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Page 1: Parish - Amazon S3 · 12/6/2015  · The Worship Bulletin you received along with this handout will be your basic guide through this morning’s liturgy. Parish Notes: In the column

1 Trinity Episcopal Church • 1500 State Street • Santa Barbara Ca 93101 • 805.965.7419 • www.trinitysb.org


W ELCOME TO ALL VISITORS! Trinity is a place where you will find open minds, open hearts and open doors. We believe that as people of God, we can all share in God's love; a love that is inclusive, ever abundant and meant to be expressed through our action in

the world. We are delighted to have you with us and hope you will come back often. If you would like to learn more about life here at Trinity please:

The Worship Bulletin you received along with this handout will be your basic guide through this morning’s liturgy.

Parish Notes: In the column to the right you will find the scripture readings, hymns and other music for this service. The following pages contain further information about today’s worship and our upcoming meetings and events. Gluten-Free wafers are available for those who need them, just ask for them when the bread is presented to you.

Prayer Ministers are available during communion at the 10:00 a.m. service. Proceed to the back of the church to receive prayer and laying on of hands. Open Communion: From whatever tradition you come and wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are welcome at our table. You will find simple directions on how to participate in the worship bulletin.

Children & Youth: Trinity offers religious formation for ages 3½ -12 through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. Children gather on Sundays starting at 9:00 a.m. in the church school behind the sanctuary. Trinity Youth Group includes all 7th-12th graders, and meets approximately twice each month, usually on Sunday afternoons. See Parish Notes for upcoming activities.

Children at Communion: Children are brought into the church during the Offertory Hymn to join us for Holy Communion. At this point, you are welcome to gather your children from the nursery to be with you.

Nursery & Toddler care is available 9:15-11 a.m. (Ask an usher for directions).

Fill out a Welcome CardJoin us for coffee on the Labyrinth Plaza

Visit our Resource & Welcome TablesVisit our website at www.trinitysb.org

the week ahead

Sunday, December 68:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist9:00 a.m. Church School9:00 a.m. Alternative Christmas Market9:15 a.m. Centering Prayer10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour11:30 a.m. Alternative Christmas Market3:30 p.m. Music at Trinity Advent Organ

Concert5:30 p.m. Education for MinistryMonday, December 77:00 p.m. Science and ReligionTuesday, December 8 6:30 p.m. Advent Series Presentation &

DiscussionWednesday, December 9Noon Base Community5:30 p.m. Parish Council Meeting7:00 p.m. Contemplative PrayerThursday, December 1010:30 a.m. Women’s Circle12:15 p.m. Contemplative Practice7:30 p.m. Choir RehearsalFriday, December 115:30 p.m. Kids’ Night In/Parent’s Night OutSaturday, December 128:00 p.m. Trinity BackstageSunday, December 138:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist9:00 a.m. Church School9:00 a.m. HAWC Meeting9:00 a.m. Parish Nurse9:15 a.m. Centering Prayer10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist11:30 a.m. Coffee Hour11:30 a.m. Advent Series Film11:30 a.m. Children’s Nativity Rehearsal11:30 a.m. Parish Nurse & Healing Touch3:30 p.m. Music at Trinity Advent Organ

Concert5:30 p.m. Education for Ministry

today’s lessons

events at trinity


See Page 5


See Page 2

ADVENT SERIES:Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

Presentation & Discussion Tuesday, Dec. 8 at 6:30 p.m.

See Page 4

Film Sunday, Dec. 13 at 11:30 a.m.See Page 4

LESSONS: Bibles are available at the rear of the church.

First Lesson: Baruch 5:1-9

Canticle 16 See Back Page

Second Lesson: Philippians 1:3-11

The Holy Gospel: Luke 3:1-6



DECEMBER 6, 2015

Celebration Offering TODAY!Please note that there will be special “Celebrate” envelopes in the pews TODAY for you to make special offerings for birthdays, anniversaries and remembrances to benefit Trinity’s Justice Fund.

Page 2: Parish - Amazon S3 · 12/6/2015  · The Worship Bulletin you received along with this handout will be your basic guide through this morning’s liturgy. Parish Notes: In the column


our mission

As God’s people, we will share the love of God in a way that nurtures body, mind and spirit. Demonstrating God’s love for the world, we will serve a diverse population and accept one another without reservations. By including all people as one family in worship and service to God, we are all empowered and inspired by

the Spirit to continue the work of Jesus Christ.

take noteworship ministers

8:00 a.m. Holy EucharistPresiding: The Rev. Mark Asman, Rector Preaching & Assisting: The Rev. Carren Sheldon, Associate RectorAcolyte: Jane HahnReader:Intercessor: Lay Eucharistic Minister: Diana BuzerakUshers: Mary Jane Salcido, Pandra MoriartyAltar Guild: Pandra Moriarty, Sarah Degan

