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Page 1: Part 9: Other Grant Topics - Tennessee by the ERP Division Revised: 8/8/2011 Edison Grants Accounting Manual –Part 9 Draft Version EDISON GRANTS ACCOUNTING MANUAL. Part 9: Other

Developed by the ERP Division Revised: 8/8/2011 Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 9 Draft Version


Part 9: Other Grant Topics

Section 9.1 – Subrecipients

Section 9.2 – Statistical Grants

Section 9.3 – Queries

Section 9.4 – Understanding Running Grant Queries

Section 9.5 – Listing of Grant Queries and Usage

Section 9.6 – Changing Dates on Grants/Projects

Section 9.7 – Program Income*

Section 9.8 – InKind Contributions*

Section 9.9 – Grant Advances to a Sub-grantee through Accounts Payable*

Section 9.10 – SEFA Reporting*

Section 9.11 – Adjusting a Grant Budget after Initial Finalization*

Section 9.12 – Glossary of Terms*

(Go to the desired section by clicking the link for that section.)

Note: * denotes sections that are not yet completed in this part of the manual.

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Section 9.1 - Subreceipient Grants In order to understand Subreceipient grants in Edison, one needs to ask the question, is the Subreceipient a Tennessee State Agency or outside of the state vendor/non-profit entity.

• If the Subreceipient is a Tennessee State Agency, you need to have an Interdepartmental Grant/ Customer Contract created in Edison.

• If the Subreceipient is outside of the state, you will have a Procurement/Supplier Contract. Additionally, one must understand the use of the different Activities used in Interdepartmental grants.

• INTERFED – Is used by the Secondary agency and means that the funding source is Federal Funds through another State agency.

• INTERMATCH – Is used by the Secondary agency and means that the funding source is State Funds which are allotted to a State agency and passed on to another State agency.

• INTERLOCAL – Is used by the Secondary agency and means that the funding source is Local Funds which are received by one State agency and passed on to another State agency.

• INTERFOUND – Is used by the Secondary agency and means that the funding source is a Foundation or Non-profit source of Funds which are received by one State agency and passed on to another State agency.

• INTERLOTRY – Is used by the Secondary agency and means that the funding source is from the State Lottery Funds which are received by one State agency and passed on to another State agency.

• FEDERAL – Is used by the Primary agency and means that the funding source is Federal Funds received by the Primary agency.

• STATE – Can be used by either the Secondary or the Primary agency and means that the funding source is State Allotment dollars received by the State Agency and used by that same Agency.

A. Tennessee State Agency Grants A1. State Agency Receiving Funds Directly If you are the Primary (agency receiving FEDERAL funds directly), you will do a Grant created through the Proposal method, having at least one Project ID and one Activity (FEDERAL).

• Your Sponsor would be the Federal Sponsor in the Grant Proposal (normally starts with a GR)

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• Your Sponsor would be the Federal Sponsor in the Award Profile

• Your sponsor would be the Federal Customer in the Customer (Revenue) Contract

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• Your Customer Contract (Revenue Contract) will have a rate set which shows 68001 as Federal Revenue.

• Your Grant Award Profile will have two Attributes – F for Federal and C for Cash for SEFA

reporting purposes.

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• Expenditures would occur with the use of the PC Bus Unit, Project ID and FEDERAL activity

