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Performance Specification for Geogrid Reinforced Aggregate Base

John Siekmeier, Principal InvestigatorOffice of Materials and Road Research Minnesota Department of Transportation

October 2018

Research ProjectFinal Report 2018-30

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Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. 3. Recipients Accession No.

MN/RC 2018-30 4. Title 5. Report Date

Performance Specification for Geogrid Reinforced Aggregate Base

October 2018 6.

7. Author 8. Performing Organization Report No.

John Siekmeier 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No.

Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Materials and Road Research Mailstop 645 1400 Gervais Avenue Maplewood, MN 55109

11. Contract (C) or Grant (G) No.

(C) LAB1026258

12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Minnesota Department of Transportation Research Services & Library 395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 330 St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899

Final Report 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

http:// mndot.gov/research/reports/2018/201830.pdf 16. Abstract (Limit: 250 words)

A performance specification has been developed for geogrid reinforced aggregate base, which utilizes the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and light weight deflectometer (LWD) to test the aggregate base reinforced with geogrid. These quality assurance devices, in particular the DCP, are very familiar to construction inspection staff in Minnesota, and therefore this performance specification is expected to be readily implemented. In summary, the construction quality assurance test locations are selected to accurately represent the constructed aggregate base layer and the DCP or LWD is placed at the appropriately prepared test location. For both the DCP and LWD, the weight is raised and released to deliver a predetermined number of drops that result in a measured penetration (DCP-MV) or plate displacement (LWD-MV), which is then compared to a predetermined target value (DCP-TV or LWD-TV).

17. Document Analysis/Descriptors 18. Availability Statement

Geogrids, Performance based specifications, Aggregates, Discrete systems, Deflectometers, Cone penetrometers

No restrictions. Document available from: National Technical Information Services, Alexandria, Virginia 22312

19. Security Class (this report) 20. Security Class (this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price

Unclassified Unclassified 175




Prepared by:

John Siekmeier

Office of Materials and Road Research

Minnesota Department of Transportation

October 2018

Published by:

Minnesota Department of Transportation

Research Services & Library

395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 330

St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899

This report represents the results of research conducted by the author and does not necessarily represent the views or policies

of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. This report does not contain a standard or specified technique.

The author and the Minnesota Department of Transportation do not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or

manufacturers’ names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to this report.


The contributions of the technical advisory panel members, technical liaison Bruce Tanquist, MnDOT

Bemidji District staff, student interns Amy Guo and Joe Casanova, and the Minnesota Local Road

Research Board are gratefully acknowledged. Tensar International is also gratefully acknowledged for

granting access to the geogrid modeling methodology developed on its behalf by Itasca Consulting



CHAPTER 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................................1

1.1 Geosynthetics ..................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Minnesota Applications ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Automated Plate Load Test and Falling Weight Deflectometer ......................................................... 2

1.4 Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design ............................................................................................ 3

1.5 Numerical Modeling ........................................................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 2: Geogrid Simulations ........................................................................................................5

2.1 Project Overview ................................................................................................................................ 5

2.2 Discussion ........................................................................................................................................... 6

2.3 Geogrid Gain Factor ............................................................................................................................ 6

2.4 Parameter Study ................................................................................................................................. 9

2.4.1 Description .................................................................................................................................. 9

2.4.2 Driver File .................................................................................................................................... 9

2.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER 3: Aggregate Characterization ........................................................................................... 12

3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 12

3.2 Numerical Simulation ....................................................................................................................... 12

3.2.1 Data Input File Aggregate without Geogrid .............................................................................. 12

3.2.2 Data Input File Aggregate with Geogrid .................................................................................... 14

3.3 Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER 4: Moisture Characterization ............................................................................................. 17

4.1 Effect of Moisture on the Design Moduli ......................................................................................... 17

4.2 Unsaturated Gain Factor .................................................................................................................. 18

4.3 Parameter Study ............................................................................................................................... 20

4.3.1 Description ................................................................................................................................ 20

4.3.2 Driver File .................................................................................................................................. 20

4.4 Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 21

CHAPTER 5: Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Simulations ...................................................................... 23

5.1 Description of the Device ................................................................................................................. 23

5.2 DCP Test Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 24

5.3 Numerical Simulation of DCP ............................................................................................................ 24

5.3.1 Description ................................................................................................................................ 24

5.3.2 Data Input File ........................................................................................................................... 24

5.4 Results of Numerical Simulations ..................................................................................................... 25

CHAPTER 6: Light Weight Deflectometer Simulations ........................................................................ 27

6.1 Description of the Device ................................................................................................................. 27

6.2 LWD Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 28

6.3 Numerical Simulation of LWD........................................................................................................... 29

6.3.1 Description ................................................................................................................................ 29

6.3.2 Data Input File ........................................................................................................................... 29

6.4 Results of Numerical Simulations ..................................................................................................... 30

CHAPTER 7: Performance Based Specification ................................................................................... 31

CHAPTER 8: Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 33

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 34

APPENDIX A: Introduction to PFC Pavement Design

APPENDIX B: Pavement Design Package

APPENDIX C: Model Validation Tests

APPENDIX D: Beam Contact Model


Figure 4.1 Cyclic Triaxial Simulations Showing Increased Modulus with Increased Suction. ..................... 18

Figure 5.1 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer..................................................................................................... 23

Figure 5.2 DCP Penetration per Hammer Drop. ......................................................................................... 26

Figure 6.1 LWD Penetration per Hammer Drop. ........................................................................................ 30


Table 2.1 Estimated Geogrid Gain Factors for Biaxial Geogrid ..................................................................... 7

Table 2.2 Estimated Geogrid Gain Factors for Triaxial Geogrid (Porosity Approximately 0.32)................... 8

Table 2.3 Estimated Geogrid Gain Factors for Triaxial Geogrid with Stiffer Ribs (Porosity Approximately

0.32) .............................................................................................................................................................. 8

Table 4.1 Estimated Unsaturated Material Gain Factors (Porosity Approximately 0.30) .......................... 19

Table 4.2 Estimated Unsaturated Material Gain Factors (Porosity Approximately 0.32) .......................... 19

Table 7.1 DCP and LWD Target Values for Geogrid Reinforced Aggregate Base ........................................ 32


A performance specification has been developed for geogrid reinforced aggregate base, which utilizes

the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and light weight deflectometer (LWD) to test the aggregate base

reinforced with geogrid. These quality assurance devices, in particular the DCP, are very familiar to

construction inspection staff in Minnesota, and therefore this performance specification is expected to

be readily implemented. In summary, the construction quality assurance test locations are selected to

accurately represent the constructed aggregate base layer and the DCP or LWD is placed at the

appropriately prepared test location. For both the DCP and LWD, the weight is raised and released to

deliver a predetermined number of drops that result in a measured penetration (DCP-MV) or plate

displacement (LWD-MV), which is then compared to a predetermined target value (DCP-TV or LWD-TV).

These construction quality assurance target values are based on the required pavement foundation

strength and stiffness determined during design. MnDOT’s flexible pavement design method, MnPAVE-

Flexible, links the design inputs to these construction measurements and estimates pavement life.

MnPAVE-Flexible has been enhanced using the pavement design package added to the PFC3D distinct

element software to support creation and cyclic triaxial compression testing of an unsaturated

aggregate base containing geogrid. The geogrid provides lateral restraint to the aggregate base as a

result of interlocking and friction between the geogrid and the aggregate particles. The macroscopic

system properties are affected by the microstructural properties. Therefore, the modeled system can be

used to study and quantify the effect of the microstructural properties on the macroscopic system such

as the stress-strain relationship produced during cyclic triaxial tests at different confining stresses. The

macrostructural properties specific to the geogrid include aperture shape and structural stiffness. The

microstructural properties of the geogrid include rib dimensions, rib stiffness, and rib surface friction.

The microstructural properties of the aggregate base include particle size, particle type (density, Young’s

modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and surface friction), moisture content (tensile stress and separation distance),

and initial aggregate base porosity.

The pavement design package provides a mechanistically defensible model for aggregate-geogrid

interaction. The package is being used to improve pavement design methodology in Minnesota by

estimating geogrid gain factors and unsaturated gain factors for typical roadway configurations in which

the aggregate size distribution, initial porosity, moisture content, and confining stress are varied. A

simplified geogrid gain factor adjustment is being trialed for MnDOT pavement design on projects where

geogrid is being considered (MnPAVE-Flexible Beta 2018). The current work builds on previous studies

and specifically addresses the benefits of geogrid reinforced aggregate base at lower strains by applying

the distinct element method to better understand the aggregate-geogrid interaction. In addition, the

importance of moisture is quantified mechanistically by applying suction (tensile stress) between

aggregate particles at defined separation distances.




The two main types of geosynthetics used in roadways are geotextiles and geogrids. This report is

focused on geogrids, and therefore the benefits of geotextiles will not be discussed. The structural

benefits of geogrid have been described as: lateral restraint, modified failure surface, and tensioned

membrane (Erickson and Drescher 2001). Lateral restraint occurs when the properly placed geogrid

constrains the unbound pavement foundation material. Modified failure surface occurs when the

geogrid reinforces a potential failure surface and increases the bearing capacity. Tensioned membrane

occurs when deflection is resisted by the tensile stiffness of the geogrid acting similar to a trampoline.

Geogrid is a petroleum product typically made of polypropylene or polyethylene that is punched and

stretched, or woven, to create a planar structure. Geogrid can be further split into three broad

categories: uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial. Uniaxial geogrid provides tensile stiffness and strength mainly in

one planar direction. Biaxial geogrid provides tensile stiffness and strength both longitudinally and

laterally. Triaxial geogrid provides additional deformation resistance in the plane of the geogrid due its

triangular truss-like structure. The benefits of geogrid reinforced aggregate base have been well

quantified during the last decade in many publications that include the extensive study by Nazzal in

2007 up to the recently published study by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program

(NCHRP 2017). The current work described in the following pages builds on these previous studies and

specifically addresses the benefits of geogrid reinforced aggregate base at lower strains by applying the

distinct element method to better understand the geogrid-aggregate interaction. In addition, the

importance of moisture is quantified mechanistically by applying suction (tensile stress) between

aggregate particles at defined separation distances.


In Minnesota, geogrid has traditionally been used to provide a more stable construction platform by

improving the strength of the pavement foundation when weak soils are present (Clyne 2011). A more

recent geogrid application has been to provide additional stiffness to the aggregate base layer, which

can then more effectively protect the underlying soil layers from traffic loads. Geogrid reinforcement is

known to help increase aggregate compaction during construction and it is also expected to improve

both the short-term and long-term performance of roadways (Skallman 2010). However, because

greater justification of this expectation was desired, the investigation described in this report was

undertaken in three phases to better understand and quantify the structural benefit of geogrid on the

performance of asphalt surfaced roadways.

Phase one of the investigation combined the analyses completed by Braun Intertec (Oman 2013) with

analyses using the mechanistic empirical pavement design program, MnPAVE-Flexible (Tanquist 2012).

During the spring of 2013 Braun Intertec conducted falling weight deflectometer tests on two trunk

highways in the Bemidji District to compare roadways with geosynthetics to roadways without


geosynthetics. Using the information delivered by Braun Intertec, two of the Bemidji District test

sections were investigated in more detail using the layered elastic analyses (Casanova and Siekmeier

2013). One test section included biaxial geogrid and the second test section, which was very similar in

structure and materials, did not include geogrid. As a result of that comparison it was confirmed that

geogrid provided benefit, but the relative amount of benefit was uncertain due to soil variability under

the roadway. It was concluded that the geogrid generally reduces pavement deflection, but it was not

possible to accurately quantify the structural benefit due to variability of the recycled aggregate base

produced by full depth reclamation and the variability of the in situ soil layers.

Phase two of this investigation began in 2014 when Itasca Consulting Group was contracted by MnDOT

to enhance its distinct element software Particle Flow Code 3D (PFC3D). PFC3D was used to estimate the

increased stiffness of geogrid reinforced aggregate base for use in MnPAVE-Flexible. The conclusions

contained in that report are based on field and laboratory testing combined with numerical analyses

performed using both PFC3D and MnPAVE-Flexible (Siekmeier and Casanova 2016). The third phase of

this investigation is described in the following pages.


The automated plate load test system developed by Ingios Geotechnics performs cyclic plate load

testing on the surface using varying cyclic loading frequencies and stresses. The cyclic tests are designed

to obtain frequency and stress dependent dynamic modulus values and permanent deformation

characteristics of the asphalt layer and stress dependent resilient moduli values of the underlying base

and subgrade layers. The cyclic test process uses a controlled load pulse duration similar to AASHTO

TP62 and AASHTO T324 methods for asphalt and AASHTO T307 resilient modulus method for foundation

layers. The advantage of cyclic tests is that the modulus measurements better represent the true field

stiffness values because thousands of dynamic load pulses can be applied to the surface of pavement

layers (Wayne, Kwon and White 2014).

Ingios was contracted by MnDOT to perform automated plate load testing on geogrid reinforced test

sections in Bemidji District during 2016 (White and Vennapusa 2016). In addition, Ingios partnered with

the National Road Research Alliance during the reconstruction of MnROAD during 2017 to perform both

automated plate load testing and validated intelligent compaction on geogrid reinforced test sections

(White and Vennapusa 2017).

The falling weight deflectometer (FWD) is a trailer-mounted pavement testing device designed to

simulate the deflection of pavements due to truck loads. A large mass is dropped and the deflection

basin measured using sensors at the pavement surface. FWDs are particularly useful for estimating the

in situ layer moduli of asphalt, aggregate base, granular subbase, and engineered soil using

backcalculation. The FWD includes a load cell, which measures the force delivered to the road surface,

and several geophones, which measure velocities that are used to calculate deflections.

Braun Intertec was contracted by MnDOT to perform FWD testing on geosynthetic reinforced test

sections in Bemidji District during the spring of 2013 just after the thaw was complete. Braun Intertec


concluded that properly placed geogrid can reduce pavement deflection. However, as noted in the

report, these benefits were difficult to quantify due to several uncertainties at the tested locations.

Braun Intertec also recommended further analyses be done using more advanced modeling such as

layered elastic methods and distinct element methods (Oman 2013).


MnPAVE-Flexible (Tanquist 2012) is MnDOT’s mechanistic empirical flexible pavement design method

that consists of three general inputs; climate, traffic, and structure, and three design levels; basic,

intermediate, and advanced. MnPAVE-Flexible has been adopted as MnDOT’s pavement design method

because unlike other methods, MnPAVE-Flexible can better optimize materials (Skok et al 2003). The

effect of traffic on the pavement structure is simulated in MnPAVE-Flexible using layered elastic analysis

performed with the WESLEA software routine (Van Cauwelaert 1989). MnPAVE-Flexible assumes that

the pavement layers are isotropic in all directions and infinite in the horizontal direction. The fifth layer

is also assumed to be infinite in the vertical direction. MnPAVE-Flexible inputs include layer thickness,

modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and an index indicating the degree of slip between layers (currently zero slip).

The estimated pavement life is calculated using a damage factor based on Miner’s hypothesis. MnPAVE-

Flexible’s climate inputs include five seasons (fall, winter, early spring, late spring, and summer) based

on FWD measured material properties. Spring is split into two seasons because of important differences

in behavior between the aggregate base and subgrade soil during the spring thaw (Ovik et al 2000).

Seasonal temperatures are determined using local weather data at specific locations. The advanced

structure tab allows the moduli of the asphalt, aggregate base, granular subbase, engineered soil, and

geogrid to be entered (MnPAVE-Flexible Beta 2018).


The modeling methodology described in this report is based on the approach used by the United States

Bureau of Mines (Siekmeier and O’Connor 1993) and patterned after the guidelines outlined by Starfield

and Cundall (1988), which encourage the application of numerical modeling to gain understanding of

the mechanics that characterize the system and not to obtain unique values for specific parameters.

Hart and Cundall (1992) explain that computer simulations can be used as a laboratory to perform

experiments on the system resulting in improved understanding of mechanics, knowledge of parameter

dependence, and a means to test hypotheses. Ultimately, this new knowledge leads to greater

understanding and the ability to create simpler tools, which only contain the most significant

parameters that significantly influence the system.

The distinct element method is a type of numerical modeling that computes the motion of individual

particles and the forces between particles by applying Newton’s laws of motion (Cundall and Strack

1979). This is different than the finite element method, which is intended for modeling continuum

problems where simulating the interaction of distinct particles is not desired. The distinct element

method was used for this project because it is important to better understand and quantify the

interaction of the aggregate particles with the geogrid. This model provides an approach consistent with

mechanistic pavement design and performance based construction testing. The geogrid reinforced


aggregate base layered system constructed in the field is simulated in the numerical model using the

geostructural element methodology applied earlier to layered rock (Siekmeier and O’Connor 1993).

Itasca was contracted by MnDOT to develop a PFC3D numerical model capable of simulating

compression testing of an aggregate base material containing geogrid. The model boundary conditions

were determined using the FWD measurements and MnPAVE-Flexible analyses. Moisture was added to

the model by implementing research funded by MnDOT completed by the University of Minnesota and

geogrid was added by implementing research funded by Tensar International Corporation that had been

completed by Itasca in Germany. The synthetic material created in a PFC3D model simulates the

movement and interaction of thousands of particles, which may be spherical grains or arbitrarily shaped

clumps of grains that both translate and rotate independently. Each particle interacts with adjacent

particles at their contacts, which are controlled by interaction laws, and internal forces and moments,

which are updated using a time evolution method to dynamically solve Newton’s laws of motion

(Potyondy and Cundall 2004).




The research described in this report is the third phase of a research initiative sponsored by MnDOT and

the Local Road Research Board to better understand and quantify the structural benefit of geogrid in the

aggregate base layer of asphalt surfaced roadways. The initial phase of the investigation combined the

analyses completed Oman (2013) with analyses using the mechanistic empirical flexible pavement

design program MnPAVE-Flexible (Casanova and Siekmeier 2013).

Quantifying the structural benefit of geogrid was addressed in the second phase of the investigation,

which began in 2014 when Itasca was contracted by MnDOT to develop a PFC3D numerical model

capable of simulating the creation and triaxial testing of an unsaturated aggregate base material

containing geogrid (Potyondy 2015, 2015a, 2015b, Potyondy et al 2016, Siekmeier and Casanova 2016).

Modeling capabilities were delivered in three parts. The first part included development of a synthetic

granular material and the ability to simulate triaxial testing of that material. The second part added

moisture to the synthetic material by implementing research funded by MnDOT and the Local Road

Research Board that had been completed by the University of Minnesota (Gupta et al 2007, 2005, Tan at

al 2014, Yonannes et al 2009). The third part added geogrid to the synthetic material by implementing

research funded by Tensar International that had been completed by Itasca Consultants GmbH (Jas et al

2015). During part three, Itasca completed development of the pavement design package that supports

creation and triaxial testing of the synthetic system consisting of unsaturated granular material

containing geogrid.

The current project described in the following pages utilizes the capabilities of the enhanced PFC3D

pavement design package, which now includes geogrid geometry and construction quality assurance

performance testing. This report summarizes that work, which is fully described in Potyondy (2018a,

2018b, and 2018c). The PFC3D pavement design package supports creation of a hill material (Potyondy,

2016) in which biaxial or triaxial geogrids may be embedded, testing of the geogrids to obtain their

macroscopic properties, and testing of the simulated pavement foundation materials. The materials and

geogrid are created in either a polyaxial or cylindrical vessel. The geogrid consists of identical flat biaxial

or triaxial geogrids oriented perpendicular to the specimen axis and spaced evenly in the axial direction.

The hill material behaves like an unsaturated granular material with spherical or general grain shapes.

The geogrid is modeled as a string of spherical balls joined by either parallel bonded or beamed

contacts. The parallel bonds or the beamed contacts provide the structural properties of the geogrid.

The geogrid validation tests include single rib tensile, aperture stability modulus, and multiple aperture

tensile. The simulated laboratory and construction quality assurance material tests include cyclic triaxial

compression, dynamic cone penetrometer, and light weight deflectometer.



Initial analyses demonstrated that geogrid provides benefit by increasing the aggregate layer modulus

and that the magnitude of this benefit is influenced by moisture content, friction between aggregate

particles, and aggregate base layer confinement. The primary structural benefit of adding geogrid to the

aggregate base layer is to restrain the aggregate. The resulting increased interlock and friction between

the geogrid and the aggregate, and within the aggregate, increase the layer modulus. Under repeated

loads, the base layer tends to spread laterally and some of the shear stress in the base layer is

transferred to tensile stress in the geogrid. A stiff geogrid will act to restrain the lateral spreading and

result in a stiffer aggregate base. The lateral restraint mechanism is well described as “restricting the

ability of the aggregate particles to move by effectively fixing them into place via interaction with the

geogrid. If particles cannot move, then the modulus of the matrix will be maintained and the rate of

accumulation of plastic deformation via shear and consolidation will be reduced” (Bagshaw et al 2015).

This mechanism has been investigated and other important knowledge gained using the distinct

element method (Konietzky et al 2008, McDowell et al 2006, Qian et al 2015, Stahl and Konietzky, 2011,

Tutumluer et al 2012).

For the PFC3D models with geogrid, a single layer of biaxial or triaxial geogrid is centered within the

aggregate base. A hill material is created to represent a typical unsaturated aggregate base. The

aggregate particles are modeled as spheres, and grain size distributions are chosen within the MnDOT

Class 5Q aggregate base grading designation (MnDOT 2018, Tutumluer et al 2015, Xiao and Tutumluer

2012, Xiao et al 2012). During compaction, the simulated aggregate is near saturation, but free draining

(moisture surface tension between particles equals zero) while being compacted at a stress between

100 and 200 kPa (Mooney and Rinehart 2009, Rinehart and Mooney 2009). Then moisture surface

tension is added between the aggregate particles before performing the cyclic triaxial tests. Axial strains

in the PFC3D model correspond with the vertical strains in the aggregate base layer calculated using

MnPAVE-Flexible for the expected traffic loads (Tanquist 2012). The confining stresses are similar to

those defined by resilient modulus laboratory protocols (NCHRP 1-28A).


The benefit of geogrid has been understood in Minnesota (Gale and Marti 2008, Leu and Tasa 2001,

Skallman 2010), however MnPAVE-Flexible did not account for the presence of a geogrid within the

aggregate base layer. The geogrid gain factor has been introduced as a means to modify the MnPAVE-

Flexible design modulus to account for the presence of geogrid within the aggregate base layer

(Siekmeier et al 2016). The geogrid gain factor is defined as the ratio of resilient modulus of the

aggregate base with geogrid to resilient modulus of the aggregate base without geogrid. The pavement

design package is used to estimate the geogrid gain factors for typical geogrid reinforced aggregate

roadway configurations. The design modulus of the aggregate base with geogrid can be estimated by

multiplying the design modulus of aggregate base without geogrid by the geogrid gain factor. MnPAVE-

Flexible can then be used to quantify geogrid’s ability to reduce asphalt fatigue and rutting, and thereby

estimate the performance of geogrid reinforced flexible pavements. The pavement design package is


being used to estimate geogrid gain factors for typical geogrid reinforced aggregate roadway

configurations in which the grain size distribution, initial specimen porosity, material moisture content

and confining stress are varied.

During the initial simulation of cyclic triaxial tests, twelve load cycles were performed at axial strains of

0.02% (four cycles), 0.05% (four cycles), and 0.10% (four cycles) to estimate three strain-dependent

resilient moduli. The estimated geogrid gain factors for biaxial geogrid resulting from these initial

analyses at 0.05% strain are listed in Table 2.1. During the second set of numerical simulations, triaxial

geogrid was modeled and example results shown in Tables 2.2 and 2.3. Note that moisture is defined in

terms of moisture tension stress based on measurements of typical natural and recycled aggregates in

Minnesota (Gupta et al 2007, 2005). These moisture tensions are in the range measured for aggregates

at gravimetric moisture contents of about 5 to 10 percent. The (gap 10 mm) notation refers to test cases

where moisture tension was extended to aggregate particles separated by a gap of up to 10 mm in order

to simulate the inclusion of sand sized particles, which partially fill the gaps between the larger

aggregate particles.

Table 2.1 Estimated Geogrid Gain Factors for Biaxial Geogrid

Case Grain Porosity Moisture Confining Strain Gain Factor Size Tension Stress

(mm) (kPa) (%)

1 7-38 0.305 10 50 0.05 1.5 100 1.7 150 1.8 2 6-50 0.285 20 50 0.05 1.8 100 2.1 150 2.3 3 6-50 0.285 20 50 0.05 1.6 100 1.7 150 1.8 4 5-50 0.282 20 50 0.05 1.6 100 1.8 150 2.0

The dependence of the computed geogrid gain factors upon the system inputs is reasonable. The gain

factors for an axial strain of 0.05% increase with increasing confinement, which means that the relative

stiffness increase of the geogrid reinforced system is greater than that of the no grid system. An increase

of confinement increases interlocking between the geogrid and aggregate, which in turn enhances

lateral restraint and results in a stiffer aggregate base.