10:00 a.m. Holy EucharistPresiding: The Rev. Mark Asman, Rector Preaching & Assisting: The Rev. Carren Sheldon, Associate RectorAcolytes: Don Zimmerman, Zoe Perez, Shea Goodner, Siu ZimmermanPrayer Ministers: Chris Boesch, Anna Campbell, John Michal, Iva SchatzReaders: John Blondell, Shawn Carey Intercessor: Melinda CareyLay Eucharistic Ministers: Kevin Hess, Elizabeth Hess, Susannah Rake, Cheryl YoungUshers: Jeffrey Krutzsch, David Gartrell, Ronald Squires, Jim TerzianWelcome Team: Terry Walker, Marlene Carroll, Madeline Rogers, Steve Kriz, Ginny ReynoldsHeart & Hand: Laurie Goodner, Kathryn MeyerAltar Guild: Chris Boesch, Terre SanitateChoir Director & Cantor: Grey BrothersOrganist: Thomas JoyceWeekly Office Volunteers: Jessie Breytspraak, Mary Campbell, Jane Ellison, Betty Ferry, Andrea Fritzen, MK & Jim Micallef, Susannah Rake, Nina Zimmer

Lloyd Albright passed away on Thursday, November 5. His service will be private. There will be a celebration of Lloyd’s life at Harry’s Cafe in Loreto Plaza on Sunday, December 13, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Cards may be sent to his wife, Margaret Albright. Rest eternal grant to him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him.

INTRODUCING A NEW TIME FOR CONTEMPLATIVE PRACTICE AT TRINITY - 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. Thursdays in the Chancel The School of the Heart is pleased to offer another opportunity for us to be faithfully silent together in opening to Divine Presence. Whatever your practice, you are invited to this time of sitting together. And if you do not yet have a practice, there will always be simple instructions to help you get started, plus teaching on first Thursdays before the silence. You are welcome to come and sit in the chancel between noon and 1:00, and the meditation bell will ring at 12:15 and 12:45 to start and end our silence. Please enter and leave quietly.

TRINITY BACKSTAGE CHRISTMAS IN THE ROUND- Saturday, December 12, 8:00 p.m.Join us for our annual home grown Christmas show featuring Doug Clegg, Kate Wallace, and Grey Brothers, with Sarah and Mitchell Thomas, Bill Wood and Tom Joyce. The show will be given in honor of our Rector, Mark, and proceeds will benefit Trinity’s operating fund. For table reservations and more information, call 962-2970 or visit www.trinitybackstage.com

SCIENCE & RELIGION - Monday, December 7, 7:00-8:30 p.m.Guild Hall. We welcome Dr. Eileen McMahon McQuade, Associate Professor of Biology at Westmont College. She will be discussing “Human Genetic Engineering: Slippery slope or saving lives?” Some have warned that genetic engineering is too close to “playing God.” Is there a slippery slope or is this technology one path to health, happiness and long life? Most recently Dr. McQuade has been engaged in research dealing with MS and rheumatoid arthritis. Please contact Bob Richard at 805-680-5590 or [email protected] with questions. An offering will be received.

Advent Candle LightingThank you to

School of the Heart,who will be lighting our

Advent Candle this morning.

Jeannette Shackell passed away on Monday, November 30. There will be an annoucement in Parish Notes when her service date is decided. Rest eternal grant to her, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon her.

HAWC meeting Sunday, December 13, at 9 a.m.HAWC will hold its next meeting on Sunday, December 13, at 9 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Please note the 9 a.m. starting time!Main agenda will be discussion and current updates on the progress of the Westside Impact Group and the Healthy School Pantry, scheduled to begin in February on the westside. We hope you can attend. All are welcome. Please notify Chris Boesch, [email protected], or Jean, [email protected] if questions.

To my dear Trinity Family --Thank you so very much for your love and support and prayers upholding me - and my family - during these weeks since Lucile’s death. And so many of you were so kind in being part of Cile’s wonderful service this past weekend. - Bless you, dear Family. -- Bill Beasley

THE ORDINARY BECOMING THE EXTRAORDINARY“Please let the Prayer Shawl Ministry know that I love it and the support it represents. I actually used it Saturday morning while having my coffee and it was very comforting. Also I love the colors.” This quote is from a recent recipient who is having her third bout with cancer. By Michael Dean.We bless our Prayer Shawls the first Sunday morning of the month. The shawls are created by volunteers with loving hands and prayers. Volunteer knitters or crocheters are needed. Consider doing one shawl for our cupboard. Yarn has been donated for those who would like to use it. If you know of someone who is sick or in need of a shawl, please contact Norma Stuck, [email protected], 964-5807 or call the office.

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TODAY IN THE CHURCH SCHOOLChildren at Trinity meet each Sunday for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program (CGS). Since each Level of the program covers a range of ages, often several lessons are offered each Sunday, with most children taking part in only one. Today Level I will work with materials that tell the story of the Angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary about Jesus’ birth, and reflect on the prophet Isaiah’s words about a mother who will bear an amazing child. Level II will work with the Good Shepherd materials to reflect on the great and beautiful diversity amongst God’s people, and participate in the Alternative Christmas Market. Level III will complete their preparations and help host the Alternative Christmas Market.