Transactional expenditures would come from Time & Labor for the FEDERAL activity would have a PAY analysis type. Transactional expenditures would come from Accounts Payable and Travel for the FEDERAL activity would have an ACT analysis type. Transactional expenditures coming from F&A (indirect cost) from Grants for the FEDERAL activity would have a SFA analysis type. Transactional expenditures coming from General Ledger Journals for the FEDERAL activity would have a GLE analysis type. Because every ACT, PAY, GLE, and/or SFA transaction line would produce a BIL line Your BU as a direct recipient of FEDERAL dollars would produce billing, which would appear on the TN_GR03 query from which a temporary bill would be approved and processed to produce an AR invoice item in Edison. You would make your Federal draws in the various Federal systems like you always have. When the ACH or Wire deposit comes in, then the AR Item would be matched up to the deposit to close the item in Edison. A.2. Tennessee State Agency receiving funds from another State Agency. If you are the Secondary (agency receiving Federal funds indirectly), you will do a Grant created through the Proposal method, having at least one Project ID and one Activity (INTERFED- if all Interdepartmental Federal funding or INTERMATCH – if all is Interdepartmental State funding or INTERARRA – if Interdepartmental ARRA FEDERAL funding). If the cost is shared, part comes from the Federal Government and part from state allotment dollars, and then you would have two Activities to the Project (INTERFED and INTERMATCH) to reflect how much is coming from which funding source.

• Your Sponsor would be the State Agency which have been set up as GRANT sponsors. (begins with GR)

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• Your Customer Contract (Revenue Contract) will have a rate set which shows 68090 as

Interdepartmental Revenue unless the BU is a Component BU (TSAC – 33205 Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation; THDA – 31620 Tennessee Housing Development Agency; Tennessee Education Lottery Corporation; 33260 Tennessee Board of Regents) which would have 68095 rate set.

• Your Billing Plan would have a payment method of Direct Debit

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Your Grant Award Profile Notice of Grant Award would be (if created through procurement) the Procurement Contract number.

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Your Grant Award Profile will have one Attribute – T for Pass Through for SEFA reporting purposes

• You would incur the expenses – time & labor, AP, GL, travel – this is an example of an expense in AP

• Project Costing would collect the expenditures and send them to Billing

• You would process the Temporary Bills in Billing and turn into Invoices

• You would then take the Invoice and enter an InterUnit Journal (through the Project template)

to record the Revenue to the Secondary (you) agency – making sure you enter the PC Business Unit, Project and Activity(s) on the Journal and enter an analysis type of IUR.

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A.3. INTERUNIT Journal Example of an INTERUNIT JOURNAL – BU 30227 Project ID CSJUVJUDTRAIN09 Activity INTERFED with an Analysis Type IUR for INTERUNIT REVENUE for BU 30227 is the Secondary BU/Agency incurring the initial expenditure; while BU 31601 Project ID CYFFCTGTF000008 Activity FEDERAL with Analysis Type of GLE is the Primary BU/Agency receiving the expenditure which they (31601) would then be able to bill & draw from the Federal Government.

• Include in the Journal Reference Field the Billing Invoice number – the example is missing

this value but the Edison team highly recommends this, but if you were doing a once a month journal for many billings, these would not have room to put the Invoice number

• The Primary Agency then would enter the GLE (analysis) expenditure side of the InterUnit Journal to get the expenditures which would then be billed to the Federal Sponsor – see above

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Each Business Unit/Agency needs to reconcile the AR to Billing amounts, to make sure that you had gotten the inter-unit revenue for all of your expenditures as the secondary agency and that you have passed on the expenditures for the primary agency to be able to draw them from the Federal government. The grant query TN_GR04_INTERDEPT_AR gives you a summary by Customer Contract/Project ID and Activity which has been billed (produced an invoice, however the accounting for that invoice went AR to AR) and compares the billing to the Interdepartmental revenue 68090000 which was generated when an interunit journal was done in Edison.

Contract(Grant) BU Project Activity Analysis Type

Sum Amount



B. 501C-3 Non-Profits, Metro Governments, etc. This is done through the various modules associated to Procurement. What ties the information in Procurement back to the Grant is: the PC Business Unit, Project ID, Activity, and other Project costing fields if used - Source, Category, and Subcategory, which would be entered into the Supplier Contract and/or PO release against the Supplier Contract in the accounting line detail information. Note: You could enter in the Subreceipient Information (Procurement) in the Proposal on the Resources (tab) page; or later in the Award Profile on the Resources (tab) page (same place) – however, this is only informational to the Grant and it does not have direct links to the Procurement documents and the Grant’s team does not recommend that you spend the time doing it.