Table 2.22 Estimated Geogrid Gain Factors for Triaxial Geogrid (Porosity Approximately 0.32)

Case Particle Confining Moisture Resilient Resilient Deviator Deviator

Roughness Stress Tension Modulus Modulus Stress Stress

Friction Stress at .1% Gain at .1% Gain

Coefficient (gap 10mm) Strain Factor Strain Factor

(kPa) (kPa) (MPa) (kPa)

no grid 1.2 25 30 122 43 grid 1.2 25 30 156 1.28 72 1.70

no grid 1.2 25 60 132 60 grid 1.2 25 60 194 1.47 103 1.71

no grid 1.2 25 90 136 70 grid 1.2 25 90 214 1.57 122 1.74

no grid 1.2 50 30 142 57

grid 1.2 50 30 190 1.34 98 1.71

no grid 1.2 50 60 162 81 grid 1.2 50 60 222 1.37 131 1.63

no grid 1.2 50 90 166 98 grid 1.2 50 90 248 1.49 157 1.61

Table 2.33 Estimated Geogrid Gain Factors for Triaxial Geogrid with Stiffer Ribs (Porosity Approximately 0.32)

Case Particle Confining Moisture Resilient Resilient Deviator Deviator

Roughness Stress Tension Modulus Modulus Stress Stress

Friction Stress at .1% Gain at .1% Gain

Coefficient (gap 10mm) Strain Factor Strain Factor

(kPa) (kPa) (MPa) (kPa)

no grid 1.2 25 30 122 45 grid 1.2 25 30 166 1.36 77 1.71

no grid 1.2 25 60 136 61 grid 1.2 25 60 206 1.51 111 1.82

no grid 1.2 25 90 140 71 grid 1.2 25 90 238 1.70 136 1.93

no grid 1.2 50 30 144 59

grid 1.2 50 30 204 1.42 110 1.86

no grid 1.2 50 60 162 80 grid 1.2 50 60 244 1.51 148 1.86

no grid 1.2 50 90 174 92 grid 1.2 50 90 272 1.56 178 1.93



2.4.1 Description

A parameter study was performed to evaluate the sensitivity of the geogrid gain factor to aggregate

gradation, particle roughness, moisture content, and confining pressure. After each cyclic triaxial

simulation is complete, the dynamic cone penetrometer and light weight deflectometer are simulated at

several specified levels of deviator stress and permanent strain. The following section documents the

file that calls specific driver files within a predefined folder structure to perform cyclic triaxial test

simulations at various confining pressures for both no geogrid simulations and for geogrid reinforced

aggregate simulations. This file is provided so that the simulations described in this report can be

replicated by others. The enhanced software is now available to all PFC3D users to perform additional

simulations and provide greater understanding of the influence of grain size distribution, moisture

content, and geogrid depth within the aggregate base layer.

2.4.2 Driver File

;fname: MatGen&Test-RUN.p3dvr set logfile MatGen&Test-RUN.p3log set log on truncate new ; ;create grid and no-grid compacted specimens ; system clone timeout -1 MatGenGridjas.p3prj ... call MatGenGridjas.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 MatGen.p3prj ... call MatGen.p3dvr ; ;perform cyclic triaxial tests on grid and no-grid specimens ; system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\CompTestGrid.p3prj ... call CompTestGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\CompTest.p3prj ... call CompTest.p3dvr ; ;perform DCP tests on no grid specimens at various moisture conditions and permanent strains ; system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s5g1-e.001\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s5g1-e.002\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s10g2-e.001\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr ;system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s10g2-e.002\Probe.p3prj ...


call Probe.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s20g4-e.001\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s20g4-e.002\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr ; ;perform DCP tests on grid specimens at various moisture conditions and permanent strains ; system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s5g1-e.001\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s5g1-e.002\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s10g2-e.001\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s10g2-e.002\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s20g4-e.001\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-DCP-s20g4-e.002\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr ; ;perform LWD tests on no grid specimens at various moisture conditions and permanent strains ; system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s5g1-e.001\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s5g1-e.002\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s10g2-e.001\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s10g2-e.002\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s20g4-e.001\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s20g4-e.002\Probe.p3prj ... call Probe.p3dvr ; ;perform LWD tests on grid specimens at various moisture conditions and permanent strains ; system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s5g1-e.001\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s5g1-e.002\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s10g2-e.001\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s10g2-e.002\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s20g4-e.001\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr


system clone timeout -1 CompTest-DCP_LWD\Probe-LWD-s20g4-e.002\ProbeGrid.p3prj ... call ProbeGrid.p3dvr ; set log off exit return ;EOF: MatGen&Test-RUN.p3dvr


The PFC3D pavement design package supports creation and triaxial testing of synthetic unsaturated

aggregate base containing geogrid. The geogrid provides lateral restraint to the aggregate base as a

result of interlocking and friction between the geogrid and the aggregate particles. The macroscopic

system properties are affected by the microstructural system properties. Therefore the modeled system

can be used to study and quantify the effect of microstructural properties on the macroscopic

properties, which include the stress-strain curves produced during triaxial tests at different

confinements. The microstructural properties of the aggregate base include: particle size, particle type

(density, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio of each particle; and friction between particles),

aggregate base moisture content (moisture tension and gap), and initial aggregate base porosity. The

PFC3D pavement design package provides a mechanistically defensible model for aggregate-geogrid

interaction. The package is being used to improve pavement design methodology in Minnesota by

estimating geogrid gain factors for typical geogrid reinforced aggregate roadway configurations in which

the particle distribution, initial specimen porosity, moisture content, and confining stress are varied. A

simplified geogrid gain factor adjustment is being trialed for MnDOT pavement design on projects where

geogrid is being considered (MnPAVE-Flexible Beta 2018).




The following data input files define the physical characteristics of the aggregate and compaction

parameters during the simulations that do not include geogrid as well as simulations the do include

geogrid. The compaction parameters are adjusted to achieve nearly equivalent aggregate porosity and

density during simulations that include geogrid and simulations that do not include geogrid.


3.2.1 Data Input File Aggregate without Geogrid

The following data input file defines the physical characteristics of the aggregate and sample

compaction parameters during the simulations that do not include geogrid. This file is provided so that

the simulations described in this report can be replicated by others.

;fname: mpParams-C5Q.p3dat ; ; Specify the material properties: ; common, packing and material groups. ; ;##################################################### def mpSetCommonParams ; Set common parameters. cm_matName = 'C5Q' ; ** Typical aggregate base layer of an asphalt-surface roadway (Class 5Q GSD, no grid). cm_matType = 4 cm_modName = 'hill' cm_localDampFac = 0.7 cm_densityCode = 0 cm_densityVal = 2650.0 ; Grain shape and size distribution group: cm_nSD = 4 cm_typeSD = array.create(cm_nSD) cm_ctName = array.create(cm_nSD) cm_Dlo = array.create(cm_nSD) cm_Dup = array.create(cm_nSD) cm_Vfrac = array.create(cm_nSD) ; ; Size distribution #1 and volume fraction (25-38 mm) cm_typeSD(1) = 0 cm_Dlo(1) = 25e-3 cm_Dup(1) = 38e-3 cm_Vfrac(1) = 0.40


; ; Size distribution #2 and volume fraction (19-25 mm) cm_typeSD(2) = 0 cm_Dlo(2) = 19e-3 cm_Dup(2) = 25e-3 cm_Vfrac(2) = 0.25 ; ; Size distribution #3 and volume fraction (9.5-19 mm) cm_typeSD(3) = 0 cm_Dlo(3) = 9.5e-3 cm_Dup(3) = 19e-3 cm_Vfrac(3) = 0.10 ; ; Size distribution #4 and volume fraction (5-9.5 mm) cm_typeSD(4) = 0 cm_Dlo(4) = 5e-3 cm_Dup(4) = 9.5e-3 cm_Vfrac(4) = 0.25 ; end @mpSetCommonParams def mpSetPackingParams ; Set packing parameters. pk_Pm = 200.0e3 pk_procCode = 0 pk_nc = 0.5; porosity of particle cloud prior to packing pk_ARatLimit = 1e-3 ; Boundary-contraction group: pk_fricCA = 0.57; particle friction during packing pk_vLimit = 1.0 end @mpSetPackingParams ;##################################################### def mpSetUdmParams ; Set hill material parameters. ; Common group (set in mpSetCommonParams) ; Packing group (set in mpSetPackingParams) ; Hill material group: hlm_youngMod = 29e9 hlm_poisRatio = 0.15 hlm_fricCoef = 0.6; friction between particles to account for roughness and angularity hlm_dampCon = 0.0 hlm_suction = 0; suction is applied later prior to testing end @mpSetUdmParams @_mpCheckAllParams @mpListMicroProps


return ;EOF: mpParams-C5Q.p3dat

3.2.2 Data Input File Aggregate with Geogrid

The following data input file defines the physical characteristics of the aggregate and sample

compaction parameters during the simulations that include geogrid. This file is provided so that the

simulations described in this report can be replicated by others.

;fname: mpParams-C5Q_grid.p3dat ; ; Specify the material properties: ; common, packing and material groups. ; ;##################################################### def mpSetCommonParams ; Set common parameters. cm_matName = 'C5Q_grid' ; ** Typical aggregate base layer of an asphalt-surface roadway (Class 5Q GSD, grid). cm_matType = 4 cm_modName = 'hill' cm_localDampFac = 0.7 cm_densityCode = 0 cm_densityVal = 2650.0 ; Grain shape and size distribution group: cm_nSD = 4 cm_typeSD = array.create(cm_nSD) cm_ctName = array.create(cm_nSD) cm_Dlo = array.create(cm_nSD) cm_Dup = array.create(cm_nSD) cm_Vfrac = array.create(cm_nSD) ; ; Size distribution #1 and volume fraction (25-38 mm) cm_typeSD(1) = 0 cm_Dlo(1) = 25e-3 cm_Dup(1) = 38e-3 cm_Vfrac(1) = 0.40 ; ; Size distribution #2 and volume fraction (19-25 mm) cm_typeSD(2) = 0 cm_Dlo(2) = 19e-3 cm_Dup(2) = 25e-3 cm_Vfrac(2) = 0.25 ; ; Size distribution #3 and volume fraction (9.5-19 mm) cm_typeSD(3) = 0


cm_Dlo(3) = 9.5e-3 cm_Dup(3) = 19e-3 cm_Vfrac(3) = 0.10 ; ; Size distribution #4 and volume fraction (5-9.5 mm) cm_typeSD(4) = 0 cm_Dlo(4) = 5e-3 cm_Dup(4) = 9.5e-3 cm_Vfrac(4) = 0.25 ; end @mpSetCommonParams def mpSetPackingParams ; Set packing parameters: pk_seed = 10001 pk_Pm = 200.0e3 pk_procCode = 0 pk_nc = 0.30; porosity of particle cloud prior to packing pk_ARatLimit = 1e-3 ; Boundary-contraction group: pk_fricCA = 0.11; particle friction during packing pk_vLimit = 1.0 end @mpSetPackingParams ;##################################################### def mpSetUdmParams ; Set hill material parameters. ; Common group (set in mpSetCommonParams) ; Packing group (set in mpSetPackingParams) ; Hill material group: hlm_youngMod = 29e9 hlm_poisRatio = 0.15 hlm_fricCoef = 0.6; friction between particles to account for roughness and angularity hlm_dampCon = 0.0 hlm_suction = 0; suction is applied later prior to testing end @mpSetUdmParams @_mpCheckAllParams @mpListMicroProps return ;EOF: mpParams-C5Q_grid.p3dat



The aggregate particles are modeled as spheres with grain size distributions from 5 mm to 38 mm,

which are within the MnDOT Class 5Q aggregate base grading designation. During compaction, the

simulated aggregate is near saturation, but free draining. Then moisture surface tension is added

between the aggregate particles before performing simulations of the cyclic triaxial compression test.

The influence of moisture on the stiffness of the aggregate base is described in the next chapter.




One of the features of MnPAVE-Flexible, MnDOT’s mechanistic empirical pavement design software

(Tanquist, 2012), is consideration of the effect of moisture on the design moduli. Pore suction resistance

factors are used to incorporate variably saturated conditions during pavement design. These pore

suction resistance factors are based on unsaturated pore suction and the ability of different aggregate

bases and soils to draw water into the open pore spaces between the particles. The pore suction

resistance factors are important because they are combined with seasonal moisture factors and used to

estimate the design moduli for the range of soils and aggregate bases typically used in Minnesota. The

current pore suction resistance factors are referenced to the MnROAD test sections, which are

constructed on a sandy lean clay subgrade. These moisture factors quantitatively estimate the effect of

moisture on the design moduli. The moisture factors are based on the difference between the

laboratory percent saturation, near standard Proctor optimum moisture, and the in situ moisture

expected beneath Minnesota pavements (Roberson and Siekmeier, 2002, Siekmeier, 2011, Tanquist et

al, 2002). Three dimensional distinct element methods are being used to simulate moisture in the

pavement system to estimate the effect of moisture suction stress on the stiffness and strength

properties in order to improve mechanistic empirical pavement design in Minnesota (Garnica et al


The aggregate particles are modeled as spheres with grain size distributions from 5 mm to 38 mm,

which are within the MnDOT Class 5Q aggregate base grading designation (MnDOT 2018, Tutumluer et

al 2015, Xiao and Tutumluer 2012, Xiao et al 2012). A “hill” material has been created as a new option in

PFC3D to represent a typical unsaturated aggregate base. During compaction, the simulated aggregate

is near saturation, but free draining (moisture surface tension between particles equal to zero) while

being compacted at a stress between 100 and 200 kPa (Mooney and Rinehart 2009, Rinehart and

Mooney 2009). Then moisture surface tension is added between the aggregate particles at defined

separation distances before performing the cyclic triaxial tests. Axial strains in the PFC3D model

correspond with the vertical strains in the aggregate base layer calculated using MnPAVE-Flexible for the

expected traffic loads (Tanquist 2012). The confining stresses are similar to those defined by resilient

modulus laboratory protocols (NCHRP 1-28A).

During the cyclic triaxial tests simulated using the PFC3D distinct element model, twelve load cycles

were performed at axial strains of 0.02% (four cycles), 0.05% (four cycles), and 0.10% (four cycles) to

estimate three strain-dependent resilient moduli (Figure 4.1).


Figure 4.1 Cyclic Triaxial Simulations Showing Increased Modulus with Increased Suction.


As discussed earlier, the geogrid gain factor has been introduced as a means to modify the MnPAVE-

Flexible design moduli to account for the presence of geogrid within the aggregate base layer. Similarly,

the unsaturated gain factor has been introduced as a means to modify the MnPAVE-Flexible design

modulus to account for variable moisture/suction conditions within the aggregate base layer. Please

recall that the geogrid gain factor is defined as the ratio of resilient modulus of the aggregate base with

geogrid to resilient modulus of the aggregate base without geogrid. Similarly, the unsaturated gain

factor is defined as the ratio of resilient modulus of the aggregate base at in situ moisture/suction

conditions to resilient modulus of the aggregate base near saturation (very low suction). The PFC3D

pavement design package is being used to estimate unsaturated gain factors for typical roadway

configurations in which the grain size distribution, initial aggregate base porosity, moisture content and

confining stress are varied.

The estimated unsaturated gain factors resulting from these initial analyses at 0.05% strain are listed in

Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 for porosities of 0.30 and 0.32 respectively. Please note that moisture is defined

in terms of moisture tension stress based on suction measurements of typical natural and recycled

aggregates in Minnesota (Gupta et al 2007, 2005). These moisture tensions are in the range measured

for aggregates at gravimetric moisture contents of about 5 to 10 percent. The moisture contact gap

notation refers to distinct element model test cases where moisture tension was extended to aggregate

particles separated by a gap of 1 mm or 10 mm in order to simulate the inclusion of sand sized particles,

which partially fill the gaps between the larger aggregate particles in the in situ aggregate layer being

simulated. Sand sized particles (less than 5 mm) are not currently included in the distinct element model

due to computer processor speed limitations.


Table 4.1 Estimated Unsaturated Material Gain Factors (Porosity Approximately 0.30)

Case Particle Moisture Moisture Resilient Resilient Deviator Deviator

Roughness Contact Tension Modulus Modulus Stress Stress

Friction Gap Stress .05% Strain Gain Factor .05% Strain Gain Factor

(mm) (kPa) (MPa) (kPa) 1 0.9 1 1 120 1 26 1

2 0.9 1 5 140 1.17 32 1.23

3 0.9 1 30 172 1.43 45 1.74

4 0.9 1 60 190 1.58 56 2.18

5 0.9 10 1 118 1 25 1

6 0.9 10 5 140 1.19 33 1.32

7 0.9 10 30 182 1.54 55 2.19

8 0.9 10 60 206 1.75 69 2.73

9 1.2 1 1 122 1 29 1

10 1.2 1 5 142 1.16 35 1.21

11 1.2 1 30 172 1.41 49 1.69

12 1.2 1 60 190 1.56 60 2.06

13 1.2 10 1 124 1 29 1

14 1.2 10 5 142 1.15 37 1.29

15 1.2 10 30 182 1.47 58 2.03

16 1.2 10 60 208 1.68 70 2.46

Table 4.22 Estimated Unsaturated Material Gain Factors (Porosity Approximately 0.32)

Case Particle Moisture Moisture Resilient Resilient Deviator Deviator

Roughness Contact Tension Modulus Modulus Stress Stress

Friction Gap Stress .05% Strain Gain Factor .05% Strain Gain Factor

(mm) (kPa) (MPa) (kPa) 1 0.9 1 1 82 1 14 1

2 0.9 1 5 96 1.17 16 1.18

3 0.9 1 30 120 1.46 25 1.86

4 0.9 1 60 134 1.63 35 2.57

5 0.9 10 1 76 1 12 1

6 0.9 10 5 100 1.32 18 1.54

7 0.9 10 30 132 1.74 33 2.77

8 0.9 10 60 138 1.82 37 3.13

9 1.2 1 1 82 1 16 1

10 1.2 1 5 102 1.24 20 1.29

11 1.2 1 30 120 1.46 29 1.82

12 1.2 1 60 134 1.63 37 2.34

13 1.2 10 1 82 1 14 1

14 1.2 10 5 100 1.22 19 1.42

15 1.2 10 30 124 1.51 33 2.39

16 1.2 10 60 132 1.61 40 2.93



4.3.1 Description

A parameter study was performed to evaluate the sensitivity of the unsaturated gain factor to aggregate

gradation, particle roughness, moisture content, and aggregate separation distance. The following file

calls specific files within a predefined folder structure to perform cyclic triaxial test simulations at

various moisture contents (suction and separation distance). This file is provided so that the simulations

described in this report can be replicated by others.

4.3.2 Driver File

;fname: CompTest.p3dvr ; ; IN: ctParams.p3dat ; Saved State (with corresponding model title): ; <cm_matName>-matV : specimen in material vessel ; OUT: CompTest.p3log ; Saved States (with corresponding model titles): ; <cm_matName>-ctN : end of loading stage N (N = 0,1,2,...) ; (loading stage 0 is seating phase) set logfile CompTest.p3log set log on truncate set echo on ;####################################################### ;Test material at first moisture content. Restore compacted specimen, adjust moisture content, and then perform cyclic triaxial compression tests. restore ..\C5Q-matV.p3sav ;Add 5 kPa suction between aggregate particles within 1 mm of one another. [cm_matName = cm_matName + '_suc5kPa_gap1mm'] @hlm_makeWet( 5.0e3, 1.0e-3 ) call ..\..\fistSrc\ct.fis suppress call ctParams.p3dat suppress @msOff @ctSeatingPhase @ft_ZeroGrainDisplacement @ctLoadingPhase ;####################################################### ;Test material at second moisture content. Restore compacted specimen, adjust moisture content, and


then perform cyclic triaxial compression tests. restore ..\C5Q-matV.p3sav ;Add 10 kPa suction between aggregate particles within 2 mm of one another. [cm_matName = cm_matName + '_suc10kPa_gap2mm'] @hlm_makeWet( 10.0e3, 2.0e-3 ) call ..\..\fistSrc\ct.fis suppress call ctParams.p3dat suppress @msOff @ctSeatingPhase @ft_ZeroGrainDisplacement @ctLoadingPhase ;####################################################### ;Test material at third moisture content. Restore compacted specimen, adjust moisture content, and then perform cyclic triaxial compression tests. restore ..\C5Q-matV.p3sav ;Add 20 kPa suction between aggregate particles within 4 mm of one another. [cm_matName = cm_matName + '_suc20kPa_gap4mm'] @hlm_makeWet( 20.0e3, 4.0e-3 ) call ..\..\fistSrc\ct.fis suppress call ctParams.p3dat suppress @msOff @ctSeatingPhase @ft_ZeroGrainDisplacement @ctLoadingPhase ;####################################################### set log off gui project save exit return ;EOF: CompTest.p3dvr


The dependence of the computed unsaturated gain factors upon the system inputs is reasonable. All

gain factors are greater than one, which confirms that the suction is increasing the stiffness and

strength. Additional simulations are being performed to help interpret these initial results as well as

provide greater understanding of the influence of grain size distribution, moisture content, and porosity

of the aggregate base layer. The PFC3D pavement design package supports creation and triaxial testing


of synthetic unsaturated aggregate base and can be used to study and quantify the effect of

microstructural properties on the macroscopic properties, which include the stress-strain curves

produced during cyclic triaxial compression tests at different moisture contents. The enhanced software

is now available to all PFC3D users to perform additional simulations and provide greater understanding

of the influence of moisture content on aggregate base layers.




MnDOT implemented an aggregate base construction quality assurance specification for the DCP in

1998. The DCP’s falling mass drops from a specified height and drives the pointed cone into the

pavement foundation material. The DCP penetration distance per drop is known as the DCP penetration

index (DPI), which is used to estimate the shear strength of pavement foundation materials using

empirical relationships. The original DCP specification implemented by MnDOT was intended to be used

for aggregate base. That specification was later modified to account for gradation and moisture effects

in order to increase its accuracy and expand its applications to other granular materials. Both the

grading number and moisture content have a strong influence on the DPI, and therefore target DPI

values are determined according the grading number and moisture content (Oman 2004).

The DCP is shown in figure 5.1 and consists of two vertical shafts connected at the anvil (ASTM D 6951-

03). The upper shaft is used to provide a standard drop height of 575 mm for the hammer as well as a

handle to hold the DCP vertical. The hammer is 8 kg and provides a constant impact force. The lower

shaft has an anvil at the top and a pointed cone on the bottom. During operation, the hammer is

dropped, hits the anvil, and drives the cone into the ground.

Figure 5.1 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer.

There are a few options available for the DCP, which include hammer mass, cone style and angle, and

recording method. The standard hammer mass is 8 kg and there is also a 4.6 kg alternative. For

pavement applications, the 8 kg mass is used due to the highly compacted materials. The DCP cone can

be either replaceable or disposable. The replaceable cone stays on the DCP until damaged or worn


beyond a defined tolerance and then replaced. The disposable cone remains in the ground after every

test, making it easier to remove the DCP lower shaft from the ground. A new disposable cone must be

placed on the DCP before the next test. Manual or automated methods are available to gather

penetration measurements. An automated ruler allows for a single operator instead of two and

electronically records the data, making it more practical to record the penetration for each hammer

drop and transfer the data.


The DCP test procedure is currently standardized by both ASTM D 6951-03 and the MnDOT Grading and

Base Manual. The following is a brief description of the test procedure as described in Siekmeier et al

2009. First, the DCP should be inspected for fatigue, damaged parts, and that all connections are

securely tightened. The operator holds the device vertical by the handle on the top shaft. A second

person records the height at the bottom of the anvil in reference to the ground. The operator lifts the

hammer from the anvil to the handle and then releases the hammer. The second person records the

new height at the bottom of the anvil. In general, this process is repeated until twelve drops are

preformed, two for the seating, five for the first DPI calculation, and another five for the second DPI

calculation. Small penetrations represent better compaction. Because the material close to the surface

is less confined by overlying material, the DCP typically measures greater resistance to penetration and

greater strength at greater depths when the pavement foundation material is well compacted.


5.3.1 Description

The following data input file defines the physical characteristics of the DCP and its dynamic properties

(Chua and Lytton 1988, Nazarian et al 2000, Tan et al 2014, Yohannes et al 2009). This file is provided so

that the simulations described in this report can be replicated by others.