CONTACTS:Nursery/Toddler care Marisa Brenninkmeyer, [email protected] School ages 3–12Elizabeth Hess, [email protected] ages 13–18Libby Yardi, [email protected]

TRINITY MIDDLE EAST PEACE MINISTRY• For current news go to:American Friends for the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalemwww.AFEDJ.org and Churches for Middle East Peace www.cmep.org• Book suggestions Sandy Tolan - Children of the Stone, Mark Braverman – A Wall in Jerusalem• International Peace ConferenceGo to www.PeaceConference1016.org (January 15,16 – Ontario, CA) • For positive action Support the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem - Purchase fair trade items at the Alternative Christmas Market – Today. For more resources, contact -Art and Louise Fisher – [email protected] - or call 684-9389.

CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER - Wednesday, December 16, 7:00-8:00 p.m.During Advent, we await with hope the coming of Christ at Bethlehem, at the fulfillment of all time, and in our own hearts. Wait with our circle of hope at the Trinity contemplative prayer gathering on Wednesday, December 16, 7-8 p.m. in the Fireside Room. All are welcome. Judy Stevens will facilitate the session.

take note

TRINITY YOUTH GROUP (7TH – 12TH GRADES) Watch out for the Trinity Youth mosquito at the Alternative Christmas Market! If he “bites” you, you’ll want to visit the Trinity Youth booth and learn about this year’s Gifts for Life: mosquito nets to protect against malaria ($12 each) and health clinic care ($15).

Next meeting: Christmas Party, Sunday, Dec. 20, 4-7:30 p.m. Pick up and drop off at the Woods’ home. Gingerbread house contest, white elephant gift exchange, and dinner at the Woods’ family home. Bring a gift (find it free, or spend less than $10).Dinner will be provided by the Woods family. Questions? While Libby’s in Australia, contact Carren, [email protected]

children and youth

CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD TRAINING IN JANUARYThe Children and Youth Council is delighted to announce that Trinity will host a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training course for new Level 1 Trinity catechists starting in January. Long-time CGS trainer Lynda Catalano will lead this formation course on select Saturdays in 2016, and we will welcome a few catechists from outside our congregation into our church school building and our beautiful Level 1 atrium. If you are interested in catechetical formation training, or would like to support this course with offers of hospitality, please contact Elizabeth Hess, [email protected].

SCHOOL OF THE HEART SUNDAY, December 27At the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. services; in place of the sermon, people will have the option to choose from centering prayer in the church, led by Mark Benson, or walking the Labyrinth, led by School of the Heart members.

CHRISTMAS CD BY KATE WALLACEAgain this year, Kate Wallace will be selling her Christmas CD, the Road to Bethlehem. Trinity folk loved it last year and it makes a great Christmas gift. A little something to enjoy during any holiday festivity. Ask Kate at the 10:00 a.m. service or call her at 962-2970.

Thank you to everyone who made casseroles for the Warming Center. Our freezer is full! We won’t need more casseroles until January.

2016 VESTRY NOMINATIONSIn November, the Vestry approved the following slate of nominees for 2016: Jean Davis, Michael Dean, Claude Garciacelay and Patsy Price. This slate will be presented at the Annual Meeting on 1/31/16. Because the Vestry was simultaneously identifying members of the Rector Search Committee as well as new Vestry members, with the advice of the Diocese, the Vestry delegated the Vestry nominating process to the three outgoing Vestry members: Stephen Humphreys, Elizabeth Schmid and Diana Thomas. Our Vestry bylaws do not allow for nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting. For some time we have practiced presenting a slate without a contested election. However, if someone wants to nominate someone outside of the nominating process which will result in an election then please contact the Clerk of the Vestry, Diana Thomas, in order to ascertain the qualifications for Vestry service. Any new nominations must be to the Clerk before 12/31/15. Please contact Diana at [email protected] .

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THE GIVING TREE BEGINS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29Christmas is the wonderful time of year when we can share what God has so generously provided us, and share it with the less fortunate members of our community. Every year Trinity parishioners have provided colorfully wrapped Christmas gifts for residents of Path Santa Barbara, and we’re sure your generosity will shine again. The Trinity Giving Tree is in the Sanctuary. Simply pluck off an ornament to choose the size and gender of sweatshirt and socks you wish to give. Then, return your wrapped gift and place it under the Giving Tree. On December 20th Trinity elves will pick them up at noon and magically transport them in time to celebrate the holy birth of our Savior. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM: ADVENT LEARNING OPPORTUNITIESDuring the season of Advent, we’re all on the road to Bethlehem: the little town in an occupied territory where Jesus was born. This Advent, Trinity presents a series of learning opportunities about life in an occupied territory, as it is today. We’ll show 2 award-winning documentary films after church on Sundays, and we’ll have 3 Tuesday evening meetings with discussions and presentations from various sources, including Steadfast Hope, (book and DVD, from Episcopal Peace Fellowship, available at each meeting, $5 donation requested). Come for one Sunday film or both, come for the Tuesday discussion series: mix and match as your busy schedule allows. Join us in our Advent prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem: it’s a prayer which is older than Christianity, and has never been more urgent.

