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  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    Lecture 11Monday March 21 2011

    PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 / WOMENS ST 2A03: Human Rights and Social JusticeDr Colin Salter, Centre for Peace Studies, McMaster University

    Extraordinary renditionRights and Justice post 9/11


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture



    What is rendition?

    Torture or inhuman(e) treatment?

    Social & future implications?


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    Article 5

    No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel,inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    UN Convention against torture

    torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering,

    whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on aperson for such purposes as obtaining from him or athird person information or a confession...


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture



  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    UN Convention against torture

    No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a

    state of war or a threat or war, internal politicalinstability or any other public emergency, may beinvoked as a justification of torture.


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    UN Convention against torture

    No State Party shall expel, return ("refouler") or

    extradite a person to another State where there aresubstantial grounds for believing that he would be indanger of being subjected to torture.


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    Extraordinary rendition

    Enemy combatant

    torture by proxy


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    Matt Lauer & GW Bush

    MSNBC, September 102006


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    Escalation is the rule, not the aberration.

    David Luban (2007)


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture



    Rewriting or reinterpretations of laws

    Selective application

    Human Rights abuses

    International law breaches


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    For Wednesday

    Is torture inevitable in war?

    What are some of the social characteristics thatinfluence this?


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    For Thursday

    What are some of the ways in which we can

    diminish the use of torture around the world?


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    Citations & further reading

    David Luban (2007) Liberalism, Torture, and the ticking bomb, in S. P. Lee (ed.), Intervention,Terrorism, and Torture: Contemporary Challenges to Just Wareory, Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 249 262.

    United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment orPunishment hp://www.hrweb.org/legal/cat.html

    UnIted Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rightshp://www.un.org/events/humanrights/udhr60/hrphotos/declaration%20_eng.pdf


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    Image sources

    Mike Konopacki. 2000. If there was justice in the world, 2000 http://www.veggies.org.uk/calendar/2000.htm

    Human Rights Champions, 2001 http://invisiblecollege.weblog.leidenuniv.nl/2007/03/11/who-wants-to-be-the-new-human-rights-cha

    Which do you pet, which do you eat? http://www.meatout.org/action/outreach.htm

    Shane T. McCoy, Detainees at Camp X-Ray, 11 January 2002. Image in the domain image http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Camp_x-ray_detainees.jpg


  • 8/7/2019 PEACE ST 2B03 / LABR ST 2W03 WOMEN'S ST 2A03 (2010/11) Lecture 11: Extraordinary Rendition, The Construction of Enemy Combatants and Attempts to Redefine Torture


    Video sources

    Matt Lauer Corners Bush on Torture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp4vLBvU1bA


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