5.3.2 Data Input File

;fname: dlParams.p3dat ; ** Dynamic cone penetrometer probe. def dlSetParams ; Set DCP & LWD probe parameters: dl_probeType = 0; 0 selects DCP as the probe type ; Geometry group: dcp_coneAng = 60.0; MnDOT standard is 60 degree cone tip angle dcp_coneBaseDiam = 20e-3; MnDOT standard is 2 cm cone base diameter dcp_rodDiam = 16e-3; MnDOT standard is 1.6 cm rod diameter dcp_rodLen = 240e-3; rod length of 24 cm used in simulation dcp_nc = 8 dcp_nr = 48 dcp_Dt = 4e-3


; Material properties group: dl_massTot = 13.0 dl_massHam = 8.0 dl_semod = 1e9 dl_skrat = 2.0 dl_sfric = 0.6 ; Boundary conditions group: dl_BCcode = 0 dl_BCPaTop = 0.0; vertical stress in pascals applied to aggregate surface dl_BCPl = 5e3; horizontal stress in pascals during all hammer drops (0 or 5 kPa) dl_fPen = 25e-3; forced penetration depth in meters prior to first hammer drop (25 mm) dl_fPenRate = 2.0; penetration rate in meters per second dl_localDampFac = 0.08; originally 0.02 dl_hillDampCon = 0.28; originally 0.07 dl_grav = 9.81 dl_plRad = 0.0 dl_plAng = 0.0 dl_conLat = 0 dl_Fh = 105e3; peak force in newtons (105 kN, Tan et al 2014) ; (35 kN, Chua and Lytton 1988) (80 kN, Nazarian et al 2000) dl_th = 0.1e-3; duration of force pulse in seconds (Tan et al 2014) dl_nh = 1000; originally 2000 dl_nhi = 300; originally 10 ; Servo-control group: dl_ARatLimit = 3e-2; originally 2e-5 dl_stepLimit = 500000 end @dlSetParams @_dlCheckParams @dlListProps ; Specify histories to be monitored during the test. history add id=600 fish dl_eTime; elapsed time since rod or plate creation history add id=601 fish dl_pen; rod or plate penetration history add id=602 fish dl_penV; rod or plate penetration velocity history add id=603 fish dl_rF; resisting force from material history add id=604 fish dl_aF; externally applied force acting on rod or plate history add id=605 fish dl_PaTop; axial pressure acting on top wall history add id=606 fish dl_Pl; lateral pressure acting on side walls return


Figure 5.2 is an example of the simulation results and shows DCP penetration for four successive

hammer drops. The top three plots are for cases without geogrid and moisture decreasing from left to

right. The bottom three plots are for cases that include geogrid at the same moisture as the top cases. .

These plots show that the DCP penetration is reduced in the geogrid reinforced aggregate simulations


compared to the cases that are not reinforced. This reduction in penetration is reflected in the

performance specification described in Chapter 7.

Figure 5.22 DCP Penetration per Hammer Drop.




The light weight deflectometer (LWD) (ASTM E 2583-07 and ASTM E2835-11), consists of a mass

(typically 10 kg), an accelerometer or geophone, and a data collection unit. LWDs are designed to be

light enough to be moved and operated by one person. LWDs are often used for quality assurance of

unbound material compaction in parts of Europe (Fleming et al., 2007), and are beginning to be used in

the United States (Indiana DOT 2018, Mooney et al 2008, Petersen and Hartman 2010, Siekmeier et al

2009, Steinert et al 2005, and White et al 2007, 2009).

MnDOT purchased several dozen LWDs and has distributed some of these LWDs to local agencies and

other state DOTs (LRRB 2018 and NRRA 2018). An important issue that has arisen during the

implementation of LWD technology is whether or not it is necessary to measure, or if it is acceptable to

estimate, the load generated by the falling weight. Load estimation is not necessary for all LWD models

because some include a load cell that measures the load as a function of time during impact (ASTM E

2583-07). Other LWDs use one fixed peak load estimate, which is determined during trial testing in the

laboratory (ASTM E2835-11).

LWD quality assurance offers several advantages over the specified density method. On a practical level,

LWD tests take less time, have greater precision, and are able to accurately test more material types

(Indiana DOT 2018). For example, large aggregate creates problems for other tests. In addition, LWD

testing is safer because the construction inspector is able to remain standing and visible during most of

the testing process (Davich et al 2006).

Seven LWD models have been used in Minnesota and there are a variety of differences between these

devices. The following is a general description of common characteristics of the LWD. From top to

bottom, the handle is used to keep the shaft vertical. Next along the shaft is a release trigger, which

holds the mass in place prior to dropping ensuring a standard drop height, which provides the impact

force. Buffers, which are either rubber pads or steel springs, catch the falling mass and transfer the force

to the loading plate. At the bottom is the loading plate, which must be in full contact with the pavement

foundation material to be tested, and a sensor used for deflection measurement. An LWD can have a

fixed drop height or have an adjustable drop height. Some LWDs measure deflection using an

accelerometer fixed inside the load plate, while other LWDs use a geophone that passes through a hole

on the bottom of the plate to directly contact the surface. Some LWDs assume a peak load established

during trial testing, while others include a load cell. Finally, the buffer and plate stiffness affect how the

energy of the falling mass is transferred to the ground (Mooney and Miller 2009, Vennapusa and White




LWD devices are configured and used differently depending on the model and testing agency. ASTM has

published a national standard for LWDs with load cells (ASTM E2583-07) and a national standard for

LWDs without load cells (ASTM E2835-11). In the case of E2835 LWDs, the applied force from the falling

mass is measured at the factory and used for all future modulus calculations for that particular LWD.

Other LWDs include a load cell to measure the load and then combine this load with the deflection to

estimate the modulus for each drop. Previous studies have found that E2583 moduli were about 1.75

times greater than E2835 moduli when the drop height, mass, and plate size were constant (White et al


A previous study completed by MnDOT recommended standardizing the LWD mass at 10 kg, the drop

height at 50 cm, and the plate diameter at 20 cm for ease of use and in order to have an appropriate

influence depth to test one lift of compacted pavement foundation material (Davich et al., 2006). Plate

size affects the measurement depth, confinement, and stress level applied to stress dependent

materials. Standardizing the LWD plate size to 20 cm reduces these variables and allows the target

deflection to be estimated. Because the buffer type affects the force delivered to the ground, MnDOT

specifies that a force of 6.28 kN be delivered to the ground. This equates to a stress of 0.2 MPa for a 20

cm diameter plate. LWD tests in Minnesota are currently conducted using that configuration, along with

the following test guidelines and advice contained in the manufacturer’s literature (Siekmeier et al


The surface is leveled prior to placing the LWD on the material to be tested. Three seating drops are

performed prior to data collection to ensure that plastic deformation of the surface material does not

affect the measurements. Once the LWD has been seated, data collection should consist of three

measurement drops. The three values resulting from these measurement drops are averaged to create

one mean value for that test location. The operator will often notice that the modulus values increase

slightly during the three measurement drops from a fixed height. If this increase exceeds 5 percent, it is

probable that the material has not been adequately compacted. Reliable measurement values cannot be

obtained until the material has been adequately compacted.

LWD devices should not be used when the temperature falls below 5 degrees Celsius to ensure that the

device’s components, particularly the rubber buffers, work as intended. There is no practical upper limit

on the temperature. While most LWDs will work in the rain, it should be noted that moisture greatly

affects the strength and stiffness characteristics of the unbound pavement foundation materials. It is

necessary to measure the moisture content for every test using an in situ moisture testing device or by

removing a sample for an oven dry test.

It is important that the layer structure be considered because deeper layers within the pavement

foundation can affect LWD measurements even though the primary depth of influence is approximately

one to 1.5 plate diameters. Analysis methods and testing specifications have been developed to account

for layer effects and moisture content to estimate target values (Indiana DOT 2018, Nazarian et al 2014,

Schwartz et al 2017, Steinert et al 2005, and Tirado et al 2017).



6.3.1 Description

The following data input file defines the physical characteristics of the LWD and its dynamic properties.

This file is provided so that the simulations described in this report can be replicated by others.

6.3.2 Data Input File

;fname: dlParams.p3dat ; ** Lightweight Deflectometer probe. def dlSetParams ; Set DCP & LWD Probe Parameters: dl_probeType = 1; 1 selects LWD as the probe type ; Geometry group: lwd_plateDiam = 150e-3; MnDOT standard is 20 cm plate diameter lwd_nr = 3 ; Material properties group: dl_massTot = 30.0; ZFG 3000-200 30kg (10+5+15) dl_massHam = 10.0; ZFG 3000-200 10kg dl_semod = 1e9 dl_skrat = 2.0 dl_sfric = 0.6 ; Boundary conditions group: dl_BCcode = 0 dl_BCPaTop = 0.0; vertical stress in pascals applied to aggregate surface dl_BCPl = 5.0e3; horizontal stress in pascals during all hammer drops (0 or 5 kPa) dl_fPen = 0.0; allow LWD to settle under self-weight before first hammer drop dl_fPenRate = 0.0 dl_localDampFac = 0.08; originally 0.02 dl_hillDampCon = 0.28; originally 0.07 dl_grav = 9.81 dl_plRad = 0.0 dl_plAng = 0.0 dl_conLat = 0 dl_Fh = 3.53e3; modified force = 3.53 kN for a 15 cm diameter plate (200 kPa) ; MnDOT standard force = 6.28 kN for a 20 cm diameter plate (200 kPa) dl_th = 15.5e-3; duration of force pulse in seconds ZFG 3000-200 (15.5ms) dl_nh = 500; originally 2000 dl_nhi = 3; originally 10 ; Servo-control group: dl_ARatLimit = 3e-2; originally 2e-5 dl_stepLimit = 500000 end @dlSetParams @_dlCheckParams


@dlListProps ; Specify histories to be monitored during the test. history add id=600 fish dl_eTime; elapsed time since rod/plate creation history add id=601 fish dl_pen; rod or plate penetration history add id=602 fish dl_penV; rod or plate penetration velocity history add id=603 fish dl_rF; resisting force from material history add id=604 fish dl_aF; externally applied force acting on rod or plate history add id=605 fish dl_PaTop; axial pressure acting on top wall history add id=606 fish dl_Pl; lateral pressure acting on side walls return ;EOF: dlParams.p3dat


Figure 6.1 is an example of the simulation results and shows LWD plate displacement for four successive

hammer drops. The top three plots are for cases that no not include geogrid and have moisture

decreasing from left to right. The bottom three plots are for cases that include geogrid at the same

moisture as the top cases. These plots show that the plate displacement is reduced in the geogrid

reinforced aggregate simulations compared to the cases that are not reinforced. It is also interesting to

note that the plate displacement is more elastic for the geogrid reinforced aggregate simulations

compared to the cases that are not reinforced. The geogrid is providing a mechanistically quantified

benefit and it is well understood that better long term pavement performance occurs when the

underlying pavement layers behave elastically. This reduction in displacement is reflected in the

performance specification described in Chapter 7.

Figure 6.11 LWD Penetration per Hammer Drop.



The procedure for using the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and light weight deflectometer (LWD) to

test aggregate base reinforced with geogrid is similar to testing unreinforced aggregate base. The test

location is selected to accurately represent the constructed aggregate base layer and the DCP or LWD is

placed at the appropriately prepared test location. For both the DCP and LWD, the weight is raised and

released to deliver a predetermined number of drops.

The DCP is used to estimate the aggregate base strength by measuring the penetration of the lower

shaft into the aggregate base. The DCP device is described in the MnDOT Grading and Base Manual and

ASTM D6951 “Standard Test Method for Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer in Shallow Pavement

Applications.“ The strength of geogrid reinforced aggregate base has been measured using the DCP

(Wayne, Kwon and White 2014).

The LWD is used to estimate the aggregate base stiffness by measuring the displacement of the plate

that rests on the surface of the aggregate base. The LWD device is described in the MnDOT Grading and

Base Manual, ASTM E2835 “Standard Test Method for Measuring Deflections using a Portable Impulse

Plate Load Test Device“ and ASTM E2583-07, “Standard Test Method for Measuring Deflections with a

Light Weight Deflectometer.” The stiffness of geogrid reinforced aggregate base has been measured

using the LWD (Bagshaw 2016).

When using the DCP, drop the weight two times to seat the DCP tip into the surface of the aggregate

base and record the penetration measurement to the nearest mm. Then drop the weight ten more

times and record the penetration measurement to the nearest mm. Finally, drop the weight three more

times and record the penetration measurement to the nearest mm. Note that the total number of drops

is fifteen. The DCP penetration index (DPI) is reported in millimeters per drop for both the ten-drop

increment and the final three-drop increment. The DPI target value (DPI-TV) is the maximum allowable

penetration per drop and is measured in mm per drop.

When using the LWD, drop the weight three times to assure good contact between the plate and the

surface of the aggregate base. These first three seating drops are not recorded. The LWD measurement

value (LWD-MV) is the average plate displacement calculated using the fourth, fifth, and sixth drops

recorded to the nearest 1/100th mm. LWD Target Value (LWD-TV) is the maximum allowable plate

displacement and is measured to the nearest 1/100th mm.

Compact the geogrid reinforced aggregate base to achieve the target values in the following table. Note

that the grading number and moisture content must be known in order to determine the appropriate

target value. The DCP and LWD target values in the following table are for specific DCP and LWD models

because different models may use different weights and sensors. The target values in the following table

apply to the DCP and LWD described in the MnDOT Grading and Base Manual.


Table 7.1 DCP and LWD Target Values for Geogrid Reinforced Aggregate Base

Grading Number

Moisture Content

DPI-TV with Geogrid LWD-TV

with Geogrid

GN % mm / drop mm / 10 drops mm / 3 drops mm


5 - 7 7 65 20 0.33

7 - 9 8 79 24 0.40

9 - 11 11 108 32 0.53


5 - 7 7 65 20 0.33

7 - 9 10 101 30 0.50

9 - 11 13 129 39 0.63


5 - 7 9 86 26 0.43

7 - 9 11 115 34 0.57

9 - 11 14 144 43 0.70

Note: LWD-TV calculated using Poisson Ratio = 0.5, Plate Rigidity = 1.0, and Peak Force = 6.28 kN (Peak

Stress = 200 kPa for 200 mm diameter plate.)



A performance specification has been developed for geogrid reinforced aggregate base, which utilizes

the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) and light weight deflectometer (LWD) to test the aggregate base

reinforced with geogrid. These quality assurance devices, in particular the DCP, are very familiar to

construction inspection staff in Minnesota, and therefore this performance specification is expected to

be readily implemented. In summary, the construction quality assurance test locations are selected to

accurately represent the constructed aggregate base layer and the DCP or LWD is placed at the

appropriately prepared test location. For both the DCP and LWD, the weight is raised and released to

deliver a predetermined number of drops that result in a measured penetration (DCP-MV) or plate

displacement (LWD-MV), which is then compared to a predetermined target value (DCP-TV or LWD-TV).

These construction quality assurance target values are based on the required pavement foundation

strength and stiffness determined during design. MnDOT’s flexible pavement design method, MnPAVE-

Flexible, links the design inputs to these construction measurements and estimates pavement life.

MnPAVE-Flexible has been enhanced using the pavement design package added to the PFC3D distinct

element software to support creation and cyclic triaxial compression testing of an unsaturated

aggregate base containing geogrid. The geogrid provides lateral restraint to the aggregate base as a

result of interlocking and friction between the geogrid and the aggregate particles. The macroscopic

system properties are affected by the microstructural properties. Therefore, the modeled system can be

used to study and quantify the effect of the microstructural properties on the macroscopic system such

as the stress-strain relationship produced during cyclic triaxial tests at different confining stresses. The

macrostructural properties specific to the geogrid include aperture shape and structural stiffness. The

microstructural properties of the geogrid include rib dimensions, rib stiffness, and rib surface friction.

The microstructural properties of the aggregate base include particle size, particle type (density, Young’s

modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and surface friction), moisture content (tensile stress and separation distance),

and initial aggregate base porosity.

The pavement design package provides a mechanistically defensible model for aggregate-geogrid

interaction. The package is being used to improve pavement design methodology in Minnesota by

estimating geogrid gain factors and unsaturated gain factors for typical roadway configurations in which

the aggregate size distribution, initial porosity, moisture content, and confining stress are varied. A

simplified geogrid gain factor adjustment is being trialed for MnDOT pavement design on projects where

geogrid is being considered (MnPAVE-Flexible Beta 2018). The current work builds on previous studies

and specifically addresses the benefits of geogrid reinforced aggregate base at lower strains by applying

the distinct element method to better understand the aggregate-geogrid interaction. In addition, the

importance of moisture is quantified mechanistically by applying suction (tensile stress) between

aggregate particles at defined separation distances.



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Tutumluer, E., Y. Xiao, and W. Wilde. (2015). Cost Effective Base Type and Thickness for Long Life

Concrete Pavements, MnDOT 2015-42, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Saint Paul,


Tutumluer, E., Y. Qian, Y. Hashash, J. Ghaboussi, and D. Davis. (2013). Discrete Element Modelling of

Ballasted Track Deformation Behavior, International Journal of Rail Transportation, 1(1-2):57-73.

Tutumluer, E., H. Huang and X. Bian. (2012). Geogrid Aggregate Interlock Mechanism Investigated

through Aggregate Imaging Based Discrete Element Modeling Approach, International Journal Of

Geomechanics, 12(4):391-398, American Society of Civil Engineers, Washington, D.C.

Van Cauwelaert, F., D. Alexander, T. White, and W. Barker. (1989). Multilayer Elastic Program for

Backcalculating Layer Moduli in Pavement Evaluation (WESLEA), Nondestructive Testing of Pavements

and Backcalculation of Moduli, ASTM STP1026, American Society for Testing and Materials, West

Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

Vennapusa, P and D. White. (2009). Comparison of Light Weight Deflectometer Measurements for

Pavement Foundation Materials, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 32(3), American Society for Testing and

Materials, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

Wayne, M., J. Kwon, and D. White. (2014). Assessment of Pavement Foundation Stiffness using Cyclic

Plate Load Test, German Geotechnical Society, Berlin, Germany.

White, D., M. Thompson, and P. Vennapusa. (2007). Field Validation of Intelligent Compaction

Monitoring Technology for Unbound Materials, MnDOT 2007-10, Minnesota Department of

Transportation, Saint Paul, Minnesota.

White, D. and P. Vennapusa. (2017). MnROAD Unbound Layer Evaluation using Intelligent Compaction:

Ingios Validated Intelligent Compaction Results, Report to the National Road Research Alliance, Ingios


White, D. and P. Vennapusa. (2016). Automated Plate Load Testing Report: TH72 Geogrid Reinforced

Base and Control Test Sections, Report to the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Ingios



White, D., P. Vennapusa, J. Zhang, and H. Gieselman. (2009). Implementation of Intelligent Compaction

Performance Based Specifications in Minnesota, MnDOT 2009-14, Minnesota Department of

Transportation, Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Xiao, Y. (2014). Performance Based Evaluation of Unbound Aggregates Affecting Mechanistic Response

and Performance of Flexible Pavements, PhD Dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,


Xiao, Y., E. Tutumluer, Y. Qian, and J. Siekmeier. (2012). Gradation Effects Influencing Mechanical

Properties of Aggregate Base and Granular Subbase Materials in Minnesota, Transportation Research

Record 2267, Transportation Research Board of the National Academics, Washington, D.C.

Xiao, Y., E. Tutumluer, and J. Siekmeier. (2011). Mechanistic Empirical Evaluation Aggregate Base and

Granular Subbase Quality Affecting Flexible Pavement Performance in Minnesota, Transportation

Research Record 2227, Transportation Research Board of the National Academics, Washington, D.C.

Xiao, Y. and E. Tutumluer. (2012). Best Value Granular Material for Road Foundations, MnDOT 2012-01,

Minnesota Department of Transportation, Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Yohannes, B., K. Hill, and L. Khazanovich. (2009). Mechanistic Modeling of Unbound Granular Materials,

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Zeghal, M., (2005). Discrete Element Method Investigation of the Resilient Behavior of Granular

Materials, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 130(10):503-509.




Introduction to PFC Pavement Design

June 22, 2018 2-3558-01:18R14

Prepared For: John Siekmeier MN Dept. of Transportation Prepared By: David Potyondy


Itasca Consulting Group (Itasca) has developed a pavement-design package for the Minnesota

Department of Transportation (MnDOT). The package has been developed in two phases. The work

performed during the first phase is summarized in Potyondy (2015). This report summarizes the work

performed during the second phase, which is part of the MnDOT project “Geogrid Specification for

Aggregate Base Reinforcement.” The entire body of work is described in Potyondy (2018a, 2018b, and


The pavement-design package (Potyondy, 2018a) for the Particle Flow Code in Three Dimensions (PFC3D,

Itasca [2018]) supports creation of a hill material (Potyondy, 2016) in which biaxial and triaxial geogrids

may be embedded, testing of the grids to obtain their macroscopic properties, and testing of the

material. The material and grid set are created in either a polyaxial or cylindrical vessel. The grid set

consists of identical flat biaxial or triaxial geogrids oriented perpendicular to the specimen axis and

spaced evenly in the axial direction. The hill material behaves like an unsaturated granular material, with

spherical and general grain shapes via clumps (collections of overlapping spherical pebbles). The grid is

modeled as a string of spherical balls joined by either parallel-bonded or beamed contacts. The parallel

bonds or the beamed contacts provide the structural properties of the grid, and the spherical balls

provide the surface for grid-object interaction. The grid tests include: Single Rib Tensile (SRT), Aperture

Stability Modulus (ASM), and Multiple Aperture Tensile (MAT). The material tests include: triaxial,

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), and Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD).

The following tasks were completed during the second phase of work.

1. The geogrid representation has been extended to allow different geogrid types to be

modeled by creating a PFC3D beam contact model (see Potyondy [2018c] for model

description and verification problem). A string of spherical balls for which the beam

contact model exists at all ball-ball contacts is called a pebbled beam (P-beam). A P-beam

provides the structural behavior of a prismatic and bisymmetrical beam composed of

isotropic, linear elastic material. The P-beam is defined by the dimensions of its

rectangular cross-section (which may vary along the beam length), and the Young’s

modulus and Poisson’s ratio. The P-beam matches the response (within 3%) of a tip-

loaded cantilever beam subjected to axial, flexural, and twisting deformations.

2. Grid generation has been enhanced to provide biaxial and triaxial beamed grids in

addition to existing biaxial parallel-bonded grids (Potyondy, 2018a). Each grid rib behaves

either as an elastic beam of circular cross-section with varying radius along its length

(parallel-bonded contacts) or as a prismatic and bisymmetrical elastic beam with varying

width and height along its length (beamed contacts). The biaxial beamed grid has been

calibrated to match SRT and ASM tests on Tensar SS20 geogrid. The triaxial beamed grid

has been calibrated to match SRT and ASM tests on Tensar TX160 geogrid.

3. Grid tensile stiffness can now be measured by performing a Multiple Aperture Tensile test

on the biaxial and triaxial grids (Potyondy, 2018a).

4. The material-genesis procedure has been extended to include general grain shapes in

which grains are modeled as clumps, which are collections of overlapping spherical


pebbles that behave as rigid bodies (Potyondy, 2017). An example of a material with non-

spherical grains is given in Potyondy (2018b, Figure 5).

5. A typical roadway model has been created, and various instances of this model are used

to demonstrate the general modulus-porosity-grid-grain shape relation (Potyondy,


6. The capability to perform Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) and Light Weight

Deflectometer (LWD) tests on the synthetic material, both with and without grid, has

been developed (Potyondy, 2018b).

The pavement-design package is being used to improve pavement-design methodology in Minnesota by

estimating geogrid gain factors (defined as the ratio of resilient modulus of the aggregate base with

geogrid to resilient modulus of the aggregate base without geogrid) for typical geogrid-reinforced

aggregate roadway configurations in which grain-size distribution, initial specimen porosity, moisture

content, and confining stress are varied (Potyondy et al., 2016; Siekmeier et al., 2016; Siekmeier and

Casanova, 2016). The package is also being used to study the effect of geogrid inclusion on resilient

modulus of railway ballast (Mahmud et al., 2018).

The behavior of the synthetic material during large-strain triaxial tests (up to 10% strain) was not

investigated during the second phase of work, because typical geogrid-reinforced aggregate roadway

configurations experience only small-deformation loading; however, PFC3D modeling of railway ballast

by Mahmud (2017) suggests that matching the triaxial shear strength (maximum deviator stress that can

be sustained by the material) requires polyhedral grains, because clumps are not sufficiently angular.

Further study of this issue is warranted.


Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. (2018) PFC — Particle Flow Code in 2 and 3 Dimensions, Version 5.0,

Documentation Set of version 5.00.35 [March 21, 2018]. Minneapolis: Itasca.

Mahmud, S.M.N. (2017) Effect of Particle Size Distribution and Packing Characteristics on Railroad

Ballast Shear Strength: A Numerical Study using the Discrete Element Method, M.S. Thesis, Boise State


Mahmud, S.M.N., D. Mishra, and D.O. Potyondy (2018) “Effect of Geogrid Inclusion on Ballast Resilient

Modulus: The Concept of Geogrid Gain Factor,” in Proceedings, 2018 Joint Rail Conference (JRC 2018,

Pittsburgh, April 2018), paper JRC2018-6126.

