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They welcomed them with open arms. The battered Imperial 103rd fleet limped towards the orbital docking stations high above the glittering jewel of the planet below. The fleet

had suffered serious damage both in it's break from geo-stationary orbit above the forgeworld of Caen and in its flight across the void to the relative safety of the agriworld


Lord General Militant Denne watched from his command throne as the rag-tag assortment of ships made preparations to dock and repair. A grievously battered hulk

that listed starboard already had fire-fighting craft from the Pegasus shipyards swarming around it, spraying a fine mist of coolants into the raw wounds of the vessel.

How had it happened? The battle had seemed to be going in their favour, the cultists pushed back towards the walls and crushed as the Imperial war machine rolled forward.

Men, good men, heroes of the Imperium trod over the charred corpses of the filth - a titanic blue Reaver had fallen as the super-heated metal of its leg buckled from a

plasma cannon. A cheer had gone up from the men, sensing that they were close to breaching the walls. The sky turned a sickly yellow and static charged the air. A warm

wind that reeked of burning metal picked up and blew towards the citadel as if the fortress were inhaling like some gargantuan beast.

and then it stopped.

All was silence. The heretics stood watching, waiting. With the tortured scream of a million voices rapidly growing to a crescendo a blinding white light speared the heavens. Storm clouds rolled away revealing the stars above in time to reveal a

glittering explosion. The ground lurched and the General felt sick as the concussive wave reached downwards towards the figures on the plain.

Hands reached out to steady him as he swayed, lips moved, a look of concern from the vox operator. Disorientated the General tried to focus.

''... They.... Its the Monarch..... They're gone Sir!''

Just like that, The Monarch, a Dictator class fist of metal was gone.

'Lord General' Dennes eyes focussed and he released the grip upon the throne. 'Lord

General, the Planetary Governor welcomes you and requests a meeting at your earliest

convenience, they have something you may like to see'


Section Page

Calendar of Events 4

Factions 6

Hero Hammer 8

Kill Team 11

Spearhead 20

Take To The Skies 25

Doubles 27

The Apoc Mission 29

Battlefield Map 32

Objectives 33

Deployment 35

Victory Points 40

Apoc Timetable 44

FAQs 45


Date Game Size Page

27/07 Hero

Hammer <= 250 8

17/08 Kill Team 200 11

24/08 Spearhead 2000 20

31/08 Take To The



+ Fliers 25

07/09 Doubles 27

19/09 -

20/09 Apocalypse 5000 29

Pariah. Far too many metal-tipped feet clacked across the marbled floor. Deviant. Blood-red robes dragged ragged behind

the hunch-backed figure. Aberrant. A silvery mechanical arm threaded with sinew reached and turned a dial affixed to the wall.

Abomination. The last one made him smile, a cruel grimace wreathed in shadow. The hand pushed, the dial disappeared into

a recess.

Far below in the pit a dull boom sounded, followed by a hiss. Another boom and another hiss. Another, as the pistons of the forgeworld ground into motion. The gears of war ground as the

manufactorum awoke from its slumber. Anathema. No, anathema was new. Anathema was

one he had chosen.

Ro'han, bane of

Wissensturm. Anathema

of the Machine God and

corruptor. Yes... yes the

corruptor. Soon to corrupt

more. The fires shall burn

hotter with the souls of

the damned and the Dark

Mechanicum shall rise

from the pits of Caen. All

was coming to fruition,

the forgeworld will march

to the drumbeat of a new

master and the laughter

of cruel Gods.


The teams will be decided on the 27th July after the Hero Ham-mer free for all game has concluded. The result of the Hero Hammer free for all game will have an impact on the teams. Teams will also be influenced by a play-er’s army choice, history in previous games and any fluff they have written for their army by this date. On the 27th July, after the teams have been selected, there will be the mission selection process! (detailed in the next section) The team which controls the Forgeworld of Caen is known as “The Forged”.

The team which was scattered to the galaxy looking for re-

venge is known as “The Retribution”.


The next few pages contain the separate rules for each of the build up games. These games can be played by anyone at club, even if they are not attending the apocalypse weekend. These “wildcard” players will be randomly allocated to teams based on the numbers available that night.

Character Selection You may choose one hero from any current Warhammer 40,000 co-dex. It should be a “Named” unique special character. There is a 250 point limit. You may however create your own character from a rele-vant codex HQ choice. If you do so the character must be your fac-

tion’s named leader and you must attempt to include this character in your 5000 point Apocalypse list. The character may not have an AV value

Objectives The objective in hero ham-mer is to be the last man standing. Kill everyone! No Mercy! No Survivors! THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!

Setup No area terrain.

