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Page 1: Pediatric Pharmacokinetics Jonathan Wagner and Susan M. … · Objectives After reading this article, the reader should be able to 1. Realize that volume of distribution, elimination

DOI: 10.1542/pir.34-6-2582013;34;258Pediatrics in Review 

Jonathan Wagner and Susan M. Abdel-RahmanPediatric Pharmacokinetics

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Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0191-9601. Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2013 by the American Academy of published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Pointpublication, it has been published continuously since 1979. Pediatrics in Review is owned, Pediatrics in Review is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

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Page 2: Pediatric Pharmacokinetics Jonathan Wagner and Susan M. … · Objectives After reading this article, the reader should be able to 1. Realize that volume of distribution, elimination

Pediatric PharmacokineticsJonathan Wagner, DO,*

Susan M. Abdel-Rahman,


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Drs Wagner and

Abdel-Rahman have

disclosed no financial

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to this article. This

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Educational Gaps

1. A basic understanding of pharmacokinetics and drug disposition will help clinicians

select appropriate drugs and dosing. For example, the fraction of the administered

dose that makes it into the blood as “intact” drug defines bioavailability. This is

clinically relevant because it allows us to understand that comorbidities (eg, diarrheal

disease and psoriasis), dietary changes, formulation manipulation (eg, crushing tablets

and preparing oral liquids), and other factors can alter the dose-exposure relationship.

2. Anatomical and physiologic developmental changes should remind clinicians to

recognize when drug dosing and intervals must be tailored to individual patient needs.

For example, for acid-labile b-lactam penicillin given orally, the elevated gastric pH in

neonates and the relative frequency of feedings will result in serum concentrations that

are 5 to 6 times higher in neonates versus older children because the drug is relatively

protected from degradation during the time spent in the stomach.

Objectives After reading this article, the reader should be able to

1. Realize that volume of distribution, elimination clearance, and elimination half-life

are crucial parameters of pharmacokinetics that must be understood to determine

clinical pharmacologic decisions.

2. Know that drug disposition is a complicated process of absorption, distribution,

metabolism, and excretion.

3. Understand that any abnormality in absorption, distribution, metabolism, and/or

excretion can potentially affect the efficacy or toxicity of a drug.

4. Understand that the anatomical and physiologic

changes during development must be considered in

predicting age-dependent changes in drug disposition.

IntroductionFor many clinicians, the term pharmacokinetics conjures im-ages of algebraic equations and differential calculus longforgotten since the days of training. As a result, pharmaco-kinetic concepts tend to be perceived as somewhat esotericby the general health care clinician. What often goes unap-preciated is that clinicians are uniquely primed to understandpharmacokinetics because pharmacokinetics are merely themathematical characterization of anatomical and physio-logic processes that determine how drugs get into the body(absorption), where they go (distribution), and how theyare removed (metabolism/excretion). Knowledge of anat-omy and physiology enhances our understanding of phar-macokinetics in much the same way that knowledge of


ADR: adverse drug reactionCYP: cytochrome P450DME: drug-metabolizing enzymeECMO: extracorporeal membrane oxygenationGFR: glomerular filtration rateGST: glutathione S-transferaseMDR1: multidrug resistance protein 1MRP2: multidrug resistance–associated protein 2OATP: organic anion-transporting polypeptidesPEPT1: peptide transporter 1UGT: uridine 5’-disphospho-glucuronosyltransferaseSULT: N-sulfotransferaseSVT: supraventricular tachycardiat1/2: half-lifeVd: volume of distribution

*Section of Cardiology and Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Toxicology, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Department of

Pediatrics, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City, MO.†Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Toxicology, Children’s Mercy Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, University of

Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City, MO.

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Page 3: Pediatric Pharmacokinetics Jonathan Wagner and Susan M. … · Objectives After reading this article, the reader should be able to 1. Realize that volume of distribution, elimination

patient-specific factors (eg, age, genetics, diet, and end-organ function) influences our understanding of diseaserisk and drug response. It is important to realize that theapplication of pharmacokinetic-related knowledge is bi-directional in that pharmacokinetic studies can broadenour understanding of biology in areas where this knowl-edge is incomplete.

This article is designed to reintroduce the reader tofundamental pharmacokinetic concepts and frame themin the context of the pediatric patient. Integral to beginningthis discussion is a review of some basic pharmacokineticterms that collectively drive decisions related to selectingthe most appropriate dosing regimens for our patients.

Volume of DistributionLike any volume, volume of distribution (Vd) representsa quantitative measure of size or space. In theory, Vd re-flects the combined volume of the various compartmentsand tissues wherein a drug can be found after it enters thebody. Factors that influence the extent to which a drugdistributes into various tissues include the drugs’ octanol-water partition coefficient, acid dissociation constant,and affinity for plasma and tissue proteins.

In practice, Vd represents a mathematical variable thatrelates the amount of drug administered (ie, the dose) tothe resulting plasma concentration (equation 1). In es-sence, Vd reflects the size of a compartment necessaryto account for the concentration that is measured afterthe total amount of drug has been administered.

Imagine a jar of maraschino cherries that has been emp-tied into a large bowl of punch. If we know that the jarcontains 100 cherries (dose) and we observe that everycup of punch in the bowl contains 2 cherries (concentra-tion), we can estimate the volume of the punch bowl:

concentration ¼ dose=Vd equation 1:0

Vd ¼ dose=concentration equation 1:1

Vd ¼ ð100 cherriesÞ=ð2 cherries=cupÞ¼ 50 cups

For some drugs, the Vd is small and corresponds toa true biological space (eg, intravascular compartment,extracellular fluid stores, and total body water space).For other drugs that concentrate in tissues, the calculatedVd can be quite large. A Vd that exceeds the total volumeof the body may seem nonsensical in a biological context;however, we simply need to recognize that Vd estimatesare based on the measurement of drug concentrations in

the blood. When tissue concentrations go up and bloodconcentrations go down, the denominator in equation1.1 becomes smaller and the value of Vd increases.