Potyondy, D. (2018a) “Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14],” Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.,

Technical Memorandum ICG16-8528-15TM (June 22, 2018), Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Potyondy, D. (2018b) “Model-Validation Tests,” Itasca Consulting Group, Inc., Technical Memorandum

2-3558-01:17TM52 (June 22, 2018), Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Potyondy, D. (2018c) “Beam Contact Model [version 1],” Itasca Consulting Group, Inc., Technical

Memorandum 2-3558-01:17TM07 (June 22, 2018), Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Potyondy, D. (2017) “Material-Modeling Support in PFC [fistPkg25],” Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.,

Technical Memorandum ICG7766-L (March 16, 2017), Minneapolis, MN.

Potyondy, D. (2016) “Hill Contact Model [version 4],” Itasca Consulting Group, Inc., Technical

Memorandum ICG7795-L (October 12, 2016), Minneapolis, MN.

Potyondy, D. (2015) “PFC Pavement Design,” Itasca Consulting Group, Inc., Report to Minnesota

Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Office of Materials, Maplewood, MN, ICG15-2845-42, July 21,


Potyondy, D., J. Siekmeier and L. Petersen. (2016) “Aggregate-Geogrid Interaction Model Incorporating Moisture Effects,” in Proceedings, Transportation Research Board 2016 Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., January 2016), 16–6085. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences.

Siekmeier, J., J. Bittmann, D. Potyondy and L. Petersen. (2016) “Introducing a Geogrid Gain Factor for Flexible Pavement Design,” in Proceedings, University of Minnesota 64th Annual Geotechnical Engineering Conference (Minneapolis, March 2016), J. F. Labuz and A. B. Carney, Eds. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.

Siekmeier, J., and J. Casanova. (2016) “Geogrid Reinforced Aggregate Base Stiffness for Mechanistic

Pavement Design,” Saint Paul, Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Transportation Research Report

2016-24, MN/RC 2016-24, July 2016.



Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 1 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711

1 The pavement-design package is provided in the form of a consistent set of FISH functions that operate within PFC3Dversion 5.0. FISH is a programming language embedded within PFC3D. The PFC3D code can be obtained fromhttp://www.itascacg.com/pfc, and the pavement-design package can be obtained fromhttp://www.itascacg.com/pavement-design-package.

2 The package also supports Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) and Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) tests on thesynthetic material (Potyondy, 2018a).


Date: June 22, 2018

To: PFC 5 Documentation Set

From: David Potyondy

Re: Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14]

Ref: ICG16-8528-15TM

This memo describes the pavement-design package for the Particle Flow Code in 3 Dimensions(PFC3D, Itasca [2018]).1 The package supports creation and triaxial testing of a syntheticunsaturated granular material containing geogrid (see Figure 3).2 The geogrid provides lateralrestraint to the granular material as a result of interlocking and friction between the geogrid and thegranular material, and this is believed to be the primary structural benefit of adding geogrid to theaggregate base layer of a pavement structure. The package can be used to study and quantify theeffect of microstructural properties on macroscopic response, which includes the stress-strain curvesproduced during triaxial tests. The microstructural properties of the granular material include: grainsize distribution of spherical or clumped grains, grain material type, moisture content and initialspecimen porosity. The microstructural properties of the geogrid include: geometry, structuralstiffness and grid-surface behavior. The package is being used to improve pavement-designmethodology in Minnesota by estimating geogrid gain factors (defined as the ratio of resilientmodulus of the aggregate base with geogrid to resilient modulus of the aggregate base withoutgeogrid) for typical geogrid-reinforced aggregate roadway configurations in which the grain-sizedistribution, initial specimen porosity, moisture content and confining stress are varied (Potyondy etal., 2016; Siekmeier et al., 2016; Siekmeier and Casanova, 2016). The package could be extended toinvestigate the behavior of other aggregate-geogrid systems such as a geogrid pull-out or wheel-loadtest.

Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14] June 22, 2018ICG16-8528-15TM Potyondy

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 2 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711

Pavement-design methodology is summarized in the first major section. The pavement-designpackage is described in the second major section, with an emphasis on the geogrid-modelingmethodology. Pavement-design examples are given in the third major section. A typical aggregatebase layer of an asphalt-surface roadway is modeled. The resilient modulus is measured, for dry andwet conditions both with and without a geogrid, by performing triaxial tests on the modeled systems.


Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14] June 22, 2018ICG16-8528-15TM Potyondy

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 3 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711


1.0 PAVEMENT-DESIGN METHODOLOGY ......................................................................... 4

1.1 Layered Elastic Analysis ................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Geogrid Gain Factor.......................................................................................................... 6

1.3 Unsaturated Condition of Pavement Materials ................................................................. 7

2.0 PAVEMENT-DESIGN PACKAGE ..................................................................................... 8

2.1 Grid-Modeling Methodology: Grid Set............................................................................. 9

2.1.1 Parallel-bonded grid ................................................................................................... 14

2.1.2 Beamed grid ............................................................................................................... 18

2.2 Grid Calibration: Single Rib Tensile Tests ..................................................................... 20

2.2.1 Parallel-bonded grid (biaxial) .................................................................................... 23

2.2.2 Beamed grid (biaxial)................................................................................................. 24

2.2.3 Beamed grid (triaxial) ................................................................................................ 25

2.3 Grid Calibration: Aperture Stability Modulus Tests ....................................................... 26

2.3.1 Parallel-bonded grid (biaxial) .................................................................................... 29

2.3.2 Beamed grid (biaxial)................................................................................................. 31

2.3.3 Beamed grid (triaxial) ................................................................................................ 32

2.4 Grid Calibration: Multiple Aperture Tensile Tests ......................................................... 33

2.4.1 Parallel-bonded grid (biaxial) .................................................................................... 34

2.4.2 Beamed grid (biaxial)................................................................................................. 35

2.4.3 Beamed grid (triaxial) ................................................................................................ 37

2.5 Grid-Embedment Procedure............................................................................................ 38

3.0 PAVEMENT-DESIGN EXAMPLES ................................................................................. 41

3.1 Simple Example .............................................................................................................. 41

3.2 Realistic Example............................................................................................................ 50

4.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................... 55


Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14] June 22, 2018ICG16-8528-15TM Potyondy

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 4 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711


The first subsection outlines the layered elastic analysis that is used to support pavement design viaMnPAVE (Tanquist, 2012). The second subsection introduces the geogrid gain factor as a means tomodify the MnPAVE design modulus to account for the presence of geogrid within the aggregatebase layer. And the final subsection discusses the unsaturated condition of pavement materials.

1.1 Layered Elastic Analysis

The mechanistic-empirical flexible pavement design program MnPAVE embodies an acceptedprocedure for the design of flexible pavements in Minnesota. MnPAVE simulates traffic loads on apavement using a layered elastic analysis (LEA). The LEA is an axisymmetric, isotropic, elastic-layer model with bottom and sides at infinity, wheel load at the top, parameterized by thickness,Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio for each of the five layers, and allowing full to zero slipinterface conditions. MnPAVE enforces the zero-slip condition to compute normal and shear stress,normal strain and displacement within the system shown in Figure 1. Of particular importance is thehorizontal tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer h , and the vertical compressive strain at

the top of the compacted soil layer v . An excessive value of h can result in a fatigue crack

forming and continuing upwards to the pavement surface, and an excessive vertical stress associatedwith v can result in permanent deformation in the compacted soil layer, which over time will bevisible at the pavement surface as rutting. Estimates of fatigue and rutting life are obtained viaempirical relations that employ these quantities ( h for fatigue and v for rutting). Both lifeestimates must be greater than twenty years for the design to be acceptable. The inputs to MnPAVEinclude the thickness and material type of each layer, climate and traffic. The parameters are tied toone another via empirical relations. For example, life predictions require integrating the damageeffects of wheel loading over time, and the climate dictates moisture conditions, which affect theelastic constants.


Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14] June 22, 2018ICG16-8528-15TM Potyondy

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 5 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711

Figure 1 Layered elastic analysis showing inputs (blue), typical layer namesand thicknesses, and outputs (red) used to estimate fatigue and ruttinglife of flexible pavements.

Traffic loading in pavement analysis is conventionally simplified as a cyclic deviator stress d .

The repeated application of the deviator stress results in permanent strain p and resilient strain

r within pavement materials, as shown in Figure 2. The resilient modulus RM is defined as the

ratio of applied deviator stress to recoverable or “resilient” strain. It is a granular materialcharacterization parameter that is stress dependent. The resilient modulus is used as the designmodulus for the layered elastic analysis shown in Figure 1. LEA is utilized extensively for pavementsystem evaluation and is a means of calculating pavement response under loading. Each pavementlayer is defined by its resilient modulus and Poisson’s ratio, even though granular bases exhibitnonlinear elastoplastic behavior in laboratory and field applications. LEA is used because it is arelatively simple analysis procedure and, more importantly, pavement loading is generally of lowenough magnitude that a linear-elastic approximation of pavement material behavior is deemedsuitable. According to Han and Vanapalli (2016), the resilient modulus is “…the key soil property inthe mechanistic pavement design methods to rationally characterize the resilient behavior of thepavement materials, analyze the fatigue failure of the surface layer, and dimension the multi-layersystem of the pavement structure.”


Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14] June 22, 2018ICG16-8528-15TM Potyondy

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 6 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711

Figure 2 Response of granular material to cyclic deviator stress (top), andmeasurement of resilient modulus (bottom). (From Fig. 2 of Han andVanapalli [2016], and Fig. 1 of Buchanan [2007].)

1.2 Geogrid Gain Factor

The material in this subsection is a summary of the more extensive presentation in Potyondy et al.(2016). The traditional reason to use geogrid in Minnesota has been to provide a more stableconstruction platform by improving the strength of the pavement foundation when weak soils arepresent (Clyne, 2001). A more recent reason to use geogrid has been to provide additional stiffnessto the aggregate base layer. Geogrid use is known to increase aggregate compaction duringconstruction, thereby allowing the aggregate base to more effectively protect the underlying soillayers from traffic loads. Geogrid use is also expected to improve both the short- and long-termperformance of roadways; however, greater justification and quantification of this expectation isdesired.

The primary structural benefit of adding geogrid to the aggregate base layer of a flexible pavement isto provide lateral restraint. Lateral restraint is provided for the base layer as the result of interlockingand friction between the geogrid and the aggregate. Under repeated loads, the base layer tends tospread laterally, and some of the shear stress in the base layer can be transferred to tensile stress inthe geogrid. A stiff geogrid will act to restrain the lateral spreading and result in a stiffer aggregatebase. The lateral-restraint mechanism (as summarized in Bagshaw et al. [2015]) “. . .is that by


Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14] June 22, 2018ICG16-8528-15TM Potyondy

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 7 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711

restricting the ability of the aggregate particles to move, and by effectively fixing them into place viainteraction with the geogrid, mass transfer through the pavement will be restricted. If particlescannot move, then the modulus of the matrix will be maintained, and the rate of accumulation ofplastic deformation via shear and/or consolidation will be reduced.”

It is understood that the use of geogrids in roadway aggregate base layer construction is beneficial(Skallman, 2010); however, MnPAVE does not account for the presence of a geogrid within theaggregate base layer. The geogrid gain factor is introduced as a means to modify the MnPAVEdesign modulus to account for the presence of geogrid within the aggregate base layer. The geogridgain factor is defined as the ratio of resilient modulus of the aggregate base with geogrid to resilientmodulus of the aggregate base without geogrid. The pavement-design package is used to estimate thegeogrid gain factors for typical aggregate-geogrid roadway configurations (Siekmeier et al, 2016).Triaxial tests of an aggregate base, both with and without geogrid, are modeled, and the resilientmoduli are measured in these tests to estimate the geogrid gain factor. The MnPAVE design modulusfor the aggregate base with geogrid is found by multiplying the design modulus for the aggregatebase without geogrid by the gain factor.

1.3 Unsaturated Condition of Pavement Materials

Han and Vanapalli (2016) describe the unsaturated condition of pavement materials, and argue forthe use of soil suction to predict their mechanical behavior.

Compacted pavement base/subbase materials and subgrade soils stay in anunsaturated condition and are subjected to environmental influences. Environmentalfactors contribute to moisture regime and soil suction variations within the

pavement structure which, in turn, influence strength and stiffness of pavementmaterials. Several research studies in recent years have demonstrated the strongcorrelations between the mechanical properties of unsaturated soils and the . It istherefore recommended to use as a key parameter to interpret and predict theresponse of the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils to the soil moisture regimefluctuations. (Han and Vanapalli, 2016, p. 1)

The pavement-design package provides a means to predict the RM correlations for typicalpavement materials both with and without geogrid.


Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14] June 22, 2018ICG16-8528-15TM Potyondy

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 8 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711


The pavement-design package supports creation and triaxial testing of a synthetic unsaturatedgranular material containing geogrid (see Figure 3). The mechanical behavior of this discrete systemis simulated by the three-dimensional discrete-element program PFC3D. The model can simulate themovement and interaction of hundreds of thousands of finite-sized particles. The particles are rigidbodies with finite mass that move independently of one another and can both translate and rotate.Particles interact at pair-wise contacts by means of an internal force and moment. Contact mechanicsis embodied in particle-interaction laws (called contact models) that update the internal forces andmoments. The time evolution of this system is computed via the distinct-element method, whichprovides an explicit dynamic solution to Newton’s laws of motion. The PFC model can beenvisioned as a synthetic material that encompasses a vast microstructural space spanning from thegranular material described here to the rich variety of solid materials provided by the bonded-particlemodeling methodology (Potyondy, 2015). The synthetic system described here consists ofunsaturated granular material and geogrid. The unsaturated granular material is modeled as sphericalor clumped grains that interact with one another via the hill contact model. The synthetic material isdenoted as a hill material and described in Potyondy (2016). The geogrid is modeled as strings ofoverlapping spherical balls joined by either parallel bonds or beamed contacts. The parallel bonds orbeamed contacts provide the structural properties of the grid, and the spherical balls provide thesurface for grid-object interaction.

Figure 3 Pavement-design package supports creation and triaxial testing ofsynthetic unsaturated granular material containing geogrid, andmeasurement of resilient modulus for grid and no grid.


Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14] June 22, 2018ICG16-8528-15TM Potyondy

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 9 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711

The grid-modeling methodology is described in the first subsection. The geogrids are specified as agrid set consisting of identical flat geogrids oriented perpendicular to the specimen axis and spacedevenly in the axial direction (see Figure 4). The grid-set description includes a definition of the grid-set parameters as well as the closed-form expressions defining the sizes and locations of the ballsand either the radii of the parallel bonds for the parallel-bonded grid or the width and height of therib cross section for the beamed grid. The grid-set properties are chosen to match the geogridgeometry, the rib tensile stiffness from a Single Rib Tensile test, and the junction torsional stiffnessfrom an Aperture Stability Modulus test. These two grid-calibration tests are described in the nexttwo subsections. The descriptions include demonstrations that the Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid usedin the pavement-design example matches the laboratory-test responses. The grid tensile stiffness ismeasured by the Multiple Aperture Tensile test that is described in the next subsection. The material-genesis procedure to embed a geogrid within the granular material is described in the finalsubsection.

2.1 Grid-Modeling Methodology: Grid Set

The grid-modeling methodology that uses parallel-bonded contacts draws upon the work of Stahland co-workers (Jas et al. [2015a, 2015b]; Stahl and te Kamp [2013, 2012]; Stahl et al. [2014]; Stahland Konietzky [2011]; Stahl [2011]; Konietzky et al. [2004]), with the primary contribution beingthe closed-form expressions defining the sizes and locations of the balls and the radii of the parallelbonds as summarized by Stille (2015).3 The grid-modeling methodology that uses beamed contactswas developed for MnDOT and is described in this document. McDowell and co-workers(McDowell et al. [2006]; Chen et al. [2013]) describe a similar grid-modeling methodology in whichthe geogrid consists of spherical balls joined by parallel bonds. Qian and co-workers (Qian et al.[2015]) describe the modeling of granular material as discrete polyhedral grains in which rigidgeogrids may be embedded, with the mechanical behavior of the discrete system being simulated bythe three-dimensional discrete-element program BLOKS3D.

The grid-modeling methodology is summarized as follows. The grid consists of strings ofoverlapping spherical balls joined by either parallel bonds or beamed contacts. The parallel bonds orbeamed contacts provide the structural properties of the grid, and the spherical balls provide thesurface for grid-object interaction, which occurs at the grid-grain and grid-grid contacts. Each biaxialgrid junction consists of two intersecting ribs, and for the parallel-bonded system, additional materialin the form of join balls that increases the junction stiffness. Each triaxial grid junction consists ofthree intersecting ribs.

3 Tensar International Limited is acknowledged for its research efforts modeling geogrids and granular soils, and inparticular, for granting access to the grid-modeling methodology developed on its behalf by Itasca Consultants GmbH.Tensar is commended for its willingness to grant this access, fostering development of these models to benefit the widerindustry.


Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14] June 22, 2018ICG16-8528-15TM Potyondy

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 10 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711

There are five types of contacts in the modeled system: grain-grain, grid-grid, grid-grain, grid-walland grain-wall. The grain-grain contacts employ the hill contact model, the grid-grid contactsemploy either the linear parallel bond contact model or the beam contact model, and the remainingthree contact types employ the linear contact model. The hill contact model provides the behavior ofan infinitesimal, nonlinear elastic (no tension) and frictional interface that carries a compressivesurface-interaction force and may carry a tensile moisture force. The parallel-bond and beam contactmodels provide the behavior of a finite-size, linear elastic and bonded interface that carries a forceand moment. The interface of the parallel-bonded contact model has a circular cross section, whilethe interface of the beam contact model has a rectangular cross section. The linear contact modelprovides the behavior of an infinitesimal, linear elastic (no tension) and frictional interface thatcarries a force. The hill contact model is described in Potyondy (2016), the parallel-bond and linearcontact models are described in Itasca (2018), and the beam contact model is described in Potyondy(2018b).

Each grid rib behaves either as an elastic beam of circular cross section with varying radius along itslength (parallel-bonded contacts), or as a prismatic and bisymmetrical elastic beam with varyingwidth and height along its length (beamed contacts). The grid behaves as an elastic body; it will notbreak, and it will return to its original shape when unloaded. The grid methodology of Stahl and teKamp (2013) employed a parallel-bond radius and stiffness decreasing law to allow the grid toexhibit nonlinear and plastic behavior. The stiffness decreasing law is excluded from the presentmethodology, which is believed to be sufficient for cases in which the grid experiences small-deformation loading for which rib tensile strains remain less than three percent and junction rotationsremain less than two degrees.

The geogrids are specified as a grid set that consists of identical flat geogrids oriented perpendicularto the global z-axis, and spaced evenly in the z-direction. When embedding the grid set within agranular material, the grid set is aligned with the specimen axis and positioned within either apolyaxial or cylindrical cell. The grid-set parameters are listed in Table 1, and the modeled system isshown in Figure 4. Grid deformation causes strain energy to be stored in the contacts that join thegrid balls to one another — expressions for the strain energy in the parallel-bonded and beamedcontacts are given in Itasca (2018)4 and Potyondy (2018b), respectively. The strain energy stored inthe grid set ( , 0g g ) is given by the FISH variable gd_Estr, and provides a scalar index of

the load being carried by the grid.

4 In documentation set at PFC Model Components: Contacts and Contact Models: Contact Models: Built-in ContactModels: Linear Parallel Bond Model: Energy Partitions.


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Table 1 Grid Set Parameters

Parameter Type Range Default Description

Grid set group:

gn , gd_ng INT 1, 1 number of grids

zs , gd_sz FLT 0.0, NA grid spacing (in z-direc.)

,x yn n , gd_n{x,y} INT 1, 1,1 number of cross elementsin x and y direcs.

c , gd_c VEC , , 0 position of node ball of bottomback left cross element (see Figure 4)

tC , gd_tips INT 0,1 0grid-tip code

0, remove grid tips1, keep grid tips

gC , gd_beamed INT 0,1,2 0

grid-type code0, biaxial with parallel-bonded contacts1, biaxial with beamed contacts2, triaxial with beamed contacts

nD , gd_Dn FLT 0.0, NA diameter of node ball

rl , gd_lr FLT 0.0, NA length of rib

r , gd_Drat FLT 0.0,1.0 0.9diameter ratio of first rib ball

1 , 0r c n gD D C

cn , gd_nc INT 1, 7 core balls per half rib 0gC

mD , gd_Dm FLT 0.0, NA diameter of mid-rib ball 0gC

nR , gd_pbRadNd FLT 0.0, NAparallel-bond radius at node ball


mR , gd_pbRadMid FLT 0.0, NAparallel-bond radius at mid rib

, 0m n gR R C

j , gd_pbRmulJn FLT 0.0, 1.0parallel-bond radius multiplierof join balls 0gC

nb , gd_XCbNd FLT 0.0, NArib cross-sectional width (alignedwith xy-plane) at node ball 0gC

nh , gd_XChNd FLT 0.0, NArib cross-sectional height (alignedwith z-axis) at node ball 0gC

mb , gd_XCbMid FLT 0.0, NArib cross-sectional width (alignedwith xy-plane) at mid rib , 0m n gb b C


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mh , gd_XChMid FLT 0.0, NArib cross-sectional height (alignedwith z-axis) at mid rib , 0m n gh h C

eC , gd_latExtent INT 0,1 0

exclusion region lateral-extentexistence code

0, exists1, does not exist

Material properties group:

g , gd_dampFac FLT 0.0,0.7 0.0 local-damping factor

g , gd_density FLT 0.0, NAdensity (set grid-balldensity: b g , does not

account for grid-ball overlap)*gE , gd_emod FLT 0.0, 0.0 effective modulus 0gC

*g , gd_krat FLT 0.0, 0.0 stiffness ratio 0gC

gE , gd_E FLT 0.0, 0.0 Young’s modulus 0gC

g , gd_nu FLT 1.0,0.5 0.0 Poisson’s ratio 0gC

*gsE , gd_gsemod FLT 0.0, 0.0 grid-surface effective modulus*gs , gd_gskrat FLT 0.0, 0.0 grid-surface stiffness ratio

gs , gd_gsfric FLT 0.0, 0.0 grid-surface friction coefficient


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Figure 4 Material vessels and grid set consisting of three biaxial grids, each ofwhich has four cross elements shown in Figures 5 and 10.

Figure 5 Cross element and biaxial parallel-bonded grid consisting of fourcross elements.


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The grid set consists of gn identical grids. Each grid is flat and lies in the xy-plane, and the grids are

spaced evenly along the z-axis at a distance of zs . A grid consists of identical cross elements, with xnand yn cross elements in the x- and y-directions, respectively. A biaxial cross element consists of

one node ball with a half rib in both directions (see Figures 5 and 10), while a triaxial cross elementconsists of one node ball with a half rib in three directions (see Figure 11)5. The bottom back leftcross element of the grid set is centered at c . The presence of cross-element tips at the outside edgeof the grid set is controlled by the grid-tip code tC .

The grids that consist of either parallel-bonded contacts or beamed contacts are described in theirown sections that follow.

2.1.1 Parallel-bonded grid

The geometry of a cross element is defined by the node-ball diameter nD , the diameter ratio of the

first rib ball 1r c nD D , the rib length rl , and the number of core balls per half rib cn . The

minimum rib thickness rt is a function of r and cn . The parallel-bond radii in the grid are defined

by the parallel-bond radii at the node and mid rib ( nR and mR along with an exponential variation

along each half rib) and the parallel-bond radius multiplier of the join balls j . The material

properties of the grid are defined by the local-damping factor, density, effective modulus andstiffness ratio ( g , g , *

gE and *g ). The material properties of the grid surface are defined by the

grid-surface effective modulus, stiffness ratio and friction coefficient ( *gsE , *

gs and gs ).6

5 Each cross element is symmetric; thus, there is no differentiation between the transverse (TD) and longitudinal (LD)directions. Such a differentiation was employed by Stahl and te Kamp (2013). The pavement-design package can bemodified to account for this by making the TD and LD directions correspond with the x- and y-directions, and replacing

rl and cn with ,rx ryl l and ,cx cyn n , respectively.6 The linear contact model is installed at the grid-grain and grid-grid contacts that may form after grid creation; thestiffness and friction coefficient of these contacts are set based on the specified deformability and friction coefficient.The linear contact model is also installed at the grid-wall contacts that may form after grid creation; the walls arefrictionless, and the normal stiffness of these contacts is set based on the effective modulus of the material vessel. [Thelinear contact bond model is installed at grid-grain and grid-grid contacts to facilitate visual inspection of these contactsvia the contact plot item (using Color By: Text Val: model name). The linear contact bond model is unbonded, and thus,its behavior is identical to that of the linear contact model.]


