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Page 1: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base

Anita Jurković

[email protected]

Page 2: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

OBJECTIVES OF WP1: Data Base [DB] /Quality Control [QC] • continuous monitoring and maintenance of our PEP725 DB • import of datasets routinely: updates – currently 2013 is running additionally: implementation of historical datasets • adaption , re- configuration of table structure new definition: plants, cultivar, animals, species, bbch, flag • QC in general: concept development pre checks, consistency checks of incoming data sets including check of metadata testing of semi-automatical QC-procedures

Page 3: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom


• DATA CONTANT DB: current status - updates 2013 • RESTRUCTURE: table pep_provider • HISTORICAL DATASETS: implementation - challenges - outlook • REAL-TIME DATA: school project Saxony/Germany


• BBCH CODE: new coding system • PLANTS: table - new structure - standardized taxonomic codes • ANIMALS: new table - first concept plans and table structures • QC: multistage - concept - test phase - fully / semi automation • SYNCHRONIZATION: Austrian db - pep725 database

Page 4: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom


Page 5: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

PEP station network:

station network PEP725 #20.558

periods of observations

1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Republic of Serbia




United Kingdom
















Czech Republic




Page 6: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

update 2013 completed

update in progress

update from parts of the country

in contact, waiting for data

establishing contact

no information

So please sent us your updates: [email protected]; [email protected] documentation and more information: http://www.pep725.eu/project/submitting.php

Page 7: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

METADATA: table pep_provider – structured coding

provider_id provider_id_old provider_org provider_name provider_email provider_web country

101 106 DWD Kirsten Zimmermann [email protected] http://www.dwd.de/phaenologieDE

102 NEW! SACHSEN (SCHOOL) Falk Boettcher [email protected] http://www.umwelt.sachsen.de/umwelt/klima/30686.htmDE

301 101 ZAMG Elisabeth Koch [email protected] http://zacost.zamg.ac.at/phaeno_portal/AT

401 103 CHMI Lenka Hajkova [email protected] http://www.chmi.cz/portal/dt?portal_lang=cs&menu=JSPTabContainer/P10_0_Aktualni_situace/P10_1_Pocasi/P10_1_1_Cesko/P10_1_1_17_Fenologicka_pozorovani&last=falseCZ

501 107 METEOSCHWEIZ Barbara Pietragalla [email protected] http://www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch/web/de/klima/klima_schweiz/phaenologie.htmlCH

601 NEW! SHMU Slovakia Zora Snopkova [email protected] NA SK

1101 104 METLA Eero Kubin [email protected] http://www.metla.fi FI

1401 NEW! SMC-Meteocat Montse Busto; Jordi Cunillera [email protected]; [email protected] http://www20.gencat.cat/portal/site/meteocat/menuitem.e69beb057e68ee6c5c121577b0c0e1a0/?vgnextoid=c546b61379c7d310VgnVCM1000008d0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=c546b61379c7d310VgnVCM1000008d0c1e0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=defaultES

2101 102 DHMZ Visnja Vucetic [email protected] http://klima.hr/agro.php?id=agro_zanimljivosti&param=HR

2201 NEW! CRI Emanuele Eccel [email protected] http://cri.fmach.eu/DA IT

2202 NEW! CRA-CMA Giovanni Dal Monte [email protected] http://cma.entecra.it/iphen/index.htmlIT

2601 105 FHMZBIH Sabina Hozdic [email protected] http://fhmzbih.gov.ba BA

2701 NEW! ZHMS Crna Gora Tonka Popovic [email protected] NA ME

country_id country_name country_id country_name

1 Germany 17 Netherland

2 Slovenia 18 Sweden

3 Austria 19 Ireland

4 Czech Republic 20 United Kingdom

5 Switzerland 21 Croatia

6 Slovakia 22 Italy

7 Luxenbourg 23 Hungary

8 Belgium 25 Republic of Serbia

9 Norway 26 Bosnia and Herzegovina

10 Latvia 27 Montenegro

11 Finland 28 Bulgaria

12 Lithuania 29 Greece

13 France 31 Macedonia

14 Spain 32 Denmark

15 Poland 33 Portugal

16 Romania

• 6 new providers • 3 new contacts Portugal Macedonia Ireland

Page 8: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

IMPLEMENTAION OF HISTORICAL DATASETS Germany: 1530-1983 Austria: 1948-


OUTLOOK: Hungary: 1952-1998 Montenegro: 1951-now Austria: 1926-1931

old-new plant classifications (latin nomenclature) historical latin name: HEMEROCALLIS COEROLEA after research most likely: old writing – mistake in writing HEMEROCALLIS CAERULEA current latin name: HOSTA SIEBOLDIANA

