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Page 1: Part 1 Music Video Prep

Part 1 Music videoBy Janelle Kidd

MY SONG CHOICE IS: Shine by Years and Years

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The concept for my music video is: the main character tries to find the girl he likes after seeing her around and finally plucks up the courage to try and speak to her. She always seems to disappear and leave the main character behind. The pair will finally unite near the end of the video where this time it's the main character that walks away.

The setting will range from city streets, bush and the library.

The girls costume will be bright colours like red, orange, blue and green. The use of bright colour will reinforce the fact that the person is always around but seems to leave instantly when being spotted. The audience will also be able to spot the girl from far away. Background people will be wearing black and dark colours, so the girl will stand out amongst the group.

Lighting will be clear and bright. Will change to become darker at the start of the video and at the end to show opening and closure.Props will be appropriate to each scene. (Library-books) ect.This video will somewhat tell a story and will be of narrative style.


The main character decides he will try and talk to the girl but first he needs to find her.

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After finally making contact with the girl he grabs her by the shoulder, stares for a few seconds then walks away from all her games and hurtfulness.

The girl will be around town, the main character will be always trying to find her but once he gets close enough she seems to disappear either on a bus, into a shop ect. She will be wearing bright clothing to stand out amongst others.

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Target audience appeal This will appeal to my target audience because many could have experienced similar situations like this, except less exaggerated. The teenage audience would appreciate this narrative style video and will be able to follow the story and see the twist at the end.

When most would have given up on pursuing the girl, the main character decided to get back at her. Something the audience maybe wished they had once done.

The video will involve bright elements such as costume and makeup that will give the audience aesthetic appeal. They will also enjoy watching this video because people in the same age group play roles in this.

This music video will appeal to teenagers but especially teenage girls who thrive over the concept of perhaps romantic, flirtatious comedic behaviours because my video will include these in different ways whether it's the comedic twist at the end or the romantic feel of the boy trying to find the girl.

This genre of music will appeal to the target audience because the beat is catchy, it is an artist that is new and a new song for them to listen to.

Genre: Mixture (narrative and performance elements)

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Codes and conventions for a pop music genre:

Technical conventions: The camera angles involved in a pop video are mostly wide shots to show the setting and appearance of people and surroundings. Close ups and extreme close ups are used to show facial expression and mood, this also helps to show the makeup and focal features of the face such as lips and eyes. The camera movement is mostly still camera footage with clean cut transitions.

The editing is mostly clean cut, fast transitions and slow opening shots.

Symbolic conventions: The costuming and makeup involved are mostly bright and have an almost 'pop art' theme. The costuming sometimes involves florescent colour and patterning. The makeup involves either natural, a bold lip or smokey eyes to allow the artist or actor to stand out.

Special effects are could be used to overlap objects of focus, the backdrop of background could be changed using special effects such as a green screen.

Most lighting in pop music videos tend to be light and bright to emphasise the use of bright colours and help form a happy, upbeat mood

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Tone:The tone of my music video is: mystery, comedic

This tone will be created by: the music of course which is upbeat and of pop style, there is plenty of pauses during the song that allow the build of suspense,

the chorus is faster as well. The fact that she is always disappearing makes it seem mysterious, close up camera work will help show off the mystery involved

in the storyline.

The comedic side of the story will be created by using camera angles such as wide shots, close ups and camera movements like panning ect. The main

comedic part in the story will be shown at the end when the male lead leaves the girl lead behind.

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Setting:The setting in my music video will include local street area, the library and a classroom. These settings make the story seem realistic because these are all places that are gone to everyday. These settings fit similar to the average teenagers who attend school so the feel of similar environment would appeal to this target audience.

At the beginning of the video the setting would be in a classroom when the boy/main character thinks he should pursue his love for the girl. It would then be held in local common areas such as the park, library, street view ect, when the boy/main character goes to find the girl but she keeps disappearing.At the end of the video the boy/main character will finally come into contact with the girl at the bus stop where she is seen waiting for her next escape.

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Actors costumes, props, hair and makeup:

The makeup look I have chosen for the girl in the music video will be a bold red lip, with natural eye makeup that consists of mascara and white eyeliner pencil to make the eyes stand out but not so much that they are black. Powder will also be added to get rid of shiny tones on the skin.

The hair style I have chosen for the girl in the music video is a high ponytail with natural hair, I wanted her hair to be out of her face so you could see facial expressions and makeup easily without it getting caught up in the wind.

The costuming I have chosen for the extras/background people is plain black either long pants such as jeans or sweatpants with a shirt or black sweatshirt. I want the extras to be wearing dull clothing to make the girl stand out amongst the crowd.

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The colour of this costume goes with the overall colour theme that was the idea of having the girl standing out above everyone else so that the audience could see her easily. This outfit follows the typical trend of clothing that relates mostly to pop videos but also appeals to the target audience because this is the style most teenagers wear, as vans are highly favoured amongst teenagers as well as skater skirts and wool jumpers in the winter.

This choice of costume will blend with the makeup and choice of bold lip, none of the clothing will be covered as the girl will have her hair positioned in a high pony tail so that all of the costuming can be shown.

I would like to have no large labels or logos showing on the clothing. A plain bright theme is going to be shown throughout the music video.

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This colour theme of grey works well with the theme of having one item stand out (the girl lead) and have the extras seen as dull because the grey is a step up from black and would stand out just as well amongst it.

Ideally there would be no large labels, fonts or logos on any of the costume.

As well as having a basic colour pallet for the male leads role he will also have a very basic look of perhaps blush on the cheeks to show up the effect of his tiredness of the girl leads games and trying to find her all the time, if the actors hair is long enough her would gel it at the front so we can clearly see facial features and expressions. It will also help make his presentation look sleek and fit the tightness of the girl leads high ponytail.

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Props:Books will be used in the library and in the classroom because they help shown the realism of the scene and realistic enough to be happening during everyday life. This prop may be temporary and not used throughout the full video because it would be necessary to carry it during other settings.

School bags will be worn throughout most of the video by both characters to show that they have just come from a regular day at school, this will help make the situation realistic and will help show the audience that the characters are from the same age group as them, this will help with the target audience appeal to the video.

The iPhone will be used by the girl lead near then end of the video when she is being found by the male lead at the bus stop. A close up will show her reading the online bus timetable, planning her next escape. The male lead will always be busy so he will not have a phone.

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Structure: (setup)The structure of my music video will be:

The video will start with a hazed opening of the boy/main character gazing at the girl he loves, a pan up of her body will be taken, then switch to a wide shot to show the girl with a group of others. She will stand out because of her bright costuming and makeup while they will be dressed in black, the girl will look up before bolting out of the room.The next set up will be the boy walking out of the class slowly, analysing the situation. He will be miming the lyrics for small part, the camera will be circling him from all angles. The next set up will be him deciding to pursue the girl and breaking into a run to find her, the setting will be on the street.The next set up will be him going from the street to the library as he sees her red outfit slip through the doors. He runs down an isle to spot her leg as she leaves the library.The next set up will be at the park, as he nearly catches her but once again she leaves right before he arrives. The next set up will be the boy/girl lip syncing the words in a light hazed room.The last setup will be him sprinting as fast as he can because he spots her at the bus stop, he grabs her shoulder and spins her around. The pair stare for a while. An over the shoulder shot shows the facial expressions of the boy before her scans her appearance and walks of slowly down the street. Alone.

The cut between each scene/structure or set up will be mostly fast in transition but will fade in and out of not action scenes.

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