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The parallel bonds in the grid are assigned infinite strengths to preclude bond breakage, the parallel-bond stiffnesses are set based on *

gE and *g , the parallel-bond radii at each join ball are set based on

j and join-ball diameter, and the parallel-bond radii along each half rib are set via Eq. (6).7

The closed-form expressions defining the sizes and locations of the balls and the radii of the parallelbonds are provided in the remainder of this subsection. The balls of a cross element half rib areshown in Figure 6. The half rib consists of one node ball, two join balls, and a string of rib balls,with the rib balls being divided into core-rib balls, mid-rib balls and a tip-rib ball. The sizes of thecore-rib balls satisfy the relation:

11 12 2



r n r nb

l D D


This relation is rewritten in the form:




cnbn r

br n

D lfD


The constant, , is found by solving the above expression via Newton-Raphson iteration. Thediameters and positions of the rib balls are expressed in terms of alpha as follows. The diameters andpositions of the core-rib balls:


1 1 0 01 12 2

, 1, 2, ,

, , 0, 1, 2, , .

b bc r n c

b b b bc c c c c n c c

D D b n

s s D D D D s b n


The diameters and positions of the mid-rib balls:



2 , 2 , 1, 2, , 11

, 1, 2, , .

c c cn n nb b bm c c m c m c

b b bm c c c

D D D D D D b n

s s D b n


7 The stiffnesses of the linear component of the linear parallel bond contact model are set to zero such that all load iscarried in the bond — i.e., the linear force arising from ball-ball overlap always remains equal to zero.


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Figure 6 Cross element half rib showing node ball, join balls and rib balls.

There is also a tip-rib ball that lies between adjoining cross elements, and its diameter and positionare obtained by treating it as a mid-rib ball. The diameters and positions of the join balls (withreference to Figure 7):


1, sin .4

j n


n j




Figure 7 Cross element half rib showing location of the top join ball.


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The parallel-bond radii in the geogrid vary exponentially along each half rib (see Figure 8):

1 12 2,

with exp2


bsn r



m n r

R ae D s lbDa R

RbR D l


where s is measured from the node-ball center. Each join ball has four parallel bonds joining it tothe node ball, the adjacent join ball, and the first two rib balls (see Figure 9).

Figure 8 Cross-element half rib showing variation of parallel-bond radius fromnode ball to mid rib. Each parallel-bonded interface is drawn as a diskwith radius equal to parallel-bond radius.


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Figure 9 Parallel bonds emanating from the join balls at a cross-element node.

2.1.2 Beamed grid

The geometry of both biaxial and triaxial beamed grid cross elements is defined by the node-balldiameter nD , the rib length rl and the mid-rib ball diameter mD as shown in Figures 10 and 11.

A string of balls with diameter mD are created between the node and mid-rib balls, with the overlapbeing distributed equally among all contacts in the string. The width and height of the rib crosssection are defined by the width and height at the node ( nb and nh ) and mid rib ( mb and mh ), alongwith an exponential variation along each half rib. The exponential variations are given by Eq. (6),with the width and height replacing the parallel-bond radius in this expression. The material

properties of the beamed grid are defined by the local-damping factor and density ,g g as well

as the Young’s modulus and Poison’s ratio of the grid material andg gE . The material

properties of the grid surface are defined by the grid-surface effective modulus, stiffness ratio andfriction coefficient ( *

gsE , *gs and gs ).8

8 The linear contact model is installed at the grid-grain and grid-grid contacts that may form after grid creation; thestiffness and friction coefficient of these contacts are set based on the specified deformability and friction coefficient.The linear contact model is also installed at the grid-wall contacts that may form after grid creation; the walls arefrictionless, and the normal stiffness of these contacts is set based on the effective modulus of the material vessel. [Thelinear contact bond model is installed at grid-grain and grid-grid contacts to facilitate visual inspection of these contactsvia the contact plot item (using Color By: Text Val: model name). The linear contact bond model is unbonded, and thus,its behavior is identical to that of the linear model.]


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Figure 10 Cross element and biaxial beamed grid consisting of four crosselements.

Figure 11 Cross element and triaxial beamed grid with tips removed.


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2.2 Grid Calibration: Single Rib Tensile Tests

The rib tensile stiffnesses of a biaxial geogrid are measured by performing Single Rib Tensile (SRT)tests in the transverse (TD) and longitudinal (LD) directions. The two ribs emanating from a gridjunction and aligned in the desired direction are clamped at the junctions at their ends (as shown inFigure 12). One end is fixed, and a constant velocity is applied to the other end while monitoring theapplied displacement and associated force. The displacement is expressed as a strain using the lengthbetween clamps as the gauge length. The force-extension curves for a Tensar SS20 biaxial geogridare shown in Figure 13, in which the black line is the average curve from five laboratory tests. Theforce-extension behaviors are similar in the TD and LD directions. The force-extension curve islinear for extension of less than three percent, at which point the slope begins to decrease. The slopeof the force-extension curve is a measure of stiffness. The stiffness decrease indicates materialsoftening, perhaps as the result of plastic yielding of the material at the rib center. A permanent ribextension would be associated with plastic yielding — it is not known to the author if a permanentrib extension has occurred.

Figure 12 The undeformed SS20 parallel-bonded grid at the start of the SRT test(above), and the grid displacement field at the end of the SRT test(below).


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Figure 13 Force versus extension for a Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid loaded inthe TD and LD directions during SRT tests. (From Figs. 8 and 9 ofStahl and te Kamp [2013] in which force is denoted as load.)

The rib tensile stiffnesses of a triaxial geogrid are measured by performing Single Rib Tensile (SRT)tests in the three rib directions (30, 90 and 150 degrees). The two ribs emanating from a grid junctionand aligned in the desired direction are clamped at the junctions at their ends (as shown in Figure14). One end is fixed, and a constant velocity is applied to the other end while monitoring theapplied displacement and associated force. The displacement is expressed as a strain using the lengthbetween clamps as the gauge length. The force-extension curves for a Tensar TX160 triaxial geogridare shown in Figures 15 and 16, in which the black line is the average curve from five laboratorytests. The force-extension behaviors differ in the three directions, with the 90 degree rib directionthat is aligned with the transverse/cross machine direction (TD) being the stiffest. The force-extension curves are linear for extension of less than three percent, at which point the slopes begin todecrease.


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Figure 14 The undeformed TX160 beamed grid at the start of the SRT test(above), and the grid displacement field at the end of the SRT test(below).

Figure 15 Force versus extension for a Tensar TX160 triaxial geogrid loaded inthe 30 and 90 degree directions during SRT tests. (From Figs. 11 and12 of Stahl and te Kamp [2012] in which force is denoted as load.)


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Figure 16 Force versus extension for a Tensar TX160 triaxial geogrid loaded inthe 150 degree direction during SRT tests. (From Fig. 13 of Stahl andte Kamp [2012] in which force is denoted as load.)

2.2.1 Parallel-bonded grid (biaxial)

The Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid is modeled in the pavement-design example using the grid-setproperties in Table 5. The synthetic geogrid is symmetric, with no differentiation between the TDand LD directions; therefore, the grid-set properties are chosen to match the average stiffness forextension less than three percent. The modeled system at the start and end of the SRT test is shownin Figure 12. The applied force is obtained by summing the out-of-balance forces of the balls that areassigned a constant velocity. The force-extension curve for quasi-static loading is shown in Figure17. The modeled system matches the average force of 127 N at one-percent extension.


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Figure 17 Force versus extension for the SS20 parallel-bonded grid during theSRT test, and measurement of force for a one-percent extension.

2.2.2 Beamed grid (biaxial)

The Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid is modeled using the grid-set properties in Table 2. The syntheticgeogrid is symmetric, with no differentiation between the TD and LD directions; therefore, the grid-set properties are chosen to match the average stiffness for extension less than three percent. Themodeled system at the start and end of the SRT test is shown in Figure 18. The modeled systemmatches the average force of 127 N at one-percent extension. Reducing the mid-rib ball diameterfrom 2.5 to 1.5 mm has a negligible effect on system stiffness.

Table 2 Grid Set Properties of SS20 Beamed Grid*

Property Value

Grid set group:

, mm , { , }, mm ,g z x y tn s n n Cc

3,1 , SRT test

1, NA, , 0,0,0 , 17,7 , ASM test

, mm , mm , mmg n r mC D l D 1, 4 .0, 39.0, 2 .5

mm , mm , mm , mm ,n m n m eb b h h C 5.0, 2.0, 3.5, 3.5, 0

Material properties group:

3, kg m , GPa ,g g g gE 0.7, 950, 1 .2, 0 .42

* *MPa , ,gs gs gsE 500, 2 .0, 0 .5


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* Grid-set parameters are defined in Table 1.

Figure 18 The undeformed SS20 beamed grid at the start of the SRT test(above), and the grid displacement field at the end of the SRT test(below).

2.2.3 Beamed grid (triaxial)

The Tensar TX160 triaxial geogrid is modeled using the grid-set properties in Table 3. The syntheticgeogrid is symmetric, with no differentiation between the three rib directions; therefore, the grid-setproperties are chosen to match the average stiffness for extension less than three percent. Themodeled system at the start and end of the SRT test is shown in Figure 14. The modeled system hasa stiffness of 51.05 10 N m , which matches the average stiffness of the TX160 triaxial geogridshown in Figure 16. Reducing the mid-rib ball diameter from 2.5 to 1.5 mm has a negligible effecton system stiffness.

Table 3 Grid Set Properties of TX160 Beamed Grid*

Property Value

Grid set group:

, mm , { , }, mm ,g z x y tn s n n Cc

3,1 , SRT test

1, NA, , 0,0,0 , 17,9 , ASM test

, mm , mm , mmg n r mC D l D 2, 4.0, 47.0, 2.5

mm , mm , mm , mm ,n m n m eb b h h C 8.0, 4.0, 1.4, 1.4, 0

Material properties group:


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3, kg m , GPa ,g g g gE 0.7, 950, 1 .2, 0 .42

* *MPa , ,gs gs gsE 500, 2 .0, 0 .5

* Grid-set parameters are defined in Table 1.

2.3 Grid Calibration: Aperture Stability Modulus Tests

The junction torsional stiffness of a biaxial geogrid is measured by performing an Aperture StabilityModulus (ASM) test. A grid consisting of six by six apertures is clamped along its boundary asshown in Figure 19. The central junction is subjected to a twisting moment tM by applying a

force F to each of the four ribs emanating from the junction. The force is applied orthogonal to

each rib at a fixed radial distance ( )r such that 4 .tM rF The rotation of the central junction

t is measured. The torsional stiffness of the junction is given by





The concept of torsional stiffness is embodied in the following structural system. The torsionalstiffness of a twisted elastic shaft of length L loaded at its ends by equal and opposite twistingmoments is given by Crandall et al. (1978, Eq. 6.10):

,t t t tGJM k kL


where G is the shear modulus, and J is the polar moment of inertia of the cross-sectional areaabout the axis of the shaft.


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Figure 19 The SS20 parallel-bonded grid showing the boundary conditions forthe ASM test.

The moment-rotation curve for a Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid is shown in Figure 20, in which theblack line is the average curve from three laboratory tests. The moment-rotation curve is linear forrotation of less than two degrees, at which point the slope begins to increase. The slope of themoment-rotation curve is the torsional stiffness. The torsional stiffness increases with increasingrotation. This is a geometrically nonlinear effect denoted as stress stiffening.9

9 The effect whereby the tensile membrane forces in a shell effectively increase the bending stiffness of the shell is calledstress stiffening (Cook et al., 1989, p. 429). The tensile forces in the grid are similar to membrane forces in a shell. Asthe tensile forces in the grid are increased, the bending and torsional stiffnesses of the grid increase. The increase intorsional stiffness is described in the following analogous fashion. The geogrid provides a torsional elastic resistance tothe deformation induced by the twisting moment, which aids in supporting the moment. The elastic resistance increaseswith increasing applied rotation.


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Figure 20 Moment versus rotation for a Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid during anASM test. (From Fig. 12 of Stahl and te Kamp [2013].)

The junction torsional stiffness of a triaxial geogrid is measured by performing an Aperture StabilityModulus (ASM) test. A grid consisting of six pitches by five nodes is clamped along its boundary asshown in Figure 21. The central junction is subjected to a twisting moment tM by applying a

force F to each of the six ribs emanating from the junction. The force is applied orthogonal to

each rib at a fixed radial distance ( )r such that 6 .tM rF The rotation of the central junction

t is measured. The torsional stiffness of the junction is given by Eq. (7).

Figure 21 The TX160 beamed grid showing the boundary conditions for theASM test.


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The moment-rotation curve for a Tensar TX160 triaxial geogrid is shown in Figure 22, in which theblack line is the average curve from four laboratory tests. The moment-rotation curve is linear. Theslope of the moment-rotation curve is the torsional stiffness. The average torsional stiffness of thefour curves is 0.48 Nm/deg.

Figure 22 Moment versus rotation for a Tensar TX160 triaxial geogrid duringan ASM test. (From Fig. 23 of Stahl and te Kamp [2012].)

2.3.1 Parallel-bonded grid (biaxial)

The Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid is modeled in the pavement-design example using the grid-setproperties in Table 5. The modeled system is shown in Figure 19. A force of 5.9 N is applied to fourgrid balls, each of which is 12.7 mm from the central junction, such that the twisting moment is0.30 Nm. Each force remains oriented in its initial global direction throughout the test. The model isrun until the state of static equilibrium shown in Figure 23 has been obtained. The rotation is givenby

1tan , valid for small-deformationy



where y is the y-displacement of the loaded ball to the right of the central junction. The rotational

stiffness is found to be 0.15 Nm deg , which is 12 percent less than the experimental data. Thismatch is deemed to be sufficient for the purposes of this study. It should be possible to obtain abetter match, without sacrificing the match of the rib tensile stiffness, by adjusting the parallel-bondradius multiplier of the join balls ( j ). Additional runs with applied forces of 20 and 40 N give


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rotations of 5.9 and 9.5 deg , respectively, and rotational stiffnesses of 0.17 and 0.22 Nm deg ,respectively, which demonstrate that the model is exhibiting a stress-stiffening effect similar to thatof the physical grid (see Figure 24).

Figure 23 Deformed grid and displacement field near the central junction of theSS20 parallel-bonded grid at the end of the ASM test with appliedmoment of 0.30 Nm.


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Figure 24 Deformed grid and displacement field near the central junction of theSS20 parallel-bonded grid at the end of the ASM test with appliedmoment of 2.04 Nm.

2.3.2 Beamed grid (biaxial)

The Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid is modeled using the grid-set properties in Table 2. The modeledsystem is similar to the system shown in Figure 19. A force of 5.9 N is applied to four grid balls,each of which is approximately 12.5 mm from the central junction, such that the twisting moment is0.29 Nm. Each force remains oriented in its initial global direction throughout the test. The model isrun until the state of static equilibrium shown in Figure 25 has been obtained. The rotation is givenby Eq. (9). The rotational stiffness is found to be 0.17 Nm/deg, which matches the experimental data.Reducing the mid-rib ball diameter from 2.5 to 1.5 mm has a negligible effect on rotational stiffness.


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Figure 25 Deformed grid and displacement field near the central junction of theSS20 beamed grid at the end of the ASM test.

2.3.3 Beamed grid (triaxial)

The Tensar TX160 triaxial geogrid is modeled using the grid-set properties in Table 3. The modeledsystem is shown in Figure 21. A force of 12.8 N is applied to six grid balls, each of which isapproximately 12.1 mm from the central junction, such that the twisting moment is 0.93 Nm. Eachforce remains oriented in its initial global direction throughout the test. The model is run until thestate of static equilibrium shown in Figure 26 has been obtained. The rotation is given by Eq. (9).The rotational stiffness is found to be 0.47 Nm/deg, which effectively matches the experimental data.Reducing the mid-rib ball diameter from 2.5 to 1.5 mm reduces the rotational stiffness by 8.5% to0.43 Nm/deg.


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Figure 26 Deformed grid and displacement field near the central junction of theTX160 beamed grid at the end of the ASM test.

2.4 Grid Calibration: Multiple Aperture Tensile Tests

The tensile stiffness of the geogrid is measured by performing a Multiple Aperture Tensile (MAT)test. A grid consisting of multiple apertures is clamped along its left and right edges as shown inFigure 27. The left edge is fixed, and a constant velocity is applied to the right edge whilemonitoring the applied displacement ( ) and associated force ( F ). The tensile stiffness is given by



The tensile stiffness is not constant, but varies as the number of apertures changes. An alternativestiffness measure that is independent of the number of apertures is the effective modulus given by


k L k LEA D W


where L is the horizontal distance between the clamps, A is the effective area of the grid crosssection, nD is the diameter of the spherical node at each grid junction, and W is the effective widthof the cross section — W extends beyond the clamped region by one-half aperture on each side.


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2.4.1 Parallel-bonded grid (biaxial)

The Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid is modeled in the pavement-design example using the grid-setproperties in Table 5. A grid section consisting of four by four apertures is clamped along its rightand left edges as shown in Figure 27. The grid is subjected to a one-percent extension, and thedisplacement field is shown in Figure 28. The grid effective modulus is 85.4 MPa .

Figure 27 The SS20 parallel-bonded grid showing the boundary conditions forthe MAT test.


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Figure 28 The displacement field of the S20 parallel-bonded grid at the end ofthe MAT test after application of one-percent extension.

2.4.2 Beamed grid (biaxial)

The Tensar SS20 biaxial geogrid is modeled using the grid-set properties in Table 2. A grid sectionconsisting of four by four apertures is clamped along its right and left edges as shown in Figure 29.The grid is subjected to a one-percent extension, and the displacement field is shown in Figure 30.The grid effective modulus is 85.8 MPa , which is approximately the same as for the parallel-bondedbiaxial grid. This is the expected behavior, because both grids have the same rib tensile stiffness, andit is this stiffness that is being measured in a macroscopic sense by the MAT test.


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Figure 29 The SS20 beamed grid showing the boundary conditions for the MATtest.

Figure 30 The displacement field of the S20 beamed grid at the end of the MATtest after application of one-percent extension.


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2.4.3 Beamed grid (triaxial)

The Tensar TX160 triaxial geogrid is modeled using the grid-set properties in Table 3. A grid sectionconsisting of six by four apertures is clamped along its right and left edges as shown in Figure 31.The grid is subjected to a one-percent extension, and the displacement field is shown in Figure 32.The grid effective modulus is 62.3 MPa , which is 27% less than the average effective modulus ofthe biaxial grids. The triaxial grid also displays a Poisson effect, whereby the grid contracts in thelateral direction in response to extension in the axial direction. The Poisson effect is absent for thebiaxial grids. The reduced effective modulus of the triaxial grid may be related to the Poisson effect.

Figure 31 The TX160 beamed grid showing the boundary conditions for theMAT test.


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Figure 32 The displacement field of the TX160 beamed grid at the end of theMAT test after application of one-percent extension.

2.5 Grid-Embedment Procedure

The material-genesis procedure of Potyondy (2017) is modified to embed a geogrid in a granularmaterial. The procedure occurs within a material vessel (in the form of either a polyaxial orcylindrical cell with frictionless walls) and produces a specimen consisting of a homogeneous,isotropic and well-connected grain assembly at a user-defined material pressure ( mP ) with anembedded and well-interlocked grid. The procedure consists of a packing phase followed by afinalization phase. During the packing phase, the grain assembly is subjected to the boundary-contraction packing procedure during which the friction coefficient is set to C A — typically chosenas zero to obtain a dense packing. During the finalization phase, the friction coefficient is set to itsfinal value, , which is assigned to existing grain-grain contacts and new grain-grain contacts thatmay form during subsequent motion.

The boundary-contraction packing procedure as modified to support grid embedment consists of thefollowing five steps (see Figure 33).

1. Create the grid set in its initial, undeformed configuration within the material vessel, andconstrain the grid by fixing the grid balls so that they cannot translate or rotate. The gridremains constrained during the next three steps, during which the grid does not move ordeform while the grains flow around the grid.

2. Generate a cloud of grains with grain-cloud porosity of cn . The grains are drawn from aspecified size distribution, and then placed at arbitrarily chosen positions that lie fully withinthe material vessel and do not overlap an exclusion region that surrounds each grid. Theexclusion region is a thin layer with a normal extent that just touches the node balls; and if


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the lateral extent exists ( 0eC ), then it just touches either the protruding half ribs or theouter node balls. There are large grain-grain overlaps in the grain cloud, but there are nograin-vessel or grain-grid overlaps. Typically, cn is chosen equal to ln , where ln

corresponds with the loose state for which grains are just in contact at a mean stress m of

zero. For a hill material of nearly uniform-sized spheres and no embedded grid, 0.58ln ,and this value must be decreased to obtain a material with an embedded grid that has thesame number of grains as the material with no embedded grid.

3. Set the friction coefficient to zero, and then allow the grains to rearrange until either themean stress is near zero or static equilibrium is obtained. This step eliminates the large grain-grain overlaps by allowing the grains to move apart and flow uniformly into the gridapertures from above and below. The material is in an isotropic state at the end of this step.

4. Set the material friction coefficient to CA , and then apply confinement by moving thevessel walls under control of a servomechanism until the wall pressures are within thespecified tolerance of the material pressure and static equilibrium has been obtained. Setting

0CA gives the densest packing, while progressively looser packings are obtained by

increasing CA . Typically, one sets 0CA to allow the grains to be compressed uniformlyinto the grid apertures, and thereby obtain a grid that is well-interlocked with the grainassembly.

5. Remove the grid constraint by freeing the grid balls so that they can translate and rotate.Repeat step 4 on the unconstrained grid to allow the grid to move and deform in response tothe compressive forces imposed by the grains.


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Figure 33 Grid-embedment procedure: (a) constrained grid and initial graincloud at end of step 2, (b) constrained grid and relaxed grain cloud atend of step 3, (c) constrained grid and compacted granular assemblyat end of step 4, and (d) unconstrained and deformed grid at end ofstep 5. The AG_SS20 model of the simple pavement-design example isshown in non-perspective view.


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There are two pavement-design examples described in this section. The AG example provides a basecase at the lowest resolution sufficient to demonstrate system behavior, whereas the C5Q exampleprovides a more realistic case.10 The AG example models a cuboid with three 2 by 2 grids containingmaterial with a narrow grain-size distribution subjected to simple boundary conditions. The C5Qexample models a cuboid with one 6 by 6 grid containing material with a broad grain-sizedistribution that matches the upper end of the MnDOT Class 5Q material designation subjected toboundary conditions typical of an aggregate base layer.

3.1 Simple Example

The simple pavement-design example is in the MG-HillGrid example-project directory. Theexample serves as a base case, and provides materials at the lowest resolution sufficient todemonstrate system behavior. Two instances of a hill material with a narrow grain-size distributionof grain diameters uniformly distributed from 14 to 20 mm are created.11 The first instance isdenoted as the AG material, and the second instance has three flat Tensar SS20 biaxial geogridsembedded within it (centered within the material vessel and oriented perpendicular to the specimenaxis with a 60-mm spacing) and is denoted as the AG_SS20 material (see Figures 34 to 36). Thematerial microproperties are listed in Table 4, and the grid-set properties are listed in Table 5. Thematerials are dry while being created in a polyaxial material vessel (of initial 240-mm height and120-mm width and depth, with a 500 MPa effective modulus) and packed at a 1 MPa materialpressure as shown in Figure 34.

Table 4 Microproperties of AG Materials*

Property Value

Common group:

mN AG,AG _SS20

3, , , , kg mm cm vT N C 4, hill , 0.7, 0, 2650

,, , mm , ,g SD multl uS T D D 0, 0, 14,20,1.0 , 1.0

Packing group:

10 A more realistic example that has been developed based on the models described herein is in the “Typical RoadwayModel” section of Potyondy (2018a). The more realistic example is used to map out the modulus-porosity-grid-grainshape relationship.11 A hill material is defined as a granular assembly in which the hill contact model exists at all grain-grain contacts. Thehill material behaves like an unsaturated granular material, and the grain-grain system behaves like two elastic spheresthat may have a liquid bridge — refer to Potyondy (2016) for a comprehensive description of the model.


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lim lim


, kPa , , ,

, , , m sRN m P

p c CA

S P n

C n v

2 3 6

1 2

10000, 1000, 1 10 , 8 10 , 2 100, 0.58,0.427 , 0, 1.0

Hill material group:

GPa , , , , kPag g hE 29, 0.15, 0.4, 0, 0

* Hill material parameters are defined in Table 2 of Potyondy (2016).1 The cloud porosity for the AG_SS20 material is decreased so that

this material has a similar number of grains as the AG material.2 The friction coefficient during confinement application is zero to

obtain a dense packing.

Table 5 Grid Set Properties of SS20 Parallel-Bonded Grids*

Property Value

Grid set group:

, mm , { , }, mm ,g z x y tn s n n Cc

3, 60.0, 3,3 , 39.0, 39.0, 60.0 , 0 , AG

1, NA, 6,6 , 97.5, 97.5,0 , 0 , C5

, mm , mm , ,g n r r cC D l n 0, 4.0, 39.0, 0.9, 7

mm , mm , ,n m j eR R C0, AG

2.9, 1.0, 1.0,1, C5

Material properties group:

3 * *, kg m , MPa ,g g g gE 10 .7 , 9 5 0 , 7 0 0 , 2 .0

* *MPa , ,gs gs gsE 500, 2 .0, 0 .5

* Grid-set parameters are defined in Table 1.1 SS20 properties in Stahl and te Kamp (2013) are 770 and 630 MPa in

the TD and LD directions, respectively.

