16 7p Scripture Reflection, Library


1st Sunday of Lent

10:30a CLW, Church dismissal to Sunburst Rm

10:30a Sunday School, Music Room

1p Sandwich Sunday

3p RCIA-Rite of Elec-tion at the Cathedral

Maria Justo

Lisa Levy


8:30am Sister Vickey’s

“Looking at the year of mercy in the light of the

new testament and experience”

(Sunburst Room)

12pm Father dick’s Bible Study

(The Rectory)


4PM Confessions




5:15pm Stations of the Cross

5:30pm Soup Supper

(Cabrini Hall)

6:30pm Vespers

7:00pm Three R’s (starting Feb. 17 in the Library)

Come to as many activities as you can.


St. Francis Xavier Page Three

Some hints for living the Corporal Works of Mercy during the Lent of the Jubilee Year of Mercy: Feed the Hungry... Give a couple of dollars to a homeless brother or sister who you see every day on your way to work or during your lunch hour, or invite a neighbor who lives alone to have dinner with your family. Give Drink to the Thirsty... On a very hot day carry a few bottles of water in a cooler in your car and give them out to the homeless, or have your child invite a few of the neighbor kids (who they don't necessarily run with) to a small pool party in your family pool. Clothe the Naked... Clean out your closet, take what you haven't worn in two years to the cleaners and give them to Good Will or the St. Vincent De Paul store or another charity which will distribute them to those in need, or take a winter coat you never wear any more, a hat or two, an unused scarf or some gloves; and with a friend on a cold day go to skid row and hand them out personally to the poor. Shelter the Homeless... Clean out your garage or attic, gather an old tent, an unused sleeping bag or two or a few blankets. Get a few neigh-bors or parishioners to join you and hand them out on skid row. Visit the Sick... Make it a point to visit a housebound parishioner or a sick friend in the hospital, or a home for the aged, a couple of times during Lent, send a card to a sick friend reminding them that you are praying for them, or offer to bring an older neighbor or parishioner for their medical appointment. Care for the Prisoner... Call the Chaplin at the jail and ask if there is any need the prisoners have that you might help with. Buy a box of friendship cards and as a family write notes telling the prisoners that you remember them in prayer. Sign them "your brother or sister in Christ" and deliver them to the chaplain to pass out to prisoners he feels are in need. Bury the Dead... Volunteer to work with the Bereavement Committee of the Parish on a given funeral. (There are many things to do!) Send a bereavement card to a parishioner who has suffered a loss and who you only know by seeing them at Mass. And, of course, there are many, many more. Use your imagination. Invite a few friends to join you. Make a difference. Be merciful like the Father.

Readings for the week of February 14, 2016

Sunday: Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91:1-2,10-15/Rom 10:8-13/ Lk 4:1-13

Monday: Lv 19:1-2,11-18/Ps 19:8-10,15/Mt 25:31-46

Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-7,16-19/Mt 6:7-15

Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4,12-13,18-19/Lk 11:29-32

Thursday: Est C:12,14-16,23-25/Ps 138:1-3,7-8/Mt 7:7-12

Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-8/Mt 5:20-26

Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2,4-5,7-8/Mt 5:43-48

Mass Intention

February 14, 2016– February 20, 2016 Sunday:

Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:


† † † † †

People of St. Francis Xavier

Tom Pollack Constancia Perez, Alfredo Posamba

Jeannie Hatridge Steven Stetz

Josephine Koupal

People of St. Francis Xavier

Page Four First Sunday of Lent February 14, 2016


Presenters: Betty Codon Odello, R.N., President, Scholl Bioethics Institute

Dr. Miguel Estada, Professor of Philosophy, Pierce College

From Womb to Tomb—Human Dignity at the start of life; Human Dignity at the end of life

Day of Reflection—Saturday, March 12, 2016 (Sunburst Room)

Join your fellow parishioners for a stimulating discussion on this

and other moral issues of our day.

Continental breakfast: 8:00 a.m. Program: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Lunch provided.

RSVP for lunch: [email protected] or call the rectory: (818) 504-4400


You are invited to gather with Sister Vickey for the Lenten

Program, “Looking at the year of mercy in the light of the

new testament and experience” every Thursday starting at

8:30am in the Sunburst Room. The dates are Feb. 18 & 25,

March 3, 10 & 17.


Instead of giving up something special

during Lent, Fr. Dick invites you to DO something special

during Lent. Come to Thursday Bible Studies during

Lent. You will preview the weekend’s readings. You will hear the Sunday

readings in an entirely different way. The words come to life. Mass will take on a new power and affect your life throughout the week. Bible study will be Thursdays from 12-1 in

the Parish Office.