Irrespective of size, the value of Vd lies in its ability tohelp us determine the dose of drug to give our patients. Ifwe know the volume of the compartment into which weare delivering drug and the concentration we want toachieve, we can calculate the desired dose (equation 1.2).

Our goal is that partygoers receive 5 cherries per cupof punch. We have established that the bowl contains 50cups. Thus, we can calculate the number of cherries weneed to add to the bowl to achieve the desired concen-tration of cherries:

concentration ¼ dose=Vd equation 1:0

dose ¼ concentration∗Vd equation 1:2

dose ¼ ð5 cherries=cupÞ∗ð50 cupÞ¼ 250 cherries

ClearanceSimply stated, clearance reflects a rate of change. Ina pharmacokinetic context, clearance represents the frac-tion of the total Vd from which drug is cleared in anygiven unit of time. Biologically, clearance reflects thesum total of all physiologic processes that are working to-gether to remove the drug from that compartment.

Consider our 50-cup punch bowl from the last exam-ple. Now imagine a partygoer plucking cherries from thebowl. If our partygoer removes 10 cherries per hour andthe bowl contains 5 cherries per cup, then the bowl is be-ing cleared of cherries at a rate of 2 cups per hour. Adda second partygoer with the same affinity and capacity forconsuming cherries and the equivalent of 4 cups per hourare being cleared of cherries.

Apart from the innate ability of an organ (eg, kidney orliver) to remove the drug, there are other biologic factorsthat influence clearance rates, such as the degree of plasmaprotein binding, tissue extraction ratios, and cardiac output.Clearance is relevant to the practitioner because it helps todetermine the frequency with which a drug must be deliv-ered to sustain the concentrations desired in the plasma.

At the start of the party we added 250 cherries to ourbowl of punch. The 2 partygoers we described are remov-ing a combined 20 cherries per hour. To ensure thatother partygoers interested in drinking the punch receive5 cherries per cup, we can add 20 cherries back to thebowl every hour or 10 cherries every ½ hour or 40 cherriesevery 2 hours and so on.

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BioavailabilityFor drugs administered by any route other than direct in-travenous instillation, factors related to both the drug andthe patient influence the degree to which the drugreaches the systemic circulation. These factors can in-clude the disintegration characteristics of the dosageform, the dissolution properties of the drug, the stabilityof the drug at the absorption site, and the degree towhich the drug serves as a substrate for transporters anddrug-metabolizing enzymes (DMEs) that may be encoun-tered before the drug reaches the systemic circulation (eg,first-pass effect). The fraction of the administered dose thatmakes it into the blood as intact drug defines bioavailabil-ity. For drugs given intravenously, 100% of the adminis-tered dose reaches the systemic circulation; thus, thebioavailability is 1. For drugs given by any other route(eg, sublingual, oral, rectal, and percutaneous), the bio-availability usually is less than 1, depending on the drugand host-related factors. Understanding the conceptof bioavailability is clinically relevant because it allowsus to understand that comorbidities (eg, diarrheal dis-ease, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, and psoriasis), dietarychanges, formulation manipulation (eg, crushing tabletsand preparing oral liquids), and other factors can alterthe dose-exposure relationship.

The concept of bioavailability is relevant also to our un-derstanding of pharmacokinetic because the availability ofthe drug represents an unknown modifier that influencesthe estimates of Vd and clearance. Recall that our calcula-tion of Vd relies on the concentrations we observe in theblood. When concentrations are low, we do not knowwhether it is because the drug has moved out of the circu-lation and into the tissues or because the drug never madeit into the circulation in the first place. Thus, a more accu-rate representation of equations 1.0 and 1.1 is as follows:

concentration ¼ ðdose� bioavailabilityÞ=Vdequation 1:3

Vd=bioavailability ¼ dose=concentration

equation 1:4

Similarly, the term clearance is more accurately repre-sented as clearance/bioavailability given the relationshipbetween clearance and Vd (see the “Half-life” section).

Half-lifeThe half-life (t½) of a drug is the amount of time requiredfor the total amount of drug in the body or the bloodto decrease by half (Fig 1 left). This pharmacokinetic

parameter allows us to determine the fraction of drug thathas been removed from the body and consequently thefraction of drug that remains. If the t½ is the time it takesconcentrations in the body or blood to decrease by half,50% of the drug will remain after 1 t½, 25% will remainafter 2 t½, 12.5% after 3 t½, 6.25% after 4 t½, and3.125 after 5 t½. Thus, approximately 97% of the drugwill have left the system after 5 t½. Both Vd and clearanceinfluence the t½ of a drug as described by equation 1.5.Alternatively, the elimination rate constant derived fromthe slope of the log-transformed plasma concentrationversus the time curve can be used to calculate the t½ ac-cording to equation 1.6 (Fig 1 right).

t1=2 ¼ 0:693 � Vd=clearance equation 1:5

t1=2 ¼ ln 2 � elimination rate constant equation 1:6

Although t½ is perhaps the easiest pharmacokinetic para-meter to understand, it is also subject to a number of assump-tions, namely, that the drug conforms to a 1-compartmentmodel and demonstrates first-order elimination.

