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  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


    Ain Shams – University

    Faculty of Nursing



     term Master2014

    Case study aboutPatient with

    "Gastric Cancer "

    Preared !y"#

    $afaa %amdy Mohammed atta

    Under suervision of"#

    Prof& 'r ( )lea


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


    ObjectivesAt the end of this case study, I will be able to:

    General objectives:

    To provide the patient with high quality of care based on

    accurate assessment & scientific nowledge!

    "pecific objec ives:

    #! To perform patient assessment!

    $! To acquire nowledge about disease process and its


    %! To accept acquire nowledge about disease process

    and its complication!

    ! To gain nowledge about ideal nursing care plan for

    this patient!

    '! To establish goals or outcome criteria!

    (! To implement the stated nursing care plan to

    achieve e)pected outcomes!

    *! To provide the patient health education

    &rehabilitation after return to home!


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


    +ut lines:

    1& *easons of  atient selection&

    2& +ntroduction&

      ,& -idemiology&

    4& )vervie. one the anatomy and hysiology of the affected system&

    /& Patient 'emograhic data&

      & Past and resent Medical history of current illness&

    & omarison !et.een atient disease3 .hich already clinically

    resent and .hat in the tet!oo5&


    +ncluding 6he high#ris5 grou and age&


    ommon site&


    Predisosing factors 7auses8&


    Patho hysiology&


    linical Manifestations&


    6he 'iagnostic -valuations&


    'iagnostic rocedures&


    9a!oratory +nvestigations&


    6he comlications&


    6he Management&


    Medical Management&


    Surgical Management&


    Nursing Management&

    8 omrehensive Nursing care lan for the atient for already

    clinically eisted %ealth ro!lems&

    8 *eha!ilitation rogram for this atient&


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


    Reasons for patient selections:-

    • 6he atient case .as critical3 reached to a serious comlicated

    late stage of disease :ancer stages: and %e Needs for

    comrehensive Nursing care more than other atient .as&

    • + am interested in this atient;s 'iagnosis studying and

    ma5ing a correlation !et.een the tet!oo5 and .hat really

    .ith the atient case&

    • 6he affected system :'igestive system :stomach: is more

    sensitive human !ody art Need for secific consideration&





    @+S6s3 carcinoids3 and suamous cell carcinomas


    2 distinct histologic su!tyes of gastric adenocarcinomas" intestinal3


    B +ntestinal tye – retained glandular structure3 more localiCed

    B 'iffuse tye – no glandular structures3 more sread out


    D $orld.ide" fourth most common cancer3 2nd leading cause of

    cancer death

    D +n the US" 14th most common cancer3 th most common cancer


    D +ncidence of intestinal tye has declined raidly over the recent fe.

    'ecadesE 'ue to invention of refrigerators3 .ith !etter food storage


    *educed need for salt#!ased reservation&


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


    D +ncidence of diffuse tye has declined more gradually

    +ncidence of diffuse tye has declined more gradually

    D +ncidence of distal gastric cancers has decreased3 !ut roimal


    ancers have increased 7some roose that these cancers are a


    -ntity3 more closely resem!ling arrett?s associated esohageal


    Overview on the anatomy and

     physiology of the aected part



  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer



    +t is located on the uer left uadrant of the a!dominal cavity to

    the left of liver and in front of the sleen&

      +t is a hollo. muscular organ&


    Although it is a art of the alimentary canal3 it is not a tu!e !ut it isa sac etend from the esohagus to the duodenum of small


      6he stomach is consisting of three arts fundus3 !ody and ylorus&


    +t has t.o shincters ardiac shincter .ith esohagus&


    Pyloric shincter .ith duodenum&


    +t has four layers :lining layers:&18 Mucous mem!rane contain glands3 .hich secrete 'igestive

     Guice as esinogen and %cl&


    6hose glands called gastric its&

    28 Su! mucous coat3 .hich contain !lood caillaries and hold

    layers together&

    ,8 Muscular layer .hich resonsi!le for eristalsis motion&

    48 Fi!rous layer .hich line the eritoneum cavity&


    6he stomach has mucosa aeared .rin5led3 folded .hen !e emty

    called *uga .hich flattened out and !e eanded as the stomach is

    filled .ith foods&


    6he stomach store and mies food .ith gastric secretions as %cl&

    Not only for 'igestion :rea5ing 'o.n to !e more a!sor!a!le

    comonent mainly 'igestion of roteins and roduction of intrinsic

    factor .hich needed for vit iC a!sortion in ileum:


    +n addition3 aid in destruction of most ingested !acteria&


    6he 'igestion rocess on the stomach influenced !y @astric

    secretions and gastric motility .hich regulated !y#

    a8 %ormonal *egulation"#

    As @astrin .hich stimulated !y gastric distention !y food&


    Stimulate gastric glands to increase secretion


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


    )f gastric3 Guice mainly %cl&


    +ncrease motility3 constriction of cardiac shincter

    +n addition3 *elaation of yloric shincter&

    !8 Neuron # *egulation"#


    Para # symathetic :A cetyle choline:


    Stimulated !y sight – smelling of foods3 che.ing

    Alternatively3 stomach distention


    Stimulate gastric gland to secrete gastric acids

    And increase or decrease shincter tone&

    c8 9ocal *egulator as %istamine" .hich stimulate gastric gland to

    increase gastric acid roduction&

    The patient Demographic Data:-

    • Patient Name" Shehata Mohammed Mohammed&

    • Age" 4 years& Se" Male&

    • -ducation "+lliterate

    • *eligious" Muslim

    • )ccuation" farmer

    • Marital status" Married and has three si!lings 72 sons and


    • 'ate of admission" 10(4(2014&

    • Admitted from" outatient deartment 7)P'8&

    • Stay eriod" 1/ day&

    -r.sent /istory :

    • 'iagnosis( Present illness" Gastric Cancer •


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


    • *easons of admission " :hief comlains:

    B Severe a!dominal ain in left uer Huadrant&

    B Persistent sever vomiting&

    Associated signs and symtoms

    Bloss of aetite&

    B Pala!le gastric Mass&

    BNoted mar5ed loss of .eight leading to cacheia&

    Onset / Duration / Frequency:

    The patient condition started from 8 months ago withpersistent vomiting then patient developed

    Hematemesis (Fresh lood! with palpale gastric


    Predisposing factors: diet rich with salted – smoked


      Low fruits Diet intake.Ecessive !eavy smoking for more than # years

    $%eliving measures and its eect&

    History :-


    -Diagnosis / Duration: 

    From 2 years ago the atient felt .ith sever ain in the left leg

    com!ined e ale to .hite color of etremities and very .ea5

    eriheral ulse on this lim!&


    6 angiograhy .as made for the atient left lim!3 .hich .as

    revealed .ith throm!otic occlusion of left eternal iliac ( left

    common femoral artery&


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer



    :@astric arcinoma: too5 *evealed endoscoic iosy&


    A!dominal #6 .as done *evealed !y


    %eatic focal lesion&


    Prostatic enlargement&


    9eft *ectus sheath lioma&

     Medical Diagnosis"#


    Pyloric o!struction secondary to antral malignant mass

    Metastatic to liver&

    Alternatively3  @astric Adeno#carcinoma e liver Metastasis&

    • 6he Medical staff 'ecided that the atient not fit for surgery3

    chemotheray3 or *adiotheray&

    And %e Need for alliative Medical care as


    %ydration .ith continuous +&I fluids&


    Antacids Medication and anti#emetics&


    Pain 5illers As 6ramadol&


    one scan&


    Name of surgery ( 'urationJtonsillectomy at age of 1/yrs

    Allergy history" N)JJJJJJJJJ

    Family history" '&M&

    #'iagnosis ( *elation" his mother&

    9ife style ha!it" Diet rich .ith salted – smo5ed food&


    9o. fruits 'iet inta5e&


    -cessive %eavy smo5ing for more than 20 years

    Patient?s hysical assessment

    1- *esiratory system 

     sever dyspnea .

     Mild pleural effusion with crackles chest sound.


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


    2#ardio#vascular system 


    3#Periheral vascular  asent femoral and dorsalis pedis pulses of

    the left le!.

    4"Neurological assessment se#er ack pain$ %ender upper dorsal



     A!itation and irritailit'.

    /#@astro#intestinal system"

    (alpale enlar!ed stomach with succession splash )e#er e*cessi#e lackish #omitus.

     +hronic constipation.

     Mild hepatome!al' as ametasis to li#er.

    6"Urinary system ,li!uria and d'suria.

    #Musculos5eletal system Malaise and easil' fati!ailit'.

    Moile with assistance of other 

    K# S5in assessment"

    Boor s5in turger

    Bale in color

    Bhot and dry s5in

  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer





    14# Nec5" short nec5 1/# Activity and rest" limited acti#it' due to a!e chan!e and his


    'efinition of disease" a!normal and unregulated gro.th of thecells that ma5e u the stomach&

    Comparison between patient disease,

    which already clinically present and

    what in the textbook:

       7   1   8

       %   i  g   h

       *   i  s   5

      g  r  o  u  

      Men have high incidence of

    gastric cancer than .oman


    6he occurance incidence

    !et.een 40 0 years of age&


    @astric cancer has high

    incidence .ith atient has familialhistory of @+&6 cancers

    Alternatively3 .ho has genetic

    lia!ility as Mutation of :6umor

    suressor gene:E

      6he atient is 4 years



    %e has No familial

    %istory of cancer&


    6here is No validated

    chec5 u for genetic lia!ilityor Not&


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


       7   2   8


      o  m  m  o  n

      s   i   t  e


    Pylorus or antrum and adeno



    @astric out let :Pyloric:

    o!struction 2nd ry to

    malignant antral Mass&

       7   ,   8


      r  e   d   i  s

        o  s   i  n  g

       f  a  c   t  o  r  s


    'iet high rich .ith salted

    smo5ed – ic5led foods&

      hronic +nflamation of the



    %elico#!acterial +nfection&


    9o. fruits#vegeta!le diet



    Perincious anemia&





      @enetic lia!ility&


    Previous su!total gas trectomy&


    'iet high rich .ith salted

     – smo5ed food&

      9o. fruits 'iet inta5e&

      -cessive %eavy smo5ing

    for more than 20 years&

       7   4   8   P  a   t   h  o  #

         h  y  s   i  o   l  o  g  y

    B Most gastric cancers are Adeno#

    carcinomas occur on any ortion

    then infiltrated to the surrounding


    B 6he liver – ancrease –

    esohagus and duodenum are the

    most affected sites at time ofdiagnosis&

    B 6he atient has Adeno#

    carcinoma Metastatic to the



  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


       7   /   8

          l   i  n   i  c

      a   l

       M  a  n   i   f

      e  s   t  a   t   i  o


    B -arly stage of gastric cancer 

    symtoms  ain relieved !y

    Antiacids as !enign ulcers&

    B Progressive – late stage ofdisease symtoms are "#

      'ysesia 7+ndigestion8&

      Anoreia e early satiety&


    $eight loss&


    Severe a!dominal ain 7!loating

    after meals8 Nausea – vomiting#constiation anemia&

    B 6he atient had

    develoed the rogressive

    symtoms of gastric

    cancer&  Severe a!dominal ain&

      Sever ecessive !lac5ish



    9oss of aetite&


    sever .eight loss



    hronic constiation&




    Pala!le gastric Mass&


    Malaise and easily






    Agitation and irrita!ility&

    7A8 B Physical eamination "#


    Advanced gastric cancer may !e

    .ith ala!le Mass&


    Ascites and heato megaly as a

    metastasis to liver&


    Pala!le Nodules around

    um!ilicus called Sister Marry

    oseh;s Nodule are a sign of @+6


    7A8 B Patient has ala!le

    gastric :uer left: Mass&

    B Patient has Mild

    %eatomegaly and Mild

    leural effusion&


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


       7   0   8   '   i  a  g  n  o  s   t   i  c  e  v  a   l  u  a   t   i  o  n  s

    78B 'iagnostic rocedures "#

    18 -sohago – gastro – duodena –

    scoy  for iosy and cytology 


    28 arium #*ay of uer @&+&6


    ,8 -ndo – scoic ultra sound

    for limiting deth and lymh node


    48 omuted 6omograhy  on

    a!domen ( chest ( elvis

      6o detect staging of gastric


    /8 one scan to detect Metastasis

    to the one&

    78 B -ndoscoic iosy .as

    ta5en from atient3 .hich

    referred .ith :gastric

    carcinoma:&B Uer @+6 -ndoscoic 

    ultra sound *evealed .ith

    gastric outlet o!struction 2

    ry to Malignant antral


    B A!dominal &6 .as Made 

    *evealed .ith


    %eatic focal lesion&


    -nlarged rostate&


    9eft *ectus sheeth


    78B 9a!oratory



    6umor Mar5ers as


    Alha feto rotein&

      ar!ohydrate antigen&




    9iver function and *enal



    oagulation rofile&


    Arterial lood gases&


    -lectrolytes +nvestigation&

    +nvestigation *esults

    $ #10O

  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


       7      8

         o  m     l

       i  c  a   t   i  o  n

    B Metastasis to the surrounding

    a!dominal organs as liver –

    ancrease – esohagus – small

    intestine&B Metastasis through lymhatic 

    system to the eritoneal cavity

    then to 5idney or rain or ones&

    B 6he t develoed

    Metastasis to the liver

    :heatic focal lesion:


  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


       7   K   8

       M  a  n  a

      g  e  m  e  n


    7A8 B Surgical Management "#


    A total gastrectomy for

    aresecta!le tumor on the Mid

    ortion or !ody of the stomach&


    6he enti5 stomach is removed

    .ith lo.er ortion of esohagus

    and suorting mesentery and

    lymh nodes&


    *econstruction of @&+&6

    erformed !y Anastomosis 

    !et.een esohagus and Gugenum:esohago eGunostomy:


    A radical su!total gastrectomy

    is erformed for *esecta!le

    tumor in the middle and distal

    ortion of the stomach&


    A roimal su!total

    gastrectomy  for *esecta!letumor in roimal ortion of

    stomach or cardiac&


    Palliative rocedures As gastric

    or esohageal !yass (

    @astrostomy ( GeGunostomy 

    alleviate symtoms as Nausea3



    +f there is Metastasis to liver to

    achieve !etter uality of life&

    7A8 6he t had not made

    7*eceived8 any surgical

    +ntervention according the

    medical staff oinion as heis not fit for any surgical



  • 8/17/2019 Patient With Gastric Cancer


    78 B Medical Management "#


    hemotheray "# if surgical

    Not offer cure As alliative


    single – agent chemo theraeutic

    medication +nclude


    Fluoro uracile


    islatin :latinol:


    Adriamycin&  -toohos&




    *adiotheray" # mainly used as

    alliation for t .ith o!struction3

    sever !leeding3 sever ain

    secondary to tumor&

    78 B 6he t hadn;t "#

    receive any chemo#*adio

    theray According to the

    Medical staff oinion :6het is not fit for :hemo#

    *adio theray:


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