A scattering of LOS blocking & impassable terrain. All heroes are deployed equidistant around the circumference of an imaginary circle. The size of the circle will be determined on the day depending on the number of people who show up.

Rules Changes

Each hero will be assigned a “card” from a standard playing deck. At the

start of each round the cards will be collected and shuffle. A card is then

drawn, its corresponding hero takes it’s full turn. Once that hero has com-

pleted it’s turn it places it’s card next to the model and then the next card is



At any point before a card is drawn, any player in the game may

request the deck be shuffled (Schrödinger would be proud). Once

all characters have had their card drawn, those still alive have

their card places back in the deck, which is then shuffled and the

next turn begins.

If a player is killed before their card has been drawn from the

deck. The Game Master will immediately pull their card from the

deck (without revealing the deck) and immediately reshuffle.

For the purposes of Hero Hammer

all characters are considered as

having eternal warrior, also there is

no “instant death” or “removed

from play” of any kind. Any ability

which would result in one of these

situations causes one wound to the

affected model instead, with any

relevant tests, checks or armour

saves as normal for that ability.

Your hero may not cast any helpful spells or use any buffing

abilities on other players who you might otherwise consider

“friendly”. You simply don’t trust them enough right now.

No Malefic Powers or Deamonology Powers can be used.

Psychic Phase One dice will be rolled by the game master at the start of the turn for warp charges. Each player receives that many warp charges for the turn. Any player may attempt to dispel any spell cast by anyone at any time. Dispel attempts are per-person and do not stack up. Shooting Phase There is no shooting into combat. Sure you hate both of them, but you just can’t bring yourself to do it. Combat Phase If it is the turn of a character who is in combat. All characters involved in that combat may fight in initiative order. Even if they’ve already activated this turn. Point Scoring The last hero alive wins, that’s it. Howev-er for bragging rights we will record the number of wounds you caused before you died.

Super Secret Monster

Once 50% of all wounds on the table

have been caused, the big bad monster

will appear. It has the stats of a Swarm-

lord, without the psychic powers, and

with a 4++ inv save at all times (not just

in combat)


The game uses all of the basic rules for Kill Team as present-ed by the Games Workshop Kill Team Rules.

Each player can spend up to 200 points from a single codex

You must purchase complete squads and adhere to any lim-its laid out in their unit entry.

You may choose from 0-2 Troop, 0-1 Elite, 0-1 Fast Attack

You must include at least 4 non-vehicle models (Leader + 3 specialists)

You may not include models with more than 3 wounds or hull points

You may not include a vehicle with a combined armour (front + side + rear) over more than 33

You may not include Flyers

You may not include any models with 2+ saves

Your Leader Before the start of the game, roll a D6 to determine your Leader’s trait: 1) Cunning Ruse 2) Quick Thinker 3) Chasing Promotion 4) Iron Resolve 5) Been there, Seen it, Done it 6) Unshakeable Dedication to Duty

Three non-vehicles models in your army are specialists. Each model is assigned a special rule chosen from one of five specialist categories.

No two specialist may select from the same category

All specialist are assigned a special rule at time of list writing

The categories are: Combat Specialist, weapon specialist, Dirty Fighter specialist, Indomitable specialist, Guerrilla specialist

Combat Specialist


Furious Charge

Hammer of Wrath

Hatred Instant Death


Weapon Specialist


Ignores Cover

Master Crafted




Split Fire

Tank Hunter

Dirty Fighter





Monster Hunter

Poisoned (4+)



Soul Blaze

Guerilla Specialist


Hit & Run


Move Through Cover

Night Vision

Preferred Enemy



Indomitable Specialist

Adamantium Will


Eternal Warrior


Feel No Pain





D6 - Result 1 - A Cunning Ruse: D3+2 non-vehicle models of your choice have the Outflank special rule. 2 - Quick Thinker: Your Kill Team successfully Seizes the Initiative on the dice roll of a 4+ instead of a 6. 3 - Chasing Promotion: You gain 1 additional Victory Point if your Leader slays the enemy Leader in a challenge. 4 - Iron Resolve: Your Leader’s Command Range is increased to 12" (see Break Tests and Command Range, below). 5 - Been there, Seen it, Done it: Your Leader can select a special rule from one of the Specialist Categories (see below), though this cannot be from the same category as any of your other Specialists. 6 - Unshakeable Dedication to Duty: Your Leader has the Zealot special rule.


