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  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992



    g ZSend your submission to y May x The Alternativ Committee o Nulear Sip VisitsP.O Box Lincoln UnivrsitCanterur

    Nw Zealan

    I lee Comm on Nule hp ss:Press reese nd mmehp

    Tes of Referen - lee Commee Ters of Referene - oemen Commee' hy he n lee Commee? The Monkey oe o p Nuler Tesng Bk Reew "eser Mrge""

    Med nd ulf W ome lee ews" ppel for funds for legl fees "Fe Tde" nd Nuler Fedom Wheer hppened o SS Opeon eep Feze - n open nd shu se mosly shu ppelon lgh d sll up e

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    MEDIA RELESEEmbargoed until noon February


    Alternative Comitee onNuclear Ship Visis

    The Alteave Committee on Nuclear Ship Visitswhose formaon was announced on 19January, hold a Prs Conference on Thursday, February at the AUcklnd

    Medl Scllole Thtre (5th lr)at pmo announe and inuehe omeemembers and o elase is aleave es of ferene.

    "The aleae oee dws ogeher speialiss o a range of disiplines o allow a fuinesgaon of he impliaons o dropping he ban n nule sips skspersonDr Bobeonad said Tes of Refene hae been drawn up whih wider han hoseof heGes seial ommee and whih mo auraly rele New Zealanders' onesu lSip Visi'The ommee membrs

    Dr J Roger BrayResech Eologis Nelon J pePlas ugeon AuklndDr Neil CherryMeeorology Leurer ChshurhMr Gerry CtConsulng Ennr WellingonDr Rannui WalkerMa udies r uklandDr Pter illPhysis cr uklandDr Bill lsonRaioiologis ukland

    Eahmember aeed o paripae beause of personal one abou he nulear ship issue andbringshis r h rofessional sls and experse o h reiew proess.

    The alae and oen-apind ommeesmay well reah soe similronlusionsin heir e see ina reps Howeer he alae ommiee will address subjesexluded om he oers ers of fene The bader base of analysis of he aeaieommee inluding ial polial nd soial elemens will help o la he links weennule prpulson and our nulee law and poliy Whe signian differenes beweenhe wo ors aise in ndings and onlusions i will be up o he publi o udge he meris ofhe repos and he adisabiiy of need nulear ship isis

    The aleae ommie is ling for submissions m all ineresed pople promising he

    publi ha all iews exprssed in subssions wl b reled in he nal po (Theoee omi has bn ised bause is na ems of ferene will exludomonsieraon many no os publi submissions)


  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    The ateave oitee plans produce ot fo e Gement and he pbl by hedde of he yea an ay alo aonaly o te bl gnfant fndng whae dung the e of t dy.

    Submissions to theAlterative CQmm!tee ould be eeved by Fday May 8 Adde bmon o

    Te Ateatve Commttee o Nuear Shp VstsP.O Box Lncon Unersty


    New Zealand





    The Ateae Com wlonde a bad ange of tha and potal ue aneee publ ubmon n oe to ae te adabt of along nle poeed hpto ente te tetoal ate of AoteaNe Zeaand

    Te Commtee ll onde d make ndng on te follong top:

    1 Te afe andenvonment eod of mame nle eato n the ontext of theeee onant of mt ey uong tem;

    2 T aonae fo the eguaon, ode and ab egme adopted by Ne Zealand andote oune to goe te t of nle poeed eel

    3 Te onngeny plan and egeny pedue adopted by Ne Zealand and otheone to pepa fo ad ea ne eato adent on tng hp th dueondeaon of a f age of adent et nludng a beah of eato ontanng

    4. Te k to te Ne aand pub enonment ade and teaonal eputtonaatedt t by nle poeed eel; ondeaon ll be gen to thebenet of the peent zeo-k poly n onat to te nte k of a nla eatoadent t ee to eme

    The neaonal and dome poal ontext nldng eent damament nate n hh he Ne aad goeent ondeg ateaon to the Nule FeeAt of 187

    Te ue of natona oeegn but denty and epeentae goementh e aed by e qeon of hangng Ne Zeand' nlea ee la efl

    ondeaton ll be gen to e Teaty of Watag to bl opnon ad to te leel of k om t by nlea poeed eel hat Ne Zeaane od fnd aetble

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    SPCAL COMM 21 ROPULSONThe Specal Commee wl by aesing h aVit terau d kowledge and recengpubc ubmon, reew e afey oh chncl ue relang onucler powered hp whch wold s to k en o cern NewZeld po.

