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The Open Government Partnership

Meetup #1 - Open Data Ireland

25 October 2012

Paul Maassen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul

Page 3: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul

OGP basics

• Open government = better society

• OGP origin

• What makes the OGP concept different?

• Why engage as civil society?

• Some early successes

Page 4: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul

Grand challenges

• Improving Public Services (208)—i.e. health, education, criminal justice, water, electricity, telecommunications and any other relevant service areas, by fostering public service improvement or private sector innovation

• Increasing Public Integrity (306)—i.e. corruption and public ethics, access to information, campaign finance reform, and media and civil society freedom

• More Effectively Managing Public Resources (142)—i.e. budgets, procurement, natural resources and foreign assistance

• Creating Safer Communities (15)—i.e. public safety, the security sector, disaster and crisis response, and environmental threats

• Increasing Corporate Accountability (18)—i.e. environment, anti-corruption, consumer protection, and community engagement

Page 5: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul

Commitments focus on ‘e’

Source: Global Integrity

Page 6: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul

OGP in Europe: where is Ireland?

Eligible Member

Page 7: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul


Page 8: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul

One year video

Page 9: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul


Page 10: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul

Common expectations

• Endorse a high-level Declaration of Principles on Open Government;

• Make concrete commitments as part of a country action plan that stretches the country beyond current practice;

• Develop country action plans through a multi-stakeholder process, with the active engagement of citizens and civil society;

• Commit to a self-assessment and independent reporting on the country’s progress;

• Contribute to the advancement of open government in other countries through sharing of best practices, expertise, technical assistance, technologies and resources, as appropriate.

Page 11: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul

Eligibility criteria

• Fiscal Transparency: The timely publication of essential budget documents forms the basic building blocks of budget accountability and an open budget system.

• Access to Information: An access to information law that guarantees the public’s right to information and access to government data is essential to the spirit and practice of open government.

• Disclosures Related to Elected or Senior Public Officials: Rules that require public disclosure of income and assets for elected and senior public officials are essential to anti-corruption and open, accountable government.

• Citizen Engagement: Open Government requires openness to citizen participation and engagement in policymaking and governance, including basic protections for civil liberties.

Page 12: Paul Massen

Independent Civil Society Coordinator

Process to join

web: www.opengovpartnership.org | e-mail:[email protected] | skype: maassenpaul | twitter: @maassenpaul

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