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Page 1: Perky Bowls idea book

Hello everyone,

Are you making ready for a special 2014 season? You better be because otherwise it may be one of your last. Clubs are closing at an alarming rate. Tournaments are difficult to fill. Too

few kids are playing. Membership has all but disappeared in too many clubs. If your club has 30 active members or less, consider it gone unless you do something drastic to save it. It’s time for tough love. If you have been saving for a rainy day, your rainy day is here. If your club has money, spend it on improving the product you offer your community. But, you’ll have to do it yourself because no one is coming to the rescue. In this pamphlet, I’ve put together 4 key ideas for you to consider. Get going immediately as time is of the essence.


Mario Battista,

[email protected] www.perkybowls.com www.boulins perky.com www.perkybowlseurope.co.uk


PERKY BOWLS Your “go to” company for bowls innovation New Idea Book

INTRODUCE ● New Club Bowls Idea: Play your colours

● 2 colours/2 sizes only

● Prime Time Leagues: Increase revenues

● Profit Centre Scoreboards

● Earn serious money for your club

● Public-Private partnership for your club.


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Now that I have your attention...

Tough Love

Lawn Bowls 0—2014


ONTARIO: There are 42 clubs with less than 30 members totalling 1061 members, most of whom are not active. This means that effectively, those clubs are candidates for closure within a year or two. The next candidates are the next 33 clubs with less than 50 members. This means that there are 75 clubs in jeopardy.

It’s now time to stop pointing the finger at those responsible and offer solutions to re-energize our sport. Mine are included within this document. I have been advocating a new approach for many years only to be chastised as being negative. Except for some folks in BC, I don’t see anyone else lifting a finger.

As a one man band, focused on growing our base and increasing revenues for our clubs, I have done what I can to make the game more appealing. I have put my money where my mouth is by offering new artificial surfaces for our dilapidated greens, re-inventing many key accessories such as Profit Centre Scoreboards, electronic scorecards and colorful club bowls. I have offered new programs for increasing club profitability and programs for schools. I have designed and offered new economical indoor facilities so that we can play and train all year. Yes, I’m not a volunteer. I operate what has become an international lawn bowls company which I created post retirement only 5 years ago.

Although my best is yet to come, it’s now your turn to propose new ideas to help make our game more appealing to everyone.

As you prepare for the Summit, think about this. Where are the stars of tomorrow going to come from if we don’t grow our base. Where are we going to play if our clubs disappear?




Let me explain what prompts me to write this. There is a Lawn Bowls Summit about to be called by Bowls Canada in March. In preparation, they have a survey on their website. Its focus is on elite bowlers which represent only 2.5% of all membership in Canada. Before you answer, I invite you to consider these facts and provide your own. I use Ontario data as it represents 50% of all players.

For example, in 2013 in Ontario, there were only 6801 members left among 131 clubs. 3525 were women and 3276 were men. Even after recruiting 981 new members, 74 Clubs contributed to a net loss of 157 members. There are only 30 clubs with junior players. Unfortunately, 18 of them have only one and only 5 clubs have more than 5 juniors. Apparently, kids are not welcome. There are only 15 clubs with more than 100 members. The membership decline has been small but steady. This alarm bell has been ringing for 15 years. Ontario, the province with the most lawn bowlers, is in real trouble.

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The most dramatic change. Your most dramatic change will come by replacing all your old club bowls with a smart uniform and brightly coloured bowls system, like in curling, two colours only. This will immediately increase your recruiting/retention success rate. I make the case below.

Club Bowls the PERKY Way

There are a number of deficiencies with current club bowls.

Sizes are too large. Too many bowls are size 5-7. Those sizes aren’t used much anymore. As players get older, they prefer a smaller size. Most have a wide bias, not a good option for a newbie, because it takes too much time to master the wide bias. Clubs usually allow new players to use club bowls gratis, only in their first season. The most unfortunate situation is when a newbie, who found a comfortable bowl at the open house, can’t find the same one on the next visit.

The newbie then plays with diminished confidence, playing with strange uncomfortable bowls. There is no rhyme or reason to the current inventory mix of club bowls.

This problem gets worse in the second year, when the newbie has to purchase bowls and buys used ones because of the price, not because they are the right size and weight. These elements are not conducive to newbie retention.

THE PERKY WAY: Seizing on its unique ability to manufacture striped bowls and matching solids, PERKY offers a simple solution to the club bowls problem.