    In parcular he Specal Commee d ee approprae mkendng on

    a he afey and eninenacd of wd vsl, d n ha regd he

    eperence of oher coune whch hae cid noweed veel;

    b he eglaon code laby rem ew Zd d oher counie ogoe he ad operaon of nuclea owe shp;

    c he conngency pl d emergency pd which hae been adoped by NewZeald d oher coune o deal wh ay cdang he releae of radoacyom nucear powered eel

    d ay oher echnc afe or enronmenl naon lean o by nuclear

    powed el

    The Specal Commee wlhae he power ouc pbic heng on ubmonpreened , where hee wold bene om y

    The Coee wll pen a epo o he Pm !s o monh er begnnng wor

    Why have an v mm c


    On e e of hi dep on an exended j Vea n mi-ober la yerP Mner Jm Boger anounced h non o an a chncal commee o loono he y of naa nucear puon He wod e aedby e Mner of Heal dScence an Technology Simon Upon d h M ofTp d fhe EnonmenRob Soey n compong he of ference fhe commee nd decding who mgh beon Th acc wa no unepeced foown mh of goveen aemen by McKnnon pcular ha mde a ey of aon' nuclear lipflop pror o he

    la elecon The echcaew acc a ay of plng he "nulear ue nowpons (pace) and propulsion (eniromen eemen wh e gol of plng heoppoon The oppoon of coue con f l may of he people n NewZeld Ad nclude a and ff nngn fwelnoed and ocalmembe of boh he enroenl d pc mm. he goeen amp o plhoe moen oer nucear pp m g d

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    The gvemet' teh of ue puso wth t ow tes ofrefeene (ted lat ths ue) s s a attemp to epate e evrme adhelh ssues o uea prpulso om bad pi sa nd svregty ssues tatconce many New eanders S Edw mer chr f e govement ommtee wasuoted in he Prs 4 Ja 99 sang We egaged o eal ad sen studand hat is wat we w! to he abu om e pub The cle oluded m s: SrEdw icluded ai ig to gps ha gt be empted ake potcalymovad submssos

    Poessor Dad s a egeer o he goveet ommttee "sad it would behelpful to onsder e nue prplso ssue septey om te rms ssue" Prss Dec 199)

    he fa o he mater is ha govemet has no itenon of ever asg the public itsopio about he oer% of he issue - e lt bit. Natonl Pay ocis ave beetold he ot be a efendum o e nulea ships issue because te Govemets

    unulrity woud fec he resul Pr 19 Noember1991) Te govent of the is inded unpopul nd a signcnt mount of at unpopUlty is due to is duplicity oe uclea issue not to menon majr helh, benets, employet, eonment deducaon issues

    he concept o an Ateatv Commtt on Ncea SIp tevolved uite rapiyout of a wdely felt revusion for Bolgers ecnca view cc. imeiate reon ofmny ople was that he goveents specil oie should simply be boycoed Adhat is of ourse, a viable opon dont play the ge with BoIger. Oters hought hasomehing posive ought done to counter he goveent tacc Most New Zealanders

    fer would lack he tehnicl backound to prep a subssion he speci comttee.Nely of ou people would thus mud by he now pespecve of hat com Alave ommee wih a much boader bef is oe cleanswer to his intolerable situaon

    t was not ifut to assemble he of seven higly qued members of ealeae ottee sted above We hen wited quiely whle he goveent appretlysggled to d wlng pcipnts for its commiee Whe he members were nlynnouncd t was two days befo Chss nd al NZers kow what hat mens Meaovege was polte and penctoy nd he issue hen faded into he fog of e hodays oRoyl Opposton opposion o deba

    he Alatve omee was foly anounc o Jnury 9 with god raocoverge poite press attenon nd even a ltle Cerbuy news We wated ulFebuary 3 to release the ames of o comtee and her tems o refernce at a pessconference at he ukand Medal ScooL ou members of e oittee plus coordatorBob ord wee pset to spek o he meda and aser quesons