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Following are the various icons next to the Subreceipient and example of data:

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Section 9.2 – Statistical Grants A Statistical Journal may be needed to produce a billing in grants where no direct expenditures can be tracked in Edison. The Statistical journal can multiple a number, using a specific “9” account based on configuration of the Statistical accounting string related to the “Rate Set” to create a billing entry and recognize revenue in Edison.

To produce the following targeted results

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Example of the Statistical Entries:

• Veterans Administration has to bill the Federal government for each veteran interned (buried) in one of three cemeteries across the state an amount of $300.00 according to a Federal law. Their statistical journal is “1” unit X $300 = amount produced to a General ledger journal.

• Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC) gets funds from the Federal government based upon the number of student loans that process. Their statistical journal is “1” unit equals “$1.00”

Following are Business Units and their related statistical journal set up and directions. Creating a Statistical Journal Entry for VA 32300 A Statistical Journal Entry is a "1" one line General Ledger Journal. Navigation: General Ledger>Journals>Journal Entry>Create/Update Journal Entries Click on Add a New Value Enter the BU The Journal ID is auto-numbered by Edison On the Header Tab (Page)

• Enter the Journal Date • Enter a Long Description: Example - STAT JE to Bill 4-09 VETSBURIAL Grants • Choose the Ledger Group: STATISTIC

Click on the Lines Tab (Page)

• Click on the Template List hyperlink • Uncheck the Project Template • Check the STAT Template • Click OK • Changing the Template causes the Journal to open up the chartfields that you need to enter

information on this entry. • Fields needed to be entered:

• Fund - 11000 • Department – (ten digit)

o Knoxville 3230000033 o Memphis 3230000034 o Nashville 3230000035

• Account - 90999929 FYI Description of Account: Number of Interment Allowance • Location –

o Knoxville 47007 o Memphis 79008

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o Nashville 19022 • Program (if used) • User Code (if used) • PC Bus Unit – 32300 • Project ID –


Activity – FEDERAL • An Type – SJE • Statistical Amount – Number of Internments (the Rate Set below will multiple it)

Attached scanned documentation for the journal (the sheets sent to the Federal Sponsor-VA). Approvals for a STAT General Ledger Journal would be the same as any other GL Journal – approved by Supervisor and by the Division of Accounts. The STAT journal is used by a specific Rate Set created for the BU and normally allows one to multiply the amount times the specific Rate Set – for VA it’s a specific Rate Set called VA_FED which multiples the value on the speed-chart times $300. When the calculated cost are processed and turned into a Billing Invoice and an Item for Accounts Receivable, the funds received (via check or ACH) can be applied to the Item.

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Creating a Statistical Journal Entry for 33205 A Statistical Journal Entry is a "1" one line General Ledger Journal. Navigation: General Ledger>Journals>Journal Entry>Create/Update Journal Entries Click on Add a New Value Enter the BU The Journal ID is auto-numbered by Edison On the Header Tab (Page)

• Enter the Journal Date • Enter a Long Description: Example - STAT JE to Bill FFELP10 Gr 07/09 • Choose the Ledger Group: STATISTIC

Click on the Lines Tab (Page)

• Click on the Template List hyperlink • Uncheck the Project Template • Check the STAT Template • Click OK • Changing the Template causes the Journal to open up the chart fields that you need to enter

information on this entry. • Fields needed to be entered:

• Fund - 60000 • Department – (ten digit) 3320400000 (Fed Family Ed Loan Program) • Account - 90999928 FYI Description of Account: Unit Equals Dollars • Location – 19000 • Program (if used) 000488 (TSAA - LEAP) • User Code (if used) • PC Bus Unit – 33205 • Project ID – SAFFELPXXXXXX10

Activity – FEDERAL • An Type – SJE • Statistical Amount – ____ (the Rate Set “Unit Equals Dollars” enter a unit value for each

dollar needed) Attached scanned documentation for the journal (the billing sent to the Federal Sponsor). Approvals for a STAT General Ledger Journal would be the same as any other GL Journal – approved by Supervisor and by the Division of Accounts. The STAT journal is used by a specific Rate Set created for the BU and normally allows one to multiply the amount times the specific Rate Set – for TSAC it’s a specific Rate Set called “FFELP_FED” which multiples the unit value (1) on the speed-chart times $1. When the calculated cost are processed and turned into a Billing Invoice and an Item for Accounts Receivable, the funds received (via check or ACH) can be applied to the Item.

