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Page 1: Peeks in the Valley McCormick & Schmick’s Meets 12:15 p ...€¦ · we were able to donate coats, food, and cash to many needy people in the four communities we serve, Skokie, Morton


Volume 12, No.1 January, 2012



President’s Message, etc.

What Happened Last 3 Months

Club’s Announcements

District News

Area Rotary Clubs Directory

Skokie Valley Club Website

ERRATA (from last issue):

- David McWhinnie’s name

was misspelled.

- Rob Paddor’s contributions

to the success of the Taste of

Skokie Valley included being

a sponsor and providing the

musical entertainment.

Pg 1

Pg 2

Pg 3- 5

Pg 6

Pg 7

Pg 8-9


Tuesday’s at 12:15pm - Lunch

Meetings at McCormick &

Schmick’s – To check menu, add

guests, etc, just see the weekly e-mailing

from our website or call the restaurant at

(847) 763-9811


- Lunch meetings - Tuesdays– check our

website for further details, no speaker

info available at time of publication for

any speakers other than the 3 listed



key dates on calendar):

1/1/12 – New Year’s Day and start of

“Rotary Awareness Month”

1/16/12 - Martin Luther King Day

1/28/12 – AG / Leadership Team Training

for Dist. 6440

1/29/12 – Soup Kitchen (4pm at Hubs)

2/14/12 – Valentine’s Day

3/10 & 3/11/12 – Midwest PETS

3/17/12 – St. Patrick’s Day

4/7/12 – 1st day of Passover

4/8/12 - Easter

4/29/12 – Soup Kitchen (4pm at Hubs)

5/6-5/9/2012 – Int’l Conv. In Bangkok

(next year Lisbon)

5/13/12 – Mother’s Day

5/28/12 – Memorial Day

6/17/12 – Father’s Day

6/29/12 – Installation Dinner at Evanston

Country Club – Mike Yesner is 2012/13

District Governor

See our websites for events:

www.Skokierotary.org and

www.rotary6440.org ,also now on

Facebook Mailing address:

PO Box 444

Skokie, IL 60076

The Future of Rotary is in Your Hands

News of the Rotary Club of Skokie Valley

Peeks in the Valley Meets 12:15 p.m. Tuesdays

McCormick & Schmick’s Restaurant

At the North-East corner of Westfield Old Orchard SShShopping Al Anile, President

Gerry Gangloff, Editor [email protected]

[email protected]


Of the things, we think, say or do.

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Page 2: Peeks in the Valley McCormick & Schmick’s Meets 12:15 p ...€¦ · we were able to donate coats, food, and cash to many needy people in the four communities we serve, Skokie, Morton



Dear Fellow Rotarians,

As 2011 is waiving goodbye, it is hard to believe that I already have six months under my belt as president of the club; and thanks to all of you, hard working devoted Rotarians, it has been a smooth ride.

Perhaps someone else other me should say this, but I can’t help being so proud of the fact that together as a group, so far we have done quite a lot in all the Avenues of Service, and the best part is that we had fun while doing it.

I particularly have been enjoying this month of December because of the festive atmosphere, and most of all because thanks to your giving generosity, we were able to donate coats, food, and cash to many needy people in the four communities we serve, Skokie, Morton Grove, Niles, and Lincolnwood.

I wish all of you a wonderful 2012, and come January let all of us band together as we always do, and finish our Rotary year with an even better six months!

Warmest Regards,

Al Anile, President


Slate of OFFICERS for next year

2012-2013 Fiscal Year

President: Sam Eckerling

President-Elect: Ross Mathee

President Nominee: Ralph E. Czerwinski

Secretary: David McWhinnie

Assistant Secretary: Michelle Tuft

Treasurer: Harold Chmiel

Assistant Treasurer: Jerry Berk

The above list was presented at the

12/27/2012 lunch meeting

Page 3: Peeks in the Valley McCormick & Schmick’s Meets 12:15 p ...€¦ · we were able to donate coats, food, and cash to many needy people in the four communities we serve, Skokie, Morton


What has Happened in the Last 3 Months? THANKS to Jordan Glassner for the pictures taken for this issue.

October 11th

Luncheon Meeting

Speakers Ken Kastman and Rob Geiger, from Engineers without Borders,

USA. Showed pictures of various projects.

Our newest Paul Harris Awards were given to to Julie Yusim and Kevin



October 18th

Taste of Skokie Valley

Jim O’Malley, a Skokie District 69 4th Grade teacher, spoke about “Oasis

for Orphans”, in Kenya with 98 kids and a related school with 300



October 25th

Luncheon Meeting

Guest Speaker, PDG of #6450, Rick Thiernau, spoke about membership

and a mission in Peru.