    We emphasised tat e tave Commtee was formed to gie voce to te mnyNew Zealde wo feel songly about the sue of nucle propulso d ts broad politclad sial implaos but whose submssons would be effevely ignoed by he govemetcomiee Their vews w b hed by e lteave omttee and be duly recorded alog

    wih a sustaal teal report to be preped by e ommttee.-,

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    6Th Hndrdth Mky Projt

    to Stop Ncl Tsing

    ' ee Reee !

    You edor, Bob o be Los Anges on j business Apri. Thanks o agenes repone fm people n he NZ mvement, b able to ael o Las Vegas omLos Agees o e Even on behalf of Nule-Fe Aoeaa. Donaons wl pay othe exa ae oicipa m Api 10 o 3 I be tang a ge Nce-Fee NewZealad banne ad nomaon d badges e o sibue a The Een as Vegas.Unae my ched nd job ll no alo me o sa o he 5-day wak o he es sieand he y Acon on Ee Snday (a shoud mnmze my chances o beng n anAca pison on Ease Sday)

    Many haks o hose ho conbed o he ae und o his een




    00 !

    In du teationa on ver fatrm msph n teng h Paral TBan ray wa ign. Sn tn te raacsnng r wr ha n O 7urgru ur a k Earh a h Naa T S h m Un (C) n t hr y-n: aan a aa a Cmrns s B t' e r US t te he next st T UCLEARTST!

    Half of all undrod have rultd i eakradao, coatg goudwater o ad heaoph.

    I Jay a the UN-hosd Parl T Bay Amdmt Coere the Ud Statbc a efo ary ots to ahee aomee e Ba (B)

    Nda Nuar e te oaed a ld which wa garad o he Wee Shoshoo und h 863 eay o Ru Va

    E -2, 2 Thousands of glb ctzen wi gthe outide o L Veg tpecey demd n end o nucer tetng. A weekend wd enoed eke nd uc ddess the ennent, ee nd Ntve en sues behd Ceheie est Bn etPese nte tt e Wete Shoshone ede he ed n ho- nd drugee gtheing C hne utthemnute dets (50) 6560

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    Bk R

    revewed by Dk Kelc

    Ds Mag:


    Y( B )

    How long dos e o unoer he "ue stoy of a wr? Doumens reveled omWashgton ony in the las few yes na ha e deson o drop he en rsenal of woA-bombs on Japa n 45 wa moad a muh as ayhng by a des o keep he SoveUon ou of he wr agns Jap; avode of a body nvason of Japa hs long beensus as Tum' m aon. So s poper tha he suble of Mn Y s book on he

    gulf wr of 99099 be The Tue Sory of he Gu Wr when less a a yer had passed

    Ther ely s ason o look for moe an wha ws on he hgghs, herewas a very onlled pss s war Auhor Yn s a jous d the pool sysem bywh he mil onlled he press s one of hs faoe subes

    Mosof he bes rporg was done aordg o by hose who pled temselesousde e pool ssem One suh per wa red y Col Dad akwor who sdI hd mor guns pod a me by Sauds nd Ames who we no onollng he pessh n al my ye n u omba

    And n he forrd o te bk hae! Massg s quoed om ssue of heColumbi Journlim Rviw. Mos of e omaon neded o ge a h real soy wasavlable Washngon All tha as rqurd was ndependen md wllg o dg no hs ha Y ahs aemped o do s a book for h generl der nd onns nofoooes ndex