Replace all club bowls with new PERKY BOWLS - only 2 colors per club: one solid and one striped or another solid color - only 2 sizes: size 0 and size 3. Custom colours available.

The benefits: ● Newbies will always play with a similar bowl. Because of PERKY’s narrow bias, learning will be much easier. This will increase player satisfaction and help new member retention.

● The use of only 2 colors will help players to easily distinguish their bowls from the opposition.

● PERKY BOWLS feature a unique fingertip Bias Finder. A dimple on the bias side lets the player feel the bias without taking one’s eyes off the point of aim, thus speeding up the game, increasing player confidence and eliminating “wrong bias” rolls.

● Standardization: This is an area of the game that can be standardized around the world. A sport in decline, such as lawn bowls, cannot go without seriously considering these club bowls solutions: 2 colors, 2 sizes, and a built-in bias finder are key elements to revolutionizing the sport.

● Rental Program: Clubs can also purchase PERKY club bowls and offer a rental program, so that newbies and club members don’t need to invest in expensive bowls in the early stages of their careers. This would be a good revenue producer for the club. The investment in new club bowls will pay for itself.

“Club Bowls, a wonderful legacy from retired bowlers?

Or are they a curse?”

● Limited production available 2014 – Prepaid orders only. Bowls and

carpets qualify for Provincial, State and Federal Grants.

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Profit Centres

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The Prime Time Lawn Bowling Program for those who work is intended to attract new young bowlers (25-45) to lawn bowling clubs beyond the Open House. It’s called a program because it’s independent from other club activities, only lasts 12 weeks, has a specific fee, specific objectives and is self-managed by its participants, under the supervision of club management. No strain on volunteers. This alone will reenergize your club.

● Break the current recruiting mould by finding players in different walks of life.

● Involve people from surrounding business and organizations.

● Go out to meet these prospects in their own job environment

● Develop new sponsors specifically for this league – Scoreboard ads

● Create new excitement about the club, i.e. new coloured bowls...

● Create potential new members

● Create new volunteers

● Generate substantial revenue for the club and/or the league operator

● 64 players maximum

This will require lights because you will start late: at 7:30pm, unless the players decide to start earlier once the season has started. You start late because your audience needs to return home after work and take care of household issues such as kids, husband or wife and dinner and drive to your club relaxed.

For this type of recruiting to work, you’ll require extroverted individuals who can sell. You’ll need special marketing tools, marketing instructions and a script for telling the story. Request a sample Starter Kit which includes: Samples of Press release, Poster, Advertisement, Promotional Trifold. Just personalize it to your club. It’s free!

Here’s how it works. Target Marketing

You’ll require only 16 companies, each providing 4 members per team. Why 4 per team when you’ll play triples? Each team will have one spare, just like alley bowling. Often people don’t like to commit for a continuous period of time for personal reasons. This gives flexibility to everyone on the team. They provide their own replacement.

Analyse the area around your club up to a 10 – 15 minute radius driving distance. Identify location of the closest businesses and organizations that could contribute, at least, 4 persons each to your league such as police stations, fire halls, largest law firms, accounting firms, banks, credit unions, food stores, restaurants, department stores, drug stores, medical clinics, church groups, service clubs, schools, head offices, factories and distribution centres. Make a list with specific targets. Competitors will love to play against each other. Although you only need 16 successes, plan for a lot of rejection. Being well equipped and well planned will reduce the rejection. Suggested Fee: $60 + Bowls rental for a 12-week season. If you have a long weekend at the beginning of August, plan to finish before. Long weekends break the momentum.

Prime Time League For those who work

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Embrace Kids

School Program Rationale

and Backgrounder

Developing the Stars of Tomorrow by introducing

Short Mat Bowls for youths in High Schools

Laying Down the Mat school curriculum & lesson plans available.

It’s official! Students need exercise

and recreation. Most do not qualify for

the traditional school sports or for

activities where special skills are

needed or where a substantial financial

outlay is required by the parents.

Indoor Short Mat Bowls is a co-ed sport

that is easy to learn, can be played for

a lifetime and can easily fit into a Phys

Ed school curriculum.

Create potential future club members

by introducing a “Bowls for Parents

Evening League” in the school gym.

No other school sport allows parents to

play the same sport as their kids.

Bowls: a true family sport.