Each mission has its own special rules, objectives and challenges. Regardless of the mission, they all share a few variations to the nor-mal Warhammer 40,000 rules which you must adhere to in order to play Kill Team, all of which are presented below: Skirmish Battlefield: All Kill Team missions are designed to be played on a 4'x4' battlefield. Every Man for Himself: Most models in a Kill Team are selected as part of one or more squads. However, when deploying your Kill Team and throughout the course of the game, each model is treated as a separate unit. This even includes models that are selected as wargear options for a unit, such as Tau Empire Drones or Space Wolves Fen-risian Wolves. If a model has the Independent Character unit type, it cannot join another model to form a unit of two. Transport Vehicles: Transport vehicles can carry a number of models equal to their Transport Capacity (but following all of the normal re-strictions), regardless of which unit they were selected from during Kill Team selection. However, only models that were selected as part of the same unit during Kill Team selection, and were assigned a Dedi-cated Transport, can begin the game embarked upon their Dedicated Transport. You’re on Your Own: Extra models cannot be generated during the course of the game by any means. Furthermore, the Reserves rule is not used unless as a result of the Outflank special rule. Models can-not enter Ongoing Reserve by any means. If any models in your Kill Team can normally only be deployed via Deep Strike, simply deploy them along with the rest of your army. Scoring Units: Unless specifically stated otherwise in their rules (e.g. Blood Angels Death Company), all models are scoring units, including vehicles. Psychic Solitude: The Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers special rule has no effect in games of Kill Team.

Break Tests: If, at the start of your turn, your opponent has de-stroyed (or otherwise caused to be removed from play) more than half the total number of models in your Kill Team, your force is Broken. From that point on, each of your models must make a Break test at the beginning of each of your Movement phases, in-cluding the turn on which your force was Broken. Starting with your Leader (if he is still alive), each of your models must make a Leadership test. If the test is passed, all is well and the model bravely fights on as normal; if the test is failed, your model flees

from the battlefield and is immediately removed as a casualty. Ve-hicles and models with the Fearless special rule automatical-ly pass Break tests. Models with the And They Shall Know No Fear special rule re-roll failed Break tests. Command Range: Your Leader has a Command Range of 6". If your force is Broken and your Leader passes his Break test, all friendly models within his Command Range automatically pass their Break tests. CODEX EXCEPTIONS FOR KILL TEAM MISSIONS Codex: Chaos Daemons: The Warp Storm special rule is not used in Kill Team missions.

Codex: Chaos Space Marines: The Champion of Chaos special rule Is not used in Kill Team missions. Codex: Dark Eldar: All friendly models from a Dark Eldar Kill Team that have the Power from Pain special rule, immediately count as hav-ing earned one Pain Token for every five enemy non-vehicle models they have killed. Necron models only count as killed when they have failed their Reanimation Protocol rolls. KILL TEAM MISSION SECONDARY OBJECTIVES Each Kill Team Mission uses some or all of the following Secondary Objectives, shared by both players: Slay the Leader: If, at the end of the game, the enemy’s Leader has been slain, you score 1 Victory Point. If the enemy Leader fled the battlefield as a result of a failed Break test, a Victory Point is not awarded. Linebreaker: If, at the end of the game, you have at least one model in the enemy’s deployment zone, you score 1 Victory Point. Models that are falling back or that have gone to ground do not count. First Blood: If, at the end of the game, the first model to be re-moved as a casualty was part of your opponent’s Kill Team, you score 1 Victory Point. Break the Enemy: If, at the end of the game, you have completely destroyed more than half of your opponent’s models, you score 1 Victory Point.


KILL TEAM: SECURE THE HIGH GROUND ‘Storm the hill, brothers. Drive the foe back in the name of the Emperor!’ Enemy forward units have been spotted near a crucial site that of-fers a strategically important view of the valley beyond. Take the hill and get rid of the enemy threat in the area. THE ARMIES Choose armies as described in the Choosing Your Kill Team sec-tion. THE BATTLEFIELD Use the deployment map included with this mission. Place a hill in the centre of the battlefield, then set up the rest of the terrain as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. DEPLOYMENT Before any models are deployed, both players must roll to deter-mine their Leader Traits. Both players then deploy forces as de-scribed in the Fighting a Battle section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. FIRST TURN The Attacker has the first turn unless the Defender can Seize the Initiative. SEIZE THE INITIATIVE If a player who is due to go second wishes to Seize the Initiative, he can roll a D6 before the beginning of the first turn. On a roll of a 6, he successfully seizes the initiative and goes first instead. His army has clearly outwitted that of his opponent! GAME LENGTH This mission uses Variable Game Length.