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Creating a Statistical Journal Entry for 31620 A Statistical Journal Entry is a "1" one line General Ledger Journal. Navigation: General Ledger>Journals>Journal Entry>Create/Update Journal Entries Click on Add a New Value Enter the BU The Journal ID is auto-numbered by Edison On the Header Tab (Page)

• Enter the Journal Date • Enter a Long Description: Example - STAT JE to Bill HUD_CNADM___ Gr 07/09 • Choose the Ledger Group: STATISTIC

Click on the Lines Tab (Page)

• Click on the Template List hyperlink • Uncheck the Project Template • Check the STAT Template • Click OK • Changing the Template causes the Journal to open up the chart fields that you need to enter

information on this entry. • Fields needed to be entered:

• Fund - 13001 • Department – (ten digit) 3162006000 (Section 8 Contract Admin) • Account - 90999928 FYI Description of Account: Unit Equals Dollars • Location – 19000 • Program (if used) 050900 (Federal – Admin) • User Code (if used) • PC Bus Unit – 31620 • Project ID –

Activity – FEDERAL • An Type – SJE • Statistical Amount – ____ (the Rate Set “Unit Equals Dollars” enter a unit value for each

dollar needed) Attached scanned documentation for the journal (the billing sent to the Federal Sponsor). Approvals for a STAT General Ledger Journal would be the same as any other GL Journal – approved by Supervisor and by the Division of Accounts. The STAT journal is used by a specific Rate Set created for the BU and normally allows one to multiply the amount times the specific Rate Set – for THDA it’s a specific Rate Set called “_______” which multiples the unit value (1) on the speed-chart times $1. When the calculated cost are processed and turned into a Billing Invoice and an Item for Accounts Receivable, the funds received (via check or ACH) can be applied to the Item.

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Creating a Statistical Journal Entry for 31620 Version 2 A Statistical Journal Entry is a "1" one line General Ledger Journal. Navigation: General Ledger>Journals>Journal Entry>Create/Update Journal Entries Click on Add a New Value Enter the BU The Journal ID is auto-numbered by Edison On the Header Tab (Page)

• Enter the Journal Date • Enter a Long Description: Example - STAT JE to Bill Sec8HCV___ Gr XX/XX • Choose the Ledger Group: STATISTIC

Click on the Lines Tab (Page)

• Click on the Template List hyperlink • Uncheck the Project Template • Check the STAT Template • Click OK • Changing the Template causes the Journal to open up the chart fields that you need to enter

information on this entry. • Fields needed to be entered:

• Fund - 13001 • Department – (ten digit) 3162005000 (Section 8 Rental Assistance) • Account - 90999928 FYI Description of Account: Unit Equals Dollars • Location – 19000 • Program (if used) ___________ • User Code (if used) • PC Bus Unit – 31620 • Project ID – HDSECT8HCVPGM12

Activity – FEDERAL • An Type – SJE • Statistical Amount – ____ (the Rate Set “Unit Equals Dollars” enter a unit value for each

dollar needed) Attached scanned documentation for the journal (the billing sent to the Federal Sponsor). Approvals for a STAT General Ledger Journal would be the same as any other GL Journal – approved by Supervisor and by the Division of Accounts. The STAT journal is used by a specific Rate Set created for the BU and normally allows one to multiply the amount times the specific Rate Set – for THDA it’s a specific Rate Set called “_______” which multiples the unit value (1) on the speed-chart times $1. When the calculated cost are processed and turned into a Billing Invoice, however this particular Rate Set S8HCV will not create an open invoice Item- the accounting is like Interdepartmental – it is AR to AR. Once the funds received (via check or ACH) they would need to be direct journaled so that the revenue is recorded properly.