    M Y s a grduae of e Gorgeown Unersy Shool of Foreg Serve nWhgon D d ae me of e Gulf w was olums on he onservave (Yhmself was exepon) dly newspaper he Diptch, n hs reewers homeown ofColumbus Oho s anw es brough hges ha he was unpao om ay ofhs olleagues on he Dph d he evenuly sgned he buldup o d ondu ofOperon Deser So w a me of despr for so he se ou o e abou how heBush dmsaon had dsgsed he prsu of power as e pursu of prnple QuongYn: " Spn onol beme onvenonl wsdom d onenonl wsdom bemeuonvenonl gnorane Reen pas beme nen hsory d nen hsory eamelev vly

    here s no lenghy lyss of US poy d he auses of he Gulf wr n hs bookUnlke mos ommenaors Yn mkes lle menon of e US power eles obsesson wVe Nm moaon for he wr d for s mry overkll d ompulsve ensorshp

    Ther s no een muh menon of ol pehaps beause s mportne s so obous There sno usson of he psene poenl us of he mny nuler weapons on US wrshps nthe Gulf Rahe Yan fouses on he popda ad oerp whh we he lty of hemeda oerge d he nagen o he ps by he eah exmned hrough helel use o eo nd edoe Some aw voes om te meda esblshmen re .

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    8 quoed At one p ms aou as ase ong of n-w

    demonsaon b o eope analyse those eents Much what is reoe d a o wh he re aeae news sources buthe were ma iereg s woh pg

    Befo as Kua memb of the Bush adisaon defended aq

    against wing ccm almost nl he da of he asin a had prevously managed tohead off a su umn Rigs omsson of aleged abuses of Iaqi citzens byIraqi auhoe

    One Stae Deenta sngle seous suen Iaq ho h faoued a oer sancions because each belieed nwould rus in o fl he oer vuum

    Pofessor John Meime cair of he polcl science depent at the Uniersity Cicago sad on Janu 191, hat a ud wr would only last a week or two: even byThrd World stan he aqi a is a below avege fgg force" Mersheimerappersto have ben wel ifoned.

    What abou he new world order? Fers of a civl w in he Sovet Union reporedlyhad ocials in he hie House nd he Pentagon dscussing conngency plans forintervenon cully to proect he Bc states m Soviet occupaon

    Te meda made much of e igteh US r machine In fact, pcision guided bombsmade up only 7% of he toage pped on aq. Overll, 70% mssed their trgets

    Paot mssiles usully mssd the Scud rheads; most of the TV footage showed spen

    rkt secons being ht rater tn the Sud weads Senior entgon ocils privatelyadmitted they had viewed exnsive footge of bombs that had mssed ther trgets or hit hewng trgets. US auores

    In 42 das fou mes he number of soes were ow aganst Irqi cies and mes aswe own against Japn in he last 14 monts of Wold Wr This nslates to humncage in Iraq One oapher worng for te Amercan netork NBC suppled extensivefootge sh oing that realt Not only was i not shown to he Amercan people but NBC fidhe reportr as welL

    magazine reped at senior Irai miry offcils debrefed as prsoners ofwr sad no one had daed plns to ght aginst the Allied forces because the din't thinkhe would e an ata and there were, they couldnt have won yway

    Wa is he legacy of this conct? Sadd Hussein had managed to chnge the natuof polcal reoc sounng idle East issues accordng to JR ceod of Ohio StateUniverit " .e wol is now discussing te conct btween c nd poor Arab naons.naons a fr eld as Indonesia alaysia nd Sigapore seously debated whether the Gulfwrwas indee a j From Algera to Tunisia (both backer of Iraq) the nature of Arabrheorc abut themseles her place in istoy ther coct with the est ha been placedon a compltey fferent retorcl plne. A student of the ddle East mght be able toexplan a connection betwen this shft nd the recent situaion in Algea here democracelecons were annulled hen it apped a funamentlist Muslim goemet would beelected

    A study at Universt icted that u to 170,0 chiln would die om -

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    ce!c>w .and sureyssnget god idea On ol hwd

    respct fo h nw ew

    np pl opnon pollsh oeg pehaps e!Cv nohp of news was a

    nbs Fo pce had geate

    % had lss sp

    At o ao how uh had mnagedo disgs e owad nd Gorg Blacked a o enjoy oder publicsupr f y nme1 S i ghg o defnd democracy in ohr mea t!