VARIABLE GAME LENGTH At the end of game turn 5, one of the players must roll a D6. On a roll of 3+ the game continues, otherwise the game is over. If an-other turn is played, another D6 must be rolled at the end of game turn 6, and this time, the game only continues on a roll of 4+. The battle automatically ends at the close of game turn 7. VICTORY CONDITIONS At the end of the game, the player that has scored the most Victo-ry Points wins the battle. If the players have the same number of Victory Points, the game is a draw. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES At the end of the game, you score 1 Victory Point for each non-vehicle model whose entire base is within the boundaries of the hill terrain piece. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES Slay the Leader, Linebreaker, First Blood, Break the Enemy. MISSION SPECIAL RULES Night Fighting.


2000pts No superheavies/gargantuan creatures. Army lists are made up of 0-1 Combined Arms Detachment (CAD) and any number of spearhead formations (no more than 1 of each formation) All spearheads have objective secured (in old spearhead they would be scoring so seems fair to upgrade them now) All spearheads must be made up entirely of the one supplement (so all of one marine codex or just ad mech or just skitari) Spearheads:

Armoured spearhead: up to 3 tank units, all vehicles in this for-mation get a 5+ inv save

Ambush spearhead: up to 3 tanks or walkers (no transport capaci-ty), the units gain stealth and infiltrate special rule, they may not be placed in reserve

Mechanised assault spearhead: up to 3 vehicles with a transport capacity, for each one you must take a unit that can be mounted in-side, units must start embarked and the transports must start in re-serve, but they auto arrive turn 1 via outflank

Tank hunter spearhead: up to 3 tanks or walker units, the for-mation counts as having tank hunters

Archeotech spearhead: up to 3 tank or walker units, all weapons are +1S (up to 10), every time a vehicle fires roll a dice 1 suffers a penetrating hit, 2 suffers a glancing hit, 4-6 nothing happens

Outrider spearhead: 2 or 3 tank, skimmer or walker units, one unit (the commander) must be picked from a different army list entry to the others, each time the leader suffers a pen or glancing hit, you can chose to intercept with another tank from this formation within 4” (before jink saves), the hit is the resolved against the new target regardless of armour value or facings

Skyfall spearhead: up to 3 skimmer units, must start in reserve and gains deep strike (if they didn't already have it) they all arrive from reserve at the same time, only roll for 1 unit for deep strike the rest of the formation enters within 4” with no scatter. the turn they ar-rive all shooting causes pinning and they count as hitting a vehicle's side armour

Monstrous spearhead: 6 MC’s (HQs may not be selected) gain counter attack, furious charge, rage and fleet (can not be added to fliers)

Superheavy spearhead: 1 Gargantuan or Superheavy vehicle.

Massive attack spearhead: 6 non vehicle units from the troops section, units count as being armed with S7 krak grenades, gain prefered enemy MC, units in this formation may always attempt to regroup no matter what

Crusher spearhead, up to 3 tank units (no skimmers): count as armour 15 for ramming, tank shocked units are at -1 LD

Seek and Destroy spearhead: up to 3 units of fast skimmers, bikes or jet bikes: once per game may turbo boost and shoot as though they had only moved normally

Line Breaker spearhead: 3 tank units chosen from any section of the army list, must have an ordnance weapon or a blast of S7 or higher. As long as there is 3 vehicles in the formation they may combine fire, at S10 Ap2 10” blast. If the center hole is over a ter-rain feature, it is destroyed on a 4+. Models in a destroyed terrain feature are wounded on a 4+ and must take a pinning test. Vehi-cles suffer a glancing hit

Rapid assault spearhead: up to 6 non vehicle units from the troops section, they must have the fleet rule, only these units from the army are allowed to start on the table everything else has to be in reserve, on turn 1 enemy units must test to see if may move, shoot, go to ground or assault, they must test for every action if the LD test is failed they can not perform that action that turn

Skystorm spearhead: up to 3 skimmers with a transport capacity, each unit must be taken with a unit that may be transported inside. All units in this formation must start embarked and in reserve. When they enter play they may move 36” onto the board, they may fire 1 gun when they enter. Unit embarked must then disembark but may charge the turn come on

Destroyer spearhead: up to 3 units of any type chosen from the heavy support section, the formation may fire all their weapons be-fore the battle starts, this is done after all deployment (including in-filtrators and scout moves) and is carried out exactly as in the shooting phase. If both players have this formation the player going first performs this attack first.

Missions: 1-2: score 1VP for each scoring unit in the enemy table half. 3-4: players take it in turn to place 3 objectives before deploy-ment, must be on ground lvl, not in impassable terrain, not within 24” of each other, 1 objective must be within 18” of 1 table edge and 1 objective must be within 18” of the center of the board. 5-6: 1 vital object and 3 minor objectives, roll off to see who picks the vital objective, and Places it in one table half, the 3 minor ob-jectives are then placed in the other table half no objective may be in impassable terrain, within 12” of another objective or 6” of a table edge, the major objective is worth 3vp at the end of the game, the minor ones are worth 1vp. Deployment: All missions are played using the short table edges for deploy-ment zones. Roll a D6: 1-2: players deploy in a wedge, roll to see who gets to deploy first, they deploy their entire force in “the wedge”, must be 9” away from the center point of the board.