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Creating a Statistical Journal Entry for 31604 A Statistical Journal Entry does not have to have an offsetting line Navigation: General Ledger>Journals>Journal Entry>Create/Update Journal Entries Click on Add a New Value Enter the BU The Journal ID is auto-numbered by Edison On the Header Tab (Page)

• Enter the Journal Date • Enter a Long Description: Example - STAT JE to Bill EEOC Contract 01_2010 • Choose the Ledger Group: STATISTIC

Click on the Lines Tab (Page)

• Click on the Template List hyperlink • Uncheck the Project Template • Check the STAT Template • Click OK • Changing the Template causes the Journal to open up the chart fields that you need to enter

information on this entry. • Fields needed to be entered:

• Fund - 11000 • Department – (ten digit) 3160400200 (Description - Equal Emp Opp Commission) • Or 3160400300 (Description - Housing Urban Development) • Account - 90999914 FYI Description of Account: Number EEOC Intake Services • Or (this account multiples the STAT amount by 50) • Account – 90999915 FYI Description of Account: Number EEOC Charge Resolutions • Or (this account multiples the STAT amount by 550) • Account – 90999916 FYI Description of Account: Number of Training EEOC • Or (this account multiples the STAT amount by 13) • Account – 90999917 FYI Description of Account: Number Complaints Addressed

(this account multiples the STAT amount by 1) • Location – 19000 • Program – 100100 (Description – EqualEmpOppComm) • Or • Program – 100200 (Description – Housing) • User Code (if used) • PC Bus Unit – 31604 • Project ID –

Activity – FEDERAL • An Type – SJE • Statistical Amount – ____ (the Rate Set) multiples as above

Attached scanned documentation for the journal (the billing sent to the Federal Sponsor). Approvals for a STAT General Ledger Journal would be the same as any other GL Journal – approved by Supervisor and by the Division of Accounts. The STAT journal is used by a specific Rate Set created for the BU and normally allows one to multiply the amount times the specific Rate Set. When the calculated cost are processed and turned into a Billing Invoice and an Item for Accounts Receivable, the funds received (via check or ACH) can be applied to the Item.

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Creating a Statistical Journal Entry for 33501 A Statistical Journal Entry does not have to have an offsetting line Navigation: General Ledger>Journals>Journal Entry>Create/Update Journal Entries Click on Add a New Value Enter the BU The Journal ID is auto-numbered by Edison On the Header Tab (Page)

• Enter the Journal Date • Enter a Long Description: Example - STAT JE to Bill Contract HUD3350309X for Module Homes • Choose the Ledger Group: STATISTIC

Click on the Lines Tab (Page)

• Click on the Template List hyperlink • Uncheck the Project Template • Check the STAT Template • Click OK • Changing the Template causes the Journal to open up the chart fields that you need to enter

information on this entry. • Fields needed to be entered:

• Fund - 11000 • Department – (ten digit) 3350300009 (Description – Manufactured Housing) • Account - 90999926 FYI Description of Account: Act # of Floors Shipped • Or (this account multiples the STAT amount by 9) • Account – 90999927 FYI Description of Account: Act # of Floors Produced • (this account multiples the STAT amount by 2.5) • Location – 19000 • Program – (if used) • User Code – 801318 (Description - HUD Mobile Entrance Fee) • PC Bus Unit – 33501 • Project ID – CIHUDMOBENT335 • Activity – FEDERAL • An Type – SJE • Statistical Amount – ____ (the Rate Set) multiples as above

Attached scanned documentation for the journal (the billing sent to the Federal Sponsor). Approvals for a STAT General Ledger Journal would be the same as any other GL Journal – approved by Supervisor and by the Division of Accounts. The STAT journal is used by a specific Rate Set created for the BU and normally allows one to multiply the amount times the specific Rate Set. When the calculated cost are processed and turned into a Billing Invoice and an Item for Accounts Receivable, the funds received (via check or ACH) can be applied to the Item.