Setting aside discussions about more complex, multiple-compartment pharmacokinetic models, we can examinethe clinical importance of t½, which informs our decisionsrelated to drug-dosing intervals to maximize efficacy andlimit toxicity. The t½ can vary from hours to days and evenmonths amongdifferentmedications. Propranolol, a nonse-lective b-blocker commonly used to treat pediatric supra-ventricular tachycardia (SVT), has a t½ that ranges from4 to 6 hours in children. By contrast, amiodarone, a class3 antiarrhythmic agent used to treat refractory SVT, hasa t½ of nearly 60 days after long-term administration. Asexpected, amiodarone requires less frequent dosing com-pared with the b-blockers.

Although drugs with relatively long t½ offer the ad-vantage of simplified dosing schemes, they are accompa-nied by increased complexities associated with toxicitymanagement should adverse effects arise. By extension,patients who experience a protracted t½ owing to comor-bidities that decrease clearance or expand the Vd can de-velop toxicity if the dose or dosing interval is not adjustedto account for these changes. For example, a postopera-tive cardiac patient who has poor renal perfusion and whorequires antibiotics for concerns of sepsis may requirea less frequent dosing interval for vancomycin, an antibi-otic that is cleared renally.

In patients with transient reductions in renal clearance,such as the postoperative patient described, not only donewly added drugs need to be dosed appropriately, but ex-isting medications in the patient’s regimen should be

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reevaluated for the need to adjust doses or dosing intervalsto avoid toxicity. This consideration is particularly relevantfor drugs with a narrow therapeutic index (ie, where theamount of drug that causes therapeutic efficacy is onlyslightly lower than the amount that causes toxicity). If de-sirable plasma concentrations have been defined for thesedrugs, therapeutic drug monitoring is highly recommen-ded. When measuring drug levels, proper timing is essen-tial for accurate therapeutic monitoring. For instance, ifa digoxin drug level is obtained before the drug has com-pletely distributed into tissues, the measured value will ap-pear falsely elevated and may lead to improper adjustmentsof the dose.

The parameter t½ also allows us to determine howlong it will take to achieve steady state. When drugsare administered at constant intervals, they accumulatein the body until the amount administered in a given pe-riod is equal to the amount eliminated in the same period.When this plateau occurs, the drug in the body hasachieved steady state (the rate in equals the rate out).Drug accumulates in a similar fashion to that describedfor decay, so that concentrations are greater than 97%of where they will be at steady state after 5 t½ irrespectiveof the frequency with which the drug is dosed (Fig 2).

Adherence to regular dosing intervals is essential toachieve and maintain a steady state. Whenever the doseor dosing interval changes, another 4 to 5 t½ must passto achieve a new steady state. Thus, poor drug adher-ence, which occurs frequently with adolescent patients,

will cause large fluctuations in drugconcentrations due to a failure toachieve or maintain steady state. Asan example, strict adherence to im-munosuppressive medication use isof utmost importance after organtransplantation to avoid allograftrejection. Although the 1-year re-nal allograft survival rate has im-proved markedly in the last decade,long-term renal allograft survivalremains lowest in the adolescentpopulation mainly due to medicationnonadherence. (1)

AbsorptionAbsorption is the process of drugmovement from the site of adminis-tration or application into the sys-temic circulation. In addition to thefactors detailed in the “Bioavailability”

section, ontogenic (developmental) processes also influ-ence the extent to which drugs find their way into the sys-temic circulation. Many of the differences in absorptionthat we observe between children and adults can be at-tributed to changes in anatomy and physiology that occuras part of the normal process of growth and development.

OralDrugs administered by the oral route encounter a numberof processes that are different in children. Among the firstof these differences is an elevated gastric pH in neonatesand young infants. This finding is attributed to reducedhydrochloric acid secretion and the relative frequencywith which these children feed. (2) Although there area few drugs (eg, weakly acidic drugs) for which this in-crease in gastric pH appears to decrease the extent of ab-sorption, a more pronounced impact is observed fordrugs that undergo chemical degradation at low pH.For example, serum concentrations of the acid-labileb-lactam antibiotic penicillin are 5 to 6 times higher inthe neonate than in older children when given orally be-cause the drug is relatively protected from degradationduring its time spent in the stomach. (3)

Differences in the rate of gastric emptying also caninfluence drug absorption in children. The rate of drugabsorption generally is slower in the neonate and younginfant in whom the rate of gastric emptying is prolonged.Consequently, the time to reach maximal plasma concen-trations for many medications is delayed in the newborn

Figure 1. Half-life (t½) and elimination rate constant. Left: t½ is the amount of timerequired for the total amount of drug in the body to decrease by half. Note the initialconcentration is 100 mg and the amount of time required to decrease to 50 mg is 5hours. After each successive t½ (depicted by the arrows) the concentration decreases byan additional 50% of what remains. Right: The slope of the natural log-adjustedconcentration versus the time curve provides the elimination rate constant, which can beused to calculate the t½ (see equation 1.6).

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and young infant. In otherwise healthy children, gastricemptying rates approach adult values at approximately6 to 8 months of age; however, this developmental mile-stone will differ in children with underlying patho-physiologic conditions that alter emptying times (eg,prematurity, congenital heart disease, and gastroesopha-geal reflux disease). (4) Coincident with delayed empty-ing in the young infant is a reduction in intestinal motilitycompared with older children. Although the decrease infrequency and amplitude of intestinal contractions theo-retically permits longer retention times at the primaryabsorptive surfaces of the small intestine, the impact of in-testinal migration rates on the extent of drug absorptioninto the systemic circulation will depend largely on thecharacteristics of the oral formulation that is administered.

