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Page 1: Patricia Doogue

Patricia Doogue

Tweet appeared on The Madeleine McCann Controversy Facebook page on evening of July 25th.


It remains on the page at lunchtime on 26th July.

This is the FB page of Patricia Doogue.


It is locked down except for the Cover Photo which because of Facebook’s settings always remain


Page 2: Patricia Doogue

There are a number of comments on the Cover Photo.

Mark Bowyer There you go! 17 July 2012 at 00:23

Paul Bowyer nice photo.. 17 July 2012 at 20:40

Patricia Doogue Yes, it is, cos you can't see my teeth lol!!! Xxx 17 July 2012 at 21:34

Tess Evans Molly still looks pregnant!!! and so like Shelley, very pretty at that age.

17 July 2012 at 21:39

Patricia Doogue Well she's not!!! She is very pretty, but don't think she looks like Shelly, but my eyes aren't what they used to be. You're younger than me lol!!!!

17 July 2012 at 21:42

Mark Bowyer Who's that you're talking to? 17 July 2012 at 21:45

Patricia Doogue Tess, can't you see that??? 17 July 2012 at 21:47

Mark Bowyer No. She must have me blocked. Ha ha! 17 July 2012 at 21:48

Tess Evans Can't I see what? 17 July 2012 at 21:49

Paul Bowyer she was talkin t mark!!!...and i agree with mum...she dont lok like shell...our alex looks like our carina tho!!!..and mum..im in the closed smile club meself!!!...lol!!! 18 July 2012 at 22:41

And a total of three people have ‘liked’ the photo. People who like this

Molly Davenport-bowyer

Margaret O'Sullivan

Uta Raab

Page 3: Patricia Doogue

Looking at Mark Bowyer first.

Profile picture.



There are numerous pictures of him on his FB page including this one where Patricia Doogue

confirms the comment on her own picture about this being her son.



Page 4: Patricia Doogue

Here is another photo of Mark getting an Irish DTI award.



Mark at Gay Pride this year too. See later comment about his mother for significance.



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Mark Bowyer uses the Twitter name @ Canten1 (Note the reference to being DTI student).


His photo album on Twitter contains large numbers of the same photos as on Facebook.

Though he, for some reason, no longer includes his name on his account profile he used to do so.


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There are very many links to CofI and CofE accounts on his timeline which links with the fact that he

was at one point (before becoming a full-time student?) Assistant Administrator at Dublin Cathedral.

His facebook page has him as a member of the former choristers group of the Cathedral too.


While Mark Bowyer is a very prolific tweeter his mother is not.

She has one follower, her son and one person follows her, again her son.


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One further comment about Mark Bowyer’s Twitter timeline before moving back to looking at

Patricia Doogue.

One of the people he follows happens to be Estelle who has long been an anti McCann


Back to Patricia Doogue.

Though not appearing as a member in the list of members on the Madeleine Controversy Page

(having tried to hide her group memberships etc on her own page) her comments nevertheless do

show up to the public there.

Her particularly nasty comment was

and it still remains on the page.


Page 8: Patricia Doogue

Her Twitter profile gives some detail about her. Based in Carlow. And her tweet of 5th January is

very interesting indeed.

It appears she is a preacher of some kind and was about to go preaching in Leighlin which is just to

the south of Carlow.

Could it be simple co-incidence that her son has such close affiliation with the church in Ireland?

Could it even be a coincidence that there is a lay reader listed on the Carlow Diocese Web Page?


Page 9: Patricia Doogue

And as with many lay readers she is from time to time needed to take services alone.


Not averse to missing church for pleasure though.



And not certain of why heaven isn’t mentioned much.


Page 10: Patricia Doogue

But she is very sure about other things and not averse to telling it as it is.


She also holds strong opinions about gay clergy.

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But she can go much further than this in her opinions as we saw on the Madeleine Controversy page.




And yes, though this account on Yahoo does not have her photo it is her.

The profile makes that clear with the reference to Carlow, and the interest in Andy Murray as on her

Facebook page.

Page 12: Patricia Doogue

So once again we have a Christian Lay Reader using social media to post abusive messages.

Patricia Doogue is a lay preacher of Carlow making pathetic pseudo threats against the McCanns on


Very reminiscent of Graham Smith, the lay preacher of Lincoln who did the same.


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