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Section 9.3 – Queries If you are a Grant’s user, one must learn how to use and run Queries as well as learning how to use and interpret the information that the query(s) provide. We will begin by running the Query TN_GR05_BLD_TRANS_BY_INVOICE. We need to know for this query the invoice number associated to the grant/customer contract’s billing. In order to find this information: Navigation: FSCM> Customer Contracts > Create and Amend > General Information & enter BU and Customer Contract needed. Click on “Search.”

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Click on the blue Billing Plans hyperlink

Click on the B101 Plan blue hyperlink

Click on the History tab

The Customer Contract contains all the billing information on a grant. The cost collection process from the Billing/AR Module feeds the information back to the contract. Click on the History tab and then click on the Billing tab of the Contract Billing History. This lists by Invoice number and Invoice date the amounts which have been billed. We need to find the original transactions (the ACT (Actual expenditures from AP & Travel), the PAY (Payroll expenditures), the GLE (General Ledger expenditures) ) that make up two different invoices – let us look at Invoices 0000063040 dated 4/27/10 and 0000063364 dated 4/28/10.

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Let’s go schedule the Query. Navigation: FSCM > FSCM Reporting Tools > FSCM Schedule Query If you are running this query for the very first time, we need to create a new Run Control ID. (Note: If you had already had a Run Control ID for this query, you would simply enter the first several characters of that ID here and click on “Search.” Notes for Run Controls: A Run Control ID is a unique identifier. The run control table entry allows you to create and save settings for the query. Run Control ID Considerations: • They never go away. • Every process must have one. • They are specific to your User ID. No one else can use or view your controls. • Blanks are not allowed in a Run Control ID. • The only valid special character permitted in a Run Control ID is an underscore.

Click on the Yellow Add button

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Then type in the Query needed, in this case we need TN_GR05_BLD_TRANS_BY_INV

Click on Search

We need to define the parameters that we need to search on for the query Enter the BU and the whole invoice number (including all leading zeros)

Click OK

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Click on Save and you have saved the run control Now we need to schedule the query, click on the Yellow “Run” button Grant queries need to be run to TXT or XLS (Excel)

Normally, XLS is sufficient, except when the data is too big for an Excel spreadsheet. You DO NOT want to run the Grant’s queries to a PDF file! Click OK

A Process Instance number is given and you need to click on the Process Monitor blue hyperlink

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When the Distribution Status says Posted and the Run Status is Success, you click on the Details (blue hyperlink) and then click on the View Log/Trace blue hyperlink

The Query TN_GR05_BLD_TRANS_BY_INVOICE has been run to an Excel file – click on that blue hyperlink

And you can Open and/or Save the Excel file to a desired location. OK, so now I need the other invoice. I have to wait until the first scheduled query has run to success and posted. A run control is like unto a “car” that you get into every day. I want to go to the grocery store, so I get in and go – the car goes only one way, the way I drive it with me making the turns, stopping at lights, etc. If my wife calls and says, go by the post office (it’s in the opposite direction) and pick up some stamps. Can I go both ways at the same time? No.

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So, let’s go schedule and get the other invoice’s information that we need. Navigation: FSCM> FSCM Reporting Tools > FSCM Schedule Query

Click on the Run Control ID we need

Now we need to change the look up information by clicking on the blue hyperlink “Update Parameters”

Enter the BU and Invoice needed

Click OK

Page 27: Part 9: Other Grant Topics - Tennessee by the ERP Division Revised: 8/8/2011 Edison Grants Accounting Manual –Part 9 Draft Version EDISON GRANTS ACCOUNTING MANUAL. Part 9: Other

Developed by the ERP Division Draft Version Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 9 P a g e | 26 Revised: 8/8/11

