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Page 1: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link




By the PCN Corp. Staff | Revised 4/2020

Page 2: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


Contents WHAT IS AN AFFILIATE LINK? ........................................................................................................................ 3

What Is a Cookie? ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Link/URL Shortening Services ................................................................................................................... 4

WHAT & WHERE IS MY AFFILIATE LINK? ....................................................................................................... 5

Top Ways to Post Your Affiliate Link ............................................................................................................. 6

Embed It into Text ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Embed It into Images ................................................................................................................................ 7

Where to Begin Posting Your Affiliate Link? ................................................................................................. 8

What Has Been Proven to Work? ................................................................................................................. 9

Facebook Posts and Chatbots ................................................................................................................... 9

SMS Text Messages ................................................................................................................................... 9

eMail Messages ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Who Should I Target? .................................................................................................................................. 10

How Should I Target My Audiences? .......................................................................................................... 10

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................ 11

Can I Put Affiliate Links in Emails? .......................................................................................................... 11

Can I Skip Using My Affiliate Link and Send Clients Manually? .............................................................. 12

Where Can’t I Post My Affiliate Link? ..................................................................................................... 12

What Are the Legal Aspects of Using My Affiliate Link? ............................................................................. 13

Page 3: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


WHAT IS AN AFFILIATE LINK? In short, an Affiliate Link is just like any other link that you click on and it takes

you to a website. The only difference is that it has a tracking ID attached to it so

that the Affiliate (You) can be credited for referring the visitor to the website and

is used to track your commissions if the visitor buys something.

The Affiliate Link also saves information such as where the visitor came from and

what they purchased, etc. In other words, it tells the website owner “Hey website

owner, this visitor has clicked on a link from this Affiliate (you); if they buy

something, make sure you pay the Affiliate a commission for the sale.”

The information that is being saved is called a “Cookie.”

Page 4: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


What Is a Cookie? A Cookie is not the character on the hit TV Show “Empire,” or a baked treat. It is

data collected on the visitor’s computer that stays active for a number of days

(30-90 days) and remembers what the website visitor did on the website. This is

how the system knows to pay you a commission if the visitor purchases

something on our website within the 30 to 90 days of their initial visit.

So, the bottom line to Cookies is when someone clicks on an affiliate link, a cookie

is being left on their computer. When they finally make a payment for our

services, they can be identified as having been sent by you. This is why some

affiliate strategies still pay out even if someone clicks on your link, goes away, and

then comes back later to make a payment and sign up for our services.

Please keep in mind that some potential buyers might try and sidestep your

affiliate link and go directly to the website to buy the product or service. This is

called “link bypassing” and it’s the reason that smart affiliates will use another

strategy called ‘link cloaking’ in order to protect their earnings. This essentially

means using a link shortening or cloaking service to disguise your Affiliate link.

Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long

and unappealing Affiliate Link and make it smaller and unrevealing.

Link/URL shorteners not only trim your links into polished URLs, but they also let

you track the performance of your individual links. Some URL shorteners even

offer branded link options.

Fortunately, you can use most of these services for free and without signing up

for any type of premium account. To help you get started, we have gathered a

few of the Top Link Shortening Services that some of our top Affiliates use.

1. Bit.ly 2. BLink 3. Buff.ly 4. Ow.ly 5. Rebrand.ly 6. TinyURL 7. Tiny.CC

Page 5: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


send them to, the system will remember that you sent the visitor for 30 – 90 days.

This is great because the visitor doesn’t have to sign up the first time they visit,

the second, third, etc. They can take up to 90 days to sign up and the system will

remember that you, the Affiliate, sent them there. It will record how much they

paid, what they purchased, etc. and give you credit for the sale.

WHAT & WHERE IS MY AFFILIATE LINK? Once you sign up to be an Affiliate with us, you will receive your own Affiliate ID

and Affiliate Link that you will use to refer prospective clients to pcncorps.com

and any page within the website that will tracks your sales as they occur. Both

your ID and Link can be found on the homepage of your Affiliate Dashboard as

shown below.

Affiliate ID: yourid

Affiliate Link: https://pcncorps.com/sign-up/?ap_id=yourid

In the above example we notice that the Affiliate ID is also recognized at the end

of your Affiliate Link.