SUNDAY FILM starts at 11:30 a.m. Grab a cup of coffee, a snack, and join us. All are welcome. December 13: Encounter Point, Sunday, a film about individuals working for justice in the Holy Land, and how they find their way. (2006, Just Vision, 85 minutes, some subtitles)

TUESDAY EVENING PRESENTATIONS with Trinity-style discussions, 6:30-8:00 p.m. All are welcome.December 8: Occupation, Oppression, & the Other; December 15: on Reconciliation, Peacemaking, & Hope.

Contact: Carren Sheldon, [email protected]

ADVENT ORGAN SERIES THREE SUNDAYS IN ADVENT 3:30 p.m. For three Sundays in Advent, three local organists will offer recitals of organ music inspired by the magic and mystery of the season. The spirit of both Advent and Christmas will be explored and celebrated through classic organ repertoire in addition to newly composed works. As is the custom for Music at Trinity concerts, there will be no charge for admission, but freewill offerings are gratefully received in support of the Music at Trinity Concert Series. December 6, Emma Lou Diemer, organ ~ Featuring music by Santa Barbara composers Mahlon Balderston, Emma Lou Diemer, David Gell, and the premier of a new piece by Daniel Gee.December 13, Nelson Huber, organ ~ Featuring music by Emma Lou Diemer, Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Louis Vierne, Peter Warlock.December 20, Thomas Joyce, organ ~ Featuring music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Marcel Dupré, Felix Mendelssohn, Charles Tournemire.

advent & christmas

ADVENT MEDITATION BOOKLET AVAILABLEJourney through Advent with trusted companion and spiritual thinker Henri Nouwen who has helped inspire millions to grow closer to Jesus. For Nouwen, author of this booklet of daily meditations titled “Unto Us a Child is Born,” a life of faith is a life of prayer, and these daily devotions during the weeks of Advent help form a lasting spiritual practice. This booklet is available at the Welcome Table for the cost of $1. Contact: Judith Torres, [email protected]

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CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE: CHILDREN’S NATIVITY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 4:00 p.m.Our annual Christmas Eve service for children and families will take place at 4:00 p.m. This service is a wonderful event where our children tell us again the wondrous story of how Jesus’ light came into the world. In preparation for our Children’s Nativity, we will have three rehearsals: Sunday, Dec. 13, 11:30 a.m. - for children with speaking parts Wednesday, Dec. 16, 6:00-7:30 p.m. - all participating children and youth Sunday, Dec. 20, 11:30 a.m. - all participating children and youth, with lunch provided.Contact: [email protected]

advent & christmas

HELP DECORATE THE CHURCH FOR CHRISTMAS SUNDAY DECEMBER 20, Following the 10:00 a.m. service until 2:00 p.m.

Lunch will be served.Help in the transformation of our sanctuary into a magical space for our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship. There is a job for everyone, no experience necessary. You can stay for as little or as long as you are able. Sign up at the welcome table or contact Georgia Noble: [email protected]

KIDS’ NIGHT IN/PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.Calling all kids! Come for a fun crafting night at church while your parents spend the evening out! On Friday, December 11, have your parents drop you off at church, where we will enjoy making Christmas crafts and watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special while your parents head out for the evening. We will also have snacks and games available; eat dinner first or bring it with you. Childcare is provided from 5:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. by our nursery childcare providers, but if any parents or youth would like to stay and craft with the kids we’d be happy to share the fun of the evening with you!

ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS MARKET TODAY, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Bring your gift lists for Trinity’s Alternative Christmas Market! You will have the opportunity to purchase gifts and make donations in honor of those special people in your life. The market will be open after each service, so bring your checkbooks and your cash. This Alternative Christmas Market will give you the opportunity to support one, several or all of these participating programs: • Episcopal Relief & Development~organized by our parish youth • Heifer International~organized by our parish children• GAIA (Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance) ~ supporting medical relief efforts in Malawi• Angels Bearing Gifts ~ benefits adults with disabilities in Santa Barbara County • Diocese of Jerusalem ~ providing a beacon of hope, peace, and reconciliation in the Middle East • Unite-to-Light ~ Solar lights for the developing world• Kids’ Crafts ~ created by Trinity children; proceeds shared equally with above organizations

Visit their tables and learn more about what they do and how they are continuing God’s justice work in our world. For information contact Jennifer Bergquist, [email protected], or Jean Davis, [email protected]. And don’t forget your checks or cash. No credit cards accepted.