Page 9: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

REAL TIME DATA FROM GERMANY- SAXONY • school project started in 2013 • 5 partner schools • pupils observe 11 plants/phases • more information: http://www.umwelt.sachsen.de/umwelt/klima/30686.htm • weekly updates with semi-automatically insert routines • additionally: transmission of 25 DWD ‘Sofortmelder’ stations (reporting immediately )

NR plant_name phase NR plant_name phase

1 Galanthus nivalis Beginning of flowering 7 Malus x domestica Fruits ripe for picking

2 Salix caprea Beginning of flowering 8 Sambucus First ripe fruits

3 Ribes grossularia Leaf unfolding 9 Quercus robur First ripe fruits

4 Malus x domestica Beginning of flowering 10 Quercus robur Autumnal coloring of leaves (50%)

5 Sambucus Beginning of flowering 11 Quercus robur 50 % autumnal leaf fall

6 Tilia platyphyllos Beginning of flowering

Page 10: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom


Page 11: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

BBCH code: • not always clear defined: different classification plants-bbch • need for a subcategoration Example Swedish data set:

0 = summergreen 1 = starting to show colors 2 = 1/3 of the leaves colored 3 = 2/3 of the leaves colored 4 = no (<5%) remaining green leaves

pep database 92 = leaves beginning to discolor 94 = autumnal coloring of leaves (50%) 95 = 50% autumnal leaf fall 96 = coloring of leaves (100%) 97=end of autumnal leaf fall (95% fallen)

bbch – blackwell soya bean 91 901 10% of leaves discolored or fallen 92 902 20% of leaves discolored or fallen 93 903 30% of leaves discolored or fallen 94 904 40% of leaves discolored or fallen 95 905 50% of leaves discolored or fallen 96 906 60% of leaves discolored or fallen

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: -> 92=leaves beginning to discolor -> 903=30% of leaves discolored -> 907=70% of leaves discolored -> 96=coloring of leaves (100%)

Page 12: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

DEFINITION OF PLANTS OLD SYSTEM: 2 tables: pep_plant; pep_cultivar (more specific)

CHALLENGE: implementation of other and additive plants/ cultivars • extension of pep region (additional providers) • historical data sets • new system – table structure

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: standardized taxonomic codes - discussion in facebook group https://www.dyntaxa.se\ Swedish taxonomic descriptions http://www.eu-nomen.eu/portal/ www.itis.gov US IT IS database http://biodiver.bio.ub.es/biocat/index.jsp ;http://ichn.iec.cat/bages/index/index.htm http://www.floracatalana.es/INICI/INICI.html Spanish specifications