October 30th

Soup Kitchen

A great dinner for our honored guests of the Soup Kitchen on Paulina

Street was provided by the Rotary Club’s chefs Jerry Berk, Bob Samson,

Gerry Gangloff and Jordan Glassner. Check the calendar on page 1 for

the upcoming dates; we can use your help next time!


November 1st Luncheon Meeting

Guest Speaker Daniel A. Seddiqui, author and traveler who spoke about

his experiences of his 50 different jobs in 50 states.


Page 4: Peeks in the Valley McCormick & Schmick’s Meets 12:15 p ...€¦ · we were able to donate coats, food, and cash to many needy people in the four communities we serve, Skokie, Morton


November 8th

Luncheon Meeting

Speaker Stephanie Emrich talked about the hospitality industry and

discussed “Keys to Success” and “Keys of Service”. Mike Yesner was

awarded another Paul Harris pin.


November 15th

Luncheon Meeting

Michael Yublosky spoke about using social media to gain awareness

among prospective members.


November 22nd

Luncheon Meeting

Guest SpeakerAndrew Jeeter explained the methodology of the Literacy

Center of Niles West HS and the use of “Peer tutors”. New members

Lindsay Broadbent, a healthcare administrator, and Mary Jones were

sponsored by Chief Czerwinski and Carolyn Anthony, respectively.


Page 5: Peeks in the Valley McCormick & Schmick’s Meets 12:15 p ...€¦ · we were able to donate coats, food, and cash to many needy people in the four communities we serve, Skokie, Morton


November 29th

Annual Membership Luncheon

The main attraction was the Chicago Blackhawks National Anthem

singer, Jim Cornelison.

Our club attendance was up for this Membership

Jim Cornelison enlightend the club with various experiences in his


Hed led our group in singing our National Anthem at the end of the


Thanks are in order to Al Rigoni and Julie Yusim for making this

membership drive a success.



December 13th

Annual Holiday Lunch at Niles North HS

Lunch at the Niles North High School was provided by the Niles North

HS Commercal Cooking Class. We were entertained by the Niles North

Choir. Also pictured is Superintendent Dr. Nanciann Gatta and a display

of the food.


Page 6: Peeks in the Valley McCormick & Schmick’s Meets 12:15 p ...€¦ · we were able to donate coats, food, and cash to many needy people in the four communities we serve, Skokie, Morton


Club’s Announcements

FUN & FROLIC ASSIGNMENTS Club members take turns throughout the year leading Fun &

Frolic. See the list of upcoming assignments included in our


Members who are unable to attend their assigned meeting are

asked to find a substitute. Members missing their assigned dates

without arranging for a substitute are subject to a $25.00 fine. See

the “NEWS” section of our Club’s website for November and

subsequent months. Contact Michelle Tuft with any questions.

IMPORTANT NOTICE Failure to present Fun & Frolic as scheduled will result in a $25 penalty fee. If need to, dates may be swapped between members



Following is the Skokie Valley Rotary Club website address:

http://www.skokierotary.org Please look at it. Martin Paltzer and

Raman Grover are the website administrators.





Go to the following website: http://www.recswusa.org/index.asp

Click on the “visitors” tab and follow the make-up instructions.

When you are requested to send the notification to your Club’s

secretary, input to send to Michelle Tuft at the following email

address: [email protected] and that is all!




All members and guests are encouraged to provide all publication

material to the newsletter editor/ webite manager. Material, that is

expected to be published, must be in the hands of the editor by the

last week of the month preceding publication.

Anyone moderately adept at using the Microsoft WORD

program, would be capable of producing the Peeks in the Valley

newsletter. We welcome volunteers to assist or take over the

editor’s job. Give it some thought – it is fun, interesting and

plays an important part in keeping our Club vibrant and the

members informed, plus the time requirement per issue is not

excessively burdensome.



There are always open slots available for speakers. If you

know of anyone who is willing to speak to the Club, contact

Program Chair Howard Meyer for available dates




LISTS in the websites and your member listing. They

use your inputted data. Please visit our website and

update your listing if there are mistakes or you are

NOT shown on those pages. If you encounter

difficulties, raise your questions at a meeting or ask

another member to assist you.

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The Rotary District 6440 Newsletter is filled with announcements, articles, and links to announcements, stories, and information about our clubs, our members and making a difference through Rotary.