St. Francis Xavier Page Five

Community Connection by Rita Recker

Periodically I like to give you an update on finances. I must admit this has been a scary winter for us. In the fall we had to re-place the air-conditioning in the lower half of the rectory. It was unexpected, but one big expense a year is pretty normal for us. Unfortunately, that isn’t the only big expense we have had to replace this year. We have had to replace the digital comput-er boards in five different air-conditioning units between the upper and lower school building this year. Granted the air-conditioners were all purchased at the same time, so it sort of makes sense that the boards would all go bad at the same time. While five seems like a lot we have twenty-three units between these two buildings. We also had to replace the glass in two skylights in the lower school building plus all the flashing around the skylights. When we came back from Christmas break, it was raining in the lower school building. On top of all this, a big studio truck hit the upper gate last week, but they are paying to have it fixed. I hope we are that lucky with the gate around the trash bin in the long driveway. The forklift on the front of the recycling truck made a hole in the fence and bent our pole, but the City of Burbank has not agreed to fix the fence for us. We submitted a claim, and followed up with a phone call but have had no response. According to a letter I received if there is no response after 45 days, then they are denying our claim. I will keep calling in hopes to avoid their silence. And now we most recently found out that we had to replace the dish washer in the rectory. It needs a new part that the manufacturer no longer makes. I have searched the internet for the part but had no luck. So sadly to say our expenses this year are much higher than expected. Please pray that things hold out. I know things are old, but we have prayer on our side.

Please join us for the Lenten “3 R’s” Program 2016

From “The Catechism of the Catholic Church” Do

you wish to refresh and renew your faith? Are you a practicing Catholic that has never confirmed?

Review the doctrines of your Faith

Renew yourself in the Faith

Remember yourself in the community of Faith

This program begins February 17th and continues each Wednesday through March 25th.

These meetings are not only opened for adults desiring to make their Confirmation,

but for any parishioner who would like to survey our Catholic faith.

All sessions are from 7:00 P.M. to 8:15 P.M.

in the School Library.

For more information, please visit our parish website at www.sfxburbank.com

(click Confirmation, then click Adult Confirmation)


Please join us in making sandwiches for the homeless of Burbank on Sunday,

February 14th. Bring enough cheese, meat and bread to make 30 sandwiches.

We will provide the condiments and baggies.

We meet in Holy Cross Hall at 1:00 p.m.

Family Emergency Fund

Make the most out of this Lent. Give to our Family Emergency Fund.

Reconciliation throughout

Lent Fridays: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.




The Religious Education Congress is ready to en-rich and revitalize us once more on February 25-28, 2016 at the Anaheim Convention Center. If you have never before attended Congress, you are as-sured of a wonderful experience. All are welcome to attend! The Congress, sponsored by the Office of

Religious Education at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, offers a variety of opportunities for personal faith enrichment, prayer and entertainment. We offer more than 200 speakers offering 300 work-shops, covering topics of interest from spirituality and personal development to biblical studies, the-ology, and catechesis—there is a topic of interest for you. In addition to workshops, participants will enjoy lunchtime entertainment, evening concerts, 16 Liturgies in a variety of characters, the Exhibit Hall and much more. Come and be renewed by these Congress experiences.

Don’t miss out! Register now for this spirit-filled and enriching weekend ! You may register online by visiting www.RECongress.org call the RECongress information line at 213-637-7348 to request your own copy of the a Registration Guidebook.

Page Six First Sunday of Lent February 14, 2016


Annulments Deacon Jaime (818)504-4400

Baptism (818)504-4411

Bereavement Ministry (Funerals) (818)504-4400

Children's Liturgy of the Word (818)504-4411

Confirmation (818)504-4411

Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick (818)767-5630

First Eucharist (Grades 1 & 2) (818)504-4411

Marriages (818)504-4400

Pastoral Ministry to the Sick (818)767-0407

Quinceñera (818)504-4400

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)(818)504-4411

Reconciliation by Appointment (818)504-4400

Peace & Justice Ministries (818)504-4428

Interested in engaging in the spirituality of Justice call

Environmental Stewardship Advocacy Food Pantry

Formation & Leadership Program

Community Outreach


Electronic dating violence is prevalent among teens: Teenagers do a lot of communicating online and via mobile devices through social media and texting. Entire relationships can be shaped formed over the internet and messaging, and the private nature of these relationships may make it easy to hide signs of abuse and violence. Dating violence means any act of mental, emotional or physical aggression among a cou-ple sharing an intimate relationship. Online, these acts are harder to pinpoint, especially for adult outsiders whose chil-dren may be victims of emotional dating abuse. Ask your teens about their relationships, and how their partners treat them online and in person. For a copy of the article “Electronic Dating Violence Among Teens,” email [email protected].

Become a Member of Our Parish Please include your name, address, and

email address and we will add you to be a member of our church.



________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________


Your love as husband and wife is a gift to one another as well as a gift from God. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to

receive the tools needed to make the most of this precious gift. Deepen your communica-

tion, strengthen your relationship, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attend-ing the next WWME weekend Feb 19-21 at the Best Western Canoga Park. Contact Jeanine

and Russ Walker at 805-648-4244 or go online at www.twocanlove.org. We help make good

marriages better.

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