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Sunday, December 6 Advent 2

Sunday, December 13 Advent 3

Sunday, December 20 Advent 4

•Annual Alternative Christmas Market following 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. services You will have an opportunity to purchase alternative gifts from a wide variety of sources: Episcopal Relief and Development, Heifer International, GAIA, Angels Bearing Gifts, Diocese of Jerusalem, Unite-to-Light, and Kids’ Crafts created by our own Trinity children. •Advent Organ Series #1 3:30 p.m. •Advent Lessons and Carols at St. Michael’s in Isla Vista 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 8 •Advent Learning Opportunity #2 6:30 p.m.Friday, December 11 •Kids’ Night In, Parents’ Night Out 5:30-8:00 p.m. Parish Hall. Christmas crafts, games and snacks for kids. Saturday, December 12 •Trinity Backstage 8:00 p.m. Annual Holiday Benefit show for our Trinity’s Operating Fund with Kate Wallace, Doug Clegg & friends.

•Children’s Nativity Rehearsal following the 10:00 a.m. service all children and youth with speaking parts. •Advent Film following the 10:00 a.m. service •Advent Organ Series #2 3:30 p.m. • Youth Group Christmas Party 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.Tuesday, December 15 •Advent Learning Opportunity #3 6:30 p.m.Wednesday, December 16 • Children’s Nativity Rehearsal 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. ALL participating children and youth.Sunday, December 20 •Christmas Eve Service Rehearsal following the 10:00 a.m. service For ALL participants. Lunch provided.

advent & christmas at trinity

•Decorate the Church for Christmas – following the 10:00 a.m. service until 2:00 pm. Lunch provided. •Christmas Eve Children’s Nativity Rehearsal 11:30 a.m. For ALL participants. Lunch provided. •Advent Organ Series #3 3:30 p.m.

Sunday, December 27 First Sunday After Christmas

•School of the Heart Sunday at the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. services We will teach and practice different forms of contemplation.

Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve

Friday, December 25 Christmas Day

•4:00 p.m. Family Service •9:30 p.m. Carol Singing •10:00 p.m. Festival Choral Eucharist (*with incense)

•10:00 a.m. Christmas Day Holy Eucharist with Choir and Hymns

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Renewed Pledges 148 Goal 258 Percent of Goal 57%New Pledges 19 Goal 20 Percent of Goal 95%Total Amount Pledged $473,258 Goal $650,000 Percent of Goal 72%Pledge indicated a tithe: 17Pledge indicated a proportionate gift: 72

We apologize if you haven’t received a pledge packet, you can stop by the Welcome Table to pick one up.

* If you have any corrections to your name, please contact the office.

Marvin, MargaretMathews, Joe & AmyMatthews, LydiaMcNeel, Mac & Doug MooreMealy, HenryMedina, HildyMeyer, KathyMicallef, Jim & MKMichal, JohnMonk, RobertMoore, Craig & ChrisMoriarty, PandraMoriarty, MelissaMountford, HelenNoble, GeorgiaNoble, AliceNorton, Mark & MichelleOhl-Trlica, JacquePanchal, AaronPennino, Frank & Ron SquirePerez, Stephanie & BobPhillips, Mandy & JeffPoley, Andrew & DorothyPorter, Anne & Regina RodriguezPotter, JayPrice, Patsy & RobertRaimer, JoyceRake, SusannahRick, Bruce & EvelynRingquist, LauraRoediger, AnneRogers, PhilaRoof, Clark & TerrySahyun, Irene & MelSalcido, Mary JaneSanitate, Terre & FrankScharlemann, Martin & Barbara WagnerSchatz, IvaSchmid, Elizabeth & ThomasSecunda, GladysSelzler, Robin & JoeSheldon, Carren & Bernt EngebretsenSiegel, MarthaSingleton, Stephen & Christopher TeasleySmitheram , Lou & Gus PraviaSolin, Loren & LindaSprague, Jamie & Jarrod Squier, Mid & CarolSterne, The Rev. Colleen & Jim

Delaney, DianneDelaney, PaulDobbs, SarahDraper, JohnEllison, Dick & JaneEvans, Mary Ann & RobertFerguson, Bill & Anita PerezFerry, Betty & SteveFisher, Art & LouiseGarciacelay, Claude Gartrell, David & SusanGenis, Paul and MaryGodar, Ronald Goodman, Dane & Marie SchoeffGoodner, Laurie & DougGreen, ChristineGreinke, Gary & JulieGuthrie, Robert & LilianGutierrez, Ruben & AlvaHahn, Jane & KenHannum, SusieHawkins, Greg & RoslynHayes-Nadler, Juli & RellyHenry, Gretchen & PeterHess, Kevin & Elizabeth Hollister, EdithHornby , Geoff & Debbie MolnarHoward, Randy & AnneHowell, Barbara & JoeHumphreys, Stephen Hunter, DrewJaqua, Ann & David GriffinKahler, Jerome & BethKelly, DorothyKokotovic, AnnaKramer, MichaelKrutzsch, Jeffrey & SusanKugler, Larry & MarianneKurywczak, Jasmine & Caren BishopLanglo, TatziaLaraway, Julia & PeterLarsen, Paul & KimLarson, John & BarbaraMacrocosm Consulting Mann, RobertMarshall, LaurindaMarsi, Irene