    leaes m w

    inesgaon hben bas

    n lag o Iq's invasion of Kuwai, whichen e hgh oplx nd wn f more

    u e eal pages o the converatonm pri to te nvson

    o i ook aly e " of h war? I pbably ds contan much ofhe " hat wa d effvely hiddn by censorship Mor h will undoubecome ou Bu a og nt uson s who cas

    The de of h bugh t t nd he world e Reagan Adminisaonts basic goa was o poay mao probms of prevous two decad - nluding VietNm nucle weapon ram m enionmen enrgy as unal oher wodsanyone who dd no acp e hhiay ased consumes aecanzed ision of humadsny could go o hlL Bush's Gu w eebaes his aude by mang popaganda andcensorship no only mean one of te ends as wel As such the wr was the culminangacvi of e dcad of e eghs we as t begng of Bushs atempt o brng on he"new wrld orde in whih mght m (as long s e and right e Ameican)

    n i own w the book "Det Mg challenges te rckessness of his attitude yying o se he cd sigh Bu John Genn foer asonau and no U senaoDmra of Ohio, hi forw e ook n ony sa surely i no a book ha wilpease eeone" mrns appl of censop should h miliit hitects ofthe Glf wr b cond at bk ren fo a mass audence wil help halenge thiurrent posion a kn h monan nwr to ha will ikely dpnd upon heanswer he qeo a om ge in nne "Who cas

    Th Mi Gulf :Som Ali Viws

    "Te mdia w so manipaed dug e Glf tha hey communicated some hingtat neve happend and hd gs ta dd t nz ongess wa told yesteay

    e defat wod pess by h Pnagon ws annihilng,' said M Mke Mnehana ltue a e dp nfomo sus Syde nes of TechnologyT 40 1991 p.

    There le of nC aae av mdia nd h noso

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    aea m the bk v - O cna em of "Deet Miage

    A ec sc of aysis ha w ae pubcised befe tis oual isL publise Ne York Ci sinc ely 1991. W hasprinted anumbe ofcs o w t is wor senng a smping of hat maerial here We

    have a compl coon ofOT and ecommend it o o aders who have a pacularinterest n okng dhe manse nws of impoant word vents for evidence of the"re stry", pulaon of eporng on Gu war s one of the worst examples of thisreprehensibe mocac prace in ms

    oi g n he JuyAugust 991 issue ofLOOT suggested tat phase of h G Ds Shd nd Dese Stom, could be caled Deset overpHer theme s e oaion fores d ie h to raq as reped obeenty inhe mnseam m Te N Yk has ben a seadast arcipant in his hox

    Te repor Pa ws's coverage of posw raq pls nicely the Nhrop

    oporaons pmong he myth at seah saves lives Lews's work provides acase study i fay pos and exe tle eot in the process" (p 3

    Lis b eped nsigncant dmage o cies in souhe Iaq while his stoesconnd compng dence a he neer vsied that regon LOOT ers report in a bo-sto on h ame pg th e coa amage of he Gulf w dd not end when hebombs stopped lg t encoasses the mmng d dying especiay of chilren whch has occe nce he wr nded e Hd School of Pubc Heath stdy tem

    pedce 700 mo Iaqi chn wlde befo he end of e yea [1991] because ofisease and manuon due to he wr

    Lws was on of he my pepears of the myth of exaorny precision ofaed bomng "Refng the bombg of the Ameyeh bomb shelter (one of only fourmsakes aowldgd by Lews) n possibly the most dsgusng comment in the seies ofcles he stae it is e mpressive accuacy of the aes bombing tha explains why theea fewer cn on sets of Ameryeh these days Even mass mder has its upside!(p4)

    This s ssue ofLOOT connd horc xamples of "The images of wr" "It wasnely impossib dng he G wa to oban photoaphs of raqi vicms Sff aliedcensoshp d h supe cpraon of major sevices insued the success of thissanizng pss 6

