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Understanding The Foundations Of Business CommunicationsChapters: 1,2 and 31Chapter 1Achieving success Through Effective Business Communications2Achieving SuccessYour career success depends on effective communicationsBenefits of effective communication?Differentiate your communication stylesOrganizational CommunicationInternal Vs ExternalFormal Vs Informal (3 Directions Vs Grapevine)

3Do you know effective communication?Practical, Factual, Concise, Clear and Persuasive.Your communication skills are constantly evaluated!Business Communication is unique.Information is more important than ever.Globalization and workforce diversity.TechnologyEvolution of organizational structures (culture)Team work is becoming more prominent4Effective On The Job CommunicationSuccessful communication is about making a connection to your audience.Idea Message Medium Channel AudienceThe communication environment is not perfect! There are barriers!Avoid them!Your audience must sense and capture the message.Expectations, ease of use, familiarity, empathy, and compatibility.Decoding the message is personal. (Selective Perception)Will they respond? Why?What kind of feedback?Be respectfull to others and etiquettes5Improving Business CommunicationsCan technology play a role?Does everyone need technological competence? How much?Ethical CommunicationsBeing true Plagiarism, selective misquoting, misrepresenting numbers, distorting visuals.Ethical dilemma and ethical lapse.Legal CommunicationsPromotions, Contractuals, Employments, IP, Financial Reports, Defamation.

6Chapter 2Communicating in Teams, and Mastering Listening and Nonverbal Communication Skills7Team Work & Team CommunicationsParticipative Management is gaining popularityProblem Solving Teams (Task Forces) Vs. CommiteesAre teams always advantageous? Is it always effective?

8Team CommunicationsCollaborative WritingSelect the right partners, agree on goals, bond, establish individual responsibilities, and avoid writing as a group!CMS, DMS or Wikis may helpGroup dynamicsInteractions within the group; They form the normsGroup roles Self oriented, maintenance, or task oriented.They often change and evolve! Ex: LeadershipConflicts can be constructive or destructiveMaintain composure during resistance

9Productive MeetingsDecide on your purpose ahead of time, select the right participants, choose the time and facilities, set the agendaSomeone MUST do this!Everyone shares the responsibility for a successful meeting.YOU are responsible for keeping things on track, following procedures, participating (and encouraging)Technology helps group meetingsVirtual meetings, Groupwares, VideoConferencing10Listening SkillsListening is one of the most important skills in the workspace. Why?Content ListeningJust probing, no evaluation Only to understand.Critical ListeningEvaluate the meaning, intentions, motives, ASK!Empathic ListeningFeelings, needs and wants. Appreciative.

11Listening SkillsTry to be an active listener!CONSCIOUS EFFORT to hear and understandSend positive body languages to encourage speaker.Your mind process information faster than speakers talk (3 to 4 times more)Dont leave your brain unsupervised!Dont daydreamWhen information is crucial, dont count on your memory!12Non Verbal CommunicationsThis is important, but you need to understand your audiences culture.Non verbal signals include facial expressions, gestures, vocal characteristics, personal appearance, touch, and time & space.Touch is complex, when in doubt, DO NOT touch.13Chapter 3Communicating in a World of Diversity14Communication in a Diverse WorldIdentify the opportunities and challenges of a diverse workplace!Be sensitive to culture and diversityWhat is culture?Avoid ethnocentrism and be culturally pluralXenophobia, stereotypingRecognize that this is a DIVERSE worldHigh context (metaphorical) Vs. Low context (explicit)Cultural difference complicate ethical choicesThe rules of polite behaviors varies (time)Age, Gender, Religion, and Ability?Want to look older or younger?

15Intercultural Communication SkillsStudy other cultures and languagesMistakes will happen, so apologize!Dont assume everyone speaks english!Respect others communication stylesCan get frustrating!Be clear, brief, avoid slangs & jargons or humors & references to popular cultures.


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