3-4: roll for attacker and defender, attacker deploys his entire ar-my in his table half, units must be at least 18” away from the cen-ter line, then the defender does the same. 5-6: roll for attacker and defender. The attacker deploys first, both armies must start with either 1 spearhead or 3 non spearhead units on the board, and no more, infiltration is still allowed if after deployment they still follow these rules, attacker gets the first turn.


As “The Retribution” are attempting to secure their hold on Pegasus, “The Forged” decide to disrupt the supply lines and gain vital infor-mation on their foe with a surprise attack on an airfield to the south of Ouistreham

***PLEASE BRING AS MANY FLYERS AS YOU CAN*** Table size: Double length of normal table (12’x4’) split into 2 sections, one end has aircraft hangars and the defenders fliers for set up, 2nd half is semi open and has a runway with AA guns (and PDF Force) and ra-dio tower

Forces: All players play on the same table. Each player can play a detachment of 200pts of troops (may take transports); you may be asked to play multiple detachments depend-ing on the number of players. Each side will be given an equal split of flyers depending on how many are brought on the night. (nb, this MAY mean you do not control a flyer you bring!)

Defenders start their flyers on the table landed (ignoring normal flyer rules) The Defenders are allowed to bring their forces on as the PDF. These forces are to be deployed on the hanger end of the table. Attackers split their force into 2 equal waves First turn Attackers get first turn and move their first wave onto the table at the beginning of the game. Attackers randomise where they enter from, 1-2 and 3-4 are the 2 long table edges, 5-6 is the end of the runway section of the board. If coming in from the long table edge, they come in from the runway half of the board not above the hangers. Defenders first turn roll for every flier on the board. On a 3+ they are manned and fuelled ready for take off and may move normal-ly. Any that fail auto pass on turn 2. MC flyers the defenders con-trol enter from the hangers. Victory: Attackers score 1pt for each flier they destroy; defenders score 1pt for every flier that leaves the board from the end of the run-way. Radio Tower and Communications Hub contain important infor-mation (Relic) that could turn the balance of power into the at-tackers favour. Defenders want to get the information (relic) to the Caestus As-sault Ram and off the table. Attackers wish to capture the infor-mation (relic) and hold it at the end of the game (Or take it of the table in the Manta). 5 points if the side gets it off the table, 2 points for controlling it at the end of the game.


1000 points. No unbound lists. Maximum of 1 combined arms detach-ment and one ally (to allow for inquisitors, assassin's or other minor codex additions). Supplement books are allowed. Armies are not allowed any lords of war or super heavies (with the ex-ceptions of codex HQ choices eg ghazkul and logan). No 30k. The player partners do not use the allies matrix and are treated as 2 separate players so there is no sharing of warlord traits, transports, psychic powers or anything else between the players.

Warlord Traits Each player generates their own warlord trait that only applies to their force, also any points for the slay the warlord can be scored for each player warlord

Psychic Phase Each psychic phase the players each generate their mastery level in charge points as their own personal pool a single dice is then rolled for the team as a shared charge pool, for casting it is up to the pair who gets to use those shared dice. For dispelling psychic powers the defending team generates charges in the same way, if a player is targeted by a power then only that player may attempt to nullify the power for powers that have no target then either player may use their dice, the shared pool may be used at any time to boost the amount of dice a play-er is using to nullify a power Deployment Standard short table edge deployment. Objectives There are 5 objectives in this game, the first is a moveable relic worth 3 points placed in the middle of the table, the other 4 are worth 1 point each and are placed equally spaced in no mans land (see map) the mission also uses the secondary objectives, first blood, slay the warlord and line breaker. Special Rules Night fight and random game length.


Kneeling on the ancient plinth, Vaust closed his eyes and uttered the sacred words. Gutteral sounds of an ancient language unknown to those who bore mute witness. Vaust had studied the forbidden texts in a library

back on old Tlaloc, devouring them all with a hunger bordering on obsession. When the sorcerer had come, it was as if his prayers in the

dark night had been answered. Plucked from the hive-world with promises of true untold power, Vaust had followed into the stars, leaving behind the

cultists he had outgrown.