Other than signing into the platform, your Affiliate ID will be seldomly used. On

the other hand, your Affiliate Link will be used for every promotion and every

Page 6: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


time you want to send someone to our website to sign up, as it is the one and

only way for our system to know that you referred the client to us. Therefore, it is

very important that you keep track of this link and save it on every device that

you will use to promote with.

If you wanted to send someone a text message to sign up from your mobile

phone you would use your Affiliate Link. If you wanted to send them an email

message to sign up, you would use your Affiliate Link as well. Regardless of how

you sign someone up, you ALWAYS want to send them your Affiliate Link.

Top Ways to Post Your Affiliate Link

Embed It into Text As you may notice, the Affiliate Link can be long and unappealing. Therefore, you

may want to insert it into text when using it online or through a text document.

For example: You can insert your Affiliate Link into the word Sign Up or any word

you choose via most word processors and email message editors.

Normally, this can be done by simply highlighting the word and right clicking to

find “Link” or “Hyperlink,” as shown below.

By using this method, your reader will be

able to simply click on the word you have

embedded your Affiliate Link into and never

see your whole link.

This example is from using Microsoft Word.

Again, this can also be done online via email

message editors, blog post editors, Facebook

post, and more as you will see below.

Most text editors will always have a way for

you to insert a Link or Hyperlink into words

and images.

Page 7: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


Example above: Clicking on Insert/edit link buttons

Embed It into Images Have you ever clicked on an image and been taken to a website? This is what

happens when someone embeds a link into an image.

I have embedded my Affiliate Link into the image above where if you click on it, it

will take you to the pcncorps.com website via my affiliate link. If you make a

purchase from the website the system knows to pay me a commission from

sending you there.

You can normally insert your Affiliate Link into images the same way you did it

with words. By highlighting, right clicking and finding link or by simply hitting the

insert link button.

Page 8: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


Yes, it is all that simple!

We keep things simple but


Just like the PCN, there’s power and opportunity that is

hidden right in plain sight with our Affiliate Program.

Where to Begin Posting Your Affiliate Link? Now that you know how to use your Affiliate Link, it’s time to start making some

MONEY with it. Just think of all the places you can post it such as:

1. Facebook Posts, Images & Messages

2. email Messages

3. SMS Text Messages

4. YouTube Comments

5. Instagram Posts

6. Twitter

7. Blog Posts

REMEMBER: The PCN is something that 99% of the U.S. needs. If that’s not

enough, we generate new clients every day from a number of other countries due

to individual’s needs and desires to have a legal entity in the States. In other

words, your opportunity to generate a good Passive Income from promoting the

PCN is not only realistic, it is unlimited!

Page 9: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


What Has Been Proven to Work? Through years of experience in promoting the PCN and watching our top Affiliates

generate 10+ New Clients per day, the following strategies has proved to work:

✓ Facebook Posts and Chatbots (See our Facebook Marketing Manual)

✓ SMS Text Messages

✓ eMail Messages

Facebook Posts and Chatbots Yes, Facebook is at the top of the list when it comes to generating sales with the

PCN. As our top Affiliates have allowed us to reverse engineer their marketing

strategies, we have discovered that FaceBook is the #1 platform they use to

generate their sales. In fact, it is so effective that we have developed a separate

manual specifically showing you how to use Facebook to generate sales on your

own. If you haven’t received it already, this manual will be made available to you

in your dashboard, and, or your Affiliate Training Area.

SMS Text Messages This method is just about common sense. Eventually, text messaging will outrank

email messages when it comes to sales and marketing. When you send someone

a text message, they will see it a lot quicker as opposed to having to open up an

email message.

Again, this is something we know our top Affiliates use when it comes to

generating leads and sales. Of course, it may be a little difficult to post your

Affiliate link inside of images and words using your phone. However, there are a

lot of Android and Apple Apps that allows you to create and send text messages

with your Affiliate Link embedded to a group of people.

eMail Messages This method is also common sense. In fact, when it comes to the top internet

marketing strategies, email marketing to a good list of prospects is still #1.

To this day, I continue to build my own personal list of clients, associates,

employees, and others that I send email messages to concerning finances. Using

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How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


email marketing remains to be at the center of all marketing nowadays. Yes, text

messaging and social networks are beginning to catch up. Yet, for now, email is

still recommended for success as an Affiliate Marketer.

Who Should I Target? Again, we have done a lot of research with our top Affiliates to discover what

makes them successful. Many of them were happy to reveal their secret

strategies to success such as who they target to sign up for the PCN Services.

