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    XS-96Revision : L

    Manual for sXSpro Software to drive instruments of XS

    series (SXS50, SXS500, DXS50, DXS500, RXS50, RXS500,

    SXS56, SXS506, DXS56, DXS506, RXS56, RXS506 , etc.)


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    Getting started

    Choose one of the following sections:

    Starting sXSpro

    Explains the different ways to start the program

    Getting Help

    Provides the different ways to access sXSpro's help resources

    System Requirements

    What computer and software are required to run sXSpro

    Starting SmgPRO_I3e

    To start sXSpro:

    Double click the sXSpro icon on your desktop.


    From the Start menu, select Programs, then sXSpro and click sXSpro.

    Getting Help

    Access the help file from the program:

    - From the Help menu, click sXSpro Help or press F1.

    Local resources:

    - Technical manual for XS series (in English)

    - Notice technique de la srie XS (en franais)

    - Technical manual for XS series (in Deutsch)

    - Technical manual for PICKERING MODEL 20-310/320 (in English)

    - Technical manual for PICKERING MODEL 10-220A/410B (in English)

    - Technical manual for PICKERING MODEL 10-920A/10-921 (in English)

    - Fiche technique de la srie EXS1600 (en franais)

    - Fiche technique de la srie EXS1600-HI (en franais)

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    - Notice technique de la srie EXS1600 (en franais)

    - Notice technique de la srie EXS1600-HI (en franais)

    - Notice technique de la srie EXS3200 (en franais)

    - Technical manual for FXS501 (in English)

    - Notice technique du FXS501 (en franais)

    - Technical manual for MG series (in English)

    - Notice technique de la srie MG (en franais)

    - Technical manual for FMG500/501 (in English)

    - Notice technique du FMG500/501 (en franais)

    On-line resources:

    -Sefelechome page

    System Requirements


    The minimum hardware requirements are:

    - CPU: Pentium class processor (1.5 GHz or higher)

    - Memory: 256MB or greater

    - Disk Space: 100MB

    - One serial Com RS232C for the RS232C version

    - One GPIB board (PCI-GPIB National Intruments) for IEEE version

    -USB Dongle Actikey (delivery with the option software MG-96)


    The minimum software requirements are:

    - Operating system: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

    - For report ,statistics and database : Microsoft Office (Word , Excel, Access...)

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    Welcome to SmgPRO_I3e Help

    sXSpro Help - Version 7.11.0229 and later (Source file = SxsPro_Help_english200pick.hnd)


    Assistant in creating a test program

    Modification of an existant test program

    Editing test program functions

    Add a new step of test

    Starting a test program



    sXSpro software allows to drive XS and MG Series equipments with or without specific developed features, throughRS232 or GPIB interfaces.




    Assistant in creating a test program

    You can create fastly a test program by clicking on this menu, as follows :- Vous pouvez crer rapidement un programme d'essai en cliquant sur ce menu, comme suit :

    The following window displays:- La fentre suivante s'affiche :

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    Then, you select or deselect the necessary functions- Ensuite, vous slectionnez ou dslectionnez les fonctions ncessaires

    Then, you choose the name of the program to be created- Puis , vous choisissez le nom du programme crer

    By clicking the icone , you show the list of the existing programs, as follows:

    -En cliquant sur l'icone vous affichez la liste des programmes existants, comme suit :(A second click on this icone close the list- Un deuxime clic sur cet icone ferme la liste)

    It allows you to enter a name different from those who already exist- Cela vous permet de saisir un nom diffrent de ceux qui existent dja.

    If you choose a name existing in the list by clicking above, the name of this file is affected automatically by anindication, as follows:- Si vous choisissez un nom existant dans la liste en cliquant dessus, le nom de ce fichier est automatiquementaffect d'un indice, comme suit :

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    Then, you click on OK and the program is created automatically- Puis , vous cliquez sur OK et le programme est cr automatiquement

    Modification of an existant test program{A29D5FD8-AD1F-40A0-91D5-40AE37E805CC}.htm



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    Modification of an existant test program

    Having opened a program of existing test, the following windows displays- Aprs avoir ouvert un programme de test existant, la fentre suivante s'affiche

    You can modify a step of test ( a function) by double-clicking on this one, as indicated below:- Vous pouvez modifier un pas de test (une fonction) en double-cliquant sur celui-ci, comme indiqu ci-dessous :

    Double click

    The following window displays:- La fentre suivante s'affiche :

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    Editing test program functions

    One click

    Having to click only once a step of test, this one is colored in light blue, as follows:- Aprs avoir cliquer une seule fois sur un pas de test, celui-ci se colore en bleu clair, comme suit :

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    Then, you can use, in the menu 'Editing', all the enabled functions- Ensuite, vous pouvez utiliser ,dans le menu 'Edit' , toutes les fonctions non grises

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    You must click once on a step to select it (in this case, it becomes blue) for using the commands which follows.

    If you want to edit a step to view its parameters, you must do a double click on this step.

    If you want to change the function of a step, you must click on the arrow (top icon) to show a list box that you can open byclicking on a new arrow and choose an available function.

    When you have already opened a list and you do not want to choose a new function, you can close this list by clicking on leftarrow (bottom icon)



    CutCopyPasteSpecial pasteInsertDelete



    Add a new step of test

    To add a step of test, proceed as follows:- Pour ajouter un pas de test, procder comme suit :

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    Click the small arrow (point below) of the step of empty test following the last step of active test fto open a list ofavailable functions, as follows:- Cliquer sur la petite flche (pointe en bas) du pas de test vide suivant le dernier pas de test actif pour ouvrir uneliste de fonctions disponible, comme suit :

    Make scrolling the list of the available functions by acting on the vertical arrow clocks at the top or at the verticalarrow clock below, either moving the vertical elevator, as follows:- Faire dfiler la liste des fonctions disponibles en agissant sur la flche verticale pointe en haut ou sur la flcheverticale pointe en bas,ou bien en dplacant l'ascenseur vertical, comme suit :

    Scrolling of the list of the available functions- Dfilement de la liste des fonctions disponibles

    Then click the wished function: this one is colored in blue a short moment, as follows- Puis cliquer sur la fonction dsire : celle-ci se colore en bleu un court instant , comme suit

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    Puis la liste droulante se ferme comme suit :

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    Editing test program functions



    Starting a test program

    Having opened a program of existing test, the following windows displays

    - Aprs avoir ouvert un programme de test existant, la fentre suivante s'affiche

    Click this button to start the test- Cliquer sur ce bouton pour dmarrer le test

    The test starts and in the course of test, every step of test appears yellow during this step of test then in green whenthis step of test is ended, as follows:

    - Le test dmarre et en cours de test, chaque pas de test apparait en jaune pendant ce pas de test puis en vertlorsque ce pas de test est termin, comme suit:

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    During the test, he can have the following message there (if the option AO10 is marked in the menu " Tools '-'Options '-' Hard opted ')- Au cours du test, il peut y avoir le message suivant (si l'option AO10 est coche dans le menu "Tools' -'Options' -'Hard options')

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    When the test is ended with a bad result, the following screen appears:- Quand le test est termin avec un rsultat mauvais, l' cran suivant apparait :

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    When the test is ended with a fail result, the following screen appears:- Quand le test est termin avec un rsultat bon, l' cran suivant apparait :

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    Open a recent file

    It is possible to open quickly a program of test among three last ones most recently opened by clicking 'File', then thefile wished in the list- Il est possible d'ouvrir rapidement un programme de test parmi les trois derniers les plus rcemment ouverts encliquant sur 'Fichier' , puis sur le fichier dsir dans la liste

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    Printing the last automatic report

    You can print the last report of test *(.rtf ) by clicking ' Tools ' then the menu ' Test Automatic report file *(.rtf ) '- Vous pouvez imprimer le dernier rapport de test (*.rtf) en cliquant sur 'Outils' puis sur le menu 'Automatic test reportfile (*.rtf)'

    You can also print the last specific report of test *(.doc ) by clicking ' Tools ' then the menu 'Customized test reportfile''

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    - Vous pouvez galement imprimer le dernier rapport spcifique de test (*.doc) en cliquant sur 'Tools' puis sur lemenu 'Customized test report file'



    Multiple continuity

    Several points of continuity measurements can be measured.Several points of hipot measurements can be measured.Several points of insulation measurements can be measured.

    Quantity of po intsType the number of points of continuity measurements (or hipot measurements, or insulation measurements)

    you wish.If you choose a quantity of points greater than 1 , the "Associated texts and more" box appears

    - Nombre de pointsSaisir le nombre de points que vous dsirez effectuer

    Si la valeur saisie est suprieure 1, la case cocher "Texte associ et plus.." apparait.