For drugs whose absorption is facilitated by bile acids,maturation of biliary function can influence drug absorp-tion profiles. Infants younger than 6 months demonstratelower bile salt concentrations in the intestinal lumencompared with adults, a finding that likely results fromimmature bile acid transport out of the liver. Pharmaco-kinetic studies of susceptible drugs (eg, chloramphenicolpalmitate and pleconaril) have demonstrated capacity-limited absorption so that increasing the drug dose abovesome threshold produces little to no increase in circulat-ing drug concentrations. It is difficult to predict whichdrugs may be affected by this process without confirma-tory pharmacokinetic studies; however, a high degree ofsuspicion should be maintained for drugs whose absorp-tion profiles in adults are enhanced with the concurrentadministration of a fatty meal.

When considering developmental changes that occuralong the intestinal tract, differential expression of theproteins responsible for metabolizing and transportingdrugs also should be considered. We know that the intes-tinal lining is home to a number of DMEs, yet our knowl-edge of their ontogeny is restricted to a scant few. Intestinalexpression of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A and CYP1A1 ap-pears to increase with increasing age. The clinical conse-quence of this situation in neonates and children is toreduce presystemic clearance of substrates for these DMEs,leading to higher circulating concentrations of the activecompound in plasma (eg, alprazolam, amlodipine, and dexa-methasone). Conversely, if the medication is administeredas a prodrug, which is activated by these enzymes, we

Figure 2. Steady state. Plasma concentration versus timecurves depicting the steady-state accumulation of a drugpossessing a 6-hour half-life (t½) dosed every 6 hours(upper), 12 hours (center), and 24 hours (lower). The shadedregion indicates a time approximating 5 t½. Note that steady-

state drug levels are achieved after 5 t½ irrespective ofwhether the patient has received 6 doses (upper) or 1 dose(lower). Thus, the time to achieve steady state is dependent onthe t½ of the drug and independent of the dosing frequency.

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would expect reduced concentrations of the active com-pound in the blood (eg, simvastatin and lovastatin).

In contrast to the CYPs described, activity of the phase2 DME glutathione S-transferase (GST) appears to behigher in children younger than 5 years compared witholder children and adolescents. Thus, converse expecta-tions would hold here; younger children may experiencelower blood concentrations and, as a result, requirehigher doses of drugs whose primary route of clearanceis by intestinal glutathione conjugation (eg, busulfan).The ontogenic profiles of other phase 1 and 2 DMEs thatare quantitatively as, if not more, important than thosedescribed have yet to be defined.

Intestinal transporters also play a role in facilitating orrestricting the absorption of many orally administereddrugs. Unfortunately, most of the knowledge acquiredto date is derived from animal models and concernsthe uptake of nutrients and ions. For some of these nu-trient transporters, activity reaches that of adult values atthe time of birth, whereas others mature later in infancy.In humans, only limited data on the ontogeny of drugtransporters have been accumulated to date. Studies exam-ining the expression of P-glycoprotein observe that thistransporter is present within the intestine as early as 1month of age and is expressed continuously through adult-hood. Other clinical pharmacokinetic studies provide indi-rect evidence of age-dependent expression for the intestinalorganic anion-transporting polypeptides (OATPs) andcation-transporting polypeptides; however, the magnitudeof these differences remains to be elucidated fully.

Extrinsic factors unique to children (eg, diet) also caninfluence the absorption of orally administered medica-tions. For instance, infants and children consume applejuice at a rate of 16 and 5 times the national average, re-spectively. This specific fruit juice is known to reduce thebioavailability of drugs that serves as a substrate forOATP (eg, fexofenadine and b-blockers). (5) As such,drug-diet interactions involving apple juice would be ex-pected to occur with greater frequency in children. A sim-ilar drug-diet interaction can be observed with substratesfor peptide transporter 1 (PEPT1). This protein facilitatesthe absorption of drugs such as angiotensin-convertingenzyme inhibitors, amino-b-lactams, and oseltamivir;however, its normal physiologic role is to absorb milk-derived peptides. In the newborn and young infantwho is feeding every 2 to 4 hours, the continual presenceof dietary milk-based peptides in the intestinal lumen willcompete for absorption of coadministered drugs thatshare the PEPT1 pathway.

Even the seemingly innocuous act of altering the com-mercially available formulation to suit the needs of

children can influence the degree to which drugs are ab-sorbed. As expected, digoxin absorption from an elixirformulation is more efficient than observed with the tab-let. Surprisingly, crushing rifapentine tablets actually im-pairs bioavailability compared with administration of theintact dosage form. These examples of the influence ofdiet and formulation highlight the importance of think-ing beyond age and disease when treating the pediatricpatient.

RectalIn a similar fashion to oral drug delivery, the absorptionprofile of rectally administered drugs can vary betweenchildren and adults. Rectal administration can be usefulwhen oral or intravenous routes are contraindicated. Rec-tally administered drugs undergo absorption into the in-ferior mesenteric arteries and the hemorrhoidal veins,bypassing the portal circulation (eg, first pass). The extentof rectal absorption is dependent, in large part, on the re-lease characteristics of the formulation and motility pat-terns in the lower intestinal tract. When solutions areused, rectal absorption can be very efficient (eg, diazepamfor status epilepticus). However, many solid and semi-solid rectal formulations will be expelled from the lowerintestine in young infants before the entirety of their drugcontents can be liberated because these children experi-ence a greater number of high-amplitude, pulsatile con-tractions in the lower intestine.