It’s not uncommon to see teenagers

compete seriously with adults in the

outdoor version. The sport is not

expensive. Use the new Perky

Advantage 30ft Carpet for elementary


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Ask for Info [email protected]

Across Canada, during the past 4 years, lawn bowls

for a cause has been one of the most successful

methods of promoting the game. Raising awareness

of causes raises awareness of bowls. And, a lot of

money is raised. For example, the Vancouver

Leisure Society’s annual Bowls Tournament has

raised over $100,000 for Cystic Fibrosis.

In West Vancouver, the Tim Mason Charity Classic

for the YMCA Strong Kids Program has raised

enough money in the past 3 years, to send 1,500

kids to the YMCA summer camp.

Because of PERKY BOWLS’ unique ability to

manufacture striped bowls, PERKY has created a

unique “Fundraising for a Cause” bowl designed to

promote awareness of breast cancer and prostate

cancer. The bowls have a wide blue centre stripe

with pink cheeks. There will be no mistaking what

causes you are supporting. Solid Pink and Solid Blue

bowls are also available.

PERKY will make a $10 donation from the sale of

each set of the pink and blue striped carpet bowls.

This sum will be split between the breast cancer and

prostate cancer organizations.

Support Breast

and Prostate



Change is coming to Lawn Bowling! By Travis Lupick

The summer of 2009 saw a funny thing happen at two Vancouver lawn bowling clubs. For four consecutive Thursday evenings beginning July 2, greens were overrun by posh 20-somethings embracing a game stereotyped as one reserved for seniors.

Feature story: In Vancouver, lawn bowling is about fun and style

And as these photos by Vancouver Leisure Society founding director Graham Dalik show, good times were definitely had by all. www.vancouverleisure.ca

Friendly competition played out between drinks while music played and people mingled. In the words of one of the tournament organizers, “To go out on the green on a summer’s day with a classic cocktail and throw some lawn bowls—there’s no better way to relax.”

What’s more, with all the tournament entry fees and proceeds donated to the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, there were no losers.

And, so beginning July 8, 130 young adults are going to it all over again.

Lawn Bowls for a Cause Help Sport Awareness

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Perk-up your club!

Bring a fresh new attitude to your club. Add spark to your members! Attract more players with PERKY’s marketing concepts!



LEADERSHIP IS SOMETHING YOU TAKE AND RUN WITH. NO ONE CAN GIVE IT TO YOU. Don’t accept a management volunteer position just because no one else wants it. It takes hard work to be successful. In the case of lawn bowling clubs, it’s too late for democracy. So, you’ll need to know what needs to be done and hire someone to do it. Here are some ideas for starters.


Australia, recently, introduced its new Strategic Plan to 2017. It’s very comprehensive. They, too, face declining participation. Read it carefully. It’s like attending a seminar. You’ll feel a lot more confident to develop a rescue plan for your own club. Click


Think Year ‘round. Move indoors for the winter. Help set-up bowls in your school gym. The kids can use the equipment during the day and the parents at night, as they discover the joys of bowls. This is where you’ll find new members. Indoor Prime Time League???


Making money is more important than growing membership. You must increase club usage. Since you can’t afford staff, rent the club to a contractor to wants to operate a small business. He or she will make it thrive, year ‘round and re-energize your club.


This is the most difficult idea to face. So, get together with neighbouring clubs, choose the one with the most potential and create a Super Regional Club which will have more potential for success and appeal to an independent operator.


As you consider amalgamation, think of creating a regional indoor club. In a climate where it’s either cold, wet or windy almost every day of the year, this is a must. Consider a compact multi-sport facility where lawn bowls can co-exist other revenues producing sports.


Advertise your club on every member’s car. Magnetic panels don’t cost much. Imagine 25-50 cars promoting your club suddenly appear in your neighbourhood from April to October. What an impact! You back that up with local media coverage and just imagine!


Convert your club into a social hub where people meet people. Invite dating organizations to use your club and lawn bowls for their clients. It beats meeting people on the Internet. It’s safer and smarter.


Make your club THE PLACE for such events. Of course, you’ll need Perky’s 2 + 2 bowls system (2 colours & 2 sizes) and well maintained greens with ground sheets. Make sure your coaches get paid!

CONSIDER A PUBLIC– PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP FOR YOUR CLUB. Saving the best for last, give this some thought. Partner with an independent operator to manage your

club. With vested interest, this individual will do what is necessary to develop the club into a profitable

business. www.perkybowls.com

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