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    Quantity of points

    Associated tex ts and moreIf you tick this box, you can type a text ,choose a paint and a sound ,that will correspond to each point of

    continuity measurement to be done. For instance, if you need to do 3 continuity points, and you wish to orientate theoperator on where to make them, you can open the bottom list box by clicking on the right arrow :- Texte associ et plus

    Si vous cochez cette case , vous pouvez saisir un texte, choisir une image et un son , qui corresponderont chaque point de continut faire. Par exemple, si vous devez faire 3 points de continuit et que vous dsirezorienter l'oprateur sur l'emplacement de ces mesures, vous pouvez ouvrir la liste de texte en cliquant sur lebouton apparaissant droite ce cette case cocher droite :

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    3 lines are then appearing ( named 01- to 03- )

    Un fentre s'affiche dans laquelle 3 lignes apparaissent (nomme 01 - 03 -)

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    During a test , with this activate option, a dialog box appears at each point of measurement (this box can bemoved by user during the parameter phase or during the test ,and the new position is memorised in a .ini file)and you must click on GO to continue measurements or on STOP to stop them ( Nota: If a TE81 probe is used, when the user push on TE81 button ,it is the same effect than an action on GO)If you have choose a paint to show, this one appears in a window (this window can be moved by user duringthe parameter phase or during the test ,and the new position is memorised in a .ini file)Pendant un test, avec cette option active, une boite de dialogue apparait chaque point de mesure (cette boitepeut tre dplace par l'utilisateur pendant la programmation ou pendant le test , et la nouvelle position estmmorise dans un fichier de configuration) et vous devez cliquer sur "GO" pour continuer les mesures, ou sur"STOP" pour les arrter (Nota: Si une sonde TE58 est utilise, quand l'utilisateur appuie sur le bouton du TE58,cela produit le mme effet qu'une action sur "GO")

    Si vous avez choisi une image afficher, celle ci apparait dans une fentre (cette boite peut tre dplace parl'utilisateur pendant la programmation ou pendant le test , et la nouvelle position est mmorise dans un fichierde configuration)

    SeeZoom on TE81 messageto check or modify the Continuity setup

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    It is enough to press on the button of the TE81 to launch the measure of continuity (with the shown number of step)- Il suffit d'appuyer sur le bouton du TE81 pour lancer la mesure de continuit (dont le numro de pas est affich)



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    NewOpenCloseSaveSave AsPrint preview




    New Click on New to create a new test program.

    - Cliquer sur Nouveau pour crer un nouveau programme de test.

    Then click on Ok on the Create section.- Puis cliquer sur longlet Gnral

    You will then arrive in the editing window where you will be creating your test.

    The first step of your sequence is the Setup step, which is compulsory.- Ensuite, cliquer sur la fiche intitule Config (dans la premire ligne) qui est le premier pas de test obligatoire. Unonglet saffiche droite avec diffrents paramtres programmer :

    Then on each line, by clicking on the arrow, you can select the type of test you want to add in your sequence.- Aprs cela, par exemple, sur la ligne 2 poser une Continuit et procder de la mme faon pour remplir la fiche.

    Clicking twice on a step box, will open the active step.

    - Vous pouvez double cliquer sur un pas de test pour diter celui-ci Clicking on the arrow situated at the left side of the step box, will display the following available steps, that can be

    selected by simply clicking on it :- Diffrentes mesures ou fonctions standards peuvent tre ainsi slectionnes dans les pas de test

    SetupContinuityHipotInsulationLeakage / Un + WattmeterCustomized Test ReportPauseSequenceAutomatic report

    Other specific features (developed for some customers application in France or abroad - this is why some terms andexplanations are just in French, German, Spanish, Italian or Swedish) can be selected from this list (if the Advancedoption is not selected in the Tools/Options/Preference menu, you will not access those steps) :

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    - Diffrentes mesures ou fonctions plus complexes ou spcifiques peuvent aussi tre slectionnes dans les pas detest (si loption les autorisant a t coche dans le menu de configuration gnrale) :

    StartCondi. S.MGR10 mode1UauxHT5500VEnd




    Conti. 4fils 1AConti. Masse 1A

    Isolement 45V

    Rsi. 2fils






    This step is an init module for the test configuration.- Ce module sert initialiser certaines fonctions de l instrument programmer. Il peut galement programmer laconstitution d un numro de srie et l utilisation dun lecteur code barres.

    The possibilities are the following :- Les diffrentes fonctions programmer sont les suivantes :


    Scan code ?

    Save Results

    Serial Number


    SetupNo display : The measurements will not be displayed anymore on the instrument display. Have a look

    inside our MG series manual user for more information.Cap. Filter :In order to make insulation measurements on some capacitive equipment, a filter is

    applied. Have a look inside our MG series manual user for more information.Manual mode : Specific sequence mode which allows you to stop in between each test. Have a look inside

    our MG series manual user for more information.Expert :Enable the 'expert' mode on instrumentBeep on end of test :Activate the beep function (for example ,for 'end of test' message)

    Pas daffichage : Suppression de l affichage des mesures sur l instrument.

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    Filtre Cap. :Pour effectuer des mesures d isolement sur capacit, un filtre est mis en place.Mode manuel : Fonctionnement spcial du mode squence, qui permet loprateur d avoir un arrt

    entre chaque pas de testExpert :Autorise le mode 'expert' sur l'instrumentAlarme sonore :Autorise le fonctionnement du buzzer (par exemple ,pour les messages de fin de test)


    Scan code ?

    Scan code ?No : This is set as no reading by default.Yes : The Barcode box will expect you to scan the bar code. This bar code reading will contain all your testsequence and information. When youll be starting a new test, scanning this code will load this sequence.

    Scanner le code barre ?NonOui : Saisie du code barre grce un lecteur et affichage dans la fentre Barcodes


    Save Results

    Save ResultsExcel fi le .XLS : If this option is selected, an Excel file containing your parameters and test results will begenerated automatically for each test.Access f ile .MBD : If this option is selected, an Access file containing your parameters and test results will be

    generated automatically for each test.


    Serial Number

    Serial NumberWithout : No serial number will be generated

    Manual : The serial number will need to be manually entered (either with keyboard or keyboard bar codereader) at the beginning of each test.Incremental : The serial number will increment of 1 unit for each new tested product, and can be correctedmanually f necessary.need to be manually entered (either with keyboard or bar code reader) at the beginning of each test.The generated serial number will increment of 1 unit for each product.f this option isProgrammable : If this option is selected, an Access file containing your parameters and test results will beSerial bar code: The serial number will need to be entered with serial bar code reader at the beginning of

    each test.



    File New Continuity Command

    CurrentType a current in Amperes from 5 to 30A.

    VoltageSelect a voltage of 6V or 12V.

    Hold timeType a holding time in seconds from 1 to 999 s.

    Rise timeType a rising time in seconds from 1 to 999 s.

    Fall timeType a falling time in seconds from 1 to 999 s.

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    High thresholdType a resistance high threshold in mfrom 0 to 1500 m.

    Low threshold

    Type a resistance low threshold in mfrom 0 to 1500 m.If you just want to use 1 threshold, put the Low threshold at 0 .

    Quantity of pointsType the number of points of continuity measurements you wish.

    Associated texts and more

    If you tick this box, you can type a text ,choose a paint and a sound ,that will correspond to each point ofcontinuity measurement to be done. For instance, if you need to do 3 continuity points, and you wish to orientate theoperator on where to make them, you can open the bottom list box by clicking on the right button :

    3 lines are then appearing ( named 01- to 03- )Click inside one of it and after a new window is showed ,type the text you wish for this continuity point,choose a paint (jpg format) to show and choose a sound to read (wav format) and then validate withOK buttonUse this method for the 3 pointsDuring a test , with this activate option, a dialog box appears at each point of measurement (this box can bemoved by user during the parameter phase or during the test ,and the new position is memorised in a .ini file)and you must click on GO to continue measurements or on STOP to stop them ( Nota: If a TE81 probe is used, when the user push on TE81 button ,it is the same effect than an action on GO)If you have choose a paint to show, this one appears in a window (this window can be moved by user during

    the parameter phase or during the test ,and the new position is memorised in a .ini file)seeMultiple measurements

    Memory n (only appears if you are in advanced options)Type the memory number from 0 to 9.

    Measurement (only appears if you are in advanced options)- Immediate : measure is done immediately after the parameters transfer.- Delayed : measure is done in sequence mode if a sequence box is inserted later on.


    Pas de test Cont inui t du menu Fichier-Nouveau

    - Courant:Saisir le courant exprim en A dans la plage 5 30A

    - Tension:Choisir la tension 6 ou 12V

    - Temps de maintien:Saisir le temps de maintien exprim en secondes dans la plage de 1 999s

    - Temps de monte :Saisir le temps de monte exprim en secondes dans la plage de 1 999 s

    - Temps de descente:Saisir le temps de descente exprim en secondes dans la plage de 1 999 s

    - Seuil haut:Saisir le seuil haut de rsistance exprim en mOhms dans la plage de 0 1500 mOhms

    - Seuil bas:Saisir le seuil bas de rsistance exprim en mOhms dans la plage de 0 1500 mOhms

    - Nombre de pointsSaisir le nombre de points que vous dsirez effectuer

    - Texte associ et plusSi vous cochez cette case , vous pouvez saisir un texte, choisir une image et un son , qui corresponderont chaque point de continut faire. Par exemple, si vous devez faire 3 points de continuit et que vous dsirezorienter l'oprateur sur l'emplacement de ces mesures, vous pouvez ouvrir la liste de texte en cliquant sur lebouton apparaissant droite ce cette case cocher droite :Un fentre s'affiche dans laquelle 3 lignes apparaissent (nomme 01 - 03 -)

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    Cliquez sur l'une d'elle et une nouvelle fentre s'affiche, dans laquelle vous saisissez le texte, vous choisissezune image (format 'jpg') et vous choisissez un son diffuser ('wav' , puis valider en tapant sur OKUtiliser cette mthode pour les 3 pointsPendant un test, avec cette option active, une boite de dialogue apparait chaque point de mesure (cette boitepeut tre dplace par l'utilisateur pendant la programmation ou pendant le test , et la nouvelle position estmmorise dans un fichier de configuration) et vous devez cliquer sur "GO" pour continuer les mesures, ou sur"STOP" pour les arrter (Nota: Si une sonde TE81 est utilise, quand l'utilisateur appuie sur le bouton du TE81,cela produit le mme effet qu'une action sur "GO")Si vous avez choisi une image afficher, celle ci apparait dans une fentre (cette boite peut tre dplace parl'utilisateur pendant la programmation ou pendant le test , et la nouvelle position est mmorise dans un fichier

    de configuration)

    seeMultiple measurements

    - Memoire n :Saisir le numro de mmoire dans laquelle vous dsirez charger les paramtres dans la plage de 0 9

    - Mesure- Immediate :La mesure sera effectue immdiatement aprs le tlchargement desparamtres- Diffre :La mesure sera effectue en mode squencesi un des pas de test suivant est un pas detest squence est programm



    File New Hipot Command


    No detection will be made during the hipot test. This type is made for burning tests.Imax:

    Any current higher than the high threshold will create a breakdown. This detection type has to be selected forMG+ Series units (with grey frame).