Percutaneous and IntramuscularThe bioavailability of percutaneously and intramuscularlyadministered drugs can vary markedly among drugs (bio-availability, 0.2-1). Among the physiologic factors thatdetermine the rate and extent of absorption by both ofthese routes is the blood supply at the site of application.Both skin and skeletal muscles demonstrate an increasedcapillary density in neonates and young children com-pared with older children and adults. In addition, chil-dren demonstrate enhanced skin hydration and a largersurface-to-volume ratio than do adults. Collectively,these differences contribute to enhanced absorption ofmany topically applied drugs in the growing child.

DistributionAfter a drug successfully traverses the absorption barriersand enters the systemic circulation, it is free to distributein plasma or tissues as dictated by the physiologic consti-tution of the host (eg, fraction of weight constituted bywater, extent of circulating protein biosynthesis, and ex-pression of tissue transporters) and the physicochemical

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properties of the drug (eg, protein binding affinity, octanol-water partition coefficient, and acid dissociation constant).For drugs whose distribution is affected by physiologic fac-tors for which we can discern age-dependent changes,the corresponding impact of growth and developmenton Vd is relatively predictable.

Changes in body water stores during childhood serveas the prototypic example of the impact of developmenton Vd. It is known that total body water as a percentageof total body weight is highest in preterm and full-termneonates (nearly 75%-80%) and decreases to the adult val-ues (w60%) by 1 year of age. This change is accompaniedby a corresponding reduction in extracellular fluid as chil-dren age from nearly 45% to 50% in the neonatal periodto adult levels of 20% to 30% by 1 year of age. The higherpercentage of total body water contributes to a larger Vdfor hydrophilic drugs (eg, aminoglycosides and b-lactamantibiotics) and the need for larger weight-based doses toachieve the same systemic concentrations achieved inadults. This difference is compounded in severely ill neo-nates who require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) where hemodilution, drug sequestration in theECMO circuit, end-organ dysfunction, and systemic in-flammation all contribute to expanded distributionvolumes.

In contrast to body water stores, newborns and younginfants demonstrate diminished body fat stores comparedwith adults. Although one might theoretically concludethat highly lipophilic drugs will exhibit smaller distribu-tion volumes in these children, this effect often is notthe case. Many of these drugs associate with lipids andother cellular components in such a way that pronounceddifferences in Vd with age are not readily apparent.

Qualitative and quantitative changes in protein bind-ing represent another developmental pattern that has anenormous role in determining the Vd. For moderatelyand highly protein-bound drugs, changes in Vd can beobserved when the absolute amount of protein (eg, albu-min, globulin, a1-acid glycoprotein, and lipoprotein) isreduced, when the affinity of the protein for the drugis diminished, and when other substrates capable of dis-placing the drug from its binding site on the protein arepresent. Of note, all 3 of these biological scenarios are atwork in children.

Albumin is a large, negatively charged plasma protein(w67 kDa) that binds to many positively charged, acidicdrugs. In neonates, serum albumin levels are reducedcompared with adults, resulting in fewer overall bindingsites. (6) Moreover, fetal albumin is still present in the cir-culation of newborns, and this isoform of albumin dem-onstrates reduced binding affinity for many drugs that are

bound to albumin. The circulating levels of a1-acid gly-coprotein and other lipoproteins that bind negativelycharged, basic drugs also are found to be lower in the fe-tus and neonate. Finally, newborns have higher circulat-ing concentrations of bilirubin and free fatty acids, whichcan serve to displace drugs from their protein-bindingsites. The cumulative effect of these changes is a reductionin protein binding and an increase in the unbound (ie,free fraction) of many drugs during early infancy (eg, pro-pranolol, verapamil, ampicillin, phenytoin, and phenobar-bital). (7) It is important to know that the risk ofdisplacement is bidirectional and highly protein-bounddrugs can displace bilirubin, which, in a jaundiced neonate,can increase the risk of kernicterus.

Given that the overall pharmacodynamic effect ofa medication depends on the amount of free (ie, un-bound) drug that reaches the target receptor, the clinicalimplication of the developmental changes in proteinbinding is greatest for highly protein-bound drugs orthose with a narrow therapeutic index. For many suchdrugs (eg, thiopental and sufentanil) reduced dosage re-quirements are necessary in young children to achieve ef-fects comparable to those observed in adults. The highlyprotein-bound anticonvulsant phenytoin provides a greatillustration of this principle. In the healthy adult, approx-imately 99% of circulating phenytoin is protein bound(1% free). If the extent of protein binding decreases to98% (2% free), the free fraction has effectively doubled.If the extent of protein binding decreases to 95% (5%free) a 5-fold increase in free drug will be experienced.Consequently, very small changes in protein bindingcan markedly alter the risk of toxicity. By contrast, a re-duction in ampicillin binding from 22% (78% free) inadults to 10% (90% free) in neonates results in only amod-est (15%) increase in free fraction and a negligible alter-ation in risk profile.

Although ontogenic data are lacking, we would be re-miss not to introduce the potential impact of cellulartransporters on drug distribution. Transporter proteinsare scattered throughout the body and contribute tothe uptake and efflux of normal biological substrates fromtissues. These substrates are used to different extents,within different tissues, and at different times during de-velopment; thus, the transporters that facilitate their up-take ostensibly demonstrate differential expression oractivity profiles during human maturation. Unfortu-nately, the use of drugs that rely on these transportersin children is outpacing the acquisition of knowledgeabout their ontogeny. A temporal clinical example isthe use of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl coenzyme A re-ductase inhibitors (ie, statins). Given the ongoing

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childhood obesity epidemic and the increased incidenceof dyslipidemia associated with obesity, the number ofchildren and adolescents who require statin therapy isincreasing. Several of these statins are transported intothe site of action (ie, the hepatocyte) by an OATP. Aprevious study in children with familial hyperlipidemiasuggests that the functional expression of OATP differsbetween children and adults with the same geneticvariation. The impact of these differences on the efficacyand toxicity of statins in children remains to bedetermined.