    Noa Comky is a regu monthy conbutor to LOOT the September 1991 issuehe concend on a smpg of what he cs t burdens of "spectable joaism" heGul or Kuwat connues o full of concons How these dealt withby joalss c b vang. e adiona US opposion to democrac forces poses aconstat chalenge giat defendes of uth n the psen case Saddams Iraq, th ommenor mus play down he US mt accs: o ceate mimum long-lasng amg o ca socie f he poca end of sorng the on s; ad o

    massacr deeless cscips mosty Site nd Kdsh peasnts, appany) hng inholes the d or eeing f he es while elite uits were leased to do heir necessaywork and U fo spd any dnger of comba" p 1)

    Anyn o puzzled by U psG wa policy in q, such as Bushs failre tosuppo e urng aganst Sdam, or th US failure t pect the Krsh people inhe fac f as by h Republca Gud would gan considerable insight fm

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    Chos' a'1sidve's ea C0

    "One ca apPjwe]. i cadin e Ab e

    ondemWe w

    n he

    he [in theB M"U, who te tha of poorh hee s haed and

    Lt Fees


    PhM a aand we onfoinImHgt'[lCeISte,dl.mgnh"1 mmb ay om he

    bgnnng, y he boaderae oemen, boh Se 991 he eeene ABCa the Ina hr a be man aMuay Hoon wg)

    Fo aone e o oe on WahopWn n , 99 om . He ao acvey n anub of e mrt osd moemen H panalyinvolv n h gge agan . wo a cuy nchaiee n

    en k on deg o ow w moment wn ioled He unoy soci olaon a ts na has ac in NZ l bees nd ange a hage hat re earing thcouny ar ay eH.

    Wn is aboe ad ee ut hf on e ne whaee heisse n Dcember 9 w pe esed a a protet outide Jennyhleys hbon home ( w of n t The oherguy wa $10 o he hinou me ckg wo

    Waen's cae a hed on Mh wh;g h soey behaiou Leanng o Wele o on o hily hose The g new iha h chg a d U

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992



    he oppo U C J fo r" B PeaceReserr

    Mury Roon i si o

    of support han o credt of mone Y'do the followi:

    CAFCA/AB Organise coltAu NI.b:

    One-off dbrin cely tu.

    ne ned d deseves a highe level

    aange a egula diectx d n aent fo e cause please

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992



    Na gO\ k,ds os:b]UIYdoub nldefence

    car musy e


    S o a scessfulGA Rnd eGA nems ha p s eat foeigncn f D and geNZ a beer gH U-ac TCdemand patensf phaa O x consans

    a n v! j se cnos esc"


    a ishng

    W a heailv B 'm, e NZ public int apc eans effor. e

    of NZ a adeeona agshd p maeen tOVBg fIL'lU,.3

    g g ou ne e asdemand a vm bar us ucleweans ad Itwl co a of ause andines ps po pmn a g nd n han

    with a aseon on e

    efnes1 h 7 Mr "Tnsan: Q f d Na n aonal

    Copraons V No I h 3 h Dm Jy .

    Wbat ever bappned

    A f yrs go SpCIEgeice the S18 p;dbeun t nde

    The ne b a nmbe 4 b osw ha h awe Md) nd

    We hae pbh e .fd,"fuue e hop o


    e y Iegence bb hae

    th ny my o my o be pleased hd by he pblish (nt

    RTcrd d do so in theWe hae i fo upoyed

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992



    Opation Dp Fzw

    An pn and Sut Cas, Mostly Sut

    ofessor o he ne eace Ses CPS) nd a cenyrd nue ves h og d disgshed record oscienc d pe publcao He h suppord CDH nd ABC in econces aou f IlO! y picy of e S mlitry at raton DepFz In a My om he CS enled "The neiher connor denypolicy oppress osve d obsole

    he foo\g is d in the abst: The am

    of ths sdy is udedng of the e pes o ad use of his poy The

    policy is ley h o be used t ow he oe uhded movement of nuclear weaponsregess of he polices of many oues e woring paper dels mnywith nava nule epons bse hat is where most of the informaon is aviable Thesituaon a ewo Apo's on Dep F is hdden fm pubc ew except tothe exent tht AB d esehers ke Bob Whe d Owen Wkes c obtain facs aboutir acies e in he d