    Imax + DELTA I:

    Any current higher than the high threshold or any current peak (of 10 s and 1 mA amplitude) will create abreakdown. This detection type has to be selected for MG+ Series units (with grey frame).DELTA I:

    Any detected current peak (of 10 s and 1 mA amplitude) will create a breakdown.FImax:

    Any current higher than the high threshold will create a breakdown. This detection type has to be selected forMG+ Series units (with blue frame).

    FImax + DELTA I:Any current higher than the high threshold or any current peak (of 10 s and 1 mA amplitude) will create abreakdown. This detection type has to be selected for MG+ Series units (with blue frame).

    Hold timeType a holding time in seconds from 1 to 999 s.

    Rise timeType a rising time in seconds from 0.1 to 999 s.

    Fall timeType a falling time in seconds from 0.1 to 999 s.

    High thresholdType a current high threshold in mA from 0.01 to 10 mA for 50VA instruments.Type a current high threshold in mA from 0.1 to 100 mA for 500VA instruments.

    Low thresholdType a current low threshold in mA from 0 to 10 mA for 50VA instruments.

    Type a current low threshold in mA from 0 to 100 mA for 500VA instruments.

    Delta I limi t (mA) :Type a current low threshold in mA from 1 to 10 mA for 50VA instruments.Type a current low threshold in mA from 10 to 100 mA for 500VA instruments.

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    Breakdown detection mode during rise time : (Visible only if the mode 'expert' is marked in the step of test 'setup')OFFDELTA IFImax

    Threshold I value (during rise time): (Visible only if the mode 'expert' is marked in the step of test 'setup')In modeFImax :

    Type a current high threshold in mA from 0.01 to 10 mA for 50VA instruments.Type a current high threshold in mA from 0.1 to 100 mA for 500VA instruments.

    In modeDELTA I :

    Type a current low threshold in mA from 1 to 10 mA for 50VA instruments.Type a current low threshold in mA from 10 to 100 mA for 500VA instruments.

    Memory n (only appears if you are in advanced options)Type the memory number from 0 to 9.

    VoltageType the hipot voltage in volts from 10v to 5000vAC or 10v to 6000vDC (if you got DC option).

    AC/DCClick on AC to work in alternative or on DC to work in direct current (if you got DC option).

    Measurement (only appears if you are in advanced options)

    - Immediate : measure is done immediately after the parameters transfer.- Delayed : measure is done in sequence mode if a sequence box is inserted later on.

    Commutation (only appears if you are in advanced options)Display a window that allows you to setup the switching.

    Quantity of points

    Type the number of points of continuity measurements you wish.Associated texts and more

    If you tick this box, you can type a text ,choose a paint and a sound ,that will correspond to each point ofcontinuity measurement to be done. For instance, if you need to do 3 continuity points, and you wish to orientate theoperator on where to make them, you can open the bottom list box by clicking on the right button :

    3 lines are then appearing ( named 01- to 03- )Click inside one of it and after a new window is showed ,type the text you wish for this continuity point,choose a paint (jpg format) to show and choose a sound to read (wav format) and then validate withOK buttonUse this method for the 3 pointsDuring a test , with this activate option, a dialog box appears at each point of measurement (this box can bemoved by user during the parameter phase or during the test ,and the new position is memorised in a .ini file)and you must click on GO to continue measurements or on STOP to stop them ( Nota: If a TE58 probe is used, when the user push on TE58 button ,it is the same effect than an action on GO)If you have choose a paint to show, this one appears in a window (this window can be moved by user duringthe parameter phase or during the test ,and the new position is memorised in a .ini file)

    To view principle, seeMultiple measurements


    Pas de test Rigidit du menu Fichier-Nouveau

    - Dtection :OFFImaxI+DELTADELTA IFImaxFImax+DELTA I

    - Temps de maintien :Saisir le temps de maintien exprim en secondes dans la plage de 1 999 s

    - Temps de monte :Saisir le temps de monte exprim en secondes dans la plage de 0.1 999 s

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    - Temps de descente:

    Saisir le temps de descente exprim en secondes dans la plage de 0.1 999 s

    - Seuil haut :Saisir le seuil haut de courant exprim en mA dans la plage de 0.01 10 mA pour les appareils 50VA(_XS50,56) et de 0.1 100mA pour les modles 500VA (_XS500,506)

    - Seuil bas :Saisir le seuil bas de courant exprim en mA dans la plage de 0 10 mA pour les appareils 50VA (_XS50,56) et

    de 0 99 mA pour les modles 500VA (_XS500,506)

    - Seuil haut de Delta I:Saisir le seuil haut de courant exprim en mA pour le DeltaI dans la plage de 1 10 mA pour les appareils50VA (_XS50,56) et de 10 100mA pour les modles 500VA (_XS500,506)

    - Dtection I rampe : (visible seulement si le mode 'expert' est coch dans le pas de test 'config' (setup)OFFDELTA IFImax

    - Seuil I rampe: (visible seulement si le mode 'expert' est coch dans le pas de test 'config' (setup)Saisir le seuil haut de courant exprim en mA utils pendant la rampe de monte :

    - dans la plage de 0.01 10 mA pour les appareils 50VA (_XS50,56) et de 0.1 100mA pour les modles500VA (_XS500,506) si la dtection I rampe est dans le mode "FImax"- dans la plage de 1 10 mA pour les appareils 50VA (_XS50,56) et de 10 100mA pour les modles 500VA(_XS500,506) si la dtection I rampe est dans le mode "DELTA I"

    - Memoire n :Saisir le numro de mmoire dans laquelle vous dsirez charger les paramtres dans la plage de 0 9

    - Tension:Saisir la tension de rigidit exprim en Volts dans la plage de 10V 5000VAC ou de 10V 6000VDC pour lesmodles avec option DC

    - AC/DC :Cliquer sur AC pour travailler en tension alternative ou sur DC pour travailler en tension continue (cette dernirepossibilit est une option)

    - Mesure :- Immediate :La mesure sera effectue immdiatement aprs le tlchargement des paramtres- Diffre :La mesure sera effectue en mode squencesi un des pas de test suivant est un pas de test

    squence est programm

    - Nombre de pointsSaisir le nombre de points que vous dsirez effectuer

    - Texte associ et plusSi vous cochez cette case , vous pouvez saisir un texte, choisir une image et un son , qui corresponderont chaque point de continut faire. Par exemple, si vous devez faire 3 points de continuit et que vous dsirezorienter l'oprateur sur l'emplacement de ces mesures, vous pouvez ouvrir la liste de texte en cliquant sur lebouton apparaissant droite ce cette case cocher droite :Un fentre s'affiche dans laquelle 3 lignes apparaissent (nomme 01 - 03 -)Cliquez sur l'une d'elle et une nouvelle fentre s'affiche, dans laquelle vous saisissez le texte, vous choisissezune image (format 'jpg') et vous choisissez un son diffuser ('wav' , puis valider en tapant sur OKUtiliser cette mthode pour les 3 pointsPendant un test, avec cette option active, une boite de dialogue apparait chaque point de mesure (cette boitepeut tre dplace par l'utilisateur pendant la programmation ou pendant le test , et la nouvelle position estmmorise dans un fichier de configuration) et vous devez cliquer sur "GO" pour continuer les mesures, ou sur"STOP" pour les arrter (Nota: Si une sonde TE58 est utilise, quand l'utilisateur appuie sur le bouton du TE58,cela produit le mme effet qu'une action sur "GO")Si vous avez choisi une image afficher, celle ci apparait dans une fentre (cette boite peut tre dplace parl'utilisateur pendant la programmation ou pendant le test , et la nouvelle position est mmorise dans un fichierde configuration)

    Pour voir le principe, allez enMultiple measurements

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    File New Megohm Command

    VoltageSelect the desired voltage among the 5 available voltages : 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V or 1000 V (in option).

    Hold timeType a holding time in seconds from 1 to 999 s.

    Rise timeType a rising time in seconds from 0.1 to 999 s.

    Fall timeType a falling time in seconds from 0.1 to 999 s.

    Sample (only appears if you are in advanced options)Not active if sample =0. If higher than 3, then the insulation function will make measurement every n seconds.

    High limitType a resistance high threshold in Mohms from 0 to 200 000 Mohms (or 0 to 2 Tohms if you got the 2 Tohmsoption). Entering 200 000 Mohms or 2 Tohms (if you have the option), will setup the high limit to infinity. In this case,your Resistance detection level will be defined by only 1 limit : the low limit below.