MetabolismAlthough several organs (eg, kidney, gastrointestinaltract, lungs, and skin) contain DMEs, the liver servesas the predominant organ for drug metabolism. The dis-position of hepatically cleared drugs can occur by a num-ber of mechanisms. Phase 1 metabolism is composed ofoxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, and methylation reac-tions that serve to increase the polarity of a drug, whereasphase 2 metabolism is responsible for converting drugsinto a more water soluble form for excretion. Drugs thatrequire biotransformation for removal from the body canundergo either or both types of metabolism, and the de-velopmental expression profile for the enzymes that sup-port phase 1 and phase 2 metabolism can have a markedimpact on the pharmacokinetics of a drug and the corre-sponding efficacy and safety profile in children.

Phase 1 metabolism is performed primarily by a groupof oxidases referred to as CYPs. In the last 20 years therehas been significant advancement in our knowledge ofDMEs and their expression profiles from fetal life intoadulthood. (8) CYP3A4, one of the most qualitativelyand quantitatively important DMEs in humans, is re-sponsible for the metabolism of a number of drugs (Ta-ble). Although expressed at very low levels in the humanhepatocyte at birth, activity increases to 30% to 60% ofadult levels within the first week of life and achievesadult levels near 1 year of age. (9) Similarly, CYP2C19,CYP2E1, and CYP1A2 appear to increase gradually toadult levels at 6 months, 1 year, and 10 years of age,respectively.

In contrast, CYP2D6 and CYP2C9 appear to be fullyfunctional shortly after birth, and ontogeny appears to beless relevant than inheritance when it comes to explaininginterindividual variability in their activity. Althoughin vitro and in vivo activity does not always correlate,in general, drugs that are substrates for CYP3A4CYP2C19, CYP2E1, and CYP1A2 may require a lowerdose or expanded dosing intervals in children.

The effect of diet on DME activity in infants can over-lay the effects of development. Several studies haveshown that the maturation of enzymes responsible, in part,for the metabolism of caffeine and dextromethorphan(eg, CYP1A2 and CYP3A4) is accelerated in formula-fed infants compared with those who are breastfed. (10)It is believed that components in formula act in a similarfashion to drugs that are known inducers of these sameCYPs (eg, phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine, andrifampin). Thus, the prescribing clinician should expectthat drug exposure and response profiles may differ be-tween formula- and breastfed children. Furthermore, theclinician should remain cognizant of the additive drug-interaction potential, in breastfed infants, of drugs andherbal remedies with the potential to induce or inhibitDMEs (eg, St. John’s Wort, ginkgo biloba, and milkthistle) when ingested by the mother and transmitted tothe infant via human milk.

Table. Cytochrome P450 (CYP)Enzymes and Examples ofCommon Pediatric DrugSubstrates

CYP Enzymes Drug Substrate(s)

CYP1A2 MelatoninPropranololVerapamilZolpidem

CYP2C9 AmitriptylineCarvedilolPhenytoinWarfarin

CYP2C19 CitalopramDiazepamImipramine

CYP2D6 CarvedilolCodeineDextromethorphanOxycodonePropranolol

CYP2E1 HalothaneIsofluraneSevofluraneTheophylline

CYP3A4 AlprazolamAmitriptylineClarithromycinCyclosporineErythromycinLovastatinSimvastatin

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Phase 2 metabolism enhances water solubility byconjugation of the drug with GST, glucuronide (uridine5’-disphospho-glucuronosyltransferase [UGT]), sulfate(sulfotransferase [SULT]), and N-acetyl (acetyltransferase)functional groups. Most of these phase 2 DMEs are con-stituted by multiple isoforms, each of which demonstratesa unique developmental expression profile. GST1 dem-onstrates activity levels that increase progressively to adultlevels in the first 18 months of life. In contrast, GSTA1and A2 increase 1.5- to 2-fold at birth (vs fetal levels)without significant change into adulthood. Of the phase2 DMEs with slightly more clinical relevance, UGT1A1(a major enzyme responsible for bilirubin glucuronida-tion) increases immediately after birth and attains adultlevels by 3 to 6 months of age. (11) UGT2B7 activity alsoincreases through the first year of life. The SULTs, in-volved primarily with the conjugation of endogenous ste-roids (eg, estrone and ethnyl estradiol) demonstratediscordant ontogenic profiles. The expression of SULT1A1does not undergo significant changes during development,whereas SULT1E1 shows a progressive decline in activityfrom the fetus into adulthood, and SULT2A1 displays anincrease of activity from birth into adulthood.

Despite the variety of developmental profiles observedfor the phase 1 and phase 2 DMEs, infants expressing lowlevels of any given DME are not always disadvantagedwhen it comes to eliminating drugs. The redundancybuilt into human detoxification system permits maturepathways to compensate for pathways that have yet to de-velop so that the net rate of clearance for some drugs doesnot change with age. For other drugs, the contributionsof minor pathways, although important, are less efficient,the result being a delay in clearance rates until the primarypathway matures.

Acetaminophen offers an excellent example of the lat-ter scenario. UGT1A6 and SULT1A1 serve as the pri-mary routes of metabolism for acetaminophen. Inadults, most of the metabolite recovered is the glucuro-nide conjugate, whereas sulfate conjugates account mostof the acetaminophen metabolites recovered in new-borns. Although SULT1A1 serves as an alternate routeof clearance in newborns, this pathways is less efficientthan UGT, and, as a result, infants exhibit a longer overallt1/2 than do young children and adolescents. The ulti-mate impact of developmental DME expression on drugdisposition and action will depend on the nature of thedrug, its therapeutic index, and the number of pathwaysfor which the drug is a substrate.