Stevens, GeorgeStevens, The Rev. Art & JudithStiehl, LindaStuck, Norma & GlennTalbert, Fawzia Talbert, FarinaThomas, Bill & DianaThompson, Beth Thornton, BethTorres, JudithWalker, TerryWallace, KristiWallace, KateWard, Robert & NinaWebb, Don & SallyWenzel, Pete & BettyWiggins, PhyleneWyatt, EleanorWylie, Dennis & Mary EllenWyman, Dave & DianeYoung, CherylZimmer, Charles & NinaZimmerman, Don & SiuZuniga, Alma

Abram, Joseph A. Adams, SusanAidnik-Jones, Catherine & DavidAlexander, JeanAllen, Robert & AnnAngulo, Teresa & TimArmbruster, Ralph & Meg BeardArnold, Michael NealAsman, Mark & Bill WoodAyres, Jane D.Barden, DellBargiel, Andria & BrianBarnhouse, Mary Alice & DavidBeasley, WilliamBengtson, VernBennett, John & Joan E. Benson, MarkBergquist, Jennifer & MichaelBlack, LinBlackwell, BobBoesch, ChristineBoyd, Judy & LanceBrenninkmeyer, Brian & Marisa DepalmaBreytspraak, Jessie Brothers, Grey & CarrieBuzerak, DianaCampbell, John & AnnaCantu, Marc & KayeCapps, LoisCarey, MelindaCarey/Pisani, FamilyCarroll, MarleneChrist, Al & ElaineChristensen, InezChristensen, JeannieClaydon-Carlander, Karen and KentClegg, DouglasConsoli, MelissaCorrigan, Michael & TineCox, FayeCrabtree, Chris & CherylDavis, Jean LangeDawson, GwenDawson, Nollie LeiDean, Michael & KathrynDecker, Susan & Kate KellyDegen, Sarah

Children & Youth PledgersBargiel, OliviaCantu, ElliottCarey-Pisani, ClareCarey-Pisani, EmiliaHess, LiamLind, JasminePaty, BrennanSelzer, AbbyWenzel, GraceWenzel, KateWoods, Chris

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mid week worship

Tuesday Evening Eucharist: 5:30 p.m. Holy Communion and 20 minutes of silent meditation bring us together for rest and renewal in the company of others who also feel called to “watch and wait” in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Contemplative Prayer: A Trinity group to practice various forms of Christian contemplative prayer gathers monthly on the second Wednesday evening, 7-8 p.m., in the Fireside Room. For more information, talk with Art (883-8105) or Judy Stevens (698-9309). A second group practices every Thursday, 12:15-12:45 p.m. in the chancel. Base Community Bible Study and Eucharist: Wednesdays, noon, in the library. This group meets each week for Bible Study and reflects on the upcoming Sunday’s gospel lesson. It closes with an informal Eucharist.

about pledging

Our vision of Stewardship recognizes that God is the giver and has blessed each one of us with many gifts. Common to us all is the privilege and blessing of how we use the precious gifts of our time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is the spiritual practice of discerning the use of these gifts in building God’s dream of love and justice in our hearts, relationships and world. At Trinity we call your gift of time and talent Shared Ministry and we call your gift of treasure a pledge. Pledge forms are available at the Welcome Table.

trinity contact list

staff The Rev. Mark E. Asman, Rector [email protected] Rev. Carren Sheldon, Associate [email protected] Perez, Administrative [email protected] Ruth Brothers, Administrative [email protected] Torres, Coordinator of Shared [email protected] Segna, Business [email protected] Elizabeth Hess, Coordinator of Children's [email protected] Yardi, Coordinator of Youth [email protected] Brothers, Minister of Choral & Congregational Music [email protected] Joyce, Minister of Keyboard [email protected] Toscano, [email protected] Jan Fadden, Parish Nurse, 636-2559 parish councilAdministration & Inclusion: Anne Shaw, 687-3685, [email protected] & Youth Council: Vanessa Woods, 637-0201, [email protected] and Susan Krutzsch 569-5012, [email protected] Formation: Dennis Wylie, 967-9515, [email protected]: Julia Laraway, 682-6926, [email protected] Justice & Outreach: Craig Moore, 680-1228, [email protected] and Laurinda Marshall, 685-5586, [email protected]: Lynn Carlisle, [email protected] and Dodie Little, 963-8656, [email protected]

vestryAnne Porter, Senior Warden,[email protected] Neal Arnold, Junior Warden, [email protected] Thomas, Clerk, [email protected] Humphreys, [email protected] Jaqua, [email protected] Noble, [email protected] Panchal, [email protected] Price, [email protected] Elizabeth Schmid, [email protected] Singleton, [email protected] Walker, [email protected] Wallace, [email protected]

trinity contact listoctober financials

Oct 2015 Actual BudgetIncome $51,418 $54,732Expense $56,435 $56,796Year-to-DateIncome $539,756 $597,440Expense $598,355 $592,693Trinity is grateful for each financial pledge and gift supporting our programs and ministries. Because our expenses are largely predictable and our income varies from month-to-month, staying as current as possible is a great help to us. If at any time your circumstances change, please notify Cami Segna, our parish Business Manager.For a full statement of our income and expense, and vestry notes, see the bulletin board in the Parish Hall building for monthly update.