    Low limitType a resistance low threshold in Mohms from 0 to 200 000 Mohms (or 0 to 2 Tohms if you got the 2Tohms option).

    Memory n (only appears if you are in advanced options)Type the memory number from 0 to 9.

    Measure (only appears if you are in advanced opt ions)- Immediate : measure is done immediately after the parameters transfer.- Delayed : measure is done in sequence mode if a sequence box is inserted later on.

    Quantity of pointsType the number of points of continuity measurements you wish.

    Associated texts and moreIf you tick this box, you can type a text ,choose a paint and a sound ,that will correspond to each point of

    continuity measurement to be done. For instance, if you need to do 3 continuity points, and you wish to orientate theoperator on where to make them, you can open the bottom list box by clicking on the right button :

    3 lines are then appearing ( named 01- to 03- )Click inside one of it and after a new window is showed ,type the text you wish for this continuity point,choose a paint (jpg format) to show and choose a sound to read (wav format) and then validate withOK buttonUse this method for the 3 pointsDuring a test , with this activate option, a dialog box appears at each point of measurement (this box can be

    moved by user during the parameter phase or during the test ,and the new position is memorised in a .ini file)and you must click on GO to continue measurements or on STOP to stop them ( Nota: If a TE56 probe is used, when the user push on TE56 button ,it is the same effect than an action on GO)If you have choose a paint to show, this one appears in a window (this window can be moved by user duringthe parameter phase or during the test ,and the new position is memorised in a .ini file)

    To view principle, seeMultiple measurements

    Switching (only appears if you are in advanced options)Display a window that allows you to setup the switching parameters.


    Pas de test Isolement du menu Fichier-Nouveau

    - Tension :Choisir la tension parmi les 4 tensions disponibles (50V,100V,250V et 500V)

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    - Temps de maintien :

    Saisir le temps de maintien exprim en secondes dans la plage de 1 999 s

    - Temps de monte :Saisir le temps de monte exprim en secondes dans la plage de 0.1 999 s

    - Temps de descente:Saisir le temps de descente exprim en secondes dans la plage de 0.1 999 s

    - Seuil hautSaisir le seuil haut de rsistance exprime en Mohms dans la plage de 0 200000 Mohms (ou de 0 2000000 Tohms pour les modles equips de loption 2 Tohms)

    - Seuil bas :Saisir le seuil bas de rsistance exprim en Mohms dans la plage de 0 200000 Mohms (ou de 0 2000000 Tohms pour les modles equips de loption 2 Tohms)

    - Memoire n :Saisir le numro de mmoire dans laquelle vous dsirez charger les paramtres dans la plage de 0 9

    - Mesure :- Immediate :La mesure sera effectue immdiatement aprs le tlchargement des paramtres

    - Diffre :La mesure sera effectue en mode squencesi un des pas de test suivant est un pas detest squence est programm

    - Nombre de pointsSaisir le nombre de points que vous dsirez effectuer

    - Texte associ et plusSi vous cochez cette case , vous pouvez saisir un texte, choisir une image et un son , qui corresponderont chaque point de continut faire. Par exemple, si vous devez faire 3 points de continuit et que vous dsirezorienter l'oprateur sur l'emplacement de ces mesures, vous pouvez ouvrir la liste de texte en cliquant sur lebouton apparaissant droite ce cette case cocher droite :Un fentre s'affiche dans laquelle 3 lignes apparaissent (nomme 01 - 03 -)Cliquez sur l'une d'elle et une nouvelle fentre s'affiche, dans laquelle vous saisissez le texte, vous choisissezune image (format 'jpg') et vous choisissez un son diffuser ('wav' , puis valider en tapant sur OKUtiliser cette mthode pour les 3 pointsPendant un test, avec cette option active, une boite de dialogue apparait chaque point de mesure (cette boitepeut tre dplace par l'utilisateur pendant la programmation ou pendant le test , et la nouvelle position estmmorise dans un fichier de configuration) et vous devez cliquer sur "GO" pour continuer les mesures, ou sur"STOP" pour les arrter (Nota: Si une sonde TE58 est utilise, quand l'utilisateur appuie sur le bouton du TE58,cela produit le mme effet qu'une action sur "GO")Si vous avez choisi une image afficher, celle ci apparait dans une fentre (cette boite peut tre dplace parl'utilisateur pendant la programmation ou pendant le test , et la nouvelle position est mmorise dans un fichierde configuration)

    Pour voir le principe, allez enMultiple measurements

    Leakage / Un + Wattmeter

    File New Leakage Command

    Standard choiceSelect the standard you are testing according to, among the following list :EN60335-1 Household standardEN60950 Information Technology standardEN60601-1 Medical standard : leakage to earth onlyEN60598-1 Lighting standardEN60065 Household and similar general use standardEN60990 Generic technical report about leakage current

    EN61010-1 Measurement, Control & Laboratory standardEN60601-1 Medical standard : leakage to earth + patient

    Value- Rms : Return the RMS value.- Peak : Return the peak value.

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    Hold time

    Type a holding time in seconds from 1 to 999 s.This hold time is your test time. It has to be of a minimum of 3 seconds.

    Umax thresholdType a voltage high threshold in volts from 1 to 270v.If the measured voltage is higher than this limit during the test, then the test will fail.

    Umin thresholdType a voltage low threshold in volts from 1 to 270v.If the measured voltage is lower than this limit during the test, then the test will fail.

    Imax thresholdType a leakage current high threshold in mA from 0 to 20.00 mA.If the leakage current is higher than this limit during the test, then the test will fail.

    Imin thresholdType a leakage current low threshold in mA from 0 to 20.00 mA.If the leakage current is lower than this limit during the test, then the test will fail.

    VoltageSelect the nominal voltage in volts from 1 to 270v.This value will not generate the indicated voltage. It will just give a reference for the correction mode (see correctionmode in the user manual).

    Memory n (only appears if you are in advanced options)Type the memory number from 0 to 9.

    Correction- YES : Correction of the limit entered, according to the real voltage during the test. See manual user for more

    information.- NO :No limit correction.

    Drawing (appears according to the selected standard)Choose one of the available drawing (depends on the standard previously selected).

    - A : see user manual for more information.- B : see user manual for more information.- G : see user manual for more information.- H : see user manual for more information.- F3 : see user manual for more information.- F4 : see user manual for more information.- F5 : seeuser manual for more information.- A1 : see user manual for more information.- A2 : see user manual for more information.- A3 : see user manual for more information.

    Pause- YES : Wait for the user action at the beginning of the Leakage measurement (this has an interest when you need

    to change some switch position in between 2 measurements for instance).-->New: By clicking on right button (of mouse) on this option, you can enter a value which is themaximum time of this pause (after this delay the test goes on without any action on "Continue" button)

    - NO : No pause in between each measurement.

    Source- EXT : The generated voltage that will be applied to the front panel socket where is connected the DUT is coming

    from an EXTernal insulation transformer, situated outside the FMG.- INT :The generated voltage that will be applied to the front panel socket where is connected the DUT is coming

    from an INTernal insulation transformer, situated inside the FMG (this is only the case for 500 VAtransformer, which is small enough to fit inside the equipment).

    ModeSelect one of the available modes according to the selected standard.See MG Series user manual for a concrete description of each mode.

    Measurement Circuit switching- -- : see user manual for more information.

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    Saisir le temps de maintien exprim en secondes dans la plage de 2 999 s

    - Seuil Umax :Saisir le seuil haut de tension exprime en Volts dans la plage de 1 300V

    - Seuil Umin :Saisir le seuil bas de tension exprime en Volts dans la plage de 1 300V

    - Seuil Imax :Saisir le seuil haut de courant de fuite exprime en mA dans la plage de 0 20.00mA

    - Seuil Imin :Saisir le seuil bas de courant de fuite exprime en mA dans la plage de 0 20.00mA

    - Memoire n :Saisir le numro de mmoire dans laquelle vous dsirez charger les paramtres dans la plage de 0 9

    - Tension :Saisir la tension nominale exprime en Volts dans la plage de 1 300V

    - Correction :- OUI : Correction des seuils saisies prcedemment, en fonction de la tension relle pendant le test.- NON :Pas de correction des seuils.

    - Pause :- OUI :Attente de l' oprateur au dbut de chaque mesure.

    Nouveau: En cliquant avec le bouton droit de la souris sur cette option , vous pouvez saisir une valeurde temps qui est le temps maximum de la pause (aprs ce delai le test repart sans aucune action sur le bouton"Continuer")

    - NON : Enchainement des mesures sans attente de loprateur.

    - Source :- EXT : La source de tension est EXTrieure au FMG.- INT :La source de tension est INTerne au FMG.

    - Mode :Saisir un des modes disponibles en fonction de la norme slectionne prcedemment.

    - Montage :Saisir un des montages disponibles en fonction de la norme slectionne prcedemment.

    - Mg52 Puissance :- Volt : Si cet option est active les seuils haut et bas de tension sont utiliss.- Watt : Si cet option est active les seuils haut et bas de puissance sont utiliss la place des seuils detension.

    - Seuil Pmax :Saisir le seuil haut de puissance exprime en Watts dans la plage de 1 3500 Wrms

    - Seuil Pmin :Saisir le seuil bas de puissance exprime en Watts dans la plage de 1 3500 Wrms

    - Mesure :- Immediate :La mesure sera effectue immdiatement aprs le tlchargement des paramtres- Diffre :La mesure sera effectue en mode squencesi un des pas de test suivant est un pas de

    test squence est programm


    Customized Test Report

    File New Customized Test Report

    This Module allows you to create your own type of report, under Word for Windows.