With advances in our understanding of the ontogenyof DMEs, we have been able to optimize drug dosing andimprove efficacy for many therapeutic agents while

minimizing the incidence of dose-related (ie, type A) ad-verse drug reactions (ADRs). However, the underlyingbasis for many ADRs (eg, allergic reactions and rash) thatare deemed to be idiosyncratic (ie, type B) remains to beelucidated. It may be several years before the authors ofsubsequent pediatric pharmacokinetic reviews can pro-vide insights into environmental and genetic factors thatpredispose patients to idiosyncratic ADRs.

ExcretionTwo organ systems are responsible for most drug excre-tion: the liver (via bile) and the kidneys (via urine). He-patic drug clearance relies primarily on active transportprocesses, whereas both active and passive processes workin concert in the kidneys. Active transporters that mediateefflux into the biliary canaliculus include breast cancer–related protein, multidrug resistance–associated protein2 (MRP2), multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1),and bile salt export pump. In the kidney, members ofthe organic anion transporter and organic cation trans-porter families facilitate influx into the proximal tubularcells, whereas MDR and MRP family members mediateefflux into the lumen of the proximal convoluted tubules.Although mouse models suggest developmental depen-dence in the expression of these transporters, the corre-lation with human transporters is still lacking.

Consequently, the magnitude of drug interactionsthat would be expected at these excretion sites in childrenremains unclear. For instance, the histamine2-receptorantagonist cimetidine has been shown to inhibit the se-cretion of metformin into the urine, causing potentiallydangerous increases in plasma concentrations. (12) Theextent to which the transporter involved in this interac-tion is expressed in children and is involved in the clear-ance of metformin will determine the clinical impact ofthis drug-drug interaction.

In addition to the influence of age on the functionalexpression of transporters, disease can play a role as well.Intrinsic hepatic disease (eg, Alagille syndrome), injury(eg, asphyxia and cardiogenic shock in congenital heartdisease), and cholestasis (as induced by total parenteralnutrition) will influence the expression profile of theseproteins and have an impact on drug clearance.

Pathologic processes in the kidney also can influenceclearance rates; however, the impact of age-relatedchanges in renal physiology and drug clearance is perhapsmore remarkable because the structural and functionaldevelopment of the kidney is incredibly well character-ized. Although nephrogenesis is complete by 36 weeksof gestation, maturation continues throughout childhood.

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Kidney length more than doubles from birth through 12years of age, with kidney weight exhibiting a comparablelinear increase during this same time frame. Microscopi-cally, glomerular diameter and proximal tubular lengthalso increase as children age. Furthermore, the radius ofsmall pores in the glomerulus increases more than 25%,and the ratio of large pores to small pores shifts in favorof the former during the first few months of life. In thefirst year of life, children also experience changes in vascu-lar resistance and renal blood flow as fractional cardiacoutput to the kidney increases almost 4-fold, with a com-mensurate increases glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Thisnormal developmental pattern contributes to an increasein the renal excretion of drugs during the first few yearsof life to levels that eventually exceed those observed inadults.

Maturation of the kidney corresponds with postcon-ceptional age; thus, preterm infants and neonates withimpaired renal blood flow demonstrate lower rates ofdrug clearance than do otherwise normal newborns.The clinical consequence of these changes is the needfor a lower dose and less frequent dosing interval formany drugs administered during the newborn period.For example, an infant who has significant birth asphyxiaand end-organ damage (eg, acute renal failure) beingtreated for presumed sepsis will require a more protracteddosing interval due to a lower than normal GFR. As de-scribed, these neonates require close monitoring of drugswith a narrow therapeutic index and those with nephro-toxic potential (eg, gentamicin and vancomycin), giventhe nature of their renal function.

In premature newborns, this concern extends to drugsthat rely on renal pathways for clearance until the primaryhepatic pathway matures. Caffeine and theophylline, usedto treat apnea of prematurity, are prototypic examples ofdrugs that demonstrate very slow rates of elimination inthis population (almost 17-fold that of adults) until theprimary hepatic clearance pathways catch up. (13)

OverviewThe complexity of pediatric drug disposition is vast, butunderstanding the physiology of the developing childshould assist the prescribing physician in conceptualizingthe principles of pharmacokinetics, which are relevant todetermining proper dosing. Although our knowledge hasimproved vastly in the last 20 years, countless knowledgegaps remain that contribute to the challenges of prescrib-ing drugs to our pediatric patients. The continual accu-mulation of new knowledge will have an enormousimpact on safe and effective pediatric drug use.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We would like to thank A.Hoffman, MD, for her thoughtful review of the manuscript.

References1. Rianthavorn P, Ettenger RB, Malekzadeh M, Marik JL, StruberM. Noncompliance with immunosuppressive medications in pedi-atric and adolescent patients receiving solid-organ transplants.Transplantation. 2004;77(5):778–7822. Agunod M, Yamaguchi N, Lopez R, Luhby AL, Glass GB.Correlative study of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and intrinsic factorsecretion in newborns and infants. Am J Dig Dis. 1969;14(6):400–414


• A number of factors combine to influence theconcentration of drug that is reached in plasma ortissue.

• Volume of distribution, clearance, and bioavailabilitycombine to influence the concentration of drug that isreached in plasma or tissue.

• Anatomical and physiologic factors are whatdetermine each individual’s distribution volume,clearance, and bioavailability.