The aggregate properties are summarized as follows. There are approximately 550 granite grainsmodeled as spheres drawn from a narrow grain-size distribution, with grain diameters uniformlydistributed from 14 to 20 mm. The grain density is 32650 kg m . The Young’s modulus andPoisson’s ratio of the grains are 29 GPa and 0.15, respectively. The friction coefficient is 0.4. Thesuction is zero, because the material is dry. The damping constant is zero, because quasi-staticconditions are enforced via local damping, with a local-damping factor of 0.7.

The grid material properties were taken from Stahl and te Kamp (2013). The grid density is3950 kg m , which is similar to the 3946 kg m for polypropylene (Wikipedia, 2015a). The grid

effective modulus is 700 M Pa , which is approximately one-half of the 1.5 2.0 GPa for


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polypropylene (Wikipedia, 2015b).12 The grid stiffness ratio is two. The structural properties of thegrid (quantified by the rib tensile stiffness and the junction torsional stiffness) match those of aTensar SS20 biaxial geogrid. The material properties of the grid surface were chosen as follows. Thegrid-surface effective modulus should be large enough to prevent excessive grid-grain overlap, andthe value was set equal to that of the material vessel. The grid-surface stiffness ratio was set equal tothe grid stiffness ratio. The grid-surface friction coefficient was set to 0.5.

The two materials at the end of material genesis are shown in Figures 34 and 35, and theconfiguration of a grid layer is shown in Figure 36. Both materials have approximately 550 sphericalgrains, with grain diameters uniformly distributed from 14 to 20 mm. The 17.0 mm average graindiameter gives a vessel resolution (number of grains across the smallest vessel dimension) of 7.1.The AG_SS20 material has a grid resolution (number of grains across a grid aperture) of 2.3. Bothmaterials are dry, packed at a 1.0 MPa material pressure, and have a porosity of 0.379. Bothmaterials have approximately the same number of dry hill contacts (1362 and 1328 for the AG andAG_SS20 materials, respectively), while the AG_SS20 material has an additional 2388 internal gridcontacts and 421 grid-grain contacts. The internal grid contacts join the 1143 grid balls to oneanother via parallel bonds (denoted as grid bonds in Figure 36).

We confirm that the materials form well-connected grain assemblies at the 1 MPa material pressureby plotting the mean stress and noting that the measurement-based value has reached the wall-basedvalue, which is equal to the 1 MPa material pressure (see Figure 37). The material with theembedded grid requires more cycles to achieve this state, and the measurement-based mean stresslags behind the wall-based value.

12 Our value is approximately one-half that of the physical material because of the extensive parallel-bond overlinking,whereby as one proceeds along a rib, each rib ball is joined to the next two rib balls. The overlinking is removed byremoving the mid-rib and tip-rib balls, and the structural properties of such a grid match those of a Tensar SS20 biaxialgeogrid by setting the grid effective modulus to 1.7 GPa.


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Figure 34 Dry AG and AG_SS20 materials at the end of material genesis.

Figure 35 The embedded grid set in the AG_SS20 material in the polyaxialvessel at the start (left image) and end (right image) of materialgenesis.


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Figure 36 The undeformed configuration of a grid layer in the AG_SS20material showing grid balls (left image) and grid bonds (right image).

Figure 37 Mean stress acting on the boundary (red) and within the material(black) versus step for the AG and AG_SS20 materials duringmaterial genesis.


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The macroscopically applied compressive load is carried by the granular material as force chains thatpropagate from one grain to the next across grain-grain contacts. The force-chain fabric is depictedas a network of cylinders, with a cylinder at each contact. Force magnitude corresponds withcylinder thickness and color, and force direction corresponds with cylinder orientation. Anexamination of the force-chain fabric at the end of material genesis reveals the following materialcharacteristics. Both materials have a similar force-chain fabric, with maximum forces ofapproximately 2000 N (see Figure 38). The middle grid in the AG_SS20 material is beingcompressed by the grains with a maximum force of 250 N, and its front-most aperture is beingloaded in tension (see Figure 39). The compressive forces acting on the grids cause them to deform,and the total strain energy stored in the three grids is 4.4 Joules (see Figure 35). If the grains wereremoved, and the model cycled to a new state of static equilibrium, the grids would return to theirundeformed configurations.

Figure 38 Force-chain fabric in the AG and AG_SS20 materials in the polyaxialvessel at the end of material genesis.


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Figure 39 Forces acting on and in the middle grid in the AG_SS20 material inthe polyaxial vessel at the end of material genesis.

The AG materials are subjected to triaxial testing. The materials are tested dry and wet. The wetmaterial has a 20 kPa suction added between all grains that are within 3 mm of one another at theend of material genesis. During each triaxial test, the confinement is 1 MPa, and a load-unload cycleis performed at an axial strain of one percent to produce the deformation fields shown in Figure 40,and the stress-strain curves in Figures 41 and 42. The response is hysteretic. The grid and moistureboth increase the material strength (measured as the deviator stress at one percent axial strain). Thegrid delays the onset of material dilation. The resilient modulus of the dry AG material with no gridis measured as 239 MPa in Figure 43, and the resilient moduli for the other cases are similar. Thegrid has a negligible effect on the resilient modulus of this simple system, but the grid increases theresilient modulus of the more realistic system examined in the next section.13

13 A demonstration of the confining effect of the grid could be obtained by performing a cyclic triaxial test similar to theone described in Section 3.2 of McDowell et al. (2006), and examining the force chains after partial unloading. Thecyclic triaxial test has 10-kPa confinement. Deviator stress is cycled 10–20 kPa (3 times), 10–30 kPa (three times), andthen 10–40 kPa (three times). The partial unloading consists of reducing the confinement to 5 kPa.


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Figure 40 Displacement fields of the dry AG_SS20 material (left) and grid(right) after application of one percent axial strain. The top andbottom grids flow with the material and move toward one another.There is very little radial expansion to be resisted by the grids. Thewalls of the polyaxial vessel are not shown in these images.


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Figure 41 Deviator stress versus axial strain for dry and wet AG and AG_SS20materials tested at 1 MPa confinement.

Figure 42 Volumetric strain versus axial strain for dry AG and AG_SS20materials tested at 1 MPa confinement, and dilation onset.


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Figure 43 Deviator stress versus axial strain for dry AG material tested at 1 MPaconfinement, and resilient modulus.

3.2 Realistic Example

The realistic pavement-design example is in the MatGen-HillGrid_C5Q example-projectdirectory. Two instances of a hill material are created to represent the aggregate base layer of anasphalt-surface roadway (Potyondy et al., 2016; Siekmeier et al., 2016). The grain-size distributionlies within the upper end of the MnDOT Class 5Q aggregate base grading designation (see Figure44). The first instance is denoted as the C5Q material, and the second instance has one flat TensarSS20 biaxial geogrid embedded within it (centered within the material vessel and orientedperpendicular to the specimen axis) and is denoted as the C5Q_SS20 material (see Figure 45).

The C5Q materials are subjected to triaxial testing. The materials are tested dry and moist. The moistmaterial has a 30 kPa suction added between all grains that are within 3 mm of one another at theend of material genesis.14 During each triaxial test, the confinement is 150 kPa, and a load-unloadcycle is performed at an axial strain of 0.02% to measure the resilient moduli of the dry and moistmaterials (see Figure 46).15

14 The suction is typical for aggregates with gravimetric moisture content ranging from 5 to 10 percent.15 The confinement is similar to that defined in resilient modulus laboratory protocols, and axial strains correspond withvertical strains in the aggregate base layer for typical traffic loads.


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Figure 44 Grain size distribution curves for the C5Q and AG materials alongwith the limits of the MnDOT Class 5Q aggregate base gradingdesignation. (Class 5Q limits from MnDOT (2016), Table 3138-3: Baseand Surfacing Aggregate [containing less than 25 percent recycledaggregates].)


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Figure 45 C5Q material and embedded grid set in the C5Q_SS20 material at theend of material genesis.

Figure 46 Deviator stress versus axial strain for dry and moist C5Q andC5Q_SS20 materials tested at 150 kPa confinement.


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Adding moisture stiffens the material for both the no-grid and grid cases (increasing the resilientmodulus from approximately 332 MPa to 386 MPa); however, the material stiffness is the same forthe no-grid and grid cases. Why is this, and is this a general conclusion? Additional study hasdemonstrated that there is a general relationship between resilient modulus and material porosity,with resilient modulus decreasing as porosity increases from 0.28 to 0.35. By varying CA from zeroto the true material friction coefficient, two distinct curves are obtained, one for the no-grid modeland the other for the grid model, with the no-grid curve lying beneath the grid curve (see Figure47).16 When CA is non-zero, the material porosity of the no-grid specimen is less than that of thegrid specimen. We speculate that the grid is inhibiting the packing process, forming a local regionthat is more porous than the surrounding region, and thereby increasing the overall materialporosity.17 The porosities of 0.284 and 0.290 for the case shown in Figure 46 are the lowestporosities that one can obtain for this material, because the friction coefficient has been set to zero 0CA during packing. For this case, the resilient moduli for the no-grid and grid models are

approximately equal. The effect of the grid on material stiffness is found by comparing the resilientmoduli for the no-grid and grid cases at the same material porosity. When this is done, we find thatthe presence of the grid increases the resilient modulus by factors ranging from 1.0 to approximately2.5 depending on confinement and moisture conditions.

16 The material shown in Figure 47 has a true material friction coefficient of 0.6. The porosity varies from the use ofdifferent friction coefficients during packing. The gain factor for a porosity of 0.323 is 1.8.17 The material porosity is obtained as the average value from three spherical measurement regions placed symmetricallyalong the axis of the largest vessel dimension (see section “Stress, Strain and Porosity in the Material” in Potyondy[2017a]).


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Figure 47 Resilient modulus versus porosity for grid and no-grid models withfriction coefficients during packing varying from 0.1 to 0.6, and testedmoist at 150 kPa confinement.


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Stille, B. (2015) “Geogrid Modeling Package,” PowerPoint slide sets: TensarSS20-Generate&Calibrate.ppt and GeogridPackage.pptx.

Tanquist, B. (2012) MnPAVE User’s Guide. Office of Materials, Minnesota Dept. ofTransportation, Maplewood, MN, July 2012.

Wikipedia. (2015a) Entry for “density polypropylene” on June 4, 2015.

Wikipedia. (2015b) Entry for “young's modulus polypropylene” on June 4, 2015.




Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. Page 1 www.itascacg.comMinneapolis, Minnesota (612) 371-4711

Date: June 22, 2018

To: John Siekmeier (MnDOT)

From: David Potyondy (Itasca)

Re: Model-Validation Tests

Ref: 2-3558-01:17TM52

This memo describes the model-validation tests for the MnDOT project. A typical roadway model isdescribed, and various instances of this model are used to demonstrate the general modulus-porosity-grid-grain shape relation. The capability to perform Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) and LightWeight Deflectometer (LWD) tests on the synthetic material, both with and without grid, are alsodescribed.


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1.0 TYPICAL ROADWAY MODEL......................................................................................... 3

2.0 DCP AND LWD PROBES ................................................................................................. 11

2.1 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Test................................................................................... 11

2.2 Light Weight Deflectometer Test.................................................................................... 13

2.3 Probe Model .................................................................................................................... 15

2.4 Simple Example .............................................................................................................. 24

2.4.1 DCP Test .................................................................................................................... 25

2.4.2 LWD Test................................................................................................................... 33

3.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................... 37


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A complete description of a typical roadway model is provided here. The roadway model has beenused by Seikmeier and Casanova (2016) to compute geogrid gain factors, and by Garnica et al.(2017) to compute unsaturated gain factors. The geogrid gain factors are defined as the ratio ofresilient modulus of the aggregate base with geogrid to resilient modulus of the aggregate basewithout geogrid. Unsaturated gain factors are defined as the ratio of resilient modulus of theaggregate base at in situ moisture/suction conditions to resilient modulus of the aggregate base nearsaturation (very low suction).

Garnica et al. (2017) provide the following description of this model.

The aggregate particles are modeled as spheres with grain size distributions from 5 mmto 38 mm, which are within the MnDOT Class 5Q aggregate base grading designation(MnDOT, 2016; Tutumluer et al., 2015; Xiao and Tutumluer, 2012; Xiao et al., 2012). A“hill” material has been created as a new option in PFC3D to represent a typicalunsaturated aggregate base. During compaction, the simulated aggregate is nearsaturation, but free draining (moisture surface tension between particles equal to zero)while being compacted at a stress between 100 and 200 kPa (Mooney and Rinehart,2009; Rinehart and Mooney, 2009). Then moisture surface tension is added between theaggregate particles before performing the cyclic triaxial tests. Axial strains in the PFC3Dmodel correspond with the vertical strains in the aggregate base layer calculated usingMnPAVE for the expected traffic loads (Tanquist, 2012). The confining stresses aresimilar to those defined by resilient modulus laboratory protocols (NCHRP 1-28A,2003).

During the cyclic triaxial tests simulated using the PFC3D distinct element model,twelve load cycles were performed at axial strains of 0.02% (four cycles), 0.05% (fourcycles), and 0.10% (four cycles) to estimate three strain-dependent resilient moduli (seeFigure 1).

. . . moisture is defined in terms of moisture tension stress based on suctionmeasurements of typical natural and recycled aggregates in Minnesota (Gupta et al.,2007; Gupta et al., 2005). These moisture tensions [suction ( ) ranging from 1 to 60kPa] are in the range measured for aggregates at gravimetric moisture contents of about 5to 10 percent. The moisture contact gap notation [moisture gap ( mg )] refers to distinctelement model test cases where moisture tension was extended to aggregate particlesseparated by a gap of 1 to 10 mm in order to simulate the inclusion of sand-sizedparticles, which partially fill the gaps between the larger aggregate particles in the in situaggregate layer being simulated in the distinct element model. Sand-sized particles (less


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than 5 mm) are not currently included in the distinct element model due to computerprocessor speed limitations.

Figure 1 Cyclic triaxial simulations showing increased modulus with increasedsuction. (From Fig. 5 of Garnica et al. [2017])

The roadway model is in theMatGen-HillGrid_5Q example-project directory. Two instances ofa hill material are created to represent the aggregate base layer of an asphalt-surface roadway. Theaggregate grains are modeled as granite spheres with a grain-size distribution that lies within theupper end of the MnDOT Class 5Q aggregate base grading designation (see Figure 2).1 The firstinstance is denoted as the 5Q material, and the second instance has one flat Tensar SS20 biaxialgeogrid embedded within it and is denoted as the 5Q_SS20 material (see Figure 3).2 The materialmicroproperties are listed in Table 1, and the grid-set properties are listed in Table 2.3 The materialsare dry while being created in a polyaxial material vessel (initially 160-mm high and 265-mm wideand deep)4 and packed at a 150 kPa material pressure. The materials are subjected to triaxial testing.5

1 The grains are assigned properties of granite: density of 32650 kg m , Young’s modulus of 29 GPa, Poisson’s ratio of0.15 and friction coefficient of 0.6.

2 The grid is assigned properties of polypropylene: density of 3946 kg m , Young’s modulus of 1.2 GPa, and Poisson’sratio of 0.42. The ribs of the beamed grid are rectangular with a height of 3.5 mm, and a width that varies exponentiallyfrom 5.0 to 2.0 mm from the rib junction to mid rib. The grid surface is assigned a friction coefficient of 0.5. The gridwith these properties matches the rib tensile stiffness and junction torsional stiffness of a Tensar SS20 biaxial grid.

3 The parallel-bonded grid with properties listed in Table 3 gives the same resilient modulus as the beamed grid.

4 There are approximately 8400 grains.

5 The results presented here were produced using equilibrium-ratio limits of 38 10 and 51 10 during packing andcompression-test seating, respectively. When the equilibrium-ratio limit during packing was decreased to 51 10 , the


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The materials are tested moist. The moist materials have a 30 kPa suction added between all grainsthat are within 3 mm of one another at the end of material genesis. During each triaxial test, theconfinement is 150 kPa, and a load-unload cycle is performed at an axial strain of 0.02% to measurethe resilient modulus (see Figure 4).

Figure 2 Grain size distribution curves for the 5Q material along with the limitsof the MnDOT Class 5Q aggregate base grading designation.6 (Class5Q limits from MnDOT (2016), Table 3138-3: Base and SurfacingAggregate [containing less than 25 percent recycled aggregates])

model required 8 times more packing steps with a corresponding 1.3% decrease in material porosity, which caused theresilient modulus to increase by 11%. These effects are deemed sufficiently small to be neglected during typical modelruns. The decrease of the equilibrium-ratio limit during packing did not affect the internal mean stress that was obtainedat the end of packing, and for most no-grid models, the internal mean stress was 40% larger than the mean stressmeasured via forces acting on the material-vessel walls. Note that the specified material pressure matches the wall-basedmean stress. We speculate that the boundary stress is lower, because a non-uniform stress state has become locked intothe material. The shear stresses are no longer small relative to the direct stresses; thus, the stress state is not wellcharacterized by mean stress. There is a complex, non-uniform stress state, which is representative of a real granularmaterial. This effect should be studied in future work.

6 The match of the Class 5Q grading designation can be improved by modifying the volume fractions to 0.3,0.2,0.2,0.3 for the four diameter ranges. Doing this increases the number of grains from approximately 8400 to

10150, and improves the match such that the synthetic material is within the grading range for grain sizes greater than 17mm. Improving the match increases the material porosity by 4.4%, and has a negligible effect on measured resilientmoduli.


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Figure 3 The 5Q_SS20 material at the end of material genesis showing grainsand grid (left image) and deformed grid (middle and right images).

Table 1 Microproperties of 5Q Materials*

Property Value

Common group:

mN 5Q,5Q_SS20

3, , , , kg mm cm vT N C 4,hill , 0.7, 0, 2650

, , ,g SD SD multS n T D 0, 4, 0, 1.0

, mm ,j

l uD

1 2

3 4

25.0,38.0,0.4 19.0,25.0,0.25

9.5,19.0,0.1 5.0,9.5,0.25

Packing group:

lim lim


, kPa , , ,

, , , m sRN m P

p c CA

S P n

C n v

2 3 6

1 2

10000, 150, 1 10 , 8 10 , 2 100, 0.42,0.37 , 0.35 , 1.0

Hill material group:

GPa , , , , kPag g hE 29, 0.15, 0.6, 0, 0

* Hill material parameters are defined in Table 2 of Potyondy (2016).1 The cloud porosity for the grid model is decreased to obtain a

similar number of grains as the no-grid model.2 Materials with increasing porosities are obtained by varying this

parameter from 0.1 to 0.6.


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Table 2 Grid Set Properties of SS20 Beamed Grid*

Property Value

Grid set group:

, { , }, mm ,g x y tn n n Cc 1, 7,7 , 117.0, 117.0,0 , 0

, mm , mm , mmg n r mC D l D 1, 4.0, 39.0, 2.5

mm , mm , mm , mm ,n m n m eb b h h C 5.0, 2.0, 3.5, 3.5, 0

Material properties group:

3, kg m , GPa ,g g g gE 0.7, 950, 1 .2, 0 .42

* *MPa , ,gs gs gsE 500, 2 .0, 0 .5

* Grid-set parameters are defined in Table 1 of Potyondy (2018).

Table 3 Grid Set Properties of SS20 Parallel-Bonded Grid*

Property Value

Grid set group:

, { , }, mm ,g x y tn n n Cc 1, 7,7 , 117.0, 117.0,0 , 0

, mm , mm , ,g n r r cC D l n 0, 4.0, 39.0, 0.9, 7

mm , mm , ,n m j eR R C 2.9, 1.0, 1.0, 0

Material properties group:

3 * *, kg m , MPa ,g g g gE 0.7, 950, 700, 2.0

* *MPa , ,gs gs gsE 500, 2.0, 0.5

* Grid-set parameters are defined in Table 1 of Potyondy (2018).


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Figure 4 Deviator stress versus axial strain for 5Q material (n = 0.314) testedmoist at 150 kPa confinement, and resilient modulus.

The following results demonstrate that there is a general relation between resilient modulus andmaterial porosity, with resilient modulus decreasing as porosity increases. By varying the frictioncoefficient during packing ( CA ) from 0.1 to the true material friction coefficient (taken here as 0.6),two distinct curves are obtained, one for the no-grid model and the other for the grid model, with theno-grid curve lying beneath the grid curve (see Figure 5). For a given CA , the material porosity ofthe no-grid specimen is less than that of the grid specimen. We speculate that the grid is inhibitingthe packing process, forming a local region that is more porous than the surrounding region, therebyincreasing the overall material porosity. The effect of the grid on material stiffness is found bycomparing the resilient moduli for the no-grid and grid cases at the same material porosity. Whenthis is done, we find that the presence of the grid increases the resilient modulus by factors rangingfrom 1.0 to approximately 2.5, depending on confinement and moisture conditions.


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Figure 5 Resilient modulus versus porosity for grid and no-grid models, testedmoist at 150 kPa confinement.

The effect of grain shape is studied by replacing the spherical grains of the roadway model withdyad-shaped grains (see Figure 6). The grain-size distribution of the all-dyad material is similar tothat of the all-sphere material. The modulus-porosity-grid-grain shape relations are shown in Figure7. The results are summarized as follows.

The all-dyad material has a larger resilient modulus than the all-sphere material.

For the same grain shape, the grid curve lies above the no-grid curve; thus, gain factors aregreater than one.

The presence of the grid causes the material to pack to a less dense state.

The all-dyad material packs to a wider porosity range than the all-sphere material.

For the same CA , the all-dyad material packs to a less dense state than the all-spherematerial.


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Figure 6 The 5Q_SS20 material with all-dyad grains at the end of materialgenesis showing grains and grid (left and middle images), anddeformed grid (right image).

Figure 7 Resilient modulus versus porosity for grid and no-grid models of all-spheres and all-dyads, tested moist at 150 kPa confinement.


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The capability to perform Dynamic Cone Penetrometer and Light Weight Deflectometer tests on thesynthetic material are described here. The physical DCP and LWD tests are described in the first andsecond subsections. The simulated DCP and LWD tests can be performed on the material within atriaxial cell. The simulated tests are termed “probes,” because they allow one to probe the state of thematerial under various boundary conditions, including the boundary conditions of a triaxial test. Theprobe model is described in the third subsection. A simple example of the DCP and LWD probecapability is provided in the final subsection.

2.1 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Test

The Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test is used to characterize the granular aggregate in thebase layer of an asphalt pavement by measuring penetration to provide an estimate of the materialshear strength and modulus. The DCP test is a performance-related construction quality assurancetest. The simulated DCP test is based on the DCP device as specified by the Minnesota Departmentof Transportation (see Figures 8 and 9), and described in Yohannes et al. (2009), Siekmeier et al.(2009), and ASTM (2015). The main components of the DCP are a cone-tipped rod, to which isattached an anvil and drop hammer. The DCP is placed on the ground surface, and orientedvertically. After some initial penetration caused by the weight of the device, the hammer is raised toa fixed height above the anvil, and then released. The hammer strikes the anvil, which drives the rodinto the ground. A series of hammer drops is performed, and for each drop the penetration per blow(DCP Penetration Index, DPI) is measured. The DPI is used to estimate the shear strength andmodulus of unbound materials using empirical relations (Siekmeier et al., 2009).


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Figure 8 Sketch of DCP device and detail of cone tip. (From Fig. 1.4 ofYohannes et al. [2009] and Fig. 2 of ASTM [2015])

Figure 9 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer as used in the field. (From Fig. 1.1 ofSiekmeier et al. [2009])


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2.2 Light Weight Deflectometer Test

The Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD) test is used to characterize the granular aggregates in thebase layer of an asphalt pavement by measuring surface deflection to provide an estimate of thematerial modulus. The LWD test is a performance-related construction quality assurance test. Thesimulated LWD test is based on the LWD device as specified by the Minnesota Department ofTransportation (see Figures 10 & 11), and described in Davich et al. (2006), Siekmeier et al. (2009),and ASTM (2007). The LWD device induces a material response by dropping a weight onto a plateresting on the test layer. A load cell within the device measures the time history of the load pulse,and a geophone suspended through the bottom plate measures the time history of the materialdisplacement (see Figure 12). The peak load and peak displacement are used to calculate modulus(Siekmeier et al., 2009, Eq. 1.6). The LWD directly measures the quantities of force anddisplacement that constitute pavement loading. MnDOT now specifies that a peak force of 6.28 kNbe delivered to the ground by a 200 mm diameter plate, which corresponds with a 200 kPa peakstress being applied to the material.

