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Page 1: Parenting Style case study



Page 2: Parenting Style case study


We studied 3 cases that shows how family can influence child’s moral


In this 3 cases, we will discuss what makes a child act in a certain way based on

their upbringing

Our samples’ age are from 14 until 22

Our cases is derived from first and second source

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A style of parenting that is low in nurturance and communication, but high in control and maturity demands. Set a very high standards. Less communication. No explanations and reasoning.


A style of parenting that is low in nurturance, maturity demands, control and communication. Parents do not involved in children’s matters. Give the responsibility to the care giver. The worst parenting style.

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A style of parenting that is high in nurturance and low in maturity demands, control and communication. Give full freedom to the children.


A style of parenting that is high in nurturance, maturity demands, control and communication. Set a high but realistic standards. Communicate with children. Expect standards to be lived up to. Monitor whether standards are being met or not. The best parenting style. Provide support, love, encouragement, warmth and tenderness.

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A twenty two year-old girl.

Facing problem when communicating.

Lack of communication between she and her father.

Only speak necessary things.

Only speak to answer her father question.

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A twenty year-old girl.

Cling onto someone.

E.g. Grandparents, partner

Cannot accept separation.

Was sent to her grandparents since five years old.

Her parents rarely meet her.

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Grandparenting style

Formal grandparents express strong interest

in the grandchild but maintain a hands-off

attitude toward child rearing

-They were interested but not intrusive. They

were faithful to the grandparenting role as it

was commonly perceived

Fun-seeking grandparents see themselves as a primary

source of fun for their grandchildren but avoid more

serious interactions

-Rather than the grandparent giving the grandchild a

good time, the two had fun together

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Distant grandparents have little contact with children,

except as part of holidays or other family celebrations

-They had infrequent contact with their grandchildren,

most often on holidays and family occasion.

Dispensing-family-wisdom grandparents provide

information and advice to parents and child alike

-Grandparents were the guardian/ authority of special

skills and resources.

Surrogate-parent grandparents assume many of the

normal roles and responsibilities of a parent

-Grandparents assumed a great deal of responsibility

for the care of the child.

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A fourteen year-old boy.

Caught stealing by the teachers.

Want to get attention from parents, teachers and friend.

Permissive parenting style.

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Islamic Points of View.

1. The Holy Quran says:

a. “Kill not your children for fear of poverty.” (17:32)

b. “O you who have faith! Save yourselves and your

families from a Fire.”(66:6)

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2. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

a. “One should play with his children until the age of seven,

then for the next seven years, one should teach his children manners,

and then for the next seven years, one should be a friend to his children.”

b. "When a person dies, his deeds also come to an end. But

there are three things done by him for which he goes on getting the

reward from Allah. Firstly, is he who leaves some charitable trust for the

benefit of the people. Secondly, he leaves behind some knowledge which

is continuously benefiting the people and thirdly he leaves behind a pious

child who goes on praying for his forgiveness.“

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1. Parents should know their responsibilities

2. Parents need to understand the child’s rights

3. Establish a sense of open communication

4. Maintaining an Islamic environment


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Prepared by: Aishah, Haizum, Jannah, Dila,



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