Vaust finished the first octet of the enumerations, and wiped a trail of blood from his nose. The air around had become still, sound muted. He began

the second enumeration. A dull chant began amongst those assembled as the first sacrifices were made. Life-blood splashed from slit throats onto the rock, kicking up dust as it poured along runnels and patterns carved into its


The surface between worlds was becoming thinner as the sky darkened. On the edge of perception, reality was warping and twisting like maggots

beneath taught skin. A sickening smell of roses and faeces diffused through the close air, cultists wretched and vomited, contorting like

marionettes tugged by unseen strings. The chant was becoming louder and more determined, like an insistent drumbeat resounding against the

skin of reality.

Vausts head snapped back, pupils rolling back into his skull and foam frothing from his mouth. His tongue had long stopped moving but the

words keep pouring from his throat. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, he is too important, too intelligent, only he is worthy of the knowledge of the

Dark Gods.

The sorcerer smiled a feral grin, placing a ceremonial blade in front of Vausts neck. With an effortless flick of the wrist, like an artist flicking paint from a brush he sliced Vausts neck, adding his blood to the ruby pool. The

body sank downwards, disappearing into the spreading mass of clotting blood. The chanting grew to a crescendo and the blood

writhed with a sentience of its own, pulling in three directions.

‘Good’ whispered Sindri. ‘Finally I have the location of the

McGuffin“ Turning to the Chaos Space Marines behind him ‘Tell the Dark Lord we have our target’

Farseer Gav’in snapped back to reality. Rime covered the ceremonial armour and floor around him, locking his joints in a rictus grip. Scrying the Ether so close to the open warp-space

wound of Maerzen was perilous, though these are desperate times. How long had he been adrift? Hours had gone by but the warp had aged him in a measure of years, grafting new crystalline structures

to his already ancient bones.

Rubbing his eyes to focus, he thought back upon what he had witnessed. In the Kilithikadya, the near-future, An Exodite gate long

hidden in the jungle upon Dathedi, the planet the mon-keigh call Pegasus. More immediate, the screams of souls as they are

devoured by she who thirsts and then… then he noticed it. There was another presence in the warp, something predatory and insatiable was with him. The Marsgrech, the great devourer.

The council waited patiently for the Farseer to rise. ‘We must find the Uigebealach keys and leave this place, The

future of the Craftworld depends on it!’

Two factions arrive at the Bridge gateway at the same time. They must dominate the opposing force while holding key objectives to be victorious this day. However they are not alone.

There are a number of Primary Mission Objectives for each team (detailed later in this rulespack). Each player must choose a mis-sion for themselves. However, each mission card MAY ONLY BE CHOSEN ONCE PER SIDE. SO MAKE SURE YOU ATTEND HERO HAMMER This means that two players cannot both be attempting “mission objective #3”. However, some missions are repeated on multiple cards. So for example “mission objective #7” and “mission objective #8” might both be to “hold the fuel depot”. As well as this, each player will also receive a secondary secret objective closer to the event which will be tailored to them.











Below are some example mission objective cards. A full set of objective cards will be available at club on the 27th July, immediately after the Hero Hammer game has concluded.


Drone Controller: If your team controls this building (just as you would any other objec-tive), Then all flyers on the opposing team count as moving through dangerous terrain when they move. The controlling player rolls a D6 for each moving flyer, and on a result of 1 they immediately take 1 hull point of damage with no saves of any kind allowed. n.b. if a flyer chooses to go into hover mode instead of flying, it does not need to make this check.

Deployment zones are very different to a normal game. Starting with one team, a single player (nominated by that team’s warlord) will choose a 12” strip of table edge ANYWHERE ON THE TABLE EDGE to be his personal table edge. This will be ob-viously marked out. As soon as this is done, a single nominated player from the op-posing team selects their 12” strip of table edge. This continues until all players have selected a 12” strip of table edge To determine which team chooses first, at the start of deployment a game master will publically roll a dice: > 1 - 3 = The Forged choose first deployment zone > 4 - 6 = The Resistance choose first deployment zone Once all players have chosen a table edge. The team which has the first turn then has 15 minutes to deploys all their units while the other team vacate the room. Then the second team get 15 minutes to deploy their units while the first team vacates the room.


RESTRICTIONS The only restriction to the choice of table edge is that at no point can your strip of table edge be within 24” of an opponent’s table edge. RULES CHANGE When fleeing, your models will move to the closest table edge, re-gardless of where your personal 12” strip of table edge may be. ADDITIONAL DEPLOYMENT ZONE Each player will be provided with a “beacon”. This beacon must either start on the table or move on to the table with your first re-serves if none of your army starts on the table. While active (see “controlling your beacon”) you may use your beacon to bring reserves. To do this, place a 5” blast template with the small hole over the beacon. Now treat the circumference of the blast template exactly like a table edge. Reserves may arrive from this “table edge” just like they can from your 12” strip. The only restriction to this is that they must move away from the template (i.e. they cannot move through the tem-plate while arriving). n.b. This means that a beacon must be active at the start of the turn, as this is when reserves arrive. Beacon “table edges” do not count as a table edge for fleeing units or for any other purpose (including flyers, mawlocs or any-thing else which leaves the table to go into ongoing reserves)

