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Page 1: PCI DSS The Cost Of Non Compliance

April 29, 2008 Lewis Media Website Producer Learning Series1

PCI DSSThe Cost of Non-Compliance

Joseph FungApril 29, 2008

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April 29, 2008 Lewis Media Website Producer Learning Series2

Today’s Menu

• PCI Who and When• Impact and Risk• Mitigating the Risk

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Part I: Who and When

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The Payment Card Industry

PCI SSC - https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org

Part I: PCI Who & When

• Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council – Founded in Dec 2004

• Develop and Maintain the PCI Data Security Standard (DSS)

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Part I: PCI Who & When

Payment Card Industry



Merchant(Website Owner)

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The Timeline

• Sep 2006 PCI DSS Introduced• Jul 2007 Contracts Updated• Dec 2007 PCI DSS Compliance Required• Feb 2008 New Tools Launched


• ~2010 Additional Requirements Enforced

Part I: PCI Who & When

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Who is responsible?

Everyone assumes someone else is taking responsibility for education

Part I: PCI Who & When

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Why are we here?

We want to give our clients the best advice possible.

Part I: PCI Who & When

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Part II: Impact and Risk

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Who needs to be compliant?

All Merchants.

Includes Brick & Mortar, Mail order and telephone order and e-commerce

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Will this impact end consumers?No, not really.

Consumers are protected by many systems and vehicles – the end consumer is almost always right.

Part II: Impact & Risk

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What is the value of compliance?• Demonstrate due diligence• Enhance confidentiality, integrity and

authenticity of data• Competitive edge: positive image

and enhanced trustworthiness• Safe Harbor from fees

Part II: Impact & Risk

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What are the consequences?• Class Action Lawsuits• Insurance Claims• Cancelled Merchant Accounts• Card Provider Fines ($50K - $500K)• Government Fines ($5M - $20M)• Damaged Client Relationships

Part II: Impact & Risk

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2 Example (Fictional) Stories

• Jim: Online store using OS Commerce• Kate: Consultant using MOTO

Part II: Impact & Risk

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The Hitch:

Compliance is not easy….there are MANY bases to cover, and most companies do not have the resources for full compliance.

Next….reviewing those bases…

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Part II: Impact & Risk

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*These data elements must be protected if stored in conjunction with the PAN.

** Sensitive authentication data must not be stored subsequent to authorization (even if encrypted).

PCI DSS requirements are applicable if a Primary Account Number (PAN) is stored, processed, or transmitted. If a PAN is not stored, processed, or transmitted, PCI DSS requirements do not apply.

Part II: Impact & Risk

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PCI DSS Overview

• 12 Requirements in 6 Groups• 3 particularly relevant to e-

commerce• 8 must be addressed by business


Part II: Impact & Risk


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Build and Maintain a Secure NetworkRequirement 1: Install and maintain

a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data

Requirement 2: Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Protect Cardholder Data

Requirement 3: Protect stored cardholder data

Requirement 4: Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open,public networks

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Maintain a Vulnerability Management ProgramRequirement 5: Use and regularly

update anti-virus softwareRequirement 6: Develop and

maintain secure systems and applications

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Implement Strong Access Control MeasuresRequirement 7: Restrict access to

cardholder data by business need-to-know

Requirement 8: Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access

Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Regularly Monitor and Test NetworksRequirement 10: Track and monitor

all access to network resources and cardholder data

Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and processes

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Maintain an Information Security PolicyRequirement 12: Maintain a policy

that addresses information security

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Special Note on Hosting Providers• Per Requirement 12: All service

providers with access to cardholder data must adhere to the PCI DSS

• Hosting providers must pay special attention to their role in this. They must form traceable silos.

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Making sense of it….

Although we are not responsible for our client’s PCI DSS compliance, there are things we can do to help.

Part II: Impact & Risk

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Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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PCI Requirement 3• Use autocomplete=”off”• Star out all but the last 4 digits• Never display the security code• Don’t store the CVV number• Encrypt using the mySql AES

encryption functions • Use TTL for displayed information

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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PCI Requirement 4

1. Always pass credit card information via SSL (that includes any information sent to the browser in the Admin side of things)

2. Have a qualified IT consultant secure any wireless networks (using VPNs over public wireless networks)

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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PCI Requirement 6

1. Enable automatic updates for software

2. Include scheduled maintenance as part of the project

3. User 3rd-party monitoring systems

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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PCI Requirement 7

1. Use software that allows you to restrict access to credit card information (or better yet, don’t store data).

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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PCI Requirement 10

1. Test the level of logging you can collect from your host (look for access logs and ssl access logs)

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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Best Practices1. Review the PCI DSS Requirements with

your clients that accept payment cards2. Visit the PCI SSC website quarterly, or

subscribe to RSS Feedhttps://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/pcissc_news.xml

3. Require service providers and third parties to demonstrate PCI compliance

4. Store less, better access control, understand the data flow

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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Best Practices contd…

5. Perform a thorough scoping project to determine all credit card data flows from transaction to billing

6. Update frequently: compliance is for a specific software version/product and valid for one year

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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Best Practices contd…

7. Implement waiver/sign off on understanding PCI Compliance

8. Update processes frequently: compliance is for a specific business/feature and valid for one year

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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Best Practices contd…

9. Automate log rotations and saving (some hosting providers delete automatically)

10.Maintain separate development, test, and production environments

11.Don’t rely on WEP protection (use WPA or WPA2)

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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Best Practices contd…

12.Never send PANs over email13.Never send PANs over email14.Never send PANs over email

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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Bonus Best Practice…

15.Use the Self Assessment Questionnaire as the Gap Analysis, and talk to the client about the Ideals of PCI compliance before the Logistics. Aim to pass the belief, not just the checklist.

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

Get the questionnaire at https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/tech/saq.htm

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ConclusionReview PCI Standards

with your clients and let them know the risks.

They are obliged to comply, and we would all like to help them get there.

Part III: Mitigating the Risk

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