1. Facebook Group Members in the following group types:

A. Credit Repair & Credit Groups

B. Business Credit Groups

C. Real Estate Investment Groups

D. Small Business Owner Groups

2. LinkedIN Members with the following positions:

A. Credit Repair

B. Real Estate Investing

C. Financial Advisors

REMEMBER: This manual was developed only to assist you in understanding and

using your Affiliate Link. You will be provided with other training materials that

will explain marketing and promotional strategies more in greater details.

How Should I Target My Audiences? If you target the above audiences on Facebook, the simple answer is to Stay On

Facebook. If this is where they are, it only makes sense to target them with a

direct message and, or friend request on Facebook. Of course, once you become

more experienced at posting and sharing your Affiliate Link on Social Networks

such as Facebook, LinkedIN and others, there are services and tools that you can

use to do things faster and easier.

At the top of the list when it comes to these types of tools is what is known as

“ChatBots and Messenger Bots” This is a tool that will allow you to send messages

to others on auto-pilot where they will eventually be given your Affiliate Link to

use to learn more about the PCN and ultimately sign up.

Page 11: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


Our Top Affiliates say “They Work!”

I have personally used the Facebook Messenger Bots to interact with our

Facebook Page followers who request more information on our services or are in

need of client consultations. In doing so, I was able to save a lot of time in typing

out messages and waiting for responses.

Again, these tools and other services that you can use will be discussed in greater

details in other parts of our Affiliate Training Areas. In the meantime, if you want

to know more about the Messenger Bots that my staff and I have used

successfully, check out the following article written by Hootsuite.


or CLICK HERE (embedded link)


Can I Put Affiliate Links in Emails?

Although most Affiliate Programs do not allow their Affiliates to post their links in email messages, we trust our Affiliates to use email marketing as a way to generate sales. Per our Affiliate Agreement, we simply ask all of our Affiliates to NEVER send spam to anyone. This includes gathering or buying into Cold eMails where the prospective client has not opted in to receive email messages from you.

Page 12: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


Through years of experience we have discovered that most of our top Affiliates use email marketing in a more personal and professional manner. They simply gather their lists manually from asking family members, friends, co-workers, associates, Facebook friends, LinkedIN connections and others if they can send them some FREE Information on the PCN. This is legal, ethical, and effective.

Can I Skip Using My Affiliate Link and Send Clients Manually?

Yes, there are instances where some of our Affiliates send referrals directly to us without using their Affiliate Link for tracking. This is okay, yet you must let us know that the new client was referred by you BEFORE they sign up and pay for our services. Otherwise, we cannot give you credit for the sell because it is too burdensome on our accounting department to track your sells.

PLEASE NOTE: No Affiliate is allowed to promote the PCN and, or any of our products and services as something under their personal or business brand. In other words, combining the PCN, our products and services with another similar product or service and then paying on the client’s behalf is strictly prohibited. It is unethical in the eyes of our Merchant Services such as Authorize.net, PayPal, and our banks. It also borderlines Copyright Infringement, and is just flat out unfair and wrong!!!

Where Can’t I Post My Affiliate Link?

Again, please do NOT post your Affiliate Link inside of cold email messages and spam. Other places that are prohibited are as follows:

1. Link Wheels and other Spamming Link Tactics 2. Adult Sites 3. Gaming Sites 4. Blackhat Forums and Websites 5. CPN & Other Illegal and Unethical Credit Sites

Page 13: PCN AFFILIATE MARKETING GUIDE USING YOUR AFFILIATE LINK · Link/URL Shortening Services In short, Link/URL Shorterners provide you with an opportunity to take your long and unappealing

How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link


What Are the Legal Aspects of Using My Affiliate Link? Many people never question how things like affiliate links work, but by

understanding the basics, it’s possible to make sure that you do everything right

and maximize your earnings.

The majority of our Affiliates begin to take everything more seriously once they

begin to earn a lot of money with us. Therefore, they will think about the legal

aspects of affiliate marketing as a way to generate passive income.

A lot of it is simple common sense. Most of the time avoiding things like copyright

infringement is a matter of representing our company, products and services in a

professional and permittable way. If you are going to take things further and host

your own blog, YouTube Channel, etc. you should remember that you must reveal

that you will earn a commission for making the referral to our websites.

As always, if you need assistance in making real sales please let us know. We will

have someone work with you to get your Passive Income going.



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How to Use Your PCN Affiliate Link
















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