    See our example called : test report example.doc.

    The principle is that sXSpro will use your .doc file, search for some names defined as bookmarks (customized byyou) to be replaced by your test results.

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    In our below example, sXSpro will replace the variable : Hipot_result (defined by the user as a bookmark in Word),by the result of the Hipot test. Then in sXSpro, you have to associate this customized variable to the sXSproregistered variable in the TEXT column.

    Example :Hipot test result : [Hipot_result]

    First procedure to let you create a customized report :1. create your .doc model in Word, indicating where you want to get some text, images, logo, or your variables to be

    situated.2. then type the name of the variable you wish to use and format it as a bookmarkNote : you can use our example called : test report example.doc3. open sXSpro, create a test program, and choose the step : customized test report4. you will be asked to select the model to use, so browse it and open your .doc file model.5. now you have to give the correspondence in between each one of your variable you entered in the .doc file, and the

    standard parameter from sXSpro.6. So on line 1, double-click inside the void TEXT case, and type the first variable from your model. In our example :

    var_testprogram.7. then double-click inside the void VAR case, and select from the variable list with a right click on the mouse, the

    correspondent sXSpro variable (see the list description below). In our example : filename.8. then double-click inside the void VALIDATION case, if you wish to activate it.9. click on the ADD button to go to the next line and start again procedure from point 6.

    Second procedure to let you create a customized report :1. create your .doc model in Word, indicating where you want to get some text, images, logo, and all values to be

    situated.2. open sXSpro, create a test program, and choose the step : customized test report3. you will be asked to select the model to use, so browse it and open your .doc file model.4. then select a text (in your .doc file model in Word) where you want to insert a bookmark5. go back in sXSpro and click on "Bookmark creation" button : a variable list appears6. choose the variable that you want assign to the previous selected text : automaticaly, the void TEXT case is wrote

    and also the void VALIDATION case and the void UNITY case7. then the focus is given back to the doc file model in Word, in order to continue with the other value to replace8. repeat step 4 to 7 to create another bookmark

    Features from this window :

    Report printing

    Printer port

    Customized test report model

    Board description


    Variable list is the following :Variable list

    Report printing

    Report printingNothing no sticker is printed.

    At each test report printed at the end of the test.If fail report printed at the end of the test if the result is bad.

    If not fail report printed at the end of the test if the result is good.

    Impression Etiquette :- Aucune :Pas dimpression dtiquette- A chaque test : Impression dune tiquette la fin du test- Si dfaut :Impression dune tiquette la fin du test si le rsultat est mauvais

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    - Si pas de dfaut : Impression dune tiquette la fin du test si le rsultat est bon


    Printer port

    Printer port- LPT1 report printed directly on LPT1.- LPT2 report printed directly on LPT2.- xxxxx report printed on Windows printer named xxxxx ; the printer is defined inside the menu

    Tools/Options/Setup printers

    Port Imprimante :- LPT1 :Impression directe sur le port LPT1- LPT2 :Impression directe sur le port LPT2- xxxxx : Impression vers limprimante Windows nomme xxxxx


    Customized test report model

    Customized test report modelType the File name of the model you want to use for your customized test report by clicking on "Change" button, andbrowse it on hard disk. Your model can be under .doc, .rtf or .eti format (select this choice from the file type in thebrowsing window).If you wish that sXSpro automatically create a model for you according to the variables you entered, just close thewindow, and a text box will ask you whether you want to automatically create a model file or not. (In this case themodel ,which will be created,will be a model in .eti format)

    CreateType the File name of the model you want to create. Your model can be under .doc, .rtf or .eti format (select this

    choice from the file type in the browsing window).

    OpenThis button is used to open the model file showed in text box "Customized test report model"


    Browse the file name of the model you want to use for your customized test report. Your model can be under.doc, .rtf or .eti format (select this choice from the file type in the browsing window).

    Bookmark creationCreate a bookmark on the selected word in the Word document

    Extract bookmarks

    Extract all the bookmarks contained in the Word document


    Board description

    Board description- Activation click once in this cell to take into consideration this variable in your report- Activation Cliquer une fois dans cette cellule pour prendre en considration cette variable dans votre rapport

    - Text click once in this cell to type a customized text string, that will be replaced by the variable (not

    customizable) from the cell on its right. When sXSpro will meet this text in your report, it will thenreplace it by the result of the associated variable.Example :

    Text VariableLeakage_Measurement_Voltage Par_Hip_U

    When sXSpro will run the customized test report during your test, the string

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    Leakage_Measurement_Voltage will be replaced by the return of the Meas_Leak_U variable inyour test report ; for instance : 220.0 V

    - Texte Cliquer une fois dans cette cellule pour taper une chane de caractres personnalise, qui seraremplace par la variable (non personnalisable) de la cellule droite. Quand sXSprorencontrera cetexte dans votre rapport, il le remplacera alors par le rsultat de la variable associe.Example :

    Text Variable

    Leakage_Measurement_Voltage Par_Hip_U

    Quand sXSprorencontrera ce texte pendant votre essai, il sera remplac par le retour de la

    variable de Meas_Leak_U dans votre rapport des essais ; par exemple : 220.0 V

    - Length click once in this cell to type a figure from 0 to 32 that will send back part or integrality of the result.Example :

    Text Variable Lenght

    Leakage_Measurement_Voltage Par_Hip_U 3

    When sXSpro will run the customized test report during your test, the stringLeakage_Measurement_Voltage will be replaced by the return of the Meas_Leak_U variable inyour test report, but limited to 3 characters ; for instance : 220. If Length is 2, you will get : 22, iflength is 5, you will get 220.0,

    - Longueur Cliquer une fois dans cette cellule pour taper un chiffre de 0 32 qui enverra l'arrire partie oul'intgralit du rsultat.Exemple :

    Text Variable Lenght

    Leakage_Measurement_Voltage Par_Hip_U 3

    Quand sXSproexcutera le rapport personnalis d'essai pendant votre essai, la chaine'Leakage_Measurement_Voltage' sera remplace par le retour de la variable Meas_Leak_U dansvotre rapport d'essai, mais limite 3 caractres; par exemple : 220. Si la Longueur est 2, vousobtiendrez : 22, si la longueur est 5, vous obtiendrez 220.0,

    - Unity click once in this cell to get the unity of your test resultExample :

    Text Variable Unity

    Leakage_Measurement_Voltage Par_Hip_U XWhen sXSpro will run the customized test report during your test, the stringLeakage_Measurement_Voltage will be replaced by the return of the Meas_Leak_U variable inyour test report, along with its unity (in the following example : Volt) ; for instance : 220.0 V. If youdo not activate this unity cell, you will get 220.0

    - Unit Cliquer une fois sur cette cellule pour obtenir l'unit de votre rsultatExemple :

    Text Variable UnityLeakage_Measurement_Voltage Par_Hip_U X

    Quand sXSproexcutera le rapport personnalis d'essai pendant votre essai, la chaine'Leakage_Measurement_Voltage' sera remplace par le retour de la variable Meas_Leak_U dansvotre rapport d'essai, avec son unit (dans l'exemple suivant : Volt); par exemple : 220.0 V. Si vousn'activez pas cette cellule d'unit, vous obtiendrez 220.0

    - Order click once in this cell to type a figure from 0 to the maximum number of measures you are doing.When you are doing a test, each value from each test will be stored inside a memory cell.For instance, Order = 3 will send you back the third measurement.In the below example, we consider you are doing the following sequence :1 Start2 Automatic test report3 Continuity4 Insulation5 Hipot6 Insulation7 InsulationExample :

    Text Variable OrderInsulation_1 Res_Insulation 1Insulation_2 Res_Insulation 2

    Insulation_3 Res_Insulation 3

    Insulation_1 will get back the result of step 4Insulation_2 will get back the result of step 6

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    Insulation_3 will get back the result of step 7- Order Cliquer une fois dans cette cellule pour taper un chiffre compris entre 0 et le nombre maximal de

    mesures que vous vous avez faites.Quand vous faites un essai, chaque valeur de chaque essai sera stocke l'intrieur d'une cellulede mmoire.Par exemple, 3 vous renverra la troisime mesure.Dans l'exemple ci-dessous, nous considrons que vous faites la squence suivante :1 Start2 Automatic test report3 Continuity

    4 Insulation5 Hipot6 Insulation7 InsulationExample :

    Text Variable Order

    Insulation_1 Res_Insulation 1

    Insulation_2 Res_Insulation 2

    Insulation_3 Res_Insulation 3

    Insulation_1 will get back the result of step 4Insulation_2 will get back the result of step 6Insulation_3 will get back the result of step 7

    - Left click once in this cell to get your result formatted on the left hand side- Middle click once in this cell to get your result formatted on the middle- Right click once in this cell to get your result formatted on the left hand side- Pass click once in this cell to type a customized text, which will be the equivalent of the PASS word that

    will be written inside your reportExample :

    Text Variable Pass

    Insulation_status Res_Insulation IR Test OK

    In this example, instead of getting back in your test report the word PASS (as the result of theInsulation test), you will get IR Test OK.

    - Fail click once in this cell to type a customized text, which will be the equivalent of the FAIL word that willbe written inside your reportExample :

    Text Variable Fail

    Insulation_status Res_Insulation IR Test NOT OK

    In this example, instead of getting back in your test report the word FAIL (as the result of theInsulation test), you will get IR Test NOT OK.