Governor's Message

153 Days

Ser-en-dip-i-ty (ser-ən-'dip-ət- e ): The faculty of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for (Webster's 8th Edition) When was the last time anybody asked you to take him or her to a Rotary meeting? This would have been serendipitous but unfortunately, if you have been in Rotary ten, twenty or more years, it very seldom happens these days. This wonderful opportunity only happens to newer Rotarians when their friends find out they have joined a club. They are curious, they may have a desire to also 'help the community', they may want to meet new people for a variety of reasons, or they just want to see what their friend is 'up to' now. But for us, seasoned Rotarians, it doesn't happen. All our friends know about our weekly meetings, weekend projects, and fundraisers. At least, over the years we made sure they did. Yet, sadly, how often we hear new members say, "I didn't join before because nobody asked me!" In my visits to clubs sometimes, I hear old timers tell me how grateful they are to that older acquaintance who invited them to their first Rotary meeting when they were just getting on in life. This is always accompanied by a sweet smile and a remembrance of the friendships they forged in the club. What a gift they got! We are approaching the gift-giving season so let us consider giving a young man or woman the gift of serving above self. They will remember us with a sweet smile! Please reflect for a moment on that friend or acquaintance who invited you to your first meeting or project. As I mentioned in many of my club visits, we may not remember our induction ceremony but we surely remember our sponsor. We are forever grateful that he or she cared enough to invite us to share his or her passion. Yours in Rotary Service,

Governor Carlos

Are you in 6440's eYellow Pages ?

A few months ago Past District Governor Bruce wrote, "This is a time when we want to encourage and facilitate Rotarians doing business with other Rotarians. During the past three months, I made official visits to over 50 clubs in our District and talked with hundreds of club leaders about their vocations and changes in their vocational fields. The common theme was "we're doing more with less." We are experiencing a very challenging economy with business down in all sectors, less tax revenue for government agencies and fewer donations for non-profits.

"When you need a new car, contact a Rotary car dealer. Thinking about a new home? Call a Rotary realtor. Up until now, you have not had a way to identify Rotarians by their vocation. I am pleased to announce that our Vocational Service Committee is in the process of a Bigger, Better, Bolder initiative to launch a District 6440 eYellow Pages." To find out more or sign up, click http://www.rotaweb.org/ypg_search.cgi?district=6440

**** New Rotary Logo I am pleased to inform you that RI President-Elect

Kalyan Banerjee announced the 2011-2012 theme,"

Reach Within to Embrace Humanity.”

The theme announcement was made during the

opening plenary session of the International

Assembly, the annual training event in San Diego for

incoming district governors.

In explaining how he came to choose the theme,

President-Elect Kalyan said: "In order to achieve

anything in this world, a person has to use all the

resources he can draw on. And the only place to

start is with ourselves, and within ourselves. Once

Rotarians find their inner strength they can

accomplish great things in their communities and

around the world."

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A r e a C l u b s D i r e c t o r y

Club Name Day Time Location (updated 2/6/06 by GG)


Contacts Highland Park Mon 12:00 Highland Park Country Club (Chicago suburb) 847-433-4000

Crystal Lake Mon 12:10 D’ Andrea Banquet & Conference Center 815-459-7234

Elgin Mon 12:15 Villa Olivia Country Club, Bartlett 630-289-1000

Mount Prospect Mon 12:15 Peters Banquets 847-259-0013

Mundelein-Vernon Hills Mon 12:15 Dover Straits, Mundelein 847-949-1550

Glenview Sunset Mon 6:15p Young’s Chinese Restaurant 847-724-7611

Glencoe Tue 12:15 An American Grill 847-753-9111

Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Tue 12:00 Harrison Conf. Ctr. of Lake Bluff 847-295-1100

North Chicago Tue 12:00 Flanagan's 847-578-7302

Barrington Tue 12:10 Garlands of Barrington Rest. 1000 Garlands Lane in Barrington

(Chicago Suburb)


Bloomingdale-Roselle Tue 12:15 Spavone Restaurant 630-529-3154

Carol Stream Tue 12:15 Wilton Manor Rest. Wheaton 630-653-0800

Dundee Township Tue 12:15 Holiday Inn 847-488-9000

Glenview Tue 12:15 Hackney's on Lake (Chicago Suburb) 847-724-7171

Northbrook Tue 12:15 Mission Hill Country Club (Chicago Suburb) 847-498-3200

Skokie Valley Tue 12:15 McCormick & Schmick’s Skokie (Chicago Suburb) 847-763-9811

Villa Park Tue 12:15 Villa Nova Rest. 630-832-8430

Woodstock Morning Tue 6:30a Vaughan's Family Rest. Woodstock 815-338-3391

Geneva Tue 7:00a Mill Race Inn 630-232-3030

Wauconda Tue 11:30a Duke’s Grill 847-526-0002

Arlington Heights Sunrise Tue 7:15a Sheraton Chicago NW Hotel, Arlington Hgts. (Chicago Suburb) 847-394-2000

Batavia Tue 7:15a Lincoln Inn 630-879-7147

Evanston Lighthouse Tue 7:15a Hilton Garden Inn, Evanston (Chicago Suburb) 847-475-6400

