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Page 1: Particle Physics: The Search for the Essence of Matter

Particle Physics: The Search for the Essence of Matter

Ronan McNulty (University College Dublin)

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Particle Physics has been around for a long time…

It is in our natureas humans to be

inquisitive and to ask“Why?”

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• Thales: “Of what is the universe made?”

• Anaximander: “Worlds appear and disappear as a bubble in the apeiron”

• Democritus:

Atom = ‘indivisible’

• Morning Ireland:

“What is the stuff in stuff?”

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• Particle Physics

– searches for the building blocks of matter

– explains how they behave

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Mendeleev 1869"fearful symmetry independent of any

conception as to the nature of the elements

The Periodic Table

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The New Periodic Table

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Exploring the very small requires high energy

E=hυ=hc/λ λ=(1x10-6)/E metres

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Exploring the very small requires high energy

E=hυ=hc/λ λ=(1x10-6)/E metres

To see down to 10-19m requires 10 TeV of energy

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Cockroft & Walton 1932

Linear Accelerator

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Circular Accelerator

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A low energy particle accelerator...

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Tracking chambers measure Momentum of charged particles

Calorimeters measure energy of neutral particles

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LHC recreates conditions of early universe

• Investigate matter-

antimatter assymetry

of universe

• Understand the origin

of mass

• Might find dark matter

Particle Physics|


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Where is all the Antimatter gone?

Matter and Antimatter

created equal and opposite

Today only Matter remains

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Where is all the Antimatter gone?

Matter and Antimatter

created equal and opposite

Today only Matter remains

Sakharov Conditions

�Baryon Number Violation

�CP Asymmetry

�Universe not in Thermal

Equilibrium during expansion

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Our Matter World

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Our Matter World

An Antimatter World


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Our Matter World Our World reflected in a mirror


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Inexact CP symmetry

explains inexact

matter/antimatter symmetry

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LHCb experiment



Do the






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UCD helped build and test the VELO: Reconstruct particle trajectories to 1/100 mm

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LHCb see the first LHC collisions!

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So have we reached the end?Do we “know everything” ?

• We have our ‘periodic table’ of fundamental particles.

• It is complete.

• We understand how the particles interact via four forces.

• Why are particles massive?

• Why is the universe dominated by matter and not anti-matter?

• What is the ‘dark matter’ in the universe?

• Are quarks/leptons fundamental?

• Why are there exactly three families?

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The more we knowthe more we knowwe do not know.

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