capital campaign updateAs of October 2015Pledge goal: $2,300,000 Actual pledges: $2,158,349 Income to date: $2,159,934 Expenses to date: $2,083,869Balance of current funds: $75,965

pastoral care

Hospital Visitation: If you, or a member of the parish that you know, is going into the hospital please notify Mark and Carren so they can arrange to visit.Homebound Visitation: If you, or a member of the parish that you know, are homebound (long-term or short-term) and would like a visit or the Eucharist brought to them, please contact the Pastoral Care Committee: Fawzia Talbert 684–8536 or [email protected] or Don Zimmerman 893-3422.

Healing Touch Prayer Ministry: If you, or someone you know, would like to receive a time of Healing Touch Prayer, please contact Nina Zimmer at 968-4084. Helping Hands: The purpose of Helping Hands is to provide short-term care and support for parishioners who need a little extra help due to illness or life circumstances. These volunteers do things like cook a meal, run an errand, or provide transportation. Helpers are put into a resource pool and called upon on an “as need” basis. Mac McNeel, 280-2504Prayer Shawl Ministry: Shawls are handmade by parishioners and blessed each month. If you or someone you know is in need of this prayer-filled comfort, please contact: Norma Stuck, 964-5807, [email protected] Emergency Contact Number: In case of a pastoral or medical EMERGENCY outside of regular office hours please call 726–1255. Clergy will respond to your page as soon as possible.

Page 9: Parish - Amazon S3 · 12/6/2015  · The Worship Bulletin you received along with this handout will be your basic guide through this morning’s liturgy. Parish Notes: In the column


PFLAG MEETING Monday, December 14,7:00 p.m. Meeting Location: Orfalea Downtown Center, 1221 Chapala St.We will watch excerpts from the beautiful documentary, “Anyone and Everyone” Connected by having a son or daughter who is gay, parents across the country from all walks of life, discuss their experiences and responses, their struggles and learning. There will be time for questions, answers and support. Contact: Georgia Noble, (805) 560-8621 Email: [email protected]. Website: community.pflag.org/santabarbara


Please remember these prayer requests during the Prayers of the

People and the week ahead.*Please Remember In Your Prayers: Michael Neal Arnold, Joby Nunez, Ed Cavanaugh, Cathy & Ivor Burlingham, Kahtleen & Tommy Thornton, Martin McArdle, Terry Brennan, Susan C, Fred Sweeney, Phil, Robin Childress, Mid Squier, Michele F, Shannon C, Mark M, Jeannette Shackell, Virginia Badal, Dianne Delaney, Sandra, Yvonne Emerson, Mary Franco, Tom Franco, Casey Franco, Guilianna Franco, Gabriela Franco, Tom Carriero, Billy Jones, Alison Pickering, Rebecca Bodor, Josephine Pikero, Seana M. and Family, S. Herney and Family, John and Diana Brettrager, Alex Stadelman, Corey Beyer, Chuck Frid, Jessie Breytspraak, Frank Sanitate, Jean S., Emily M, Bill & Delane Krumm, Barbara and Brennan, Ed Pausic, Nadine Wilcox, Daniel Gamas, Art Stevens, Lee VanHam, Carol Squier.Those With Long Term Illness: Margaret Marvin, Kathryn Dean, Rachel, Lucretia, Dorito, Betty H, Roger Turner, Jill Harper, Quinn Sellars, Joy Andrews, Jane Arnold, Marcos G., Jerry Whitney and family, Terry Roof, Beverly King Dorsey, Bob Frierson, Elena Decker, Rosemary Jennings, Jennings children, John Carpenter, Christine Langen-feld, Miguel Mendez, Dorothy P, Christoper Dawson, Russell Cunningham, Marjory Smith.For the departed: Gwendolyn Strong, Michel Reid, Mary Liz, John Symonds, Pedro Serantes, Jim Belden, Lucile Beasley, Sue Harris Person, Marjorie Carey, Lloyd Albright, Bernadine “Bernie” Genis, Jeannette Shackell.Serving our country in the armed forces: Craig & Catherine Christ, Grant Fish, Michael C. Fish, Lisa Skioldhanlin, Alec Menoni, David Dees, Theresa Berry, Thomas Richert, Steven Finch, Frederick Johnston, Nicole A. Dennis, Kyle Ray, John Whitney, Taylor Sutherland, Rodger Schuld, Sean Dunbar, James Badgett.Postulants and Candidates for Holy Orders: Michael Corrigan, Lauren Williams, Sarah Thomas.*Note: Names will be removed after 60 days. If you wish to have someone added, call the office at 965–7419 or email [email protected]. Please indicate which list: short-term, long-term or departed.

FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS - Thursday, December 10, 6:30 p.m. Faulkner Gallery of Santa Barbara Central Library, 40 E. Anapamu St. Trinity is delighted to participate in this free, family-friendly, inter-faith celebration of the season, sponsored by Just Communities and the Anti-Defamation League. Learn about the diversity of sacred traditions in our community, with crafts and treats and presentations. If you’d like to help with Trinity’s presentation, treats and crafts, contact Carren Sheldon, [email protected]

OPPORTUNITIES TO GET INVOLVED IN MINISTRYTransition HouseProvides food, shelter and services to families who have lost their homes. A team of Trinity volunteers serves dinner to residents once a month. Contact: Michael Arnold 687-4073 (Saturday coordinator)Teresa Pietsch 570-0542 (Sunday coordinator)

Community KitchenProvides hot nutritious meals to the hungry and homeless in Santa Barbara. A group of Trinity volunteers serves lunch on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month throughout the year at Casa Esperanza. Contact: Sarah Dobbs 682–7904

Faulding HotelA historic hotel that houses the working poor and residents on a fixed income. Trinity volunteers take part in a “mutual ministry” of learning and socializing each month on the third Saturday with the residents, providing lunch with an activity or program.Contact: Regina Rodriguez 963–8543

Harding School HelpersTrinity volunteers provide either class-room or after school homework. We always welcome classroom helpers for pre-school to fifth grade and homework volunteers Mon.-Thurs. 4:15 - 5:15 p.m.Contact: Bob Ward [email protected] or Anne Porter, [email protected] or 963-8543.

shared ministry

Page 10: Parish - Amazon S3 · 12/6/2015  · The Worship Bulletin you received along with this handout will be your basic guide through this morning’s liturgy. Parish Notes: In the column


TODAY’S MUSIC 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. ServicesPRELUDEChant de PaixJean Langlais (1907-1991)COMMUNIONUne Vierge PuselleNicolas-Antoine Lebègue (1631-1702)POSTLUDEFreu dich sehr, O meine seeleSigfrid Karg-Elert

10:00 a.m. Service OnlyOFFERTORY ANTHEM Come, thou long expected Jesus Leland B. Sateren COMMUNION ANTHEMO Sacrum Convivium, Robert W. Parker COMMUNIONMit Ernst, O MenshenkinderSigfrid Karg-Elert (1877-1933)

COMMUNION ANTHEM TEXT:Sung in Latin. English Translation: O sacred banquet! in which Christ is received, the memory of his Passion is renewed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory to us is given. Amen. (Saint Thomas Aquinas, 1225-1274)

CANTICLE 16 LUKE 1:68-79

REFRAINBlessed be the Lord, the God of Israel; * he has come to his people and set them free.He has raised up for us a mighty savior, * born of the house of his servant David.REFRAINThrough his holy prophets he promised of old,that he would save us from our enemies, * from the hands of all who hate us.He promised to show mercy to our fathers * and to remember his holy covenant.REFRAINThis was the oath he swore to our father Abraham, * To set us free from the hands of our enemies,Free to worship him without fear, * holy and righteous in his sight all the days of our life.REFRAINYou, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High, * for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way,To give people knowledge of salvation * by the forgiveness of their sins.REFRAINIn the tender compassion of our God * the dawn from on high shall break upon us,To shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, * and to guide our feet into the way of peace.REFRAIN

OFFERTORY ANTHEM TEXT:Please see The Hymnal 1982 no. 66

ATTENTION TRINITY MEN Re-charge from the holidays at a mini-retreat, January 23 at Trinity, 8:30 a.m. to Noon.We will use excerpts from the DVD, “Jesus and Buddah, Paths to awakening, finding the four noble truths in the heart of the Gospel.”Our on-film guide will be James Finley who was a Trappist Monk for six years at the Abby on Gethsemane in Kentucky, where he studied under the guidance of Thomas Merton.RSVP at [email protected], or sign up at the Welcome Table. Join us for fun, fellowship and food for thought.

How well can you hear our service? As we continue to improve our new sound system, we need your feedback, especially if you are a hearing aid user. Please email or jot down some notes which we can share with our consultants. Thanks!

COMMUNITY ADVENT LESSONS & CAROLS AT ST. MICHAEL’S IN IVTODAY, December 6 at 7:30 p.m. Grey Brothers will conduct our own Trinity choir joined by members of other local Episcopal choirs in this annual Service of Advent readings and music. Choir rehearsal begins at 5:30. Everyone is welcome!

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