CONTROLLING YOUR BEACON In order for your beacon to be active it must be on the table and under your control. In order to be “on the table” your beacon cannot be in a transport vehicle or in reserve. the beacon model must literally be on the table. In order to be “under your control” the beacon must be in coher-ency with a non-vehicle unit. This can be infantry, jump infantry, monstrous creates...etc. It does not matter if this unit is engaged in combat, gone to ground, or fleeing… if the beacon is in coher-ency, it’s “under your control”. As a unit controlling the beacon moves, the beacon moves with them. Move it as if it were another model in the unit, moving in whatever means the unit does to maintain coherency. This al-so means if the unit embarks in a transport (or starts the game in one), the beacon may also embark. The beacon does not use up transport capacity. If a unit controlling a beacon dies, the beacon is immediately dropped. A player may voluntarily drop a beacon at any point dur-ing his turn (even half way through a movement). If another of the player’s non-vehicle units comes into coherency with the beacon, the beacon immediately becomes active and can move with that unit from then on (if desired). A beacon cannot be moved or activated by anyone other than it’s original owner, no matter if they’re friend or foe.

Army Deployment Changes In The Battle for Pegasus armies are arriving in the location at the same time. No time for battle lines. You must get into the fight as soon as possible! EACH PLAYER MAY ONLY BRING ON 1000 POINTS EACH TURN, UP TO 5000 POINTS. What this means is that each player may only bring on units cost-ing the following: Turn 1 (actually deployed on the table) : 1000 points Turn 2 (brought on table edge or beacon): 1000 points Turn 3 (brought on table edge or beacon): 1000 points Turn 4 (brought on table edge or beacon): 1000 points Turn 5 (brought on table edge or beacon): 1000 points n.b. a small allowance will be given at game master’s discretion. eg. if you can only carve up 1005 points, that’s probably OK. There are two ways to alter this restriction (they may be used in conjunction): (1) Delay Reinforcements You may not deploy a number of points one turn, in order to bring that many extra points in on a following turn. For example, you may choose to not reinforce any models in turn 2, you may also only reinforce 500 points of models on turn 3. This means in turn 4 you have “saved up” 1500 points, allowing you to add that many points to your turn 4 allowance, ie. 1000 + 1500 = 2500 points of reserves for turn 4.

(2) Spending Black Tokens You may also spend black tokens to bring on extra reinforcements on any turn. Each black token allows you to bring on 250 points. A single player may spend no more than 4 black tokens in this man-ner. Extra points brought on in this way do count towards your 5000 point limit. For example, you may spend 2 black tokens on turn 1 to deploy 1500 points worth of troops. You may also spend 1 on turn 3 to bring on 1250 points. As previously stated, you may use these in conjunction. So turn 1 you may choose to not deploy anyone, then on turn 2 use these saved up points and spend 4 tokens (4 tokens = 1000 points), to reinforce 3000 points on turn two. You may then still reinforce 1000 points on turn 3 and 1000 points on turn 4. At this point you must stop (as you’ve reinforced 5000 points). These changes supersede the apoc deployment rules for what types of units are allowed to enter the battlefield at which points, i.e. any type of unit can arrive each turn.

Scoring Victory Points Every time you are eligible to score victory points, you must arrest the attention of a game master. If satisfied that you have met the conditions required, the game master will hand you a number of GOLD TOKENS. You must place these GOLD TOKENS in your team’s token box. Spending Victory Points In apoc your team may spend victory points on various bonuses. If you desire to do this you must agree it with your Team’s war-lord. You and your team’s warlord must then arrest the attention of a game master. If satisfied with your request, the game master will hand you a number of SILVER TOKENS. You must place these SILVER TOKENS in your team’s token box under the vision of a game master. You may then enact your bo-nus. Counting Points The token boxes are opaque. At the end of the battle the game master will open the token boxes and count the number of GOLD TOKENS and then deduct the number of SILVER TOKENS. This is your teams score! Yes… it is possible to go into negative points.


The Mysterious Black Tokens You may spend black tokens as if they were SILVER TOKENS by plac-ing them in your team’s token box under the vision of a game master. BLACK TOKENS are not deducted from your team’s score! This makes them very powerful… but how do you earn such tokens?

***Psychic Phase***

Psychic Powers with an unlimited range can only affect a 6’ area.

The GM will role a D6 and each player will receive that amount to be added to their Dice pool during the psychic phase.