    - Step This is used only for Leakage current measurement step.This figure defines the step number you want to work on.This is the equivalent of the Order step, but for Leakage.Step will send back the worst value result, among all the measured values.

    Other parameters visible only if "Advanced options" is selected in tools/options/preference menu :- Autres paramtres visibles seulement si "options Avances" est choisi dans le menu "outils/options/prfrences" :

    - Multiplicator This is used only for Earth continuity measurement in order for example to multiply the value in Ohmto write the value in mOhmExample : Input 1000 in this colomn and do not select Unity (vous devez rajouter en dur le texte,reprsentant l'unit, dans le fichier word)

    - Multiplicateur Ce paramtre est utilis uniquement pour la fonction Continut de masse en vue de multiplier parexemple par 1000 la valeur en Ohm pour afficher la valeur en mOhmExemple : Saisir 1000 dans cette colonne et ne pas slectionner la case unit (vous devez rajouteren dur le texte, reprsentant l'unit, dans le fichier word)

    - Instrument This parameter is only used for instruments specific (as for example MGR10, MPC47P). A right clickon the column shows a list. To show the list of the available specific instruments, click with theright key of the mouse and it in a permanent way to know the number of the instrument the value ofwhich you wish to get back. Then leave the mouse and enter the number chosen in the window box

    - Instrument Ce paramtre est utilis uniquement pour des instruments spcifique (comme par exemple MGR10,MPC47P). un click droit sur la colonne affiche une liste. Pour afficher la liste des instrumentsspcifiques disponibles, cliquez avec la touche droite de la souris et ce de manire permanentepour connaitre le numro de l'instrument dont vous dsirez rcuprer la valeur. ensuite relachez lasouris et entrez le numro choisi dans la boite de saisie

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    - Format This parameter is used or:1. For instruments specific (as for example MGR10, MPC47P) whose we want to modify format

    (reserved for Sefelec)2. To transform a numerical value representing a barcode in an image of the barcode (only for

    the standard "ean13"): it is enough in that case to enter the string ean13in this column totransform the numerical value of 12 digits into a barcode

    3. To have the possibility of getting back the serial number without the indice: it is enough inthat case to enter the string noindin this column

    - Format Ce paramtre est utilis soit :4. pour des instruments spcifique (comme par exemple MGR10, MPC47P). dont on veux

    modifier le format d'affichage (rserv Sefelec)5. pour transformer une valeur numrique reprsentant un code barre en une image du code

    barre (uniquement pour le format "ean13") : il suffit dans ce cas de saisir ean13dans cettecolonne pour transformer la valeur numrique 12 chiffres en code barre

    6. pour avoir la possibilit de rcuprer le numro de srie sans lindice : il suffit dans

    ce cas de saisir lachaine noinddans cette colonne

    - Order2 This parameter is only used when a value is entered in the column Order and when we want to getback the value most bad between that of the column Order and that of the column Order2

    - Rang2 Ce paramtre est utilis uniquement lorsque une valeur est saisie dans la colonne Rang et que l'on

    veut rcuprer la valeur la plus maivaise entre celle de la colonne Rang et celle de la colonneRang2

    Other parameters visible only for some specific version of software :- Autres paramtres visibles seulement pour quelques versions spcifiques de logiciel :

    - Database This parameter is only used in specific version to create or use an existing database- Base de donnes Ce paramtre est utilis uniquement dans des versions spcifiques pour crer ou utiliser une

    base de donnes

    - Table This parameter is only used in specific version to create or use a table in a database- Table Ce paramtre est utilis uniquement dans des versions spcifiques pour crer ou utiliser une table

    dans une base de donnes

    - Field This parameter is only used in specific version to create or use a field of a table in a databaseThe first field to be created has to be the name of the file (or name of the device under test D.U.T.)The second field to be created has to be the serial numberA unique primary key is associated to these two fields

    - Champ Ce paramtre est utilis uniquement dans des versions spcifiques pour crer ou utiliser un champsd'une table dans une base de donnes :Le premier champ crer doit tre le nom du fichier (ou nom de l'appareil sous test E.S.T.)Le deuxime champ crer doit tre le numro de srieUne cl primaire unique est associe ces deux champs



    Variable list

    Variable listGENERAL parameters :

    Date test starting date.

    Date_Selftest Selftest starting date.Time test starting time.

    Operator_N operator name (defined in authorized users in the option menu).Operator_P operator Christian name (defined in authorized users in the option menu).Assembler_N assembler name (defined in authorized users in the option menu).

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    Assembler_P assembler Christian name (defined in authorized users in the option menu).

    Device equipment name.

    Start_Line1 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 1.Start_Line2 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 2.Start_Line3 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 3.Start_Line4 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 4.Start_Line5 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 5.

    Start_Line6 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 6.Start_Line7 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 7.Start_Line8 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 8.Start_Line9 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 9.Start_Line10 this variable contains the text from the start box, line 10.

    Day_figure day (1 characters).Month_figure month (2 characters).Month_1_letter Specific application for one of our German customer (will not be detailed).Year_figure year (4 characters).Year_1_letter Specific application for one of our German customer (will not be detailed).

    Serial n serial number typed at the beginning of the test.

    Serial n_Prog. programmable serial number typed at the beginning of the test.Serial_n_4D serial number formatted on 4 digits.Serial_n_5D serial number formatted on 5 digits.Serial_n_6D serial number formatted on 6 digits.Serial_n_7D serial number formatted on 7 digits.Serial_n_8D serial number formatted on 8 digits.

    Barcode return the serial bar code reader scanned value.

    Line1_Pause this variable contains the text from the pause box, line 1Line2_Pause this variable contains the text from the pause box, line 2Line3_Pause this variable contains the text from the pause box, line 3Line4_Pause this variable contains the text from the pause box, line 4

    ASCII_code=9 Specific application for one of our German customer (will not be detailed).Meas_Instr_X in the case a specific equipment is driven by sXSpro, this variable returns the measure from this

    test.Par_Instr_X_HLIMIT in the case a specific equipment is driven by sXSpro, this variable returns the stored value for

    the high limit.Par_Instr_X_LLIMIT in the case a specific equipment is driven by sXSpro, this variable returns the stored value for

    the low limit.Par_Instr_X_On in the case a specific equipment is driven by sXSpro, this variable activate or desactivate the

    driven equipment.

    Instrument_Name Name of the instrumentInstrument_SN Serialnumber of the instrumentInstrument_Version Embedded software version of the instrument

    Software_Name name of the software (here is sXSpro)Software_version Version of the software

    TEST RESULTS :Res_Selftest Selftest results (which is pass or fail).Continuity_R continuity test result (under a value format).Hipot_R hipot test result (under a value format).Insulation_R insulation test result (under a value format).Leakage_R leakage measurement test result (under a value format).Sequence_R sequence test result (under a value format).Res_Sequence result from the Sequence function (PASS/FAIL).Pause_R pause test result.Res_Continuity result from the Continuity function (PASS/FAIL).Res_Hipot result from the Hipot function (PASS/FAIL).

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    Res_Insulation result from the Insulation function (PASS/FAIL).Res_Rig_G general result from the Hipot function (PASS/FAIL) for all step of switching.Res_Leakage result from the Leakage function (PASS/FAIL).Res_Watt_W total power measurement result (sum of 3 lines).Res_Instr_X in the case a specific equipment is driven by SmgPRO, this variable returns the pass/fail result from

    this test (PASS/FAIL).Result_G general result of all the tests.

    CONTINUITY function parameters :Par_Cont_I current value from the Continuity function.

    Par_Cont_SH high limit value from the Continuity function.Par_Cont_SB low limit value from the Continuity function.Par_Cont_U voltage value from the Continuity function.Par_Cont_TM rising time value from the Continuity function.Par_Cont_T hold time value from the Continuity function.Par_Cont_TD falling value from the Continuity function.Meas_Cont_R result of the measured resistance from the Continuity function.Meas_Cont_U result of the measured voltage from the Continuity function.Meas_Cont_I result of the measured current from the Continuity function.

    HIPOT function parameters :Par_Hip_U voltage value in Hipot function.Par_Hip_ACDC current nature in Hipot function.

    Par_Hip_SH high limit current value in Hipot function.Par_Hip_SB low limit current value in Hipot function.Par_Hip_DET kind of detection in Hipot function.Par_Hip_TM rising time value in Hipot function.Par_Hip_T holding time value in Hipot function.Par_Hip_TD falling time value in Hipot function.Par_Hip_DeltaI_SH high limit current value of Delta I in Hipot function.Par_Hip_Ramp_DET kind of detection during the rising time in Hipot functionPar_Hip_Ramp_SH high limit current value during the rising time in Hipot function.Meas_Hipot_I measured current breakdown from the Hipot function.Meas_Hipot_U measured voltage from the Hipot function.

    INSULATION function parameters :Par_Insu_U voltage value from the Insulation function.Par_Insu_SH high limit value from the Insulation function.Par_Insu_SB low limit value from the Insulation function.Par_Insu_T holding time value from the Insulation function.Meas_Insu_R measured resistance during the Insulation function.Meas_Insu_I measured current during the Insulation function.Meas_Insu_U measured voltage during the Insulation function.Par_Insu_TM rising time value from the Insulation function.Par_Insu_TD falling time value from the Insulation function..