Figure 10 Sketch of LWD device. (From Fig. 1 of Fleming et al. [2007])


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Figure 11 Light Weight Deflectometer as used in the field. (From Fig. 1.2 ofSiekmeier et al. [2009])

Figure 12 Example of LWD output from test on 400 mm of well-graded crushedgranodiorite. (From Fig. 2 of Fleming et al. [2007])


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2.3 Probe Model

The DCP and LWD models described herein are like the models of Tan et al. (2014), with theprimary difference being the use of a PFC clump7 to model the rod/plate — Tan et al. (2014) modelthe rod/plate as a collection of walls.8 In both models, a dropping hammer is not modeled. Instead, atime-varying external force is applied to the rod/plate.9 Another difference in the models is thematerial-genesis procedure. In the models described herein, a cloud of overlapping grains is createdwithin a vessel and allowed to rearrange under conditions of zero gravity and zero friction. A frictioncoefficient is then specified, and the vessel boundary is moved inward to obtain a specified materialpressure. The true material friction coefficient is then assigned to the material. In the model of Tan etal. (2014), columns of grains are generated within a vessel, assigned arbitrary initial velocities, andallowed to rearrange under the influence of gravity. The material is then compacted by repeatedlydropping a weighted plate onto its surface. The true material friction coefficient is used during theentire procedure.

The probe model simulates a DCP or LWD test that is performed on the material in either thepolyaxial or cylindrical cell during a triaxial test. The probed system is shown in Figure 13. Thematerial is confined in the triaxial cell with the boundary conditions shown in Figure 14. Thefollowing boundary conditions are maintained throughout the probe event. The walls are frictionless.The bottom wall is fixed, and gravity is activated. The top wall provides axial pressure, and the sidewalls provide lateral pressure. These pressures may be maintained constant, and equal to either theirinitial values (which correspond with the compression-test state) or specified values. The lateralpressure is maintained by a servomechanism that controls the side-wall velocities. The axial pressureis maintained by a separate servomechanism that controls the top-wall velocity. The force at thebottom wall may become larger than the force at the top wall, because the bottom wall resists theaxial pressure, the weight of the grains, and the force imposed by the rod/plate.

7 A PFC clump is a collection of overlapping spherical pebbles that remain fixed relative to one another. It behaves as arigid body with associated mass.

8 The walls remain fixed relative to one another, and behave as a rigid body with associated mass.

9 Tan et al. (2014) modeled the hammer loads during the DCP and LWD tests as follows. A triangular force history wasused for both tests. For the DCP test, the force history had a 0.1 ms duration with a peak force of 105 kN. These valueswere based on the experimentally measured load history during a DCP test with a load cell on the anvil (Nazarian et al.,2000), which measured an approximate triangular force history over 0.1 ms duration with a peak force of approximately80 kN. For the LWD test, the force history had a 40 ms duration with a peak force of 6.28 kN, which provides a 200 kPapeak stress acting on a 200 mm diameter plate. These values were based on the results in Fleming et al. (2007).


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Figure 13 Sketch of probed system showing loads acting on the material.

Figure 14 Boundary conditions enforced during a probe event. The bottom wallis fixed. The top wall and side walls can either be fixed, or provide aconstant pressure boundary condition.

When simulating a DCP test, only the lower portion of the cone-tipped rod is included in the model.When simulating a LWD test, only the plate is included in the model. The rod/plate is modeled as aPFC clump. The rod/plate does not interact with the walls, it interacts only with the grains. If theDCP test is performed with a boundary-condition code of zero, then the system mimics driving a rodthrough a hole in the fixed top platen during a triaxial test in which the confining pressure is keptconstant. The hammer drop is modeled by applying a time-varying external force to the rod/plate.The force-time history has a symmetrical triangular shape over a specified duration with a specifiedpeak force.


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The probe parameters are listed in Table 4. When performing a DCP test ( 0pT ), only the lower

portion of the cone-tipped rod is included in the model (see Figure 15), and its geometry is definedby the cone included angle ( c ), cone base diameter ( cD ), rod diameter ( rD ) and rod length ( rl ).The cone-tipped rod is modeled as a clump, consisting of overlapping pebbles that just touch itssides. The number of pebbles, and their positions and radii are determined by the number of pebblesalong the cone and rod axes ( cn and rn ), and the diameter of the pebble at the cone tip ( tD ). Atypical DCP clump is shown in Figure 16.

Table 4 DCP and LWD Probe Parameters

Parameter Type Range Default Description

pT , dl_probeType INT 0,1 0probe-type code

0, DCP1, LWD

Geometry group:

c , dcp_coneAng FLT 0.0,90.0 NAcone included angle [degrees]


cD , dcp_coneBaseDiam FLT 0.0, NA cone base diameter 0pT

rD , dcp_rodDiam FLT 0.0, NA rod diameter 0pT

rl , dcp_rodLen FLT 0.0, NA rod length 0pT

cn , dcp_nc INT 4, 4number of pebbles alongcone axis 0pT

rn , dcp_nr INT 4, 4number of pebbles alongrod axis 0pT

tD, dcp_Dt FLT 0.0, NAdiameter of pebble at cone tip


pD , lwd_plateDiam FLT 0.0, NA plate diameter 1pT

rn , lwd_nr INT 2, 3number of touching pebblesin radial direction 1pT

Material properties group:

tm , dl_massTot FLT 0.0, NA device mass (including hammer)

hm , dl_massHam FLT 0.0, NA hammer mass

sE , dl_semod FLT 0, 0.0 rod/plate surface eff. modulus


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s , dl_skrat FLT 0, 0.0 rod/plate surface stiffness ratio

s , dl_sfric FLT 0, 0.0 rod/plate surface friction coef.

Boundary conditions group:

cB , dl_BCcode INT 0,3 0

boundary-condition code0, top fixed, constant1, top fixed, lateral fixed2, constant, constant3, constant, lateral fixed


a l




aP , dl_BCPaTop FLT 0, 0.0 specified axial pressure(if value is non-zero)

lP , dl_BCPl FLT 0, 0.0 specified lateral pressure(if value is non-zero)

f , dl_fPen FLT 0, 0.0 forced penetration(if value is non-zero)

f , dl_fPenRate FLT 0, 0.0 forced penetration strain ratew.r.t. material vessel height

, dl_localDampFac FLT 0.0,0.7 0.0 local-damping factor (applied tograins and DCP)

h , dl_hillDampCon FLT 0.0,1.0 0.0 damping constant of hill material(applied to grain-grain contacts)

g, dl_grav FLT 0, 0.0 gravitational acceleration

pr , dl_plRad FLT 0, 0.0 placement radius

p , dl_plAng FLT 0.0,360.0 0.0 placement angle [degrees]w.r.t. positive x-axis

mC , dl_conLat INT 0,1 0constrain lateral motion flag( 0,1 : no, yes )

hF , dl_Fh FLT 0.0, 0.0 hammer-force peak

ht , dl_th FLT 0.0, 0.0 hammer-force duration

hn , dl_nh INT 500, 2000 minimum number of stepsduring hammer-drop interval

hin , dl_nhi INT 1, 5 number of hammer-dropintervals to resolve drop process

Servo control and static equilibrium group:

p , dl_PTol FLT 0.0, pk_PTol pressure tolerance sp



where P is current pressure

lim , dl_ARatLimit FLT 0.0, 51 10 equilibrium-ratio limit


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(parameter of ft_eq)

limn , dl_stepLimit INT 1, pk_stepLimit step limit(parameter of ft_eq)

limv , dl_vLimit FLT 0.0, 10 , 0.1a aH servo velocity limit

Figure 15 Parameters defining DCP geometry and clump discretization.


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Figure 16 Typical DCP clump and parameter values.

When performing a LWD test ( 1pT ), only the plate is included in the model (see Figure 17), and

its geometry is defined by the plate diameter ( pD ) and number of touching pebbles in the radial

direction ( rn ). The plate is modeled as a clump, consisting of overlapping pebbles that form rings

about the plate center. All pebbles have the same diameter, which is chosen such that rn touchingpebbles span from the plate center to the plate perimeter. The outer ring of pebbles is centered alongthe plate perimeter. A ring of pebbles is generated starting at each touching pebble (the solid greencircles in Figure 17), and there are sufficient pebbles in each ring such that these pebbles justoverlap. There are additional rings generated at the midpoints between each pair of touching pebbles(the dashed green circles in Figure 17).


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Figure 17 Typical LWD clump and parameter values. The two parameters definethe plate geometry and discretization.

The material properties of the rod/plate are defined by the total mass of the device and mass of thehammer ( tm and hm ). It is the mass of the device without the hammer that is accelerated by thehammer loading. The hammer mass contributes to the total weight of the device. The materialproperties of the rod/plate surface are defined by the rod/plate surface effective modulus, stiffnessratio, and friction coefficient ( sE , s

and s ).10

The probe test consists of a setup phase, followed by placement and hammer-drop phases. During

the setup phase, the boundary conditions (see Figure 14) are established ( cB , aP and lP ), gravity isactivated ( g ), and the model is cycled to reach static equilibrium. The model state is saved at theend of the setup phase.

During the placement phase, the rod/plate is created, a forced penetration may be imposed ( f and

f ), and the rod/plate comes to static equilibrium. The rod/plate is modeled as a clump. It is oriented

vertically above the material vessel, such that its lowest point is at the current height of the top walland its location is specified with respect to the vessel axis by the placement radius and angle ( pr and

10 The linear contact model is installed at the rod/plate-grain and rod/plate-grid contacts; the stiffness and frictioncoefficient of these contacts are set based on the specified deformability and friction coefficient. The null contact modelis installed at the rod/plate-wall contacts.


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p ), as shown in Figure 18. The rod/plate interacts only with the grains and the grid, it does not

interact with the walls. The rod/plate is constrained to remain vertical — it cannot rotate, it is free tomove axially, and its lateral motion is either free or constrained ( mC ). The mass of the rod/platewithout the hammer is assigned to the clump, and then the weight of the hammer is applied to theclump as an external force that is oriented in the axial direction, and applied at the clump centroid.The clump displacement and elapsed time are set to zero. If a forced penetration is desired ( 0f ),

then it is imposed as follows. The axial velocity-fixity is set, the clump velocity is set equal to v( fv H , where H is the specimen height), and the model is cycled until the clump displacement

reaches the desired value ( f ). The axial velocity-fixity is then removed, thereby freeing the clump

to move in response to the total force acting upon it. The model is cycled until a state of staticequilibrium is reached. If a forced penetration was imposed, then there may be a slight rebound;otherwise, there will be a settlement. The specified damping is activated (see damping discussion inthe next paragraph). The model state is saved at the end of the placement phase.

Figure 18 Parameters controlling rod/plate placement.

The model is run dynamically (not quasi-statically) during the hammer drops, because there aredynamic effects occurring that may influence the penetration. The hammer loading will accelerateboth the rod/plate and the grains, and if the local-damping factor is too large, then excessive energywill be removed from the system, thereby reducing the rod/plate penetration from its true value. Twoforms of damping are available: local-damping and hill damping. During a quasi-static run, we setthe local-damping factor ( ) equal to 0.7, and the hill damping constant ( h ) to zero. During adynamic run, we set the local-damping factor to a small value (0.02 or less), and set the hill dampingconstant to 0.07. The value of 0.07 was used in all simulations performed by Tan et al. (2014), andthis value corresponds with a restitution coefficient of 0.9. These damping values are assumed to


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provide realistic energy dissipation for a granular material, but further study is warranted to confirmthis assumption. It would be prudent to study the effect of damping on the DCP penetration andLWD deflection.

The hammer drop occurs during the hammer-drop phase. The falling hammer is modeled byapplying a time-varying external force to the rod/plate. The hammer force is defined by its peakvalue and duration ( hF and ht ) as shown in Figure 19. The minimum number of steps during the

hammer drop ( hn ) ensures proper resolution of the loading process, and the number of hammer-drop

intervals over which to maintain the smaller timestep ( hin ) ensures proper resolution of the modelresponse.11 The rod/plate accelerates in response to the hammer force, and penetrates further into thegranular material. The model is cycled until a state of static equilibrium is reached. The model stateis saved at the end of the hammer-drop phase.

Figure 19 Total external force applied to the rod/plate during the hammer drop.

The following items are monitored during the probe test. The axial pressure acting on the top wall( aP ) and the lateral pressure acting on the side walls ( lP ) are stored in the FISH variablesdl_PaTop and dl_Pl. The elapsed time since rod/plate creation is stored in the FISH variabledl_eTime. The penetration and penetration velocity are taken as the motion in the z-direction, andstored in the FISH variables dl_pen and dl_penV. The penetration is measured with respect tothe height of the top wall at the start of the placement phase. The applied external force and resistingforce (provided by the material) acting on the rod/plate are stored in the FISH variables dl_aF anddl_rF.

11 The timestep is reduced to meet this criterion, and the reduced timestep is used both during the hammer drop and forthe specified number of multiples of the hammer-drop duration ( hin ).


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2.4 Simple Example

A simple example of the DCP and LWD probe capability is provided in the MG-HillGridexample-project directory. The example serves as a base case, and provides a modeled system at thelowest resolution sufficient to demonstrate system behavior. The modeled system is the same as thatdescribed in the Simple Example section of Potyondy (2018), with the exception that the grid ismodeled using beamed contacts instead of parallel-bonded contacts. The grid-set properties are listedin Table 2. The materials are dry while being created in a polyaxial material vessel (of initial 240mm height and 120 mm width and depth, with a 500 MPa effective modulus) and packed at a 1 MPamaterial pressure as shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20 Dry AG and AG_SS20 materials at the end of material genesis.

The materials are subjected to triaxial testing. The materials are tested dry. During each triaxial test,the confinement is 25 kPa, and two load-unload cycles are performed to produce the stress-straincurves in Figure 21. We focus on the material at the end of the seating phase of the triaxial test, atwhich point the confinement has been reduced from 1 MPa to 25 kPa, and the porosity has increasedfrom 0.379 to 0.384. The material has very little strength at this low confinement, and is in a veryloosely packed state. The material with the grid is weaker (being able to sustain a deviator stress ofonly 9 kPa) and more loosely packed than the material without the grid. The DCP and LWD probesare performed on the material at the end of the seating phase of the triaxial test, when the axial andlateral pressures are both equal to 25 kPa.


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Figure 21 Deviator stress versus axial strain for dry AG material tested at 25kPa confinement, and grain displacements induced by reducing theconfinement from 1 MPa to 25 kPa.

2.4.1 DCP Test

The present discussion focuses on the no-grid model to demonstrate reasonable model behavior. Thegrid model is discussed only to demonstrate that the DCP penetration is being inhibited by the grid.A quantitative comparison of DCP penetration between grid and no-grid models should beperformed using models with the same porosity, but in the present case, the porosity of the gridmodel is larger than that of the no-grid model (0.407 versus 0.384).

The DCP test properties are listed in Table 5. The DCP geometry corresponds with the MnDOTstandard, and the geometry of the near-cone region is shown in Figure 16. The DCP is centeredalong the specimen axis, and free to move laterally. The DCP test is performed on the materials atthe end of the seating phase of the triaxial test, when the axial and lateral pressures are both 25 kPa.During the DCP test, the lateral pressure is maintained constant, and the top wall is fixed. The DCPis forced 50 mm into the material, and then four hammer drops are performed. Each hammer drophas a 105 kN peak force and 0.1 ms duration.


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Table 5 DCP Test Properties*

Property Value

mT 0

Geometry group:

deg , mm , mm , mmc c r rD D l 6 0 , 2 0 , 1 6 , 2 4 0

, , mmc r tn n D 8 , 4 8 , 4

Material properties group:

* *, kg , GPa , ,t h s s sm m E 11 3, 8 , 1 , 2 , 0 .6

Boundary conditions group:

, kPa , kPa mm ,c a l f fB P P 0, 0 , 0 , 5 0 , 1 .0

2, , m s , mm , deg ,h p p mg r C 0 .0 2 , 0 .0 7 , 9 .8 1, 0 , 0 , 0

kN , ms , ,h h h hiF t n n 1 0 5, 0 .1, 2 0 0 0, 1 0

Servo control group:

lim lim lim, , ,p n v 2 5 51 1 0 , 2 1 0 , 5 1 0 , 0 .2 4

* Probe parameters are defined in Table 4.1 This value is chosen large enough to prevent excessive

interpenetration of the DCP and grains.

The DCP penetration is shown in Figure 22, and the modeled system after four hammer drops isshown in Figure 23. The DCP penetration increases with each hammer drop, and the totalpenetration after four drops is 148 mm. The downward motion of the DCP is resisted by the forcesexerted by the grains on the cone. These resisting forces are evident in the force-chain plot of Figure24, which shows the force-chain configurations at the ends of the forced penetration and the first twohammer drops. It is the disturbance of these stable force-chain configurations by the hammer loadingthat allows the DCP to move downward. The DCP may also move laterally during its downwardmotion as it encounters grains that are offset from its vertical axis.


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Figure 22 Penetration versus elapsed time after four hammer blows to the no-grid model.

Figure 23 Model configuration after four hammer blows to the no-grid model.


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Figure 24 Stable force-chain configurations during the DCP test on the no-gridmodel.

The applied and resisting forces during the first hammer-drop event are shown in Figure 25. Theresisting force begins to build up during the hammer-drop duration, and it is well resolved while thetimestep remains small. When the timestep returns to its original value (updated automatically toensure stable forward integration of the equations of motion), the resisting force varies in a less-smooth fashion. An ideal simulation would maintain the smaller timestep throughout the entire dropprocess, which includes the time of hammer-force application and additional time during which theresisting force increases and then returns to equal the DCP weight. It is expected that the responseshown here (controlled by hn and hin ) provides an adequate resolution of the loading and responseprocesses, while maintaining an acceptable overall run time. The time scales associated with theloading and response processes are seen by plotting the applied and resisting forces versus time inFigure 26. The peak hammer-drop force is 105 kN, whereas the peak resisting force is only 800 N(which is 130 times smaller). The loading process occurs over a 0.1 millisecond interval, but theresponse process occurs over a 0.1 second interval (which is 1000 times longer). These forcemagnitudes and time scales are reasonable.


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Figure 25 Applied (red) and resisting (black) forces versus step during the firsthammer-drop event.

Figure 26 Applied (red) and resisting (black) forces versus time during the firsthammer-drop event.


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The resisting force during the forced-penetration process is shown in Figure 27. The resisting forcefluctuates during the process as the DCP pushes past grains, forcing them to move apart andrearrange to accommodate its presence. The peak resisting force is approximately 420 N. It isexpected that this peak value will be sensitive to the penetration rate. The current penetration ratewas chosen slow enough to approach quasi-static conditions. After the imposed penetration ceases,and the axial motion of the DCP is freed, the force drops back to the DCP weight. This behavior isreasonable, because the work done on the system by the DCP as it is forced into the material isdissipated by frictional sliding and grain rearrangement. Very little of the imposed energy is storedas strain energy, and thus, there is negligible rebound of the DCP when its axial motion is freed.

Figure 27 Resisting force versus step during the forced-penetration process.

A final check of the system behavior is to examine the axial and lateral pressures during the forced-penetration process as shown in Figure 28. The servomechanism that controls the side-wallvelocities is maintaining the lateral pressure at its initial value of 25 kPa. The top wall is fixed;therefore, the pressure acting on this wall is reduced to 14 kPa as the DCP moves into the materialand compresses the top of the material.


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Figure 28 Axial and lateral pressures versus step during the forced-penetrationprocess.

The following response is observed when the same DCP test, with the same boundary conditions, isperformed on the AG_SS20 material (the material with grid) at the end of the seating phase of thetriaxial test, when the axial and lateral pressures are both 25 kPa. During the DCP test, the lateralpressure is maintained constant, and the top wall is fixed. The DCP is placed along the specimenaxis, and the top-most grid lies 60 mm below the top of the specimen. The DCP is forced 50 mm intothe material, and then four hammer drops are performed. The DCP penetration is shown in Figure29, and the modeled system after four hammer drops is shown in Figure 30. The DCP penetrationincreases with each hammer drop, and the total penetration after four drops is 122 mm. This is lessthan the 148-mm total penetration of the no-grid model. The ability of the grid to inhibit the DCPpenetration is evident in Figure 31. After the first hammer drop, the DCP has contacted the top-mostgrid and begun to penetrate the back-left aperture. Very little penetration occurs during the secondhammer drop, as the grid forces the DCP to move laterally. Substantial penetration occurs during thethird hammer drop, as the DCP moves past the top-most grid.


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Figure 29 Penetration versus elapsed time after four blows to the grid model.

Figure 30 Model configuration after four hammer blows to the grid model.


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Figure 31 Evolving DCP location and grid configuration during the DCP test onthe grid model.

2.4.2 LWD Test

The LWD test properties are listed in Table 6. The LWD geometry is shown in Figure 17. The LWDplate has an 80 mm diameter, and each hammer drop has a 250 N peak force and 40 ms durationsuch that the plate delivers a 50 kPa peak stress to the material.12 The LWD is centered along thespecimen axis, and is free to move laterally. The LWD test is performed on the materials at the endof the seating phase of the triaxial test, when the axial and lateral pressures are both 25 kPa. Duringthe LWD test, the lateral pressure is maintained constant, and the top wall is fixed. The LWD settlesunder the force of gravity, and then eight hammer drops are performed.

12 The MnDOT standard specifies that a 200 mm diameter plate deliver a 200 kPa peak stress to the material. The peakstress in the present model is reduced, because the material is in a very loosely packed state and cannot sustain the largerstress without excessive plastic deformation.


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Table 6 LWD Test Properties*

Property Value

mT 1

Geometry group:

mm ,p rD n 80, 3

Material properties group:

* *, kg , GPa , ,t h s s sm m E 13 4 ,1 0 , 1, 2 , 0 .6

Boundary conditions group:

, kPa , kPa mm ,c a l f fB P P 0, 0, 0 , 0 , 0

2, , m s , mm , deg ,h p p mg r C 0 .0 2 , 0 .0 7 , 9 .8 1, 0 , 0 , 0

N , ms , ,h h h hiF t n n 2 5 0, 4 0 , 2 0 0 0, 1 0

Servo control group:

lim lim lim, , ,p n v 2 5 51 1 0 , 2 1 0 , 5 1 0 , 0 .2 4

* Probe parameters are defined in Table 4.1 The total mass consists of a 15-kg plate, 5-kg guide rod, 10-kg

hammer and 4-kg electronics (Zorn Stendal, 2005).

The LWD penetration is shown in Figure 32, and the modeled system after six hammer drops isshown in Figure 33. After an initial 1.4 mm penetration due to the self-weight of the device, thepenetration increases with each hammer drop. This indicates that the material is not behavingelastically; instead, there is some plastic deformation. The penetration during the sixth hammer dropis shown in Figure 34, from which a 13 MPa modulus is obtained. The plastic deformation is evidentin this plot. The hammer drops are compacting the material (see Figure 35). The resisting forcetracks with the applied load during the sixth hammer-drop event (see Figure 36), and the maximumapplied load just equals the device weight. Such a small applied load may not be sufficient tomeasure the elastic properties throughout the entire specimen depth. These results demonstrate thatthe model is working correctly. It is expected that more realistic and quantitatively correct behaviorwill be obtained for materials that are less loosely packed than the material examined here.


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Figure 32 LWD penetration versus elapsed time after eight hammer blows to theno-grid model.

Figure 33 LWD model configuration after six hammer blows to the no-gridmodel.


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Figure 34 LWD model penetration versus elapsed time during the sixth hammerdrop.

Figure 35 Top of no-grid LWD model after initial settlement and eight hammerblows, with the forces applied to the material by the plate shown in thebottom-right image.


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Figure 36 Applied (red) and resisting (black) forces versus time during the sixthhammer-drop of the no-grid LWD model.


ASTM. (2015) “Standard Test Method for Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer in ShallowPavement Applications,” Designation: D6951/D6951M-09 (Reapproved 2015), American Societyfor Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2015.

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Fleming, P.R., M.W. Frost and J.P. Lambert. (2007) “Review of Lightweight Deflectometer forRoutine In Situ Assessment of Pavement Material Stiffness,” Transportation Research Record:Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2004, pp. 80–87, DOI: 10.3141/2004-09,Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.

Garnica, P., N. Perez, J. Siekmeier, R. Roberson and B. Tanquist. (2017) “State of the Practice inMexico and Minnesota to Estimate the Effect of Water Content/Suction in Subgrade Soils andGranular Materials,” in Proceedings of PanAm-UNSAT 2017: Second Pan-American Conferenceon Unsaturated Soils (Dallas, TX, November 12–15, 2017).


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Gupta, S., A. Ranaivoson, T. Edil, C. Benson and A. Sawangsuriya. (2007) “Pavement Design usingUnsaturated Soil Technology,” Minnesota Department of Transportation Research Report MN/RC2007-11, Saint Paul, MN.

Gupta, S., A. Singh and A. Sawangsuriya. (2005) “Moisture Retention Characteristics of Base andSub-base Materials,” Minnesota Department of Transportation Research Report MN/RC 2005-06,Saint Paul, MN.

MnDOT. (2016) Standard Specifications for Construction, 2016 Edition, Minnesota Department ofTransportation, Saint Paul, MN.

Mooney, M., and R. Rinehart. (2009) “In Situ Soil Response to Vibratory Loading and ItsRelationship to Roller-Measured Soil Stiffness,” Journal of Geotechnical and GeoenvironmentalEngineering, 135(8), ASCE, Washington, D.C.

