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work that

even dream

water book

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Part Of Speech

Suffixes Function in a Sentence


Noun -ion, -ment, -ness, -nce, -ity, -cy, -ship, -er/-or, -nese, -ist, -hood, -ism, -dom, -ogy/-ics

Subject (S) & Object (O)

Articles (a/an&the), posessive pronoun (your), preposition (for, in, on, at, under, etc.), quantifier (some, many, alot of)

Verb En-, -ize/-ise, -ed Predicate (P) Adverbs (always, never, often), Aux-Verb (will, can)

Adverb -ly, -ward Modifying Verb, Adjective and the whole sentence

Verbs (comes after the adverbs)

Adjective -ive, -able/-ible, -ous, -ic, -ful/-less, -ish, -al, -er/-est

Modifying Noun Nouns

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1. The use of the land has some effects on the food production.

2. Educational needs have changed with the changes in society.

3. Motivation can direct the learning behaviour of the student.

4. The value of a coin or bank-note is clearly shown on its face.

5. Like other children, he often dreams of becoming a famous figure.

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6. It is very interesting to watch the colour of the sea at sundown.

7. There are some nice places in the country.

8. Do you know all the moves in chess?

9. It is a pity that you were not present at the party.

10. Where there is a will, there is a way.

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� Synonyms

� Antonyms

� Cause-Effect relationship

� Hyponimy

� Explanation

� Examples

� Comprehending the whole text

� References

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� This syndrome will be in the long run affect the learning achievement of the student.

(long run=a period of time sufficient for factors to work themselves out)

� The conflict between the two countries may bring about a war.

(bring about=to cause to happen)

Note: the meaning of idioms can’t be delivered word by word, but the whole package of it.

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S – V – (O) – (ADVERB)


Some students failed.

The children usualy drink milk.

They have done the reserach fos six monts.

Smoking may cause lung cancer.

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S – to be – Object/Complement


I am a student.

Jane was in a hospital last month.

To change a habit is not easy.

Singing is fun.

She loves dancing.

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There – to be – S – (Adverb)


There is a sport hall in the college.

There are some new books on the shelf.

There will be a final exam.

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1. It – to be – C (adjectives) – (adverb), e.g. It is important to study History.

2. It – Linking Verb – C (adjective) – S – (adverb), e.g. It seems necessary to review the previous lessons.

3. It – V – (O) – S - (adverb), e.g. It need a lot of money to build the dam.

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SUBJECT Noun, Noun Phrase, Pronoun, Gerund (V-ing), To Infinitive, WH-to infinitive

VERB (PREDICATE) V 1, V2, to be, Auxiliary Verb

OBJECT (same with subject)

COMPLEMENT Adjectives, Preposition

ADVERB Adverbs, Prepositional Phrase

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