    LEAKAGE MEASUREMENT function parameters :Par_Leak_U voltage value in leakage function.Par_Leak_SHU high limit voltage value in leakage function.Par_Leak_SBU low limit voltage value in leakage function.Par_Leak_Mode measure mode in leakage function.Par_Leak_SHI high current limit value in leakage function.Par_Leak_SBI low current limit value in leakage function.Par_Leak_T holding time value in leakage function.Par_Leak_Norme kind of standard used in leakage function.Par_Leak_Mont kind of drawing used in leakage function.Meas_Leak_IF measured leakage current during the Leakage function.Meas_Leak_U measured voltage during the Leakage function.

    POWER MEASUREMENT function parameters :

    Meas_Watt_W_Un measured power (sum of 3 l ines) and corrected for nominal voltage during the Power function.Meas_Watt_IC consumed current during the Power function.Meas_Watt_Cos measured Cos during the Power function.Meas_Watt_VA measured apparent power during the Power function.

    SPECIFIC function parameters (if installed option):

    Article_name Name of the article which defines the name of the base of datum and the table in the base of

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    datum of the results.


    1 Date Date Fecha Datum Data

    2 Heure Time Hora Stunde Tempo

    3 Oprateur_N Operator_N Operador_N Prfer_Name Operatore_N

    4 Oprateur_P Operator_P Operador_P Prfer_Vorname Operatore_P

    5Assembleur_N Assembler_N Ensamblador_N Monteur_Name Assemblatore_N

    6Assembleur_P Assembler_P Ensamblador_P Monteur_Vorn. Assemblatore_P7 N.srie Serial_n Serie_n SN N_ Serie

    8 N.srie_Prog. Serial_n_Prog. Serie_n_Prog. SN_program. n_ Serie _Prog.

    9 Nom_fichier File_name Nombre_de_fichero Dateiname Nome_file

    10 Rsultat_G Result_G Resultado_G Gesamtergebnis Risultato_G

    11 Continuit_R Continuity_R Continuidad_R PE-Test_Erg. Continuit_R

    12 Rigidit_R Hipot_R Rigidez_R HV-Test_Erg. Hipot_R

    13 Isolement_R Insulation_R Aislamiento_R ISO-Test_Erg. Isolamento_R

    14 Fuite_R Leakage_R Fuga_R Ableit._Erg. Dispersione_R

    15 Squence_R Sequence_R Secuencia_R Sequenz_Erg. Sequenza_R

    16 Ligne1_de_Dbut Start_Line1 Linea1_de_Principio Zeile1_vom_Anf. Start_Line1

    17 Ligne2_de_Dbut Start_Line2 Linea2_de_Principio Zeile2_vom_Anf. Start_Line2

    18 Ligne3_de_Dbut Start_Line3 Linea3_de_Principio Zeile3_vom_Anf. Start_Line3

    19 Ligne4_de_Dbut Start_Line4 Linea4_de_Principio Zeile4_vom_Anf. Start_Line4

    20 Ligne5_de_Dbut Start_Line5 Linea5_de_Principio Zeile5_vom_Anf. Start_Line5

    21 Ligne6_de_Dbut Start_Line6 Linea6_de_Principio Zeile6_vom_Anf. Start_Line6

    22 Ligne7_de_Dbut Start_Line7 Linea7_de_Principio Zeile7_vom_Anf. Start_Line7

    23 Ligne8_de_Dbut Start_Line8 Linea8_de_Principio Zeile8_vom_Anf. Start_Line8

    24 Ligne9_de_Dbut Start_Line9 Linea9_de_Principio Zeile9_vom_Anf. Start_Line9

    25 Ligne10_de_Dbut Start_Line10 Linea10_de_Principio Zeile10_vom_Anf. Start_Line10

    26 Par_Cont_I Par_Cont_I Par_Continuidad_I Par_PE_I Par_Cont_I

    27 Par_Cont_SH Par_Cont_SH Par_Continuidad_UA Par_PE_HLIMIT Par_Cont_SH28 Par_Cont_SB Par_Cont_SB Par_Continuidad_UB Par_PE_LLIMIT Par_Cont_SB

    29 Par_Cont_U Par_Cont_U Par_Continuidad_U Par_PE_U Par_Cont_U

    30 Par_Cont_TM Par_Cont_TM Par_Continuidad_TM Par_PE_Anstieg Par_Cont_TM

    31 Par_Cont_T Par_Cont_T Par_Continuidad_T Par_PE_Halte Par_Cont_T

    32 Par_Cont_TD Par_Cont_TD Par_Continuidad_TD Par_PE_Abfall Par_Cont_TD

    33 Par_Rig_U Par_Hip_U Par_Rigidez_U Par_HV_U Par_Hip_U

    34 Par_Rig_ACDC Par_Hip_ACDC Par_Rigidez_ACDC Par_HV_ACDC Par_Hip_ACDC

    35 Par_Rig_SH Par_Hip_SH Par_Rigidez_UA Par_HV_HLIMIT Par_Hip_SH

    36 Par_Rig_SB Par_Hip_SB Par_Rigidez_UB Par_HV_LLIMIT Par_Hip_SB

    37 Par_Rig_DET Par_Hip_DET Par_Rigidez_DET Par_HV_DET Par_Hip_DET

    38 Par_Rig_TM Par_Hip_TM Par_Rigidez_TM Par_HV_Anstieg Par_Hip_TM

    39 Par_Rig_T Par_Hip_T Par_Rigidez_T Par_HV_Halte Par_Hip_T

    40 Par_Rig_TD Par_Hip_TD Par_Rigidez_TD Par_HV_Abfall Par_Hip_TD

    41 Par_Isol_U Par_Insu_U Par_Aislamiento_U Par_Iso_U Par_Isol_U

    42 Par_Isol_SH Par_Insu_SH Par_Aislamiento_UA Par_Iso_HLIMIT Par_Isol_SH

    43 Par_Isol_SB Par_Insu_SB Par_Aislamiento_UB Par_Iso_LLIMIT Par_Isol_SB

    44 Par_Isol_T Par_Insu_T Par_Aislamiento_T Par_Iso_Halte Par_Isol_T

    45 Par_Fuit_U Par_Leak_U Par_Fuga_U Par_Abl_U Par_Disp_U

    46 Par_Fuit_SHU Par_Leak_SHU Par_Fuga_Umb. Alto U Par_Abl_HLIMITU Par_Disp_SHU

    47 Par_Fuit_SBU Par_Leak_SBU Par_Fuga_Umb. Bajo U Par_Abl_LLIMITU Par_Disp_SBU

    48 Par_Fuit_Mode Par_Leak_Mode Par_Fuga_Modo Par_Abl_Modus Par_Disp_Mode49 Par_Fuit_SHI Par_Leak_SHI Par_Fuga_Umb. Alto I Par_Abl_HLIMITI Par_Disp_SHI

    50 Par_Fuit_SBI Par_Leak_SBI Par_Fuga_Umb. Bajo I Par_Abl_LLIMITI Par_Disp_SBI

    51 Par_Fuit_T Par_Leak_T Par_Fuga_Tiempo Par_Abl_Halte Par_Disp_T

    52 Par_Fuit_Norme Par_Leak_Norme Par_Fuga_Norma Par_Abl_Norm Par_Disp_Norme

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    53 Par_Fuit_Mont Par_Leak_Mont Par_Fuga_Mont Par_Abl_Mont Par_Disp_Mont

    54Anne_chiffre Year_figure Ao_cifra Jahr_Ziffer Figura_annuale

    55 Mois_chiffre Month_figure Mes_cifra Monat_Ziffer Figura_mensile

    56 Jour_chiffre Day_figure Da_cifra Tag_Ziffer Figura_giornaliera

    57 Nsrie_4D Serial_n_4D Nde_serie_4D SN_4-stellig Serial_n_4D

    58 Nsrie_5D Serial_n_5D Nde_serie_5D SN_5-stellig Serial_n_5D

    59 Nsrie_6D Serial_n_6D Nde_serie_6D SN_6-stellig Serial_n_6D

    60 Nsrie_7D Serial_n_7D Nde_serie_7D SN_7-stellig Serial_n_7D

    61 Nsrie_8D Serial_n_8D Nde_serie_8D SN_8-stellig Serial_n_8D

    62 Mes_Watt_W Res_Watt_W Resultado_Vati_W Erg._Watt_W Res_Watt_W

    63 Pause_R Pause_R Pause_R Erg._Pause Pausa_R

    64 Res_Rig_G Res_Rig_G Res_Rigidez_General Erg._HV_G Res_Rig_G

    65ASCII_code=9 ASCII_code=9 ASCII_code=9 ASCII_code=9 ASCII_code=9

    66 Res_Continuit Res_Continuity Res_Continuity Erg._PE Res_Continuit

    67 Res_Rigidit Res_Hipot Res_Rigidez Erg._HV Res_Hipot

    68 Res_Isolement Res_Insulation Res_Aislamiento Erg._Iso Res_Isolamento

    69 Res_Fuite Res_Leakage Res_Fuga Erg._Abl Res_Dispersione

    70 Res_Squence Res_Sequence Res_Secuencia Erg. Sequenz Res_Sequenza

    71 Mes_Cont_R Meas_Cont_R Res_Cont_Resistencia Erg._PE_R Mis_Cont_R72 Mes_Cont_I Meas_Cont_I Res_Cont_Corriente Erg._PE_I Mis_Cont_R