Players may attempt to dispel any malediction placed on them us-ing their dice from their own pool.

Pools cannot be shared.

When casting a blessing anybody within a 6’ area from the model casting the power may attempt to dispel that power. The owning player will role to determine if the power has passed. Anyone at-tempting to dispel may role against it. More than one player may attempt to dispel however the results do not accumulate.

“Invisibility” is changed so that it -2 to the BS to hit to a minimum of BS1. Instead of ‘Snap Shooting’

You are not allowed to use Blessing or Maledictions on super-heavies or titans on anything with 9 hull points or higher or Gar-gantuan Creatures. You may use witch-fire powers.

That Necron Mind in the machine rule (and the similar asset) also cannot be used against superheavies or gargantuans outlined above.


All Phases will be timed. Any action not done in the allocated time cannot be performed. It is advisable to plan your own turn during your opponents' turn.

The times for each phase will decrease with each passing turn.



The warlord may spend any objective points that they wish before the beginning of their teams turn.

All Victory points (VP) must be declared to the GM, any spending of VPs must be declared to the GM.


Assets must be declared at the beginning of the turn if they are being used.

***Ongoing Reserves***

The GM reserves the right to bring back units for players that are being annihilated. This will be in conjuncture with both teams’ war-lords and a set number of points will be allowed back from each team. This will allow people to enjoy the whole event and not be wiped out by the end of turn 1.

***Deep Strike Limitations***

There is only one limitation to any form of deep striking this year in addition to standard game limits. No unit may deep strike or ar-rive from reserve via any special means on to a pyramid. If for *some* reason you want to be at the top of a pyramid… you’ll have to get up there the old fashioned way.



0900 Arrival

0930 Army Photo Shoot

1000 Deployment Zone


1030 First Deployment

1045 Second Deployment

1100 First Turn Start

1400 Lunch (First Break)

1500 Restart

1800 Dinner

1900 Restart

~2200 Finish for the day


1000 Arrival & Breakfast

(Second break)

1100 Start

1400 Lunch

~1900 Finish (until last turn is



Where is the event? The Apocalypse weekend event and all build up games are held at Bexley Reapers Wargaming Club’s home… Freemantle Hall in Bexley Village.

How much does a ticket for the event weekend cost? Tickets cost £25 per person. This mainly covers the costs of hall rent-al, special terrain purchases and other misc running costs, with left over funds supplying breakfast on the Sunday, a discounted pizza or-der on the Saturday evening and as many prizes as funds then allow.

Do I have to attend the weekend event in order to play in the build up games on club nights?

Absolutely not! The build up games are a great chance to come along and play in a story arc 40k campaign, where you know your results are having a real impact on the big day. We welcome all players to come along and take part in the fantastic build up games which we run on a normal club night.

Do I have to use WYSIWYG models? Where possible please, yes. There are a hell of a lot of models on the table the big day. If you have to explain to everyone what each of your models is every time someone looks at them you’ll be getting a head-ache really quickly, as will the Game Masters.

Do you allow forge world? We allow forge world models throughout the campaign and the apoca-lypse weekend event.

Do you allow superheavies? We allow super heavies at the apocalypse weekend (up to a team lim-it). We do not allow super heavies in the build up games. Except for in the Spearhead game, where super heavies ARE allowed.

What is a “Warlord”? Each team will have a warlord. This is a nominal figurehead for your team. They get final say on various issues (for example, how your team spends victory points). However, the warlord is also the first port of call for questions. Any issues or questions raised should go to your warlord (before and during the game), who will then answer or forward the question on to a Game Master. This is needed as the Game Masters have a lot to keep track of and need a single “point of contact” for each team.

Do my models have to be painted? Technically no. HOWEVER… in the apocalypse weekend event any model not painted with a minimum of 3 colours will gain the “Preferred Enemy” rule against it from all sources. There is no penalty for using unpainted models in the build up games.

Can I use unique Special Characters? Of course! HOWEVER...If you’re playing in the apocalypse event weekend and you use a unique named character in a build up game and he dies… you can no longer use that character in the apoc weekend! Ee’s dead Jim!

How many points can I bring? The apocalypse weekend event is limited to 5000 points per person! Each build up game has a different number of points and/or restrictions to it which are covered in the rules for each build up game included in this rules pack.

So what about these Servo Skulls eh, EH? The use or abuse of servo skulls will be decided by Game Masters on the day so as their use is in keeping with the fun over rules nature of our events.

Can I influence the Game Master with drink? It is the tradition of this event. The game is fluid, decisions need to be made and units recycled between teams. If you were to give the Game Master a glass of Mead purely out of the goodness of your heart and completely not expecting anything in return… certain rulings may fall in your favour so long as they do not break the game.

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