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8:00-8:30 Registration and Sign-in

8:30-9:45 Introduction to Self-Regulation Issues in Children with Autism ❖ The Roots of Problematic Behaviors; Cognitive Symptomology ❖ Preventive Measures to Counteract “Crisis Intervention” ❖ Behavior Management Using Indirect Clinical Intervention ❖ An Overview of FBA and the ABC Chart ❖ Clinical Considerations for Remediation

9:45-10:00 Fifteen Minute Break

10:00-11:45 Behavior Management Using Direct Clinical Intervention with Visual Supports ❖ Visual Strategies™ Technique ❖ Social Stories™ Technique ❖ REPLAYS™ Technique

11:45-12:45 Lunch On Your Own (it is recommended to bring lunch due to parking)

12:45-2:00 A Developmental Framework for Assessing Social Communication Skills ❖ The Importance of Play ❖ The Socially Speaking™ Play Stages Formula for Assessment & Intervention ❖ The Socially Speaking™ Social Skills Assessment Protocol ❖ The Importance of Pre-Literacy Skills and the Pre-Reading Readi-ness Hierarchy

Humor: The Missing Puzzle Piece of a Social Skills Curriculum ❖ Two Types of Humor and Developmental Considerations ❖ Clinical Implications for Remediation

2:00-2:15 Fifteen Minute Break

2:15-3:30 A Suggested Framework for Treating Social Skills Challenges ❖ The Socially Speaking™ “Social Skills Kits”: Suggestions for Verbal Rejection, Greetings, Turn Taking, Respecting Boundaries, Problem Solving, and more! ❖ Case Studies ❖ Group Collaboration Activity to Internalize the Subject Matter

3:30-4:00 Conclusion/Closing Remarks ❖ Q & A ❖ Quick Look At Suggested Resources


Following this program, attendees will be able to:

List the developmental prerequisite skills children need before developing better social communication skills.

Describe the role of causality and humor in facilitating later problem solving skills.

List indirect and direct clinical intervention methods to foster compliance, to bridge the gap between readiness to learn and actual performance.

List treatment strategies to promote targeted social skills.


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April 21, 2017


Penina Pearl Rybak MA/CCC-SLP, TSHH Registration 8:00am

Conference 8:30am - 4:00pm

.6 CEUs offered Level: Intermediate ▪ Professional Area

The Hagedorn Little Village School Jack Joel Center For Special Children

750 Hicksville Rd. Seaford, New York 11783 www.littlevillage.org • [email protected]

(516) 520-6000 Fax: (516) 520-6080

Practical & Playful Strategies

for Autism Intervention:

A Socially Speaking® Seminar

Program Description

This course is offered for 0.6 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate Level, Professional Area) We can see first hand the impact of a child’s problematic social behaviors on learn-ing and on getting along with others. In particular, readi-ness to learn appropriate social skills can be an area of real challenge for children with Autism. This program will introduce the Socially Speaking® Program. It is designed to foster social communication skills by teaching self regulation, shaping specific play skills such as Cause & Effect play schemas, and facilitating verbal reasoning and rejecting skills. This course is designed to teach attendees to use play as a portal to developing self regulation and pragmatic skills, and pre-literacy skills as a portal for aca-demic and vocational success. Problematic behaviors arise from a child’s disconnect with his/her environment and those in it. Inappropriate social behaviors serve a purpose for children, and that purpose needs to be explored. Learn how to explore the purpose of the inap-propriate behavior. Learn to identify behavioral triggers, starting points for remediation, and ways to bridge the gap between readiness to learn and actual performance. Learn to shift from a crisis intervention paradigm to one that proactively and consistently improves the child’s self regulation and social communication. More consistent, preventive behavior management fosters better anchor-ing to the environment i.e. orientation to person/ place/time. More concrete, sequential, and practical strategies involving Whole Body Learning emphasizing the visual modality, can truly facilitate social communication skills; especially Body Awareness, Expressing Feelings, and Problem Solving. Attendees will develop indirect and direct clinical methods of intervention, involving pre-literacy language concepts and understanding and using humor. Attendees will also gain insight into decreasing “situation specific” and “splintered” acquisition of skills, increasing consistency of performance and Theory of Mind, and understanding readiness indicators for assess-ment and treatment.

Target Audience

▪ Speech Pathologists, Psychologists, and Special Educators

Speaker Financial & Non-Financial Disclosure


Penina Rybak receives both intellectual property rights and royal-ties from Apple™ Inc. for the sale of the Socially Speaking™ iPad® App in iTunes. Penina received honorarium for this event from The Hagedorn Little Village School.

Non Financial:

Penina Rybak is a current member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and has been a stateside advisor to the CLASP International Autism Clinic in Zambia, Africa, for which she consults probono.

Registration Form I plan to attend the Friday April 21, 2017 workshop:

Practical & Playful Strategies for Autism Intervention:

A Socially Speaking® Seminar

Please print clearly:

Name: _________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________


Phone #: _________________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________

Please Check one:

□ Registration by April 7, 2017 - $175.00

□ Group Registration by April 7, 2017 (5 or more) - $165.00

□ Student (with Student ID) by April 7, 2017 - $140.00

□ Registration after April 7, 2017 - $190.00

Make checks payable to: The Hagedorn Little Village School

Amount Enclosed: _______________________________

Phone or Fax registration with Credit Card:

Phone: Jessica Resnick or Kimberly Neary (516) 520-6076

Fax: (516) 520-6080 Attention: ASHA Committee

Credit Card #: _________________________ CVV:______

MasterCard □ AMEX □ Visa □

Expiration Date: ________________________________

Name on Card: _________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________

The Hagedorn Little Village School Jack Joel Center For Special Children

750 Hicksville Rd. Seaford, New York 11783

To pay on-line, go to www.littlevillage.org and select

“Professional Workshops”. Click: ASHA and then scroll down and

Click Online Registration

Refund Policy: A handling fee of $10.00 is deducted for cancellation. Refund request must be received by mail/phone two business days

prior to the conference. No refunds will be made thereafter.

For further information, please contact Kimberly Neary or Jessica Resnick (516) 520-6076 or email at [email protected]


Penina Rybak, MA/CCC-SLP, TSHH is a practicing, pediatric speech-language pathologist and educational technology consultant, who earned her master’s degree from New York University. She has been practicing for two decades, and has specialized in the treatment of young children with Autism/ special needs, in home-based early intervention, center-based preschool intervention, self- contained school-age classrooms, and private practice. Penina partici-pated in the 1995-2000 NY TRAID Project, in conjunction with the Westchester Institute of Human Development, which worked to integrate Apple™ technology into special education classrooms. She also spearheaded The Board-maker™ Initiative, from 2008-2010, which worked on cus-tomizing curriculum needs and implementing behavior management strategies at a charter school in New York. It resulted in her launch of her Socially Speaking® Program, seminars, iPad® App, and textbook; Autism Intervention in the iEra. Penina has lectured since 2010 about customizing social communication strategies, the developmental inte-gration of iOS Apps into treatment, and early childhood play based assessment and intervention. She advocates the use of an eclectic, multi-sensory treatment approach, using customized lesson plans involving toys and tech. For more information visit her website:


Location and Directions

The Hagedorn Little Village School, Jack Joel Center for Special Children is located at 750 Hicksville Road in Sea-ford, N.Y. The building is on the west side of Hicksville Road, set back from the street. Directions can be found on our website www.littlevillage.org under the “Contact Us” tab.

This course is offered for .6 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area)

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