    73 Mes_Cont_U Meas_Cont_U Res_Cont_Voltage Erg._PE_U Mis_Cont_U

    74 Mes_Rig_I Meas_Hipot_I Res_Rig_Corriente Erg._HV_I Mis_Hipot_I

    75 Mes_Rig_U Meas_Hipot_U Res_Rig_Voltage Erg._HV_U Mis_Hipot_U

    76 Mes_Isol_R Meas_Insu_R Res_Aisl_Resistencia Erg._Iso_R Mis_Isol_R

    77 Mes_Isol_I Meas_Insu_I Res_Aisl_Corriente Erg._Iso_I Mis_Isol_I

    78 Mes_Isol_U Meas_Insu_U Res_Aisl_Voltage Erg._Iso_U Mis_Isol_U

    79 Date_Autotest Date_Selftest Fecha_Autotest Datum Selbsttest Data_Autotest

    80 Res_Autotest Res_Selftest Resultado_Autotest Erg. Selbsttest Ris_Autotest

    81 Ligne1_Pause Line1_Pause Linea1_Pausa Zeile1_Pause Linea1_Pausa

    82 Ligne2_Pause Line2_Pause Linea2_Pausa Zeile2_Pause Linea2_Pausa

    83 Ligne3_Pause Line3_Pause Linea3_Pausa Zeile3_Pause Linea3_Pausa

    84 Ligne4_Pause Line4_Pause Linea4_Pausa Zeile4_Pause Linea4_Pausa

    85 Mes_Watt_W_Un Meas_Watt_W_Un Meas_Watt_W_Un Erg._Watt_W_Un Mis_Watt_W_Un

    86 Barcode Barcode Barcode Barcode Barcode

    87 Mois_1_lettre Month_1_letter *Month_1_letter Monat_1_Buchstabe *Month_1_letter

    88Anne_1_lettre Year_1_letter *Year_1_letter Jahr_1_Buchstabe *Year_1_letter

    89 Mes_Instr_X Meas_Instr_X *Meas_Instr_X Erg._Gert_X Mis_Instr_X

    90 Res_Instr_X Res_Instr_X *Res_Instr_X Erg._Gert_X Ris_Instr_X

    91 Par_Instr_X_SH Par_Instr_X_HLIMIT *Par_Instr_X_HLIMIT Par_Gert_X_HLIMIT Par_Instr_X_HLIMIT

    92 Par_Instr_X_SB Par_Instr_X_LLIMIT *Par_Instr_X_LLIMIT Par_Gert_X_LLIMIT Par_Instr_X_LLIMIT93 Par_Instr_X_On Par_Instr_X_On *Par_Instr_X_On Par_Gert_X_On Par_Instr_X_On

    94 Mes_Fuit_IF Meas_Leak_IF Res_Fuga_I de fuga Erg._Abl_I Mis_Leak_IF

    95 Mes_Fuit_U Meas_Leak_U Res_Fuga_Voltage Erg._Abl_U Mis_Leak_U

    96 Mes_Watt_IC Meas_Watt_IC Res_Vati_IC Erg._Watt_IC Mis_Watt_IC

    97 Mes_Watt_Cos Meas_Watt_Cos Res_Vati_Cos Fi Erg._Watt_Cos Mis_Watt_Cos

    98 Mes_Watt_VA Meas_Watt_VA Res_Vati_VA Erg._Watt_VA Mis_Watt_VA

    99 Nom_Article Article_name Article_name ArtikelNummer Article_name

    100 Instrument_Nom Instrument_Name Instrument_Name Instrument_Name Instrument_Name

    101 Instrument_NS Instrument_SN Instrument_SN Instrument_SN Instrument_SN

    102 Par_Isol_TM Par_Insu_TM Par_Aislamiento_TM Par_Iso_Anstieg Par_Insu_TM

    103 Par_Isol_TD Par_Insu_TD Par_Aislamiento_TD Par_Iso_Abfall Par_Insu_TD

    104 Par_Rig_DeltaI_SH Par_Hip_DeltaI_SH Par_Rigidez_DeltaI_UA Par_HV_DeltaI_HLIMIT


    105 Par_Rig_Ramp_DET

    Par_Hip_Ramp_DET Par_Rigidez_Ramp_DET Par_HV_Anstieg_DET Par_Hip_Ramp_DET

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    106 Par_Rig_Ramp_SH Par_Hip_Ramp_SH Par_Rigidez_Ramp_UA Par_HV_Anstieg_HLIMIT


    108 Version_Instrument Instrument_Version Instrument_Version Instrument_Version Instrument_Version

    108 Nom_Logiciel Software_Name Software_Name Software_Name Software_Name

    109 Version_Logiciel Software_version Software_version Software_version Software_version




    Liste des variables

    Paramtres gnraux

    - Date : Date de lancement du test.- Heure : Heure de lancement du test.- Oprateur_N : Nom de loprateur (Saisie dans quipe de test)- Oprateur_P : Prnom de loprateur (Saisie dans quipe de test).- Assembleur_N : Nom de lassembleur.- Assembleur_P : Prnom de lassembleur.- Nsrie : Numro de srie saisi au dbut du test.- Nsrie_Prog. : Numro de srie programm au dbut du test.

    - Appareil : Nom de lappareil.- Rsultat_G : Rsultat gnral de tous les tests.- Continuit_R : Rsultat de la fonction CONTINUITE.- Rigidit_R : Rsultat de la fonction RIGIDITE.- Isolement_R : Rsultat de la fonction ISOLEMENT.- Fuite_R : Rsultat de la fonction FUITE sous Un.- Squence_R : Rsultat de la fonction squence.- Ligne1_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 1.- Ligne2_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 2.- Ligne3_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 3.- Ligne4_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 4.- Ligne5_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 5.- Ligne6_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 6.

    - Ligne7_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 7.- Ligne8_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 8.- Ligne9_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 9.- Ligne10_de_Dbut : Contenu de la ligne saisie numro 10.- Anne_chiffre : Anne lors du test (4 caractres).- Mois_chiffre : Mois lors du test (2 caractres).- Jour_chiffre : Jour lors du test (1 caractre).- Nsrie_4D : Numro de srie sur 4 Digits.- Nsrie_5D : Numro de srie sur 5 Digits.- Nsrie_6D : Numro de srie sur 6 Digits.- Nsrie_7D : Numro de srie sur 7 Digits.- Nsrie_8D : Numro de srie sur 8 Digits.

    - Instrument_Nom : Nom de l'instrument- Instrument_NS : Numro de srie de l'instrument- Version_Instrument : Version logiciel de l'instrument

    - Nom_Logiciel : nom du logiciel ( ici : sXSpro)- Version_Logiciel : Version du logiciel

    Paramtres de la fonction CONTINUITE

    - Par_Cont_I : Valeur du courant dans la fonction CONTINUITE.- Par_Cont_SH : Valeur du Seuil Haut dans la fonction CONTINUITE.- Par_Cont_SB : Valeur du Seuil Bas dans la fonction CONTINUITE.

    - Par_Cont_U : Valeur de la tension vide dans la fonction CONTINUITE.- Par_Cont_TM : Valeur du temps de mont dans la fonction CONTINUITE.- Par_Cont_T : Valeur du temps de maintien dans la fonction CONTINUITE.- Par_Cont_TD : Valeur du temps de descente dans la fonction CONTINUITE.

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    - Time : Enter the value in seconds.

    Text to enter- Four text lines can be typed. They will be displayed during the pause step if the condition allows it.

    Associated sound- Allow you to associate a sound file to this function.

    Associated picture- Allow you to associate a picture file to this function.

    Raz of previous results- This function is ONLY interesting if you decide to print several test reports or stickers in the same test sequence.For example, selecting this option, will let you clear the variables of the first leakage test sent to the first report step, inorder not to get them in the second report step.

    Sequence example :hipotleakagecustomized test reportpauseleakagecustomized test report

    Cancel- Exit the window without saving parameters.

    Save- Exit the window and save the parameters.


    Pas de test Pause du menu Fichier-Nouveau

    - Choix de pauseAucuneTemporiseConfirmation : Loprateur devra relancer le test en cliquant sur bouton [Continuer] lcran.

    - Temporisation :Dure : Valeur saisir en secondes.

    - Texte rentrer :Quatre lignes de texte peuvent tre saisies . celle ci apparaitront lecran au momentde lxcution du test.

    - Annuler :Sortie de la fentre de paramtrage, sans sauvegarder les modifications ventuellements effectues.

    - Sauver :Sortie de la fentre de paramtrage, aprs avoir sauvegard les modifications.



    File New Sequence Command

    Before starting to program a sequence, be sure you created all the steps to use in the sequence, and note in whichmemory you saved the parameters. You can program until 8 steps in a sequence.

    Line- Void Nothing will be done for this step if it is indicated as void.- Megohm Insulation parameters from the indicated memory will be used.- Hipot Hipot parameters from the indicated memory will be used.- Ground Ground continuity parameters box.- Point Type the number of ground points (>1) you wish to make for the continuity test ; this step has to follow

    XS-96 UK rev L

    Sefelec 23/09/2010 Page 49/84

  • 8/10/2019 PENT4343 XS-96 UK L.pdf


    a ground continuity test.- Pause This will stop the sequence at the end of the previous test ; go to the next step by pushing Valid

    button on the instrumentdrivern by the PC.- Leakage Leakage measurement parameters from the indicated memory will be used.

    Measure(only appears if you are in advanced options)- Immediate :The measure will be made just after the loading of the parameters.- Delayed :The measure will be made in sequence mode if the steps are

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