Nazarian, S., V. Tandon, K. Crain and D. Yuan. (2000) “Use of Instrumented Dynamic ConePenetrometer in Pavement Characterization,” in Nondestructive Testing of Pavements andBackcalculation of Moduli: Third Volume (S.D. Tayabji and E.O. Lukanen, eds.), pp. 214–229,American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM STP 1375, West Conshohocken, PA.

NCHRP 1-28A. (2003) “Harmonized Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of ResilientModulus for Flexible Pavement Design,” National Cooperative Highway Research Program,Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

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Potyondy, D. (2017) “Material-Modeling Support in PFC [fistPkg25],” Itasca Consulting Group,Inc., Technical Memorandum ICG7766-L (March 16, 2017), Minneapolis, MN.

Potyondy, D. (2016) “Hill Contact Model [version 4],” Itasca Consulting Group, Inc., TechnicalMemorandum ICG7795-L (October 12, 2016), Minneapolis, MN.

Rinehart, R., and M. Mooney. (2009) “Measurement of Roller Compacted Induced Triaxial SoilStresses and Strains,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, 32(4), ASTM International, WestConshohocken, PA.

Siekmeier, J., and J. Casanova. (2016) “Geogrid Reinforced Aggregate Base Stiffness forMechanistic Pavement Design,” Saint Paul, Minnesota, Minnesota Department of TransportationResearch Report 2016-24, MN/RC 2016-24, July 2016.


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Siekmeier, J., C. Pinta, S. Merth, J. Jensen, P. Davich, F. Camargo and M. Beyer. (2009) “Using theDynamic Cone Penetrometer and Light Weight Deflectometer for Construction Quality Assurance,”Minnesota Department of Transportation Research Report MN/RC 2009-12, February 2009, SaintPaul, MN.

Tan, D., K. Hill and L. Khazanovich. (2014) “Quantifying Moisture Effects in DCP and LWD TestsUsing Unsaturated Mechanics,” Dept. of Civil Engr., University of Minnesota, Final Report toMinnesota Department of Transportation, Saint Paul, MN, MN/RC 2014-13, February 2014.

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Xiao, Y., E. Tutumluer, Y. Qian and J. Siekmeier. (2012) “Gradation Effects Influencing MechanicalProperties of Aggregate Base and Granular Subbase Materials in Minnesota,” TransportationResearch Record 2267, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

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Date: June 22, 2018

To: John Siekmeier (MnDOT)

From: David Potyondy (Itasca)

Re: Beam Contact Model [version 1]

Ref: 2-3558-01:17TM07

This memo describes the beam contact model (version 1) as provided in the pavement-design package

for PFC 5.0.1 A pebbled-beam (P-beam) is a string of spherical balls for which the beam contact model

exists at all ball-ball contacts. A P-beam provides the structural behavior of a prismatic and

bisymmetrical beam composed of isotropic, linear elastic material. The model formulation and test

problem are provided in the first and second major sections, respectively. The test problem consists of a

tip-loaded cantilever beam subjected to axial, flexural and twisting deformations.

1 The pavement-design package is described in Potyondy (2018). The beam contact model is referred to in commands

and FISH by the name beam, and is provided as a dynamic link library (DLL) file that is loaded into PFC3D at

runtime. The version number of the beam contact model is given by the command {list contact modellist}

and listed in the “Minor” column.



1.0 ....................................................................................................................................................... FORMULATION


1.1 ................................................................................................................................................... Notational Conventions

.................................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 .................................................................................................................................................................... The PFC Model

.................................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.3 ...........................................................................................................................................................Kinematic Variables

.................................................................................................................................................................. 5

1.4 .................................................................................................................................................................................. P-Beam

.................................................................................................................................................................. 9

1.5 ................................................................................................................................................. Activity-Deletion Criteria

................................................................................................................................................................ 11

1.6 ................................................................................................................................................. Force-Displacement Law

................................................................................................................................................................ 11

1.7 ............................................................................................................................................................................. Properties

................................................................................................................................................................ 13

1.8 .................................................................................................................................................................................Energies

................................................................................................................................................................ 15

1.9 ................................................................................................................................................................................Methods

................................................................................................................................................................ 16

1.10 Time Step Estimation Scheme ................................................................................................ 16

2.0 ....................................................................................................................................................... TEST PROBLEM

........................................................................................................................................................ 16

2.1 .......................................................................................................................................... Tip-Loaded Cantilever Beam

................................................................................................................................................................ 16

3.0 ............................................................................................................................................................ REFERENCES

........................................................................................................................................................ 21



The formulation of the beam contact model is the subject of this section. The first three subsections

summarize the notational conventions, the PFC model and the kinematic variables — refer to Itasca

(2018, PFC Model Components) for a complete description of these concepts. The remaining

subsections contain the formulation, which begins with a definition of a P-beam, and is followed by the

activity-deletion criteria, force-displacement law, properties, energies, methods and time step

estimation scheme of the beam contact model.


Vectors are denoted by boldface type, such as v . The length or magnitude of v is denoted v or

simply v . The addition of a hat denotes a unit vector, such that ˆ v v v . The addition of a dot

denotes a time derivative, such as t v v . There is a global coordinate system ( xyz ). The vector v

can be expressed in the global coordinate system by the relations:

ˆ ˆ ˆ, ,

ˆ ˆ ˆwith , ,

x y z

x y z

x y z v v v

v v v

v v i j k

v i v j v k (1)

where i , j and k are unit vectors directed along the positive x , y and z axes, respectively.


The PFC programs (PFC2D and PFC3D) provide a general purpose, distinct-element modeling framework

that includes a computational engine and a graphical user interface. A particular instance of the distinct-

element model is referred to as a PFC model, which refers to both the 2D and 3D models. The PFC model

simulates the movement and interaction of many finite-sized particles. The particles are rigid bodies

with finite mass that move independently of one another and can both translate and rotate. Particles

interact at pair-wise contacts by means of an internal force and moment. Contact mechanics are

embodied in particle-interaction laws that update the internal forces and moments. The time evolution

of this system is computed via the distinct-element method, which provides an explicit dynamic solution

to Newton’s laws of motion. The PFC model provides a synthetic material consisting of an assembly of

rigid grains that interact at contacts and includes both granular and bonded materials.

We here generalize and expand upon the definition of the PFC model given above. The PFC model

simulates the movement of particles and their mechanical interaction at pair-wise contacts. We denote

each particle as a body to clarify that it is not a point mass but, instead, is a rigid body with finite mass

and a well-defined surface. The PFC model consists of bodies and contacts (see Figure 2). There are

three types of bodies: balls, clumps and walls. Bodies have surface properties that are assigned to the

pieces on the body surface. A ball consists of one piece, which is the ball itself, while the pieces of a

clump and wall are called pebbles and facets, respectively. A ball is a rigid unit-thickness disk in 2D or

sphere in 3D. A clump is a collection of pebbles that are rigid unit-thickness disks in 2D or spheres in 3D.


Clumps model arbitrarily shaped rigid bodies. The pebbles comprising a clump can overlap but contacts

do not exist between them; instead, contacts form between the pebbles on the boundary of a clump

and other bodies. A wall is a collection of facets that are linear segments in 2D or triangles in 3D and

that form a manifold and orientable surface.

Figure 2 PFC model showing bodies and contacts (left) and contact plane with internal force (right). (From Fig. 1 of Itasca [2018]2.)

Contact mechanics are embodied in particle-interaction laws that employ a soft-contact approach for

which all deformation occurs at the contacts between the rigid bodies. The mechanical interaction

between the surfaces of two bodies occurs at one or more pair-wise mechanical contacts. Contacts are

created and deleted based on body proximity by the contact-detection logic. A contact provides an

interface between two pieces. The interface consists of a contact plane with location cx , normal

direction ˆcn , and coordinate system nst . The contact plane is centered within the interaction

volume (either gap or overlap) of the two pieces, oriented tangential to the two pieces, and rotated to

ensure that relative motion of the piece surfaces remains symmetric with respect to the contact plane.

Each contact stores a force cF and moment cM that act at the contact location in an equal and

opposite sense on the two pieces. The internal force and moment are updated by the particle-

2 In documentation set at PFC Model Components: PFC Model Formulation: Model Components.


interaction law, which takes the relative motion and surface properties of the two pieces as input. We

refer to the particle-interaction law as a contact model.


Kinematics considers the motion of systems of bodies without regard to the role of the forces causing

the motion, while kinetics considers the relationship of the forces to the kinematic variables. The

kinetics of the PFC model are embodied in the force-displacement law of each contact model. The

kinematic variables that serve as the input to the force-displacement law are discussed here.

Contact resolution occurs when a new contact is detected during the cycle sequence, prior to the force-

displacement calculations. During contact resolution, the contact state variables (see Table 2) are

updated. Each contact model uses its properties, along with the relative motion of the two contacting

pieces, to update the contact force and moment.

Table 2 Contact State Variables

Property Description

cm effective inertial mass

Contact plane (see Figures 2 and 3):

cx contact-plane location


n contact-plane normal direction


s contact-plane coordinate system ( s axis)


t contact-plane coordinate system ( t axis)

cg contact gap ( 0cg is open)

Relative motion (see Figures 4 and 5):

δ relative translational velocity

θ relative rotational velocity


relative normal-displacement increment

( 0n is opening)

sδ relative shear-displacement increment

t relative twist-rotation increment


bθ relative bend-rotation increment ,bs bt

The contact shown in Figure 3 has been created between the pieces of two bodies. Each contact has two

ends, end1 and end2, with the associated pieces and bodies labelled 1 and 2. The bodies are rigid.

Therefore, the motion of body b is described by its rotational velocity bω and the translational

velocity bx of its centroid b

x . The contact state variables include the contact-plane information

as well as the contact gap cg , which is the minimal signed distance separating the piece surfaces. A

vector quantity that lies on the contact plane ( S ) can be expressed in the contact plane coordinate

system by the relations:


ˆˆwith , .

s t

s t

s t S S


c c

c c

S S s t

S s S t (2)

Figure 3 A contact between the pieces of two bodies. (From Fig. 1 of Itasca [2018]3.)

The relative motion of the piece surfaces at a contact is described by the relative translational δ and

rotational θ velocities:

3 In documentation set at PFC Model Components: Contacts and Contact Models: Contact Resolution.


2 1

2 1.

c cδ x x

θ ω ω


In this expression, b

cx is the translational velocity of body b at the contact location:

b b b b

c cx x ω x x (4)

where b

x is the translational velocity of body b ; b

ω is the rotational velocity of body b ; cx is

the contact location; and b

x is either the centroid (if the body is a ball or clump) or the center of

rotation (if the body is a wall) of body b . The contact location defines a point that is fixed with

respect to each body, and thus, ( )b

cx is the translational velocity of that point in body b .4

The relative translational velocity can be expressed as

ˆ ˆ ˆwith ,n

n s

n c c c s n

δ δ δ

δ δ n n n δ δ δ (5)

where nδ ( 0n is moving apart) and sδ are the relative translational velocities normal and tangential,

respectively, to the contact plane, and the subscripts n and s correspond with normal and shear

action, respectively (see Figure 4 — the centering of the contact within the interaction volume ensures

that the relative displacement is symmetric with respect to the contact plane).

The relative rotational velocity can be expressed as

ˆ ˆ ˆwith ,t

t b

t c c c b t

θ θ θ

θ θ n n n θ θ θ (6)

4 The location of this point within each body may change — e.g., under increasing applied compression, the overlap

increases and these points move deeper into each body.


where tθ and bθ are the relative rotational velocities normal and tangential, respectively, to the contact

plane, and the subscripts t and b correspond with twisting and bending action, respectively (see Figure


The relative displacement and rotation increments at the contact during a time step t are

ˆˆ ˆ ,

ˆˆ ˆ ,

with ,


n ss st

t bs bt

n n

t t

t t

t t

c s s c s c

c b b c b c

s s

b b

δ n δ δ s δ t

θ n θ θ s θ t

δ δ

θ θ


where n is the relative normal-displacement increment, sδ is the relative shear-displacement

increment, t is the relative twist-rotation increment, and bθ is the relative bend-rotation


Figure 4 Kinematics of a contact showing contact plane with relative displacement and motion of piece surfaces. (From Fig. 7 of Itasca [2018]5.)

5 In documentation set at PFC Model Components: Contacts and Contact Models: Contact Resolution.


Figure 5 Kinematics of a contact showing contact plane with relative rotation and motion of piece surfaces. (From Fig. 8 of Itasca [2018]6.)

1.4 P-BEAM

A pebbled beam (P-beam) is defined as a string of spherical balls for which the beam contact model

exists at all ball-ball contacts. A P-beam provides the structural behavior of a prismatic and

bisymmetrical beam composed of isotropic, linear elastic material. A P-beam is defined by the string of

balls, and the ball densities (used along with ball radii to obtain ball mass). The structural properties of a

P-beam are defined by the properties of each beam contact model in the string. The properties of the

beam contact model are listed in Section 1.7.

There are two coordinate systems associated with the interface of the beam contact model (see Figure

6): the contact plane coordinate system (nst), and the beam coordinate system (xyz). The beam cross-

sectional properties are specified in the beam coordinate system. The beam coordinate system is

defined by the centers of the two contacting balls and by the vector Y such that: (1) the centroidal axis

coincides with the x-axis; (2) the x-axis is directed from the center of ball-1 to the center of ball-2; and

(3) the y-axis is aligned with the projection of Y onto the cross-sectional plane. If Y is not specified, or

is parallel with the local x-axis, then Y defaults to the global y- or x-direction, whichever is not parallel

with the local x-axis. For the general beam cross section shown in Figure 6, the cross-sectional

properties of area A , polar moment of inertia J , and moments of inertia about the y- and z-axes (

yI and zI ) are defined by the integrals:

2 2 2, , ,y zA A A A

A dA J r dA I z dA I y dA (8)

6 In documentation set at PFC Model Components: Contacts and Contact Models: Contact Resolution.


where the two principal axes of the beam cross section are defined by the y- and z-axes. The cross-

sectional properties of the rectangular cross section shown in Figure 6 are given by (Ugural and Fenster,

1987, Appendix C)

2 2

3 31 112 12

, , , .12

y z

bh b hA bh J I bh I hb


The cross-sectional properties are specified directly (bm_bhGiven = 0), or the cross section is

assumed to be rectangular (bm_bhGiven = 1) with specified width b and height h , and the

cross-sectional properties are computed internally via Eq. (9).

Figure 6 Beam coordinate system (xyz) with the two principal axes of the beam cross section defined by the y- and z-axes (left). Relationship between beam coordinate system and contact plane coordinate system (right).

The beam coordinate system should be defined before cycling by specifying the bm_Ydir property. The

beam coordinate system remains fixed with respect to the contact plane coordinate system as shown in

Figure 6. A beamed contact is a contact that has been assigned the beam contact model. During the first

cycle after a beamed contact has been created, Y is projected onto the contact plane to obtain ˆby ,

which is oriented at an angle with respect to the s-direction. The contact model does not store ,

instead it stores the cosine and sine of given by

ˆˆˆ ˆcos , sin . b c b cy s y t (10)

These terms are used to update the bending moments in the x- and y-directions (see the Force-

Displacement Law). The mapping between the beam and contact coordinate systems of a vector S that

lies on the interface is given by the relations:



cos sin

sin cos

ˆˆˆ ˆcos , sin

ˆˆˆ ˆsin , cos .

Ts sy y

t tz z

s t

s t



y y

z z

gl gl


b c b c

b c b c

t t


y s y t

z s z t


The beam interfaces are displayed as a microstructural plot set (see Section 3.2 in Potyondy [2018]). The

beam interfaces plot set (geometry set name: “beam interfaces”) displays the interface of each beamed

contact. The interface and y-axis can be displayed by the geometry plot item by specifying {Colorby:

Group} and {Sets: beam interfaces}, with {Colors:} used to turn each entity on/off and specify its color.

The interface is drawn as a rectangular polygon with width and height of the beam. The beam y-axis is

drawn as a line from the interface center that extends just beyond the interface edge. If the width and

height are not specified for the beam, then only the y-axis is drawn.


A contact with the beam model is always active.


The force-displacement law for the beam contact model updates the contact force and moment:

, c cF F M M (12)

where F is the beam force and M is the beam moment. The beam force is resolved into a normal and

shear force, and the beam moment is resolved into a twisting and bending moment:

ˆ ˆ,n tF M c s c bF n F M n M (13)

where 0nF is tension. The beam shear force and bending moment lie on the contact plane and are

expressed in the contact plane coordinate system:

ˆ ˆˆ ˆ, .ss st bs btF F M M s c c b c cF s t M s t (14)

When a beamed contact is created, an interface between two notional surfaces is established, and the

beam force and moment are zeroed. The beamed contact provides an elastic interaction between these

two notional surfaces. Each notional surface is connected rigidly to its associated ball. The beam surface

gap is defined as the cumulative relative normal displacement of the ball surfaces:

s ng (15)


where n is the relative normal-displacement increment of Eq. (7).

The following internal state variables are updated during the first cycle. The beam length

(2) (1)L x x (16)

is the center-to-center distance between the two balls. The beam normal and shear stiffnesses are

,2 1

n s

E G Ek k



where E is the Young’s modulus, G is the shear modulus, and is the Poisson’s ratio.

The force-displacement law for the beam force and moment consists of the following steps.

1. Update nF :

:n n n nF F k A (18)

where A is the cross-sectional area, and n is the relative normal-displacement increment of

Eq. (7).

2. Update sF :

: : , :s ss ss s ss st st s stk A F F k A F F k A s s sF F δ (19)

where A is the cross-sectional area, and sδ is the relative shear-displacement increment of

Eq. (7).

3. Update tM :

:t t s tM M k J (20)

where J is the cross-sectional polar moment of inertia, and t is the relative twist-rotation

increment of Eq. (7).


4. Update bM :

: , :



bs bs bs bt bt bt

Tbs bsn y

n zbt bt


M k I

k IM

gl glt t


where yI and

zI are the cross-sectional moments of inertia about the y- and z-axes,

respectively, glt is the transformation matrix of Eq. (11), and bθ is the relative bend-

rotation increment of Eq. (7).


The property information is separated into parameters and state variables such that the parameters

define the model, while the state variables describe its current state. The properties table provides a

concise property reference that combines the parameters and state variables. The property information

for the beam contact model is given in Tables 2–4.

Table 3 Beam Model Parameters

Parameter Keyword Description

beam model name

E bm_E Young’s modulus

bm_nu Poisson’s ratio

pC bm_bhGiven

cross-sectional properties code

0, specify directly

1, specify and b h

A bm_A cross-sectional area 0pC

J bm_J polar moment of inertia 0pC

yI bm_Iy moment of inertia about y-axis 0pC

zI bm_Iz moment of inertia about z-axis 0pC

b bm_b cross-sectional width aligned with y-axis 1pC

h bm_h cross-sectional height aligned with z-axis 1pC

Y bm_Ydir

vector whose projection onto contact

plane defines the beam y-axis


Table 4 Beam Model State Variables

Variable Keyword Description

L bm_L length

nk bm_kn normal stiffness [stress/ disp.]

sk bm_ks shear stiffness [stress/ disp.]


y bm_Yaxis beam coordinate system (y-axis)

F bm_force beam force

M bm_moment beam moment

k bm_Estr beam strain energy


Table 5 Beam Model Properties

Keyword Symbol Range Default Type Modifiable

bm_E E 0.0, 0.0 FLT yes

bm_nu 1.0,0.5 0.0 FLT yes

bm_bhGiven pC 0,1 0 INT yes

bm_A A 0.0, 0.0 FLT yes

bm_J J 0.0, 0.0 FLT yes

bm_Iy yI 0.0, 0.0 FLT yes

bm_Iz zI 0.0, 0.0 FLT yes

bm_b b 0.0, 0.0 FLT yes

bm_h h 0.0, 0.0 FLT yes

bm_Ydir Y , , 0,1,0 VEC3 yes

bm_L L 0.0, NA FLT no

bm_kn nk 0.0, 0.0 FLT no

bm_ks sk 0.0, 0.0 FLT no

bm_Yaxis ˆb

y , , NA VEC3 no

bm_force F , , 0 VEC3 no

bm_moment M , , 0 VEC3 no

bm_Estr k 0.0, 0 FLT no


The beam contact model stores the strain energy as a property. The beam strain energy is updated:


2 22 2 21.


bysn t bzk

n s s n y n z


k A k A k J k I k I



The beam contact model has no methods.


The procedure to compute a stable time step (see Section 1.6 in the Theory & Background volume of

Itasca [2008]) requires that each contact model return the contact translational and rotational

stiffnesses. For the beam model, the translational stiffnesses are

,n n s sk k A k k A (23)

and the rotational stiffnesses are

, max , .t s b n y zk k J k k I I (24)


A test problem of a tip-loaded cantilever beam is provided for the beam contact model.


The cantilever beam test problem is in the BeamContactModel\Test-Beam(rectXC) example-

project directory. The problem is shown in Figures 7 and 8. The beam ends are denoted by 1 and 2. The

beam is fully fixed at end 1, and different deformations are imposed at end 2 to provide three loading

cases corresponding with axial, twisting, and flexural deformations. The closed-form expressions

(McGuire et al., 1979) shown in the figures give the force and moment at the beam ends for each

loading case.

The beam is comprised of polypropylene material with a density , Young’s modulus E , and

Poisson’s ratio of 3946 kg m , 1.2 GPa, and 0.42, respectively. The beam has a length L of 44

mm, and a rectangular cross section with a width b and height h of 4 and 1 mm, respectively. The

cross-sectional properties of the rectangular cross section are given by Eq. (9). The closed-form

expressions give the forces and moments at the beam ends, which are compared with the PFC3D model

response below.


Figure 7 Cantilever beam test problem with loading cases for axial and twisting deformation.


Figure 8 Cantilever beam test problem with loading cases for flexural deformation about the two principal axes of the beam cross section.

The beam is modeled as a collection of 12 balls joined by beam contacts (see Figure 9). All balls have a 4-

mm diameter such that the end balls lie at the beam ends, and the 10 interior balls are placed next to

one another with no overlap. The elastic constants, width and height of the beam cross section, and

alignment of the y-axis are specified by assigning all beam contacts the properties:

1.2 GPa, 0.42

1, 4 mm, 1 mm, 0,1,0 .p


C b h

Y (25)


For this model, the beam y-axis corresponds with the global y-axis. The motion of the end balls is

specified, and the interior balls are free to move in response to this imposed deformation. The end-1

ball is fully fixed, and the motion of the end-2 ball differs for each loading case.7 After the end motions

have been imposed, the model is cycled until static equilibrium is reached. The externally applied force

and moment acting on the end balls are compared with the values from the closed-form solution for

each loading case. The relative error for all cases is less than 3%. The flexural deformation of loading

case C1 is evident in Figure 10, which shows the undeformed and deformed beams.

Figure 9 PFC3D model of cantilever-beam test problem showing the balls, beam interfaces, and global axes.




Case A: 1 mm

1.0909 10 N, analytical

1.0909 10 N, numerical

0, relative error








Case B: 0.2 rad

1.0883 10 Nm, analytical

1.0883 10 Nm, numerical

0, relative error




7 For the flexural loading cases, the end-2 ball is freed in the x-direction to allow the beam to contract in the x-direction.

If this is not done, then an axial force develops in the beam, and the PFC3D model exhibits stress stiffening such that

the closed-form solution based on simple beam theory is no longer valid.



2 1


1 2

Case C1: 0.2 rad

3.9669 N, analytical

3.9113 N, numerical

1.4%, relative error

5.8182 10 Nm, analytical 1.1636 10 Nm, analytical

5.6846 10 Nm, numerical , 1.1481 10

2.3%, relative error



z z



1 Nm, numerical

1.3%, relative error





3 3


1 2

Case C2: 0.2 rad

2.4793 10 N, analytical

2.4988 10 N, numerical

0.8%, relative error

3.6364 10 Nm, analytical 7.2727 10 Nm, analytic

3.6718 10 Nm, numerical ,

1.0%, relative error



y y





7.2942 10 Nm, numerical

0.3%, relative error


Figure 10 PFC3D model of cantilever-beam test problem at the start (top) and end (bottom) of loading case C1.



Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. (2018) PFC — Particle Flow Code in 2 and 3 Dimensions, Version 5.0,

Documentation Set of version 5.00.35 [March 21, 2018]. Minneapolis: Itasca.

Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. (2008) PFC3D — Particle Flow Code in 3 Dimensions, Version 4.0, User’s

Manual. Minneapolis: Itasca.

McGuire, W., and R.H. Gallagher. (1979) Matrix Structural Analysis, New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Potyondy, D. (2018) “Pavement-Design Package for PFC3D [pdPkg14],” Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.,

Technical Memorandum ICG16-8528-15TM (June 22, 2018), Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Potyondy, D. (2017) “Material-Modeling Support in PFC [fistPkg25],” Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.,

Technical Memorandum ICG7766-L (March 16, 2017), Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Ugural, A.C., and S.K. Fenster. (1987) Advanced Strength and Applied Elasticity, Second SI Edition, New

York: Elsevier.

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