Click Save Then click Run and repeat like the first one that was processed. . Section 9.4 – Understanding Running Grant Queries The TN_GR05 query by invoice is limited to but 20,000 transaction lines, one has to think about what you want to be able to see from the data. Are you looking for a specific accounting date, transaction date, account, project ID, voucher, vendor number, pay information, travel expense, journal or amount? Reviewing transactions in an Excel format for grants can be done in three ways:

1) Looking at the entire query – not normally a wise move 2) Can be made into a pivot table 3) Can be filtered with subtotals in Excel

Remember, you do NOT want to run the Grant queries to a PDF file, it would be too huge and would take a long time to produce. You want to schedule the Grant queries in order to run them. If the Grant query takes a long time to run, for example TN_GR08, then you may want to schedule it to run during the weekend versus during the week. A Grant Summary query normally takes longer to run than a Detail one. If you have a date range to run and your agency/BU has a lot of data, you may want to think smaller date ranges. Looking at the project, either by Parent (overall) or by budget item (object code) at the child level can show you a quick summary of budget versus expenditures, encumbrances, and pre-encumbrances. .

Page 28: Part 9: Other Grant Topics - Tennessee by the ERP Division Revised: 8/8/2011 Edison Grants Accounting Manual –Part 9 Draft Version EDISON GRANTS ACCOUNTING MANUAL. Part 9: Other

Developed by the ERP Division Draft Version Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 9 P a g e | 27 Revised: 8/8/11

Section 9.5 – Listing of Grant Queries and Usage Listing of Queries for Grants – Can be obtained by Running TN_GR00_Query_LIST

Section 9.6 – Changing Dates on Grants/Projects Change Date on Project Navigation: FSCM>Grants>Awards>Project Find Project needed. On the Project “General Information” page – change the END date. Save

Change Date on Project Activity(s) Scroll down and Click on Project Activities On the Project Activities page – change the END date for all Activities. Save

Page 29: Part 9: Other Grant Topics - Tennessee by the ERP Division Revised: 8/8/2011 Edison Grants Accounting Manual –Part 9 Draft Version EDISON GRANTS ACCOUNTING MANUAL. Part 9: Other

Developed by the ERP Division Draft Version Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 9 P a g e | 28 Revised: 8/8/11

Change Date on Award Profile Page Navigation: FSCM>Grants>Awards>Award Profile Find the Award Profile needed (you can search by Award ID or by Project). On the Award page change the END date. Save.

Change Date on Award Funding Page Click on the Funding page -on the blue line click View All if you have multiple projects and change the END date on all associated projects. Save

Page 30: Part 9: Other Grant Topics - Tennessee by the ERP Division Revised: 8/8/2011 Edison Grants Accounting Manual –Part 9 Draft Version EDISON GRANTS ACCOUNTING MANUAL. Part 9: Other

Developed by the ERP Division Draft Version Edison Grants Accounting Manual – Part 9 P a g e | 29 Revised: 8/8/11

Change Date on Customer Contract Navigation: FSCM>Customer Contracts>Create and Amend>General Information Find the Contract. Click on the Lines tab (page) and in the Contract Lines “General tab” change the END date on the Contract. Save

Change Date in Commitment Control The last place that the date needs to be extended is in Commitment Control which the Agency does not have access to change. You (the agency) need to send an email to Edison GL –Emily Taylor or Mitzi Martin and ask to change the end date in Commitment Control – you must give her the Business Unit, Project ID, Activity(s), and the new END date. *The same directions would apply to change the Begin date if you had already finalized the project budget sending it to Commitment Control. Section 9.7 – Program Income Section is currently being developed Section 9.8 – InKind Contributions Section is currently being developed Section 9.9 – Grant Advances to a Sub-grantee through Accounts Payable Section is currently being developed

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Section 9.10 – SEFA Reporting Section is currently being developed Section 9.11 – Adjusting a Grant Budget after Initial Finalization Section is currently being developed Section 9.12 – Glossary of Terms Section is currently being developed

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