Long Grove Tue 7:15a Seasons of Long Grove Restaurant 847-634-9150

Palatine Tue 7:15a Marlowe's Restaurant 847-654-3033

St. Charles Breakfast Tue 7:00a Hotel Baker, St. Charles 630-584-2100

Huntley Tue 7:30a The Village Inn 847-669-5858

Crystal Lake Dawnbreakers Wed 6:30 Holiday Inn-Crystal Lake 815-477-7000

Lake In The Hills Wed 12:00 Governor's Public Hse. 847-658-4700

West Chicago Wed 12:10 Santo Maria’s Ristorante Italiano, 151 W Washington, West Chicago 630-876-6016

Wheaton Wed 12:10 Emilio’s Tapas, 230 W Front St. 630-653-7177

Rolling Meadows Mon 12:15 L'Mirage Rest. 847-222-1222

Wilmette Wed 12:15 Zhivago's Rest. Skokie (Chicago Suburb) 847-982-1400

South Barrington Mon 5:30p Millrose Restaurant 847-382-7673

Richmond Wed 6:15p Heuers 815-678-4637

Central Du Page County AM Wed 7:00a Cantigny Golf & Tennis, Wheaton 630-668-3323

Libertyville Sunrise Wed 7:00a Lambs Farm Inn, Libertyville 847-362-4636

Schaumburg A.M. Wed 7:00a Poplar Creek Country Club, Hoffman Estates 847-781-3681

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Area Clubs List Continued…

Club Name Day Time Location (updated 2/6/06 by GG) Phone Contacts

Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Morning Wed 7:15a Harrison Conf. Ctr., Lake Bluff 847-295-1100

Wilmette Harbor Wed 7:15a Sheridan Shore Yacht Club, Wilmette (Chicago Suburb) 847-853-9610

Algonquin-Lake In The Hills Wed 7:30a Port Edwards, Algonquin 847-658-5441

Deerfield Thu 12:00 Italian Kitchen (Chicago Suburb) 847-945-2727

Libertyville Thu 12:00 Lambs Farm 847-362-4636

Waukegan Thu 12:10 Saddle Ridge restaurant, Green Bay Road 847-336-6842

McHenry Thu 12:10 McHenry Country Club 815-385-1072

St. Charles Thu 12:10 Erik & Me, 1 Illinois St. 630-377-9222

Antioch Thu 12:00 Harbor Club 847-395-9330

Arlington Heights Thu 12:00 The Wellington of Arlington (Chicago Suburb) 847-439-6610

Bartlett Thu 12:15 Villa Olivia Rest. 630-289-1000

Buffalo Grove Thu 12:15 Lou Malnati's Pizza (Chicago Suburb) 847-215-7100

Elk Grove Village Thu 12:15 Best Western Midway Motor Lodge 847-981-0010

Evanston Thu 12:15 North Shore Hotel (Chicago Suburb) 847-864-6400

Glen Ellyn Thu 12:10 Glen Oak Country Club 630-469-5600

Lombard Thu 12:15 Casey’s Restaurant & Bar 630-932-4777

Winnetka Northfield Thu 12:15 Community House (Chicago Suburb) 847-446-0537

Barrington Breakfast Thu 7:00a Healthworld, Barrington (Chicago Suburb) 847-842-9100 X-225

Glenview-Sunrise Thu 7:00a Glenview Park Dist. Golf Club, Glenview (Chicago Suburb) 847-724-0250

Illinois Beach Sunrise Thu 7:00a Winthrop Harbor Yacht Club 847-746-2222

Lincolnshire (Morning Star) Thu 7:00a Walker Bros. Rest. Lincolnshire 847-634-2220

Elgin Breakfast Thu 7:15a Elgin Country Club 847-741-2707

Gurnee Thu 7:15a In Laws Restaurant, 720 N Milwaukee

Cary-Grove Thu 7:30a Crystal lake Holiday Inn. Crystal Lake 815-477-7000

Fox Lake-Round Lake Area Fri 12:00 ZaZa's Italian Eatery 69 Washington St Fox Lake, IL 60020 847-973-8000

Woodstock Fri 12:10 Bull Valley Golf Club 815-337-4411

Des Plaines Fri 12:15 Grazie Rest. 1050 Oakton St. Des Plaines, IL (Chicago Suburb) 847-299-0011

Lake Zurich Fri 12:15 Di Piero Rest. 847-438-3252

Park Ridge Fri 12:15 Crystal Palace (Fri. noon) & Summit Square (Wed. 7 am) 847-297-3800

Schaumburg-Hoffman Estates Fri 12:15 Poplar Creek Country Club, Hoffman Estates 847-884-0219

Wheeling Fri 12:15 Chevy Chase CC 847-537-0082

Highland Park-Good Morning Fri 7:30a Highland Park Country Club (Chicago suburb) 847-433-4000

Mount Prospect Sunrise Fri 7:30a Doubletree Hotel, 75 W Algonquin 847-364-7600

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