Page 13: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

ANIMAL OBERRVATIONS: • pep_phase: additional entries – marked with neg. codes

Page 14: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

ANIMAL OBERRVATIONS: • pep_phase: additional entries – marked with neg. codes

bbch description-stage_en description-stage_de

-100 Active_individuals Aktive_Exemplare

-101 Active_adults Aktive_adulte_Tiere

-102 Active_juveniles Aktive_Jungtiere

-103 First_individual Erstes_Expemplar

-111 Adults_on_land Adulte_Tiere_am_Land

-112 Adults_in_water Adulte_Tiere_im_Wasser

-121 Individuals_at_a_light Exemplare_an_einer_Lichtquelle

-122 Individuals_in_a_net Exemplare_mit_Netz_gefangen

-201 Flower_visitation Blütenbesuch

-211 Vocalizing_singing Lautgebung_Gesang

-212 Male_combat Kämpfende_Männchen

-213 Mating Paarung

-221 Nest_building Nestbau

-222 Egg_laying Eiablage

-223 Fresh_eggs Frischeier

-224 Nesting Brüten

-231 Caterpillars_in_tent Raupen_in_Gespinst

-241 pupation Verpuppung

-301 Juveniles_on_land Jungtiere_am_Land

-302 Juveniles_in_water Jungtiere_im_Wasser

-311 Recently_emerged_adults Übergang_zum_adulten_Tier

-400 Migrating_adults Wandernde_adulte_Tiere

-401 Adults_migrating_upstream Wandernde_adulte_Tiere_flussaufwärts

-402 Adults_migrating_downstream Wandernde_adulte_Tiere_flussabwärts

-403 Juveniles_moving_upstream Wandernde_Jungtiere_flussaufwärts

-404 Left_habitat Abzug

-501 Individuals_on_a_hook Exemplare_mit_Haken_gefangen

-511 Fruit_seed_consumption Aufnahme_von_Früchten_oder_Samen

-512 Nut_gathering Sammeln_von_Nüssen

-513 Carnal_consumption Aufnahme_von_tierischem_Futter

-521 Feeding Füttern

-531 Individuals_at_a_feeding_station Exemplare_an_Futterstelle

-601 Dead_or_dying_adults Tote_oder_sterbende_adulte_Tiere

-602 Dead_or_dying_juveniles Tote_oder_sterbende_Jungtiere

-801 Summer_coat Sommerfell

-802 Winter_coat Winterfell


mating and reproduction



feed behavior

Page 15: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

ANIMAL OBERRVATIONS: • pep_phase: additional entries – marked with neg. codes • pep_animal: NEW table equivalent to pep_plant -> composite pep_class

class_id sci_name german_name english_name

100 mammalia Säugetiere mammals

200 aves Vögel birds

300 amphibia Amphibien amphibians

400 reptilia Reptilien reptiles

500 insecta Insekten insects

Page 16: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

ANIMAL OBERRVATIONS: • pep_phase: additional entries – marked with neg. codes • pep_animal: NEW table equivalent to pep_plant • pep_species: NEW table equivalent to pep_cultivar -> composite to pep_species species_id sci_name english_name german_name

10 Microbats Microchiroptera Sp. Fledermaus

20 Alauda arvensis Eurasian Skylark Feldlerche

21 Gartenrotschwanz Phoenicurus phoenicurus Common Redstart

22 Pyrrhula pyrrhula Bullfinch Gimpel

23 Cuculus canorus Common Cuckoo Kuckuck

24 Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow Rauchschwalbe

25 Sturnus vulgaris Common Starling Star

26 Scolopax rusticola Eurasian Woodcock Waldschnepfe

27 Anas platyrhynchos Wild Duck Wildente

28 Anser anser Greylag Goose Wildgans

30 Pelophylax Sp. Green frog Wasserfrosch

40 Lacerta agilis Sand Lizard Zauneidechse

50 Nymphalis urticae Small Tortoiseshell Fuchsfalter

51 Apis mellifera European Honey Bee Honigbiene

52 Pieris brassicae Large White Kohlweißling

53 Melolontha melolontha Cockchafer Maikäfer

54 Gonepteryx rhamni Common Brimstone Zitronenfalter

Page 17: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

ANIMAL OBSERVATIONS: • pep_phase: additional entries – marked with neg. codes • pep_animal: NEW table equivalent to pep_plant • pep_species: NEW table equivalent to pep_cultivar • Austrian animal observation: example and mapping

s_id class_id species_id bbch year day flag

xxx 200/birds 24/barn swallow -404/left_habitat xxx xxx xxx

OLD: code 218: all swallows away NEW:

Page 18: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

Page 19: PEP725 Activity report: WP1: data base · Activity report: WP1: data base Anita Jurković anita.jurkovic@zamg.ac.at . EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom OBJECTIVES

EMS/ECAM 2013, 9.-13. Sept. Reading, United Kingdom

SYNCHRONIZATION OF NATIONAL – INTERNATIONAL DATABASE GOAL: • Implementation of all observations (additional plants and animals) • Automatic and real-time synchronization (weekly)




national data base

[SYBASE-internal use]




international data base

[SYBASE-internal use] W


GE PEP 725 data



real-time data http://zacost.zamg.ac.at/phaeno_portal/

historical data

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