• The half-life of a drug plays an important role indetermining when steady state will be reached andmust be considered when deciding on an appropriatedosing interval. Drug concentrations approacha steady state after 5 half-lives.

• The half-life also determines how long measurableconcentrations of drug will remain in the body afterdosing is stopped. Most of the drug is removed fromthe body after 5 half-lives.

• Absorption of a drug is influenced by thecharacteristics of the formulation that isadministered, the route of administration, and factorswithin each route, such as blood flow, pH, and thepresence of drug metabolizing enzymes andtransporters.

• Distribution of a drug is influenced by biochemicalcharacteristic of the drug and host characteristics,such as body water, fat, and circulating protein stores.

• Metabolism of drugs, especially in the intestine andliver, plays a key role in determining drugconcentration.

• Diet can influence pharmacokinetics, including theinfant diet, where we can observe differences betweenbreastfed and formula-fed infants.

• Hepatic and renal excretion is critical in determiningdrug concentrations.

• Disease will affect the way the body handles drugs andas a result the concentrations that are achieved afterdosing.

• Pediatricians must be aware of the normal changesthat occur throughout the body as children grow anddevelop to understand how drugs are handled atdifferent ages.

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3. Huang NN, High RH. Comparison of serum levels following theadministration of oral and parenteral preparations of penicillin to infantsand children of various age groups. J Pediatr. 1953;42(6):657–6584. Heimann G. Enteral absorption and bioavailability in children inrelation to age. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1980;18(1):43–505. Greenblatt DJ. Analysis of drug interactions involving fruitbeverages and organic anion-transporting polypeptides. J ClinPharmacol. 2009;49(12):1403–14076. Cartlidge PH, Rutter N. Serum albumin concentrations andoedema in the newborn. Arch Dis Child. 1986;61(7):657–6607. Brodersen R, Ebbesen F. Bilirubin-displacing effect of ampicillin,indomethacin, chlorpromazine, gentamicin, and parabens in vitroand in newborn infants. J Pharm Sci. 1983;72(3):248–2538. Hines RN. The ontogeny of drug metabolism enzymes andimplications for adverse drug events. Pharmacol Ther. 2008;118(2):250–267

9. Lacroix D, Sonnier M, Moncion A, et al. Expression of CYP3Ain the human liver: evidence that the shift between CYP3A7 andCYP3A4 occurs immediately after birth. Eur J Biochem. 1997;247(2):625-63410. Blake MJ, Abdel-Rahman SM, Pearce RE, Leeder JS, KearnsGL. Effect of diet on the development of drug metabolism bycytochrome P-450 enzymes in healthy infants. Pediatr Res. 2006;60(6):717–72311. de Wildt SN, Kearns GL, Leeder JS, van den Anker JN.Glucuronidation in humans: pharmacogenetic and developmentalaspects. Clin Pharmacokinet. 1999;36(6):439–45212. Somogyi A, Stockley C, Keal J, Rolan P, Bochner F. Reductionof metformin renal tubular secretion by cimetidine in man. Br JClin Pharmacol. 1987;23(5):545–55113. Aranda JV, Collinge JM, Zinman R, Watters G. Maturation ofcaffeine elimination in infancy.Arch Dis Child. 1979;54(12):946–949

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In Pediatrics in Review, AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM may be claimed only if 60% or more of the questions are answered correctly. If you score lessthan 60% on the assessment, you will be given additional opportunities to answer questions until an overall 60% or greater score is achieved.

1. You have recently diagnosed a patient with epilepsy and are starting the drug phenytoin. Based on your reviewof the package insert, the plasma half-life is approximately 24 hours (1 day). After how many days of the samedose would you expect a steady state level to be reached?

A. 1 day.B. 2 days.C. 5 days.D. 12 days.E. 20 days.

2. You are evaluating a child with cellulitis in your office and are debating whether to give outpatient oralclindamycin or hospitalize for intravenous clindamycin. Which of the following is true of the intravenous asopposed to the oral form of a medication?

A. The intravenous form has a longer half-life.B. The intravenous form has a higher bioavailability.C. The intravenous form has a greater volume of distribution.D. The intravenous form has more rapid hepatic metabolism.E. The intravenous form has more rapid renal excretion.

3. You are caring for a patient with congenital diaphragmatic hernia currently receiving extracorporeal membraneoxygenation (ECMO) in the intensive care unit. The child was recently diagnosed with a gram negative urinarytract infection, and you decide to treat with an aminoglycoside. Of the following factors, which is most likelyto affect the aminoglycoside level in a child on ECMO?

A. Infants on ECMO have induction of P450 cytochromes.B. Infants on ECMO have decreased renal clearance.

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C. Infants on ECMO have reduced drug glucoronidation.D. Infants on ECMO have increased volume of distribution.E. Infants on ECMO have reduced total body water.

4. You are prescribing the drug erythromycin (a potent inhibitor of the cytochrome CYP3A4 enzyme) to child witha renal transplant. Of the following medications, which would you be most concerned about having a druginteraction with the erythromycin?

A. Azathioprine.B. Cyclosporine.C. Prednisone.D. Propanolol.E. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.

5. A factor in infants that may affect the bioavailability of drugs taken orally is:

A. Increased gastric pH compared to adults.B. Decreased gastric pH compared to adults.C. Increased intestinal motility compared to adults.D. Increased bile salt concentration in the intestinal lumen compared to adults.E. Increased cleavage of drugs by pancreatic enzymes.

Poetic License

Pharmacokinetics, though complexAre needed to know drug effects.As physiology changesWe need dosing rangesTo prevent problems no one expects!


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