    Jne 99, Bob Wh effos to peraon Dep Freze for a reserchtour of he fale nd o nteiew r ad c peonnel The esponse fom hecodng or of ODF US nal commndr B Whe (no relaon was encouagingto say e leas Fr he base is opn to he pub as you il se when you inCschh; erefor ou not need o age for an ofi vsit Second it ould bemy peasu to s w you ou oe n he US c Pogrm and o show you roundor facils (lee o 1 uly 199 Bob White

    Bob inly mde to sthrch to psen a paper at the recent Asan Peace ResearchAssiaon APR oerence t the iversi hs iva at he arpot in ate auyB piked Bob up d gve a our om our pve mosy m utside thefences onte here ere no navy or orc aeroplanes anyhe o be seen. Thebase was que d wde open nlung he plng new Antc Cene which houses thenava d vi oces of ODE We paid a visit thee o conclude ou bref to. Bob was

    ale to hav a ht wi comd Whte and a to seta mualy ageable me fora touand ntrw shory fte he APA coerence in ly Februry All seemd to be goingwe.

    That hotd Bob for a lenghy dscussion on Operaon Deep Feeze ter apouck nn ea d Duh buercake We fomulated a number of impont quesons forBob to ais w ore and nava personnel at his forthcomg tour

    But a few y ter when he me me to se that mutay aeeable me he moodn he nav stor had hagd Phone cals om Bob Whie were unproucve so he

    ven o to he Anc enewandr ound he ore ompod a which the man in chrge of the Starfter operaonwas not n dene resited e v oes in he Antrcc Cne. e commder wasnot in at h momt bu l jost rst lass was quie wing to have a chat After apleasan h e minus tween Bob d he jost, he commander ved onthe scene ad mood t sour odr w o! amused a the inteiew in

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    progss d endi t nhTIntlbefoen Weingn ws ha no i "j

    e Aecn hd ob ee

    WC!/ a e aF Tho

    e Whte si was not be o nve n hem

    with a few sk qesons O ade wbe w o sme o hoe uesn Theone e nethe conm n o h g mecbases in AsJa. Tey cone o soegn New and' s ably t nlaess by fog powes o pos. The cnce pssbe iolaonof he Deep Fez gement ou ]e Bb Whe s obi welinfoeon of hese ssue t woud hae c cmmae Whie o fo thea force omandng c t h The ae no p aswe ha wilwihstnd sn

    on y avabe opton n he eye o the US Embasy ht he - sht u

    Prof Whte hope he go awa Bob Wh did hae to e home o uckan hew not go awa no wl AB We suspe ha he hapess jolist st ass who entueto o Bob my he me h som fe Pehap sch unfotnate invidul fnhemsees hng he NZ os of duty wn he wdowles connes of F Thon

    k n the eay dys o f CDR fou of ou membes dd get a o f Opeation DeeFreee I e ou o be a mea and c con u wih mos no ppotn tocondut seious seach Conseng o ht t was a ses acc e n p hewe requesed a re isi get do o ases, he d was shu

    - Bo Len

    * he paper is avlable om e Cne fo Pea Sus niety o Auln vag Auknd NZ

    Appeal on Flight Data still up in the ir

    In our t ssue we eped on ou attempt o obtin nohe bach of gh da o heAc mi af a eon Deep Feze has been about a e sne we ied to get some new dt via he Arpo Compny hen we wen! the AasCoporon o no Finay as h mny atemp to obt d, we had to appel t heOmbdm s e hat we n late 99 s nw mdMch 1992 nd e hae hearabsoutely nohng

    Abou w e can concude s hat he Ombudsmns oe s oerwoke hat we ofo su m vous reports oe he monhs n the meda We cn also be fa ure ha mao son for tha oework s stonewalng on he eease of nformaon b vosgovemen o quasgoenmen agences he opoasaon o ous ke he Awas anApor mnagemen has wore o deae he aaby of daa nd nfomaon

  • 8/9/2019 Peace Researcher Vol1 Issue31 Mar 1992


    Pubshed since 1983,

    a Rahneds our SUppO t cnne it

    wkFu ssues p year suspt:N12 ear n New Zn 20 per ea Ar Ma AsraN25 pr er Ar M elsehere.




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